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What is prayer?
Why is prayer so important?
What's the purpose of prayer?
Find out as Pastor Chris Teaches on the subject of prayer.
We are in a period in the church age that is very significant.
very, very significant, very important.

And it is also a part of the fiercest
battle of war.

And that is one of the reasons that the Spirit of God is giving us required information for this time.
information that we need to use.
Practical information or racialized, practicable information.

There are different times and seasons in the world.

And God wants us to know what time we were living in.

What time?
The scriptures that He gave us
provide adequate information.
You know, when you study the Bible, you find the apostles right from the early church stating the last days.
Now, some people think that
They've been talking about the last days for so long, and so maybe there'll be no end to such a discussion.
No, they're wrong.
When the apostles talked about the last days,
They referred to different things and the way to know what they were dealing with would be to know who they were addressing when they talked about the last days.

When you study that, you discover what they meant.
Firstly, in addressing the children of Israel, the Apostle Peter's use of the last days was very accurate because
He wasn't dealing with the last days of the church.
He was dealing with the last days of Israel.

And when you study the prophetic writings, you would find that
They were in such last days, they didn't realize how close they were.

First, the end of their calendar,

had come very close.
Daniel's prophetic writing stated that there were 17 weeks of years determined for his show leading up to the establishment
of the millennial reign of the Messiah.

And elect them know that all the way up to the 69th week.

God was running a calendar.
that had a lot to do with them, until the Messiah would be cut off in the 69th week.
Now, he told them they got 70 weeks.
If you have 70 weeks, weeks or years, and you get to the 69th week,
Doesn't that tell you you are close to the end?
How else do you want to be told that you are near the end?
69th week, a sigh shall be cut off.
And he was.

Then between the 69th week,
And the 70th week, you have the church age.

And if you believe in Jesus Christ, you will have to believe in His message.
You will have to believe His words.
To believe in Jesus Christ is to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, meaning that he is God in human flesh.

You'd have to believe that.
And that means you'll have to believe that whatever he said was truth.
This Jesus stated that the prophecy of Daniel was true.
He confirmed the prophecy of Daniel.

and stated that the 70th week that Daniel referred to will come.
Jesus stated it.
He himself was crucified in the 69th week, according to the prophetic writings of Daniel.

So if this Jesus said the 70th week will come, you better believe him.

Then you're going to the same scriptures of the prophets to find out when will the 70th week begin?

come to find out in the scriptures, as I did show you in several occasions, the scriptures clearly tell us that the time between the 69th week and the 70th week is 2000 years.

2000 years.

To assume that that is a speculation is to ruin one's faith and ruin one's life.
Because then you have no clue aside what the Bible says.
Then you have no information.
Then that's when you'd really be speculating.
Because you will be speculating that there is no information.
But there's no definiteness of time with regards to this.
You will be speculating.

Because the Bible shows.
There is.

And the details in which I've laid out what the scriptures tell us.
about this difference.

And I've said before, I've often wondered why there wasn't much information on this for so, so long.

So long.
And the major scriptures that I referred to, with regards to this, I was amazed to have not seen anyone right on those things.
I'll preach them with those verses.
How could this be so obvious?
Maybe because
though appointed for the last times.

And so I implore you to make sure
You listen to these messages.
Listen to them so you can warn yourself.
Listen to them again and again and see the different scriptural exercises that I gave you on the subject.
be helpful.
I think it will be helpful.
And so the Lord is leading us, showing us things that have been in the Word that we may have ignored or probably

than even fully ignorant of.
But getting to know them will help immensely in taking actions, actions.
For example,
I shared with you during your love world programs.

I really wanted to know some things.
Why was our world going the direction it was going in, in spite of a lot of preaching in the churches,
You know, God's people around the world were doing a lot of beautiful things.
They were more excited about Jesus today than most had been.
In fact, some even saw that it was fashionable to be a Christian.
But a lot began to show me that these were really the problems.

quite so much trouble in the world.
Very little peace.
And I showed you at that time what the Lord directed me to.
Go to 1st Timothy chapter 2, now ready to you.
And we found out that generally in most churches around the world, nobody really cared about their scripture.
And yet the answer was right there.
From verse one, I exhort therefore that first of all, I said, who was prioritized this?
And which churches do you find in praying like this?
First of all, a priority.
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.

All nations of men.
I said in how many churches?
Were they gathering to pray for all nations?
And I mean seriously.

Most then, then, what about this scripture?
Need nothing of it?

Doan, for kings, and for all that are in authority.
Heads of schools.

Major influential institutions in nations and states and cities.
Did they know a church in a certain community?
Did they know they needed to pray for their mayor and all those who were in that structure?
Did they even know they needed to pray for all the people in their community?
This is for all men.
even at different levels of societal structures.
If we were even doing that, following the catchment for different churches, these things were not happening.
What are we excited and dancing and shouting?
In fact, the churches became theaters.
for demonstrating worldly and kind of behaviors.
Look at what the Bible says, for kings and for all the rain authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
This was what they wanted.
So they cry, there's so much corruption.
Look at honesty.
Did you want honesty in your city?
Look at the answer.
Did you want a peaceable life in all godliness?
Look at the answer.
And yet, to get this, what the Lord said to do was not done.
And at that time I spoke and I said, let's first quickly deal with the issue of COVID.
That's how I would talk to the churches later on about what the real problems have been.
And I did.
And this was one of the things that I pointed out to you.

Most were carried away by the message of faith to get whatever they wanted.
And those who didn't believe in the message of faith went on the other side.
And they needed the message, but they condemned it.
And those who got it used it for selfish interests.
Just go back in your mind and listen to the testimonies that most people gave back then before COVID.
It was always about how they applied their faith to get something they wanted, the selfishness, the greed that I came to the churches of God.
So much greed.
The measurement of success was so carnal and so worldly.

And I said to you at the time, this was one reason God didn't need to fight for the churches when they were shut down.
There was no need.
I said they were not gathering places for Christ.
They were gathering places for their worldly loss.
That's why.
And that's why it was also very easy for many ministers and Christians to accept the lies that they were told.
Because truth was not strong in their hearts.
So deception was very easy to come.
And they were swept away so easily.
And what does the Bible say about the last days?
One of the signs, one of the signs said that there will be a great falling away.

You need to use the Word of God to warn yourself and prepare yourself for the coming of the Lord.
Prepare yourself.
And in this morning, I'm going to begin sharing a few things on prayer.
And I hope that you are
Enjoying more to pray today than you ever did in your life.
It's very important.

Our world was going in the way that Satan wanted it to go.

to take away God's people's interest in the things of God and direct their interests to the world and eventually to the worship of Satan.
Because at the end of the day, that's what he wants.
And remember the temptation of Jesus.
What did he ask him to do?
So if you fall down and worship me, I'll give you everything.

This is how I'll give you all the kingdoms because they've been delivered to my hands.
Who delivered them to his hands?
Adam, first Adam.

So Satan, well in that democratic authority, had the audacity to say to Jesus, if you fall down and watch with me, I'll give you authority over the kingdoms of the world.

But Jesus was clear.

Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou show.

So you look at history, you'd find that human life has always been focused on deity.
The central point of human life is the worship of deity.
Because man in his spirit recognizes a divine connection without which he has no meaning.
His life is meaningless.
Without a divine connection, life is meaningless.

Life is meaningless.
Life is without a compass.

The rich and the poor, they die the same way.
They may be remembered for a while,
And not remember, look at what happened in 2020, particularly, into 2021, when they were destroying the statues of several historical personalities in various cities in the United States, names that were revered for so long.
as makers of their society.
Cities were named after them, streets were named after them.
It was a pride to hope to be remembered like them.
And we watched on television how studies that were raised, monuments raised so their memory were brought down most violently

so much for eternal glory in the earth.
I will tell you something.
A generation came up that had no regard for what they did and provided some of that interpretation for their actions.

It's not new.
It's not new.
Joseph did marvelous things in the land of Egypt.
Joseph became a great name in Egypt.
He helped Egypt through their difficult times by the power of God, the wisdom of God that God gave him.
Served as Prime Minister.

Think about it.
The Bible says, generations later, this man that was so revered, this man that was so respected, the Bible says that came to the throne of Pharaoh that recognized not Joseph.
All the Pharaohs were well educated.
They were masters of history.
So when the Bible says, and you're not Joseph, doesn't mean that he knew nothing about Joseph.
No, no, no, it's all etched in print, in their caves everywhere, in their materials, even till this day.
So that fair knew about Joseph.
But like what we had in the United States provided a new interpretation, failed to recognize
The truth about Joseph.
What did he do?
He placed Joseph's people in slavery.
He made them slaves.

He made them slaves.

until they cried out to God for bitter bondage.
Hard bondage.
They suffered.
They were treated less than men, less than humans.

So the idea that somehow if you can be great enough in this world, you'll be forever remembered.
That's a chasing after the wind.
All you need is some good lesson of history.
Then you realize the emptiness in this world.
So why do you live?

What's the meaning of life?
You realize suddenly it's it's got no meaning without God.

So you find back in history, they always sought to connect
to the divine, whatever their perception of divinity was.
It will help you understand why the beard, day gone.
Remember day gone?
The God of the Philistines, day gone.
He was a man with the lower body of a fish.
to the tail of a fish, just like a mermaid, a mermaid is female of the same kind.
And they wash up day gone.

But when you understand the operations of demons, wicked spirits,
Do you know how such things came about?

Because day gone was actually the imagery provided them of a demon.
And so they created this idol
to fit the description of this degon demon.

Then their biggest, the most senior of their gods

Which, till this day, you see the symbols.
You see the symbols.

Let me read you a scripture.
I want you to go to Leviticus.
Chapter 17 and verse number seven.
And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils after home.
They have gone a hurry.
This shall be a statute forever unto them throughout their generations.
I want you to know this that verse and then go to chapter 30
32, Deuteronomy chapter 32 and verse 17.
They sacrificed unto devils, not to God.

To God, soon they knew not.
to new gods that came up nearly, or nearly up, whom your father's feared nuts, devils, devils, demons.
And of course, if you go to,
the New Testament, you'd see exactly the same thing.
First Corinthians chapter 10 and verse number 20.
What does the Bible say?
What I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils,
And what?
And not to God, devils, not to God.
And I wouldn't know that you should have fellowship with devils.
It's letting you know that when those people sacrifice, the offer sacrifices to these idols, that they're actually demons behind the idols.

Listen, I don't want you to be like them.
Because they have fellowship with demons.
So I don't want you to have fellowship with demons.
These people have fellowship with demons through their sacrifices.

So when they were worshiping day gone, what happened?
they had fellowship with demons.
So it's not just the idol that's there, there's an evil spirit behind the physical structure that they have erected.

And if you look at what I just showed you from the
Book of Leviticus, it tells you something quite interesting.
What it translates as devils is good.
And there's a reason I'm bringing that to you.

Now, when I was sharing with you along these lines, I talked to you about
certain courts, from who several of those involved, several of them involved in world politics today, involved in various organizations today.
I told you about this cult that they're a part of.
And the symbol of that court, that the worship is the head of a good.

I'll share it with you.

The symbol is the good.

And he's told us those are demons, the demons.
So all true human history, you would see this desire for connection with deity.
And something good about what happened with Deagon, by the way.
You remember in the story when the Ark of God was captured and they brought it into the temple of Deagon.
And they were so happy.
They said, Our God is stronger than their God.
So we have captured the God of Israel.
So they brought His Ark.
And you remember when war came and that aquas brought to the battle, they were scared to death.
All right?
They were scared to death.
And they cried out.
They said, look, you got to fight like me.
We can't allow ourselves become slaves to the Israelites.
But you see, the Israelites weren't living for God.
They were messing up.
They were messing up.
So in the same way that he let the churches be shut down, that's how he allowed the ark to be captured.
I'm sure you're getting it now.
The ark was captured!
The ark that if even an Israelite touched, he would be smitten to death by the power of God.
Lord Larry Mann could touch it.
Yet that ark was captured.
It became as nothing was captured and taken to the land of the Philistines.
And he brought it before Deagon and locked him up in the temple of Deagon.
So in the morning, they came in to do their chores.
And Deagon was bowed.
for the heart of God.
They couldn't believe it.
They got somebody, surely did something terrible here.
They knew they were going to catch whoever it was.
So they set up their gun again.
They're going to go and get up.
Think about it.
They can get up.
They can get up.
So they set him up again, and the heart of God was still there.
Left him there.
Next time they came, not only was they gone following his hands and his legs were all broken,

They gun was like Humpty Dumpty.
Had a great fall and all the King soldiers and everybody couldn't put him back together.

So they sent away the Ark of God.
But then...
Think how much they're putting to build in their gods.
They're putting so much.

Come to what the Bible tells us about Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon.
At the time he was king of the world.
The whole world was on the Babylon.
King of the world.
Any beard.
An idol.
Of gold.

Complete gold.
They had gold.
He was king of the world.
an idol of gold.
How many of you measure in feet?
Let me see your hand.
You measure in feet.
Just want to know.
Okay, how many of you measure in meters?
How many of you don't measure at all?
I guess there are too many hands that are down.
You don't measure in feet.
You don't measure in meters.
What else are you measuring?

Let's go again.
I'll take it that you didn't hear me.
How many of you measure in feet?
How many of you measure in meters?
All right, I wanted to be sure which one I should use.
But it's almost the same numbers.
So this idol that was built by Nebuchadnezzar,
was 90 feet tall, 9 feet wide.
So if you're in meters, there will be approximately 30 meters high.
That's a lot for gold.
Even if you say gold played it, there's still a lot for it.
30 meters.
And three meters wide.
That's a lot.

And he said, everybody in the land must worship this idol.
They put in so much.
The idol of gold.
So now he decided the life of every Babylonian must be centered around this image.
of gold.
Of course that was when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego took a stand and said, we're not going to do it.
First Timothy 2-8, I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands.
Get more insight about prayer as Pastor Chris teaching on the subject of prayer and its practicality.
Be inspired as you want.
Prayer isn't something new.
Prayer is something that man has been acquainted with from the elias, from the very beginning.
The desire to communicate with God.
And for us, you'd realize that since you've been born again, you have known about prayer.
In fact, some of you were even praying before you were born again.
You were like Cornelius.
You were not born again, but you were praying.
But thank God, you found out like he did.
about Jesus.
But as you study in the scriptures, prayer starts having a different level of importance to you.
Use that discovering is more than just communicating with God.
It's a generic term that covers so many things.
The beautiful thing is the scriptures
Make them plain to us.
No wonder Jesus said, men ought always to pray and not to fame.
They ought always to pray.
Men ought to pray, ought to pray.
Think about it.
They ought always to pray.

So it is something that God built within the human system.
Not only should he desire to pray, he should pray.
So prayer is not the response of the weakling.
Prayer is not the response of the man or woman who has no solution.
Prayer is a solution.

So when you're praying, you're not doing nothing, you're doing something.

So I'm just gonna show you a few thoughts around here on the subject.
Number one, to prayer, or in prayer, we implore the mercy of God.
See, we implore the mercy of God.
We invoke the mercy of God.
To prayer.
Such that if we deserve some form of repercussions,
If we deserved some form of judgment for our action, if we deserved some kind of condemnation for our behavior, we can have the mercy of God in prayer.
And we can pray for others.
And the mercy of God can be extended to them.
So in prayer,
We implore the mercy of God.
Number two, our minds focus in prayer on the spiritual.
You see, when we want to pray, suddenly we realize we're talking to a spirit being.
We're not talking to another man.
And immediately, we cease to rely on our senses to make that communication.
We're not thinking of something we want to touch.
We're not thinking about some man we want to reach.
Suddenly, we go within us, from our insight.
beginning with the focusing of our minds.
We take our minds away from there, there, and the other, and we try to focus on the spiritual.
So here's something that prayer does for us.
It gets our minds focused on the spiritual.
And that's a good thing.
Because man is primarily a spirit.
And the more you attend to your actual nature, your original nature, the better.
You set your mind on what you really are, a spirit.

And you know what that means.
You know what that means.
When you can focus on the spiritual, it means that you are ready to play in the realm of the spiritual.
You're ready to function in the realm of the spiritual.
You're ready to participate.
Monte Cobra Gaddeheskis.
Number three, our spirits are stirred to contact the Spirit of God.
You see, our minds are focused on the Spirit of God.
Then our spirits are stirred to contact the Spirit of God.
It happens in prayer.

Your spirit is dead, activated, especially when you bring in tongues, right?
This is a prayer in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayer.
My spirit prayer, hallelujah.
And that is so important because think about it.
First, my mind is focused on the spiritual, and then my spirit is there to contact the spirit of God.
What's happening with me there?
What's happening with me there?
Something like you got in the Bible in the second Peter chapter one, reading from verse number three,

according as his divine power had given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that had called us to glory and virtue.
Look at the next verse.
Wherever I are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature.
Partakers, coin on us, means associates, associates, sheriffs, participators.
What best is associate?
comrades, as coin and us, says of the divine nature, not the best translation given divine nature, not the best there, because in the Greek it's

It actually means God-kind.
It means God-kind.
Do you get it?
Like you say, mankind.
See, God-kind.
So what Peter is telling you here is that by these promises that he gave,
He's brought you to become an associate of the God kind.
That is amazing.
That means that you've been brought into the membership of a heavenly pantheon.
Because Jesus said, He are gods.
So this is a heavenly pantheon, comrades of the Godcans.
And that's why that's what makes the King James a rendering possible.
Now, I don't mean that's what made the, gave them the rendering.
I'm saying that the rendering in the King James is actually subject to the rendering I just gave you.
to the actual meaning of the verse.
The actual meaning of the verse is that you are associates of the God kind.
But so when it says that you're partakers of the divine nature, it is because you are associates of the God kind.
That's why you are partakers of the divine nature.
Are you getting what I'm telling you?
So they looked at it from the lesser side.
I mean, the translators of the KJV.
And of course, there are other translators.
Some don't even have something as good as that.
Wow, wow.
So through my spirit, see, imagine something's happening.
I don't like it.
I'm not so good about it.
I don't feel so good about it.
So what do I do?
I turn my mind on guard in prayer.
That means right now I'm beginning to think of the spiritual.
then my spiritual prayer is in contact with the Spirit of God.
So what am I about to do?
I'm about to play from the divine realm.
I'm about to participate in the divine experience.
Do you get it?
So I'm about to act like a God because Jesus said I am.
So I cannot try and fall back and regret and feel like I'm a victim.
I can act a victim now.
You see it?
Because I participate in the divine experience.
I'm a protector of the divine nature.
There's a divine nature.
They ask for souls.
The God count.
I'm of the God count.
I'm of the God count.
See, I was of the mankind, but when I was born again, I became of the God count.
Are you getting it?
So, when you are feeling dejected and trampled on and feeling like you're a victim, then you are playing the mankind.
But you gotta play the God-kind brother.
And that we do through prayer.

So that's what all the churches of Christ should have done in 2020.
Well, thank God we said most of them to get to do it, and things began to change.
But had they known it, instead of shutting down and running out, looking for where to hide from COVID, and looking for the mass to keep them from being contaminated or infected, they were supposed to just wise up and say, who's king around here?
Associate of the God Khan.
Then it's okay.
Now we got to, we got to play in the heavenly realms.
You see it?
Because they're trying to class you with all humans.
You remember when Pilate said to Jesus, you don't want to answer me?
Don't you know I am the governor?
I have the power to set you free or to condemn you to death.
Jesus, they hadn't said anything all the while.
He was like this.
They asked him questions and said nothing.
And then Pilate said a person around him, do you know who I am?
I am Pilate.
I have the power of Caesar.
I can set you free.
Or I can take your life.
Once he said that, Jesus, he couldn't take it anymore.
That's when he raised his head.
He said, you don't have any power over me at all.
It was time to reply.
Tell somebody there's a time to reply.
Sit down.
That's when the master replied.
Do you don't have any power over me at all?

Then he practically said, I forgive you, because he said, because he said, those who brought me here are the ones that are more guilty.
He just didn't want to, he didn't want to have any problem with him.
I was like, you are too small, you know?

And then Pilate got confused.

Where is God?
So in prayer, our spirits are stared to contact the Spirit of God, right?
Number four, in prayer, we bless.
We bless.
To bless is to offer thanks.
All right?
When you bless God, have you ever blessed God?
You bless God by thanking him.
When you bless in prayer, you're doing something.

A blessing,
to God offers thanks.
Whereas when you bless men, you are conferring on them the benefits of the God to whom you give thanks.
In prayer we bless.

Giving thanks is praising God.
How many times?
You know, that old song in the sound, I will bless thee, O Lord, right?
I will, I will, but then they don't.
So we'll sing the song, I will bless thee, O Lord.
I mean, we sang that song for many, many years.
I will bless thee, O Lord.
With our hands up, thank thee, and I will bless thee, O Lord, I will bless thee.
When are you going to bless?
I will, I will, I will.

There's a difference between thank you and I will thank you.

I will bless thee.
So I bless.
So I bless.
So in prayer, we bless, we offer thanks, praise.
Number five.
In prayer, we prophesy.

We prophesy.
I said something about that yesterday, right?
And I said that prophecy is too full.
One is to speak thoughts, and the other one is to foretell.
But in prayer, we prophesy.
What am I saying to you?
Don't let your prayer be limited.
All right, look at number one.
What prayer offers you?
Number two, number three, number four.
You see it?
And then look at this as number five.
In prayer, we prophesy.
Remember, he said this, that's why until you are doing this,
You have not utilized the power, benefits of prayer.
Remember what he said.
In the last days, say it, God, I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
The first response
from the spirit being poured out, is what?
I'll pour out my spirit, some versions who say are part of my spirit, upon our flesh.
And the response is, prophecy.
So, why would you not prophesy?
in your prayer, in your prayer, become inspired.
That's why you set your mind, you focused your mind on the spiritual.
Now, kind of the mind that people don't set their mind on the spiritual.
They don't do that.
They are the ones that preach such prayers as, you say, come and pray over this, we say, plus God minus devil, amen.
They have prayed.
Because they have no vocabulary to talk to God.
That is their own prayer, plus God minus devil, amen.
Is that prayer?
They don't know what to say to God.
They're kind of reminded.

So in prayer, you become what?
We shall reverse yesterday.
Where is it?
Be filled with the Spirit.
All right?
And we said, it's supposed to continue.
Be being filled with the Spirit.
Always filled with the Spirit.
Not sometimes.

And if you're that way, then your prayer life will be enriched with prophecy, where you speak forth God's Word and then you will foretell the future.
Listen, you better do it because if you don't, some others will release a future that they create for you.
you are responsible for your future.
You have to know that.
And then as an individual, you have to know it.
How your life goes depends a lot on you.
And then the churches of God must also recognize that as a church, we have a responsibility to determine what happens in our communities.
We have to realize this.
And that's why our prayer life must be different from the ordinary.
So when we're coming together for prayer, we must know that as we're coming together for prayer, we are also coming together to prophesy.
We are coming together to determine the future of our city, of our country, and of our world.

Oh, remember again those scriptures I shared with you.
In Hebrews chapter 11, let's read from verse 1 to verse 3.
Look at those verses again and understand.
Hebrews chapter 11 from verse 1.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for.
The evidence, evidence of things not seen.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for.
Faith is calling real that which you have hoped for.
It says, have you seen it in your hope?
Have you determined what you want?
It says, faith means calling it real.
Faith is the title deed.
The evidence of unseen realities.
You have hoped.
You have pictured it.
Faith is calling it real.
Faith is taking a hold of it with your spirits.
The title deed, I have the title deed.
You said, do you have that land?
Is that land yours?
I said, yes.
You said, do you have evidence?
I said, I have the title deed.
I don't have to go and carry the land.
I don't have to show you anything.
I'll show you the title deed.

Do I have the title?
Did I say yes?
I was authorized.
I was authorized.
Ah, yeah, back I see the day.
Have you ever seen such power, such grace, such glory, queer someone gives you a check
and says to you, fill in what you want.
Not only that, I don't think about it.
You just fill in whatever it is you want.
That's a blank check from God, from Jesus Christ.
And to say, son, fill the dotted lines, write the title deed.
I can write it.
This is, I've already signed the document, just right.
Lord, signed?
Oh, when was it signed?
This is when the Holy Ghost came into your hearts to live there.
That was the seal.
Did you get it?
That's the seal.
It's been signed.
Philip, I say, how am I supposed to do it?
How am I supposed to do it?
I told you already.
He says, my tone is the pen of a ready writer.

So as I speak,
As I declared, I am writing it.
I am writing it.
I am writing it.
In the spirit, I am writing it.
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
As a brother, my heart indicted a good matter.
I am composing a good matter.
I am composing it.
Shalom and song by.
You see, if you have not been doing that, then you see why things have somehow been difficult.
Because you didn't feel in the blanks.
So they are.

Remember, the Holy Ghost is the seal.
And watch more.
For you to know that part of it has already been done, this is the Holy Ghost, is the down payments.
Is the in-est payment, is the in-est as the down payment.
So part of that thing has been done by putting the seal.
It's been signed.
Fill it.
Use your tongue to write.
That's prophecy, that's prophecy.
He says, look here, Hebrews 11, we'll seal on it.
Verse one, now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.
For by it, by faith, the errors obtained a good report.
I want to obtain a good report.
Don't you want a good report?

I want to have a good report.
And that good report says they got it by faith.
by the actions of faith, by the life of faith, for by the errors obtained a good report.
Now, look at the next one, it's so big.
True faith, we understand that the words, aeons, the aeons, the errors, Noah's day, when is it in the days of Noah?
That's what he's talking about.
The days, there are days with friends.
That's the word translated, words there.
Words is aion.
They're errors.
They're cause of life.
There are days, the days of Moses.
So when you think about what were the days of Pastor Landry like?
In the days of Pastor Joseph.
In the days.
In the days.
How will it be written?
How will it be written?
How will that be written?
In the days of Pastor Diola, there, you know, in the days.
Pastor Tonya, are you getting it?
Well, in the days of Pastor Tony.

Listen, the elders obtained the good reports.
What's your story going to be?

Look, the apostles and us too, read of the erudas like David, Jephthah, even Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, and so on.
But if that's where it stopped, wouldn't have been helpful to us.
Then we saw Peter.
James, Paul, you know, that's wonderful.

These children that are growing up, are they supposed to look at us as wimps?
And then Junior is standing near daddy, and Junior is saying to daddy, where is the God of Elijah?

Not good enough, my brother.
We have to bring the God of Elijah to our day.
Do you care what I'm telling you?

It's not good enough.

When Junior has to ask you where is the God of Paul,
It's not okay.
It's not okay.
For me, that was not going to be okay.
Manke Raba Takayaba.
That was not going to be okay for me.
Wasn't going to be okay for me.
I said, oh God, Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

Oh God, that I might show your glory to this generation.
Oh hallelujah.

You know, I was very young when I began to learn of Jesus Christ.
But I made up my mind that if
If I was going to follow this thing, it had to be true, it had to be provable, it had to work.
Because I was too young to let my life go in the wrong direction.

If I was going to follow this thing,

and it wasn't okay.
Then I was in jeopardy.

The question was, was it true?
Was it dependable?
In my spirit, I just knew it was true.
I was young, but I listened so much at home to all the preaching of the Bible in church.
Then my grandfather talked a lot to me.
I asked questions.
I asked a lot of questions.

And I thought, this must be true.
It's worth believing.
But if I believe it, I must follow it.
But I must follow it wholeheartedly.
No half measures.
Well, the question was, if I got that committed to God, would He be committed to me?
In other words, will he fail?
What if he did?
Wasn't sure, not sure of that.
But the day came.
I will never forget.
When he says, I am with you.
I will not fail you nor forsake you.

God was there.
God was there.
He heard me.
God was there.
God was there.
And I got up from that chair.
I was different forever.
I was changed forever.
I would never be the same.
I was set.
I knew one thing.
He was dependable.
Okay, so I was glad about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
That is his memory of forever.
I was glad about the God of David and Solomon.
so on in the prophets.
I was glad about the God of the apostles, the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ as he's described in the New Testament.
But now he had become my God.
And that meant bringing him
from history.
So now, you had to come out.
If you recall, if you were with us some years ago, it was one of those reasons.
But the titles that I give, they're not empty.
So we had a camp meeting years ago.

The theme was, beyond the written pages.
What year was that you remember?

Probably 89 or 90 somewhere, somewhere one of those early years, 92, not 92.
So it would be 80, 89, 90 somewhere.

You think it's 89 or 90, somewhere there.
All right, they're trying to, they will remember it shortly.
But that's how old, that's how old that topic was, right?
Beyond the written pages.
So I thought, what taken Christ beyond the written pages?
Christ alive in me 24 hours a day.
So you understand these things I'm sharing with you, they're not just starting.
How many years ago, how many years ago was 1990?
How many years would that be?
32 years.
If it has worked for 32 years, it will always work.
That's coming close to how long Jesus lived here.
33, and he changed the whole world.

So he thought that 33 years would be enough to prove if it works for 33 years, work always.
Ha ha ha, thank you Lord Jesus.

So I said, beyond the written pages, I figured,
we had to take him from the book to the everyday of our lives.
You're still there?
Number six.
In prayer, we speak mysteries.

I wish you would understand the glory of this.
Did you ever read in your Bible what he says about Solomon?
Solomon was so graced by God, he was given wisdom as a Bible terrorist.
God made Solomon wise.
Did you ever read it?
God made him wise.

And I want to read something to you, what the Bible says.
First Kings chapter four, I'm reading to you from verse 29.
Now the Septuagint says that the wisdom that God gave to Solomon as furnaces.
All right, furnaces, furnaces.
That's practical wisdom.
All right, well, let's return verse 29.
And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding, exceeding much and largeness of hearts.

even as a saying that is under seashore.
And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the East Country and all the wisdom of Egypt.
For he was wiser than all men.
Ah, stop.
That is something.

Now, everybody in the world didn't know Solomon.
It wasn't everybody who knew him.
But God knew everybody.
And our scripture is given by inspiration of God.
And the author of this word, the Holy Ghost, who knew everybody.
told us what some people in the world didn't know.
He said Solomon was wiser than all men, didn't matter what they thought.
Come on now, come on.
Did you get it?
Oh, there might have been some people who challenged whatever he said from wherever they were.
If they heard Solomon said it, that's nonsense.
I'm wiser than Solomon.
God says it doesn't matter what they thought.
He says Solomon was wiser than all men, period.
That is amazing.
For he was wiser than all men, than Eitan, the Eshrahite, and Himen, and Kalkol, and Dada, the sons of Mahal, and his fame was in all nations round about.
Now, here's what I'm thinking, you two, because, you know, one day the Lord was talking to me about something and it had to do with wisdom.
And he was talking about this divine wisdom that we have, how far more excellent than the wisdom of Solomon.
As a Lord, Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived.
He said, yes, but your wisdom is my wisdom.

Oh, then he said, go in the scriptures and read what Solomon talked about.
He said, you're not talking about those things.
He said, you're talking about higher things than what Solomon knew.
I went into the Bible.
I said, I got to read it.
I got to read it.
Look at it.
He said, he specked 3,000 proverbs and songs were 1,005, 1,005 songs.
That's not a lot.
Look at, look at what he talked about.
Look at this.
And his speck of trees, trees from the sea, that tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop that spring it out of the wall.
His speck also of beasts and of fowl and of creeping things and of fishes.
I thought, huh?
And he was wiser than no man.
I said, Lord, I get it.
So I said, well, what do I talk about?
He said, you speak mysteries.
You speak mysteries.
He says, you speak things that baffle men.

This is wonderful, this is wonderful, wonderful.
One of my very first experiences, one of my very first experiences of the manifestation of the gift of knowledge, my first experience.
I would say one of the first because that's the one that I really put some
measure of importance to, was by that inspiration, talking about something like, so I could understand this, all right?
Talking about a fruit that I've never seen,
and explaining the inside and the arrangement of the fruits.

And the one I was talking to opened a biology textbook and found everything I said to be exactly, as I said it, as I described it.
So you read it as a norm.
never did until this they never had.
But I provided the explanation.
And of course, from then, I've done same thing to many things.
As I come, I know many things.
Yeah, I know a lot of things.
But most of the things that I know, I know by the spirit, the gift of knowledge,
That's why I told you that gift is very important.
You supernaturally know things of this life and the spiritual.
See, scriptures are supernaturally given to me.
I just know what's there.
Then I make a note, I take my Bible and I open law and behold,
That's what's there.
And sometimes I've had that when that gift is in operation.
And I just know what's in the original text.

I know what's in the original text.

These are higher things that God has graced us with, that the natural man can never attain to.
That gives you God.
And that's what I'm saying.
I'm sharing with you here.
Look at it.
I just told you, I just told you in prayer, we speak what?
We speak mysteries.
First Corinthians chapter 14.
I'm gonna read from verse one into verse two, and I want you to notice.
Follow after charity, and that's a gappy.
He's talking about love, okay?
The love of God.
Follow after love.
Charity says, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that you may prophesy.
How good is prophecy, see?
How important?
And I told you, prophecy is the gift that reveals secrets, not the so-called word of knowledge.
Let me show this to you.
Good verse.
But if our professor and they come in one that believe it not, or one unlearn it, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all, and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest.
And so falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is in new attitudes.
What gift was an operation to reveal secrets?
That's a gift of prophecy.
So the gift of prophecy brings such kinds of revelations.
All right?
That's revelations of secrets of men.
Things that have to do with men.

But the secrets of God.
are revealed through the gift of wisdom, the gift of knowledge.
All right.
We're not dealing with that in detail today.
We're going on with what I'm sharing with you.
I'm reading in 1 Corinthians 14.
We just read verse 1.
Now, go to verse 2.
That's where the point is.
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue, speaketh not unto man, but unto God.
For no man understandeth him.
How beeth?
In the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
The one who speaks in an unknown tongue speaks with mysteries.
Mysteries, first Corinthians chapter two.
Read from verse six.
How we have to speak wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this word, nor of the princes of this word, that come to not.
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the heat and wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory.
We speak heat and wisdom.

So when we're in prayer, especially through praying in other tongues, we'll speak what?
Divine revelations.
So when I pray in other tongues, a lot of times, you know, when I'm praying in tongues and praying in tongues and praying in tongues, then when the interpretations that's coming to me, and I speak out the interpretations, sometimes it's like, oh, I just spoke out a scripture, or I spoke out an explanation of something in the Word of God.
In a mama, mama, I'm speaking mysteries.
I'm speaking for solutions.
But I spoke in tongues.
Now I bring the interpretation, and from the interpretation, I know what the Spirit was speaking.
Are you still there?
So in prayer, we speak what?
Oh, we don't just speak mysteries to the air.
We speak mysteries that we might be blessed with these mysteries.
These mysteries are the wisdom of God revealed.
I just read to you.
Go back to that verse.
from verse six again.
How be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this world, not of the princes of this world that come to nut.
We speak, but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the heat and wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory.
And one of the ways we bring the heat and wisdom into this word is through the spirits when we speak in tongues.
You see that?
And by the Holy Ghost, we speak mysteries.
And then by the gift of interpretation, we know what those mysteries are.
Otherwise, how can we be blessed with them?
Are you following what I'm telling you?
So when you're praying in tongues, be a lot in your spirit.
Wisdom is being spoken, wisdom.
Ah, man, great.
You're going to ask.
Wisdom is being spoken.
And if you keep praying, the interpretation will come to you.
So learn to, when you pray, keep your writing materials close to you because you don't want to lose those important things that God tells you.
And sometimes they can be so important to become ones in their lifetime.
You can pray the rest of your work on earth and never have them come back.
Be careful.
You understand?
So show yourself worthy of divine revelations.
And they come, write them down.
Sometimes they don't come in the perfect state.
They come in a way that is incomplete.
So you have to wait.
It can take a long time before it's completed.
It can be in the part.
And then when it is more complete, now you know it fully.
It happened with the apostles, with the prophets as well.
Sometimes they were given something and it in fact took another profit to complete it.
So don't just run off with something.
And the Lord told me, the Lord told me, you know, in discipline people are like that.
And that's why the very important, the most important things in the spirit are not revealed to them.
Because every little thing, the Lord told me, He told me, the Lord told you,
He hasn't even finished telling you, you've run of the Lord told me.
So how can he tell you important things?
Whenever little thing, the Lord told me, he hasn't even finished.
Sometimes he's telling you things that he wants to work out in your own life.
He hasn't even done it.
The Bible says, it tells Bearer, reveal its secrets.
So are you a tailbearer?
And God trust you with secrets, secrets of the kingdom.
So let him trust you.
Oh, this is so lovely.
So in prayer, we speak mysteries, mysteries, mysteries.
Oh, boy.
How's sharing something with you?
That's so wonderful.
I'll read it to you.
All right.
Go to verse two one more time.
First Corinthians chapter 14.
Go to verse two.
For he that speak it in an unknown tongue,
Speak it not unto man, but unto God, for no man understand at him.

No man understand at him.
How big in the spirit, his speak at mysteries.
He's speaking, but he's not understood.
Go to verse 13.
Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret?
Do you see that?
So might as well say, let him that speaketh mysteries not yet understood pray that he may interpret.
You see that?
But most of the time, they're just speaking tongues, praying tongues for two hours, and then not a single thing that they gain except the other blessings of speaking in tongues.
But they gain nothing from the mysteries spoken.
So he says what?
We're for letting him that speak in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.
So that at least you can be brought into the realm of these mysteries.
Are you still there?
That's how come we get to know how to deal with what to deal with.
The mysteries are revealed to us, speaking in tongues.
In speaking in tongues, to pray in tongues.
In fact, you look at that scripture in Ephesians chapter 6 and verse number 18, and what it tells us, which is so beautiful,
Have you seen it?
Train always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there on to with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
So he says, pray with all manner of prayer, pray in the spirit.
So praying in the spirit becomes what?
the accompaniment for all other kinds of prayer.
So whether it's a prayer of faith, this is prayer with the Spirit with your prayer of faith, your prayer of intercession, pray in the Spirit with your intercessory prayer.
What kind of prayer, whatever kind of prayer, is a praying in the Spirit should be part of them.
And what you come first
Go to verse 14 of 1 Corinthians, chapter 14, where we were?
Verse 14.
For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit pray it, but my understanding is unfruitful.
What is it then?
I will pray with the spirit and I'll pray with the understanding.
Also, I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the understanding.
Also, so which one is priority?
Because from the spirits, you will know what words to use.
You'll be inspired immediately.
Your tongue will be arranged to say the right thing, come by Ikyla Haya.
So you see, as I say, Alida, you don't always know what you're going to say.
But you pray, pray in the spirit, pray in the spirit, pray in the spirit, and your tongue will be arranged by God.
You said things you didn't even intend to say.
If you get your tongue hooked to God.

So that's verse 15, correct?
All right, so let's read.
We'll take you now to verse 21.
Verse 21, in the law, it is written, with men of other tongues, hetero-glossas, other tongues, with men of other tongues, and other lips, will I speak unto these people?
And yet for all that, will they not hear me, say it to the Lord?
Wherefore tongues are for a sign?
Not to them that believe, but to them that believe not, but prophesy and serve it not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.
This is remarkable what he is telling us here.
This is really remarkable.
I want you to go back to that verse 21 and let's read again.
In the law it is written, with men of other tongues and other lips, will I speak unto these people?
And then it tells us that this
was a sign, all right?
And then gives us the impression that it's not just a one-time thing, but it's become a kind of principle.
Look at it, in verse 22.
Queer for.
Tongues are for a sign.
not to them that believe, but to them that believe not.
That's general.
Because the first verse was addressed, go back to verse 21.
In the law, it is written, with men of other tongues and other lips, will I speak unto these people?
So a sign,
That was a wait in Israel.
He says, there's a sign coming, but they will not believe.
What is the sign?
All the same.
So as specific peoples, as to these people, not to people, to these people,
Now, I want you to look at it again because it's so important.
It says, in the law it is written, with men of other tongues, and I want you to notice the expression, other tongues, and other lips.

With men of other tongues and other lips, will I speak unto these people?
And yet for all that, will they not hear me?

Now, let me keep the scripture there.
I want you to look at something.
The words men of don't exist in the original.

Those words were employed by the translators for a reason, and I'm going to show you the reason.
They put them there for a perceived or assumed clarity.
The trouble is, while they were thinking of making it clearer, they confused it.
They confused and already confusing expression because they didn't know.
In fact, if you use a proper King James Bible from where we got this, you will notice that men of are italicized or put in parenthesis.
in brackets, how many of you have observed that?
Meaning that they were not there in their original manuscripts.
Now let's read it without men off.
What will you get?
With other tongues and other lips, I will speak to these people, correct?
Because men off, not supposed to be there.
But like I said, I know why they put it there and I'm gonna show you.
Since it says in the law it is written, I wanna show you where they got it from, okay?
Now, when Jesus used that term also in the law, he wasn't referring to the first five books of Moses, all right?
Sometimes that term was applied to the books of Moses, the law, and the prophets.
Sometimes when Jesus said so, he meant the larger volume.
And that's the same case with this in Paul's writing.
He was referring to the larger volume.
So you'd find it in the book of Isaiah chapter 28,
from verse 11.
For with stammering lips and another tongue, will he speak to these people?
For with stammering lips and another tongue, will he speak to these people?
Did you notice these people?
Next verse.
To whom he say,
This is the rest, where which it may cost the weary to rest.
And this is the refreshing, yet they would not hear.
This is quite interesting.

I want you to go to the CJB, let's look at the book of Acts chapter three and verse 19.
Therefore, repent and turn to God so that your sins may be erased.
Let me get the next one.
So that times of refreshing may come from the Lord's presence, and he may send the Messiah appointed in advance for you, that is Yeshua.
He says, repeat and turn to God.
He's talking to the Jews.
Peter is preaching to the Jews.
So that your sins may be erased.
I like that word, erased, blooded out, deleted.
So that times of refreshing, times of refreshing may come from the Lord's presence.
He says, if you repaired and turned to God, there are two things that will happen.
One is the times of refreshing will come from God's presence.
Two is that Messiah will be sent back to you because He says, whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things as in the next verse.
He has to remain in heaven until the time comes for restoring everything as God has said long ago when He spoke through the holy prophets.
Now go to the ESV.
The ESV can make a reading from verse 19, much better.
Repent therefore and turn back that your sins may be blooded out.
The times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send the Christ appointed for you.
So two separate things and correct contextually.
The King James translation makes you think it's one thing together and it becomes a problem when you compare the fact that he immediately tells you in the 24th verse that he must remain until the times of restitution.
So that becomes confusing.
That's why I wanted you to read it from a better rendering.
So you get the clarity that they're two separate things, the result of the repentance.
They repent and their sins are blotted out.
And he says, times of refreshing.
He says, so that times of refreshing may come.
Now, these times of refreshing are our times in the Spirit.
That's what he's talking about.
So you go back to Isaiah chapter 28.
We're reading from verse 11 to verse 12.
I want you to follow this.
For his stomach and another tongue, well, he speak to these people.
To whom he said, this is the rest, well, which it may cost the weary to rest.
And this is the refresher.
So you get it now.
So he did promise times of refresher.
And that's what Peter spoke about.
And in fact, Peter again, in his own writing, quoted from that same very chapter, just a few verses down, he quoted there again, because from here, he went on to say, I lay in Zion, a stone, a foundation, referring to Jesus Christ.
So that lets you understand what Paul and Peter thought about this very verse, that it had reference to the ministry of the spirit and the church today.
But here is the beautiful thing you've got to catch.
If you don't catch this, you can take a pillow and start sleeping.
This is so important.
Now, I want you to go back to 1 Corinthians 14 and verse 21.
In the law, that's the place we read.
Here's what he says.
In the law, it is written with men of other tongues.
And I told you, get rid of the men of, okay, because that doesn't exist in the original.
In fact, when we read, it wasn't there.
But the reason they put it is because
In their reading of the chapter and previous chapters, they had a misunderstanding.
They thought that God was talking about sending the Babylonians as men of foreign lips.
And because the word that's translated stammering can also mean following
Okay, means unintelligible.
In fact, it actually means a buffoon.
That's interesting.
And you'd think that with men of other tongues, that's the reason they put that there.
So they say with foreigners.
They think with foreigners, God is going to talk to these people.
But that wasn't what God was saying.
He wasn't saying, I'm going to send you the Babylonians to come and talk to you.
No, that's not what he was saying.
And then, you know, we went on to say, they say they're little.
In fact, when you read some of the translations, you'd find the confusion that many had.
They put some of the verses with question marks, meaning that they think,
Questions were being raised by the Jewish congregation to whom Isaiah was prophesied.
Why some others would put it in their affirmative.
Do you understand that?
When we pray God hears, when we pray God responds, this is our strength and confidence.
In this concluding segment, the man of God, Pastor Chris, teaches on the importance of making deposits of prayer into our future.
Okay, so interesting, interesting.
Let's read it.
In the Lord is written with men of other tongues, so get rid of men of, with other tongues, with other tongues and other lips.
Will I speak unto these people?
Okay, where is it coming from?
We got to verse 15, right?
Christ says, what is it then?
I'll pray with the spirit and I'll pray with you understanding also.
He says, if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayed.
So we know He's talking about speaking in tongues, right?
He's talking about speaking in tongues.
Okay, go to verse 16.
Verse 16.
Else when thou shall bless with the spirit, that means bless with other tongues.
How shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned say amen at that given of thanks?
Blessing is given of thanks.
I told you already, right?
Seeing he understand that not what thou says.
He says if I use tongues to speak blessings, how can the other guy say amen?
Because he doesn't know what I'm saying.
For no man understand that him.
Do you remember how big in the spirit he speak at mysteries?
Great, great.
You are wonderful.
You are understanding everything so quickly.
You're amazing.
All right, so look at verse 17.
For thou there will he give us thanks well, but the other is not edified.
Because I don't understand you.
All right, verse 18.
I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than he or I go whoops.
So Paul spoke so much in tongues, he had the audacity, the boldness to tell a whole congregation I speak with tongues more than all of you.
That must show the sacred of success.
So if you were smart, you'd better start speaking in tongues.
Start speaking in tongues more than your congregation, or your pastors, and all you say are leaders, start speaking in tongues more than your cell leaders.
That doesn't mean you slow them down speaking in tongues, so that just can remain high.
No, speak more in other tongues.
Come on, somebody!
So every now and then... How will he not be successful?
And you know... You know what Paul went through.
You read about him.

He had better spoken in tongues.
But you see, we're facing even a more vicious world today.
And so we've got to, we've got to my brothers and sisters, we've got to, this man spoke with tongues as more than he or.
Look at it.
I thank my God.
I speak with tongues more than he or.

Do like this, ah.
Serious business.
I thank my God.
I speak with tongues more than he all.
All right, look at verse 19.
He had in the church, I'd rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice, I might teach others also than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue.
So when he comes to church, he says, I teach people the word of God so that they can be blessed, rather than speaking to them in tongues.
Next verse, brethren, be no children in understanding.
How bet in malice be your children?
Don't be expatting bad things.
That's what he's saying.
But in understanding, he says, be grown man, be adults in understanding.
So that's how we got to verse 21.
In the law it is written, with other tongues and other lips, will I speak?
So he's quoting his quoting scripture.
His according scripture, to corroborate his explanation about speaking in tongues.
So his letting us know that that scripture has to do with speaking in tongues.
That's what I'm telling you.
What others are thinking it has something to do with Babylonians.
It's got nothing to do with Babylonians.

That's why the King James translators put men there, men.
It's got nothing to do with that.
It's exactly what the scripture said with other tongues and other lips.
So we go and you remember when you move from one language to another, some things get missing.
Some things get missing.
So let's go back.
and find, what got missing here?
What got missing here?
What did Paul know?
What did Paul know that made him speak with tongues more than everybody else?
What did Paul know?
There must have been something about this speaking in tongues.
What in the world was he talking about?
So you go back to what he was telling you.
Isaiah chapter 28 verse 11.
mama, he says with stammering lips and another tongue.
Will he speak to these people?
So a sign is coming, he says.
And it came on the day of Pentecost.
It was a sign.
Acts chapter two, the three.
From verse one.
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, when the, now they came from all nations, the Jews came from all nations from the various nations from where they were born, from where they had lived.
Everybody, John into Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost.
And you know, our God is a master strategy.
He just waited for everybody to come.
Why, they're all waiting.
Oh, let's read it.
When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, the disciples of Jesus, 120 of them.
And suddenly, they came a sound from heaven as of a rushing money win, and it fell all the house where they were sitting.
And they appeared onto them, cloven tongues, like as a fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them honorance.
And they were dwelling at Jerusalem.
That come Jews, development out of every nation under heaven.
Now, when this was noise abroad, when the noise came out,
Okay, because they're speaking and they're getting louder.
Louder, louder.
Did you ever experience that?
We had just 15 of us praying in the room.
Was that... You remember?
We do it all the time and then it's getting louder and louder.
And if you were the host of the cell and you were just holding, you were doing it in one area of the house, you start getting concerned now.
And you said, Bridget, do you want them to calm down?
They all started, well, kira baka, shikara baka, but the next, gura sattali baya, ira bakaiele, ba-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra.

That's what he's telling you when this was noise abroad.
When it went out, the noise went outside.
He says, the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man, every man heard them speak in his own language.
He didn't say they spoke in every man's language.
They didn't speak in every man's language.
They heard them speak.
They heard in their language.

And they said, aren't these guys galleons?
And they were all amazed and marvered.
If they had spoken in their language, they would have not been so surprised.
It was a sign.
Don't you get it?
Because they also came from everywhere.
I mean, they're from different countries.
Maybe these guys have traveled abroad.
And they're back with the Spanish, Italian, Russian.
But no, this is, they were all amazed in Madison, want to not behold, and not all these, which speak Galileans, but, and how here we, how here we, not how speak they, in our own tongue, how here we, how here we, every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born.
It's just like when Jesus called Saul of Tassus on the route to Damascus.
Jesus spoke to him, and he says, I heard him in the Hebrew tongue.
I heard him in the Hebrew tongue.
We don't know that Jesus actually spoke Hebrew, might have been Hebrew, but one thing is sure,
The other guys didn't hear.
They heard the sound, didn't know the meaning of the words.
The Bible says they heard the sound.
And many of them were Jews.
How come they heard the sound and didn't know the meaning?
If it was all Hebrew.
The Bible says I heard him.
I heard him in the Hebrew talk.
So it's the hearing.
The hearing of it is one thing.
The speaking is another.
So when God talks to us, we don't know all the time what language is speaking.
We just know we heard him, we heard him in whatever language that we speak and understand.
Somebody says, what did God speak?
I said, forget, I heard him.
I heard him in my language.
You get it?
In the language that I understand.
But here's the big deal.
Come on here.
Are you still wasting me?
Are you still wasting me?
So, go to verse 13, chapter two, verse 13.
Oh, that's mocking said.
These men are full of wine.
Can you see?
Even, even, even in the midst of the sign.
Did he say that they will not believe?
Look at it.
All that's mocking said, these men are full of new wine.
But Peter's standing up with the 11, lifted up his voice and said unto them, he, man of today, I know you that will, I'll choose them, beat this, not unto you, and hug them to my words.
And he went on preaching.
These are not drunken, as he supposed.
Because they were behaving and talking like buffoons!
stammering lips stammering lips
Go there.
With stammering lips and another tongue will I speak to these people.
Stammering lips is letting you understand this language that we speak in other tongues that come with stammering lips and another tongue.
Sometimes it sounds fully like a language, another tongue.
Sometimes it sounds like stammering lips.
What do you mean by stammering?
Let me read it to you from a dictionary that I didn't write.

You're still out there?
This is a speech disorder involving hesitations and involuntary repetitions of certain sounds.
involuntary repetitions of certain sounds.
I want you to call it a speech disorder, but it says, involuntary repose, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, r

Is this involuntary repetitions of certain sounds?

We say we're braining tongues, blah blah blah.
This is men of other tongues, right?
Qui la cara son dorabado, qui la bonbo, scala mohann de l'gris de la qui.
Sometimes they find us, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

But there's something more about those stammerings.
Did you, let's do it again.
I want to give it to you again.
He says, involuntary repetitions of certain sounds.

They're not planned, involuntary.
And you find, I told you, you find you are not able to say the next thing.
You go, Kappadadi, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa, Akarosa.
They don't know why you're saying that.
They don't understand it.
We are men of the spirits.
They don't understand it.
And when you're in the spirit, some things that are happening.

You know, I told you about what you just read here, what you just read here, stammering lips, because that's the way it sounds.
But when they say that it was planned, it is no longer called stammering.
I want you to get it.
When it is unplanned, when it is known to be involuntary, it is called stammering.
But if you then say, oh no, I said exactly what I planned to say, then they said that is not stammering, those are incantations.

Are you getting it?
So, let's read in a dictionary.
What you mean by incantation?
A ritual, a recitation of words or sounds.
Believed to have a magical effect.
Synonyms with conjuration.
In other words, when you say those... Listen, it says, reach one.
So it's planned.
When it's not planned, they call it stammering.
Isaiah knew nothing about it.
Isaiah heard in the spirits.
They sounded like stammering lips.
What is that?
In the spirits, stammering.
Then Paul says, uh-uh, these are words of wisdom.
Speaking mysteries, he said they are mysteries.
In other words, the Holy Ghost plan.
The utterance is given by the Holy Ghost, meaning that they are not just involuntary.
It is involuntary to the head, but they are planned by the spirits.
So spiritually, they are incantations.
To the natural man, they are stammering lips.
Are you still out there?

So incantations are these ritual recitation of words, repetitively, or of sounds.
Not just words, sounds.
And they say, they say, you see, in their cards, in their cards, they do those things because they've been taught by demons.
But we had the original ones.
Right from when you receive the Holy Ghost.
Some of you just have two sounds.
That's all you said.
But you have continued doing it and we have said you need to speak more.
But you're the catatoe!
That's... You just... It was a lesson in other terms.

They'll sit out there.
Now the point about that is these are coded words.
They are coded.
And listen, if you don't use them, there are things that will not happen in this word.
Listen, listen, incantation is conjuration.
That means that you call things into being.
You conjure.
You submerge.
From the spirit realm into the natural.
They said that guy.
They said that guy.
He began to do something like this and money started coming.
They haven't seen anything yet.
You were about to see the supernatural at work in your life like never before.

Are you ready for conservation?
He says it is not by night, it is not by power, but by my spirit, say it to Lord.
We are about to speak coded words, coded languages.
So when you're going praying, now you understand, all that thing you were doing was not for nothing.
And you have to do it fully.
Because sometimes the code, you don't know, you don't know the details of the code.
The code may require 25 of those sounds before they are connected to some of the numbers and some other numbers.
It's all about data.
Are you hearing me?
And so when the Spirit is saying it, don't just stop and change.
Continue until the Spirit moves to the next thing.
Because the entrance is given to you by the Holy Ghost.

Use the codes!
Use the codes!
Use the codes!
And you have the baby!
Use the codes!
And the money will come!
Use the codes!
And you have the new venue!
Use the codes!
Somebody learn to use the codes!
Use the codes!
That house is in the coded language.
You've got to use the right codes.
And you have it.
That money's in the coded language.
That answer is coded.
You've got to use it.
Hold on for a second.
Sometimes there are issues you've been going through for a long time.
And you've been praying, praying, praying, praying.
You've been speaking in tongues, but you have not added to use the codes.
Sometimes you tried, you didn't know what you were doing, so you were given the code by the spirit, but because you were not knowledgeable about these things, you stopped and the code was incomplete.
If this incomplete, if you use a password, if someone puts most of the items or figures of the password, will it work just because they put most of it?
If you leave out one thing,
It will not work.
That's how codes work.
That thing has been going on for too long.
Now you want to frustrate the devil.
You pray in tongues by praying in tongues.
Listen, because when we pray in tongues, the Bible says we're not speaking to men, we're speaking to God.
So in speaking in tongues, I'm talking to God.
And God understands what I'm saying.
He knows I'm making requests in my spirit about that situation.
You see it?
I'm praying in tongues, I'm praying in tongues, and I really want that thing to be solved.
Now, because my spirit is making the request, and you see, he says, likewise, the spirit helped with our infirmities, for we know not what to pray for as we ought, but this Holy Spirit of God makes in a session for us with groanings that cannot be ordered.
The Father who knows the heart of the spirit, the mind of the spirit, knows what we're asking for.
He knows.
So as we pray like that, knowing what we're asking for, he releases the code.
And suddenly you find that somewhere in your spirit, you're suddenly beginning to speak.
No, we talked about a note of victory when you start laughing, all right?
Yeah, we talked about a note of victory when you start singing.
But the one you didn't hear was the code.
where you find stammering lips, these words that are coming incantations.
They're incantations because the Spirit of God planned them.
So now you release those incantations, they're like casting spares.
In the negative, they call spares.
All right?
But these things, they go in the realm of the Spirit.
Now you're about to solve that problem.
You are about to change things.
Just the right codes, as you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit gets the right codes through your lips, and as you speak them, you just know it's done.
You will find everything falling apart.
Everything falling apart.

I could tell you stories, but not today.
Because you already have some that you are watching unveiling by yourself.
You are seeing them happening by yourself.
Because when we pray, we use the codes.
We use the codes.
And once we get to using the codes, nothing can stand against us successfully.
We can't be defeated in this life.
It's impossible.
It's impossible.
Why do you think which doctors fear us?
Why do you think spiritualists fear us?
The highest of them will counsel their people.
They leave those people alone.
They warned them.
They say, especially those that speak in tongues.
Leave them alone.
Remember that brother that was kidnapped?
And as he was speaking in tongues, the thing that they were working on started getting spoiled.
They said, send him out.
Send him out.
Send him out.
They drove him.
They were planning to kill him.
They called him one by one.
And they were killing him.
Before his turn, he was speaking in tongues.
As his fucking tongues, the juju priest behind there, the real ritualist, was offended.
He said, something's getting spoiled.
He said, it's that guy.
Drive him away, drive him away.
Hey, hey.
Manto Porasica, Lémraní, La Grandeulsque, Líprajai, La Negresque, Pradajai, Ralaculsca, Gilema Ruda, Lémranila, Hanranila, Hanranila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila, Pardanila
Use those goals.
Get your spiritual incantation up.
Use those goals.
Something is changing right now.
Something is changing in the spirit.
Changing in the spirit.
Something is changing in the spirit.


Did you know that sometimes when you're praying, your spirit stats controlling your physical body and making you do certain things?
Sometimes the code requires some more.
Let me put it this way.
Have you ever seen, did you ever experience something like you were sleeping?
and maybe something was happening, whatever was happening in the sleep, and you were trying to raise your hand into a so heavy, wouldn't move, or you're trying to open your mouth to even call Jesus or something, it was so hard to call.
How many of you have experienced that?
Many of you, good.
You know what was happening?
Your body, your spirit,
was having difficulty controlling your body.
Your spirit wanted to say something, but your body was sleeping.
So he was trying to contact your body and make your body say what he wanted to say, but your body was asleep.
And so your difficulty calling the name, your body wouldn't comply.
And when it did, you'd notice just Jesus, and then you woke up.
And you notice you said something, you set it out.
Why did you say it out?
Your body was trying, the spirit was trying, but your body was sleeping.
Finally, when your spirit gained control, your body was able to assist us and you woke up.
You couldn't raise your hand.
You couldn't, you were trying, but your body was sleeping.
How you following it?
Because your spirit needs your body to get certain things done in the world.
Your spirit doesn't function by itself.
Requires your body.
Sometimes some of those codes require some signs.
For example, Moses standing at the edge of the Red Sea.
God says, stretch your hand over the sea.
because he has to direct the power.
Stretch your hand over the sea.
What did the hand have to do with it?
So sometimes you notice your brain in the spirit, praying another tongue, and you find your hands are moving in a second way.
Your hands are moving.
I remember watching the lady, she was praying, and she fell down.
In the spirit she was speaking in tongues, and she was spinning round with her legs stretched out, she was sitting there, speaking in tongues, and she kept doing like this, doing like this.
Whoa, watch it, what's happening?
She had just received the Holy Ghost, all right?
So she was new to these things, and all the time her eyes were shot, and she was doing like this.

Are you following?
I remember when Pastor Benny was with us at the LCA.
He was ministering to someone.
There was a lady who was on the floor.
And then he was going around the lady.
Like he said, the spirit said to him to go round, walk round.
He started walking.
He was moved by the spirit to go around the lady seven times.
All right?
Or why are you puzzled at it?
I said to him, because the lady has seven demons.
You see, the seven demons in there.
So in the spirit, you find you're doing some things.
You're pointing, you're saying, you're moving your head, you don't know, you're making signs.
When those things are happening, don't discourage them.
Continue, because the signs are necessary.
Are you hearing what I'm telling you?
They are necessary.
Come by your mouth on the high.
They are necessary.
Go ahead and pray somebody pray.
Go ahead and pray.

Raise the law.

When it comes to prayer, when it comes to prayer, you can be too gentle.
It's a time for everything.
Are you hearing me?
The hour comes, where whatever you're wearing at that time is no okay.
You take your jacket, you take your shoe.
Say I've got something to deal with.
At that moment, you're like, you're like, you're drunk, you're white,
You better shut your door.
Because you don't know what next you're going to do.
But then you're already at once.
No, you can't just be, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
Sometimes it gets wider than that.
It gets wider than that.
You hear me?
And you have to be ready for it.
And don't wait until the Holy Ghost does something.
You want something, you better make it happen.
Jacob said, ah, the bar says, he wrestled with the angel.
He said, I will not let you go.
He wrestled with the angel.
I will not let you go.
That time comes with you.
You have to have it in your spirit.
You have to know that it has happened.
You have to know.
You have to know.
You have to have the title did.
If you don't yet have it, until I have it inside.
Sometimes I pray about some things.
Day one.
I haven't clicked it yet.
And I know, and I go day two, and I'm still praying.
Day three, I'm still praying.
Day four, I'm still on it.
What I'm beginning to sense now, maybe I'm getting close.
Still praying.
I'm not gonna stop until I know that I know
The knowledge we think, the sign is inside, is inside, not outside.
Once you have done it inside and it's concluded, nothing can shake you, nothing can make you think it's not done, nothing.
You know that you know that you know, that's why it's called a title deed.
When that fate has done it, you're like Abraham.
His tag got knocked at the promise of God's throne belief.
He was strong in faith, giving glory to God.
No matter what happens, you're giving glory to God.
You know it's done, you just know.

All right, all right, all right.
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The importance of prayer.
How to make power available for a change.
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