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November 2018 - The Month of Celebrating our Riches

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

This month is a month.
Let me tell you what I heard.

I had to call in properly for you because
The word is about riches.
So it is in November.
You're celebrating your riches.
What is that?
What is that?
What is that?
What is that?
What is that?

This one's that celebrating Yeah You think like him Think from his realm think like him
Think like him.
Have no mentality of poverty.
Have no mentality of need.

He has brought you into... Maybe I should read scripture to you.
Maybe I should read scripture to you.
I'm going to read from Psalm 66, from verse number 10.

You know, we talk about celebrating the riches of Christ, for the riches of Christ are mine.
We're joined as together with you.
from verse 10, for thou, O God, has proved us.
Thou hast tried us as silver is tried.
Thou brought us us into the net.
Thou lays affliction upon our loins.
Thou hast cost men to ride over our heads.
We went through fire and through water, but thou brought us us out into a wealthy place.
So where are we now?

A wealthy place means a place of wealth.
I will go into thy house with bond offerings.
I will pay thee my vows.
I might have to come back to that verse for a second.
But you see, that's how you celebrate.
You say, I'll go into thy house with what?
Bound offerings.
In those days they use bond offerings.
All right?
Those animal sacrifices.
Remember Solomon slew what a thousand bond offerings.
And that was the biggest at the time.
It was so wowing that God had to speak to him in the night to say, Solomon, what do you want?
1,000 bond offerings.
What is it you want?
Ask for anything, anything, anything.
And he says, Lord, I just want
wisdom and understanding.
That's why you're celebrating like this.
I mean, the guy is instead of one.
It's near a thousand.
The priests were busy.
They were busy.
He gave them a job.
Imagine when you give offerings and the people that are counting are counting all night long.

Think about it.
Think about it.
They're looking at the figures from your check and it's a man, Omar.
Cut them busy.
The Lord had to speak to him in the night to say, Solomon, what do you want?
When he said what he wanted, God said, Solomon, you didn't ask for money?
You didn't ask for the life of your enemies?

God said, what you have asked for is given to you, and all the things you didn't ask for have given you.
You gotta learn to celebrate, celebrate.
This month of November, when you're going to church, be loaded with your offense.
Be loaded joyfully.
It's your month of celebrating your riches.
You will see, oh my.
Look at it.
He says, I will go into thy house with bond offerings, I will pay thee my vows, which my lips have ordered, and my mouth have spoken when I was in trouble.
You know, some people, when they were in trouble, they vowed.
Oh God, if you bring me out of this trouble.
But after they were brought out, they forgot.
He said, I will pay my vows, which my lips ought hard when I was in trouble.
See, there's something about vows.
I'm not sure how many of you have ever made a study of vows.
I can tell you God respects vows.
There are certain things that will not change in your life until you make a vow.
That's how important vows are.
To the point that God said, it is better not to make a vow than to make it and not be.
It is better not to make a vow because vows are so important.
Certain things in your life that will not change.
Certain things that are not based on promise to you, that shouldn't come to you ordinarily.
When you make a vow, vows are so secret to God.
They're so secret to God.
If you want to change something, it's not just a seed.
Sometimes you got to make a vow.
You make a vow.
Read your Bible, everybody that made a vow that had some unusual situation.
They had been praying they couldn't change the situation.
They were in such a predicament.
They needed God to move on their behalf.
They had to make a vow.
Well, God, if you will bring me out of this, or if you will do this for me or in my life, this is what I will do.
And when they did, make that vow, God responded and performed what they wanted in such an extraordinary way.
And then He waited for them to fulfill their part.
They had to fulfill their parts.
I don't know what you are thinking about, what needs to move in your life, what needs to shift in your life.
Or maybe you made a vow before.
And God did something for you.
Let me read to you in the Bible.
Shouldn't I read this to, let me finish reading 14 to 16 and I'll go and read that to you.
So he says, I'll pay my vows, which my lips have ordered and my mouth had spoken when I was in trouble.
I will offer on to the blunt sacrifices of fatlings with the incense of ramps, I will offer bollocks.
would go to Sela, come and hear all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he had done for my soul.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Okay, so let me quickly read to you from first Deuteronomy chapter 23.

I'd like to read it to you from the New King James Version.
Make it easier.
New King James Version.
He says, when you make a vow to the Lord your God, verse 21, you shall not delay to pay it.
Did you see that?
You shall not delay to pay it.
When I make a vow to God, it's a top priority for me.
It's very important.

When you make a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not delay to pay it, for the Lord your God will surely require it of you, and it will be a sin to you.
If you delay, it becomes a sin.
It's a sin to vow and delay.
Now, here, he didn't say, when you fail to pay it, you have not even failed.
You are delaying.
He's talking about delay.
He said, you shall not delay to pay it.
He says, verse 22, what if you abstain from vow in, it shall not be seen to you?
If you don't vow, he said, it's not a sin to not vow.
If you don't value this, it's not the same.
You don't have to vow.
But when you do, He says you shall not delay to pay it.
Ecclesiastes chapter 5.

Verse 4, I'm reading from the New King James Version.
When you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it.
When God says the same thing twice.
What does that mean?
Scripture Allah says what?
It is settled, it cannot be changed.
When you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it.
For He has no pleasure in fools.
Pay what you have vowed.
Look at verse five, better not to vow than to vow and not pay.
Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin, nor say before the messenger of God that it was an arrow.
Why should God be angry at your excuse and destroy the work of your hands?
Did you see that?
The next thing you know, when you vow and you don't pay,
things that happen against you.
Your work starts going bad.
The result starts twisting and going downwards.
The way you should be winning, you are losing.
Trouble comes.
Because you delayed.
You delayed to pay.
He says, when you vow, do not delay to pay it.
He says, because God has no pleasure in force.
He has no pleasure in force.
Do what I'm telling you.
You'll be amazed.
You'll be amazed.
I cannot have financial problems.
It's impossible.
It's impossible.
Because the scriptures are clear as to what will bring you into financial prosperity.
The scriptures are clear.
They are so simple.
I tell people financial matters are the simplest in the Word of God.
And God made it so.
What is hard in what you just said about when you make a vow, don't delay to page.
What is hard?
You made a vow.
You start paying it immediately.
You take your action immediately until you completely liquidate that debt.
You're doing it.
You're owing God.
So he becomes your number one.
Now, the thing is, when you fulfill your part,
What God does for you for fulfilling your part is another level of blessing.
I wish I had time for that, but maybe not today.
But I just told you, see, I don't preach much about these things outside, but I talk to you so that you can have the advantage.
Did you hear what I said?
So you can have the advantage.
It's a great secret.
And this is one of the financial secrets.
It's so simple, what is one of the financial secrets.
The more you delay to pay your vow, the more your finances are frustrated, even though you are speaking in terms, even though you are confessing and so in other zids.
A vow is a vow.
A vow is a vow.
See, it's a spiritual transaction.
A vow is a vow.
Do you remember the issue of circumcision?
Your tithe is your circumcision of what God blesses you with.
Now why is that important?
You read your Bible.
The Lord is having a conversation with Moses.
He had this relationship with Moses that was just so beautiful.
He said, I talk to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend.
That's what God said about his relationship with Moses.
But suddenly the Bible says, and God sought to slay him.
God wanted to kill him.
Because he neglected to circumcise his son.
Because God had just talked to him about the circumcision.
And he neglected the circumcision.

So this is so important.
Get out and understand it.
There are certain things.
It's just so simple in the Word of God.
Once you do these things, nothing stops abundance of finances from coming to you.
There's no such thing as, oh, the people who were helping me, I've stopped helping me.
The moment they stop, new doors open.
You don't have that kind of problem.
But if you don't, all the ones that are helping you will stop, all the opportunities we seize, things will start stopping.
Then even your own finances will be losing value.
Losing value.
Problem after problem.
Now you are using the money to settle things, want trouble or the other.
Now you can really complain.
I can't pay this because something just happened and I need to pay.
Yes, you are just beginning.
There is more.
The way you are settling that one, another thing will happen.
That's calling for more money.
Then you say, what's going on?
No, it's your vow, your vow and your tithe.
There you are trouble.
Release the vow.
and repent.
In fact, there's more in the scripture.
When you fail, when you delay in your vow, you can't just return your vow and stop.
No, no, no, no.
You pay the vow and you go and get extra interest on top of it.
Yes, as your repentance is called the sin of rain, for the sin of delaying in your vow.
So you can just
Calagron, sketch of that.
I'm sure you understood that one again too, because you didn't say anything this time.
Woo, glory to God.
What a month.
What a month.
What a month.
We worship you.
We were a shapule.
We were a shapule.
All my teagot.
We were a shapule.
We were a shapule.
We were a shapule.
We were a shapule.
Oh, who's surrender?
Would you lift your hands and give them more?
Almighty God.
Almighty God.
Somebody lift your voice.
We give you all the glory.
We give you all the praise Jesus.
Oh, sorry God.
Oh, sorry God.
Oh, we praise you.
Praise you Lord.
For are you done for us?
You're done for us.

Let me tell you this.
I saw that angels were sent out on behalf of God's children.
They were given instructions
And so many of you are going to notice sorting blessings.
Because angels are out.
They were given instructions, instructions to bless, to do marvellous things.
And they're all over the earth because of us right now.
They're causing things to happen.
The Lord sent them.
The Lord sent them.
I saw that last night.
The Lord sent them.

So your life is open to receive.
Your home is open to receive.
You are open to receive.
Thank you Holy Spirit.
Thank you for your grace.
Thank Him.
Thank Him everybody.
Open your mouth and thank the Lord.
Holy summering God you are the Holy summering God Holy summering God Holy summering God Holy summering God Holy summering God
Oh, it's sorry God

We trust you are blessed by this message.
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Thank you.