The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.
Mario's Gospel, chapter 13, and we'll read verse 11.
Ready to make me want to go.
He answered and said unto them, because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.
But today it is not given.
The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.
The mysteries, mysteries say mysteries.
Now, a mystery
When in the New Testament you see the word mystery or mysteries in Plural is referring to not something that cannot be known at all, but something a secret that is only revered to a select few or to the initiated
something that is only understood by a circle of initiated members.
So everybody doesn't know it.
It's a secret.
So we talk about esoteric revelations.
Now, that's very different from exoteric.
Esoteric is different from exoteric.
In fact, they are opposite of each other.
Just in case you use it, exoteric means something that is revealed to the public.
Esso is within.
I didn't know we came for an English class.
If I can explain Greek and Hebrew to you, why shouldn't I explain English to you, which is even, you know, because that's the language you are using to communicate all the time.
Praise God.
So when we say esoteric revelation, we mean revelation that is the property of this esoteric group, this special group.
So that's what it means when it talks about mysteries, all right?
You just read it.
He said, to you, it is given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to others, it is not given.
So they hear about the mysteries, and that's what their mysteries to them.
To you, you have an understanding.
You are given.
Say, you are given.
It's a gift from God to you to understand.
But to them, he says, it is not given.
So they hear it, and it sounds stupid to them.
Imagine you were speaking in tongues, and they say, what's that?
Why is everybody doing like that?
It's a mystery.
See, the mystery.
The mystery.
Tear us as the natural man.
First Corinthians chapter two.
Let's read from verse 11 to 14.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man, which is in him.
Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God.
See you can't know the things of God except through the Holy Spirit.
See, without the Holy Spirit, somebody says, most I have received the Holy Spirit.
Yes, you must.
Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot live the Christian life.
In fact, you cannot understand the Christian life.
So is Ace, for what men know what the things of a man say the spirit of man which is in him.
Even so the things of God know what no man bought the spirit of God, verse 12.
Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
You see, we receive the spirit of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Then it says, which things also we speak?
You see, we don't only know them, we speak them.
Notice, he didn't say we speak of them.
He says we speak them.
Why does he say this?
Look at that.
Which things also we speak?
Not in the words which man's wisdom teach it, but which the holy goes teach it.
Comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
Now look at verse 14, but the natural man, who's the natural man?
The man that's not born again.
He's the natural man.
He's not born again.
He's the ekling.
Just normal guy, natural guy, is natural to these earths.
You say, are you born again?
He says, what's that?
He doesn't know that.
How could he know?
How could he know?
He's a natural man.
Doesn't matter that he's your twin brother.
If he's not born again, he's a natural man.
So he says, but the natural man received it not the things of the spirit of God.
for they are foolishness unto him.
Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.
The spiritually discerned.
Who is the carnal man?
The man that even though he is born again, he is reasoning and acting like the natural man.
So he's carnally minded.
He thinks ordinarily.
He is the kind of person that says, let's be real, let's be real.
And when he says let's be real, he means let's be natural.
He can say Bible or no Bible.
How can you say Bible or no Bible?
You tell him Bible only.
Praise God.
And there's a suggestion here.
First Corinthians chapter 13.
You know the mysteries of the kingdom.
Jesus said it has given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom.
He didn't say some.
It's our blessing, our gift, our rights.
to know the mysteries of the kingdom.
1 Corinthians 13, I'll read to you from verse 1.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have no charity, I am become as sound in brass or a tinkling symbol.
And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity, I am nothing.
Go back to that.
Verse two.
And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries.
Did you see that?
All mysteries.
So it's possible for us to understand all the mysteries of the kingdom because they're given to us to understand.
It is possible.
All right.
First verse chapter four, let's read verse one.
Let a man sow account of us as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.
Did you see that?
Not only are we men instead of the gospel, but stewards of the mysteries, stewards of the mysteries, the mysteries of God.
We are in possession of divine mysteries, the things by which men should live their lives and be what God created them to be.
Stewards of the mysteries of God.
Let me show you something.
You know, there are several mysteries, mysteries of the kingdom.
For example, there's the mystery of God.
As simple as that is, but it is huge.
The mystery of God.
Then there's the mystery of Christ.
All right?
There's several mysteries.
There's a mystery of Christ.
And then there is the mystery of Christ to the Gentiles.
Then there is the mystery of Christ and the church.
In fact, that's when maybe I will start with that for a reason.
I'll show you why.
Then there's a mystery of the Word of God.
The mystery of the Word of God?
Absolutely, and it's huge.
Stay tuned for the continuation of this series after the break.
There are no limits to what you can achieve and no restrictions to what you can enjoy.
His name brings to us repentance, remission and forgiveness, eternal life, healing and health, the Holy Spirit and His ministry.
From this transforming teaching, five blessings in His name, you will learn deep truths about the blessings we have in Christ.
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God bless you.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Ephesians chapter 5.
Go to verse 32.
This is a great mystery.
Because it is the only one that is called a great mystery.
That's why I want to start with this.
I thought about starting with it.
I think it's good.
This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and Chick, but there's a problem here.
The problem is the word but.
It's regrettable that they put it there because, um,
It didn't have to be, even though translating the simple word that is made to be, but here is accurately translated.
Contextually, it should not even be but.
You know, sometimes when you read a long passion, you can lose the thing.
the direction of the message.
The translators, there are several translations that put bot there.
Either they copied from one another or they made the same mistake.
They lost the theme of the passage.
I'll show it to you in a second.
Just relax.
And of course, there are a few other translations that are glued with me.
And before I found out whether anyone agreed with me, I did the study originally first, all right, to find out why they did think it was but, because but was wrong to come in there all.
And because you are also well-educated, you will see it, okay?
And your spirit is alive.
You will see it.
All right, so let's go to verse 25, just because of this bot.
We have to go to verse 25.
All right, is his husband's love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it?
that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Hold on.
He just said, husbands love your wives, all right?
Even as Christ loved the church.
He is now talking about Christ, love the church, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Everything is talking about Christ.
It's now about Christ.
Are you hearing this?
But, okay, let's assume we want to put wife and husband there.
Let's see what it will look like.
Go back to verse 25.
Possbands, love your wives.
Move to the next verse.
and sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, and present her to yourself a glorious wife, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
It starts getting really difficult there, right?
Because she's a person.
All right?
So we can see that
He did start out with the husband and the wife, what is now talking to us about Christ.
Is it clear that he's actually talking about Christ?
All right, so he says that he might present the church, all right, to himself.
So he says, a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Do it.
So what meant to love their wives as their own bodies?
He's come back to talking about the husbands and wives.
So what meant to love their wives as their own bodies?
He that loved his wife, loved it himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourish it and cherish it even as the Lord, the church.
For we are members of his
body of his flesh and of his bones.
For this course, are you following?
For this course, shall a man leave his father and mother for which course?
Which course?
Go back up.
Go to the previous verse.
For we are members of his body and flesh of his bones.
So what is his name?
For this course.
For what course?
The cause is not in one verse.
The cause is in all what it's been saying from verse 25.
Isn't it obvious?
For this course, what is the course?
What exactly is it talking about?
Can you see it?
The oneness.
He's dealing with the oneness, for this cause of oneness.
Moses, for this cause of the man leave his father and mother and shall be joined onto his wife and there too shall be one flesh.
Then he says, this is a great mystery.
It should not be but because the context is clear.
There's no paradox.
The word that's translated but is also translated and now so in Scripture.
Nevertheless, so I thought, why didn't they pick the one that shows that the context is straightforward?
They should have.
They should have.
All right, let me read it to you from one or two verses, one or two translations that put it in a good way.
Let's look at ESV, the ESV, does put it nicely.
Says, this mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.
Can you see there's no bot there?
Because bringing the buts there seems to suggest that after everything you say, this is a great mystery.
Let's leave it set.
It's like this is a great mystery.
But let's discuss Christ and the church.
No, no, no, no.
That's what you're talking about.
The mystery is what you're dealing with here.
Praise God.
And the real mystery is in, look at it, boy, the mystery, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Think about it, think about it, think about it, the mystery, the mystery is that Jesus says, I'm here, I'm here, but I don't have a body.
You don't have a body?
So where is your body?
He says, I am the living word.
I am the living word.
Oh, what are we talking about here?
Now I get it.
Who is Christ?
I told you yesterday.
Don't look at him.
Don't look at Christ in the body of a Jew for his more than that.
It's like thinking that that man that appeared to Abraham with two other angels, that that's all God is about.
So when you look at him, three men came to Abraham and one of them was the Lord himself.
So you look at him.
So is this God?
No, you're wrong.
That is just a manifestation.
You're wrong.
Christ was encased in a human body of a Jew called Jesus.
But he was God almighty.
So now with this Christ, he's over here.
He says, I don't have a body.
So where's your body?
Where's your body?
Who was he?
He was the Word of God.
Then he was tabernacled in human flesh.
He took on flesh.
He had nobody because he was the voice of God.
Didn't you read it in Genesis?
The Bible says the voice of God came walking in the garden.
The voice of God.
And didn't see a body.
He was the voice walking.
He had nobody.
First time the voice will have a body was when he was born in Bethlehem.
He was tabanacled in human flesh.
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself.
The Bible says he didn't claim his equality with God, because he was a voice of God.
But he didn't claim it, instead he humbled himself.
Now that he was found, fashioned in human flesh, humbled himself unto death, even the death of a cross.
He says, a body has thou prepared me.
Sacrifice is an offering, thou willest not.
But a body has thou prepared me.
In other words, you prepare a body for me.
Says, in the volume of the book, it is written of me.
I come to do thy well, O God.
So, so he's given flesh.
Here's the mystery.
He's given flesh.
Where is his body?
Where is his flesh?
This is... Did you read something?
When he came to preach, when he came to preach, the Bible says he turned to Simon.
He said, can I use your boat?
and cyber let him use his boots.
So he says, go back to Exodus.
He, in Exodus, he called them.
He said, tell the children of Israel to build me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.
I want them to build me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.
So when God, when they built that sanctuary and the presence of God came into that sanctuary, did that mean that that was all where God was?
He couldn't be nowhere else.
He's too great to be completely limited to that tabernacle.
He was fully there, but he was in heaven.
He was everywhere because he is God.
So he comes and says, Joseph, give me your body.
Give me your flesh.
I want to do things with your flesh.
Give me your flesh.
So you say, will you take my flesh?
Then he says, yes, but we're going to use it together because I can't use it without you.
Give me your flesh.
Your flesh.
Your flesh?
Those burnt offerings that they offered to him, they thought he was eating them.
No, but there were signs for what was to come.
So the Bible says, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your body's 11 sacrifice, wholly unacceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service, and refuse to be conformed to this world.
So he says, go back to verse 30.
For we are members of his body, of his flesh.
Go to verse 27.
Go to verse 27.
that he might present it to himself, a glorious church, not having spot a wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish, present it to himself.
He's saying, like he said to them, I will make you follow me, and I will make you, fish as of me, and I will make you, you can't make yourself, I will make you, man, talk about me.
I will make you, that he might present it to himself, a glorious church.
All right, next verse, watch this now.
So what meant to love their wives' own bodies?
He that loved his wife, loved himself.
For no man ever yet, come on.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh.
His own flesh.
What is Paul saying?
He's saying that my flesh is his own flesh.
This flesh!
I thought it was not good.
I thought the flesh was unnecessary.
flesh, no man ever had taken his own flesh, but nourish it and cherish it even as the Lord the church.
Then he says, for we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
Just in case you didn't understand when he said flesh.
Then he says, body, and what, bones?
Memphis, all these bones.
Maybe, maybe, maybe you're thinking, could that be, could that really be?
First Corinthians, dalalalal, dalalalal, dalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal
The word translated members can be rendered limbs like hair and legs.
Are you hearing me?
That's what it means.
It says, don't you know that your body's at the members of Christ?
That means that your leg, this your leg.
Now I understand why Peter went into the house of Anis.
And says, Anis, Jesus Christ makes you wear a ride.
Because Anis had received Christ.
He was a Christian, but he was still paralyzed.
And so Peter came visiting the brethren and got to his house.
They told him, Anya's is a Christian.
He's a believer now.
He knows Jesus Christ.
He says, where is he?
He said, but he's inside the house.
He's been on the bed.
He said, been on the bed.
He didn't prefer him.
He entered the room.
And he says, Anya's, Jesus Christ makes you well.
Listen, he didn't say be healed.
He said, Jesus makes you well.
In other words, if you have him, you have met well.
Come on somebody.
Jesus Christ makes you well.
We are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
He says, don't you know?
Don't you know?
No, you're not.
That your bodies are the members of Christ's.
He says, don't you know?
Tell somebody I know, I know, I know.
He says, this is a great mystery.
It's a great mystery.
In other words, don't try to figure it out scientifically.
It will never work.
It's a great mystery.
We speak wisdom among them that I'm a tar, not the wisdom of this world that come to not.
No, not the wisdom of this world or the rulers of this world that come to nothing.
We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery.
Even the hidden wisdom with God of Dan before the word, or until our glory.
Glory, glory, glory.
You know, I read the Word of God and I'm a bam, bam, bam, bam.
And the kind of dance, even if you were smoking all kinds of things.
Even if you were drunk with all kinds of things.
You can't get the edification.
You can't get the kind that we get in the spirits.
Just don't you know?
that your body's at the members of Christ.
Don't you know?
These legs.
Your hands.
Now I tell you about my experience one day, you know, years ago, and actually it's happened to me several times, okay?
But this particular one was very striking.
And the first time it happened with me was back in 1985.
So I was going to write a letter.
And suddenly, I felt the power of God in my hand.
And I thought I was writing, but I knew I was not the one writing.
My hand was being moved.
Right before I could, this thing's gonna come through my brain.
So I was so stunned about what happened with me.
But I couldn't tell anybody about it.
Few years later, say two, three, happened again.
And this time, I thought I was going to use it.
And I wrote a letter.
The power of God was in my hand, as I wrote.
And I was aware of what was happening with me.
And I sent it.
Now, here is the interesting thing.
I wasn't writing this particular letter to
a particular person that I knew.
But someone, because I asked for some addresses.
And the fellow who got it, the lady who got it, had been the wife of a minister for many years, and had back sleep, and stopped being a Christian.
She got the letter.
He fell in her face before God was gloriously restored to Christ.
She didn't even know who wrote how.
But I got to hear the Testament.
It was my letter.
Praise God.
So on this occasion, I'm talking to the Lord, and I'm asking a question, and I'm just following my desk.
And suddenly, Spirit of God spoke to me like about three feet above my head.
And when He spoke, I thought I was going to write what He said, but the power of God was on my hand and wrote for me same words at the same time that He spoke.
I had an understanding.
of those people who roots what we call scriptures.
Never take the scriptures, the Bible, as just a collection of men's writings, that the writings are called.
We are truly the writings of God.
Stay tuned.
Pastor Chris will be right back.
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Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
From here, you're moving into another season of the works of God.
And let me tell you this.
Preach the word.
Focus on it.
You're going to receive resource like you never thought possible.
I hear you.
When you share the Word of God, so focus on it.
You'll be amazed at what's going to happen.
The Bible says in Acts chapter 10 verse 44, why Peter yet speak these words?
The Holy Ghost fell and all them that hurt you.
Spirit of God, why are you sharing the word?
The Holy Spirit will do His work.
Should I do this?
All right.
Luke's Gospel chapter eight.
Let me take you in from the beginning, okay?
You would like it.
Came to pass afterward that he went throughout every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God.
Did you see that?
Did you see that?
The kingdom of God.
the glad tidings of the kingdom of God.
Jesus went preachy.
Listen, your first assignment is so wrong.
Before you I passed away, you are a Christian, right?
All right, so let's read next verse.
And certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, and Joanna, the wife of Kazah, Herod Stewart and Susanna, and many others which ministered unto him out of their substance.
And when much people, okay, notice,
And when much people were gathered together and were come to him out of every city, he speak by a parable.
Remember, he was preaching the kingdom of God.
All right?
I should do that in the first verse or into the second, the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God.
Now, he speaks by parable.
It is Ahsoa went out to sow his seed.
And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside, and it was trodden down.
Now remember, he says, Ahsoa went forth to sow his seed.
So there was a purpose.
He didn't just carry seeds and then some salad for him.
He was going to sow.
So he went for it to sow his seed, and as he sowed, as he sowed, some fell by the wayside, and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.
And some fell upon a rock, and as soon as it was sprung up, it weeded away, because it lacked moisture.
And some fella mung thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it.
and other fell on good ground and sprung up and bare fruits and on red food.
And when he had said these things, he cried.
He that had ears to hear, let him hear.
Do you have ears to hear?
I want you to listen hard.
What I want you to notice
Let's read further.
And as the disciples asked him, saying, what might this parable be?
And he said unto them, unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to others in parables that sin they might not see.
And hearing they might not understand.
Now read this one to go.
The seed is the word of God.
Jesus said, some fell on good ground and they brought foot foot and hundred fold.
The seed is the word of God.
They fell on good ground and brought foot foot and hundred fold.
The seed is the word of God.
And what was it about?
It was about the kingdom, the word of the kingdom because the Bible says he went preaching the kingdom, the kingdom of God.
So if the seed is the word of God, it is the word of the kingdom of God.
And now these who received seed in good ground, brought foot fruits.
100 fold, they brought foot fruits.
So what is He saying?
They reproduced the fruit of the Kingdom of God.
Meaning that if you will hear and receive the Word of God, the Kingdom of God will be manifested in you.
The Word will reproduce in you.
All you had to do was to sow it.
The sow has sowed the word.
The word is this seed.
It is God's word and it's God's word of his kingdom.
If you have it inside you, you are going to be producing the fruits of the kingdom of God.
There's no other way because you have it inside.
It's going to come out.
The word of God will produce the word of the kingdom.
The fruit of the kingdom of God will be manifest in your life.
When I tell people, I can't, nothing foolish can come out of me.
It's impossible.
Nothing foolish, nothing stupid.
Only excellence.
Only the wisdom of God can be manifest in me.
Because I'm not producing 60 food, 30 food.
Did you notice in this place, no options, 100 food.
That means reproducing like it is.
The kingdom of God manifest in the kingdom of God, because the seed has been sown inside you.
Now you are manifest in the kingdom of God.
Think what's going to happen?
Because you took the seed.
The seed is the word.
Like you're hearing God's word now.
You take this word inside you.
You carry it like a vessel, you know?
You're a vessel.
You're a vessel.
A vessel.
You say, I'm loaded with God's word.
I'm a vessel.
I have received the Word of God on good ground.
I'm a good place for the sowing of God's Word.
For the sowing of God's Word.
I have a listening ear and a hearing heart, an understanding mind,
Oh dear, dear, dear.
Can I give you just a little more?
God's word is big.
Jesus said, if your eye be single, now firstly, is it the eye?
The eye is the light of the body.
What in the world does that mean?
What is light?
Light is that which makes manifests.
So Jesus is purely, I mean, he can be more right than Jesus.
Listen, he says, the eye is the light of the body.
The eye is the light of the body.
So when you open your eye, you see your body can't see nothing until you got eyes and your eyes open.
You see?
It says the eye is the light of the body.
Then is it if your eye is single.
In other words, if it works perfectly,
He says, your whole body shall be full of light.
Your whole body shall be full of light.
Your eye, he says, is the light of the body.
So if your eye is working well, you see, he says, then your whole body shall be full of light.
Jesus Christ is called the son of righteousness.
Do you remember?
And then I told you yesterday how God made two great lights, one light to rule the day and one to rule the night.
And in fact, it's actually the sun and the moon.
All right.
Then he made the stars also.
Somebody asked me, but the Bible didn't say is the sun and the moon just said two great lights.
He did just that you didn't see it in the place where you read.
So let me show it to you.
Let me show you the place you read.
Genesis chapter 1.
We'll read from verse 14 to 16.
God said, let them be light in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and seasons and for days and years.
And let them be for light in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so.
All right, 16.
And God made two great lights.
The greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.
He made the stars also.
Okay, go to Psalm 136 verse 7.
So him that made great lights for his mercy endured forever.
The song to rule by day for his mercy endured forever.
The moon and stars to rule by night for his mercy endured forever.
So it's in the soul of David.
Okay, so think like this.
Imagine this, God gives us the picture.
When Jesus comes, there will be, in fact, the Bible says the sun shall not give its likes.
On that day, everyone's gonna be dark, and Jesus descends from heaven.
Truly the sun.
of righteousness, not S O N, but S U N. So he descends.
And now they don't see the stars, instead they see stars moving with the sun.
And everybody, the Bible says, all eyes shall see him.
Everybody can see him.
The whole world.
And we are not moving so fast.
We're not in the hurry.
And as he comes back to Claudius, the virus is behold.
He come between the clouds.
So he descends.
And all the people are seeing is this great light.
And the stars who are the stars, they that turn many to righteousness.
Whoa, coming, coming, coming, shining the stars.
Are you still in this place?
He's coming.
He's coming.
And our work will soon be done.
We're moving faster now than ever before.
Our work will soon be done.
We're moving faster and faster and faster than ever before.
This gospel is being preached.
And we're moving really fast.
A quick work was the Lord do.
It's happening really fast.
And remember, we're doing this for a reason.
Our love for the Master, our love for Jesus Christ, is what prepares us.
prepares us.
We love you and we want his name to be glorified.
Then he sent us to do it.
He said, if you love me, do what I tell you.
Keep my commandments.
And he's given us everything that we require.
He's given us everything that we require.
If you are not experiencing that reality and you think that you are struggling, my answer to you is simple.
Immediately stop struggling and change your way of thinking.
You say, is it that simple?
Believe me.
It is that simple.
Don't even try to catch any idea.
Let the struggle stop.
Just let the struggle stop.
Say, I'm not struggling anymore.
Then introduce to yourself the mind of a child.
You know what that mind is?
A carefree mind.
It is carefree.
It has no cares.
It has no worries.
No consciousness of need.
I told you, it's one of the things I love doing.
You know?
There are thoughts that can come to me because I can see the world, the world of needs and wants.
I see the world.
And anytime thoughts try to come to me like, what about, what about, I just repel them?
I don't like to think like I need, what if,
No, I don't give a chance to such things.
What if... I'm still with that mind that doesn't think about what you eat, what you will wear, what you... No, I don't have a need.
What if you don't get the money for, I refuse to think like that.
I repair thoughts, I repel them.
I repel them.
I don't accommodate them.
Don't think like me.
Because I've been on the journey of being trained to think in divine communications.
Don't think like me.
And so worry.
No, I'm just thinking, you know, we have targets.
You have targets.
So I have targets.
So which targets are you having without God?
You better leave it alone.
Because every target you're trying to hit without God is useless.
You're wasting time.
He's not going to work anyway.
So the sooner you change your way of doing things, the better.
You don't have any targets without God.
He and I are partners.
So you suddenly become, you'd suddenly become
A partner with God in making things work.
For members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
From that moment, you just suddenly realize there's no such thing as a disadvantage to you.
You just suddenly realize.
When you haven't realized it,
You are still, you are still walking as atlens.
You are still seeing yourself separate from him.
You are still trying to get him to do something for you.
See, you're trying to get him to do something for you.
You think, doesn't he know what I'm going through?
Doesn't he know what I require?
How else does he expect me to get it?
What you're actually doing is you're accusing him of negligence.
Can you imagine accusing God of negligence?
Well, that's exactly what it is.
You're accusing him of negligence.
You're saying, I'm here.
Why can't I get this?
Why can't this happen for me?
Why can't, why?
You're not voicing it.
What is your state of mind?
So you retire to your situation.
And say, okay, what else should I do?
What else should I do?
Should I go and steal?
If I can get it, I can get it.
But he told you, you have it.
You say, I know that is spiritual, but the spiritual gave birth to the material.
I'm going to tell you this.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Maybe I should give you this because you need it.
Just a little bit of it.
Just a little bit of it.
Not much.
Just a little.
Just a little.
Bring that device for me a second.
It's not about the inventions of mankind.
It's not about the fame.
It's not about the world system.
It's about the truth.
The word which is the truth.
All things that you ever need in your life are wrapped up in the Word.
Go for the Word.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
Matthew chapter 12.
Verse 34, all generation of vipers, how can you be evil, speak good things?
Acts up to 20.
Have you noticed anything?
Read that.
Did you notice what's things?
Okay, let me tell you the difference between the first two, the first one you read.
That first one, the word things doesn't exist in the original.
Can you see it?
It says, how can you even speak good?
But you see, we're just trying to help you understand.
Okay, how can you be an evil speaking root?
That's what it's saying in Matthew 2 of 34.
But in the English, it goes on to say good things.
Now, the reason for telling you that is that sometimes when you see the word things, it is an assumption for a general communication.
Just so, it's like saying, there's something I want to tell you.
Do you get it?
So, is it a thing?
Or is it the general use of the word?
So sometimes it's just the general use of the word.
But sometimes there is a specific use of the word.
When you say, I am looking for something.
So there is a thing that you are looking for.
Do you get it?
And so you're looking around because there is a definite thing that you're looking for.
All right, now look at here is another word.
You just read it, Acts 20 verse 24.
But none of these things move me.
Why did he say none of these things move me?
Oh, what is he saying?
Things, none of these words.
Because he says, the previous verses, he says, I've been hearing, they said this, they said that, they said that, they're prophetic words about what's going to happen, you know, and so and so says, but none of these things, meaning these words, tell somebody words are things.
Do you understand, do you understand what I'm saying?
Are you catching anything yet?
Okay, oh, yeah.
But in the New Testament and in the old, you would find these, go to Daniel chapter 10, verse 17, Isaiah chapter 9, verse 8.
For how can the seventh of this, my Lord, talk with this, my Lord?
For us for me, stretch with the remain no strength in me.
Neither is their bread left in me.
Look at Isaiah 9, 8.
The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it had lighted upon Israel.
I want you to understand something.
He sent a word into Jacob, and it lighted upon Israel.
A word.
A message.
A word.
Words are things.
Now, understand that words are things.
In the kingdom of God, words are things.
That is to say they are like particles.
They are spiritual particles.
They are spiritual substance.
Do you understand?
Words are spiritual substance.
They are of spiritual tangibility, do you understand?
They are actually, you can catch them.
In the spirits, they can be distributed in the spirits.
He just told you, the saw went for to saw.
He says, it was so inseeds, some fell, by the way side.
He says, they were trampled upon and birds came and picked them up.
Words are things.
Now, when you say to yourself, and hear me well, if you miss this one, it might take you a long, long time to be in that situation.
No, I asked the Lord one day, why do some people suffer for a very long time?
Because I was concerned.
I've met people going through situations for a long time and Christians that gone through certain situations again and again for a long time, a protracted period.
And they're praying.
And give me very clear answers.
So listen very well.
So that if there's any situation you're going through, that is not the best situation, you know, where you should be having a glorious life of,
A need-ridden life is not what you want.
It's a life of free supply, free supply causes.
In other words, unhindered.
They come to you by free course.
See, unhindered.
And the supply continues without being stopped.
That's the life that he gave you.
If that is not the life that you are having right now, then hear me and hear me very well.
From uninterrupted life of constant abundance of life.
You see, is that possible?
That's what I'm discussing with you.
You ready?
Every word that comes out of your mouth is a thing that will never be destroyed.
It's a thing because it's of spiritual origin.
When it goes out of you, it represents you everywhere.
The only thing that can destroy it is another word from you that can render the first one powerless.
Are you following this now?
Words are things.
When you speak them, they go out into the spirits and they are there.
And Jesus said, anyone that you speak that is useless, that is not doing anything, you will give account of it in the day of judgment.
What does that mean?
That words are gifts to us.
How we form them, how we use them becomes our responsibility will be judged for how we use words because they are of spiritual value.
So, you learn from God what to use words for.
As a child of God, you create your situation.
If the last 10 years have not been what you may call beautiful 10 years, then you say to yourself, that stops now.
And I change everything from now
And you start recreating.
I have a small book called Recreating Your Words.
Don't think because you have it, you have read it.
Go and read it again.
Did you hear me?
Take that book, go and read it again.
Recreating your words.
Recreating your words.
I wrote that book how many years ago.
And lots of years ago, probably about 30 years ago, somewhat.
Think about that.
That's a long time.
So you can imagine when I discovered what to do about my life, it's years, years ago.
And once I got ahold of it, I wasn't, boy, I was going to be on a free ride.
And I've been on it.
I've been on it.
writing on with the Lord.
Did you ever hear that message?
That's many years ago, present many years ago.
They're not just words.
I wasn't just talking.
Well, years after that, there's been a consistency of the results.
And I can't change.
No, I can't change.
It's in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body.
Every cell of my blood.
See, I only have one journey, glory to glory.
Glory to glory.
That's all from glory to glory.
And he continually increases my greatness.
Just doesn't end.
So use these words.
You have to use them.
If you're vacillating, then the resource, the manifestation of God's glory in your life will be vacillating.
You see, always your life and the circumstances of your life are a character of the workings of your mind.
Listen, your word is the manifestation of your mind.
How your work is, and what's happening to you?
All right?
And affecting you doesn't affect you until it has affected your mind.
It starts with your mind.
Are you following what I'm telling you?
It's there first.
You never come into a need that you're unable to meet until you are first entered a need that you're unable to meet in your mind.
Is that from there?
If you have a free supply that gets stopped and wouldn't continue, it's stopped here first.
So I tell people, the right thing to do is plug into a supply of nonstop or nonstop system.
If you plug into a nonstop system, you will not even think about that.
Nonstop system.
Now, if you plug into a system that can be stopped, it's because
You know, you had some people who were giving you money, who were helping you, and somehow or another, they became the source.
Inevidently, you saw them as the blessing, the way.
And so when it stops,
Like when the brook dried up for Elijah, then you had a problem.
Instead of knowing that all others are channels, I got a source.
So, I got a source.
So, who I listen to, I listen to the source.
It's up to him to choose with channel.
And when he, if he sends through this channel, thank God.
That channel, thank God.
My eyes are upon the Lord, my source.
And because my eyes are on the Lord, my source, it's not about the channel.
If you get enough,
If your service provider that's responsible for bringing you the channels on your TV, if the service provider cuts you off, it don't matter what channel you want to see, you're going to see nothing because the service provider cuts you off.
Who is your service provider?
So you turn your focus on him, turn your focus on him, and then start using his, oh dear.
Start using his words.
Understand this, all the words, there is no words that you're going to speak in any language that was not already created.
You didn't know it, you didn't know it.
Barbara says, there is no language where their voice is not heard.
Oh dear, dear, dear.
I just put it in Scripture.
There's no language where their voice is not heard.
It's in every language.
God's what is in every language.
It's already given.
The formation of the words is where the mystery is.
How do we decode?
How do we arrange the one that is consistent with God?
Which one is from God?
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
There's where your life is.
He says, they are life, they are life.
God's words are life to those that find them.
To those that find them.
There are words everywhere, but can you find the one that's from God?
Can you find the one that's from God?
They are life to those that find them.
So life becomes like a game.
It's so easy.
It's like a game.
All you have to do is... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you... And you...
How can Christ be a sinner?
The Bible says, if thou shall confess with thy mouth, Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart, that God had raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.
By thy words, thou shall be justified, and by thy words, thou shall be condemned.
By thy words.
So he knows that your heart can be sincere, but your words can take you to hell.
You can be very sincere and be broke and poor.
And you be crying, why am I in this situation?
You think that God needs to do something.
He's not going to do nothing about it because he already did something.
Listen, the words were out.
Do you understand it?
He was in the words.
The word was made by him, but the word knew him not.
He came onto his own.
His own received him not.
Get that.
That was not, that was not about, I've told you before.
That was not Jesus, really.
He was the word in the mouth of prophets.
He came to his own, his own received him.
No, they didn't recognize him.
They said away with that.
They said the prophets, they were with him.
His word was out there.
They wouldn't take it.
Finally, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
So he came, you know, human body for us to see him because the Word had been in the words.
He was in the Word.
The Word was made by him.
The Word knew him not.
That was before Jesus came.
Do you understand?
So his word is out there.
His word is out there.
The life to those that find them and held to all their flesh.
Wisdom says, I cry in the streets, come to me, come to me.
He says, but so not too hard in them wouldn't come.
He says, therefore your life will be hard.
That's what wisdom said.
Go read the problems.
Proverbs chapter 4, Proverbs chapter 8, you'll be amazed.
Said, I'm crying out, calm.
He says, calm and I'll bless you.
I'll make your life abundantly supplied.
He says, calm.
I'll give you anything.
He says, but many wouldn't.
They're too hardened.
They wouldn't listen.
He says, because of that, your life will be hard.
So they go through a difficult road and they think others are just, they're just lucky.
I'm not lucky.
No, no, I'm not a lucky person.
No, I am blessed by God.
Blessed by God.
And that blessing is for every one of us, not just some of us, but for every one of us.
And there's more than enough for every one of us.
because He called us to be a light to the nations of the words, with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
And we had to build this kingdom in the hearts of men and to expand the kingdom of heaven throughout the earth.
It's our job.
So we're doing it happily, happily, happily, happily, happily, full of joy.
The End.