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Working the Word

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

There's a song in Isaiah chapter 40.
I want us to sing that song.
It's in verse 31.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strand.
They shall mount
With wings and seagulls They shall run and not be weary They shall walk and not fend Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with means as he goes.
They shall run and not be weary.
They shall walk and not fail to take the Lord.
Teach me long to wait, say one more time.
Upon the Lord shall renew their strength, may shall mount up with weakings as legal.
O Bacchos, shalabandigiprosa, tala Baccharabadidise.

He told us that we should be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able

Thank you, Lord.
They shall run and not be weary.

Just a moment.
Now you sing that last but so we wait.
Yes, we wait on the

So we wait, yes we wait on thee.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up
With wings as eagles They shall run and not be weary They shall walk and not fade So we wait, yes we wait on thee
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as He goes.
They shall run and not be weary.
They shall walk and not fade.
Yes, we wait.

Thank you Lord.
You said they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
Can I explain that to you briefly?
In that short song, in the 31st verse of the 40th chapter, Book of Isaiah, but they eat that weight upon the Lord.
Now, maybe it's better to read from verse 28.
Has thou not known?
Has thou not heard that the everlasting God
The Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, faint did not.
Neither is weary.
There is no searching of his understanding.
He gives power to the faint.
And to them that have no might, he increases strength.
Even the youth shall faint and be weary.
And young men shall hardly fall.
but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
The prophet Isaiah paints an imagery here.
What he has in mind is like a tree that's been cut down and

have been expected to die.
How are you listening?
The renewal here, the word that we have there translated renew, actually means to bring back to life.
You see, it refers to a change where
The dead is replaced with a new life.
He's thinking about a tree that had died.
And everything had dried up.
And suddenly new life has come through it again.
Now he tells us, they shall run and not be weary.
They shall walk and not faint.
They that weep upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall renew their strength.
Another thought that
The Prophet projects here is a kind of exchange where you give your weakness to him and you take his strength in the place of your weakness.
That's why one of the synonyms of that Hebrew word that translated renew there is substitute.
It's an exchange.
So your weakness is given up for his strength.
Then another beautiful thought is he says they shall mount up with wings as he goes.
He here refers to the characteristic flight of the eagle.
And which he has an unusual ability to sort of climb the air.
So he says there's a mount up with wings as eagles.
The eagle projects itself toward the sun.
with such tremendous speed and characteristic ability.
Like climbing.
It just goes like this.
Different from other birds.
You know, some Bible students have also thought about another idea that many of the ancients heard about the ego.
How that even up to a hundred years, that bird
would have the unusual ability to dip itself at speed into the water, to the ocean, or to the sea, and give up its wings, its feathers, or for love.
Hear good new ones.
and in that sense, renewed youths for another 10 years and can repeat that.
And when it's no longer useful for it and gets old and ready to die, it dips again into that ocean
and never comes out anymore.
So the old ego is gone.
How true that he is.

Many believed it.
And in fact, the way David said something about the ego suggests that he did think so too.
Praise God.

I just thought in case you wanted to know why I said David might have thought so too.
I want to read it to you.
In Psalm 103, you see,

He begins with verse one, bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless this holy name, bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgive it all, and iniquities who heal at all that diseases, who limit their life from destruction, who crown at thee with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfied thy mouth with good things, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles."
See that?
And that's why some Bible scholars have thought that Isaiah may have also been alluding to that.
But whatever it was, what's straightforward here for us is what he says, but they, that way upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, glory to God.
They shall mount up with wings as he goes, and I think that's characteristic of flight.
They shall run and not weary, and they shall walk and not faint.
Because the Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life.
Of whom shall I be afraid?
The Lord, say that with me, the Lord is the strength of my life.
Oh, Lord, strengthen me.
And the Lord is the strength of my life.
Is there a difference between the two?
So the guy who's praying, Lord, strengthen me.
Lord, strengthen me.
Lord, strengthen me.
Might be getting weaker and weaker as he's asking in that prayer.
Oh, strengthen me.
Oh, strengthen me.
Oh, he might feel humble while he's praying that prayer, but he's actually getting weaker.
Ask him, is it wrong to pray that the Lord should strengthen us?
There's a, a vision in chapter three.
I want to show you something here.
Chapter 3, verse 14, for this course I bow my knees unto the Father of all our Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man, that he will grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might.
What is talking about here?
To be invigorated with dynamic ability by the Holy Ghost.
in your inner man.
What's the man praying about yet?
He's praying for the fulfillment of the ministry of the spirits in you.
That's what he's asking for.
He's not praying the kind of prayer of a man who's weak and asking God, please strengthen me, please strengthen me, please strengthen me.
No, he's praying for the ministry of the spirit to be fulfilled in you.
So you go, the Lord is my strength.
And when you say that, you are strengthened.
Understand Christianity.
Christianity is not a life of those who are trying to get something from God.
Christianity is the life
that has been given to us in Christ Jesus that has everything you could ever ask for or desire or require in this world and much more.
There's nothing you would want that has not been given you in Christ Jesus.
This is Christianity.
The other kind of thing is not Christianity, where they're asking God for everything.
It's not Christianity.
The Baba says He has given to you all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that has called us to glory and virtue.
Through the knowledge of Him that has called us to glory and virtue, He has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.
Not some, but all.
It's either God was lying or he didn't know what he was saying.
I believe he knew what he was saying.
I believe he spoke truth.
Otherwise, why did Jesus come?
That's what he came for.
In Galatians, oh boy, you are going to be very successful.
Did you hear me?
Yes, thank you Lord Jesus.
Galatians chapter 3, Galatians chapter 3, from verse 13, it is Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law.
Being made a curse for us, for this ringing curse is everyone that hung it on a tree.
Now, us redeemed from the curse of the law doesn't include the Gentiles because he studied the context.
He was actually talking about the Jews.
And Paul was a Jew.
All right?
So he gave
this thought here, but then he was going somewhere.
So I read the game from 13 into 14.
Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for at least we can curse this everyone that hung it on a tree.
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Oh God, hallelujah.
Has he done it?
Look at it.
He says, Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for at least certain curse is everyone that hung it on a tree.
That he did this, that so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles.
So Christ has fulfilled his role.
The blessing of Abraham has come on the Gentiles through Christ Jesus.
And now we have received the promise of the Spirit through faith.
We have received the promise of the Spirit.
It has happened.
So we are the seed of Abraham.
Look, come over here from verse.
This is marvelous.
Verse 20, 25.
But after that fate has come,
We are no longer under school master.
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
I have put on Christ.
Oh, glory to God.
I have put on Christ.
Glory to God.
Say I have put on Christ.
Say it again, I've put on Christ.
I am in Christ.
I have put on Christ.
For as many of you as I've been baptized in the Christ, I've put on Christ.
He didn't say you're going to put on Christ.
He says you have put on Christ.
If you have been immersed into Christ, you have put on Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek.
There is neither born nor free.
There is neither male nor female, for he.
all one in Christ Jesus, and if ye be Christ, if ye belong to Christ, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise?
Shall they man somebody?
I may Abraham's seed.
I said, I may Abraham's seed.
Oh God, I may Abraham's seed.

So I'm an heir of the blessing.
He says that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Christ Jesus.
You know what this blessing is?
You need to understand this thing.
Look, this plant here is different from this one over here.
down here, right?
No matter how, where you put this thing, no matter where it grows, it'll never be that one.
When you take an orange plant, translate from here, take it to another country, it'll be orange.
Are you hearing me?
Decide wherever you want to grow it, it will be orange.
It will never bring forth corn.
No matter how their seeds resemble.
It will be what?
Because that is the life in it.

But you see, depending on how you take care of it, because if you want to grow it in a hostile environment, you've got to take care of it.
There are certain things you must do to it for you to grow as good as anyone else in another environment.
So the environment matters, but the environment is not its problem.
It's who's taking care of it.
Whether or not you can condition the environment,
to give the best to you.
Are you listening to this?
Christ has given us the life that God sent him to give us.
He's given us that life already.
We have received eternal life into our spirits.
The choice now is ours.
It doesn't make any difference where you find yourself.
It doesn't make any difference.
Will you condition the environment so you produce the best results?
He's given you the power to condition your environment.
When the Chinavisa went out of Egypt, they carried their own atmosphere through the desert.
presence of God was weak and the Bible says that presence in the dead time was a cloud.
It was a cloud of glory.
In the night when it was cold, it was a pillar of fire to give them heat.
Every other kind of person would have perished in that wilderness if it stayed that long.
But they were there 40 years.
The Bible says the clothes on their body didn't get old.
The shoes on their feet didn't get old.
And there was not one feeble person among their tribes, not one sick old mama or papa.
Nobody was sick among them.
40 years.
And the Bible says,
that the new covenant is better than the old.
You see, a prophet of God said, in 24 hours, the economy of Israel would change.
And he said, all these expensive things will become cheap.
The king tried to believe.
But there was a high ranking official who was sitting by the king, and we spat and said, even if God opened windows from heaven, do you think this will happen?
He laughed, he said, look at this prophet.
The prophet of God said, okay, you see it happen, but you will not partake of it.
Guess what?
Within 24 hours, something supernatural happened.
There was a drastic change.
It had nothing to do with the finance minister.
It had nothing to do with governmental policies.
No change in the fiscal policies of the country.
But something happened.
You should read the story yourself.
And suddenly, there was a flood of prosperity
within 24 hours.
And when that government official stood up to see it and wondered at it, the crowds were so much.
They ran over him.
He died.
He saw it.
He didn't partake of it.
You see, let me tell you something.
The things of God, they are not by force.

It's like the question we asked, you know, one time we were having healing programs.
And, you know, some fellows were writing rubbish.
And I said something.
I thought, am I sick?
Am I not sick?
It's those who are sick we came to heal.
Did you hear that I came to be healing our pastors?
Don't you understand?
In other words, when we have a healing program, who is the beneficiary?
The sick.
And they didn't pay anything.
We collected no money from anybody.
So when you say, I don't believe it.
Who is the loser?
Because I'm already well.
And I'm trying to pray for you that are sick.
If you believe, you get something.
If you don't, you don't get anything.
Now, if you believe, I am still who I am.
If you don't believe, I am still who I am.
So whether you say, he's fake or he's real, that's your business.
You see, what I'm teaching is something that's working for me already.
So when somebody says, I don't believe it, that's your business.
Who's offering you?
The words of God.
See, so I'm working the words.
Oh, come on here.
So God, God doesn't need us to help him.
He's who he is.
He's not losing anything.
We are the ones that get blessed for acting on his word.
We are the ones.
It's for our benefit.
Someone said, you know, judges of nowadays.
In those days, you go to church, nobody, the left time will not see, the left time will not see what the right time is given.
Nobody said anything about offering.
When it was time for offering, everybody just went to one corner like that and put something there.
Nowadays, the pastors talk about money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money.
They said the church is established for money.
Those who are testifying,
are getting greater by the day.
But there are also some who have said, I gave, I gave, I gave.
Until there was nothing to give.
I even gave my car, see me now.
I'm now tracking.
They said, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give.
Until you, nothing.
I don't know.

You know, we get some questions on the internet.
And somebody did ask a question like that.
That passed away, shall I do more?
I have confessed to what I've got.
I have given.
I give my tithes.
I give first fruit.
I give this.
So I've given and given and given, but I have never experienced any special financial blessing.
I have a question for you.

You know, in life, many of us don't look at what God does for us.
That song, that also counts your blessings.
Name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
When robots came to your estate, you didn't know which house they were coming.
Maybe it was yours, and they went somewhere else.
The Bible says, the wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous.
That means if there was something to destroy the righteous coming, God will give the life of the wicked in his place.

He said, I will give men for their life.
You say, let me tell you, when you do anything for the Lord,
Don't watch out to see, well, I gave God this.
I'm expecting, it's not a trade.
Are you hearing me?
There are lots of other blessings that God gives you that you cannot quantify financially, my brother, my sister.
There is also what we call the heaping up of treasures into the future.
There are some of us, I told you one time, when I was a student, I was with a few others and we were sharing the Word of God and we got somewhere and I paid for that transport.
I just did it.
I wasn't thinking of anything.
When I did it, I heard a voice.
He said, you have just given for your first car.
I was surprised because I wasn't thinking about anything, but I heard the voice.
I was still a student.
I wasn't thinking about buying a car.
It wasn't in my mind.
I didn't need it.
But I had already given something which God said was for your car in the future.
So it meant that God had planned those things in the future.
There are seeds you sow.
Some of those seeds might be for a child that you haven't even thought about yet.
Why do people have children from hell?
Why do some ladies get husbands, husbands from hell?
Wives from hell.
Meanwhile, they met in church.
No, after marriage, they hold their heads.
Oh, God, where did she come from?
From hell, yes.
But how did you journey to get her from hell?
You must have been working close to hell yourself.

So don't say to yourself, I did this, I did this, I did this.
And I have never gotten, that means you're actually complaining against God.
But ask yourself a question.
When you did what you did, did your heart accept God's word as true?
If yes, then you have no problem.
Be grateful to him, be thankful to him.
because he has preserved your life.
He has preserved you.
And there are reasons for his preservation of your life.
Why does he say in the word, that would perfect that which consonant me?
Remember this, whatever you are doing for the Lord, keep doing.
I hear me, keep doing.
Don't let foolish men or foolish women change your mind from your righteous direction.
Why is it in your life?
Because what you are doing is not onto men, it is onto God.
When you respond to the Word of God, because it is the Word of God,
have no fear because the Word of God has the ability to produce for you what he talks about.
Are you hearing me?
Why did you do what you did?
You did it because the Word said so.
That's the most important thing.
Because you did it in response to God's Word and the Word does not fail.
The Word does not fail.
It's better to be called a fool for God.
They called me so.
But I've been enjoying that foolishness ever since.
See, I've been enjoying it ever since.
The foolishness for God.
In Genesis chapter 27,
Because we just said something the way the seed of Abraham, right?
What's the implication of being the seed of Abraham?
What does that mean?
And how often have you proclaimed that truth to yourself?
How often have you proclaimed that truth to yourself?
When you are tired,
Of a certain situation of productivity, you probably will be ready for another.
For me, I don't like to wait till I'm tired.
I just like to move.
Praise God.
I like to make progress.
But there are times we find ourselves in a situation that's just not okay.
See, God has the children of Israel for how long will you wait here while they were in the wilderness?
So for how long?
He said, there's still so much land for you to possess.
How long are you going to be here?
How long do you want the present position to take you before you move to the next level in your life?
And you don't move to the next level in life by saying, I move to the next level.
Because you don't even know where the next level is until the Spirit of God opens your eyes to see it.
And then the ability of the Spirit works within you to propel you to that.
There are many things that people rejoice over that don't mean anything.
And we should never be carried away by those things that are empty.
Are you hearing me?
Look for those things that are real, those things that last with God.
What are those things that last?
What are success symbols to you?
You're not a success until you are changing other lives permanently.
Did you hear what I said by permanently?
So I'm not just talking about you opening a big business and many people have come to be employers or employees in it temporarily onto your business force up and they all disengage from there.
That's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about changing lives permanently.
This should be your dream.
This should be your pursuit.
We say that soul winning is God's number one job.
winning people, changing lives.
So God has given us the ability to change lives, not just physically, but spiritually first.
Because if you change a man's insight, you will change everything else about him.
But if he only changes outside, you're like the guy who catches a pig and dresses the pig.
and puts him in the sitting room.
The day he comes out, he will go back to the mud because that's where that's his nature.
But change the nature of that individual permanently through the Word of God.
And the only material that does it is the Word of God.
Carried in you.
And the more you change other people's lives, the greater the glory of your own life.
Pursue those things that God wants.
Set the goals that God sets.
We're praying and fasting here today.
What are the thoughts that are going through your mind?
What are you thinking about?
What do you want to accomplish?
How far do you want to go in your life?
If you have gone through hard times in your life, what I would say to you is this.
Think of the fact that if you went through this, the probably many others who are going through the same thing are even worse.
So now with self-realization and having the opportunity to hear words like this, what are you going to do about it?
Will you make up your mind that the others who are going through what you went through and you're going to make sure they don't have to go through the same thing?
Are you going to make sure?
Have the thinking of a champion.
Have the thinking of a champion.
Think differently.
Think differently.
You say, I'm gonna change my words.
Your word is your spell of contact.
And you will not only change your word, you will expand your words.
You will extend your reach.
Can you say, man?
No, you're gonna do it.
Doesn't matter where you start, start anyway.
Always it wants to help other people through you.
He's not so small to be thinking about you and your family only.
That's not what he thinks.
If God wants to bless your family, you know what he says?
He says, I want your family to reach the world.
He doesn't say, I want to bless your family.
He says, I want your family to reach the needy.
Hey, how can you reach the needy?
That's the idea.
How can you reach the needy?
if you are needy.
But it comes to you, maybe in a needy position.
And it says, I want to use you.
You say, me?
I want to use you to lift up the downtrodden.
You say, me?
I have been trodden down myself.
But when God says, I want to use you to do that, He means, I'm lifting you up.
When God tells you something, listen to what he didn't say.
All right?
Listen to what he didn't say that is included in what he said.
You can't know how much is deposited in you until it comes out.
Wisdom doesn't function in the brain.
It comes out when you speak.
It shows when you act.
So if you want to know whether your wisdom has been so multiplied, start acting.
You will see.
Start talking.
You will see.
But if you're quiet, wisdom can speak through you.
So go tell the gospel.
Go preach it.
Go teach it.
Find somebody to tell about Jesus.
Don't wait.
Don't say, well, whenever somebody comes across my way, I always hear the word.
No, the Son of Man did not come to wait for the last.
He came to seek, looking for them.
Strategize to reach out with the gospel.
Don't wait for those that come your way.
It's not going to work that way.
and see the manifestation of God's wisdom in your life like you never thought possible.
Same thing with knowledge.
Knowledge is not just going to be revolving in your brain.
It's going to show thought when you talk, when you're right.
Are you listening to what I'm telling you?
Very vital.
What about your ability?
Ability will not show until you do something.
You gotta do something, hey, what are you gonna do?
Do something, get yourself into something and do it.
Do it.
Perhaps just prove all things, hold fast at which is good, prove all things.
You can prove the Word of God in your life.
Prove it.
Prove it.
It's your responsibility to prove the word in your life.
You prove God's word in your life.
Listen, God is not afraid to be put on the spot.
He told us, prove all things.
Hold fast that which is good.
Prove it.
You prove it for yourself.
I don't like to believe something that doesn't work.
I'm just like you.
You like to believe something that doesn't work?
I don't like to believe something that doesn't work.
So if it's real, let it be real.
Learning to take God at His Word is important.
He said, prove me now here with.
He said, prove me.
As a God is not afraid to be proved.
He's not afraid.
So put Him to the test.
God's word is given to us to be proved.
Let's remember that.
To be lived.
One of the biggest problems with many Christians is a lot of them know how to pray, but they don't know how to receive.
So they keep praying and asking, but they don't know how to actualize the Word of God in their life.
After you are prayed, you must receive.
Oh, Father, I thank you.
Oh, Father, do it to the Lord.
Oh, thank you.
This is how they live.
You see them as though someone's been beating them.
They come out of church looking like this.
Out of prayer meeting especially, when people have prayed,
like they've been suffering in there.
But if you pray and you've received glory to God, you come out like somebody that received something.
And say, hey, what's happening?
I received a lot today.
What did you receive?
You can't believe it.
I tell you.
I received this, I received it.
Oh, you did?
I told you.
I told you, you got to believe it with faith.
I received all this.
Do you say, I prayed for this, I prayed for this, I prayed for this.
Do you remember all what you asked for?
When did you receive?
Jesus said, what thing so ever you desire when you pray?
Believe that you receive them when you pray.
When you pray, believe that you receive them.
When you pray.
When are you to believe that you receive them?
When you pray.
And he shall have them.
So when you pray, he says, believe that you receive.
If you believe you receive, you be out rejoicing.
You be full of joy because you have the opportunity to voice your faith when you're asked you receive.
So if you receive, act like it.
God truly doesn't want any one of you broke or poor.
Interestingly, here is the beautiful thing about this whole stuff.
The beautiful thing is, when you're coming to Christ, I hear a name.
You have an inheritance in Christ Jesus.
I wish you'd be able to grasp this truth, this reality.
All what you have that you can see.
Everything that you have that you can see.
All the money you got, all the things you have that you can see.
It's not what you have.
But if you put your faith in that, that's all you see.
And that limits who you are.
So look beyond all of that and say, this will not define my personality.
And be bold to say, oh God, use me for your glory.
And then rise, mount up like an eagle.
Rise from that level.
See things differently rise from that level.
Can God not use you?
Are you not already past 30 years?
What are you waiting for?
How old do you want to be before God does something big with your life?
How old do you want to be?
Listen, what you're holding on to might be your limitation.
This might be your limitation.
This might be the reason you can't dream further.
You say, God, what more can you do with my life?
I'm ready.
I'm ready.
You can do more with my life.
Now I want to see those who are bold for that who can step across the line and say, I want God to do more with my life.
Can God do more with your life?
Can he do more with your life?
Why can't God make your life a surprise?
David said, thou has made me a wonder unto many.
Why can't that be your testimony?
Why can't he make you a wonder?
Well, it's what he wants to do.
That's what he wants to do, to separate you from your powers and your peers.
Separate you.
from your colleagues.
So you cannot, oh, I hope.
May God help you understand this thing, or I'm sharing with you.
So he sets you apart.
You don't have peers.
He separates you from others.
You become just what he said, peculiar.
That means unique.
One of a kind.
You are in a class of your own.
Oh, glory to God.
I started singing that song years ago.
I learned it from David Ingalls.
I'm peculiar.
I'm singing this.
I'm peculiar.
Come on.
Hey, the Word of God says so.
Say, I'm peculiar.
One of a kind.
In a separate class.
Now, somebody might think you're braggaducious, but it doesn't matter.
You understand?
Because you know why you're saying what you're saying.
Because your mouth charts your course.
I'm peculiar.
Say, I'm different.
I'm unique.
in a special class.
You know, they say, well, don't mind if he thinks he's somebody I am.

Somebody says, no, you know, I'm not trying to say I'm special.
I am special.
Hey, listen, I was bought with the price.
Don't you understand this?
I found out from the Bible, if I had been the only one on earth, Jesus still would have come to die.
He didn't come to die because we were many.
He came to die because we were valuable to God.
I'm valuable to God.
I'm something to God.
Hey, listen.
He loved me so much.
He sent Jesus to die in my place.
That's how much he loved me.
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God loves me.
God loves me.
God cares about me.
Yeah, so I'm special.
I'm special.
I'm not just special in church.
I'm special everywhere.
I'm special everywhere I go.
And you know what?
I know it.
You know, you can be special and don't know.
I mean, if you have something, think about it.
If you have been using a certain pen, let me explain.
Assuming you have this pen.
All right.
Now, this one might be difficult for me to explain this, okay?
All right, now this is more difficult to tell what the value is, right?
Imagine you were using this pen.
Somebody sent it to you, okay?
And you didn't know the value.
You didn't even know much about the name of the pen, the makers, so they mean much to you just writing with it.
Then one day, somebody you had some respect for, this fellow knows things about stuff like this.
He got a hold of this and said, what?
Where'd you find that pen?
And he said, what's the matter?
It's my pen.
He says, ah, where'd you get it?
He said, what's the matter?
He says, look, this pen.
It's the same pain that the Queen of England uses.
And you say, are you lying?
I said, no, no, no, no.
It tells you the name.
And he says, there are only 100 of them in the whole world.
Only 100 of them?
He said, this bit.
And then it says, it's about... Let me take a look.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's about $500,000.
for a pin, then you say, my God, I got a pin.
See, your value of the pin has suddenly changed.
Not because the pin has changed.
It's the same pin you've been holding, but it has suddenly changed because you have a new knowledge about the pin.

See the importance of knowledge?
When you know what's inside your spirit, when you know what you're made of, when you know what belongs to you, it changes your life.
Your prayer life changes.
Your relationships change.
Everything about you changes because there's a new knowledge.
You found out who you are.
You found out who you are.
That's why I keep telling you, say, I know who I am.
I found out.
I found out.
I found out.
I found out.
I found out.
So what?
You square your shoulders.
I'm afraid to be who you are.
Some people may not like your face.
But that's their business.
Not your business.
That's their own trouble.
They may not like your eyes, but that's their problem.
They may not like your ears, but that's their problem.
They may not even like the way you walk, but that's their problem.
So here you got a problem.
That's your business.
I don't like the way you walk.
That's your business.
I'm me.
Oh, glory.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Oh, glory.
Hoshala manta kabasata.
Ligabonda Braga Satala Mande.
Speaking other tongues.
Declare those words of faith again.
Speak words of power.
Speak faith-filled words.

The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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God bless you.