Higher Life Conference Benin Day 3
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
Okay, so let's begin with Ephesians chapter number three from verse 14.
For this course, I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he will grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.
that he being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breath and length and depth
and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Remarkable indeed.
Let's take them for these cause about my needs unto the Father, Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.
So it tells us there's a family, one family in heaven and in earth.
And this one family is named after him, which means it belongs to the Father.
The Father has a family.
Some members are in heaven and some members are in earth.
We are among those in the earth today.
Some others have passed on in the glory, but they are as real in heaven as we are in the earth.
But it's one and the same family.
Praise God.
So he says that he would grant you, now here is the prayer of this great apostle of God, praying for the church that includes you.
And his prayer is written here in the 16th verse that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, he would grant you to be strengthened.
That means invigorated.
with might.
Now the word translated might means miracle working ability.
He wants every one of us, each Christian, to be invigorated with miracle working ability.
That's marvelous, which means no one of us is an ordinary person.
And because this is the prayer of the Spirit, it means this is God's will for every one of us.
This is what God wants, that each one of us invigorated with miracle working ability.
Each one of us, that each one of us can do supernatural things.
That's what he's saying.
So here is the prayer of the Spirit for each one of us.
Then he goes on in the 17th verse.
Now notice, he says, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man.
That's inside you.
You know some people say, I feel weak inside.
I can face opposition.
If people are against me, I can't take it.
And they say, oh, I'm afraid at night.
I don't know why my heart is always beating fast, I'm afraid.
When you have the Holy Spirit in you, you cease to fear.
Because the Holy Spirit is the one that invigorates you with miracle working ability in your inner man.
So you're strengthened inside.
So you say, I'm greater inside than I might look outside.
You know, outside you may look feeble, smalish, weak, but you tell them make no mistakes about it.
I'm stronger inside.
Then I am outside.
Say, I'm stronger inside.
Say, I'm tough.
I'm strong.
You see, that's the way to respond to the Word of God.
See, when the Word of God is given to you, you don't just quote it.
He didn't give us his word to quote.
He didn't give us his word just to quote it and just memorize it and recite it.
He gave us his word to use, to live by.
We've got to respond to the Word of God.
Now, because of what the Word has said here, I should declare that I am invigorated by the miracle-working ability of God.
In my spirit, I'm not weak.
I'm strong.
Say, I'm not weak.
I'm strong.
The Spirit of God has strengthened me.
So I am strong.
I'm not a weak person.
I'm strong.
That's it.
See, when you do that, what happens is you have agreed with the Word of God.
You know, the Bible says two cannot walk together except they be agreed.
So when God speaks, you say the same thing and both of you are agreed and then the miracle life begins.
That's the way to connect with the word of God.
So you respond, you respond to the word, you respond, you respond.
Let me give you a simple scripture to show you how that God really expects us to respond.
Hebrews chapter number 13.
Let's read from verse 5.
Okay, read.
Now stop.
Now, the word conversation that you find in the King James Version actually means manner of life.
Matter of life, your way of life, your manner of life.
Let's go on.
Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have.
Okay, now watch.
You know, when people read the Bible, a lot of times they just read the speed read.
without noticing anything.
I want to show you something.
For He had said, God has said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
It tells you what God said.
He had said, God has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Go to the next verse.
So that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man can do with him.
Can you see it?
Can you see it?
So God said something, so that we may boldly respond.
And our response must be consistent with what he said.
If God says, I will never leave you nor forsake you, that means I'll never like anything.
That means I'll never be afraid of anybody.
That means no matter what, I'm cool.
I'll always win.
You see, so I can boldly say,
You see it?
He had said, so that we may boldly say, he had said, so that we may boldly say, whatever God says is for our benefit so that we can respond, respond, respond in consistency with him, respond.
And how many with his word respond in agreement with him?
That's confessional, the confession of the word.
You know, a lot of people just quote it and they have no response.
And because there is no response, what God said doesn't work for them because they didn't respond.
They just quoted what God said.
They just repeated what God said.
That's not response.
You gotta learn to respond.
Hey, did you get that?
That's really powerful.
It's so important, so powerful.
Then he says that Christ made dwell in your hearts by faith.
I want to pause here for a second so I can explain some things to you.
He says that Christ made dwell in your hearts by faith.
What was he talking about?
Jesus, Jesus Christ ascended to heaven.
Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures ascended to heaven.
Jesus Christ is therefore in heaven.
So when he says that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith, he's not talking about Jesus the Christ dwelling in your heart because Jesus is in heaven.
So what does it mean Christ that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith?
We have to understand something about Jesus.
Even though he is synonymous with the Christ, that means he is called Christ, that was not the original terminology.
When the Jews were expecting a messiah, the word Christ is the English form of the Greek Christos, all right?
And that's the Greek form of the Hebrew messiah, okay?
Messiah really means the God-man deliverer.
That's what Messiah is.
The anointed, that's why it's called the anointed one.
It means the God-man Messiah because they figured from the prophecies of Moses and other prophets that a Messiah was coming.
The God-man was coming.
In that this God-man would deliver us, he would bring us the ultimate deliverance.
The ultimate deliverance means to be delivered from all evil and all that is human.
I want you to understand this.
To be delivered from all that is evil and all that is human.
Only the ultimate deliverer, the Messiah, could do that.
Because they needed to be delivered from all that was human.
Because they felt that what was human had become corrupted
They knew the story.
They knew that man had fallen into Garden of Eden.
The new man was a fallen being.
And therefore, all that was human had become corrupted and needed to be delivered.
So they thought, we can only be set free by the God-man deliverer, the ultimate deliverer, who will deliver us from all that is evil and all that is human.
Remember, the prophet said the heart of man is desperately wicked.
He says it is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, the heart of man.
So man realized they needed to be delivered from all that was human.
Did you get it?
And the only one to do that, they looked forward to the coming of the God-land.
the God-man Messiah.
That's why he was called the anointed one.
Not because they didn't know about the anointed.
Oh, come on.
They knew that Moses was anointed.
They knew that the priests were anointed.
They were familiar with the anointing of God.
They knew the prophets were anointed.
They knew David was anointed.
He was king of Israel.
They knew about the anointed.
Saul, who was his predecessor, was anointed.
They knew about denoted.
So they weren't just talking about denoted one.
They were talking about the God-man.
You see, it was the God-man.
What did they mean by the God-man?
They meant all of the qualities and character of God would be found in this man.
all of his good about God, all of his quality, all of his character will be found in this man.
So they call him the God-man.
Then you God himself won't going to come down.
He was going to be a man who would leave them.
The prophecy said a man would come and that he was going to be a prophet.
He was going to be a man.
So you see, it was about Christ, was about the character, the potency, the power, the glory of God, personified in a man.
And so here in the 17th verse of Ephesians chapter 3, when Paul says that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, what he's talking about here is not the man Jesus dwelling in you, he's talking about all that is in that character, all that is in that personality, all that is in the potency of the glory and the graces of this Christ.
the personification of Christ in you.
And that is done by the Holy Ghost.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
So when you say Christ in a man, you're looking for the character.
You're looking for all of the beauty, all of the glory, all of the power of God in a man.
The righteousness of God encapsulated in a man.
That's what you're looking for.
A Christian is not just a religious man.
A Christian is that man in whom the Christ now resides.
That Christ, Meduel, Seto, make his abode in the quarters of your heart.
All of the qualities of that personality
that character of the Christ, tabernacle in your spirits.
That's Christianity.
Are you getting it now?
So he says that Christ means dwelling your hearts about things.
That Christ may sell, make his home in your heart about things.
So you become like him.
Because everything about him,
is now in your spirit.
So Christ is the life, the quality, the character of God personified as Christ.
That happened in a Jewish man named Jesus.
He was the Son of God.
And then he made it possible for every one of us.
That's why the Bible says in 1 John chapter 4 verse 17, for as he is, so are we in this world.
Because the very life, the very quality of his personality and the characteristics of his glory,
all have been granted us in our spirits.
It's all in you today.
You know, in Christianity, there's a lot of those who don't understand the real preppers of Christ.
They don't understand what God really wants.
And so they are constantly moving back
Moving back in their minds, moving back in their understanding to the Old Testament.
For example, you know, last night I mentioned to you, but sometimes I see the glory of God, okay?
Maybe you've got a congregation.
And I talk about that glory.
And there are those who hope that when that glory comes upon them, then, you know, it's really wonderful.
Well, it's not exactly so.
It's not exactly so.
You don't understand God's purpose.
God's purpose is beyond having the glory in the building.
That's the whole testament.
But because our God, you know, he adds the good things, all the best things to the good things.
You see, all the good things are still there, then it brings the best ones.
So you have the best ones, but some people choose to remember the good and leave out the best.
There's the best.
The best one is not a glory in the room.
I are listening to me.
The best one is not a glory in the room.
Some people are going to have more faith if they saw something physical.
Some people are going to have more faith.
If this whole place got filled with a cloud.
But that's because there are babes in the things of God.
They are yet to come up to the high levels of God's glory.
Are you listening to me?
In Christianity.
What God wants is the oneness of man's spirit with the spirit of God.
So much so that we don't have to wait.
I don't get it.
I'm not sure you're following this.
Hear this, hear this and hear me good.
Imagine that you're training somebody.
You're training somebody and you're showing him how to do what to do and how to do what to do.
You say, now, don't touch it, all right?
I'll let you know when to do it.
So, yeah, one, I take you through it.
I show you how to do it.
And I say, don't you touch it?
I'll do it for you.
Yeah, two, I say, just do it when I give the signal, all right?
Okay, so I give the signal, and then you do it.
So I start training you about when I give the signal, then you do it, okay?
You think that's God's best?
No, no, no, no, a thousand times no.
A thousand times no.
That's not God's best.
And here is where a lot of people get stuck.
Who wouldn't get stuck there?
Everybody gets stuck there until you understand the mind of God.
He gets stuck in that place where you're thinking, well, you know,
I don't know whether God wants me now to pray for the sake or not.
I don't know whether it's the moment to lay my hands or not.
Yes, when you are still in training, you've got to wait.
You've got to wait or you'll mess up.
You see, you've got to wait until God says, do whatever He tells you to do before you do them.
But God's purpose is to be so much in oneness with your spirit that you are so trained with him that as he moves you move, you don't wait to be told.
You get it?
He just works out his purposes in you.
That is when you start living by the fullness of furnaces.
the fullness of his wisdom.
You're functioning at that point.
You just do what you ought to do, say what you ought to say at the right time, in the right way for the right purpose.
If you didn't understand that, don't worry.
It just means you're not here in that class.
When the time comes, you get it.
All right?
But this is so important.
See, I'm going to tell you.
See, imagine this.
Did you know?
that the Kingdom of God is in your heart.
The Kingdom of God is in your heart.
The true glory of God can never be contained in a room.
The true glory of God can never be found on the outside.
And when I say the true, I mean the perfect glory of God.
The perfect glory of God.
You might see in part, but the perfect glory of God is not something that your optical eyes will look at.
The perfect glory of God is in your spirit.
There is where it is, in your spirit.
You see how, oh boy, oh boy, how do you get this?
Let's forget something.
Imagine that we have a solid block.
Well, let's take this.
Imagine that we would able this thing.
It's solid.
Imagine that we were able to heat this thing heated so much that means apply heat energy in such a way, in terms heat in such a way that everything he narrated.
What would that mean?
It's been expanded by heat.
It will cover a larger surface because the molecules are more distant apart.
How are you following this?
It's been expanded.
So because it's been expanded, it's become liquid.
Imagine that we decided to apply more heat to that liquid.
And the heat is so intense until it moves to the next level.
It goes into gases.
So it's expanded even further.
Now, the molecules are more distant than when they were liquid.
So it's expanded more.
It's got more volume, but it's the same mass.
The mass remains the same.
The mass is unchanged.
Can you imagine this?
So it's been expanded.
Now, because it's been expanded, and it's all gas now, it's difficult for us to find it, but it's the same thing.
It's now in an expanded state.
Such an expanded state that I can gather it together.
It's going into particles.
I can't gather the particles together.
How many of you are understanding what I'm saying?
You're following this?
So imagine that we continue to apply heat.
So the density of the gases
Would reduce even further?
Think like this.
The same material.
But it's in another state.
And because it is now existing in another state, I cannot see it anymore.
Are you following this?
I want you to understand.
When we say God, our God is greater than the whole world because He lives in the realm of the Spirit.
He is in an expanded state.
So He can see everything at the same time.
And so He had to come to a human state to visit us.
In a human state, we could relate to Jesus.
In a human state, we could see the form of God.
He says, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
Because the Father is in an expanded state.
So you can't see Him.
You're going to see Jesus.
So imagine all those gases that came from here.
They are no longer the tablet.
You can call them the tablet now, but when they are concentrated back to this form, it's my tablet.
In an expanded state, it's not.
So in his expanded state, he's Almighty God.
In his human state, he is Jesus.
So that's why the Bible tells us that on the throne of Almighty God, when you study in the book of Revelation, it tells us on the throne of Almighty God, the one who is sitting on it is Jesus.
Now that tells you something.
That tells you something.
When you pray to this expanded God, and you ask for anything, it is granted.
That thing is in that state of expansion.
With your faith, oh God.
With your faith, you can bring all of those particles together into the thought dimension.
Say nothing is impossible.
All things are possible to me.
See, when we tell you, anything you want has a name.
There's a coding.
Learn how to call them into the material world and bring them into your life.
that Christ may dwell in your heart's bad faith.
That he being rooted, look at, I'll show you this more.
You'd see this, this is powerful.
This is that he being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend, I wish I had a whole month to teach this.
Oh boy.
Maybe able to comprehend with all saints what is the breath and let and death and height and to know the love of Christ which positive knowledge that he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Look at that.
Can you imagine?
How can we be filled with the fullness of God?
I mean, this great God of glory that created the whole world.
How could I be filled with all the fullness of God?
Because it is possible.
You see, it is possible.
It is possible for this great God of glory.
to bring himself into my heart, into my life.
So I can be filled with all the fullness of God.
It's God's will, it's God's purpose, it's God's dream.
Are you following this?
Okay, there's more.
You like this one.
Let's see it now.
Oh, you know, that 19th verse.
I could zero in on that and the rest of the night.
Just wish, I wish I did.
But, you know, I've got more things to share with you.
Okay, you know what it is to be filled with all the fullness of God?
You know what that means?
Not a lot of people know that that's in the Bible.
That God wants to fill you with all his fullness.
Nothing left out.
That's God's dream.
So when is it going to do it?
The moment you let him, how?
Through the Holy Ghost.
I'll show you more.
Okay, now let's look at this.
Verse 20, you would love this.
Verse 20, reading together, want to go.
Go on.
I just told you.
You see, it's right there.
I told you.
Let's get it.
You know, come on, let's get it.
It's in the word right there.
It says verse 20.
Now on to Him that is able.
To do exceeding a bonerly above all that we ask or think, he says he is able to do much more than we will ask for, much more than we can even think onto this God of glory, who is able to do exceeding a bonerly above all that we ask or think, look, according to the power that work gets in us.
None according to the power of the glory in the room.
None according to the anointing that is moving around us.
He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
According to the power that works in us, that means the power that is in a geo, that's the word, the Greek word, it means that it's operative in us.
So where's the key then?
How much power are you making operative in you?
That's the key, because how much that God can do in your life, he says it's according to the power that's working in you.
The manifestation of the glory of God in your life will be according to the power that is working in you.
He didn't say according to the power of the Holy Spirit that shall be present.
He didn't say according to, you know, people think when I pray and pray and pray and the anointing is so strong that something happens.
Where is this anointing supposed to be so strong?
Outside or inside?
It's according to the anointing that is strong inside you.
It's about your inside.
Are you following this?
It's about you.
Thank you.
I like that response.
You know, I hear a lot of people say, it's not about us, it's about God.
No, that's forest humility.
For God so loved the word that he gave his only begotten son.
He didn't say, for God so loved himself, that he called your earth to worship you.
No, it's about me.
He loved me so much and gave himself.
The whole Bible is about God, Jesus, and me.
You see it?
It's not about Himself.
It's about us.
It's a story of salvation.
God's love for men.
You know, your life is according to
the revelation that you have of the Word of God, of the Kingdom of God.
That's what controls your life.
You can never be bigger than the revelation that you have.
God is to you what you think he is.
So the sooner you open your mind for what he said about himself so that you know who he is and think of him according to what his word says, the better for you.
According to the power that works in us, in us, not outside.
According to the power that works in us.
So the secret is about making that power work in you.
And the power came into you the day the Holy Ghost came into you.
You can't separate the power from the power giva.
The Holy Ghost is the power of God.
He is the power giver himself.
So if you have the whole Holy Ghost inside you, why are you looking for Him outside?
Look inside.
That's where the ability is.
Look inside.
The key is inside.
Did you get that?
Okay, so let's see something about the inside, all right?
Second Timothy and chapter number one, verse six.
It says, here for I put the in remembrance
that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
Stay up the gift of God.
Stay up the gift of God, which is in you.
Now, the word, stay.
Well, it actually, stay up.
It's those two words are coming from one word in the Greek.
He says, I put the in remembrance.
He's reminding you.
He's reminding you that you stand up the gift of God.
And really, in the context here, he's not talking about one of the gifts of the Spirit.
In the context here, he's talking about the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, the gift of God, because the Bible tells us that when we receive the Holy Spirit to live in us, we have received the gift of God.
He's God's gift to us, to live in us.
He's God's gift.
Tell us somebody, he's God's gift.
Say it again, he's God's gift.
And to the Holy Spirit is God's gift.
The Holy Spirit is God's gift.
He says, stay up the gift.
Stay up, to stay up.
What he tells us there is to rekindle.
It's like, it's like keenly the embers.
So you can have a flaming fire.
At Nazo Paril, it needs to bring back to life in terms of getting the fire back alive.
The lively fire.
That's what he's saying.
Okay, now why you have the scripture in your mind, let's go to another one.
This time, Romans 12 and verse 11.
Romans 12, verse 11.
Can you read it for me?
Not slothful in business.
He's talking about us.
Not slothful in business.
Fervant in spirits, serving the Lord.
Fervant in spirits.
The word fervent, the word translated fervent there is the Greek zeal.
It means to boil with heat.
to bore with heat for liquids and to glow with heat for solids.
Now that means that you bore on the inside and you glow on the outside.
Fervent in spirits, bawling with the word of God.
You're boiling in your spirit with the word of God, and you glow on the outside.
That's why the Mafat translation says, maintain the glow.
You see, maintain the glow.
There's a glow in your life.
It says maintain the glow.
So we can maintain the glow.
Keep yourself a glow in the spirits.
That's another verse, another translation.
Just keep yourself a glow with the Spirit.
Another one says, be a glow in the Spirit.
So you're born and with heat, on the inside, in your Spirit.
That's what he wants.
He says, we're not slutful.
Don't be lacking in zeal.
You know some people are lacking in zeal.
In the church, they are neither here nor there.
They're not zealous about the things of God.
They're not ziers.
The church cannot tell them to do anything.
They just come to church and go.
They are satisfied just to come and go.
No, it's not enough.
Now, working in the house of God doesn't mean that the pastor will give you an assignment.
That's not what it means.
The pastor may give you an assignment, but there are not enough assignments inside the building to give to every one of us.
But we have more assignments outside in winning people, in encouraging people, and bringing them to the house of God.
That's a lot of work.
So you become an ambassador, both of Christ and of the church.
Did you know you're an ambassador of your church?
You are.
You're an ambassador of Christ, but you're an ambassador of the church.
So you speak on behalf of Christ and on behalf of your church.
because your church is your spiritual family.
So you otherwise, how can you bring other people to your church where they can hear the same word of God that you're hearing?
It's very important that each one of us is a soul winner.
Each one of us was touched the lives of others.
and attract them to the house of God.
Bring them to the house of God.
I'm an ambassador of Christ, and I'm an ambassador of the church.
You keep that in your heart.
It's so important that you know it, and act like it.
So not never be lacking in zeal, but be a glow with the Spirit.
fervent in spirit, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.
Now, how do I get myself to do this?
Firstly, praying in tongues, you have to learn to pray more in tongues.
Not just praying two minutes in tongues and stopping and checking your watch.
You pray in tongues and pray in tongues and pray in tongues.
And learn, learn to do this more often.
A lot of times when you're alone, pray in tongues.
Don't just stay there thinking.
No, pray in tongues.
You would make a lot of things happen in the realm of the Spirit when you pray in tongues.
And your Spirit would be in that communication with God when you pray in tongues.
There are Christians who don't believe in praying in tongues.
I don't know how they can suffer like that and believe it's okay.
To not be able to pray in tongues is suffering.
Because it means you're like a bird that wants to fly, but hasn't grown wings.
All you do is... You can fly.
You do this.
Christians that speak in tongues can fly.
And Christians that don't speak in tongues cannot fly.
How can, tell me, how else can we affect changes in places that are far away from us?
Only through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We can give words that affect others who are far away from Him, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
And it will work.
But if you don't have that power, you just be talking.
You're like trying to fly, but you can't.
You can't go.
Have you ever seen a chicken trying to fly?
And it's something that's weak like this, but it keeps running on the ground.
So I'm even trying to fly up a little, but you know, they can't sustain it and they go back down.
Why are there others gliding in the air?
So Tom talking believers,
can glide in the air in the realm of the Spirit.
Why are the others?
They need help.
So if you're here today and you don't speak in tongues, instead of asking such stupid questions as, most everybody speak in tongues, your question has not helped you so far.
Since you have been asking this question, you have still not spoken in tongues.
Why are you cheating yourself?
Why don't you just say, I want it?
Since it's free, you're not playing anything.
So why argue?
It's free.
It's an advantage.
So it doesn't help you to be arguing that it's not for everybody.
It doesn't help you.
Since it's free, why don't you take it?
If you don't lose anything,
You will lose anything for having it.
After all, after you have had it, if you don't want to use it, then you can decide.
But if you don't have it at all, then you can't make a decision.
Have it first.
If after speaking in tongues for some days, you don't like it, then stop.
You know, it's like somebody who grew up in the village.
All the time while he was in the village, far inside the village, he heard that somebody went out and something called a car killed him.
So he said, the car killed him.
He has never seen a car, but he heard that the car killed somebody.
Then he heard another one.
Another person went one day, had an accident and died in the car.
So he's been hearing about cars killing people.
What do you think he would do the first day he sees a car?
He will run away!
He will run away!
Because he's been told that cars kill people.
You see?
So imagine this.
Because he has never ridden in one, he's never been in a car.
All he has heard is that he kills people.
So imagine that you're telling him, I'm going to buy you a car.
What do you think he would do?
He would say never.
He would think you're cursing him.
Because he said, I'm going to buy you a car.
He will beg you.
I don't want it.
You say, why?
He may not tell you immediately.
But the real truth is he has been indoctrinated that cars kill people.
So you're going to have a hard time trying to explain to him how those people died.
That's where you have to start.
How those people died.
That the car did not move by itself.
Somebody misused the car.
That's why it killed those people.
Then he says, because some people heard that those who speak in tongues, they went mad.
People who are speaking in tongues are not speaking the true tongues.
They're speaking fake tongues.
They've heard a lot of things.
But people who speak in tongues are pretending.
People who speak in tongues are fanatics, all kinds of things they've heard.
Until someone helps them understand that someone else might have misused what he had.
It doesn't mean that it's no good.
Did you get it?
Did you know that you're not in a God?
It's so strong in this place.
Yes, it is.
The name of God is so strong here, power of God, strong in this place.
It is now all to him that is able to do, exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
according to the power that works in us.
He says unto him be glory in the church!
unto him be glory in the church!
That means he expects me to bring God glory from my life by the operation of the power of God within me.
I've got to put that power to work to bring him glory.
The church must bring him glory by the operative power of the Holy Ghost within us.
So what are you going to do about it?
What are you going to do?
God said to Ezekiel, can these bones live?
He said, Lord, thou knowest.
And God said, all right, you're going to prophesy to the bones.
He didn't say prophesy about the bones.
He didn't say prophesy with the bulls.
He said prophesy to the bulls.
Say to these bulls, God shall cost breath.
Oh dear.
Let me tell you something.
Actually, the Hebrew word says God shall cost spirit.
to coming to you, and you shall live.
Same with translated breaths.
God shall cast spirit to coming to you, and you shall live.
How is God going to cast spirits when Ezekiel prophesies?
You know when you prophesy, what it means is, that's what prophecy is.
Prophecy means to speak the word of God from God.
So when I take the word with my receptacle system, my spirits in tune with God, I take His words and I speak it forth.
That's prophecy.
So that's why He said, Son of Man, prophesy to these bows.
That means speak my word to these bows.
Prophecy to these bows.
and say, oh ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord.
God shall cause breath to come into you and you shall live."
And then something beautiful, the Bible says, as I prophesied.
He says, as I prophesied, instantly.
He says, there was a noise.
What caused the noise?
The bones began to move.
Hear me?
Maybe it's only one of your kidneys that's working.
Maybe only one of your lungs.
And they said the other one has failed.
And you've been having to go for dialysis and so on.
Do you know what?
We can replace the dead one.
We can replace the dead one.
He's as prophesied to these bones and say,