2013 - The Year of Favour
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
You are shining and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.
Enlightenment came to the hearts of many around the world.
As destiny changing words were delivered by our man of God at the prestigious Love World Convocation Arena on the 31st of December, 2012.
The grace of God already works in you, but then you begin to find the expression of grace in the various things that may happen to you and is that seeing these things that are called favors.
The man of God declared it the year of favor.
Listen and experience the outworkings of grace in your life.
God bless you.
Jesus Christ, He's alive.
He died, but He's not dead.
God raised Him from the dead, and He lives forever.
He lives forever.
You know, the year 2012 started out,
beautifully, and the Lord said to us that it was the year of the Word, a year in which the Word of God will be manifested in us, an increased understanding of the Word granted us, increased revelations of His Word given to us, a year in which we were functioning the Word
and have the glory of Christ demonstrated in our lives.
And many of us have testimonies upon testimonies of His glorious gospel.
In one month after the other, we had themes for each month.
consistent with the word.
As a spirit of God opened our minds to whatever he was planning to do, to lead us on in his triumphal procession, Hallelujah.
And we enjoyed that glorious year.
Did you enjoy it?
Tell three people I enjoyed it.
Yes, I enjoyed the year myself.
It was glorious.
You'd always enjoy any time with the spirit of God.
It's present.
The Bible says in the presence of the Lord, this fullness of joy.
At his right hand, there are pleasures evermore.
And where the spirit of God is, there's liberty.
Is that right?
And the spirit of God was with us, mighty.
From January to December.
And now, in a shut while, the whole year will be history.
is in front of us.
What's in the mind of God?
Who is this leading?
You know, there's a lot of darkness in the world today.
There's so many problems all over the world, and people are disturbed, distraught, concerned about so many things, concerned about their health, concerned about their finances, the jobs, the businesses.
the economies of the world are troubled today.
But nothing of these is a surprise to those of us who understand the Scriptures, for the Word of God foretold of these days, the Word of God expressly foretold of these times.
The Word clearly
for warned of these things, and also showed God's people what they must do to continually live in victory.
He said, the world will be covered with darkness.
Grass darkness will cover the nations.
But he said, the light of God
will shine upon you and upon your path.
And the light will shine through you.
He always let us know that there's a difference between us and the world.
He said, I've chosen you out of the world.
You don't belong to the world.
What just like him?
He said, I'm not of the world.
And you see, we are not of the world.
We are the light of the world.
And so when these things happen, we are not troubled.
We're not worried like the world gets.
Because the man of the problems in the world is given us his word of faith.
We are overcomers.
He said to us, I have made you
more than conquerors.
That is who we are.
That is what we are.
It's as greater as he that is in you than he that is in the world.
He gave us a light which wished to walk through the darkness.
He knew there would be darkness, but he gave us his lights.
His light is his word to walk through the darkness.
Just like when he said to his disciples, I send you thoughts as sheep in the midst of wolves.
He knew there'd be wolves.
He said, I send you thoughts as sheep in the midst of wolves, being therefore wise as servants and harmless as dogs.
But I said, I am with you.
I am with you.
It's a fear not.
I am with you.
He already said, no weapon fashioned against you.
child prosper.
He said, I am with you.
That's what he said.
The greater one lives in us.
You know, he's given us confidence in his word.
We'll live a different kind of life.
Remember, Christ Jesus came into this world.
for a purpose.
He said, I am calm that they might have life and that they might have it to the full.
He came to give us life.
Life beyond the ordinary.
What he gave to us is different from the human life.
He gave us his kind of life.
But the Bible says, ask He is.
So are we in this world?
Ask He is.
So are we?
We have a same life with you.
And this is so important.
Let me begin to show you just a few scriptures here that begin to bring you into
the message for 2013.
I'd like you to turn into your bibles.
First, will be Romans chapter 5 and verse 17.
For if by one man's offense, death reigned by one, much more there which receive abonance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
I want to read it again.
This is the King James translation.
For you by one man's offense is talking about Adam, the first Adam's offense.
If by one man's offense, death reigned by one.
Did you notice that death reigned?
Meaning that death reigned like a king over the people.
If by one man's offense, death reigned by one much more, much more than death reigned.
Much more, there which receive abundance of grace.
there which receive a mornance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life.
The emergency shall reign in this life.
By one, Jesus Christ.
or if by one man's offense, death ring by one, much more, there which receive abundance of grace.
There which receive abundance of grace.
There which receive, receive, the word receive is translated from the Greek word Lambano.
It means to take a hold of it.
You see, it means to take a hold of it.
to receive, not like you're waiting until it comes, but no, you'll take it.
There which receive, Lambano, take.
There which receive, abundance of grace, abundance of grace means overflowing of grace.
There which receive.
And I want grace, which means that he's telling us that.
Now, a few translations use the definite article which should not be there, when they say they which receive the abundance of grace.
No, the definite article is not supposed to be there, it's not in your original.
So it's not the abonance of grace, but they would receive abonance of grace.
They would receive an overflowing.
That means it's up to anybody to take as much of grace as he wants to.
And that's what Paul was writing to Timothy when he said, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Take advantage of that grace.
There which receive abundance of grace.
And of the gift of righteousness.
The gift of righteousness.
This time the definite article is there.
The gift of righteousness.
He said, these two are important.
If you won't take abonance of grace, don't take little grace.
Take so much.
The word is lambano.
Take it.
Take it.
Take abonance of grace.
And then he says, and the gift of righteousness.
The gift of righteousness.
the gift of righteousness.
He says, those who do this shall reign as kings.
To reign means to exercise control.
To exercise influence.
That means that you have influence.
That means that you have control.
That means that you exercise authority.
That means that you rule.
That means that you're in charge.
They shall reign in life.
He didn't say they shall be victims in life.
He said they shall reign in life.
They shall reign in life.
This is an amazing scripture.
He says, for if by one man's affairs that reign by one, much more there would you see the burdens of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life.
by one, Jesus Christ.
Oh, he's not talking about heaven.
You're not going to be running in heaven.
You don't have subjects to reign over in heaven.
He's talking about this world.
They shall reign as kings.
That means that they'll function with authority.
That means that they will put sickness under their feet.
That means that they'll rule over disease, hair and death.
Are you listening to me?
They'll rule over poverty and want.
Not functioning as those who are in need.
Oh, there's a lot of trouble in this world.
But in the midst of all of that, he has made you victors in this life.
Show them one more scripture.
First John chapter 4, verse 17.
I just want you to see that scripture.
First John chapter 4, verse 17.
I want you to look at it, what it says.
Have you seen it?
First, Epistle of Saint John, chapter 4 and verse 17.
Okay, look at it.
He says, hearing is our love made perfect.
That we may have boldness in the day of judgment.
You know, a lot of people who are afraid of judgment day that's coming.
Oh, it's going to be a terrifying day, of course.
But there are those of us who have boldness in that day.
Because who we're walking in love.
hearing is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment look at the rest of it because as he is so are we in this world did you see that
Because as he is, so are we in this world.
Even in social we be when we get to heaven.
No, so are we in this world.
As he is, not as he was, but as he is.
That's very important, because he came as a lamb to be sacrificed.
Then he died for us, and he was buried for us.
And then God raised him from the dead as a victor.
And he is now on the throne of his father, Guru to God.
So he's a king.
And as he is.
So are we, we're in this world.
This is the mind of God.
Can you understand that God doesn't see you as a problem?
God doesn't see you like bitten down by sickness, bitten down by poverty and want.
God doesn't see you that way.
in his mind you're a victim because Christ has already done it.
In his mind you're like Jesus.
In his mind you're beautified with his glory.
In his mind he has made you righteous.
But until you begin to see what God sees and say what God says about you, you may never experience it.
Glory to his name forever.
Let's look at that Romans chapter 5 again in verse 17, because that's the thing in Scripture we're going to just hang around there for a while, okay?
For ye by one man's affairs, that reign by one, much more there which receive the monance of grace.
There which receive the monance of grace and of the gift of righteousness.
There which receive the monance of grace and of the gift of righteousness.
There's a word I'd like to introduce to you.
Very simple words, you all know it, but there's a reason I'm introducing it to you like this.
Saint Luke's Gospel, chapter number one, and verse number 30.
I want us to look at that verse of the Bible.
Saint Luke's Gospel, chapter one, and verse 30.
And the angel said under her, fear not, Mary, for thou has found favor with God.
Can I go again?
And the angel said under her, fear not, Mary, for thou has found favor with God.
Fear not, Feli.
The vow has found favor with God.
Fear not, George.
The vow has found favor with God.
Fear not, Patrick.
So now has found favor with God.
Are you thinking?
Now the word that's translated favor there,
is from the Greek word carries, which actually is the same word that we read in Romans 5 and verse 17 translated Greece.
So you have the word favor used only
in the gospel, and then in the book of Acts.
It's only used just a few times, about seven times a song.
And in all of the epistles, the same word carries his rather translated grace.
There's a difference between favor and grace.
And there's a reason why the translators use the word grace outside these few places as it looks gospel in the book of Abs.
Everywhere else they use the word grace for carries because of the essential difference between them.
You know, very simply many defined grays as unmerited favor.
But not exactly, not entirely, because the word grace is far more encompassing.
It has a lot more in it.
Favor actually is one of the qualities
of grace.
Grace is usually bestowed, you see, that mustrow an endowment or an invitation, which means that the
The grace that is given or grounded usually would produce an ability in you, in your spirit.
Often times it is more spiritual.
It's something that gives inner qualities within you.
And so the power of it is reflected on the outside.
How are you listening?
But favor, on the other hand, refers to those details from grace.
They are the details of the expressions of grace, of individual operations and manifestations of grace.
Which means
that the grace of God already works in you, but then you begin to find the expression of grace in the various things that may happen to you or that you may even do yourself.
And it's that same, these things that are called favors.
They are actually, which means that favor is actually one of the outworkings of grace.
How are you listening to this?
I'm just showing you the bigger picture, okay?
When you talk about grace and then the difference when you talk about fable and how fable works.
So you have a lot of people who even though the grace of God has been granted them, they hardly experience fable.
Because, you see, favor is the outworking of grace, is one of the outworkings of grace.
But there's something beautiful about it, and glory to God.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Thank you Lord.
Praise God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Just try listening the spirits of this happening.
Glory to God.
All right.
Let's get some more.
Psalm 102.
You know what I was showing you in Romans 5 and verse 17?
That's the scripture you're going to have to learn, study and understand and function with, for 2013.
It will put springs in your steps.
It says, they shall reign in life.
They shall reign in life.
Some 102.
You ready for this?
I'm reading from verse 13.
Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon sight.
Let's take it slowly over.
Now shall arise and have mercy upon Zion.
Now, who's the thou is he talking about?
Let's go to verse 12.
But thou, O Lord, shall endure forever, and thy remembrance on our generation.
So he's talking about the Lord.
So he goes to verse 13, thou shall arise, the Lord shall arise.
And have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her.
Yay, the set time is cut.
the time to favor her, yea, the set time is come.
You know, in the days of Daniel, there was a king
who had conquered Babla, and Sarah Zarekz, or Sarah Zarekz, the second, who was more known in the Bible as Darius, the media.
in his days when he became king.
Daniel realized that the time that was spoken of for the chum of Israel to last in bondage, the time had come.
The time was me.
for them to be free.
But there was no sign that things were changing.
See, I'm sorry, I didn't do anything to show that he was going to effect any change.
You know, he became king when he was 62 years old.
and ruled for only two years before he died.
And then his nephew Cyrus became king.
But that was the king, Darius.
Darius was the king when Daniel was thrown into
the day in of life.
That was the king who was there there.
And within the two-year period, that king died.
In Obama tells us how that Daniel took the books of Jeremiah the Prophet.
This is in Daniel chapter 9 now.
He took the boots of Jeremiah the prophet and he began to study them to find because Jeremiah did talk about those days.
He said that time to favor Israel had come the set time.
And he began to innocent for the children of Israel.
He began to pray.
And that was to show us something just because God has planned something doesn't mean it will happen.
You know there are people who say if God has planned it it will happen.
Those people are ignorant of the Bible.
That's not the way God thinks.
You have to study the Bible.
As if it's the will of God it will take place.
No, that is your thinking.
That's not the way God thinks.
Read your Bible.
Because God has planned something doesn't mean it's going to happen.
The Bible says so.
The Bible says so.
Because God, God is not a man.
The Bible says that He gave the earth to the children of men to run the earth.
So what God does is to show you His plan, to show you His will.
and you should learn about that will and find out about God's principles and how the kingdom functions and then you make the will of God come to pass.
The responsibility is yours to make the will of God come to pass.
Many people don't know that.
So let's say if it's money to come to me, no, it's not so.
It's not so.
God has, you see, he functions with a lot of legality, yet with his grace.
He has laws, spiritual laws, that he doesn't violate.
You see, this is one of the major reasons you've got to study the Word of God for yourself.
study the word and put the word of God to work for you.
If you're ignorant of the word, you'll be defeated in life.
That's it.
And when you're defeated, you'll be thinking, you don't know why, and you're praying wrongly.
That's why we wrote the book, How to Pray Effectively.
Everyone should have that book.
Make sure you have a copy, how to pray effectively.
It teaches you how to pray.
It explains to you the word of God on prayer so that it can become effective in your prayer life.
Don't just pray.
A lot of people pray.
They don't even know whether or not their prayer is being heard.
God doesn't just want us to pray.
Prayer is a way of communicating and then also receiving communication from God and then having the will of God manifested through us.
We are the ones who carry out His purpose in the earth.
Don't forget it.
I mean, Satan can come into your family and destroy your family while you are crying and praying.
Until you do something about it, nothing will be done.
He can ruin your job and ruin your business and you'll be crying and crying and praying.
But if you don't know how to pray the right prayer, if you don't know how to put the Word of God to work, you'd wonder why things have gone so bad.
And you think, maybe God has forsaken you?
No, you've got to do something.
Jesus Christ has already come.
Jesus has already died.
Don't you understand it?
Jesus came to do something about your situation.
He's already done it.
He's already finished and has gone back to heaven.
Now we need to find out what he did in a plywood he did in our personal lives.
That's the meaning of the gospel.
That's why we preach the laws for some man can know what God has done and act upon what he has done for their goods.
Jesus Christ didn't come to establish a religion.
We're not preaching religion.
There's too many people thinking that we're preaching another religion.
It's not a religion.
Jesus Christ is not a religion.
He's not a religious leader.
He came to show us God and he proved it that he was the Son of God by the resurrection from the dead.
Did you ever hear of anybody who resurrected from the dead?
By himself?
Not only that, he ascended to heaven, alive.
Did you ever hear of anybody who ascended from this earth physically and went into heaven while they were watching him until he went beyond the clouds?
That's my Jesus.
No one else ever did that.
He ascended before the eyes of many.
They were watching him as he went up
until he went beyond the clouds to show that he came from God.
And the Bible says one day he will come again.
And the whole world says he shall see him.
The whole world shall see him.
He'll be up there for long enough for every eye to see him.
He says, Thou shall arise and have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her year.
The set time, the set time, the set time has come.
The set time has come.
2013 is a special year.
And in this 2013, you will find the set time.
The set time.
The set time.
The set time.
Are you still there?
Are you sure you're there?
The set time.
The set time.
You know something beautiful about God?
The times he lets everybody do whatever they should do, you know?
And then he has his own program too.
How are you listening?
He gives you a program to run and then he has his own program.
The beautiful thing about this year is 2013 is one of those years who create your program and his program.
When they get to meet.
When the two programs meet.
Let me just review one other scripture.
Genesis chapter 39.
Genesis chapter 39.
And where's that reading it from?
From verse 20.
Genesis chapter 39 from verse 20.
And Joseph's master, you know, Joseph, you know, he got into trouble.
Part of his wife made some trouble with him and got a husband to
to get mad at Joseph and then he was the result.
Joseph's master took him and put him into prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound and he was there in prison.
Say that he was there in prison.
Where was he?
Say it again where?
In prison.
Read verse 21.
But, listen, he was there in prison and was the first word after that.
But, I like it when the Bible says, but, hallelujah.
He was in prison, but, but,
But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and gave him what favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
Oh, dear.
He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison and the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand.
All the prisoners that were in the prison even became head of prisoners in the prison.
And whatsoever they did there, he was the doer of it.
In other words, he was responsible for them.
The keeper of the prison looked not to anything that was under his hand because the Lord was with him.
And that which he did, the Lord made it to Praspa.
Did you see that?
Whatever Joseph did, the Lord made it to Praspa.
That's my life.
Whatever Joseph did, the Lord made it to prosper.
This is what the Lord was with you and showed him mercy and gave him favor.
How important is this?
How important is this?
How important is this?
What are you going to do with what God gives you?
What are you going to do with it?
You know, we're reading in Romans 5 and verse 17, which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, the gift then.
It's different from the gifts of the Spirit.
You see, in Romans 5 there in verse 17, verses the gift.
The Greek is Doria.
And what it means there is a gift like when you have a package like, you know, people gave you Christmas gifts, okay?
And it's handed over to you, okay?
So he delivers this gift of righteousness to you and says, hey, here it is, do what you want with it.
That gift was a legal document.
What he gave you was a legal document.
of your righteousness, your justification.
Romans chapter 5, verse 1 says, therefore, being justified by faith means a legal document that declared you righteous was given to you as a gift.
He said, take this.
So they would lambano it, take it from here.
Take the abundance, all right?
And abundance and overflowing of grace.
Have that.
And then the gift of righteousness that he gave you, the legal document,
of your righteousness, of your justification.
You take that document, and say, by God, by this document, am I free forever?
There which receive a mowness of grace and of the gift of righteousness, the gifts.
Daria, it's a gift handed over to you.
It's different from charisma, which is the gift of grace.
The gift of grace is imparted to you.
So the gifts of the Spirit that you find in 1 Corinthians 12, okay, when you read.
But the manifestation, verse 7, but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to perfect with all.
That is a gift into your spirit.
Those gifts that it talks about there, the word is charisma.
All right?
They're gifts of grace.
And the gifts of grace are delivered into your spirit.
You don't have to.
They work.
They produce results.
They work.
You can't do anything to make any of those gifts work.
They're given to your spirit.
How are you following this?
They're given to your spirit.
They're like, when he calls the marismus, the distributions of the Holy Ghost, Hebrews chapter 2 verse 4.
He calls him marismus, distributions.
Again, the word gifts is used.
It means that he distributes
This blessings of God to every one of us, our job is to lamp band with them.
And understand how this thing's function in the Kingdom of God.
So the legal document has been granted us, it's been given to us.
The document of our righteousness has been given to us.
And when you take it, you put it to work.
Use that talk in your righteousness.
Are you hearing me?
There is the legal righteousness and there is the vital righteousness.
There is a legal document of our righteousness, but there is the vital righteousness that's imparted to our spirits.
Are you hearing me?
Where we have received the nature of God and we have the nature of righteousness, we have called His righteous ones, we have His nature, we are like Him.
The life that He has has been given to us and we're just like Him.
And then beyond that is the greatest part of it.
We can talk about that even tonight.
It is the fact that we have made the righteousness of God.
That is different from Him being made our righteousness.
Christ has become my righteousness.
Understand this.
Legally, He has been, I have His righteousness.
His righteousness has been given to me.
Vitaly, His life of righteousness has been patted to my spirit, as He is so am I.
But the greatest of all of this, what beats human imagination, beyond human comprehension, you've got to have the spirit of God to understand it, because it's a deep spiritual truth, is where he says that we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
It might take me a year to explain all of that to you in 2013, but I'm going to try my best.
I want to try to explain that to you.
What I intend to do and go in the heat every month, I want to have anything from one to three days of teaching and y'all all around the world will be part of it.
Now that means they're only maximum of maybe about 11 classes, because we stop it in November or so.
So they're only about 11 of them, maybe 10 notes, 10 or 11, because we might stop in October or November.
And that just means you're gonna have to, wherever you are in the world.
When you know when those classes are taking place, most likely in the first week of every month, make sure that you are ready for it.
because this will change you forever.
We're going to have such teachings of the Word of God like you never understood before.
Oh, the revelations of His Word.
I'm thinking with God is taking us.
Can I show you something?
Go to Psalm 102, verse 17.
Psalm 102.
That was the place we're reading earlier.
Now let's read verse 16, verse 16.
Can you read it?
Verse 16, want to go.
Did you see that?
When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.
When you want to see the glory of God revealed in your life, let him build you through the teaching of the world.
Did you see that?
He builds your spirit through the teaching of the Word of God.
He builds you up through the Word.
That's what the Bible says.
He builds you through the Word.
And now he says, when the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.
It's a principle in the kingdom of God.
He already has let us know, before God shows him, before he manifests himself in your life in a glorious way.
First, it is revelation through his word.
He speaks before his shows.
Did you see that?
So 2013 is the year of favor.
I'm thinking, what does this mean to you?
What does this mean to you?
You will see it in your life.
And you know what?
You know in a few minutes, in a few minutes, in a few minutes, we're going to get into that 2013.
But let me tell you something.
I am still there.
And you know what?
Don't only look out for favor.
You should also give favor.
Did you hear me?
You will favor others in 2013.
Walk in favor.
Walk in the consciousness of favor.
God has given you favor.
Throughout 2013, you will enjoy the favor of God's hand.
favor on the right hand, favor on the left, favor everywhere you go.
You have favor in this city, favor in the country, favor everywhere you go.
Be in your family, in your job, in your finances, in your business, in your education.
You will experience favor everywhere.
Para badar ole mundalabahaya.
De ransongshala manres.
the year of favor.
This is the set time!
The set time has come!
The set time!
Is it the time to favor her?
The set time has come!
The set time!
And I want to welcome you to 2013!
The year of favor!
It's your year of favor!
It's your year of favor!
It's the set time!
Your set time to be blessed!
Your set time to work in favor!
Your set time to work in the glory of God!
It's your set time!
It's your year!
It's the year of favor!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy 2013!
The year of favor!
You'll experience favor everywhere you go!
Favor everywhere!
Favor everywhere!
You are covered by His grace.
You are covered by His love.
You are covered by the grace of God in Christ Jesus.
It's your year of favor.
It's your year of favor.
It's favor time!
It's favor, Gloria and God!
Oh, Gloria and God!
How has sound favor with God?
Well hallelujah!
I want to say thank you to all of you.
I want to say thank you to all of you.
I want to say thank you to all of you.
I want to say thank you to all of you.
I want to say thank you to all of you.
I want to say thank you to all of you.
I want to say thank you to all of you.
I want to say thank you to all of you.
I want to say thank you to all of you.
Tarradila Gratolske Show, Tela Donan Grozke Paradira, Rondu Lira Da Gonske, Shala Ramondo Laguira Da Bagonske, Che, Terudazke, Tari Ballet, Ralliando Scaridaras, Lira Dungo Paradila Goske, Shala Lira, Rondu Paradondas, Hovra Balar Kiranstongjesay, Kila Kondela Da Bagonske, Shala Lira,
Ratoqa Baradillas se estos que torita lir una constos que shep.
Paradilla cones tosto salarilla, caleros toradilla, brandos que eso tari gusto.
Paradilla cones que se uso sala candarilla, para unsto que es gracales, fréctos cales, fréctos cales dura tari gusto sura manda caradillo de los concians dee, te baso vera piro hoste, que rosto sera mande.
I am not the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one
Fratogarajila casone parashto, seijo carina hansi, saira mangura halegeste, rasto plaradiga sastes, shoratias, sermando, clariesco shaliras, flariosque shopares, shalirosco praliras, serosque shoradigas, tara mangura nungusque, shoradirado gonsco pralangres, rakdosque prachto rahondas, floradeco shoradila,
The conson salanades haigasate clira hasto serida hai no raduche plaronongos sioso salarino con dalea naca sensez nahade hai nacupa hadiest.
Hana kusaparades, lardususramandi, lagusaramangia, tarragias, tarragias, kusatabihastes, kramansujinsanahai.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
I am the rock on which you stand.
The rock on which you have founded.
Dreadnought, fearnought, fire God, say it to the Lord.
For I have made the heavens and the earth, not an existence that I didn't make.
The world is mine, say it to the Lord.
The world is mine.
And I have given it to you.
Thou said the Lord, I've given you my word, and I am your strength.
I am your life.
Have no fear, for I am with you.
Have no fear.
Fear not the night.
Not a darkness.
For the darkness has no power over you.
And the wicked shall not overcome you.
For you are mine, saith the Lord.
And the evil shall bow before the good.
And the wicked are the gates of the righteous.
For I am your strength, Set the Lord.
I have enabled you.
I have empowered you.
My hand is upon you.
Now I have exalted you with my hand of righteousness.
For thou art mine, Set the Lord.
Thus, Set the Lord.
I have given you an understanding heart.
And my wisdom is perfected in you.
Walk in the light of my word.
I have made you victorious in all things.
Therefore walk in victory.
Walk in the consciousness of victory.
Do not look at the shadows.
For I will laugh at the enemy.
I will laugh at the adversary.
Therefore consider him not.
Consider not your adversaries.
For they have fallen before you.
I have exalted you.
I will demonstrate my glory before you.
And then shall know that you are mine.
For you shall show forth my praise, yet the Lord.
And your mouth shall be filled with testimonies of my goodness.
Seron de quícópa házís de la híras.
Cílo rádíos ca parédíos la hós.
I am your shield.
Cópa hádí.
Córón de garías dez.
Clériós de parédós de la magí.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Oh, Father, I pray
for everyone that's here tonight, for all of our brethren all around the world, all of our leaders and pastors, all of our members, all of our brethren and their families and their loved ones.
Thank you for giving them favor.
throughout 2013.
Everywhere the go it's Fable.
Divine Fable on the right hand and on the left.
Fable in all things.
Fable in all areas of their lives.
And so it is established unto them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray for every nation
where we are speaking right now.
Every country where they are hearing us right now, every nation, as those words are being spoken, I decree peace for all of these nations in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I pray for the leaders of the countries, the leaders of the nations,
God their minds to do what is right, for the prosperity and the peace of their country, in the name of the Lord Jesus, that the gospel may have free course.
Thank you, Heavenly Father.
We bless the nations of the world tonight, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you, Father.
And we pray for every church, every ministry,
Every church, every ministry of the gospel, and every minister of the gospel.
All of them are round the world.
All the men and women that you have come.
Father, let this 2013 be a great year of harvest for them.
And they will win souls like never before.
and they're walking the love of Christ like never before, that the Word of God who comes strong to their hearts, and they'll be able to preach it and tell it to the Untold and reach the unreached in the name of the Lord Jesus.
blessed and would increase grace in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Yeah, let them be strengthened in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We blessed them tonight.
We blessed them tonight in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
For this and other messages by Pastor Chris, visit our Christ Embassy bookstores.
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God bless you.
Don't say it alone.
Fear not from with you.
I am your strength.
I am the rock on which you stand.
The rock on which you have founded.
Dread not.
Fear not.
Fire God, say it alone.
For I've made the heavens and the earth, not an exist that I didn't make.
The word is mine, Set the Lord.
The word is mine.
And I've given it to you.
The Set the Lord.
I've given you my word.
And I am your strength.
I am your life.
I have no fear.
For I am with you.
I have no fear.
Fear not the night, nor the darkness.
For the darkness has no power over you.
And the wicked shall not overcome you.
For your mind set alone.
And the evil shall bow before the good.
And the wicked are the gates of the righteous.
For I am your strength, saith the Lord.
I have enabled you.
I have empowered you.
My hand is upon you.
Not exalted you.
With my hand of righteousness.
For thou at mine saith the Lord.
I've given you an understanding heart, and my wisdom is perfected in you.
Walk in the light of my world.
I've made you victorious in all things.
Therefore, walk in victory.
Walk in the consciousness of victory.
Do not look at the shadows.
For I will laugh at the enemy.
I will laugh at the adversary.
Therefore, consider him not.
Consider not your adversaries, for they have fallen before you.
I have exalted you.
I have exalted you.
I am not a traitor.
I am not a traitor.
I am not a traitor.
I am not a traitor.
I am not a traitor.
I am not a traitor.
For in this year of favor, Zetaloy, I will demonstrate my glory before you.
And then shall know that you are mine.
For you shall show forth my praise, Zetaloy, and your mouth shall be filled with testimonies of my goodness.
Serón de quícó páhasí es de la híras.
Cílo rádios que páriñez la hósh.
I am your shield.
Cílo rádícó pári.
Cílo rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá rádícá
It is your year of figure.
So set the Lord unto you.
Father, I pray for everyone that's here tonight,
all of our brethren all around the world, all of our leaders and pastors, all of our members, all of our brethren and their families and their loved ones.
Thank you for giving them favor.
throughout 2013.
Everywhere the go it's Fable.
Divine Fable on the right hand and on the left.
Fable in all things.
Fable in all areas of their lives.
And so it is established unto them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray for every nation
where we are speaking right now.
Every country where they are hearing us right now, every nation, as those words are being spoken, I decree peace for all of these nations in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I pray for the leaders of the countries, the leaders of the nations,
God their minds to do what is right, for the prosperity and the peace of their country, in the name of the Lord Jesus, that the gospel may have free course.
Thank you Heavenly Father.
We bless the nations of the world tonight, in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Father.
And we pray for every church, every ministry,
Every church, every ministry of the gospel, and every minister of the gospel.
All of them are around the world.
All the men and women that you have called.
Father, let this 2013 be a great year of harvest for them.
And they will win souls like never before.
And they'll walk in the love of Christ like never before, that the Word of God who comes strong to their hearts, and they'll be able to preach it and tell it to the on toes and reach the on reached in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Bless them would increase grace in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Yeah, let them be strengthened in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We bless them tonight.
We bless them tonight in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.