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October 2017 - The Month of Blessings

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

You know, every month, the Lord gives us guidance.
And His Word always brings us inspiration.
God wants to see us successful in everything.
It's his idea.
The Bible says the earth is full of the goodness of God.
But in spite of that, not many experience it.
In fact, you would think that scripture doesn't exist.
You would think, oh, it's a mistake.
How could it be a mistake?
The earth is full of its goodness.
So, why is it that many get the short end of the stick?
Why is it that many find something totally different from God's plan and God's purpose?
In fact, there are those who think that the message of prosperity in Christ is the exceptional.
They think it's some heresy.
Some think it's too much to expect God to bless us all the time.
They think, oh, it shouldn't be so.
So they live their lives
on the grounds, the premises of those who have given them information, understand that of a life that is not comparable to the life of Jesus Christ.
So, what does God want us to do?
What is his plan?
How does God think?
I want to reason this out first.
If God actually sent Jesus to die for us, do you think he would die to leave us where we've been?
If Jesus were actually God's son, that will make him God.
And if that's true, and Jesus came to this world for our sake, think about it.
Why should we remain?
Where we've been?
Doesn't that up?
If Jesus actually came and his words are true, you can take one part and leave the other.
If Jesus came as the Son of God,
in truth, then his words must be the pinable, believable, actionable.
Let me read something to you.
Something that everybody talks about, very simple, but I want to bring a dimension to it.
Watch this.
In St.
Matt's Gospel, chapter 6, verse 33, he says, but seek ye first the kingdom of God in his righteousness.
And Jesus is talking to us.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
And all these things shall be added onto you.
May I read to you from the earlier verses, just so we can think what are these things that men are seeking?
All right.
So I go, let's begin from verse 25.
Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life.
Jesus says, don't care about your life.
Take no thought for your life.
That's what many do every day.
They're taking thought for their lives.
In fact, sometimes we're concerned.
Think about your life.
Think seriously about your life.
Jesus is no way.
Take no thoughts.
He is not saying the thoughts wouldn't come to you.
He says, don't take any one of them.
Thoughts will almost drive you crazy.
They'll come to you.
But bombard your mind.
Thoughts will come to you.
He says, don't accept them.
Take no thoughts.
The thoughts of coming are refused to take them.
They get, therefore I say, only you take no thought for your life.
What is your eat or what is your drink?
No yet for your body.
What is your put on?
He says, it's not the life more than meat and the body than remains.
Behold, the fowls of the air, for there's so much neither do they reap nor gather into bands, yet your heavenly Father feed at them.
Are ye not much better than they?
I like it.
Which of you by taking thoughts can add one qubit onto his stature?
Since you've been thinking, he says, what have you changed?
What changes have taken place since you've been thinking and thinking and thinking?
Have you added one qubit to your stature?
Have you added
one centimeter to your statue.
Did you grow taller from your thinking?
And why take you thought for reindeer?
Come see that the lilies of the fear, how they grow, they told not neither do they spend.
And yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of his.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith!

Therefore, take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or where we shall we be closed for after all these things do the Gentiles seek.
For your Heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things.
He says he knows you have need of them.
He knows.
He's aware.
He knows.
He knows you want food.
You gotta have food.
He knows.
He knows.
He knows you want something to wear.
He knows you need them.
Look at it again.
For your Heavenly Father knows that you have need of these things.
So what?
But seek ye first, the kingdom of God.
and his righteousness.
I want you to notice the next line because that's where I want to zero in on.
And all these things shall be added on to you.
Uh oh.
Uh oh.
All these things shall be added unto you, shall be added.
So you would think, you would think, you would think just by reading it.
You would think, all right, God's saying, if I seek the kingdom, God in his righteousness, then God will be bringing these other things into my life.
Uh-oh, that's not what the word says.
Look at it carefully.
He says,
All these things shall be added.
He's not talking about bringing some things into your life.
Can I give it to you as it actually is?
In the Greek, the word is prostitamy.
What it means is all these things are annexed
He says, sick you first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
And all these things are beside connected to the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
That's what he's saying.
He says, if you seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, you have them.
You're not going to now start releasing your faith for them to be added onto you.
No, they're connected.
He said, now all these things,
annexed to them.
That's the word annexed.
They're connected.
They're laid beside.
Glory to God.
In other words, they're there.
You're not going to have to start reaching out for them.
Once you have the king of God and he's right, just this, you've got them all.
See it?
God wants us to think like children when it comes to his word.
in faith, release your faith.
Oh, Robert's great evangelist many years ago used to say, let your faith go up to God.
In other words, release your faith.
Let your faith go up to God.
So let your faith go up to God.
In other words, accept his word like a child and just walk on it.
That was a teaching about walking on water.
That's what it's all about.
Walking on water.
The supernatural life is walking on water.
That means walking on His Word.
If God said it, then that's it.
If God said it, then that's it.
All right.
What are you talking about?
This is the month of October.
And you are going to change things like never before.
Remember, we just came from September, springtime in the realm of the Spirit, and it's not over, because it's time of growth, it's not over.
This month of October is the month of blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings.
You know, when we use words like that, sometimes there are those who aren't sure exactly what they mean.
Like you may be asking, what?
What does blessing mean?
It can be vague to some.
But I want to give you a good definition that you can write them because you're not going to find this anywhere.
So, better you write it down.
Is that which confers
invokes, authorizes or shares prosperity, power, ability and welfare.
If you understand this, you got it.
I read it again.
Is that which confers, invokes, authorizes or shares?
prosperity, power, ability, and welfare.
Now, when you use the term welfare, in today's world, a lot of people are thinking about what the government dishes out to some people who don't have nothing, welfare here means a contented state of being.

Listen, let me give it to you probably.
I want to call it a contented state of being happy, healthy, and successful.
I'll put it again.
A contented state of being happy, healthy, and successful.
That's what welfare
So not the government welfare.
But here you're in a contented state.
Notice I said the word contented because sometimes some people are just merely happy for the moment.
Things are not really, no, no, no.
This is a state of being happy, healthy and successful with content.
Oh, wonderful.
And so when we talk about blessing, let's look at something.
Where did that even come from?
In the Bible, the very first time it's used, it's from God.
And how did he do it?
Let's read something.
Genesis chapter 1 and verse number 22.
Genesis chapter 1, verse 22.

He says, God bless them.
Who did he bless?
It's nice to know from verse, you'd like this, from the 20th verse.
And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that had life and foul that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
And God created great waves and every living creature that moved it, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged foul after his kind.
And God saw that it was good.
So these were birds and animals, fishes, fishes.
These are not human beings.
And then he says, and God bless them.
God bless them.
He blessed fishes.
He blessed birds.
He blessed them.
How did he do it?
Was he, you know, was he farming something?
How did he do it?
Look at it.
He blessed them saying,
He spoke words.
He blessed them.
God blessed them, saying, be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let our multiplying the earths.
God blessed them, saying, saying.
He blessed with words.
Now look at the 28th verse.
And God blessed them.
This time it's talking about human beings.
Look at the 27th verse, you get it.
So God created man in his own image.
In the image of God created he, him, male and female, created he, them.
And God blessed them.
God blessed them.
How did you do it?
Look at it.
And God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have no meaning over the fish of the sea and over
the foul of the air and over every living thing that moved upon earth and had wonderful that God blessed the fishes and the foul and then God blessed man with a higher blessing and told you and you have dominion over the fishes that are just blessed.
Which means there are what you call God's greater blessings.
Glory to God.
I should have messaged years ago on the blessings of God.
Three kinds of blessings.
You've got the greater blessings.
I think the title was God's greater blessings.
If you can get a hold of that message, it'll show you a lot.
So he blessed the flowers, the fishes, and he blessed man, and he gave him a higher authority over these animals and birds.
God said, have dominion over them.
which means the blessing that he blessed man with was greater.
But he is now saying, so God blessed animals and birds and so on.
And God blessed man.
Why was God blessed?
In chapter two, Genesis chapter two,

You should love this.
Verse number three, I like this.
It says, in God, blessed the seventh day.
He blessed a day.
Oh, oh.
You don't hear that guy saying, I'm having a bad day.
The day isn't over yet.
I'm having a bad day.
You're having a bad day.
What are you doing?
You curse in your day.
For God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work.
I like this one.
The Bible says, God rested from his works and blessed the seventh day.
He blessed it.
What are you going to do with your day?
What are you going to do with all the things around you, with your environment?
cut to learn to speak blessings.
This Mount of October is a Mount of blessings.
I'm going to talk blessings every way and every time.
Because I'm blessed, I'm blessed, I'm blessed.
Let me show you something, Book of Romans.

Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
Romans chapter 12.
verse 14, he says, bless them which persecute you, bless and curse not.
Strong, bless them which persecute you, bless and curse not, bless his dog curse, bless.
Even those who persecute you, this is the apostle Paul.
Talking like Jesus.
Remember, with someone on the Mount, Jesus said same words.
This is pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.
Don't curse them.
Don't curse them.
This is bless.
Why should it be so?
Let's go to Peter.
First Peter, chapter 3 in verse 9.
I want to read it to you from the international standard version because it's just smooth and straight.
You like it.
He says, do not pay others back.
Evil for evil.
Or insult for insults.
Don't pay them back.
Don't do it.
Doesn't that just sound like Jesus?
This is Peter.
We just read Paul.
Now Peter says, do not pay others back.
for evil says don't pay back evil for evil or insult for insult you know I remember something I was watching a TV program a few years ago and then something strange came on the screen they moved from playing a game to another game and this game was
they were going to see who could insult the other the most the one who had the worst words of curses and abuses and insults to speak to the other and it was a competition and they spoke them oh god the most horrible words at a point I had to turn it off because
Just think about it.
And they were excited.
They had a live audience excited to hear terrible words.
And they were healing those who could say the worst words.
The worst words.
You know, I was thinking as a man think it in his heart.
So is he, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
He told me to speak horrible words of people, Abi at the loss.
Because I don't have them inside.
I got words of blessing inside.
I'm loaded with words before I'm saying, I'll go hallelujah, glory to God.
You know, thank you Lord Jesus.
Hey me and ask that speaking blessings and prayer.
Because that's what I got inside.
Some of you even go to the shops.
And while you're in the shops, and I'm talking about the shop now.
And something nice happens, you go glory.
And everyone tells their own look at you like, what?
Because that's what you got inside.
That's what insides you.
And never you be ashamed of what you got inside.
You got the word of God inside.
Always rejoice.
Glory to God.
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
So Peter says, do not pay others back evil for evil or insult for insult.
Instead, keep blessing them.
Keep blessing them because you were called to inherit a blessing.
Look at that.
Because you were called to inherit a blessing.
That's your life.
You are an heir of blessings.
That's your life.
You're blessed with the blessing of Abraham.
You're blessed.
And so this amount you're going to be blessed and conscious, blessed and conscious and blessed and blessed and blessed and blessed.
Let's favor everywhere.
There's good working for me everywhere.
Glory to God.
Every step that I take is a step of blessing.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
I'm blessed everywhere.
And everywhere my name is called is about a blessing.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
I'm remembered for blessing everywhere in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm blessed.
I'm all glory to God.
I'm blessed.
Thank you Lord.
I'm blessed.
Blessed, blessed, blessed.
My day is blessed.
Everything about me is blessed.
I'm blessed from the crown of my head to the source of my feet to tips about toes.
I'm blessed.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
My way is blessed.
My way is blessed.
My day is blessed.
See, you're speaking blessings.
Blessings, blessings, blessings.
My home is blessed.
Boy, I'm blessed.
I'm blessed everywhere.

Mama, mama.
What happened this October?
About the time we're done with October, you'll be at another level.
Because you've been blessed and conscious, the lines are falling under me, in pleas and places.
I have a goodly heritage.
Glory to God.
He's brought me into a large place.
That means a place of wealth, a place of prosperity.
He's brought me into his large place.
And I look around, a goodly heritage.
The lines are falling onto me in pleasant places.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Oh thou leadest in the parts of righteousness for thy name's sake.
Yeah, though I walk to the valley of the shadow of dead, I fear no evil.
For thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest the table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Thy knowledge, my habit, or my cup running over.
Goodness and mercy are following me every day of my life.
And I dwell in the house of the Lord continually.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Don't be hold his beauty and to inquire in his temple.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Oh, my so caribundal agradiska.
Bless his name, worship him.
Magnify God.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Magnify God.
It's your mount of blessings, blessings, blessings.
It's your mount of blessings.
All kinds of blessings are coming your way.
Flowing from you and flowing to you, hallelujah.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
