The Consummate Man - Part 1
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.
Praise the Lord.
Do you have your Bible here?
All right.
Sing that song.
I have a wonderful treasure.
The gift of God without measure.
We shall travel together My Bible and I Just one more time I have a wonderful treasure The gift of God without measure We shall travel together
Praise the Lord.
Everything that God does, He does with His Word.
Now that's very important.
You can write it down.
It's so, so important.
Everything that he does, he does with his word.
God's word is God's creative material.
God's word is God's creative material.
Everything he does, he does with his word.
When you study from the book of Genesis chapter 1, he tells us how that God created everything with his word.
In St.
John's Gospel chapter 1, the Bible declares, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him.
Without Him was not anything made that was made.
Now that's so important.
All things were made by Him.
And without Him was not anything made that was made.
And that's why if you get a hold of the Word of God, you can do anything.
You know, this world is full of so many different things, especially of the sufferings of many people.
And sometimes it becomes a challenge to the fate of many.
who are asking questions, and they're asking, why do so many people suffer?
Why are so many people in pain?
And that's why there are many who think there's no God.
They would say, if there's a God, why does He let people suffer?
It's a good question.
If there's a God, why does he let people suffer?
Why are so many people in pain?
In some places they would say it's because of bad government.
Is that it?
What about those who suffer in places where they have a popular government?
Same trouble.
Why do so many people suffer?
Well, you're so quiet now, so... Looks like you're asking me the question now.
Anyway, how are you doing?
You're doing great, right?
Are you doing great?
Praise the Lord.
Sometimes when we preach the Word of God, the way we do, those who think, this couldn't be real.
It's too good to be so.
And some think we're trying to make God look good.
No, He couldn't make God look any better than He is.
When Jesus came, he said, he came to preach the gospel.
He called it gospel.
Gospel is just a simple word that means good news, good news.
In Jesus' day, things are much like they are today.
They're people who were suffering.
They had pains.
a lot of trouble.
In fact, you remember, he told a story, which was not a parable.
He said, there was a second man.
And the man was traveling, and in his journey, he was attacked by a robbers in Jesus' day.
The man was attacked by a robbers, they beat him, and all was killed him.
and stole everything he had, and left him on the road to die.
And then Jesus said, a priest came by and turned the other way.
And then, you know, this priest leaveites and Pharisees where the religious people of the day, and none of them will help the man.
And then came a Samaritan.
He didn't have much religion, but he saw this man, picked him up, and took him to a place where he'll be cared for and paid.
And Jesus asked his audience which of these men was neighbor.
to the one who was beaten by robbers.
They said, why?
The Samaritan was.
Then he said, OK, you go and do likewise.
But what I wanted you to see there was Jesus was telling a story of something that happened in his day.
The kind of things that happened today happen in Jesus' day, the problems that people have are not new.
And in the midst of the problems, there was corruption in Jesus' day.
Some of you probably didn't know that.
Let me remind you of something.
When Jesus died and was buried in a grave, in a cave, the Bible tells us the third day God raised him up.
And it came out of that grave.
The soldiers, 16 soldiers, were commissioned to guard the cave to see to it that nothing happened.
But when the angel of the Lord showed up, they all fell postured on the ground and Jesus came out and they ran away and told the priests
And the leaders of the day, the political leaders of the day were told, what happened, how Jesus came out of the grave.
The Bible tells us these leaders called the soldiers offered them money and said, when anybody inquires of what happened to Jesus, tell them the disciples overpowered you.
and stole his body.
And if the governor gets to know, we will save you.
The Bible tells us they offered these soldiers money to tell lies in Jesus' day.
Did you hear that?
There's more.
You remember when Paul the Apostle was arrested?
The Bible tells us the governor sent for him several times for a reason.
The scriptures clearly tell us that the man, the goner, expected Paul to give him money so he would let him go.
Tell somebody in Jesus' day, Jesus' day.
So what I'm trying to tell you is the things that are happening today are not new.
They've been there a long time.
And in the midst of all those problems, Jesus brought the gospel.
In the midst of those problems, he sent his apostles, his disciples to preach the good news.
In the midst of the darkness, he said to us, you are the light of the world.
So we are the light of the world.
See, I'm the light of the world.
I'm the light of the world.
All right, let's come back to this.
We said, the word of God is God's creative material.
And I'm going to be seeding you.
Yeah, I'm going to be sharing God's word with you that you can get a hold of, and you can change anything.
Glory to God.
I want to talk about God's consummate man.
Did you get it?
God's consummate man.
I'm looking at God's perfect will.
What was on his mind?
And what is on his mind today?
How does God look at us?
What does He think about us when He looks at us?
What's on His mind?
Let's read Ecclesiastes.
Good Ecclesiastes.
Chapter three.
Verse 14, read it for me.
is as I know that whatever God does is forever.
That means whatever God does can stand the test of time.
God's work is eternal.
God's work is perfect.
When God created you,
It was not part of the plan for your kidneys to fail.
It wasn't part of the plan for your heart to fail.
It wasn't part of the plan for your lungs to fail.
Whatever God does is forever.
In other words, there's a perfection to it.
There's a perfection to the work of God.
Genesis chapter 1.
Now, I want you to read verse 31.
One, two, go.
And God saw some things that he had made, some things, everything that he had made.
And it was partially good.
No, it was very good.
When God made what he made, it was very good.
Now, understand this, understand this.
Your mentality can be your problem.
And naturally, we don't come up with a positive mentality.
Because the society around us doesn't allow us to have a positive mentality in all things.
Some people may have a positive mentality in their business, and they don't have it in their family.
They may have it in both of them, and they don't have it in their health.
You see what I mean?
One thing or the other?
See, why is it so?
When you were growing up as a child, you probably had faith.
The whole world seemed to be yours.
But you were growing up among all the people who had known the fears of life.
And they began to teach you about fear and about death and about problems and troubles.
And you found out the things that hurt in life, the things that destroyed.
They taught you those things.
And you also got the fear that they had grown up with.
And their fears became your fears.
And now you probably have transferred the same fears to the next generation.
You see it?
Understand, God is the only one who can tell us
about His creation.
And we need to have the mentality that He gives us.
and not the mentality of the word.
When you give your heart to Christ to be born again, the next thing that God wants you to have is the Holy Spirit in your life.
And that can happen at the same time that you receive Christ, or shortly afterward, seconds, minutes, days, months, or years, whatever it is, He wants you to have the Holy Spirit.
Being, He's that's teaching you.
He's that's showing you the meaning of this life that you have received.
This eternal life that is in your heart,
And so the Bible tells us to have our mind renewed.
It says, be transformed.
Romans chapter 12.
Turn the Romans chapter 12.
Verse two.
Have you seen it?
All right.
Are you there?
Verse two, read.
and be not confirmed to this word.
Hear me.
You see, he's writing to Christians.
He's talking to us who have given our hearts to Christ.
Those of us who are born again, he says to us, be not confirmed to this word.
Don't be like the rest of the word.
Be not confirmed to this word, but what?
Be transformed.
That word is transfigured.
It's a metamorphosis.
Be what?
Okay, go on.
He tears you how?
He tears you how?
By the renewing of your mind.
That means change your way of thinking.
Change your way of thinking.
God wants you to change your way of thinking.
And so He gives you the necessary material.
to help you achieve that.
Think in God's way.
Think in God's way.
He gives you his word.
So you can think his thoughts, for example.
We just read two portions of the Bible.
The first one was that whatever God does is forever.
So I used to think, oh, well, God did all these things.
Nick and Phil and Nick and Björg, God says, whatever he does is forever.
So I changed my mind.
I changed my thinking.
And I start thinking God's way of thinking.
Whatever God does is forever.
Nothing is supposed to fail.
We read another passion.
He says that God saw everything that he had made, and it was very good.
So I changed my thinking.
I take it that everything that God did was very good.
Therefore, you're up to stay that way.
Can you see it now?
You're up to stay that way.
Why do all the things change?
For a lot of people, failure is a part of life.
They say sometimes, you know, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
See, they're so used to the things of this life, this world, that they think that these things are novel.
They're used to failing and winning together.
So they say, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
Sometimes you fail and sometimes you succeed.
Oh, there are ups and downs in life.
How did they come about that?
Because that was their experience and the experiences of others around them.
So they are used to these things.
What does the word say?
Be not conformed to these words, but be transformed by changing your way of thinking.
Change your way of thinking.
Oh, when you get to be 65.
Oh, you start having arthritis and they call them old people of sickness.
Do you agree with that?
If you agree with that, when you get close to 65, you know what's happening?
There's some of you here.
When you got to be 40,
A second kind of sickness came into your body because your uncle had it at 40.
Your dad had it at 40.
Your grandpa had it at 40.
Your great grandpa had it at 40.
Now you got 40 and it started happening and you accepted it because that's what's been in the family.
And nobody may be able to change your mind about this.
It's what everybody else has experienced.
Grand uncle died at 60.
Dad died at 60.
Grand dad died at 60.
Uncle Bob died at 60.
And you already know.
You already know.
60 is waiting for you.
You see that?
Be not confirmed to this word.
Be the first to change it in your family.
Are you hearing me?
Change it.
Change it.
Your life may have been programmed proud of this time for failure.
But tonight, tonight.
You're beginning reprogramming.
I believe life is for glory unto glory.
I believe that.
That's what God wants from glory to glory.
Say, my life is from glory to glory.
I just keep getting better and better and better.
I just keep winning and winning and winning.
You believe that?
Then it's yours.
Oh Yes, if you can see it, it's yours if you can see it That's what God wants he wants you to act like Abraham
He's a toy for him, as far as your eyes can see.
That's how I've given him to you.
The question is not what is happening around you.
The question is not the limitation around you.
The question is not the world economy.
The question is, what can you see?
What can you see?
What can you see?
What can you see?
What can you see?
That's the question.
What can you see?
Oh, you say I see something terrible.
Change it.
Change a picture.
Do you don't like what you see?
Change it.
That's the way.
Can I read you some thoughts here?
Okay, what are you turning to?
Colosians chapter four, and we will read verse 12.
Boy, I'm a success.
You know when I start talking like that?
I was about 16, 17 years old, when I was holding success in life seminars, and some people thought I was stupid.
How could you so young?
Well, you don't know anything.
No, success is not about age.
It's a condition of a man's spirit.
I said, it's a condition of a man's spirits.
Failure is not about what happened to you.
Failure is not an experience.
It's a condition of a man's spirits.
I was conditioned for success through the Word of God.
You're still there?
So, collusion's chapter four.
And we are reading verse number 12.
Can you read it for me now?
Can you imagine that?
You see, look at the guys who were around Paul.
They understood his message, and they preached the same thing.
Now, he was interceding.
Epiphras was interceding for these brethren.
for this church, and he says, let me read it for you, Aperophus, who is one of you, a servant of Christ saluted you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the world of God.
Perfect and complete.
Now those two words are translated from the Greek root words that perfect is from Telios.
It actually means maturity.
All right?
A completeness when you're brought to full age.
So he was praying for them to come to full age.
And I'll show you why that is so important.
to come to maturity in Christ.
He was in a sitting for that church, in a sitting for God's people, in that church, to come to maturity.
Because as long as you are a child, you are not different from a servant.
That's what the Bible says.
As long as you are what they call nepeus, you are not different from a servant.
That means a slave.
You're not different.
Your experiences will be the experiences of a slave in the realm of the Spirit.
You've been struggling with sickness and pains and infirmity and failure.
Struggling with all these kind of things, struggling with your faith.
And on onset prayers, trying to get, I don't know why I pray and things don't happen.
You've been talking like that.
Struggling in life.
having difficulty with your Christianity.
So he was interceding for them to come to full age, to maturity.
You don't come to maturity without the word.
The Bible says to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ.
Like I'm sharing with you now, more knowledge is being transmitted to you.
And this is so important.
He prayed for them.
He proceeded for them that they may stand perfect and complete.
Complete here is Plero.
Plero means to be, to be full, failed.
When you are in need of nothing.
Oh, glory to God.
You see, He prayed for them to become mature in the things of God and to become full in such a way that in need of nothing.
Could these be God's will for us?
Could this be God's desire for us?
This was the prayer of the Spirit, which means this was God's dream for us to come to maturity in Christ, where we are full and in need of nothing.
I like this.
I like this.
This is great.
This is great.
I'm sure you're something else.
You're still there?
James stopped to 1, verse 4.
Have you found it?
He says, but let patience have a perfect work.
That he may be perfect and entire.
Perfect and entire.
There's that word for perfect again, teleos, matrol, and then he says, anentaya, anentaya, holocleros.
And that means, let me read it fully, he says, perfect anentaya, wanting nothing.
He refers more when he says, anentaya, holocleros,
More towards... It's a reference more to your body where it says without defect.
No defect.
Nothing broken, nothing missing, no damage.
Look at God's purpose for our lives.
Look at God's will for us.
He is his entire wanting nothing, your whole life.
This is the consummate man.
Everything about him is brought to perfection.
That's the way Jesus was.
He was perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
What is your life like?
See, the first thing is to agree with God, that this is God's dream for me, and I believe it.
Now, it'll never work for you as long as you argue with it, as long as you say, well, doesn't have to happen to everybody.
For example, all those who say, everybody doesn't have to pray in tongues.
They don't pray in tongues.
You see it?
And all those who say, God doesn't, you don't have to be, no one has to prosper.
Prosperity is not from God.
You know people who talk like this.
They're like, don't talk about prosperity in church.
All those people are brook.
No, it's a fact of life.
All those against speaking in tongues don't speak in tongues.
They are unable to speak in tongues.
Even if they tried, it will not work.
And all those against prosperity in the house of God are all broke.
And who wants to be broke?
Somebody said, I don't care.
But why are you going to work five days a week?
And you even cheat God.
You go on Sunday too.
Then you come back and say, I don't care about prosperity, you do.
You sure do?
You just don't know what to do about it.
Relax, I can teach you how.
Accept God's gift.
Accept it.
He's not asking you to do anything for it.
Relax, hold on.
He's not asking you for anything.
He just wants to show you how to have the good life so that you can have health in your family, health in your body and help other people have good health.
That's what God wants you to be like.
He wants you to be prosperous and to be able to help other people be prosperous.
That's what God wants for you.
But you must accept it first.
You must accept it first.
Somebody said, well, the problem I have is this thing they call faith.
How can somebody have faith?
Faith is the simplest thing in the world.
The simplest thing in the world.
Faith just means accepting that what God says is is.
And what he says was was.
And what he says will be will be.
That's what faith is all about.
That's all.
That's all.
That's all there is about faith.
This is if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
If God says this is, then this is.
So, I am in Christ.
I am a new creation.
I is a new creation.
Now, don't write that in your exam, you might say, you know, I'm trying to help you get it.
What God says is, is.
And what he says was, was.
And what he says will be, will be.
That's all.
That's all.
Hey, come on, he.
You're still there?
Glory to his name forever.
Okay, now let's look at another big one.
This is nice.
The thought epistle of Saint John, the thought epistle of Saint John, and we are looking at verse two.
Have you found it?
The thought epistle of Saint John, verse two.
Okay, let's read one, two, go.
Does that sound like the same God who is making people sick?
God can be the one making people sick and still giving us this.
Read the game.
I wish what above all things.
That's what?
That thou me as prosper.
And what?
And being health, even as thy soul prosper.
That means if you are prospering in your soul, which is spiritual prosperity through the Word of God, he says, as your soul is prospering, I want you to prosper in all things.
And I want you to be in health.
God's dream for me?
God's dream for me?
I refuse to have headaches, calls and fevers.
I refuse to be sick.
I refuse to let sickness dominate my body.
I refuse.
See, the Bible shows us that we are the custodians of our physical bodies.
We take care of this body.
Okay, let me show you something you'd like.
I told you, it's important that you grow in the things of God.
Because when you grow in the things of God, you come to another class.
There are different classes.
In the spirit.
How class are you?
First Corinthians chapter 2.
You would like this.
First Corinthians chapter 2.
I will read from verse four.
And my speech and my preaching was not within ties in words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power.
He had the miraculous in that place.
So much happened.
Great things happened.
Verse five, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
You know, because there are a lot of talkers and a lot of people, you know, anybody can talk.
And so power is saying to them, I came to you, not with excellency of speech.
declaring on to you the testimony of God, that I was with you in witness and in much trembling.
I try to communicate the gospel to you, not in man's wisdom, but in the demonstration of the spirit and of power.
Because I didn't want your faith to stand in human arguments, you know, who's talking the most.
He didn't want that eloquence.
But here's what he said that I want you to know this.
How big?
First, six.
We speak wisdom.
The word is Laleo.
We tell.
We talk wisdom.
We talk wisdom.
Oh, Lord Jesus, this is wonderful.
How bet we talk wisdom among them that I tell yous.
Mator full-grown.
Oh, what's this man?
What was it saying here?
You know, we're in certain meetings, the different kinds of meetings.
In some meetings, we just have to, we've got to do some things.
We've got to demonstrate the power of God, the spirit of God, okay, to help people, okay, like in healing and so on and so forth.
We do.
Now he says, there are other classes.
In those classes, we don't call them to lay hands on the sick.
Are you hearing me?
We're not there casting out devils.
We're not trying to do things for anybody.
We talk wisdom.
You see it?
We talk wisdom.
It's a different kind of language.
We talk wisdom.
Let me explain, Father.
You know, in 1 Corinthians chapter 3, he said something.
Are you there?
Okay, let me read it to you.
From verse 1, chapter 3, 1 Corinthians.
And I, brethren, could not speak unto you, as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
I fed you with milk.
milk and not with meat.
For he that told you were not able to bear it, neither yet, nor ye able, for ye are yet carnal.
Whereas there is among you, envy and strife and divisions, are ye not carnal and walk as men?
Walk as men.
You see, the babes in Christ, those who are yet to come to maturity, they walk as men, they talk as men, they see things as men.
When you come to maturity, you stop seeing things as men.
You see that?
Life changes.
He said, I fed you with milk.
What do you mean by fitting with milk?
when it's got great to hear me.
And we say, don't worry.
He'll heal you now.
He'll heal you now.
That's for the baby.
He'll heal you now.
Is that true?
Yeah, it's a lesser truth.
He'll heal you now.
Oh yeah, yeah.
It's a lesser truth.
That's a greater truth.
You see it?
You need to come to maturity.
Come to maturity.
There's more in Christ.
I said, there's more in Christ.
Can you say, hey, man?
There's more in Christ.
Said I fed you with milk and not with meat.
Because you couldn't bear.
You couldn't handle it.
What's happening to you?
Well, you know, I've cut the flu.
You cut the flu?
You should have killed the flu.
But you cut the flu.
We don't catch no flus.
We kill the flus.
See the difference?
My stomach has been running.
What's running, Justin?
I don't know what I ate, and this my stomach's been running.
Minds do my guys mean running.
You used to muck his running.
Why used to muck running?
There's more in Christ.
Every time I sleep, I have headaches.
Every time I sleep, I have headaches.
So, what are you going to do about it?
You're thinking God's got to do something about it, so you're saying, oh, no, Jesus, please, do something.
You're calling on Jesus, do something.
Here I did something 2000 years ago, and you're still asking me to do more.
Jesus, what a, look, Jesus, please, Jesus, please.
When you come to maturity,
Things change.
Things change.
Don't you prefer that kind of life?
Where things are different?
Now, it doesn't mean that when you come to maturity, that the devil will not try to play his games on you.
It doesn't mean that at all.
But it means every time he shows his face, he got something to tell him.
That's what it means.
You learn to say, out!
You learn the spirituality of life.
You understand that the spiritual controls the material.
And is that seeing that in your job?
Is that seeing it in your business?
Is that seeing it everywhere?
The spiritual controls the material and you better know that.
Men are not controlled by their minds.
Men are controlled by the conditions of their spirits.
And once you understand that, you will never be at a disadvantage anymore in your life.
No matter what happens, no matter what happens, you become uncheckable, you become invincible, you become impregnable.
He said, count it all joy when you fall into what?
Dive us tests.
A thousand shall fall at your side.
Ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come now you.
There's a life for the victor in Christ Jesus.
There's a life for the victor in Christ Jesus.
How real is this?
You want it to become real to your spirit?
A lot of Christians are not meditating.
They don't even understand the subject of meditation.
Many are reading the Bible, but not many are meditating.
Meditation helps the word sink into your spirit and take a hold of your spirits until it becomes yours.
In fact, that's the way Paul put it.
He says to take a hold of the truth and make it yours.
because it cattle and bano.
Take a hole of it and make it yours.
Make it yours.
It becomes your present truth, your present truth.
I know who I am.
See, when something happens to you at home, in family, in business, in finances, get into your room, shut the door and say, I know who I am.
You say, I refuse the power.
Listen, I'm showing you how to put the word to work.
If you don't like what's going on, go into your room, shut the door.
Look at behind you.
And you say, I'll change things from here.
You stand out saying, I know who I am.
I am the seed of Abraham.
The word belongs to me.
I refuse to bow.
I refuse to be defeated.
Then he's a great he that is in me.
Great he that is in me.
All of this is going on in your room.
You know, when you come out, you're a gentleman.
You're a lady.
You don't trouble anybody.
But in your room, I said in your room, I made a job.
You see, I've changed things here.
You know, when you talk like that in your room and you come out and things look like they've gotten worse.
Hear me.
Don't give up.
Hear me.
Don't give in.
Don't go back to your room and say, I don't know what happened.
The Bible says Abraham staggered nuts at the promise of God to unbelief, but he was strong in faith.
Give him glory to God.
He was strong in faith.
Give him glory to God.
Glory to God.
I'll never be defeated in my life.
So again, I'll never be defeated.
I'll never be defeated.
Speak in tongues right now.
Come on.
Leave her above.
Come on, share them under a burrito.
Get on the fresco for a handout.
Speak in other tongues.
You'll never be defeated.
All right, hold on.
Hold on.
Tell you what happened to a lady.
Have five year old other died.
When the girl died, she refused to give up.
She refused to give in.
She had been praying.
Because the girl was sick, prayed and prayed and prayed for the girl to be well and she didn't get any better.
And finally, just give up and die.
Oh, oh, oh.
No, she refused to cry.
She refused to cry.
She said, now my girl is well.
She said, now my girl is well.
She refused to cry.
Now she's well.
You know what she did?
She started thanking God.
She said, she was sick.
I prayed and prayed she didn't get any better.
And now she's well.
And instead of crying,
She said Rachel!
She's a come back!
You are well!
Come back!
No crying!
No crime!
She said, Rachel!
She said, Rachel!
Come back!
She took a hold of the girls' body!
She said, I said, wake up!
Rachel opened her eyes and weaved!
She came back to life.
Are you listening to me?
You don't give up and you don't give in.
No matter what happens, you don't cry.
Oh, no.
You talk like that little woman, Rachel!
How little do you?
Oh, glory, glory, glory.
Glory, glory, glory.
I refuse to be defeated.
I'll never be defeated.
See, a lot of Christians give up too soon when something happens and there's that crime.
Because things didn't happen the way they were praying for it.
Oh God, I pray for this.
What if this happened?
When Lazarus died, what Jesus said?
There come the column.
Lazarus, your friend, is sick.
Jesus said, oh, the sickness will not kill him.
That's what Jesus said.
Then the sickness killed him.
Jesus said, the sickness will not kill him, but it killed him.
When Jesus showed up four days later, he didn't say, Father,
What are we going to do?
He said you heard me.
What did the father hear?
When I said the sickness will not kill him.
He's a Lazarus!
Come out!
That's the way you call your business back to life.
That's the way you call your finances back to life.
Can you show me, man, show me, right?
I love you, yeah.
Go, hit or go.
Oh, yeah.
It's never too late.
Never, never, never too late.
Because we had a seed of Abraham.
All things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the card according to his pippers.
That's me.
That's me.
All things work together for me.
No matter what happens, it's for my good.
Now, I don't say it's for my good, you know, and get defeated and say, well, well, it's for my good.
No, I don't talk like that.
When I say it's for my good, I mean, I'm gonna make it work.
Didn't you hear what he called us?
Didn't you hear what he called us?
Somebody saying, well, you know, as Christians, we were saved by grace, we should not boast.
What's the matter with you?
Didn't you hear what he called us?
Now, are we the sons of God?
That's what he said.
He didn't call us servants of God.
He called us sons of God.
That means we're heirs.
And join heirs with Christ.
If you don't act like the world is yours, you should change yourself.
And you pay dearly for it.
And all those people whom you would have helped in life will suffer because you never showed up.
Because you never became what you were supposed to be.
Rise up to God's dream for your life.
And you say, I will fulfill my destiny.
You can fulfill your destiny.
God has a destiny for you.
God has a purpose for your life.
You didn't get here by chance.
There's a place for you in life.
And it's important that you fulfill it.
Because if you don't, you'll have to answer to God for it.
You say, how am I gonna know?
When you come for tomorrow's meeting, I'll show you.
I know who I am!
Glory of God!
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Oh, you are going to be so successful!
You are going to be so prosperous!
No failure for you.
You are moving from glory to glory.
You are moving from glory to glory.
No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.
Open your mouth and pray.
Open your mouth and pray.
Open your mouth and pray.
The anointing is on you tonight.
Open your mouth and pray.
God's hand is mighty on your life.
Everywhere you turn, you will be successful and spruce because the hand of God is upon your life.
The inauguration is on you.
Give him praise.
Give him praise.
The greater one leads in you.
The greater one lives in you.
He lives in your spirits.
He lives in your soul.
He lives in your body.
Every fiber of your being.
Every bone of your body.
You are housing the King.
You are housing the Creator of the Universe.
Oh, Hallelujah.