How to Chart Your Course of Greatness Part 2
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
Are you ready for this?
Glory, glory, glory.
Obey the heavenly.
obey the heavenly.
Did you know there are so many voices?
There are those who are trying to convince us of one thing or the other.
There are voices in books that we read.
There are voices in films that we watch.
There are voices all the time, from the newspapers, from television, from our friends, from our family members.
They're always trying to get our attention.
Everybody's trying to advise us.
Everybody's trying to talk to us.
But obey the heavenly voice.
as a heavenly voice.
That's the voice that Moses heard.
That's the voice that Abraham heard.
When he said, I want you to go to a place that I will show you.
That place was not a place on earth.
He wasn't saying I want you to travel to the United States.
He wasn't saying, I want you to go to somewhere in England that I will show you.
No, I want you to travel to Spain.
No, it's a place of the spirit.
For the Bible says that Abraham was looking for a city whose builder and maker is God, a city that had foundations built by God, principles of life, built by God.
He was looking for that city.
That city is not on earth.
That city is a place called Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem of which we are a part.
For ye are come unto Mount Zion, the city of the great king, Hallelujah.
That's the city and we have arrived there.
We were born there.
For it shall be said of this man and that man that he was born there.
I was born there.
You know, they're those who were born in America.
They got in the American passport.
They're those who were born in France.
They got a French passport.
Those born in Nigeria, they've got a Nigerian passport.
They're those born in Pakistan.
They got a Pakistani passport in South Africa.
The South African passport, yeah.
But they're those born in South Africa.
We are different.
The world is ours.
The nations belong to us.
For we are the seed of Abraham.
Can you shout him in somebody?
Oh, yeah.
Well, we're the God.
Acts chapter 26.
So in this one we got
Three important points in number six.
I said, obey the heavenly, obey the heavenly.
The first thing is to obey the heavenly vision.
When you see the invisible, that invisible vision that God shows you, the invisible kingdom, obey it.
Acts chapter 26.
And I'm reading from the 17th verse.
delivering thee from the people and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee, 18.
to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to lights and from the power of Satan under God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
That's wonderful.
Look at the 19th verse.
Whereupon Paul's talking is talking before King Agrippa.
He says, Whereupon O King Agrippa I was not disobedient onto the heavenly vision.
He saw the invisible.
He accepted the mandate, received the Holy Ghost.
Being failed with the Spirit, he was not disobedience onto the heavenly vision.
And his life from that moment was on the goal.
I'm a saint man.
I'm a man on a mission.
Yes, you're a saint man.
You're on a mission.
a mission from God, a mission from heaven.
You were not born for nothing.
Your father and your mother may say, well, you know, we didn't want to have another child when you suddenly came.
We weren't planning for you where you say God was planning for me.
Instead of those who were crying, I mean, I was ministering to a 52 year old lady.
I'll never forget this.
She was weeping, just 52 years old, at the time that I was ministering to her.
Why are you crying?
My parents told me that I was a mistake.
They weren't expecting to have another baby when I was born.
I said, Mom, you're 52.
She's still crying about that.
They said, my mother threw me away.
He saw you still have that pain that they threw you away 52 years ago.
She's still crying.
So sometimes those thoughts can become a stronghold and keep him bonding.
You ought to say no.
Man wasn't planning for me, but God was planning for me.
You see, I'm here now, and I'm here to fulfill God's purpose for my life.
Be excited about your life.
You don't need somebody to love you first.
You know, there are those who are thinking, I don't have any frame.
No one ever remembers me.
Come on.
Come on.
Does that matter?
Come on.
No one ever remembers you.
That's a life of failure.
You are not in that position to be remembered by others.
You don't care, but you will remember everybody else.
That's what counts with God.
You are not blessed by those who are remembering you.
You are blessed when you remember others.
He said, it is more blessed to give than to receive.
When you receive, all you get is what you got.
There is a promise on the giving, not on the receiving.
The promise is on given, it's not on receiving.
When you receive attention, when you receive a gift, when you receive, whatever it is you receive from others.
Including being remembered.
even on your birthday.
All your God is all your God's.
If it's a phone call, that's all your God's.
What your God was what your God's.
God doesn't act to it, but when you turn the other way and you remember others and you give attention to others and you love them, including their own lovely that have no hope.
You love everyone, including those who offended you.
Then there's a blessing on it, there's a promise on it, because the promise is on giving, not on receiving.
Did you hear that?
So, change it.
Stop thinking about those who forgot you.
Start remembering them for good.
Don't care that nobody called you.
Don't care for it because it doesn't mean anything.
It's empty.
It doesn't mean anything.
But there's a future, a promise, a blessing from God when you are the giver, when you are the one remembering them, when you are the one giving attention to others.
That's what God called you for.
You are the minister.
You are the one reaching out.
You are the blesser.
Change it.
Change it.
You know, there are some people who enjoy attention.
They crave attention that the worst people on earth.
They crave that the most wicked people on earth, really.
Because when they don't, you don't know what somebody can do, how much evil they can do when they don't get the attention.
Boy, they may act like the devil.
So that's dangerous.
When you find that that's been working with you, seeking attention, seeking it, you're to stop and say, I'm not of the world.
I'm not of the world.
I'm the seed of Abraham.
The seat of Abraham reaches out.
The seat of Abraham hears the cry of the needy.
The seat of Abraham sees the invisible.
He has the invisible, obeys the heavenly.
That's what the seat of Abraham does.
The seat of Abraham doesn't stay in the room whining, crying.
I'm alone in this world.
He is never alone.
He hears the voice of God saying, I am with you.
Even onto the end of the age.
Say, I know who I am.
I know, I know who I am.
Do it again.
I'm the seed of Abraham.
Are you saying that it is wrong to seek attention?
Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes.
Come on here.
The Bible says that Jesus Christ has given us an example that we should follow His steps.
How many times did you read of Jesus seeking attention?
I'm saying, uh, where are my friends?
He's said to them.
He's said to His disciples.
He's very disciples.
He said, I know the times coming whenever one of you will forsake me.
But you know what?
I'm not alone for the Father in Switzerland.
That's what Jesus said.
When some of his disciples left him, he turned to the 12.
He said, well, you also go away.
Say, I'm never alone.
You know, sometimes, sometimes I'm in the room somewhere and somebody comes and says, oh,
I said, are you alone?
I said, no.
And you know, you might look around for somebody else.
No, no.
But I'm never alone.
Never alone.
How could I be alone?
How could I be alone?
How could I be alone?
Glory to God.
Say I'm the only one.
Born of my mother.
Now they've left me.
My mother said, I should go on my own.
My daddy said, it will not help me anymore.
Come on.
Yigos, cobra, da homo, da zeta, taro, la nida.
Oh, yeah.
Go with the God.
Does that make you cry?
Does that make you sound?
No, it shouldn't.
No, it shouldn't say it to the Lord.
For I am with you, always, even unto the end of the age.
Glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Obey the heavenly vision.
In obey the heavenly voice.
God has talked to you.
has talked to you in Romans chapter 8 and verse number 14.
Let's read.
For as many as I led by the Spirit of God, they have the sounds of God.
God talks to you.
He guides you.
You hear his voice.
Jesus said, you know him.
You know him.
For he dwells with you and lives in you.
You know him.
Let's look at something.
This is wonderful.
I told you, obey the heavenly.
I said this.
We've got three pawns there.
The first one is to obey the heavenly vision.
The second one is to obey the heavenly voice.
The third one is.
to walk as the heavenly.
Because that's who you are.
That's who you are.
When we say, I know who I am, that's what we mean.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am the seed of Abraham.
You understand that?
And I am heavenly.
I am the heavenly man.
I'm not of this earth.
I'm not of this world.
I am from heaven.
Jesus said, I am from above.
And they thought, what?
We know his mother, we know his daddy, but they were wrong.
They said we know his brothers and sisters, and they're all here with us.
How can he say he came from heaven?
what he did.
And now that we are born again, we have the life of God from heaven.
We are not of this earth.
And let me tell you this.
When you were born again, you didn't receive an additional nature.
Let me explain that to you according to the Bible.
You didn't get an additional nature.
You don't have a dual nature.
Don't have this dual nature consciousness.
No, no, no, no.
The seed.
With which you were born of your daddy, your earthly father has been supplanted by the life and seed of God.
The nature with which you were born of your mother and father has seized to be.
It has been supplanted by the life and nature of God.
Now that you are born again, you are no longer ethylene.
You are heavenly.
There are many Christians who have never been taught this.
And because they were never taught, they don't know it.
They don't know it.
So they act like the rest of the world.
They live like humans, but they don't realize.
In fact, they even say, you know I'm a human being.
They are looking at the natural part of life.
They're looking at their body.
But man is not a body.
Man is a spirit.
He has a soul.
He indwears a physical body.
But your body is not you.
Your body is your domicile.
Your body is your house in which you live.
When the Bible says he are of God, little children, he doesn't mean you are on God's side.
Are you hearing me?
You are of God means you hail from God.
You're origin is in God.
You are born of God.
That's what it means.
It says being born again, not of destructible seed, but of indestructible, by the word of God, who is living and abiding forever, shouting in somebody.
That's what it means.
When you are born again, it is not a religion.
You have not taken on a new religion.
You are not into the Christian religion.
Christianity is not a religion.
It is the power set in life of Christ, in a human vessel.
Can you share a Nelson by all your own God?
Glory to God.
That's what it is.
Sit down for a second.
First Corinthians chapter 15.
I want to begin reading from the 44th verse.
I wish I had time to talk a lot about what we got in here that I'm going to be reading to you.
But no problem, we'll just take a little bit of it and I believe the Spirit of God will help you.
It is so natural body that is raised in the spiritual body.
There is a natural body.
Said there is a natural body.
And there is a spiritual body.
Kumbarabas Sethihaya.
Did you see that?
There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body.
When your body is glorified, it becomes a spiritual body.
What you have right now is a natural body.
Watch this, next verse.
And so it is written, the first man Adam, Adam in Genesis, you remember him.
The first man Adam was made a living soul.
The Bible says God breathed into his nostrils and man Adam became a living soul.
Yes, the last Adam, which is Jesus Christ.
Listen, he's called the last Adam.
He's called the last Adam.
He's also called the second Adam, which means he's the second and last Adam.
What does Adam mean?
Adam means the first man.
So why he's called the last Adam is because he is the last fast man.
You get it now?
Adam's the first man.
And Jesus is the last first man, which means there's not going to be another creation.
There's not going to be another man.
There's not going to be another generation of men.
No, the Christ generation is the second and last generation.
Shout out to Loya.
So he says,
And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul.
The last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
That means a life-giving, life-giving spirit.
Oh God!
What this means, what this means, I wish you all understand what this means.
When we were born of our mother and father, we were born after the first Adam.
When we were born again, we were born after the last Adam.
We are not made that living soul.
We are made the quickening spirits, the life-giving spirits from heaven.
Shout-Amen somebody.
Oh, Lord God.
Verse 46, it gets even better.
How big that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural.
It says it wasn't the spiritual that came first.
It was the natural.
So the natural atom came first.
And afterward that which is spiritual.
So the natural atom came first, and then the spiritual atom came next.
The first man, the first man.
Oh, glory to God.
Watch this.
The first man is of the earth's ethic.
The second man is the Lord from heaven.
Turn to the Amplify.
Turn to the Amplify.
Sit down.
Now there's a reason.
There's a reason.
There's a reason I want to change the version.
Because when some of the translators got to the next verse, they shook.
Oh yeah, I've studied about them.
There are some verses in the Bible that literally translators shook.
They were afraid to go farther.
In some versions, they had to just put it as religiously as they could.
It was too big.
But I like it when we can tell it like it is.
They are notified in this next verse, you know, try, try, try to step into it.
So he says, the first man was from out of the earth, made of dust, and he's of the earth, and he's also atly-minded.
The second man is the Lord, from out of heaven, glory to God.
Now, the next verse is what I'm talking about, verse 48.
Now, those who are made of the dust are like him, who was first made of the dust, atly-minded.
Did you hear that?
In fact, the King James is still very nice here because he says they are active.
They are what we call atlens.
Those who are not born again are at thee.
They are after the first Adam.
Have you ever heard people say, I don't know that man from Adam.
You've heard them.
You see, it's a confession.
They know themselves.
They are from Adam.
But when you're born again, you are not from that lineage.
Listen to this.
Let me remind you of what God did in the creation.
Listen, the barber says the guard from the dust of the ground took clay and formed man with the dust of the ground.
He mixed clay.
In fact, the Hebrew word says that he squeezed it into sheep.
He formed man.
He was man of dust.
Everything was from dirt.
Are you hearing me?
Sand and water, which he made man, formed all the plumbing inside.
Everything you got inside.
Are you hearing me?
That's why when man dies and decomposes,
Everything is back to dust.
Sand, until you can't find nothing there anymore.
Just give enough time.
It all returns to dust.
It says, for out of dust you came, and the dust you will return.
That's how God made the man.
After making him, he stood him up and breathed into his notchips.
The spirit.
And when he did, this man of dust suddenly received life.
I want you to notice, now this man's moving and he's lived a long time from one generation to another.
Now, God comes again.
This time, he doesn't take the man of dust.
He takes the one that's already moving, that already has a body,
that's already physically alive and then he breathes the Holy Ghost into him.
Now you can understand
Why we are so different?
You can understand why we are so different.
Now go to verse 49.
Here's the big thing.
Verse 49.
Now, here's what I told you.
So when you're reading your King James, you're like, he can get it.
As we have born the image of the Etsy, we shall also be at the image of the heavenly.
This is what the King James says.
This is where those translators were afraid.
They thought, but if we leave it like this, it's fine.
But the original didn't say so.
It didn't say so.
As we have born the image of the Etsy,
It doesn't say we shall.
The original says, let us.
So why are they afraid about that?
Because let us means that it's our responsibility.
How can we?
They were afraid.
But whatever God tells you to do, you can do.
He's filled you with the Spirit.
And he says, go and do my will.
Go into God.
Turn to the amplified version.
And just as we have born the image of the man of dust, he says, so shall we and so see they're trying to compromise.
Can you see it?
So shall we and so let us.
So they're trying to accept from our size, but they argue that this thing is clear.
It is let us.
The language is not futuristic.
The original language is not futuristic.
I've studied it properly.
In all its Greek dimensions, there is no reason for anyone, politically, to even assume it was futuristic.
So he says, and so let us be the image of the man of heaven.
Let us, because now we're born that way.
So let us be the image of the man of heaven, because we're heavenly.
We have a heavenly life.
Now let's carry it.
Let's act like it.
That's what I mean when I say I know who I am.
I'm from heaven.
I'm from heaven.
Sam from heaven.
Now you can understand what Paul meant in Romans chapter 8 verse 28.
Go to verse 28.
Romans chapter 8 verse 28.
And we know.
We are not assuming.
We are not hoping.
We are not praying.
We know!
Can you see it?
We know.
So I know how it's going to turn out.
We know.
Can you see it?
Are you seeing that verse?
Say we know.
We know that all things, all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the card according to his purpose.
That's it.
It says, we know Christ in you, the hope of God.
That's not the hope of reproach.
I'll never have reproach in my life.
I'm wrong there.
You cannot reproach me.
I'm wrong there.
I'm another God.
It'll never be taken away from me.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Yes, yes, yes, I'm heavenly.
Now let's see if we can take the last one.
Number seven.
Number seven.
Boy, boy.
We're talking the part of greatness.
Walking the part of greatness.
Set your sail.
Are you hearing me?
Set your sail.
Get on your journey and be great for you are the seed of Abraham.
Be great.
Be great.
Hear the cry.
Be decided.
See the invisible, accept the mandate, be filled with the spirits, obey the heavenly and number seven, rain in righteousness.
Rain in righteousness.
See, when you come to this, you'll win as a king because you are great.
Hi, hi, hi.
John said, he of God, little children, and I've overcome them.
He of God, he of overcome them already.
You have overcome them.
You have God, and you have overcome them.
Because the one in you is greater than he does in the world.
What did James say?
So count it all, Joe.
When you go to die, that's this.
Count it all, Joe.
Count it all, Joe.
We just read from Paul.
He said, we know that all things work together for good.
To them that love God, meaning there can be no disadvantage to the child of God.
No disadvantage.
I can never be in a position of disadvantage.
You can put me in a fix.
You can put me in a trap.
We don't get traps.
Say trap.
We don't get traps.
Somebody said I wasn't a situation where there was no way out.
No way out.
I am the way out.
Can you show me?
Jesus already made me the way out.
No, we don't get trapped.
I found myself in the predicament.
Never, never, never!
How could that be?
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Who is he that overcomes the world?
But he that believes that Jesus is the Christ.
If you believe Jesus is the Christ, you have overcome the world.
What Jesus said, chair, I have overcome the world.
And he did it for me.
Romans chapter five.
You see, you've got to reign.
This is your life of greatness.
You've got to reign.
Talk like a king.
Talk like a king.
You've got to reign.
Romans chapter 5 from verse 17.
For you by one man's offense, death reigns.
Death reigns.
Death reigns.
Have you heard those names?
When you interpret them, many native names, they're like death is irresistible.
That's the interpretation of some people's names.
Death is king.
Death decides.
Death cannot be negotiated with.
These are all the interpretations of some people's names.
They've come to recognize death as king.
Death has so rained over their lives.
For if by one man's offense, Adam's offense, debt reigned by one.
Much more, there which receive abonance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.
This is just too powerful.
Verse 21, verse 21, there has sin had reigned on to death.
Even so, my great reign, through righteousness, unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Oh God, it will take me days to explain this to you.
This is extraordinary.
Let's talk about the life that He's given us, a life of righteousness.
This is the nature of God.
That's imparted to your spirit.
That makes you like him.
Then you think like him, you talk like him, you walk like him.
It is the righteousness of God.
You see like him.
You no longer think like the ordinary atlings.
You no longer reason like them.
You have ascended.
You have ascended.
This is where you reign as a king.
It is not just by the confession.
It is by the vision.
How you see?
How you see?
Have you been trained to see?
There's a training in righteousness.
You can be trained to reign, trained to see differently, trained to think differently.
And you know what?
This is what our fellowships do in the various universities.
We're training you.
in the way and life of righteousness will reason you for greatness.
What's showing you how to be kings in this life.
Irrespective of the ethnic career that you might choose.
If you choose to be a lawyer, you'll be a lawyer with a difference.
If you decide to be in the army, you'll be a soldier with a difference.
It makes no difference what you choose to be, but you'll be an anointed one.
You are there with the anointed.
You might decide you want to be a hairdresser, but you'll be a hairdresser with a difference.
It doesn't matter what you choose, a fashion designer.
It doesn't matter what you choose, but you're going to make a difference in your world.
talk differently, see differently.
It is those who have received abonance of grace and of the gift of righteousness that it says shall reign in life, abonance of grace, so much grace to enjoy.
Paul, right into Timothy, he said to him, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Take advantage of the grace.
Be full of it.
Walk in it.
All things are yours.
See, I'm ringing.
I'm ringing in righteousness.
I refuse to see as men see.
I refuse to think as men think.
I think as God thinks.
You see, to think like that, you've got to be full of the world.
Meditate on God's world.
Have it in you, in abundance.
Let the Scriptures be full in your spirits, until you are so inundated by the Word of God.
But if your body is pissed, what comes out is the Word.
Are you hearing me?
So much so.
You don't need to remember the word before you act.
It is your life.
Do you remember that you are a girl before you act like a girl?
Do you remember you are a boy before you act like a boy?
You don't have to remember that, oh, I am.
You don't need to remember.
That's you.
You just do you.
And now that you know you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, hey, that means you are the walking righteousness of God.
When people have a problem and you come in their midst, the righteousness of God has come.
When you go to class, the righteousness of God has walked into class.
Can you say, man, so naughty?
You might be walking through that driveway and walk away in school, but it's the righteousness of God walking.
The Bible says in the Garden of Eden, the voice of God came walking in the garden.
The voice of God came walking.
Who is the voice of God today?
You're walking to the hostel.
He said, the voice of God is going to the hostel.
I'm the voice of God.
The voice of His righteousness.
I don't speak my own words.
I speak His words.
I bring His views.
That's the way it is.
Stand up and worship Him.
Holy Spirit is in His hands.
The Lord is doing a quick work and a marvelous work in the living.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
What I say to you now is, embrace the Spirit.
Embrace the Spirit.
There's a greater anointing at the Spirit of God.
It's relieves into our lives.
To do greater works.
Greater works.
And remember, no one can do these things except God be with you.
And I have explained to you what it means when it is God with you.
You know, receiving from God is as simple as you say, yes.
Sometimes you find people who struggle to receive the Holy Spirit.
I'm sure some of you have met them.
You pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit and they are unable.
Some people have difficulty.
You may pray for them many times to receive the Holy Spirit.
They just wait hoping that they say, I don't know why I can speak in tongues.
Several pastors have prayed for them, still they don't speak in tongues.
There are three things that affect people like that.
It is one of the three or two of the three or three of the three.
Number one, it could be the problem of unbelief.
Because even though you many said the word to them, they haven't believed that the spirit is for them.
There are things making them unbelieving.
They haven't believed.
Because when they believe that miracle should happen, they should receive the Holy Spirit.
The second thing is that they are waiting for something to happen.
Hoping that the Spirit of God will open their mouths, the Bible doesn't say the Holy Spirit spoke in tongues.
The Bible says the disciples spoke in tongues.
It is not the Holy Spirit that speaks in tongues.
It is you.
But the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will give you the words, not when you are quiet, when you speak.
He will form the words that will come out.
That's why the Bible says they spoke as the Spirit gave them tolerance.
But they did the speaking.
It doesn't say the Holy Spirit spoke.
So, if you wait that the Holy Spirit will form the words in your mouth, it's not going to happen.
you have to speak and then the Holy Spirit will give you the utterance.
But how can I speak until I'm given?
That's the miracle.
That is the fate in it that you have received.
How did you know you have received salvation?
You said you are born again.
How did you know that you have received eternal life, the life of Christ into you?
It was faith.
If anyone will ask you today, are you born again?
You say, yes.
Then they ask you, how do you know?
You tell them what the Bible says.
That's the same with God wants you to respond to the Holy Spirit.
That same faith.
Same simple faith.
The third reason that some people don't receive, no matter how you pray for them, lay hands on them.
And they say, I can still speak in tongues.
because they have a demonic problem where Satan is resisting them.
Such situations do happen to people who are not totally committed to God.
For the Bible says that he gives the Holy Spirit to them that obey you, which means you should actually be committed to him.
You give him your whole life.
But as long as you want to be worldly, Satan will accommodate you.
And you find that even when you want to speak in terms of, there's a resistance.
The enemies you hold in you.
You see, because you have given a demonic opportunity to control your life.
So, how do you deal with that?
Cast out devils.
Someone doesn't even have to do it for you.
You've seen the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Satan, you have no place in me.
I command you to depart from me in Jesus' mighty name.
You have no place in my life anymore.
And the only way he will listen to you and obey you is because you have drawn to the Lord.
Genesis, drawn high to God.
See, so make sure you
rebuke that enemy, don't give him any opportunity in your life.
Because if you are worldly and wanting to do worldly things and at the same time receive the Holy Spirit, then you are not ready.
You must be totally committed to the Lord.
So those are the three things that affect people.
When they say, oh, I can't speak in tongues, many people have prayed for me, tell them straight, be fully committed to the Lord.
That's number one.
Give Satan no hiding place in your life.
Number two, don't wait for God to make you speak in tongues.
Once you accept these truths, speak in tongues.
Are you ready?
Number three, act your face.
Accept that what he has done, he has done.
What he says, he has given you, he has given you.
So the Bible says, when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Ghost came on them.
So which means when I lay hands on you, the Holy Ghost will come on you.
Doesn't say they felt it.
They didn't have to feel anything.
It's not about feeling.
This hand signifies the presence of the Holy Spirit.
When I lay it on you, that's it.
And I said, okay, sir.
And that's it.
And they're full of the Holy Spirit.
You have to learn to act your faith in the world.
They learn, glory to God.
So in the same way as we're standing here, that greater function of the Spirit is available.
And I want you to receive it.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to go for the master?
Are you ready to go for him?
You know, he's expecting you to take that message to the whole world.
He is risen from the dead.
Jesus Christ
It's not where I am, it is me, it's from other years.
Christ is Lord, He is Lord, He is Lord.
Let me tell you a story.
Listen to this.
So you can understand what you know what it will do for you.
Listen to me.
Just open your eyes for a second.
Last year when we were having a program.
And the spirit caused me to call out certain young people.
who had been into violent crime.
And some young guys came forward.
And after ministering to them, and I released the anointing on them.
This guy's what been into violent crime.
The anointing came on all of them.
And they were slain under the power of the Spirit.
Later on, they were taken to the counseling section.
One of them spotted one of the pastors who came to cancel.
He started crying.
He said, I've been to your house.
I've come to your house twice to kill you.
I was sent to come kill you.
But I couldn't.
I came twice.
And there he was.
Now it's that pastor who's gonna be counseling him into the kingdom of God.
Because the anointing of God got a hold of him that night.
And brought him and introduced him to the pastor he was trying to kill.
That's what the anointing does.
that some of you who will go back, and because of this anointing that's coming on you to take.
There are people who have been in the cards, who are going to sneak to come look for you.
And they forgive me.
I've been working against you.
Forgive me.
There's no one in this going with you from here.
Thank you, Jesus.
Are you ready?
Listen, listen to this, listen to this.
These extremities, your fingers, are the points that are called spiritual points.
You may not know, but I'm teaching you that.
The extremities are spiritual points for entrance or exit of the spirit.
Listen, the mouth is also a spiritual point.
It's amazing.
Because your fingers don't seem to have a thing.
How come is an entry point or an exit point?
When a human spirit comes out of his body, he can come out through his mouth, he can come out through his nostrils, and he can come out through his fingers.
He can come out through his toes.
It's amazing.
And if he's coming back into his body, he can come in through these bones.
And when we stretch our hands, the spirit is released to our hands, to our fingers.
That's how the unknown is released as well.
So when we tell you to stretch your hands, it's because something is actually coming through your hands.
The blessings that God has blessed you with can be released through your fingers.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to embrace the anointing of the Holy Ghost?
Are you ready?
Precious Jesus.
Are you ready?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Lord, be the divine strong.
Take this, Father, Holy Ghost.
Just one more time.
I feel the spirit.
I feel a sparkle in the sky Pulling in the air, I feel a chance Just for the time, you'll have to feel a chance I feel a spark I feel a spin back in the sea
I feel the speed
I feel the same too much