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You in Christ

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

You in Christ, in Christ in you.
This is the generous of Christianity.
This is the essence of Christianity.
This is the power and the glory of Christianity.
The biggest thing that ever happened in this world was the possibility of the Holy Spirit to come and live in a human being.
In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came upon them and stayed upon them.
He put his power on them.
He didn't live in them.
His idea was to reproduce himself in us.
and make us a such age of the God.
That's why he says Christ in you, the hope of God.
That means I'm not here by accident.
I'm not here by chance.
God planned my parts before I was born.
He has made you confess to me.

Looking at the subject, you in Christ, in Christ in you.
When you are born again, what actually happens is in the spirit, you are baptized into Christ.
You are immersed by God, by the Holy Spirit, into Christ.
You become one with Christ.
And everything that Jesus did for you becomes immediately actualized in your life.
And then
The vital aspect of what it did also immediately comes into play.
It begins in your life.
For example, the Bible tells us Jesus died to save the world, not the Jews, not the Christians, but the whole world.
John said concerning Jesus as he passed by, he said, Behold the Lamb of God that take it away the sin of the world.
He didn't say the sin of Christians.
He didn't say the sin of Jews or the sin of his disciples.
No, he said he takes away the sin of the world.
Jesus died to save the whole world.
And he accomplished it.
He accomplished his purpose.
He carried out the perfect work of redemption, which means in the mind of God who sent him to die for the word, for the sense of the word, in the mind of God, everybody in the world is therefore saved.
Now, now, listen to me very carefully so you don't miss me here.
All right?
Very important.
Everybody in the world is therefore saved by Jesus Christ.
And the Bible tells us that the salvation that Jesus brought, brought remission of sins for the sins that were passed and the sins of the future.
In other words, according to the book of Hebrews, He brought us eternal salvation.
That is very important.
Now, so legally everybody in the world had their sins paid for by Jesus Christ.
They had salvation consummated for them by Jesus Christ.
No one
needs to try to save himself anymore, everyone.
That's why he told us to preach the gospel.
He means, go and announce to them that their sins have been paid for.
Go and announce to them that I have saved them.
Go tell everybody that I've saved them.
That's what the gospel is.
Then he did the second part of it, which was to make eternal life available to everybody.
See, if he died to save us from sin, without giving us the life, the power, the ability to live over sin, it would have been a failure.
We just would have gone back to the enslavement of sin.
But he did the second and better part of it, which means salvation of man,
And being saved from sin was only a means to an end.
He saved us from our sins, so he would make it possible for us to receive eternal life and become children of God.
Now, in the Bible, when we talk about children of God, we're not talking about religion.
We're not talking about, oh, these people used to do bad things.
They are now doing good things.
No, there is an actual birth.
According to those scriptures, there's an actual birth of that person.
Your spirit is actually born.
That's what Jesus meant when he said, except a man be born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
So to be born again is not turning over a new leaf.
To be born again actually means to receive the life and nature of God into your spirit.
And you are imparted with eternal life, the life and nature of a mighty God.
You become an actual child of God, even though you don't feel it in your body.
Because the Bible doesn't say you're going to feel it.
You don't feel it.
But in the Spirit, you are new.
You have a new life.
And then you start learning the Word of God, growing in the Word of God.
Now, someone can receive Christ, and if that person never learns the word of God, never hears the word to grow by it, he'll act like someone who has never known the Lord.
Because to grow spiritually, you got to hear the word consistently.
Like you, your physical body had to eat food, physical food consistently, for you to grow up and become the adult that you are.
We can tell by merely looking at certain people that they're not eating well.
They're not growing well.
Things aren't working out.
Or maybe some don't have a nice balanced diet.
Some parts of the body are growing badly.
Things are going the wrong way.
They're getting sickly.
It's the same thing in the spirit.
The language of that person who, even though he's a Christian, but doesn't study the word of God, doesn't give his heart to the word of God, doesn't hear the word to learn the word and live by it, you'd find, spiritually, he's like a sick man.
His language is worldly.
His language is canal.
He doesn't have the vocabulary of the spirit.
He doesn't have it because he never learned it.
You learned the English language.
You weren't born with English.
You learned it.
You weren't born with yoga.
You learned it.
You weren't born with French.
You learned it.
You learned it in the same way.
You learn God's language.
God has a language.
He has a language.
God has words.
When He talks to us, His word sounds different.
We may bring it out in the language of our understanding, but it will have the meaning that God intended it to have.
I can tell that someone has not been listening to the word of God because of the things He says, because every time we interpret what God has given to us in our spirits when we communicate.
For example, I've been talking to you in the last five minutes.
I wasn't reading what I told you.
So where is it coming from?
From my spirit.
See, because those words are in my spirit, the language, the word that God's given to us is in my spirit.
So when I communicate, that's what comes out of me.
See, it's not something you just cram into your head.
You, how did you learn English language?
Shouldn't you just sit in class one day and put it all into your head?
No, you had to communicate.
See, you studied it, but you had to use it.
If you don't use it to talk to others and have them talk back to you, it never works.
It doesn't stay.
Same thing in the spirit.
When you become a Christian, you receive the word of God into your spirit.
You must communicate with God.
You must communicate with the Holy Spirit.
You must communicate with other Christians that have the same spiritual language.
Otherwise, your language will be distorted.
You're getting this?
So, we're starting
What we are in Christ, which is the legal part of salvation, what is done for us, what accrues to us because of what he did on the cross for us.
And then, when we say, I've received Christ into my heart, what does that mean?
What's the implication of that?
Is it a mere religious cliche?
Does it have a meaning?
Is there something in it when we say Christ is in me?
Absolutely, there's something in it.
It's huge.
A lot of Christians don't know because they don't study it.
So we've come to this part and I believe I read to you, Philippians chapter two and verse 13 and not opening last week.
Can we start from there again?
Philippians chapter two, verse 13.
For this God which workouts in you, think about it.
It is God which workouts in you both to do and to well of his good pleasure.
God is at working you.
He's not in everybody.
You've got to receive Christ.
And Christ brings to you that life.
And God takes up his abode in the quarters of your heart.
You become the house of God, the temple of the 11th Tabernacle of God.
God is alive in you.
Through the Holy Spirit, he lives in you.
Remember how Jesus spoke?
He talked about his Father in heaven and talked about his Father in him.
In teaching his disciples to pray, he said, when you pray, he said,
I pray in this manner, in other words, he was giving them an outline of prayer.
He said, say, Our Father, which art in heaven?
So, that's letting us know we are addressing our Father that's in heaven.
He didn't say, Our Father, which art everywhere?
No, he says, Our Father, which art in heaven?
And when the father spoke, he spoke from heaven, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
Then he talked about his father in him.
He said, my father that dwellers in me, he doeth the works.
In other words, he performs the miracles.
My father that dwellers in me.
So who's he talking about?
As you study, you find he's talking about the Holy Spirit, for the Bible says that Jesus Christ was born of the Holy Spirit.
He was called a child of the Holy Spirit.
So, Holy Spirit is not junior God, like some people think.
They say, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Now, Holy Spirit is not junior God.
Holy Spirit is the eternal spirit of Almighty God.
When God works, when God does anything, He does it through the Holy Spirit.
He speaks His Word that the Holy Spirit brings it to pass.
So Jesus Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit lived in Jesus Christ.
And so He said, my Father, that dwells in me, He performs the works.
And the Bible tells us,
He also made it possible for ever one of us to believe in Him to have the Holy Spirit live in us.
I'm speaking to you today through the power of the Holy Spirit, through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, through the energy of the Holy Spirit.
So when you read, it is God.
Holy Spirit is God.
The Holy Spirit is God.
This is my Father that dwells in me.
That's the Holy Spirit.
So this is the Holy Spirit talking about now.
It is God which workouts in you.
God works in you to make you willing and to make you do.
So when I'm willing to do something that's right, something that is good for God and good for people, that means God is producing that willingness in me.
And then when I go forth and make it happen and really do it, it's him making it happen through me.
That's what it's telling you.
For it is God which works in you both to well and to do of his good pleasure.
So your life becomes an unending stream of works that please God.
Oh, let me show that to you.
You can open Ephesians chapter two and verse number 10.
You would love this.
And let's read it from the Amplified translation so they can see it really clearly.
You're gonna love it.
This is for we are God's own history about us.
This is for those of us who are born again, very important.
We are God's own handy work.
His workmanship, like you say, this loudspeaker is the workmanship of Sony or Panasonic.
You get it?
So it's made by them.
Now he says, we are God's own handiwork.
His workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus born anew that is.
Recreated, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
That's what he's talking about.
Recreated in Christ Jesus born anew.
That we may do those good works which God predestined.
That means planned beforehand.
For us, taking parts, which he prepared ahead of time, that we should walk in them, live in the good life, which he prearranged and made ready for us to live.
Blessed be God.
You get it?
That means I'm not here by accident.
I'm not here by chance.
God planned my parts before I was born.
And all the time he was waiting for me to receive salvation.
Listen, there are two destinies for every human being.
One destiny is the natural destiny that is determined by your parentage, by your nationality, by your envelopes, your education, everything that's got to do with this world.
will form your destiny.
It will determine what happens to you.
That's one.
The second destiny is that which is planned by God, which supersedes all of the things that I just mentioned.
And God plans it in such a way that He prearranged where you're going to live.
What things you're going to do?
No man ever aid us into that plan of God until he is born again.
Once you're born again, he changes everything.
He says, he has the power to change destinies.
Think about it.
He creates destinies.
He has the power.
If your life were destined for whatever it was, God has the power, the ability to change it.
Even though that was the plan, that's where you were going all the time.
God can change it.
Even when it's a good one, He can give you a better one.
You can trust Him with your life.
Question with your life.
All right, so Christ in me, this is powerful.
Colossians chapter one.
We read from verse 26.
Even the mystery which had been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints.
Now don't miss this one.
to whom God, His thanks to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles.
What is this mystery?
Look at it in the last line, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Christ in you.
We said the legal part is you in Christ.
The vital part is Christ in you.
What is Christ doing in you?
When you say Christ is in you, what does that mean?
Does that mean Jesus is in you?
No, don't get it wrong.
Jesus as a person is not in you, is in heaven.

But the life that he gives is in you.
So why do we say Christ in me?
Yes, two things.
Number one, because that life is him.
He says, I am the way, the truth and the life.
So if you have his life, you have him.
You get it?
But he as a person is in heaven.
Or you can have his life in you.
Secondly, the Holy Spirit
What's the one whom the Father gave the charge to anoint Jesus as the Messiah?
Messiah is hidden for what the Greek called Christ.
So, Messiah is Christ.
Christ is Messiah.
The beginning on where you're translating from.
If you translate from Hebrew, it's Messiah.
If you translate from the Greek, it's Christ.
You understand?
They refer to the same person.
So, the Holy Spirit made Him the Christ because He had the Holy Spirit without measure.
And the Holy Spirit lived in Him.
And he was one with the Father.
That's what he has made possible for every one of us who believe in him.
Is that the Holy Spirit come to live in us?
Same Holy Spirit that made him Christ.
That's why he says Christ in you, the hope of glory.
The biggest thing that ever happened in this world was the possibility of the Holy Spirit to come and live in a human being.
In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came upon them and stayed upon them.
He put his power on them.
He didn't live in them.

There are three men in the Bible.
that were told were filled with the Holy Spirit, but not for their life.
Two, except one, I'll tell you about.
Two men were filled with the Holy Spirit so that they could do the work that God wanted them to do in building the Tabernacle, because they're so holy.
It was such an important thing in the Old Testament.
They filled them with the Spirit just for that purpose.
The Holy Spirit didn't live in them continually.
The third man was very different.
John the Baptist.
The Bible says he was filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb.
And because of what God wanted him to do, he was the one to make the Messiah the Christ known to the whole world, to testify of him to the whole world.
And so he was given this amazing ministry and responsibility that he was filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb.
And what did Jesus say about him?
He said, of all men, all human beings born of women, he says, none is greater than John, John the Baptist.
or then it added something to it.
He said, the least in the kingdom that I've come to set up is greater.
The least.
Because John, even though he was filled with the Spirit, like the Temple of Solomon was filled with the Spirit, he was not born of the Spirit.
because it was not possible to be born of the Spirit at that time.
Salvation hadn't come to the world.
Jesus hadn't consummated the plan of salvation.
He had to die first.
He had to be buried first.
He had to go to hell on our behalf first and come back to life.
And when he came back to life, being resurrected from the dead,
God said, thou art my son.
This day have I begotten thee.
That's the day Jesus was born again.
You know, some people say, well, you tell us to be born again.
Even Jesus wasn't born again.
Well, he was.
He was.
Not because he was a sinner, but because he bore our sins.
He took our sins upon himself, his own spirit.
And that's why he went to hell.
Did you ever hear of that Catholic creed?
That beautiful line.
He descended into hell.
The third day he rose again from the day.
He ascended into heaven.
But first he descended into hell.
Why did he descend into hell?
Because on the cross our sins were laid on him.
So he went to hell.
on our behalf.
I can take the time to tell you what happened in hell because it's in this book, it's in the Bible.
What happened to Jesus in hell?
When he went to hell, what happened there is in the Bible.
Maybe another day I can share that with you.
Glory to God.
So we're in verse 27, Colossians chapter 1.
as I used to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope of glory.
But let's read on.
You're going to see something you'd love.
Home we preach Christ Jesus and you, home we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
Isn't that amazing?
To present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
What am I doing right now?
I'm showing the word with you.
You're better now in your understanding, in your knowledge, and in glory than you were when you came.
Because when the Word of God comes to your spirit, when you hear the Word, as you receive the Word, your life has been glorified.
That's why it's so important that you hear the Word of God.
The Bible says you are clean through the Word, so the Word cleanses you, purifies you, and glorifies you.
It increases the glory on your life, increases the grace on your life.
Just listening to the Word.
But here's where I want to go.
So he says, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus, look at verse 29.
We're on to, I also label, striving according to his working, which works in me, magically.
Oh my goodness, how powerful this is.
Let's take it from the amplifier so you can break the words down, so you can see it.
For this, I label.
This is on to weariness.
This is how I worked myself out.
Driving with all.
Look at the next thing.
With all the superhuman energy.
You mean I have superhuman energy?
With all the superhuman energy which he saw mightily in kingdoms and works within me.
Oh boy.
Listen, spiritual power is activated through knowledge and proclamation.
Never forget it.
I'll say it again.
Spiritual power is activated through knowledge and proclamation.
If you don't know it, it will not work.
You've got to know it and bring it forth from your mouth.
If you don't do that, even though you have it, it will not work.
That's why you can find a Christian with all the promises that he knows, that he has accepted into his life and they're now working in his life, still no results.
You wonder why?
Because the knowledge is not there.
If you know it and you don't say it, it will not work.
Can you see it?
The principle begins from salvation.
I always tell people, go to basics.
Check the basics.
Check the principles from the principles you understand.
Look, go back to principles.
Romans chapter 10 verse 9, what we're reading verses 9 and 10.
Principle of salvation, look at it, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth,
Confess with the mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in nine hearts that God had raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.
Salvation comes when you believe first and you're saved with your mouth.
You've got to believe.
How can you believe something you've never heard?
You have to hear it.
You have to know about it.
When you know about it, it says you've got to save with your mouth.
Now, look at it.
It tells you the principle in verse 10.
Four, it says, because with the heart, man, believe it unto righteousness.
And with the mouth confession, confession there refers to proclamation.
It means saying the same thing in consent with what God has said.
It's translated from the Greek homologia.
All right?
And with the mouth confession.
So it's not like I go to the priest and I say, I did something wrong.
No, that's not what is meant by confession here.
Confession here means affirmation.
in consonants with what God has said.
You are actually saying, whatever you're saying, in agreement with God.
So I declare that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life, in agreement with God.
The Bible says that God raised him from the dead and declared him Lord's.
God raised him and declared him Lord.
So I said, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
So I am making a confession.
I'm making a proclamation and a formation that is consistent with what God already said.
So when I do that, look at it.
For with the heart, man, believe it unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.
So when you make that confession, you're catapulted into salvation.
Now this will tell you why some people believe in Jesus Christ with their heart, but because they haven't made that confession, salvation is not real to them.
So I believe in Jesus, but why are you behaving the way you behave?
Why are you not living like a Christian?
I don't know, I will tell you why.
Even though you believe in Jesus Christ, you act like the devil.
Even though you believe in Jesus Christ, wickedness goes through your mind all the time.
Even though you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you believe God raised him from the dead.
Why salvation not working in your life?
Because you haven't proclaimed it with your mouth to say, you know, honesty to yourself and before God, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
You haven't done that.
When you do that, your spirit is imparted with eternal life.
Right away.
Right away.
You receive eternal life.
Right away.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Can I just show you one more thing?
First John, first Epistle of Saint John, chapter three.
Let's read two verses from verse one.
You would like it.
Behold what manner of love.
Behold what manner of love the Father had lavished bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.
Now the word translated sounds there actually means one that is born of another.
That different word translated sounds in the Bible.
But this one,
is the word techno.
It means one that's born of another.
So he's telling you that we are actual children of God.
We're actually born of Him.
When you're born again, you're born of God.
It's not just, it's not a religious idea.
It actually happened in the Spirit.
Look at it.
Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called as sons of God.
Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
The world doesn't recognize us, because they didn't recognize him.
They called him an ordinary man.
And so when they look at us, they don't think that, did you say you're a child of God?
They don't see the difference, because they didn't see the difference with him either.
Remember, someone had to let the soldiers know who he was by betraying him with a kiss.
He didn't look different from his disciples.
He was just like a normal person.
I said, this one is the son of God.
They refused to believe.
So they do the same thing with us because now we have his life.
Now we have his name.
Now we're in him and he is in us.
But the world doesn't think so because they didn't think so about him either.
Look at verse two.
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, not when we get to heaven.
Now we have the sons of God, now.
Thanks be unto God.
Now are we the sons of God, and if God not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, because he's coming again, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
But now we are sons of God, he says, in appearance we don't look so.
says it doesn't yet appear.
What we're going to be because the glory from the inside will come to the outside.
That's going to happen when he shows up, when he comes back at the summit of the trumpet.
The barber says the dead in Christ arrives first.
And we that are alive and remain shall be cut up.
He says in the twinkling of an eye.
As fast as you blink your eye.
He says in the twinkling of an eye we shall be changed.
Blessed be God.
First John, first John chapter 4 verse 17.
Let me just show that to you, because someone's thinking really, really, really in this world.
Yes, look at it.
Hearing is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment.
You know, judgment day is coming, everybody hears that and everyone knows that.
So they say, oh, judgment day is coming, but the Bible says those of us who are born again will be bold in the day of judgment, because we love Him and He loves us.
That's perfect love.
He says, hearing is a love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment.
Look at it.
Because as he is so are we in this world, shall amen somebody.
We trust that you have been blessed by this message.
If you would like to invite Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life, kindly say this prayer.
O Lord God,
I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, Son of the living God.
I believe He died for me, and God raised Him from the dead.
I believe He's alive today.
I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from this day.
Through Him and in His name,
I have eternal life.
I'm born again.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.
I'm now a child of God.
You are now a child of God.
To receive more information on how you can grow as a Christian, please send us an email at salvation at
God bless you.