Where is Jesus
The man of God, Pastor Chris, through different kinds of programs and crusades has helped billions around the world experience the divine presence of God.
These meetings are exceptional times of worship, revelations, prayers, salvation, healing, and upliftment for everyone in attendance.
And so it was at the Healing Stream's live healing services with Pastor Chris, a program organized to take healing to the nations of the world.
In each of the services, billions around the world connected through various platforms to experience God's divine touch.
Be blessed as we bring you an excerpt of one of the teachings from the Healing Stream's live healing services with the man of God, Pastor Chris.
In this episode, watch as the man of God addresses the question, where is Jesus?
So where is Jesus?
Look at it.
As he went up,
The viruses stood there and looked steadfastly toward heaven as Jesus went up.
Where is Jesus?
The Bible tells us about Jesus.
History records that there was such a man known as Jesus.
who did amazing things.
So it's true.
There was a man in this world in the land of the Jews who was called Jesus.
He claimed to be the son of God.
He declared that he was son of God.
And that's why they killed him because they said by their law,
He made Himself equal with God, and therefore He must be killed.
So they crucified Him because He said He was the Son of God.
But He was right, and they were wrong.
They didn't believe that He was the Son of God.
They thought He was an ordinary man.
And that's why they killed him.
But the truth was, according to prophecy, he was supposed to be crucified.
So when they crucified him, they actually fulfilled the words of the prophet.
The prophets of God testified
that he would be crucified.
He would be rejected by men and crucified.
But that he would rise from the dead.
And he did.
The Bible tells us that he was declared, if you read in Romans chapter one and verse number four, he says that Jesus Christ was declared to be the Son of God with power and the spirit of holiness.
to the resurrection from the dead.
Look at it.
I want to read it to you from the living Bible, from the T.O.B.
Listen to how it reads.
And by being raised from the dead, he was proved to be the mighty soul of God with the holy nature of God himself.
That is the Bible.
He was proved to be the Son of God, the mighty Son of God, with the holy nature of God Himself, by His resurrection from the dead.
This Jesus that I tell you about.
And then I told you some things from Acts chapter 1, from verse 6, I want to read to you the Scriptures.
When they therefore will come together, the disciples of Jesus, they asked of him, they asked Jesus.
This was after his resurrection from the dead.
They asked of him, saying, Lord, will now at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel.
And he said unto them, it is not for you to know the times of the seasons which the father had put in his own power.
But he shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and he shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and onto the outermost part of the earth.
And when he had spoken these things, why are they beheld?
Why they were looking?
He was taken up and the cloud received him out of their sights.
Jesus ascended before their very eyes.
Look at the next verse.
And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven, as he went up, they were looking as he went up.
This so way was going.
He didn't suddenly vanish and this is, oh, where is he went?
No, no, no.
The Bible says, why the looks dead fastly?
They fix their gaze toward heaven as he went up.
Look at it in your Bible now.
Behold, two men stood by them in white apparel.
Two angels appeared to them, to the disciples, while they were looking as Jesus ascended.
This was the most glorious thing that ever happened in this world.
That not only did he rise from the dead, but he ascended and they watched him as he went up.
Listen, tell everybody, tell everyone throughout this world that Jesus was raised from the dead, he resurrected, and that he ascended to heaven.
It is very important.
That's why I'm showing it to you in the Bible.
So where is Jesus?
Look at it.
As he went up,
The Bible says they stood there and looked steadfastly toward heaven as Jesus went up.
Look at what next.
These two men who came in white, quite April, said to these disciples, you men of Galilee, why stand He gazing up into heaven?
He says, why do you stand He gazing up into heaven?
This same Jesus, I'm reading to you now, this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as he have seen him go into heaven.
They told the disciples, this Jesus that you have seen go into heaven will come back like this, he will come back.
from heaven.
Where is Jesus?
Let's see what more the Bible tells us.
Go to Hebrews chapter 9 from verse 11.
But Christ, being common high priest of good things to come by, greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands.
That is to say none of this building.
What he's telling us in these verses is that Jesus, after his resurrection, became our high priests.
He is now our high priest.
But I want to show you where he is.
That's why I'm reading this to you.
So now go to verse 12.
neither by the blood of goats and cows, but by his own blood.
Remember, he shed his blood for us.
He was God's sacrifice for us.
He gave himself as a sacrifice for our sins.
So he didn't atone for our sins by the blood of animals, but by his own blood.
That's amazing.
So because of the blood of Jesus, your sins are washed away.
Because of the blood of Jesus, not the blood of goats, not the sacrifice of animals, or other men.
You know, in every religion, they depend on the blood of others, either animals or human beings.
But in Christ Jesus, he gave his own blood.
Whoever heard of that, only Jesus ever did it for anyone.
He gave his own blood.
He poured out his own blood, which neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place.
He entered in once into the holy place.
Watch, having obtained eternal redemption for us, he obtained eternal redemption.
Not a redemption for a few days, but eternal redemption, he obtained for us.
Now, go to verse 15.
And for this course, he is the mediator of the New Testament.
This is just, this is marvelous.
Jesus is the mediator of the New Testament.
He is the mediator.
The Old Testament, the mediator of the Old Testament was Moses.
But the mediator of the New Testament is Jesus.
Now Moses had to use the blood of goats and bulls, the blood of animals.
But Jesus with his own blood.
And he is the mediator of the New Testament.
That by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the First Testament, that's the Old Testament, there which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.
Oh, I wish I had time to deal with this for you.
It's one of the most inspiring things you find in the New Testament.
Well, let's go on, verse 16, for where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testata.
What is it telling you?
The word that's translated testament in this place is the Greek diaticae.
Now diaticae means the disposition, the last will, the last disposition.
When a man makes a will, this final will,
And the Bible says, where a will is, there must be the deaths of the person who made the will.
Watch what it says.
For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the test data, the one who made the will.
Look at the next verse.
For a testament is of force, after men are dead, otherwise it is of no strength at all, why they test it or live it.
What is it telling you?
That as long as the person who made the will is alive, the will has no power.
It cannot be affected.
But once he's dead, the will becomes affected.
He's telling you about Jesus, who is the mediator of the New Testament, who is the mediator of this new will.
And this is his will.
Are you hearing?
This is his last disposition.
So we have to find out what is in that will.
What did he assign?
What did he give out?
What is in his will?
When a man dies, what the children do, they want to find out that is will.
What is that he writes?
What did he say in his will?
His final will.
Usually it's large with a, maybe with a lawyer, so they get the copy of it and they go to the courts to read out the will.
Everyone wants to know what did Daddy say before his death?
What was his final will?
Don't you want to find out?
What was Jesus' final will before he died?
Well, the most beautiful thing is he gave us everything that was his own.
Everything, including his life, is the most beautiful thing.
So, if a man writes in his will, I have given you everything that I have, you have to go and find out what did he have, right?
Because he said he gave everything that he had, so you want to find out what did he have?
What did he have?
Stay tuned!
For more in-depth teaching on this topic, kindly download the following classic messages from the Pastor Chris Digital Library.
Who is Jesus?
Authority in the name of Jesus, the man, the message, and the mandate.
Christ Consciousness.
Seven amazing blessings of the gospel,
Download the Pastor Chris Digital Library from the Love Old App Store.
In this segment, don't you want to find out what was Jesus' final will before he died?
The most beautiful thing is he gave us everything that was his own.
Everything including his life.
Watch and be inspired.
Let me just read you one little portion of the Bible just to help you understand how big this thing is.
Hi, Ephesians chapter three.
Go to the Amplified Version and let us read from verse eight.
Paul the Apostle by the revelation of the Spirit gives us a description of what he was sent to preach about this last disposition, this will.
What it contains, just listen.
To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, God's consecrated people, this grace, favor, privilege was granted and graciously entrusted to proclaim to the Gentiles the unending, the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable,
and exhaustless riches of Christ, worlds which no human being could have searched out.
This is the description of the world of Jesus, that he bequered to us.
Let me read it again.
He says, the on ending, on ending, boundless,
Fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ.
Wealth which no human being could have set out.
That's what it gave you.
That's what it gave you.
but as long as you believe that your life is determined by the country of your birth and the country and place where you live, you will suffer in ignorance.
Don't measure your life by human standards.
refused to live according to human standards and human boundaries.
Are you hearing what I'm telling you now?
I wish I had time to give you much more details.
But let's go back.
This was just a side path.
Let's go back to where we were reading in Hebrews chapter 9.
We were in verse 16.
For where a testament is the most also of necessity be the death of the testito.
For a testament is of force after men are dead, otherwise there is no strength at all why the testito live it.
Okay, so you go straight to verse 27.
And as it is appointed unto men wants to die, but after this the judgment,
Oh, maybe, can I just point out something?
Because this verse that I just read has made a lot of people, many, many people, to believe a lie.
He says, and as it is appointed unto men wants to die.
After this, the judgment.
So they say, everyone has been appointed to die, that everybody must die.
But the Bible says it is appointed unto men wants to die, to die once.
The Bible didn't say it is appointed to them to die.
There's a difference between it is appointed unto men to die.
And as it is appointed, what is it telling you?
He says, because, because men have to die only once, not more than once.
The argument is on how many times should they die, not that they must die.
because they are not supposed to die more than once.
That is the argument.
Because they're not supposed to die more than once, he says Christ therefore was offered to die once and for all.
Because he was a sacrifice.
So the Bible says otherwise he would have had to die again and again and again.
So he says no, but because men are supposed to only die once, not because men must die.
Okay, just in case using, uh-oh.
But everybody has to die.
No, no, no.
A thousand times no.
It's not true that everybody has to die.
Let's finish reading this.
You ready?
And as it is appointed, unto men wants to die, but after this, the judgment?
So Christ was once offered.
That means once for all.
offered to be the sins of many.
And unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
I told you he's coming again.
He's coming again.
All right, just for the records.
What does the Bible say?
In 1 Corinthians chapter 15, go to verse 51.
Here are the Bible says, behold, I show you a mystery.
We shall not all sleep.
That means we shall not all die.
It says everybody's not going to die.
So where do they get this idea?
Everybody must die.
The Bible never said everybody must die.
Look at it.
Behold, I show your mystery.
We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
Didn't you read it?
What the Bible says?
Are you in this place?
Go to 1st Thessalonians 4, from verse 16.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
When Jesus comes back, he says, the dead in Christ, Christians who have died, shall rise first, the command of death.
Then he says,
then we which are alive and remain.
We didn't die.
Look at it.
We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
And so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Everybody didn't die.
Look at it.
At the final point of it all, everybody didn't die.
So it's not true that everyone must die.
Next time you hear somebody say, oh, we shall all die.
You say it's not true.
See, people say a lot of things that sound correct, but they're not in the Bible.
They just sound as if they're correct.
Until you open the Bible for yourself and you be amazed at what's inside.
Many assumptions from people who don't really read the Bible, including preachers, there are many.
Oh, lots of them.
You know, you don't have to know the Bible to be called of God.
When you're called of God to be a minister, it doesn't mean you know the Bible.
But God expects you to study and learn and understand the Bible.
Very important.
You're still out there?
Okay, but I'm not done yet.
I'm not done yet.
I'm trying to tell you where he is.
Oh boy, oh boy.
So, all right, we got to that verse 28, right?
The 28 verse, 9th chapter, book of Hebrews, yes.
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.
And unto them, but look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
So Jesus Christ is coming again.
from heaven.
So what is it doing right now?
What is it doing right now?
Do you want to see this?
This is really great.
I'm going to show you to you.
Gonna show it to you.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Let's read verse 24.
Hebrews chapter 9.
I love you.
Hebrews chapter 9 verse 24.
For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the Jew, but into heaven itself.
Christ has entered where?
Into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us.
He represents you in heaven right now.
The Bible says he appears now in the presence of God for us.
He was on the cross for us.
He died on the cross for us.
He was buried in the grave for us.
And now he appears in the presence of God for us.
So how does God see me now?
He sees me through Jesus.
He doesn't see me with my mistakes.
He doesn't see me with my errors.
He looks at Jesus when he looks at me.
He looks at Jesus because Jesus appears in the presence of God for me.
Oh, hallelujah.
This is the gospel.
This is what he told us to tell everybody.
So what is Jesus doing there?
I want to show you.
In Colossians chapter 1, from verse 19, look at it.
For it pleased the Father, that in him, talking about Jesus, should all fullness dwell.
Oh God, over heaven, I wish I had the time to break this.
For you, you will go home full.
You won't feel like sleeping.
I've shared it with people who couldn't sleep for days.
After hearing they couldn't sleep for days.
I go to chapter two, verse nine, Colossians, for in him, in Jesus, in him, in him, do well at, in him, do well at, that means permanently resides.
All the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
Oh, this is too much.
Let me read it from two translations for you, from the Amplify translation first.
Watch what it says.
For in him, the whole fullness, that means the totality of deity, the Godhead, the fullness of deity, the Godhead continues to dwell in bodily form, giving complete expression of the divine nature.
Did you hear what he just told you?
I told you yesterday that Jesus Christ is the body of God.
That's what he just told you.
Jesus Christ is the bodily expression of God Almighty.
This is huge.
This is huge.
And every Christian needs to know this, but most don't read the Bible.
Most don't read the Bible.
They go to church every Sunday.
But they're not listening.
A lot of times, they're not listening.
And sometimes, of course, the preacher doesn't even know it.
Let me read it to you from the complete Jewish Bible.
And they killed him for saying this.
Look at it.
For in him, bodily, lives the fullness of all that God is.
Oh, can it be better said than this?
For in him, bodily, lives the fullness of all that God is.
This Jesus that I talk to you about right now, if you have not been living a Christian life, this is your opportunity.
believe in Jesus with all your heart.
Listen, He's coming again.
According to the Bible, I don't have the time to explain it to you.
According to the Bible, He was to be away for 2,000 years.
And you're I'm telling you, because it's in the Scriptures.
It's proved in the Scriptures, He was to be away for 2,000 years.
from when Jesus walked out of the temple in Jerusalem.
So when he returns will be 2000 years.
Where are we today from when he left?
I've explained it.
I've shown it from Scripture.
The Scripture cannot lie.
The scripture cannot lie.
Where are we today?
Since Jesus left.
I've discussed this in details.
And you can go back on your own and you will study with all the verses that I provided.
You see things for yourself.
And look at what is happening in our world today.
It was all prophesied in the Bible.
And I've showed them.
I've showed them.
I've showed them to many of you.
I push them openly.
including what is happening with the pharmaceutical industry today.
What the Bible said will happen in the last days through the pharmaceutical industry is written in the scripture and I showed them what the Bible said will happen.
I showed them what the Bible said.
The scripture cannot lie.
The scripture cannot lie.
The coming of Jesus Christ is close.
very close.
He gave us signs.
He told us the things that will happen in this world.
And I'm saying to you, the day to turn your heart to Him is now.
But I'm saying to you, the time is near.
The time is near.
No matter what you do,
Whether you're a politician, a soldier, a policeman, it doesn't matter.
A judge, a liar, a student, it doesn't matter.
Everyone can believe in Jesus and everyone shoots.
Listen, there's no other way.
There's no other hope.
There's no other way.
Jesus said these words.
I want to read them to you.
In St.
John's Gospel, chapter 14 and verse number six, I want you to see the words of Jesus by himself.
Put it on the screen.
John's Gospel, chapter 14, verse number six.
Here are the words of Jesus.
Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truths and the life.
No man comments onto the Father bought by me.
Those are his words.
He didn't talk about religion here.
It's not the religion.
It's who?
How will you get to the Father?
How can you get to God?
Jesus said, I am the way, not one of the ways, not a way.
He says, I am the way.
That means the only way.
Because he says, I am the way.
Then he says, I am the truth.
Oh God.
And then he says the biggest of all.
He says, I am the life.
That means if you live outside Jesus, what you're living is a mere biological life.
Not real life.
He says, I am the life.
Then read the rest of it right down the screen.
He says, no man comments onto the Father but by me, meaning there's no other way.
So when the apostles went preaching, what did they say?
Acts chapter 4 verse 12.
Look at what they said.
Look at it.
Neither is the salvation in any other.
Look at it.
I didn't write it.
This is what the Bible says.
Neither is the salvation in any other.
It says there is no salvation anywhere else.
There is no salvation in any other.
For there is none other name under heaven.
Oh God.
Wherever you are in this great world today, hear my voice and hear the word of God, do you?
Keep that scripture on the screen, keep it there, I want them to see it.
There's no salvation in any other.
It's clear, it's written.
There's only one who gave his life for you.
For there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.
It's clear.
That's the verdict.
That's the final verdict.
What else will you trust in?
No other name given among men.
No other name on the heaven given among men for salvation.
There's no salvation in any other.
I call upon you now to believe with all your heart in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
Believe now.
Say these words after me and mean them from the bottom of your heart.
And God will hear you.
Say these words.
Say, O Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God with all my heart.
I believe He died on the cross to save my soul.
I believe God raised him from the dead, and he's alive today.
I confess with my mouth.
Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
From this day, I receive by faith eternal life.
With Jesus' gifts, I receive it.
into my heart.
Thank you, Lord.
I have eternal life now.
I'm free from my sins.
I am free.
I have a new life in Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord.
I am born again.
I am a child of God from this day.
Praise the Lord.
If you pray that prayer, I want you to know that God heard you and that He answered you.
I want to pray for you right now.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray for everyone who prayed that prayer.
Let the name of the Lord Jesus been named upon them from this moment.
Satan has no claims about them anymore.
They belong to Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
Lord, I bless them with your word.
I bless them with your grace.
I bless them with your love.
I bless them with the Holy Ghost.
In the name of the Lord Jesus, thank you, Lord.
If you just said that prayer along with Pastor Chris, congratulations.
Welcome to the family of God.
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