The Call of Blessings
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
So are you ready?
Let's begin from the book of Ephesians chapter number one, from verse one.
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God to the saints which are at Ephesus.
and to the faithful in Christ Jesus.
Say that includes me.
You see, not only those that are at Ephesus, but to the faithful in Christ Jesus, because those at Ephesus have gone to heaven, all right?
So Ephesus no longer there, but those that received this Epistle at that time have gone to heaven.
But then it includes us, for we are the faithful in Christ Jesus.
Look at this opening of this beautiful letter.
Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
And everybody said amen.
And when you see something like that, that's a blessing.
When you read it, you receive it.
It is grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
When you read that, you don't keep quiet.
You respond and you say, Amen.
Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
You know, one of the problems that a lot of Christians have found themselves and without knowing is the absence
the call of blessings.
A lot of them don't understand it because most have never been taught the call of blessings.
You can only bless that which has been blessed.
You can only bless the man or woman that's already blessed.
If they are not blessed, you cannot bless them.
It's a principle
For example, Jesus said, when you go to preach, he said, if you go to a house, you said, peace be upon this house.
He said, if the son of peace be there, your peace will remain there.
But if the son of peace is not in that house, your peace will go back with you without doing anything for them.
So you would think, when you say peace be upon this house, you are bringing peace.
Yes, you are bringing peace, but it will not do anything in there except the son of peace is there.
So when we speak blessings, only those who have been blessed by God, in the mind of God, only those that have been called into the blessings that a blessing can be called upon.
If they have not been blessed by God, doesn't matter what you say, they will not get it.
So many don't understand the call of blessing.
They don't realize that these words need to be spoken.
It's amazing that
even among the so-called whatites, that is those who believe that they preach and teach the word, they neglect this, they don't even understand it.
It's important to pronounce blessings on God's people.
It's got to be done.
because they are the blessed of the Lord.
And that's exactly what Paul is doing here.
You look at it.
He says, go back to that verse.
He says, grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
We already know that grace, truth, grace and truth came to us by Jesus Christ.
We said the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and think about that.
That was Paul again pronouncing blessings on the Corinthian church.
Now this is the Ephesian church.
It pronounces the blessing on the Corinthian church.
We say those words at the end of a service, and it's more than words at the end of a service, they're real.
That was in this conclusion of the second Corinthians.
Have you ever read it?
I know you said it.
But did you ever read it?
Fettings chapter in the 14th verse.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all and then is it amen.
Did you know this yet?
That's the call of blessings.
It is the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Be with you.
The love of God be with you.
The communion of the Holy Ghost be with you.
Then you become conscious of what's working in your life.
Listen, when you come into Christ,
You come into God's place.
It's a change of environment when you're born again.
A complete change of environment.
A change of life.
Not a change of lifestyle, but a change of life.
But that new life gives birth to a new lifestyle.
A completely different life is what you get.
When you become a Christian, when you're born again, when you have this eternal life, the life and nature of God in your spirit, you walk in a new environment, you walk in Christ, you walk in a new consciousness, and you walk in the glory of God.
from that moment on.
Everything that should happen in your life, what happened under the control of heaven.
You no longer walk alone.
Everything about you is under the control of heaven.
because you become a part of heaven.
You become a part of heaven, even though you're in the earth.
Your life is from veins connected to the celestial of God.
Now, when you don't know this, you will be ethnic conscious.
You'll be world conscious.
You'll be conscious of your earthly environment.
You would fight their fight in their way of fighting.
You would have their consciousness, their mentality, their words, their reasoning.
You'd use their reasoning.
But we're not supposed to use their reasoning.
But if you're never taught, you will not know.
You just think that, you know, now that you're Christian, you're just going to be nice and good and kind.
And those are the things you would be conscious of about Christianity.
But Christianity is far beyond that.
Much more than that.
Much more than being nice and kind and helpful.
In Christianity, you become connected to the heavenly.
You walk on earth from then on, as with the consciousness of the heavenly realm.
And through you, the kingdom of God operates.
You become the extension of the heavenly.
Can you imagine that if you were the extension of the heavenly, how could you be so sick?
If you were the extension of the heavenly, how could you be discouraged?
If you were the extension of the heavenly, how could your life, how could you be defeated?
But if you don't know this,
You'll be in and out of sickness.
You can get discouraged, fearful.
You'll panic at any time.
You'll be defeated.
But you have to be taught.
So you have to be taught.
All right, so let's go again to Ephesians chapter one, verse two.
Grace be to you in peace from God, our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
You got it now.
Now, look at the next one.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us?
Who hath blessed us with our spiritual blessings
in heavenly places in Christ.
Did you notice the word places is in parenthesis there on the screen or it would be italicized depending on which text you're using?
Did you notice?
What that means is that the word places was not in the original manuscript.
So they put it there to fill it up and make it make sense to you.
But the word that's translated heavenly places actually stops at heavenly.
And it refers to that which is heavenly, celestial, all right?
sopanal or you say, heavily regions, heavily regions, celestial regions.
In other words, regions beyond the earth, those celestial regions that hold the forces, the forces that control the material world.
This earth is controlled from the celestial world.
The stars, the moons, the sun, the all there, and they act upon the earth to control times and seasons.
they regulate times and seasons on the earth.
And so that realm is the realm of spirits.
Now, when we use the term spirits, many people get confused.
They think you are talking about things that don't really exist, things that we try to imagine from our minds.
No, no, no.
The spirit word is more real than this word.
Let's for a moment.
Let's for a moment.
Think about you creating a robot.
Imagine that you created a robot.
You and that robot, who would be more real?
Talk to me.
It may do all the things you wanted to do,
But you are more real than that rabbit.
The spirit word is more real than this word.
The spirit word has definite beings, definite personalities, definite beings.
Some people think that when you talk about spirits, you're dealing with some formless, formless, shapeless entities that are unreal.
They think, all right, maybe you were talking about some gas, some formless.
No, no, no.
No, the definite beings.
definite beings.
This word is a shadow of the spiritual.
This word.
In other words, this is a copy.
A copy.
of what you have in the Spirit realm.
For example, the Bible tells us you are a copy of God's nature.
Your physical body is a copy of God's nature.
In other words, God has one head, two eyes, one nose, two nostrils, two legs, two hands.
Do you get it?
That's the way God looks.
Now, why is that important?
Yes, because there are different kinds of beings in the realm of the Spirit.
For example, the angels don't all look the same.
They're not all the same.
Angels don't all look the same.
The angels are not a race.
Like you have the human race.
Angels are not a race.
They don't reproduce.
Not to angels are of the same quality or kind.
They are not a race.
The Bible gives us descriptions of some angels.
You have angels that have their eyes in their hands.
Think about that.
The eyes are here like this.
Imagine you've seen with your, that's where your eyes are.
They have several eyes, several eyes on their hands.
So the eyes are, you have some that have eyes around their heads.
They don't turn when they move.
They have no front or back.
They have eyes round their heads.
So everywhere they go is front.
They don't turn.
They don't need to turn.
And so God, as a spirit, also has a class of his own.
and the description of God is given us from our image.
So God tells us that we are in the image of Him.
letting us know our God doesn't have eyes around his head like some of those angels.
He doesn't have eyes on his hands like some of those angels, but that he looks like us.
This is the way he looks.
He must really think this is beautiful compared to the guys that have eyes around their heads.
Where is God?
So you are a copy of God.
You look like him.
Next time someone's asking you what the Holy Ghost looks like.
You say, looks like me.
Because I'm in his image.
That's what the Bible says.
You look like God.
Say, I look like God.
Close your eyes one second and say, I look like God.
I look like God.
Think about how inspiring that is.
Next time the devil lies to you and tells you, you don't look nice.
You say, I look like God.
Look at this, this is really nice.
According as he had chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame.
He chose me to be holy and blameless.
My God, this is beautiful.
Before I was born, he chose me to be holy and blameless.
So what life should I live?
You see, this is my calling.
To be holy and blameless.
Now, if you don't know this, what are you gonna do?
You're gonna be struggling to be holy, hoping you'd get holy, praying to be holy, trying to be blameless.
It's not going to work.
That's why it's not been working.
That's why it's a problem.
That's why you're struggling.
How many of you?
How many of you found out
because somehow you gotta find out.
How many of you found out that you were a male?
How many of you found out?
You haven't found out yet?
How many of you at least discovered some time in your life?
Because somewhere along the line, you didn't know whether you were a male or a female.
You wore your sister's clothes?
and run around with them like you're all the same.
And then somebody tried to get you attention, you're a boy.
You're a girl.
They got it into your consciousness.
And you started to change.
So how many of you found out you were male?
You still haven't found out in spite of what I said?
How many of you here found out somewhere sometime in your life that you were a mill?
Thank you.
At least you found out.
And when you found out, what did you do?
You acted like one.
You acted like one.
You found out first.
You found out first.
If you hadn't found out, you never would have acted like that.
Because we know some people, we know some people, they haven't found out yet.
There are some guys who are still thinking they are girls.
Because they say, I feel like a girl.
Then we say, but you do look like a guy, don't you?
They say, well, doesn't matter what I look like, I intend to change everything.
I know I am a girl in a guy's body.
Then we ought to say to them, shut up.
Since you have found yourself in a guy's body, act like one.
I hear that some people have decided that they are genderless.
I mean, the world has gone crazy.
These guys have gone local.
Something is wrong.
They say that they found out they are genderless.
In fact, I was reading the other day a lady pregnant with her.
something that is supposed to become a girl.
And she says, it is not a girl.
Please, it's wrong to describe what I'm carrying as a girl.
So they said, so what are you carrying then, a guy?
No, no, no.
She said, when I give birth to it,
It is an it then.
Here's of course, it is okay English wise for a baby.
But then, oh, she says, when I give birth to it, the child will decide what gender or maybe genderless.
Now they're changing forms in many countries.
You know those forms, they used to sign male or female.
The genderless guys got angry and they said, what about us?
We are neither male nor female.
They said, put another box there.
And we can take that one for genderless.
Something is wrong.
So it's about human rights.
The rights to be what you want to be are calling the right to be a fool.
Because you've got a right to be a fool.
You have a right to be a fool.
The right to be.
The right to choose.
You have a choice to make.
And you can decide to be wise or to be a fool.
And many have chosen, not in this room, but many in the world have chosen to be fools.
And you can change that.
You can take it away from them.
Praise God.
according as he had chosen us in him before the foundation of the word, that's verse four, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.
Oh, he chose me to be holy.
He chose me to be blameless in his sight.
I like it.
I love it.
Haven't predestinated.
Oh, did you see that word?
What word?
So that's predestination with God.
Notice, having predestinated us, not predestinated the word, predestinated us.
You have to understand something, what the Bible teaches about predestination.
Predestination as taught by God in the word doesn't mean everybody has been predestinated
To be whatever, and they got nothing to do with it.
No, that's not what it teaches about predestination.
Predestination, in God's word, requires your cooperation.
Requires your will.
That's why judgment is possible.
God has a plan, and he says to you, this is my plan for your life.
This is the direction I want you to go.
This is what I want you to be."
Then he says, I need your cooperation to walk in the slides, to become what I want you to be.
You can say no.
You don't have to be what God wants.
Understand this, God's will doesn't always materialize.
It's one of the things that a lot of people have to understand.
God's perfect will doesn't always materialize.
Just because it's a will of God doesn't mean it's gonna come to pass.
He needs your cooperation for his will to come to pass in your life.
Without your cooperation, it will not happen.
Otherwise, there will be no judgment.
But there's judgment with God because man has been given the responsibility not only to know God's will, but to walk in the light of it and fulfill God's plan.
So he's predestinated us in Christ Jesus.
And he shows us what he wants us to be.
He shows us what he's already accomplished for us.
He gives us a picture of ourselves.
Then he says, all I want you to do is say, yes, I need your cooperation.
Then he gives us the material, which is his word.
And his word is our guiding light to lead us in his will to fulfill God's plan and preppers Hallelujah.
What a life, what a life, what a life that you can know his will and follow.
And then he makes his power available to you.
So you can use it to become.
And when you walk in that light, when you walk in that will, nothing on earth above the earth or under the earth that's able.
to stop you if you use what is given you.
Nothing can, nothing on earth if you use what is given you.
And you know, He gave us the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit helps us to know the will of God.
The Holy Spirit helps us to know the mind of God.
The Holy Spirit leads us in God's purpose and plan.
They guide us.
Oh, don't let your life be an accident.
Like, oh, I don't know where I'm going.
We just don't know.
We never can tell.
You know, people live like that.
They just live their lives according to whatever before is there.
They just journey in, in the dark.
They don't know where they're going.
And they pride themselves in it.
They say, well, we never know.
Who knows?
We never know.
We never can tell.
And they say, we don't know where we're going.
We don't know where our country's going, so we don't know where we're going.
I'm not a victim of our country.
Come on.
No, no, no.
A thousand times no.
What a victim.
Are you a victim?
Refused to be.
Refused to be a victim.
Refused to be a victim.
Look at that.
Having predestined it, did you notice?
Have chosen us, not shall choose us.
You remember that?
Having predestinated us, not shall predestinate us.
And this is really big.
Look at this.
Having predestinated us onto the adoption of children.
Now, the construction here is a little problematic with the King James.
What is saying, having predestinated us onto the adoption of children, it means having predestinated us onto the rights of adoption.
In other words, he's talking about the Piyotasia.
That is the, when you talk about the son of adoption, okay, a blessing.
An authoritative pleasant, he has brought us into a place of adoption.
It actually means a place of heritage.
Not just adoption, like you take someone's son to be your son, someone's daughter to be your daughter.
Okay, that's not what he's talking about.
He's referring to a blessing in a position of authority.
where you become an heir.
So he says he predestinated us onto the Heutasia, into the rights of sonship.
That's what he means, the rights of sonship.
He predestinated us onto the rights of sonship.
Do you know what that means?
He's saying, he's looking beyond what your father and your mother gave to you or had the capacity to give to you.
He looks beyond all of that and brings you into a place where you become an heir of God, irrespective of how you were born and who you were born to.
Now you have a new heritage.
That's powerful.
And he calls you the predestination.
He saw it ahead of time, planned it to be so.
How could you be poor?
How could your life then be limited to the company that you work for?
How could your life be limited to that business that you have in your neighborhood?
How could your life be limited?
The limits have been taken away.
because He predestinated you onto the human face.
Say, have an inheritance.
Have an inheritance.
Have a heritage in Christ Jesus.
Now, understand this.
The spirit realm, the spirit region, controls the earth realm.
Always remember that.
What's happening in this word is controlled from the heavenlies.
And you are supposed to be a player, not a victim of the activities of the heavenlies.
You're supposed to be playing.
You're supposed to be a part of what's going on in the heavenlies that's affecting your world.
Are you getting it?
For example, think what happens to your money when some fellow somewhere makes a dumb decision and the currency is devalued.
The money you have in the bank shrinks suddenly.
Your money shrinks because it's been devalued.
It just shrinks.
So, and the Bible says, do not trust in uncertain riches.
It says they're uncertain, they're not dependable.
So if you trust in the money that you can count, which is supposed to be a result of what has happened in the realm of the Spirit, oh come on here.
I want you to look at it from the spiritual currency because the spiritual controls the material.
Question would be how much do you control in the realm of the spirits?
If you can catch this, then imagine what will happen in your life.
Never again would devaluation of anything, anything affect your life.
Because your values come from a higher level.
Read verse four one more time.
Verse four, want to go.
into verse 5.
According to the good pleasure of his will, in other words, he loves it.
It is his pleasure.
So when you say, oh Lord, you've done great things for me.
He says, it's my pleasure.
This is my pleasure.
Look at it, it's right there.
Look at it.
According to the good pleasure of his will, it's his will, it's his good pleasure.
This is my pleasure.
It's my pleasure to bless you.
Say, Father, you bless me, this is my pleasure.
Can you see?
So all that begging and pleading and we're trying to convince him to bless us makes no sense.
So bless me, Lord.
Please bless me, Lord.
Please bless me, Lord.
Oh, it's a song I've blessed you.
It's my pleasure.
All right.
Look at this.
To the praise of the glory.
Oh, man.
Oh, dear.
You know, sometimes when we read it in King James, I really wish I could break it down very much for a lot of people, because look at how it goes to the praise of the glory of His grace.
It's simple, but when you really like that, it looks a little complicated.
But it's very simple, to the praise of the glory of His grace.
So His grace is a glorified grace.
All right?
So it's to the exalted position of that glorified grace.
Wearing He had made us accepted.
He's not trying to accept us.
He has accepted us.
Did you see that?
He had made us accepted in the beloved.
Who is the beloved?
This is my beloved sound in whom I am well pleased.
And we are accepted in Him, in Christ Jesus, Hallelujah, in whom we have redemption.
Oh God.
in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace, wherein he had abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence."
Oh, so let's try NIV.
I'm trying to pick a lot of people along, all right?
This will be shorter and probably a little nicer.
He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the one he loves.
In him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with our wisdom and understanding.
Okay, is it a little better?
Just in case, let me read it to you from the living Bible.
That one is going to sound like your friend is talking to you.
His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us.
Dear Lord Jesus.
And he did this because he wanted to.
You know, some things they don't really get, okay?
I mean, like verse five, none of them really got it.
It's nice, where I'm going is actually, I'm trying to tie verses seven and eight for you in a way that you can get it because of the use of expressions.
All right, so verse six, now all praise to God for his wonderful kindness to us and his favor that he has poured out upon us because we belong to his dearly loved son.
So overflowing is His kindness.
Okay, you like this one.
So overflowing is His kindness toward us that He took away all our sins through the blood of His Son by whom we assayed.
And He has showered down upon us the richness of His grace for how well He understands us and knows what is best for us at all times.
Sounds nice, right?
Sounds simple.
Okay, but now let's read.
You're still there?
I could give you seven and eight.
What they're neglecting, I want to tell you what they're neglecting.
They're trying to stay in context.
All right?
the versions that we just read.
They're trying to stay in context.
And they're living out principles.
That's why what they're saying is not the best.
What King James already said is actually very accurate.
What I read to you from the King James version is very accurate.
And that's one of the beautiful things about the King James version.
It marries context with principle.
And it's very important.
Very, very important.
Now, if you didn't really understand what I mean by those two, don't worry.
wherein he had abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he had purposed in himself.
Now verse 10 is even going to complicate it more.
Let me just read it.
That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might get together in one of all things in Christ, but which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in him.
Did you get it?
You got it.
You're wonderful then.
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance.
Who is it talking about?
In whom also we have obtained.
In Christ it says we have obtained.
An inheritance, say I have obtained.
An inheritance.
Say it again, I have obtained.
and inheritance.
I'm not trying to obtain.
Oh God, I have obtained an inheritance.
Let me explain something to you.
When you get ahold of these things that I'm sharing with you, to actually get ahold of them, you will have to decide to drop
Your normal, natural, human, ugly, carnal way of thinking.
You have to drop it, because the two cannot go together.
They can't go together.
You must choose to think this way.
But that's what the Bible says.
Let me show you two.
Romans 12.
Let's read from verse 1.
Romans 12.
From verse 1.
I beseech you.
I beseech you.
I implore you.
Therefore, brethren.
See, he's not talking to everybody.
He's talking to the brethren.
That's us.
By the mercies of God, that He presents your bodies, 11 sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Look at the next one.
And be not conformed to this world.
Don't think like them.
Don't go in the same direction like them.
Don't be raised like them.
Be not conformed to this world.
But be transformed.
The word means transfigured.
He's talking about a metamorphosis, a change from one realm to another, from one level of glory to another.
Be it transfigured, transformed, changed.
They used to know you as that guy that was like this, like this, and like this.
Now there's a new glory in your life.
They can't believe it's the same guy.
A transformation.
He says, but be transformed.
God expects a transformation.
How many of you know the life of a butterfly?
How many?
Who knows?
You know the life of a butterfly?
It starts with what?
Everyone starts as an egg.
Let's leave out the egg part.
So, come and tell us.
So, from what's the level like?
Like a little bit of warmth on this.
And then, what is that like?
A little bit of extension of it, different from the first one.
Just the right line.
I can leave.
OK, who else knows it?
You know it.
Come, come.
Come and join us.
OK, talk first.
It's from the lava to Pupa.
That's in Cucun.
And then it breaks foot and comes out as the bottom.
What does the lava look like?
It looks like a caterpillar.
Like a maggots.
They want like... How many of you like a maggots?
And then it starts going like that.
When you see the maggots, what do you do?
And then the next one.
It becomes a cocoon.
It comes into a cocoon that forms like a shell inside a shell and start living inside the shell for a while before it comes out that breaks off from the cocoon and becomes a butterfly.
Hold on.
So it was not born a butterfly.
There was a transformation.
Right, sister?
There was a transformation.
Thank you, both of you.
I'll call you again.
There was a transformation.
But too many want to live the love of life.
Maggot life.
Maggot Christianity.
And because it's Maggot Christianity, your Christianity stinks.
So you're going like this.
Why you're present alone.
But imagine if you were flying.
From glory to glory.
And then when that butterfly comes out with all kinds of colors.
Be transformed.
Be what transfigured.
Come out of that lather life.
Put it there again, verse two.
Romans chapter 12, yeah.
And be not confirmed to this world, but be transformed by, it tells us how, by the renewing of your mind.
By the renewing of your mind, your mind must be renewed.
That means your way of thinking must change.
If it doesn't change, your life cannot change.
There'll be no transformation.
You just be getting bigger and older.
That's all, but the same you.
The quality of your life will not change.
There are men and women that are 60 years old, they haven't changed from the foolishness they had when they were 13.
They are still thinking the same way.
They're only older and bigger.
But they haven't changed.
They still have the same foolish thinking, childish, senseless thinking.
They still have it.
They haven't changed.
They have grown up to have children and grandchildren, but they're not wiser.
Their life has not transformed.
There has been no transfiguration.
How much longer should they continue like that?
Maybe you are 23.
By the time you are 32, you could still be the same person, the same reasoning.
Not a transfigured life.
No glory.
No glory.
No, that's not Christianity.
Christianity is a life of glory.
It is.
It is.
Listen, glory is not the house.
It's not about the house where you live.
It's not about the street where you live.
It's got nothing to do with that.
It's not the car you drive.
It's not any of those things.
It's not the clothes you wear.
is the quality of life that is inside.
The capacity of your personality.
What can you do?
What can your life affect?
What can it create?
What can it produce?
What is inside you?
What comes out of you when you speak?