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A Special Teaching on Fellowship

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence.
Power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about a change in the lives of millions around the world.
An improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Watch this.

The virus is Jesus Christ is the head of the church.
He is the head and that we are the body.
And every one of us is a member of that body.
And so together we are having this fellowship.
So we have fellowship, one with another, through the church, the party of Christ.
Now, on the set with me on the program today, I have, through my extreme left pastor, Joy Amekina.
You're welcome.
And next to her is Pastor Afro-Labi Oketunji in Pastor Beaudin-Lawal.
And right after him, Pastor Jose Aquilome raised the Lord Jesus.
I want to share with you on the fellowship.
Now, what does this mean?
Firstly, let's understand fellowship.
Fellowship is A, sharing.

And then you go sharing our faith, joys, challenges, burdens, God's words, praying together, striving together for a common purpose.
being two other generic definitions I'll give you.
One, or rather two, since I've given you one, participating in activities of mutual benefit, participating in activities of mutual benefit,

Communication for mutual joy.

Now, not all kinds of participation is fellowship.
There's got to be mutual benefit.
Not all kinds of communication is fellowship.
Communication at fellowship
is communication that enriches human mutual joy.
That's when it's fellowship.
Just because I'm communicating with you doesn't make it fellowship.
It's got to enrich our joy, our mutual joy.
The purpose of fellowship
Number one is that communion or association or you say partnership.
But communion is a strong word because it means it brings us into a oneness, a drinking together as it were.
See, there's a oneness in fellowship.
The Bible says that God has brought us into fellowship with Himself.
So we are in an association with Him.
You see, a sharing together with Him, a drinking together with Him, a communion with Him.
Very, very important.
Number two, protection.
The purpose of fellowship, protection, when a predator wants to attack a prey, one of the first things it does is to separate that prey from the group.
Imagine that a lion
Usually, a lioness is going after a prey.
And you have this herd of cattle.
It doesn't just run in among them.
That would be society.
So what it does is harasses them.
tries to scare one away from the group, separate one from the group.
That's what a predator does.
And once that land can separate one from the group, then he launches that attack.
Sometimes there's several of them going after this herd and they have a beautiful plan as though well drawn up prior to attacking, but it's just in them.
They separate one from the group and attack that one.
Bring it down.
What does the Bible tell us?
be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, has a roaring lion.
Walk it about seeking whom he made the vow.
What does that mean?
He's not saying he can't find them.
He can see them.
So he's keen in trying to separate one from the group.
That's the one he's going to devour.
So strengthen your fellowship
is of great importance.
Fellowship, one of the aims, one of the purposes of fellowship is protection.
So in the group, in fellowship, we are protected.
In the group, we are protected.
So remember that.
So when you find someone who instead of being in church, instead of, I'll show you the different levels of fellowship, and we'll talk about that.
But when Satan gets you away from fellowship, then he prepares you to be attacked.

Fellowship is so important.
So this month, you're going to strengthen your fellowship.
You're going to make sure you're in fellowship.
So let me tell you about these levels of fellowship.
Oh, glory to God.
Now, you know, different levels of fellowship, to be understood, okay?
There are three of them.
And I'll take them one after the other.
One after the other.
But since I can see that you are writing,
It's better for me to do this for you in a way that your notes will be a little bit organized.
Okay, let's finish with the purpose of fellowship.
Number one, I said communion, I said association, all right, and partnership.
Okay, I gave you all of that, that's just number one.
Then I said number two, very important, protection.
Number three, impartation.
See, the purpose of fellowship is impotation.
As a thought, purpose of fellowship, impotation.
In fellowship, I can impart to you the beautiful things that God has deposited within me.
And you can impart to me the beautiful things that God has deposited within you.
We can impart what we've got to one another.
So that's the number three, the third purpose of fellowship.
The fourth purpose of fellowship is groups.
In fellowship, we can grow.

Fellowship produces groups.
Number five.
purpose of fellowship is to fulfill destiny.
And that is the fifth and greatest purpose of fellowship, to fulfill destiny, to fulfill your purpose in life.
Now, so when you say fellowship, this fellowship is in three major categories.
And I want to bring them to you.
Number one, fellowship with the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit.
And I show you how.
fellowship with the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit.

Fellowship with God, see, through the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit.
Now, firstly, in 1 John chapter 1 and verse 3,
First John chapter one and verse number three, I read that to you.
He says, is that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you?
That he also may have fellowship with us.
And truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ.
He says our fellowship is with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ.
Now how can we have fellowship with the Father and his son, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit?
Now that happens through two major ways.
The first one is prayer.
The Holy Spirit helps us to fellowship with the Father and the Son through prayer.
When we pray, especially praying in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit enables us to relate
with the Father and the Son.
We can have fellowship.
We can communicate such communication that produces mutual joy and reaches our joy.
Our Father, our Heavenly Father, is full of joy because of us.
The Bible says, he says, our rejoice over you.
The Father rejoices over us.
The Prophet of God said, he will rejoice over you with singing.
So He rejoices over us.
We are the joy of our Father's heart.
In the same way, He brings us joy.
We are full of joy when we fellowship with Him.
So our fellowship with the Father in prayer brings mutual joy.
In Acts chapter 13,
And verse one, well, verse two, verse one tells us those who were present in that church at Antioch, all right?
And then it, it tells us something that happened there in verse two.
He says, as the minister to the Lord and fasted, as the minister to the Lord, some of the translations say, as they had fellowship with the Lord, as they fellowship with the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, meaning that the Holy Spirit spoke
See, there was a communication, a two-way communication.
What were they doing?
They were praying.
They were ministering to the Lord in prayer.
All right?
In prayer and in fasting.
And the Lord ministered to them.
They ministered to the Lord in prayer and fasting.
And the Lord ministered to them.
That means they worshiped the Lord.
See, worship, that means that you're speaking to God in words to extol His majesty, Hallelujah, to praise Him, to glorify Him.
See, secondly,
The Holy Spirit helps us to have fellowship with the Father and the Son through the Scripture, through meditation on the Word of God.
The Word of God becomes our Teacher.
You know, when we have fellowship with the Father and the Son through the Scriptures, we are blessed, we are enriched, we are changed.
Because He talks to us, the Scriptures become God's voice to us.
Remember, Jesus is the living Word.
The Word became flesh.
The Word of God became flesh.
The spoken Word became the living Word.
And the 11 word left us the written word.
Remember it.
The spoken word became the living word.
The living word left us the written word.
And the written word becomes living when the Holy Spirit
Breathe upon it in our lives.
In that word is put to work in us.
Then you find Christ alive in us again.
His presence in planet earth is extended through us.
He shall see his seed.
He shall prolong his days.
And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hands.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Look at Psalm 119.
I'll read to you.
Just one verse.
Psalm 119.
Verse 24.
You read that verse.
Psalm 119, verse 24.

By testimony is also a mighty light and my councilors.
Praise God.
Oh, this is so powerful.
So powerful.
It says, David, the king, said this.
He said, thy testimonies also are my delight and my councilors.
You know what he's talking about here?
What he says, thy testimonies.
What does he mean by thy testimonies?
The word is witness.
You find a synonym of this in the New Testament where it says, if we receive the witness of me and the witness of God is great out.
The witness of God, what it means is God's declaration.
So it says that testimony is also my delight.
It means God's proclamations, God's declarations, God's witness.
What has He said?
What is His record?
What has God said about Himself?
What has He said about me?
What has He said about the church?
What has He said about us?
God's declarations.
He says, God's declarations, God's testimonies.
For example, when he declared Jesus Christ to be his son, that was his witness.
God bore witness that Jesus was his son.
And so I received that.
And I said, Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
And I'm blessed with that.
I'm blessed.
Boy, I'm blessed.
Just to say that I'm blessed.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
When I say, you know, I'm stared in my spirit to declare God's records of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
You can't know that except the Father reveals it to you.
And I declare along with you, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.
I got the life of God in me.
I'm born of God's Spirit.
I'm born of the Word of God.
I'm a child of God.
Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the Word.
His testimonies are my delight.
Then he says, and they are my counselors.
That means I'm canceled.
See, a lot of people who want counselors on TV, people who are not Christians, ungodly people to cancel them about their problems.
And they're watching programs and learning for their lives from those who know not God.
And they're willing to be instructed to be guided by people who don't know Jesus.
They're reading books and reading magazines.
And these magazines and books and films and so on have become their counselors.
You don't know it, but that's what's happening to you when you give your time to these things and learn from their so-called ideas or from their opinions or from their mistakes or whatever it is.
You're pushing something through to you and changing you and making you to think like them and then act like them until you become like them.
But God wants us to be like him.
Since my son, give me your heart and let your eyes observe my ways.
How's that gonna happen?
Only through his word.
Only through his word.
He says, that testimony is in my delights.
And they're my counselors.
I'm concerned by the word of God.
When I studied the word, I received wisdom and guidance.
Oh, if I was going this way, when I studied the word, hear the word, I change in my tracks.
And I said, no, I'm going to go this way because the word of God says to go this way.
a going direction of God's Word.
There is where the blessing of God is.
There is where the strength of God is.
There is where the victory of God is.
There's where you find the faithfulness of God.
That means you bring His Word to pass in your life if you were act on His Word.
You make it good.
Make His promise good to you.
Make everything that He has said come to pass and make it real in you.
Glory to God.
Oh, how wonderful that is.

Number two, fellowship with one another through the church.
Number one is fellowship with the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and abers us to fellowship with the Father and the Son through the Word of God and through prayer.
So when we pray, he helps us have fellowship with God.
And when we study the word, he helps us see have fellowship with God.
And so I said, number two, fellowship with one another through the church.
understand that fellowship with one another through the church means that I can have fellowship with my brethren, my brothers and sisters in Christ, even without meeting them one by one.
But it's through the church.
Because we're members of the church together, and we have different congregations.
And when we come together in that congregation, I am having fellowship through the church.
The church is the body of Christ.
Now look at this.
Because here's my body, I've got these hands, okay?
These hands are fellowshiping together because they're part of my body.
My fingers are fellowshiping together with the rest of the body because they're part of the body.
They're all together.
The Bible says Jesus Christ is the head of the church.
He's the head and that we are the body.
And every one of us is a member of that body.
And so together we are having this fellowship.
So we have fellowship one with another through the church, the body of Christ.
And every congregation is a microcosm of the Church of Jesus Christ.
So when you go to church, you have in fellowship together, the body of Christ is gathered there, as we worship together, as we pray together, as we minister to the Lord together, as we serve together.
we have in fellowship.
And that means there is a communion, and that means there is protection, and that means there is an impartation, think about it.
That means that there is growth, and that means that we are on our way fulfilling our destiny in Christ Jesus.
You're going to emphasize this in your life this month.
You're going to work towards it.
You're going to be conscious of it and do something about it.
I said, the word of God is for doing, not just so you can hear it and then say, I believe it, you've got to do it.
So you're hearing about fellowship now.
Fellowship is something you do.
So that helps you understand how important going to church here is attending the services
Okay, now let's look at the Bible.
Hebrews chapter 10.
Book of Hebrews chapter number 10.

In verse 25.

Let's read from verse 24 into 25.
Yeah, can you help us?
and let us consider one another to provoke onto love and to good works.
Oh, look at that.
Let us consider one another to provoke onto love.
consider one another to provoke onto love and to good works.
That means, listen, this is so powerful.
It says, let us consider one another to provoke onto love and to good works.
That means that I should consider you and I should think of how to provoke you onto love and to good works.
How to inspire love in your life.
How to inspire you to do something that's good.
I should never allow you to stray.
I should never allow you to go in the wrong direction.
It is my responsibility to provoke you to love and to good works.
This is the ministry of every Christian.
Because we're members of the body of Christ.
Consider, let us consider one another to provoke onto love and to good works.
You want to be a Christian?
You do it.
Glory to God.
Now, read on.
Not forsaken.
So why are it?
It says, not forsaken.
We are assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is.
That's the manner of some is.
Oh, I only think about the heart of the Father as the Spirit breathes His words out.
He is at the manner of some is.
That means the Spirit is grieved by their behavior.
It's grieved by their action.
It's grieved.
He's not forsaken the assembling of our zeroes together as the manner of song is.
That's their behavior.
That's their way of doing things.
God doesn't like it.
So he says, as the manner of song is.
Go on.
But exhorting one another.
and so much the more.
As you see the day of the church.
Look at it.
Not forsaken the assembling of our zeros together as the manner of some years.
That means don't skip the church.
Don't skip the meetings.
These are the fellowship meetings.
You see?
These are the fellowship meetings of the church.
They're so important.
Make sure you go to church.
They're the fellowship meetings of the church.
Since don't forsake the fellowship meetings of the church as the manner of some ears, as the manner of some ears, say, I refuse to be in that group.
No, I will not be in that group.
I want to be in the group that the Father is pleased with.
This is as the manner of some ears.
There are some in the church that the Father is not pleased with.
You know, it reminds me of what Paul wrote.
He says, I want you to remember that all our fathers passed under the cloud.
He said, they were all baptized onto Moses in the cloud and in the sea.
And they all drank of the same spiritual drink and the end of the same meat.
It tells us something about them.
He says, with many of them, God was not well pleased.
With many of them, he says, God was not well pleased.
And so they were overthrown in the wilderness because God was not well pleased.
How come they didn't know that God was not well pleased with them?
How come they didn't know?
Our guiding light is the Word of God.
The Word is our guiding light.
We should know.
We should live by the light.
But God's word.
This is our guiding light.
It is with many of them.
God was not well pleased.
And so they were overthrown in the wilderness.
So he says he's not forsaking the assembly of Azeras together as a matter of Zamas, but exhorting one another.
So that's one of the beautiful things that we do when we come together.
We exhort one another in the Word of God.
And that's what you do when you fellowship.
So we fellowship with one another through the church.
When one is sharing the word with us, we are receiving and the joy of our praise when we praise God.
The gifts, that's another thing.
Let me read that to you from the word.
First Corinthians in chapter number 14.
Read towards from verse 12.
Even so ye, for as much as you are serious or spiritual gifts, seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church.
To the edifying of the church.
And that wonderful.
See, number one, when we come together, is what we exert one another.
That means we use the word.
We exert one another through the word.
not condemn one another, we exhort one another.
In fellowship, there must be mutual joy.
See, strive to have fellowship.
Not just talk, strive to have fellowship.
Glory to God.
So, there's joy.
See, mutual joy.
So, exhort one another.
That's the first thing that we find in that Hebrews, chapter 10, verse 25.
Now, in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 and verse 12, it says,

Okay, let me show you something more.
Go to verse 26 of the same book, same chapter.
Verse 26.
Say, ah, is it then?
How is it then, brethren?
When you come together.
When you come together.
Everyone over you have to sound.
Can you see that?
Is this when you come together?
Every one of you, somebody's got a sound.
Somebody's got a doctrine.
That means a message to share.
Something to teach, okay?
Has a tongue.
Someone has a message in tongues.
That's a revelation.
Someone has a revelation.
It can be a dream, it can be a vision, it can be whatever it is, a revelation to share with others.
At an interpretation.
At an interpretation.
Say, let all things be done on to edifying.
Glory to God.
Have you been wonderful?
Let all things be done on to edifying.
So in the body of Christ, when we come together, we've got something to share.
There's something that I've got to impart to others.
Sometimes it can come in music.
in songs, you can come in teaching, you can even come in prayer.
When we ask a brother or sister to lead us in prayer.
And in that one praise and with the rest of us are saying amen.
There's an impartation, there's a blessing, there's an inspiration.
And all of this is important.
It is God's design to help you grow.
Remember those five things I mentioned.
So all God's purpose
in fellowship.
Very important.
Now, thirdly, remember, we're talking about different kinds of fellowship here, the different levels of fellowship.
One is fellowship with the Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit, and we say that works through prayer and the Word.
Number two, fellowship with one another through the Church.
And we said, we come together, and then we share the Word, and then we have prayer together, and then we have the ministry gifts
Okay, that are shared among us.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 7, the Bible says, the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man for the common good.
You see, each one of us has got something that God's blessed us with and it's for the common good.
So if you're not in fellowship, if you're not coming for the fellowship, you're depriving the rest of us of something that God has deposited within you that has to come from your way.
Let me show you how it works.
Look at this.
There's a way God laughs through you.
That's different from how he does through heart.
He'll never be the same.
There's a way God does what he does through you.
that he'll never do through harm.
And there's a way he does what he does through harm, and he'll never do through you, why?
Because of the difference, the uniqueness of your personality.
And so when God deposits, sending gifts and abilities in you, he walls in the calm through your personality.
That's the glory of God.
That's so different through you that it will never be
through anybody else.
And if God has planned that you should be one of those to bless me, and I deprive myself of getting across to you when you share, when you minister, when you bring out that which is in you, I'm losing something that I account to God for.
Or if you deprive me of it,
then you are failing to give to me something that God designed that I should have.
And that means, one day you stand for the Master to give account for that which he put within you to share with the rest of us.
Are you getting this thing?
But what we're in is not man's word.
This is God's word.
It belongs to him.
That's what I mean.
This world belongs to him.
He's got a plan.
And the best thing you'll ever do for yourself is to find God's plan and walk in the light of it.
Not to create your plan in the way you want it.
No, no, no.
God's plan.
And to follow it.
and never gets stressed out.
Oh, how wonderful this is.
It is glorious.
It's just glorious, glorious, glorious, glorious.
He says, He's given every one of us the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
For the common good.
For the common good.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Then number three, fellowship
With those the Lord has specially brought into your life.
Can you see this now?
Three levels of fellowship.
Fellowship number one is with a father and son through the Holy Spirit.
His son Jesus cries through the Holy Spirit.
Then fellowship with one another through the church.
Then you have fellowship with those the Lord has specially brought into your life.
Who are these?
The people of the Lord are specially brought into your life.
Your spouse, children, parrots, siblings, cousins, friends.
There are special friends, partners, and call labor us in the Lord.
These are
people that the Lord specially brings into your life for a reason.
I want to show that to you from the Word.
Let me give you something here from the Word.
This will bless you.
First chronicles and chopped to number 12.
I'm going to read from verse 1 into verse 2.
He says, now these are the that came to David to Ziklag, while he had kept himself close.
That means he hid himself, concealed himself because of Saul, the son of Kish.
And they were among the mighty men, help us of the war.
Help us of the war.
They were armed with bows and could use both right hand and the left in hauling stones and shooting arrows out of a bow, even of sauce, bread, and of Benjamin.
That's wonderful.
Go to verse 8, and of the Gadites, they separated themselves onto David into the hold, to the wilderness, men of might, and men of war fed for the battle that could handle shield and baklah, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as the rose upon the mountains.
Verse 14, these were of the sons of God, captains of the host.
One of the least was over 100, and the greatest over 1,000.
These are they that went over Jordan in the first month when it had over flown all his banks, and they put to flight all of the end of the valleys, both toward the east and toward the west.
Can you imagine?
Scaring the enemies in two opposite directions?
My goodness.
and the came of the children of Benjamin and Judah to hold on to David.
And David went out to meet them and answered and said unto them, if ye become peaceably unto me to help me, my heart shall be knit on to you.
But if ye become to betray me to my enemies, seeing there is no wrong in my hands, the God of our fathers look there on and rebuke it.
Then the Spirit, I want you to notice what it says, then the Spirit came upon a Messiah.
who was chief of the captains, and he said, now, notice this is the spirit came upon him.
This man wasn't just speaking because, you know, we've assembled together and we've come to join you and to help you, David.
No, no, the Bible says the spirit came upon the man.
The Holy Ghost came upon a Messiah.
who was chief of the captains, and he said, that means he said, by the Spirit.
Then I know we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse.
Glory to God.
Peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thy help us, and for thy God helpeth thee, and David received them and made them cut teams of the man.
What did they come to do?
They came to help David fulfill God's call.
God had spoken concerning David and they came to help David fulfill the Word of God.
And the Bible says, the Spirit came upon a Messiah to say, why not we David?
Thine are we thou son of Jesse.
I love the way that the other elders put it when they came.
They said, we are thy bone and thy flesh.
They said, God is with you.
God is with you.
And here they blessed him.
And they said, those, you'll help us.
God bless you.
Now, I said that to say this.
I said, there's a group of people that God brings into your life.
Your spouse, your children, your parents, your siblings, your cousins.
Friends, and when I say friends, it's not the generic terminology of friendship.
No, there's something called covenant friends.
Now, covenant friends are not people who go and use their blood.
That's not, no, no.
It means those are God, have some picked and brought them into your life.
You know them.
They know you.
They speak like Amazad, because the Spirit of God comes on that.
And it's a dine, are we?
These are help us of the world.
That's the way they would describe.
They are help us of the war.
They understand destiny.
And God brings them into your life.
You have to recognize them.
Otherwise, you walk a lonely path.
You recognize them.
and you'll find that you're going to have more and more success because you're going to recognize your fellowship with your father and the son Jesus Christ and by the Holy Ghost, you're going to recognize and work on your fellowship with one another, with God's children through the church, and you're going to work on your fellowship with these that God has put into your life.
The people that God has brought into your life to help you become that which God has planned for you to be.
that people that God has planned, picked, and brought into your life.
That's the way it is.
The Bible says the Lord gave the word, and it was a company of them that published it.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
