August 2017 - The Month of the Shining Light
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
I want to share with you right now the word of the month.
This month of August is a special month.
And I'm going to read a few scriptures to you
to guide your mind on the subject.
First is St.
Matthew's Gospel.
When I start reading, you probably start thinking what the message is, or is it?
I'm sure you would know.
The words of Jesus, St.
Mary's Gospel, chapter five, verse 16.
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father, which is in heaven.
Let your light so shine, not just shine, but shine in such a way.
that men see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.
Let your light so shine.
Notice he didn't say, I'm going to make your light shine.
No, it's not his responsibility.
It's your responsibility.
He says, let your light so shine before God.
No, before men.
Then here's another verse.
Isaiah chapter 60 In I'm reading verse one He says arise Shine again Even from the Old Testament.
He doesn't say God's gonna make your light shine He doesn't say God's gonna make you shine
He says, Arise, shine for thy light is come.
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness to people.
But the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
He says, Arise, shine for your light is come.
Who is the Lord telling us?
What does He want us to do?
We want to read another one.
And this time from Romans chapter 12 in verse 11.
He says, not slutful in business, foreign in spirit, serving the Lord.
Of course, it's better to read it from verse 10 so that you have the context.
From verse 10 it says, be kindly affectioned one to one other, would brotherly love
in honor of preferring one another, not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.
I will read it to you from the Amplified Translation.
Now, there's a newer version of the Amplified, but I'll read it from the order one first.
He says, never lag in zeal
and in earnest and devil be a glow and burning with the Spirit serving the Lord.
What a counsel, what an instruction.
Listen to it again.
Never log in zeal and in earnest and devil.
Don't log behind.
Be a glow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord.
Now, you're not going to pray, oh, God, help me achieve this.
Do this for me.
It's an instruction.
It's telling you what you can do.
If you couldn't do it, the Lord would never ask you to do it.
He's telling you to do it because it's up to you to do it.
And it's giving you the power, the ability, and capacity to do it.
You can.
Okay, so this is never like in zeal and in the end is in devil be a glow and burning with the spirit serving the Lord.
Now in the newer, amplified version, 2015 version,
It says something slightly different.
It's the same.
But I would read that to you.
The Word of the Month.
This is August.
And it is the month of the shining light.
Who are you?
Are you the shining light?
Yes, I am.
Jesus said about John the Baptist.
He was a burning and a shining light.
Are you a shining light?
John was a burning and a shining light.
And Jesus said, for a while, the Jews were happy.
They were excited.
and they rejoiced in his light.
Meaning people can rejoice in your light.
This month is a special month for you because you are a shining light.
Jesus said, let your light so shine.
He didn't say, get some light.
No, you're a light.
He says, you're the light of the world.
So you say, I'm a light, glory to God.
I am a light.
And my light is shining in the name of Jesus.
I am shining, glory to God.
I am shining.
And throughout this month, this is the month for the shining light, which means that every one of you that will be shining this month, there's something special for you.
God's glory will be manifested in you like never before.
It's your month and you are a shining light.
You declare it, I'm a shining light in the name of Jesus, I'm a shining light.
And there are two things that you're going to take care of this month.
So you can keep shining throughout.
First one is by action.
Jesus said, let your light so shine before me that they may see your good works, which means that you are doing something, you are acting.
See, you're acting, you're doing something.
and others can see what you are doing.
Don't be quiet.
Do something.
Preach your gospel.
Tell others about Jesus.
Show them good news.
Use the tool, rhapsody of realities, distribute it to others.
You see, I'm a burning and shining light.
I'm a shining light and I'm shining everywhere in the name of Jesus.
I am shining everywhere.
I am shining everywhere.
Now, I said, there's two things you've got to do.
The first one is to act.
Let me read that portion again to you.
He says, never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor.
Don't lag in zeal.
Don't lag in earnest endeavor.
In other words, be enthusiastic.
Show enthusiasm.
The King James says, be fervent in spirits.
The Greek is zero, it means to be a fire.
Burning, not just glittering or glistering.
He wants something that is consistent.
And by the way, you're going to see something about that light.
I will show you in a second.
Never lag in zeal and in earnest and therefore be a glow and burning with the spirit.
Be a glow and burning with the spirit.
You say, I am a glow.
I am burning with the spirit.
I am a glow and burning with the spirit.
Then here is something you'd love.
It's a Luke's gospel.
I will read to you from chapter 9, from verse 28.
And it came to pass about eight days after these sayings.
He took Peter and John and James and went up into a mountain to pray.
And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered.
And his raiment was white and glistrian.
Isn't that amazing?
Look at that.
Look at that.
And as he was praying, the appearance of his countenance became altered.
And his raiment became dazzling white.
Flashing with brilliance of lightning.
And I was as he prayed.
The force was from within.
The power was from within.
The glory was from within.
Many times, deep pray, oh God, let your glory
rest upon me.
Like the language we were reading in Isaiah chapter 60, a rise shine for the light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
The Hebrew says, the glory of the Lord shoots out beams upon you.
So it's kind of like it's coming from a bore.
But in the New Testament, it's not coming from a bore.
is inside you.
That's what the Bible says.
The glory of God, that Moses saw, that came upon Moses and rested on his countenance.
The Bible says, that glory today is inside you.
He's inside you.
He's not coming from above anymore.
He's inside you.
Because the Holy Spirit, who is called a spirit of glory, he's called a glory of the Lord.
This Holy Spirit God now lives in you.
The glory is inside.
Blessed be God.
So Jesus had the Holy Spirit like that.
He had the Holy Spirit without measure.
The Holy Spirit dwelt in Jesus.
And so the Bible says, as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered.
Did you know that that was something that Peter, James and John saw?
Men don't have to see it.
Their eyes were opened to see it.
Understand this, every time you pray in the Spirit, every time you pray in the Holy Ghost, something happens to your physical body.
It so happened that Jesus, while he was praying, until his garment, the Bible says, became a dozen white.
The Holy Spirit was not in his garment.
The Holy Spirit was in his body.
But the glory went from his body.
to his garment.
You have the Holy Spirit in you.
Don't wait until somebody sees something and tells you a story, oh, I saw the light beaming out of your face.
They don't have to see it.
What's important is the impact that it's working.
And you're not going to have all this, you know, I've got some kings in my body that are headache, I've got the pain on my back.
No, if you pray in tongues and pray in the Spirit often, you have your body renewed constantly.
You have your body renewed, refreshed constantly.
Glory to God.
So make up your mind throughout this month of August.
This is your month.
All right?
It's your month because you are a shining light.
It is the month of the shining light.
This is your month and God's glory will be revealed in your life.
I'm shining everywhere.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
I'm shining everywhere.
The glory of God is at working me.
I'm shining everywhere.
And I am the expression of the glory of God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Everywhere I go, I'm the expression of the glory of God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
And manifest in the glory of God.
Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah.
No sickness, no disease, or infirmity of the body.
I am the glory of God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
You pray in tongues, pray in the Spirit, pray in the Holy Ghost, and watch your life grow.
Blessed be the Lord.
Thank Him by yourself.
Go ahead and pray.
Thank Him.
Proclaim His word in your life.
This month is your month.
It is a month of the shining light, and you are that shining light.
You are that shining light.
Thank You Lord.
Worship Him.
Thank You.
Glorify His name.
Glorify His name.
Glory to God.
Thank You Lord Jesus.