Global Day of Prayer Edition 10 Day 2
Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.
You know, nothing as good as praying because you see when you pray, you move heavily powers.
Angels respond.
demons tremble.
Our prayers are not empty.
Not empty.
And of course, we've come to a critical and crisis point
In our world, requiring that anyone who knows to pray should truly pray.
There have been different kinds of meetings organized by churches and ministers and ministries for years and years.
But never have we needed to have meetings for prayer like we do today.
When you consider the adversaries of the church and the adversaries of the Lord into this world,
And the resources at their disposal.
And the level of wickedness in their hearts.
You know that we, on our own, don't stand a chance against them.
We stand no chance.
on our own.
Because sometimes you have to consider that you're dealing with those who have come to a point where the control state powers haven't captured many states.
But my mind goes to where King Azah was with Judah many, many years ago, according to the Scriptures.
Remember, Judah was just two tribes, Judah and Benjamin.
The larger kingdom,
had more resources.
But Judah was attacked by the Ethiopians and the Libyans.
Being also completely outnumbered.
But King Azah, the Bible says,
He cried unto God.
And he said, oh God, we have no night against this multitude.
He says, neither know what to do.
They were at a point, didn't know what to do.
He said, but our eyes are on you.
And I think about that, and I think of the fact that on our own, we have no might against those who stand against us and against the name of the Lord that we cherish, against all that we believe in.
And they are completely intent.
when I'm there leading the church.
But then, we are not on our own.
Jesus said, I will not leave you comfortless.
The gregies of Farnos, meaning I will not leave you as orphans.
I will not leave you helpless.
So we are not helpless by any standard.
And then you read that story the Bible says, when King Asa prayed and he said, oh God, our eyes are upon you.
Then he said, and in thy name, we go out against this multitude.
Oh God.
I read that so many times.
So many times.
He said, in thy name, we go out against this multitude.
And Judah went.
And the more than a million, 300,000 strong of the adversaries
but pounded, completely defeated by Judah.
We stand against adversity and the adversaries of the Lord in that blessed name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And no evil can have power over us.
No evil.
Nothing in this world, because of who Jesus is.
He said, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.
but not alone.
We can understand the situation in our world very clearly.
And as you know, even the many universities around the world
and NGOs and companies that have become factories for the production of depraved minds.
And accept you understand this reality.
You may not be watchful.
They insist on groupthink.
Everything that is abnormal, as far as creativity and godliness are concerned.
Sometimes you hear on the news when they talk about some think tack.
Some government think tanks that they expect to give them ideas for certain things they want to do.
Well, many years ago, these think tanks were actually somewhat dependable.
somewhat dependable.
There were organizations that people went to to come up with some ideas, but now a lot has changed in our world.
Not because the evil hadn't been there, but there's been some acceleration.
Acceleration of evil.
And these so-called government or
Special think tanks are actually organizations that are hired.
We call it science for hire.
They're hired to create data, fake researches, create reports,
Free determined reports for the influence of legislations so they can change societies.
And because a lot of God's people have been ignorant of these things, much has happened without their involvement.
And so we're told
Some data said this.
Some research said this.
Who's looking in?
Who's careful enough?
To look into those researches and find at least have some independent scrutiny.
But not much of that takes place.
And so in various nations,
The parliamentarians sit down and they're told that there's been some latest data or research and some reports, but all these were created by think tanks for hire.
They created the reports that were predetermined, paid for.
that were paid for.
They were supposed to arrive at those conclusions from the beginning.
These were never honest reports.
And that's why I call on African nations to no longer accept so-called research reports delivered to them from
some international organizations, because you don't know what interests they have in your country.
You need to develop your nation.
Wake up to your responsibility.
and have those hardly any African country or Asian country or South American country or Central American country that doesn't have people who brains that can look in and be sure it's the interests of their people.
You all do.
You all have.
Why don't you utilize what you've got?
Use what you have in your own interests.
It is unlikely that external organizations will love your people more than you.
It's unlikely.
Of course, you'll always have those who are sold out, who are used like Judas and Scarad.
And that's the reason we have these stereotypical identifications that are applied to several nations to keep them from creativity and innovation.
So we're relegating them to stereotypes.
and call them names through several so-called research reports that love them in such a way that no one wants to do business with them because they are so-called core criminal countries.
They are labeled.
But we are the time.
where this should no longer be.
But as you know, captors never let the captives go free.
No, they don't.
They don't.
And that's why when you look at what happened with COVID, and the perpetrators promised the leaders of nations on restrained power, absolute authority.
And they got it, and they all transformed into dictators overnight.
Did you ever believe that your own government will lock you up for days and weeks with threats that if you went out of your house, you go to prison?
And yet it happened.
You have never thought that could happen to you in your country.
You have never thought you could be held hostage in your own country.
But it happened.
And the guise of health emergency, where there was no emergency.
You know, I'm not discussing politics at all.
Make no mistakes about it.
I'm just helping you understand Satan and his works and how he herbs plutocrats to transform into forest oligarchs of science.
with neo-colonialism in focus.
That's what it was all about.
I'm just helping you understand Satan's incognito.
He hides behind
I want to read some things to you from the Bible.
He hides behind these cloaks.
You can't tell.
For example, the Bible terraces in Genesis chapter 3 from verse 1.
Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
And he said unto the woman, yeah, God said he shall not eat of every tree of the garden.
And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.
But of the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden, God had said he shall not eat of it.
Neither shall you touch it lest you die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, you shall not surely die.
Can you imagine the audacity to question what God said?
He was plainly saying to the woman, God lied to you.
Well, she believed it.
Look at the next verse.
For God don't know, sir, Francile talking, for God don't know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and it shall be as God's knowing good and evil.
Yeah, if you take the vaccine,
You will not have COVID.
It will protect you.
Did it, the light to you.
The light to you.
They told you it will protect you from being infected.
I told you it will not protect you.
I told you they were lying to you.
Or they said it will protect you.
It didn't.
Those who took the vaccine, a lot of them, more than those that were unvaccinated, tested positive again for COVID.
And some have tested positive multiple times.
This is crazy.
after they'd been vaccinated, jab one, two, three, with the boost test.
Still tested, but even the doctor found she tested positive.
Even he did.
Even he did.
And you know what they all said?
Well, if I'd not been vaccinated, it might have killed me.
I'll kill you.
Knowing fully well for the vaccine, having the potency, it was advertised to have.
But I want to tell you why they tested positive.
I want to tell you.
quite those like Fauci and Obama and the several leaders and celebrities that advertise the vaccine.
But I'll give you one example.
One of the leaders of Big Pharma, I think we can show that to you, who was got faking vaccine passports.
So it's interesting, because I want you to see it.
The reason being I told you about these things, I said, don't be fooled by the pictures you see and the videos when they tell you that they are being vaccinated themselves.
If that were true, why would this one happen?
This is just one of several.
So this is big farmer president caught with a fake vaccine passport.
Now, let's scroll up so I can give them a little more on the story.
Jose Maria Fernandez-Sousa Farro, who founded pharmaceutical giant Fama Mar in 1986, was caught using the fake COVID-19 vaccine passport.
Not only him, more than 2,000 other citizens and celebrities are also on the list.
Caught by the Spanish police.
Huayu, the manufacturer of vaccines himself, a distributor,
use fake vaccine passport.
Because the vaccine that he pretended to have been vaccinated was fake, I told you.
I said, not in there, they're posing for you and telling you to go take what they will not take.
But many celebrities, 2,000
Other citizens and celebrities on the list, investigated by the Spanish police.
And that's just the Spanish police, only Spain.
And think about all the ones all around America, Canada and the UK and South Africa and so on and so forth.
And all those politicians posing and telling you, take the vaccine, it's harmless.
One of the reasons, you must have heard on the news, that there's shortage of pilots, shortage of pilots.
Now, of course, there is a reason, reason A can be that a lot of the pilots, a lot of the commercial pilots are baby boomers.
Okay, so they're coming of age and a lot of them need to retire.
Baby boomers are people in the age brackets from probably 59 to 70, 75 somewhere, okay.
So a lot of them are retiring, okay.
But plus that is another reason.
and which is forced retirement during COVID, because a lot of planes weren't flying.
And so in order not to pay so much, they asked them to retire.
But I don't buy that one.
Why I don't buy that one is, when the planes were allowed to fly, they needed pilots.
All they needed to do was to record those, they forced into retirement.
All right?
So I don't buy that.
Second, the more important one is vaccine injuries.
A lot of them accepted to be vaccinated and they got injured by vaccines.
And now they're not qualified to fly.
Now they're not qualified to fly.
They have terrible health problems now.
And they can't fly.
They were deceived.
They were deceived.
Why are you not hearing a lot about those that were injured by the vaccines?
Because the news media will not tell you.
Those are expected to tell you, to give you the report.
They won't tell you because they sold the vaccine idea
to the people.
They said, it's good.
Take it.
So don't expect that they're going to be honest and come back.
The same guys will lie to you in the first case.
Come back, tell you the truth against themselves.
That's not going to happen.
Pilots, cabin crews of a COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
That's a story there.
And this is real.
So there's a shortage of pilots.
around the world.
Because they made it so compulsory for them to take the vaccines, otherwise they wouldn't fly.
And a lot of them did, and now they can't fly.
So, my prayer is that the Lord will give this generation an analytical and perceptive mind to combat deceivas.
And the Lord will grant it.
Because in Acts chapter 2, verse 70, and it tells us,
That's reading what the Bible says, not day of Pentecost when the Spirit of God came.
And Peter began to speak and he says, and he shall come to person who was quoting the prophecy of Joel.
And he shall come to person the last day he said, God, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh.
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.
So I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh.
I believe that the Spirit of God has been poured out ever since and has not returned to heaven.
And so in our day, many can be under the influence of the Spirit of God.
Know what God can do through the Holy Ghost.
Look at what happened in St.
John's Gospel, chapter 20, verse 21, with the Bible terraces.
then said, Jesus, to them again, peace be unto you, as my father had sent me even so send I you.
Look at the next verse.
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said unto them, receive you the Holy Ghost.
You see?
That's wonderful.
Baba says, he blew on them.
and said, receive you the Holy Ghost.
And you want to know exactly what happened there.
It's in Luke's Gospel, chapter 24 and verse 45.
Here's what the word says.
Then opened He there understanding that they might understand the Scriptures.
He opened their understanding.
That's what He did when He breathed on them and said, receive you the Holy Ghost.
He opened their understanding.
that they might understand the Scriptures.
Good job, chapter 32, verse number eight.
But there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty, giving them understanding.
The word translated inspiration is the word breath.
The breath of the Almighty gives them understanding.
So he breathed on them.
That's what John Terrisus says, receive you the Holy Ghost.
Luke interprets it and says, he'll put down understanding.
Job gives it to you prophetically and says, the breath of the Almighty gives understanding.
It's interesting.
I was looking at how the two documentaries I'd like to show you.
The first one is titled, A Failed Scripts.
Yeah, I wanted to watch this.
Just like getting yourself ready, I'm trying to get you prepared for the kind of praying that we're going to do tonight.
Watch this.
Our world is in a state today where certain individuals seek to impose a new normal.
They seek to accomplish this by throwing the world into a state of chaos, run by a script concotted by a few individuals to steer the world in a direction that they please.
In October 2019, there was a simulation
titled Event 201, a simulation of what is happening right now.
In that simulation, leaders of industry, certain leaders of industry, government, business were invited
They had no idea what the simulation was going to be, what the details were.
And the simulation was done to, they were like in the board meeting to see how they would react.
Even actual pandemic.
took place.
Cross-sectoral assimilation exercises, such as the one you will be experiencing today, contribute to a better understanding of the critical gaps, the cooperation required from global businesses, response decisions required from government and public health leaders to minimize large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.
I wish you the best of luck where we are looking forward to working with each of you to strengthen pandemic preparedness in the future.
Continuing our coverage of the newly discovered CAHPS disease and the scope of its deadly outbreaks, there are now more than 30,000 reported cases.
Experts warned that this may be just the beginning of a global problem.
That video was done before it happened.
That video is just a part of the simulation.
How could they have been so accurate?
The purpose of this board is to advise leaders in national governments, global business, and international organizations on the response to the pandemic, particularly focused on international problems that require collaboration between business and government.
The recommendations will be critical and will be promulgated and communicated broadly at the end of this meeting.
On the left screen, as we have this meeting, you will find a dashboard of information about the pandemic that will help us in our conversations.
As important background for this discussion, we want to start the meeting by viewing this news story that just aired on Global News Network.
They had it all planned out long ago.
Today, the greatest risk of global catastrophe doesn't look like this.
Instead, it looks like this.
If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war.
Not missiles, but microbes.
How could they be so accurate?
All that was done before it happened.
The accuracy
his suspect, knowing that they are not prophets that get revelation.
In the light of the pandemic, the Deep State had a series of events planned out.
In their script, they had proposed that church gatherings as we know them to be were over for good.
The lockdowns, which were enforced on the nations, were never based on science.
And the ultimate agenda for the lockdowns was the crippling of human immunity.
Because these are not lockdowns, they are lockups.
Because people have been locked in their houses.
And I want to tell you what Satan has planned about this.
It's not about keeping people safe from the virus.
No, don't weaken your immunity.
then you will easily infect it by disease.
Because when you're locked in your house, your immunity is lowered.
And when you're using a mask, your immunity is lowered.
I already gave you all those details before.
All the science behind it.
Because what is being done now, the first lockdown on lockup, and the first masks, all these things are not science.
They're not based on science.
They're based on deception.
And if anybody says it is not true, let them provide the science.
that justifies these actions.
This was a rehearsal for an absolutist technocratic role as they blindly tried to drive the world down the hill of totalitarianism and completely obliterate democracy.
Histories look replete with stories and stories and stories and stories.
of how time after time leaders have adopted a totalitarian rule.
The question is, at a time like this, who's hearing from who?
at a time when nations of their own minds are not sure what to do and each country is looking to another country to know what to do and they're all like what's going to happen we don't know
Who are they listening to?
However, they have been met with a rude shock, time and again.
As these players and perpetrators of the COVID pandemic are discovering that things have failed to flow according to their script.
Isaiah chapter 46 verse 10 says, Only I can tell you the future before it happens.
Everything I plan will come to pass
All the players are discovering things are not going according to their script.
Did you ever participate in a drama that went off script?
The nations of the world today are in this extraordinary drama where all the major players have found out something's wrong with the script.
It's not going according to the script.
because there's a master script.
And they generally ignored that.
And only those who have insight into that script know exactly what's going on in our world today.
According to the Master Script, the church is in charge and with an accurately accurate understanding of the Master Script.
The church played her role and threw fervent heartfelt intercessory prayers.
They have restored all things to conform with the Father's Master Script.
We refuse to continue to allow this.
The streets belong to us.
The cities are ours.
You blessed us.
The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof.
The world and all that is in it.
Power belongs to God.
And so in the name of Jesus, we take back.
We take back.
We take back.
We take back.
We take back our cities, our streets, our churches, our schools, our offices.
We take their back in the name of Jesus Christ.
As the church prayed, the enemies' evil plans fell.
The nations were realigned.
Their sinister agenda was overturned and the church triumphed over them in victory.
In England, COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.
Masks are no longer mandatory.
Vaccine passports have been dropped.
After 793 days, South Australians are tonight no longer living under a COVID state of emergency.
Today, the Supreme Court in a major move blocked the president's vaccine and testing mandate for employees of large companies.
First on Fox mask are no longer required on planes.
A federal judge struck down the mandate today.
You're waiting on the earth.
Not in the shoe.
Yeah, Gavin Newsom unveiled plans this afternoon for reopening California churches and places of worship, allowing in person religious services.
world, a new kind of understanding as dawning on the minds of many, as they are gradually discovering that.
The so-called COVID pandemic was in itself a scripted pandemic, or better still, a scammedemic.
While the world continues to discover the sinister moves of those orchestrating the script of a failed pandemic,
the existence and potency of the master script subsist and reigns of Rome.
There's a script.
So if you want to know what's going on and what the future holds, you've got to consult the original script.
You've got to look into God's
Master script.
It's called a Bible, Lord of God.
It's all in there.
It's all in there.
It's all in there.
The Bible says, the sun is upholding and maintaining and propelling all things, the entire physical and spiritual universe, by his powerful word, carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal.
You know, recently, they began to toy with another idea
The monkey pucks.
I told you that one was dead on arrival.
They don't know what to do with that now because they got caught.
They don't know what to do with it.
They had planned it.
They planned out exactly what they were going to do.
But it's a debacle.
And I saw this.
Uh, dear's piece from, uh, Love World UK.
Let's show it to you.
The Monkeypox outbreak has been all over the news lately.
For many, it has instilled fear, and not much information is available to you, the public, except for what is constantly being pushed by the mainstream media.
But let's take a look at some key interesting facts.
Just last year.
The Munich Securities.
Just so you know.
The information that is given you is very accurate.
I did a research on this before.
And when I saw it, I was very glad because this article really puts it together.
So I really want you to follow the information being given you here.
But let's take a look at some key interesting facts.
Just last year, the Munich Security Conference held a simulation, a pandemic exercise simulation.
And the virus that was simulated last year was monkeypox.
And the date given for the outbreak in the simulation was this year's May 2022, the exact date the first official monkeypox case in the world was confirmed.
You see, they can't even... Like the 33, 33, 33, 33.
You know, they are so... ...on innovative.
And that's how they want the whole world to be.
They want us to be part of their groupthink.
So, someone gives us a script and we've got to follow it.
They demand absolute obedience.
Without question, they don't want you to think.
You are supposed to have no mind.
Because that's the way they are.
Satan runs them.
Satan runs them.
But Jesus makes men free.
Now, just look at that.
They plan it like that in the script.
They fix the date, and that's exactly what it turns out to be.
And then we go into history.
It's not hard to get them.
It's not hard.
It's not hard to get them to discover they are fully, not hard at all.
How could all the countries have 33, 33, 33 at the same time?
And not only did they do that in 2020, more recently, they did the same thing.
And with this fuck, these monkey pucks, they did exactly the same thing again.
Same numbers being found in different cities.
Anyway, let's go on with this.
The world was confirmed.
and is just like COVID.
Just months, interestingly, before COVID-19 broke out worldwide, in October 18, 2019, event 201 happened, a controlled simulation of a coronavirus outbreak that mirrored what later followed just weeks and months ahead.
The people involved in these controlled simulations are also the health protagonists leading, heading the pandemic's safety measures, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Big Pharma executives.
Interestingly, the monkeypox simulation, the death rate displayed for 2023, was 271 million.
If you try to inform yourself on these things, on these subjects of monkeypox, etc., all the information you would find most likely is this.
More cases, more outbreaks, Belgium introduced in 21-day quarantine when there are no reported deaths.
You'll find information producing fear and even experimental vaccines already against smallpox being rolled out to try and counter monkeypox.
Then you also have the debunkers of conspiracy theories.
Just like during COVID-19, doctors paid to debunk misinformation and anyone who opposes them is banned, censored or discredited.
An example of this is Robert W. Malone, a widely persecuted medical doctor who also invented mRNA and DNA vaccines during COVID.
Now this is what he says.
American mainstream outlets, breathlessly covering the virus, should be reprimanded for broadcasting irresponsible propaganda misinformation and disinformation under the guise of journalism.
This monkeypox virus and disease, which he says is endemic in Africa, meaning it's not a threat.
is readily controlled by classical public health measures.
Dr Malone adds that this monkeypox does not have a high mortality rate.
It's an insignificant bio-threat has never been considered a high-threat pathogen in the past.
But of course, this is not what the mainstream news are saying.
Now mainstream news outlets, reporters and doctors are using highly grotesque monkeypox images to inflate the perceived threat level.
But those are old photos from CDC archives and Getty images and according to the World Council for Health, they are not representative of current international cases of monkeypox.
This same WCH also addresses the monkeypox vaccines, which the WHO is trying to roll out.
And the WCH say these vaccines have no rational scientific basis for having people vaccinated for smallpox in order to prevent monkeypox.
The Biden administration proposed major amendments to the International Health Regulations, aiming to give global total power to the World Health Organization, the WHO.
This means the WHO would be able to declare in any country of the world a health emergency without the country's consent.
Well, that one has been defeated now.
This part... All right, you can stop.
That last one has been...
completely defeated.
Very interesting.
What a world, right?
Interesting times.
Praise God.
I'll show you just one more.
And here is a lawyer who's taking some actions, Dr. David Madden,
Sticking the marks, and I want you to listen to what he says.
Extremely important.
And obviously, some of you are aware that George Wentz, Leslie Mnuchin hired me and George to build the case that ultimately led to the Florida decision that removed masks from airplanes.
So we have the first win, which obviously is now benefiting everybody who has to ever be in a plane.
And we are now in the middle of the preliminary injunction phase of the Utah case against CMS.
But I wanted to lean heavily into the Canadian side of this question.
But I want to make sure we stipulate something out of the gate.
This is not a public health situation.
This is not even a science situation.
And while I appreciate the public health people and the scientists who love to talk about the nuance of this, it is like commenting on the merits of firearms at a shooting.
This is a case of murder.
It is not a case of disease.
It is not a case of pandemic.
This is a case of murder.
And people who are currently doing the delivery of the agent of that murder are, in fact, people who wear lab coats.
If they wore anything else, if they wore hoodies, they wore anything else, we'd call them murderers.
Right now we call them doctors.
The fact of the matter is this is premeditated global terrorism, this is premeditated domestic terrorism, and this is premeditated racketeering.
And the reason why I say that is because the evidence is that Canada and the United States collaborated and specifically during the gain of function moratorium.
For those of you who actually don't understand the dynamics of this, the weaponization of the spike protein associated
with WIV-1, which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Virus-1, which was sampled from China reportedly between 2011 and 2013, which was replicated at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in 2013 and 2014, which was the subject of the moratorium on the gain of function research where Anthony Fauci said to Ralph Barrick at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in October of 2014,
that while there was in fact to gain a function moratorium, his work on the weaponization of the Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus spike protein was able to go on because I quote he had already been funded and quote.
And this study, which was done in vivo, resulted in two papers, one in 2015 and one in 2016, both stating that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, virus one spike protein targeting endothelial tissue, targeting lung tissue, targeting kidney tissue.
He stated that it was, and I'm quoting, poised for human emergence.
So anybody who wants to sit here and pretend like this is anything other than premeditated murder is actually watching freight cars roll across Germany and wondering where neighbors are going.
The fact is that there is no question whatsoever that this was a premeditated act of murder.
And for those of you who have not heard it, I will not get on a show without reciting the evidence.
In March of 2015, Peter Dashick, the chief architect of the deployment of this particular campaign of terror, along with Anthony Fauci and Ralph Barrack, Peter Dashick made the following statement.
To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan influenza or pan coronavirus vaccine.
A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype.
We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.
Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.
If you think that this is an issue that has anything to do with a virus spreading in a pandemic, you are delusional.
This is a premeditated crime.
They announced the crime in 2015 and conveniently the government of Canada entered into an agreement with the distribution of the lethal agent in 2015.
And specifically, that was Thomas Madden, that was Peter Cullis, and that was, um, that was, uh,
Peter Cullis, Thomas Madden, and Ian McLaughlin, who at the University of British Columbia developed a lipid nanoparticle that was required to first demonstrate the ability to actually do what was called gene silencing in monkeys and then took that technology after a lawsuit, which was a $65 million lawsuit
The settlement of that lawsuit in 2012, and for those in Canada, look up that lawsuit.
It was the lawsuit between Proteva, Tecmira, Al Cana Therapeutics, and the University of British Columbia.
After the $65 million settlement was paid in that particular case, in 2015, Al Cana Therapeutics, owned by Thomas Madden and Peter Kullis,
Sublicensed the lipid nanoparticle technology to Moderna for the development of an MRA vaccine during the gain of function moratorium in violation of US and Canadian law because it's illegal in Canada to support
and make a agent which enables the delivery of a biological weapon.
That's actually illegal in Canada.
And it's illegal to develop and aid in the development of a biological weapon in the United States.
Those are felony violations of two parts of the criminal code of the United States, 18 U.S.
Code Subsection 2339, which is conspiring to commit acts of terrorism.
and 18 U.S.
Code Section 175 funding and creating a biological weapon.
The fact of the matter is, Al Cana, Acuitus, and the University of British Columbia, together with Moderna, are in fact guilty of felony violations of 18 U.S.
Code Section 175.
And that felony violation took place in 2015.
specifically during the gain of function moratorium.
Any law enforcement official who is actually doing anything in support of Trudeau is aiding and abetting the criminal acts of the government of Canada, the criminal acts of the University of British Columbia, and the criminal acts of Acuitist, Alcanna, and its principles, Thomas Madden and Peter Cullis.
So lest we sit here and pretend to stand on ceremony, the fact of the matter is it does not matter what clinical trials have or haven't been done.
That's like debating the merits of copper when a bullet is in a corpse.
That is a foolish exercise.
What we need to be doing is focusing all of our efforts single, handedly, and directly on the criminal prosecution of terrorists who have now aided and abetted in the murder of millions.
And just to put a fine point on this thing.
Ralph Barrick at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in addition to being the architect of the spike protein weaponized to destroy humanity, also holds patent interest in the
invention of remdesivir, which was known in its clinical trials in the early 2000s to be lethal when used in patients for a number of other pathogens.
And willfully and knowingly distributing an agent that is in fact known to be harmful and fatal to humans is premeditated murder.
And the fact that all of the governments inside the earshot of who's listening right now have adopted the remdesivir protocol and have adopted the acceptance of the narrative that this is in fact a
some sort of variation of coronavirus.
The fact of the matter is neither are the case.
This is in fact a bioweapon delivered by a carrier agent developed by the government of Canada and given that Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna both pay royalties to Canadian interests.
Every single shot administered from Pfizer or from Moderna involve licensed fees that flow back to the Government of Canada.
So this is racketeering at the highest level, and the Canadian government is complicit and guilty of racketeering and conspiring to fund the Commission of Acts of Terror.
Eric, you know, I could go on, as you know, for hours and hours.
It's sure, racketeering.
I told you these were criminal acts.
And they've been investigated.
This will let you know why the perpetrators cling to power and hope to cling to power.
So that's
They don't get into trouble, but they will get into trouble.
Because what they're working on is this elitist, systematic overthrow of democracy, for the installation of technocracy, of the most ferocious totalitarianism in their hoped
less populous world.
But somehow, they're on the wrong side of history.
They're on the wrong side.
And no one needs to fear evil.
Don't fear.
They have their three
I told you, step one, step two, step three.
Step one is negotiation.
Step two is intimidation.
Step three is elimination.
But no matter how wicked, wickedness is, there are higher powers.
There are higher powers.
And this is the purpose of the global day of prayer.
to draw upon the higher powers of the Almighty.
It told us to fear nothing, to fear nothing.
So the time has come where those, you know, the Bible says that those who know they're God,
shall be strong and shall do exploits.
While we are getting ready to pray, I want to say a few things to you that are very important.
First, for minutes as of the gospel, and here was what the Spirit of God was getting across to me, and I want to talk to you to get you prepared, there's a
a spiritual attack of some kind through sickness and the debilitating diseases on pastors and ministers of the gospel.
This is Satan's work.
A planned attack on ministers of the gospel with sickness, disease.
But here's what the Lord is instructing you to do.
Prepare yourself in the word of God.
Feed your faith.
Feed your faith.
Prepare yourself in the world.
Feed your faith.
And now I advise you to get as many messages on the PCDL, pass a Chris Digital Library, wraps up the realities, get old copies and new copies, and the other books.
Build your faith strong.
Build your faith strong.
Then thirdly, check your eating and sleeping habits and make necessary adjustments.
Check your eating and sleeping habits and make necessary adjustments.
And four, be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit.
Because the Holy Spirit seeks to lead you and you will, but you have to be sensitive to His guidance.
He will lead you in details of life, including your eating and sleeping.
If you let Him, He will guide you.
and take what I'm telling you seriously because this is of the Lord.
You're gonna learn to be sensitive to the Holy Ghost.
And number five, learn to use the word.
So you've gotta learn fast real quick.
Learn to use the word.
Learn to use the word.
And we've shared a lot during this period, say in 2020, especially during your love of all specials.
I've shared with you a lot of things on the Word of God.
How to put the word to work.
Get those messages and don't just only get them.
You've got to listen to them and use them as study materials.
Build your faith strong.
Deal your spirit strong.
I told you about the second half of the year.
This is the year of the gathering clouds.
You have to understand what this really means.
So we're just approaching the middle
And I said to you that next week, we're going to fast for three days in preparation.
And I'm going to conduct those three meetings in prayer each day as we did the last time, each day from 6 p.m.
I'll be here.
to lead in prayer, 6 p.m.
GMT plus one.
So you can check what time that will be in your time zone.
So get yourself prepared.
Don't take these things lightly.
The only way you prepare yourself is through the word and the Holy Ghost.
All right, now secondly, what we're going to do, now the first one was just a prophetic information that I wanted you to have and that's what I just told you.
And then the second thing is enforcing the victory of Christ
in our nations, in our states, in our cities.
And we're going to do that in a practical way in prayer for this next part of tonight's meeting.
But I have to give you some information.
You have to understand God's dealings
with Satan and demons.
How does God deal with Satan and demons?
And why would some things like this be up to us?
Just some thoughts for you to get.
I began reading something to you a moment ago in Genesis chapter three when we read from verse one.
And you notice that the serpent came to the garden.
That's actually what I was beginning to tell you.
And I think for some reason, I got into some other things and discussed a few other things.
But there was something I was trying to tell you
And though I made the point, but the reason I went to Genesis chapter three was to give you a biblical illustration.
Did you notice the Bible says the serpent, he says, was more subtle than only beast of the field.
which the Lord God had made.
And he said unto the woman.
Now, the serpent engaged the woman Eve in a dialogue.
And meanwhile, Eve, and Adam the husband, Adam was dead.
The Bible says, our husband, Wita, he was right there.
You know, some people said that he went to the farm.
He didn't go to the farm, he lived in the farm.
So he was right there when Satan had this dialogue with Eve.
But the Bible doesn't say Satan, the Bible says the serpent.
So when Eve was talking to the serpent, she was talking to a serpent.
She didn't think she was talking to Satan.
I want you to remember that.
God knew it was Satan that was behind the mask.
In other words, Satan added into the serpent.
And the woman only saw the serpent and talked with the serpent.
Not realizing that the voice that was actually behind what he was listening to was Satan.
He was Satan.
If you go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3, see what the Bible says.
But I feel less by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
See, he still uses the term serpent.
Isn't this Satan?
The serpent beguiled Eve.
You see it?
So all the time it tells us it's the serpent.
It's the serpent.
But we come to, well, I can read a little more to you in your pieces.
You go to first Timothy chapter two, verse 14.
And Adam was not deceived.
I told you he was there, but he was not deceived.
But the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
So he says, the serpent beguide Eve.
The Bible doesn't say the serpent beguide Adam and Eve.
No, beguide Eve, deceived Eve.
That's what you read in second Corinthians chapter 11 verse three.
Adam was not deceived.
So he was there, he heard everything, did nothing about it and that's why God charged him with high treason.
His own offense was treason because he knew the truth and did nothing about it.
Now, go to Revelation chapter 12 and verse number nine.
And then you see God reveals everything to us now in Revelation.
And the great dragon was cast out.
That old serpent called the devil and Satan.
that or something called the devil and Satan, which deceived the whole world.
He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.
Oh, same book chapter 20 from verse one.
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.
Think about that.
So now he tells us who it really was.
He said, so do you mean
Demons can get into animals.
Of course, yes.
Don't forget what happened when they asked Jesus, please don't cast us out of the city.
Let us go into the swine.
And that's quite characteristic of God.
Let me show you something.
I said, he came into the garden and God didn't send him away.
God knew Satan was there and God didn't say, hey, hey, hey, it's Satan talking to you.
It's not the serpent.
It's Satan behind it.
He didn't say nothing.
Just allowed it to happen.
God didn't say anything.
Here I told them what to do, it told them, take charge.
You have control over everything, over everything, all the animals, all the bees, all the ones that go on their bellies, whatever, everyone, you're in charge.
So they could have sent the devil out or the serpent out of the garden, they didn't, they listened to him.
You don't listen to the devil.
But you see, I'm showing you God's response.
So when you say, oh, don't God know that the devil is doing something?
Yeah, he does, but God, he's got a plan and he follows his plan.
He already passed judgment.
He already passed judgment.
And until the day of one's commitment to prison, you don't do it ahead of the time.
In Job chapter one, look at verse six.
Now there was a day when the sons of God.
Now sons of God is a term for angels of God.
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them.
Satan came also among them.
When the angels were silenced, Satan appeared too.
He came.
Look at the next verse.
And the Lord said unto Satan, when's comments down?
Where are you coming from?
Then Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and through in the earth and from walking up and down in it, I don't have a home address, in other words.
And the Lord said unto Satan, has now considered my servant job, but there's, you know, he goes into a dale.
Didn't say, what are you doing here?
Get out, get out.
Didn't send him away.
He dale up with him.
So where have you been?
Look at chapter two, that was not the only time.
After that first time that he said, he talked about Job and the devil went away from the presence of the Lord to go cause trouble for Job.
On another occasion, chapter two, bigger from verse one,
A game there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord.
Remember, is there not a cherub?
He came also.
And none of the angels had anything to him.
Then here's another one that's quite interesting.
First Kings chapter 22 from verse 19.
And he said, God said, no, no, we're reading from an earlier verse, okay.
So here it will be the prophet who was saying something.
All right.
And he said, here thou therefore the word of the Lord.
I saw the Lord sitting on his throne.
Okay, I got to point out something to you when I read this.
I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left.
And the Lord said, who shall persuade Ahab that he may go up and fall at Ramot Gilead?
And one said on this manner and another said on that manner.
And they came for a spirit.
They came for a spirit and stood before the Lord and said, I will persuade him.
And the Lord said unto him, wherewith?
How are you going to do it?
He said, I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.
out of all his prophets.
And he said, thou shalt persuade him and prevail also.
Go for it and do so.
Now this is what you, one of those things you call prophetic mysteries.
Now I say prophetic mysteries because the prophets saw it.
Now what prophets see are not necessarily sometimes the real thing.
They can see signs, symbolisms,
Because he says, I saw.
All right?
That may not mean that that was happening in that way.
It's a revelation.
A vision can be a revelation and some things can represent other things.
So just understand that this is a prophetic vision that this prophet's talking about doesn't mean that it's like when you read in the book of Revelation, he says, I saw a woman clothed with the sun.
See, you shouldn't then be looking out for, was it a woman?
These are symbolisms.
to communicate or convey some spiritual truths.
But in spite of that, I think it's still very informative because it happened, as the prophet said, it was going to happen.
In other words, what God said was going to happen did happen.
He says, go, you surely pursue it.
And the spirit went and became a lion spirit in all, in the mouths of Ahab's prophets, and they were all lying to him.
and he got into trouble and, you know, the rest of the story.
Okay, now another one, and this time, remember what I was trying to show you was a spirit coming in the presence of the Lord and the Lord dialoguing with the Spirit.
So that's in the spiritual truth because even Satan himself did appear before the Lord and he wasn't sent away.
Okay, now what about the Lord Jesus Christ?
who himself is God.
Good as in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 8 and from verse 28, something I just told you about.
And when he was come to the other side, into the country of the Gadgesings, the medium too possessed with devils, coming out of the tones, exceeding fears, so that no man might pass by that way.
And behold, they cried out saying, what have we to do with thee?
Jesus, thou son of God, and thou come here to torment us before the time.
Think about that.
They said, what do we have to do with you?
Jesus, thou son of God, and thou come here to torment us before the time.
So they know there is an appointed time for their punishment.
Are you here to torment us before the time?
So I said, until that time comes, we did see it in Revelation 20 when Satan was put in the bottomless pit in prison.
So until that happens, God himself is not taking another action against him.
Otherwise he would say, are you doing it before the time?
Demons, they're charging Jesus with this, with wrong.
They say, do you want to do something wrong?
Do you hear the tomatoes before the time?
So they knew he wouldn't because he's just.
Look at the next verse.
And there was a good way off from them and heard of many swine feeding.
So the devils be sought him saying, if thou cast us out, if you're gonna cast us out, permit us, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
And he said unto them, go.
And when they will come out, they went into the herd of swine and behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down the steep place into the sea and perished in the waters.
That was tragic.
That's not what the demons expected.
They were immediately rendered homeless again.
But that wasn't caused by Jesus.
It wasn't caused by Jesus.
Imagine if a demon entered into somebody and the guy ran into the road and the car hit him and he died, the demon would be homeless.
But they don't mind such things because they are very destructive.
They like to destroy anything.
Immediately homeless, they're looking for another place.
All right, so if you are following what I'm sharing with you there, you notice Jesus spoke with them.
And Jesus allowed them, he granted their requests.
They said, don't cast us out of the country.
Don't set us out of the city.
Set us to the soil.
And he permitted them.
That's quite interesting.
They're asking the master for something.
They're making a request as evil as they are.
And the master says it's fine.
I'm just trying to show you God's dealings with demons.
So that you understand.
It reminds me of Kenneth Hagin's story.
He said that he had this wonderful visitation from the Lord, where the Lord Jesus appeared to him.
and was talking with him.
And why he was talking with him?
And he, you know, he was really following what the Master was saying with much attention.
He says, a demon spirit came and stood between them.
And the demon was dancing and shouting, yakata yak, yakata yak, yakata yak.
And he says, he no longer could hear what Jesus was saying.
And the Lord just kept on talking.
So he was wondering, saying to himself, doesn't the Lord know that I'm no longer hearing him because of this demon that's between us?
The Lord kept on talking.
So he said, the demon continued making this noise.
I didn't make that up.
That's exactly what he said to the demon.
Make sure your tongues are not yuck at the yuck.
And so he said, doesn't the Lord know them?
I'm no longer understanding what is saying because of this demon.
He says, finally, he was a gravity with the situation, and he just said,
He commanded the evil spirits to get out of there in the name of Jesus.
And when he did, he says, first the demon looked like a kind of monkey, you know?
And this is, the demon fell down in runaway.
He said, then the Lord said something.
That blew his mind.
The Lord said, if you hadn't done that,
I couldn't have done anything.
Then he said, Lord, you know, he was someone that was, he put a premium on words too, you know.
So he said, Lord, I don't think I heard you well.
You meant you wouldn't have done anything, didn't you?
The Lord said no.
I said, I couldn't have done anything.
You couldn't have?
He says, no, you, you meant you wouldn't have done anything.
No, the Lord said, I didn't say I wouldn't have done anything.
I said, I couldn't have done anything.
You couldn't.
He said, that's just messes up everything I haven't knew in the Bible.
Well, the Lord said, because you see,
I gave you the authority.
It says, after my resurrection, I gave you the authority.
So if you hadn't done anything about it, I couldn't have done it because the authority is with you.
That's interesting.
But I want you to remember that he did talk with those devils and even granted them what they requested.
And they went into those 2000 animals.
Now, if you're reading St.
Matthew's Gospel chapter 13 and verse
38 to begin with.
The field, these are the words of Jesus in interpreting parables that he gave.
The field is the world.
The good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tears are the children of the wicked one, in his parable of the tears and the wheat.
Now in the 44th verse,
Again, he says, the kingdom of heaven is like on to treasure a hit in a field, the which when a man had found, he hid it and for joy thereof go it and sell it all that he had and buy it that field.
That's amazing.
What's the Lord saying?
The field is the word, all right?
Now he says, a man, talking about himself, a man had found treasure hid in a field.
And so he saw everything to buy the field.
Doesn't say he bought the treasure.
No, you don't let anyone know there's a treasure there, you buy the field.
So he bought the whole field.
And the Bible says the field is the word.
Meaning that Jesus bought the whole world.
With what price?
The Bible tells us.
In 1 Corinthians chapter six, when you read in verse number 20, what does it say?
For you have bought with the price.
You're bought with the price.
You're brought with a price.
What price?
The price of his own blood.
First Peter, chapter one.
Verse 18.
For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spots.
You see, you were redeemed but with the blood of Christ.
So he gave everything
to have you.
But he didn't only just get you, you are the treasure, you were heat in the field, you were in the world.
Jesus bought the whole world, so he owns everything.
Now why is that important?
It's important because after he bought the whole world and he became his, Satan and the cohorts of darkness suddenly became illegal occupants and trespasses.
And so he gave us power to cast out devils and gave us the authority.
Now we can get them out of where we don't want them because the field belongs to Jesus now.
He bought it as at the time that he was dealing with those devils, he hadn't paid the price.
You see it?
And Satan was the prince of this world.
at that time, because he got it from Adam.
He was the prince of this world.
He got it from Adam.
Of course, he is still the, the God of the war system, but not the world as the earth's.
And all, all that's in it.
He no longer has power over that.
Jesus bought all of that.
belongs to Jesus Christ now.
And because it belongs to Jesus Christ, he's the head and we are the body.
And he gave us, says, the government shall be upon his shoulder.
Blessed be God.
We have authority in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible tells us all the nations belong to Him.
They are in this earth.
And so together with the Lord Jesus Christ, we determine how the world should be run.
And if you don't understand that, you'll be a victim in life.
You'll be a victim.
You'll wonder why things are not going the way you want them.
You'll be a victim.
You'd suffer and be wondering why.
But once you understand this, number one poverty is over.
Number two sickness is finished.
Failure is gone.
Suddenly you realize your prince with God.
And that is important in life, my brothers and sisters.
There's too much suffering going on in our world because of ignorance.
That's why he sent us to preach the gospel.
Remember, he says, the spirit of the Lord God is upon me.
He had anointed me to preach the gospel to first, he says, the poor.
The poor.
What gospel can be a gospel to the poor, except that his poverty is over?
So, as we pray, you use the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.
Remember, there are rebel holders of authority.
First John chapter 2 verse 18, I read to you, and I'm gonna read two verses there.
And then there's the last one, and you start getting ready to take actions.
It says, little children, it is the last time, that means the last days is talking about.
And it says, and as you have heard, that antichrist shall come, even now, are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time.
Now, you put the same verse in the living Bible, let me read to you what it says, the living Bible.
Dear children, this world's last hour has come.
You have heard about the antichrist who is coming.
the one who is against Christ and already many such persons have appeared.
This makes us all the more certain that the end of the world is near.
You see that?
That's important.
That's important.
Go to chapter 4 verse 4.
ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them.
If you read the first few verses, you know he's still talking about this anacryse spirits and the forest prophets that go with them.
So he says, ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them.
He didn't say, try to overcome them.
He says, ye have overcome them because greater is he that is in you, in you.
Oh, when I press it, blessed Lord Jesus, you live in me.
You live in me.
You walk in me.
You talk in me.
Blessed Lord Jesus, you are alive in me.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
I'm not alone.
You're alive in me.
Christ in me the hope of glory.
This is because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
The greater one lives in me.
I'll never be defeated.
The greater one lives in me.
He walks in me, he talks in me.
The greater one lives in me.
He says, here I've got little children, and I've overcome them.
You've overcome all under Christ's spirits.
Doesn't matter there in your city, there in your state, there in your nation, but you have overcome them.
Because the greater one lives in you.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Now you go to first Peter chapter five from verse number eight.
First Peter chapter five from verse eight.
He says,
Be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walk at about, sick in whom he may devour.
Home resists steadfast.
Resist steadfast.
Resist antistemics.
It means to withstand.
What it says is that you may be able to withstand in the evil day.
That's the same word.
Resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren are in the world.
We've got 10 words.
But the God of all grace, who had called us on to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus.
Now, there's a problem.
It's good for me to give this to you, especially if you're a Bible student.
You should be a Bible student.
Everybody should study the Bible.
Now, in this place where he says, after that he have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you.
Now, the words after that he have don't exist in the original.
They were thrown in there by Bible translators because they are, or rather, oh yeah, yeah.
They're thinking about chapter one verse six of the same book.
Go to chapter one verse six.
Wearing he greatly rejoiced, though now for a season, if need be, they forget that.
He are in heaviness through manifold temptations.
In other words, they think that the Peter alludes to the sufferings or the difficulties and the challenges of the saints at the time.
And so with that in mind, they come to interpret what you've got in chapter 5 and verse number 10, and it's to be regretted that most translators took that format.
After that, he have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, turn and settle you.
That's quite questionable, but they don't see it.
because they think that Peter is preaching that after you've suffered for some time.
So most will focus on the explanation of the word while, which also means for a little while, okay?
While, for a little while, it's the same word translated few, okay?
What I got is after that he have, I said, that's not supposed to be there.
But they're all aware that something's missing in the line.
So they're trying to connect it.
And it's so easy.
It's so easy.
It's right there.
I don't know why I didn't see it.
But there's another translation that gets close enough, except that the punctuations were almost kind of misplaced.
Go to Young's translation.
So I'll rig the young translation to you and give it to you exactly what the word says there.
But just a little problem with the punctuations.
The thing is, the originals don't have punctuations.
So translators are forced to find where to make meanings.
All right, so I'll read to you from here.
And the god of Auguste, who did call you to his age during
glory, that's eternal glory, in Christ Jesus, having suffered a little himself make you perfect, establish, strengthen, sell you.
Now, the way I read it is the way it's supposed to be, the way I read it.
But if I followed the Pontration, he loses meaning in English
when you follow his punctuations.
Because you're first to think, is it talking about God?
Or who, what in the world does he mean?
Do you get it?
But he says, and the God of our grace, who did call you to his age during glory in Christ Jesus, means Jesus himself, who suffered for a little while, who himself suffered for a while.
Do you get it?
Jesus, Christ Jesus himself, who suffered for a while?
Not after you have suffered for a while.
Do you get it?
So they think Peter's addressing the writer, he's read us and referring to them saying after you have suffered for some time.
then God will strengthen you, settle you, and all of that.
No, that's not what he's saying.
He's saying about Jesus Christ, who Himself suffered for a while.
And when you study all of that book, you find He did talk about Jesus' sufferings.
You go to chapter two, chapter two from verse 20, for example.
For what glory is it?
If when he be buffeted for your force, he shall take it patiently.
But if when you do well and suffer for it, you take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
For even here until what you call it, because Christ also suffered for us.
Leaving us an example that is you follow his steps.
Who did not sin?
Neither was God found in his mouth.
who when he was reviled, reviled not again.
When he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him that judge it righteously.
In other words, the context of the book already presents a background for the right interpretation.
So they shouldn't have had a problem with that at all.
They didn't have to go all the way to chapter one, verse six, to lift an interpretation for five, eight, or five, 10.
All right, so.
Here, he says, be sober, be vigilant because you're adversary the devil as a roaring lion, working about seeking whom he made a vow.
Yeah, the devil's working around, the devil's trying to devour, yeah, but you have authority.
He says, resist steadfasts, because you can.
And finally,
In Ephesians 6, verse 17, take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Rema of God.
Praying to the next verse.
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching there until with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
Now you're going to pray and enforce the victory of Christ in your city by announcing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that your city belongs to Jesus Christ, belongs to God.
He paid Jesus paid for the whole field.
The field is the world.
He bought everything and it all belongs to him.
And you know,
He wants to pick leaders for nations.
But why will he pick leaders for nations except we exercise authority in such nations?
In the realm of the Spirit.
proclaim the kingdom of God.
When Jesus came, he says, the kingdom of God is here.
The Bible says, Jesus came preaching the kingdom of God.
And he announced the kingdom of God, Mark chapter one, the living Bible, Mark chapter one verse 15, the living Bible.
At last the time has come, he announced God's kingdom is here.
I love Jesus, look at it.
He walks in, he says, at last the time has come, God's kingdom is near.
And you know, God's kingdom is near, and God's kingdom is here in the, he brides him at the same.
They're the same.
Okay, so you announce because you are in that city, because you are in that country, the kingdom of God has come in you.
The kingdom of God is here.
In fact, in Jesus' day, even if you said it was near or it was here, remember he was the representative of the kingdom.
He came with the king, where the king is, there's where the kingdom is.
And he was right there.
What is here in us today?
And in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the nations belong to Jesus Christ.
Satan has no right.
We do not allow Satan to control the nations anymore.
He controlled them for a long time.
But we have said, no, he doesn't continue.
He cannot control any nation.
We are not giving him one, not even one nation.
the power of the Holy Ghost upon the nations, the power of the Holy Ghost, wherever you are, pray right now, the power of the Holy Ghost, the power of the Holy Ghost upon the nations, the power of the Holy Ghost, to enlighten the people, the power of the Holy Ghost, to give them a perceptive mind, an analytical mind, to combat deception, the power of the Holy Ghost upon the nations, Labradoski, Parundeligraskila, Hangradigas,