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7 Inspirations for Success

Get set.
Buckle your seatbelt because you are about to be taken on a journey of success.
No one can teach you to be a success like a success.
Pastor Chris expounds on the seven inspirations for success.
So find out what these inspirations are in this life transforming teaching.
I want to talk to you.
on seven inspirations for success.

I believe each one of us can be very successful.
But you cannot be successful until you know God's plan for your life because you could be a success for you.
But being a success for God is different.
A success for you means that
You've achieved your goals, your dreams.

A success for God means you've achieved God's goals, God's dreams.
So successful life is not about
measuring how much you accomplished and what you said for yourself.
Successful life means your accomplishments on the basis of God's calling, God's vision.
God's dream, God's plan.
And it always has to be done in God's way, not in man's way.

In my life, which is not yet a very long one, I haven't lived too many years.
So I cannot talk to you like maybe somebody in his 80s or in his 90s or even more.
But suddenly, I've had many successes, many.
I've been very successful in God's plans.
I've been very successful.
I say that because at different points in my life, because you measure success at different points of your life.
If you were
in the academics.
And you were in class one.
And you were successful in your exams.
You would be a success.
But it would be for that class, not in class two or three, because you're not yet in two or three.
But someone else always in class two or class three would be measured according to what class he is.
And when you get to four, you'll be measured again, whether or not you've been successful this next time.
So success is measured at different stages of life.
And I've had different stages of my life.
And the most important thing is always, what does God think?
What does God want?
Because if you don't know that, how can you know that you're successful?
How can you know?
There'll be no way to know.
Except he was clear with you as to what you should do.
But I've been a leader of
many people for a long time, and I've come to understand that there are not so many people who care to know what God thinks.
There are not a lot of people who even think that God is concerned about their lives, their individual lives, to have a plan for them.
But the truth is, He does.
He not only cares, he has a plan.
A plan that's not only communicable, but a plan that can be actuated.
And that's so important.

had these seven inspirations that have helped me and continue to help me as my life's focus in this journey that we all are a part of.
You know, life is a journey.
It's a race.
It's a race with a direction.
We're not running to nowhere.
No, it's a race with a direction.
God's got a plan.
It's a race.

It's a race, and that's the way it's described for us in the Bible.
And not only is it a race, it's full of battles.
What kind of battles?
The fight of faith.
The fight of faith, circumstances challenge you.
The things that you meet on this journey
rough roads, difficulties, crisis, adversaries, they're all on the way.
As you race to the end, the hills and valleys,

But if you're focused and keep your inspiration, you can win.
I found out there are too many people who lose their inspiration.
They don't have a focus on their inspiration.
And they lose in the battles of life, the fight of faith.
Sometimes they don't even realize that they are
in a conflict zone, because they're not sensitive enough to recognize those things.
But if you keep your inspiration, it wouldn't matter what part of the race you find yourself.
You have the same attitude
delivered to you by this amazing inspirational ministry of God through the Holy Ghost through your life.
Seven inspirations that can turn you on for success.
or keep you in the path of success and keep you winning and winning and winning and always winning.
I'm always winning.
Oh yeah, I'm always winning.
I don't know what it is to lose.
I'm always winning.
Always winning.
Number one, the inspiration
of the world.
What I find the Word of God to be is amazing.
It's been so extraordinary.
I want to read you a few scriptures as we get along just to help you understand the thoughts that have come to me, these years and
that continue to inspire me every day.
I don't have blue days.
I don't have any moments of, you know, like some people say, they say that they have a down day, okay?
They feel terrible one day or for some moment or something,
No, I don't have those days and I don't have those moments.
I'm ever inspired.
There are people who have known me for years and they can tell you that's all they've ever seen.
I'm ever inspired.
In my privacy, I'm inspired, always inspired.
because of these things.
I said number one, the inspiration of the word, what I've come to find the word of God to be, how the word has blessed me and inspired me.
Second Timothy chapter three from verse 16.
Our scripture, our scripture is given by inspiration of God.
Think about it.
The scripture is given by inspiration of God.
That means it's God breathed and is probable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, meaning it's an instruction manual for the life of righteousness.
That's amazing.
And I'm thinking, wow, scripture came from God.
And it's profitable, meaning it gives you the advantage for doctrine, for teaching, meaning it teaches you.
It indoctrinates you for reproof and correction.
Think about it.
If you were going wrong, this reproof for you, this correction for you.
than as an instruction manual.
What other material is good for life?
What else could give you this advantage in life?
And I've thought about it.
I've not found a better material.
That's as inspiring.
Think about it.
Let me give you the next verse, the next verse.
The 17th verse is wonderful.
Look at it.
It says that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished onto all good works, leaves nothing out.
So I find the scripture was given to position me to be very successful.
It says that the man of God may be perfect.
That means excellence.
I knew I was going to have an excellent life.
I knew many years ago, I found some things in the Scriptures that gave me the impression, the absolute understanding that I was going to be very successful.
I knew it.
It was a, you know, a projectile and you knew where it was going.
It was programmed.
I found out the Word of God was given to program my life in a second direction.
And it didn't matter what I was going to encounter in life.
I was programmed for success.
I was programmed for excellence.
I was programmed for prosperity.
I was going to be prosperous in everything.
Didn't you read about Abraham?
The Bible says that he was successful in everything.
Didn't you read about David?
He was successful in everything.
Hania was going to be successful.
There was no question about it.
There was an inspiring document, the scripture.
Our scripture is God-breathed.
And it's profitable, it's profitable.
Hallelujah, that the men of God may be perfect, perfect, sound equipped.
Go to St.
John's Gospel, and this was something else.
John's Gospel chapter one, we'll read to you from verse number one.
I want you to understand, this is the story of God's word.
It's amazing.
It tells us the story of God's Word.
But I'm not going to go very far because I just want to get to verse number three, so you can understand.
In this chapter, what John tells us is how the Word came to be flesh.
How the Word that God spoke came to be a man.
What I want you to notice in his first three verses is what the word was doing before he became flesh.
All right, in the beginning was the word.
And the word was with God.
And the word was God.
This is amazing.
Before he became flesh in verse 14.
He was God, the Word, that came from the mouth of God.
The Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him.
We're talking the Logos of God, the Logos of God.
He says, all things were made by Him.
This scripture that he says is God's breathe.
It says all things were made by the words that God breathed.
It's telling us before it was written, it was God-breaths.
Do you understand it?
This is the lagoas of God.
It was God-breaths.
Somebody had to get it and write it down.
And that's why it's called scripture.
So he says to us, what is written scripture is God-breaths.
Now, that was God breathed his eyes.
It made old things.
All things were made by him.
And without him was not anything made that was made.
I thought, wow, wow, God's word.
God's word made everything.
What an inspiration.
Hi, what an inspiration.
Blessed be God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
I've got to show you something else.
In Hebrews chapter four verse number 12, I'm going to read to you from three translations.
First, the King James Version.
For the Word of God is quick.
The Lagasse of God is quick, quick.
That means, well, I've got to read the rest so you can make up your mind.
For the Word of God is quick and powerful.
and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the divide in the sound of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow.
And he's a designer of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
That's amazing.
He seems to be describing something that's more than writing.
So I want to read to you from the new international version, the NIV.
Take a look at it.
It says, for the Word of God is living and active.
That's what King James called, quick and powerful.
Living and active.
Think about it.
The word, the logos of God is living and active.
So when God spoke it out all at times it was God, breathe.
It was living.
It was never dead.
It was living and it was active doing something sharper than any double-edged sword.
It penetrates.
Even to the dividing, to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
That's really from the amplified translation.
You're gonna love this.
He says, for the word that God speaks, he's alive and full of power.
I told you, I'm inspired by the word of God.
I'm inspired to think what word this is.
It's living and active.
Look, what he says, making it active, operative, energizing and effective.
Oh God, oh God.
It is active, operative, energizing, effective.
It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life, soul, and the immortal spirit, and of joins and marrow of the deepest parts of our nature, exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the hearts.
Blessed be God.
Oh, hallelujah.
And think about this.
Think about this.
I will read to you from 1 Peter, 1 Peter chapter 1.
Read from verse 23, 1 Peter chapter 1, verse 33, being born again, not of corrupt seed, but of incorruptible, by this saint, logarce of God.
Oh God, which limits and abided forever.
And I'm thinking that word, that's God's breeze, that is living and active.
It is alive, operative, energizing.
Think about it.
I was born by that word.
I'm an offspring of that word, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the lagoirs of God, which live it in the by that forever.
Look at the 25th verse.
Oh boy.
But the word of the Lord endured forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
Oh God, Hallelujah.
You know, I was thinking about it.
This is the very word that is so alive that is so powerful.
And it says, this is the word which by the gospel has been preached to you.
This is what's come to me.
This is what I embraced.
I've got it in me now.
I've got it.
Oh boy, this is the same word.
That Moses got it changed his life forever.
That Joshua got it changed his life forever.
David got it.
He turned him loose for God.
Solomon got it.
He was never the same.
Then it came to Peter, James, and John.
He changed him forever.
I got that word in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Stay tuned.
There is more.
Have you ever measured to see if you're making progress?
Or have you ever thought, making advancement in life isn't possible?
Don't give up now.
The right answer to make progress in life is here.
The Word of God brings you the secret to success.
These seven factors will produce the life needed in everything about you.
Find out in this classic teaching on how you can make spiritual advancement in your life.
This message is now available on DVD and other downloadable formats.
You can get your own copies at the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
God bless you.

This is 7 Inspirations for Success with Pastor Chris.
In this segment, Pastor Chris shares on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Watch and be inspired.

In St.
John's Gospel, chapter 14, reading from verse 15.
You say, if you love me, keep my commandments.
Next verse.
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may have bind with you forever.
Then I thought about it.
The word another is from the Greek alos.
And others means one of the same kind, type and quality.
So he's telling us, because this is gone further, if you read in the next verse, the three, even the spirit of truth is all about the Holy Ghost.
So we'll go back to verse 16.
This Holy Ghost, he says, is like Jesus.
He's just like Jesus.
Boy, to think about the Holy Ghost.
I said, this is amazing.
This is how pray the Father and He shall give you another comforter that He may abide with you forever, not for some time, but forever.
It's gonna be with you always and forever.
Then I got to think in, from the amplified translation, I was amazed of what I saw.
Oh boy.
And I'll ask the father, and he will give you another comforter.
He broke it down because the Greek is alos paracletus.
And alos paracletus means another one that is the same, that's called alongside to help.
And that word is broken into these seven synonyms for paraclet.
So he's a counselor.
So this another, this Holy Spirit is a counselor.
He's a helper.
He's an inaccessible.
He's an advocate, like a lawyer.
Counsel for the defense.
He's a strengthener.
Oh, man.
I never have to pray again, strengthening me, Lord.
because He's come to live in me.
The strength in the now lives in me.
I don't have to call for strength.
I don't have to hope for strength.
That's what He came to do.
Jesus said, I'll pray the Father, ask the Father, and He will give you.
He will give you the counselor.
The counselor can deliver in you.
He'll give you a helper.
I don't have to say, oh, I don't have anybody to help me.
It's my helper.
He lives inside me.
And in a sessor, he prays
For me, through me, he does it.
Can you imagine that?
I've got someone inside me who prays for me, Hallelujah.
And through me, he can pray for others too.
He's my advocate.
I said, counsel for the defense.
He talks to me.
He tells me exactly what he shows me how to win every kiss.
Think about it.
Think about it.
And then my strengthener and standby.
when life looks dark and things seem impossible and difficult.
And you're thinking, what am I going to do?
Why are you still thinking you get the kicks on the inside?
It's like, hey, I'm here.
You can win.
I'm here.
I'll lead you.
I'll help you.
And suddenly you realize you are not alone.
The Holy Ghost inspires me.
The inspiration of the Spirit.
The inspiration of the Spirit.
Think how he led the apostles.
Oh, Acts chapter 8 verse 29.
Think how he led them.
The Bible says, then the Spirit said unto Philip.
Go knee and join myself to this chart.
The spirit said to Philip.
Here's thinking.
Philip was somewhere.
Maybe at a crossroads.
You know exactly what's the next thing.
And the spirit said, the spirit said, I thought, this is beautiful.
Then I go to chapter 10, verse 19, book of Acts.
While Peter thought on the vision, the spirit said unto him, the spirit said, behold three men sickly,
The Spirit said, see how the Spirit was talking to them and telling them exactly what to do.
I was inspired.
Do you know what it is to have Jesus with you telling you what to do?
That's exactly what's happening because the Holy Ghost is like Jesus.
He said, I'll pray the Father.
He said, another one that's exactly like me.
He'll love you like me.
The Spirit, who's like Jesus, said to Philip.
Join yourself to discharge.
The Spirit said to Peter and then think what he did with their lives, he made them bold.
Acts chapter 2 verse number 14, this man, Simon Peter, who had been timid and denied that he knew Jesus.
Now he gets the Holy Ghost and there's a crowd wondering why are these men drunken at this time?
And Peter, if you thought about the kind of man that he was, leaven out his name, Simon, a Reed, chicken with the wind.
He should have run away.
But look at that verse, verse 14.
But Peter, standing up with the 11, lifted up his voice.
Oh, what a transformation.
The Holy Ghost made him bold.
What a transformation.
You know, in my life, I was growing up to be a timid little boy.
I was growing up in fear.
Heard too many bad stories.
So I was living in fear as a kid.
Maybe I would have become a man full of fear.
But just at the right time, I received the Holy Ghost.
And when I did, it changed my life forever.
All my fears disappeared.
Everything was gone in a spec second.
My life took on a new meaning.
Look at chapter four from verse five.
Book of Acts.
And it came to pass on them all, that they are rulers, the rulers of the people, and the elders, and scribes.
And Anna's the high priest, and Kefas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as we are the kindred of the high priest.
We're gathered together, Jerusalem.
And when they had set them, set the apostles in the midst, they asked, by what power?
Or by what name have you done this?
Talk about the man that was healed at the gate of the temple called Beautiful.
Then Peter.
That's the same Peter, who had been timid and afraid of them, only a few days ago.
Then Peter fell with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, ye rulers of the people and elders of Israel.
If we this day be examined of the good deed down to the important man, by what means his made whole,
be it not unto y'all and to hold the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified whom God raised from the dead, even by him that this man stand here before you hold.
This is the stone which was set at note of you, build us, which has become the head of the corner.
Neither is the salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.
Now, when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, blessed be God, when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, something had happened!
He was failed to the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost met in bold.
Look at it.
When they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.
Uh-oh, but it wasn't Jesus that was there.
It was the Holy Ghost.
So the Holy Ghost is like Jesus.
Oh, the Holy Ghost.
Oh, hallelujah.
When I received the Holy Ghost, I was no longer timid.
I was no longer full of fear.
I became like Peter, full of boldness.
Let me show you something there.
In chapter 13 and verse number 45, you'd see Paul and Benavas, what happened to them?
The monotude had charged them.
Oh, it's some kind of stuff because there were jealous of them as they preached the gospel and the Gentiles believed the gospel.
Look at it, from verse 45, but when the Jews saw the Moritudes, they were filled with envy and speck against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.
Then, look at this, I love it, then Paul and Benhabis waxed the bones.
Who could have done that for them in the presence of these Jews?
Their wax bulge!
Oh, what a spirit of grace!
He made them bold.
I thought, wow, I got the Holy Ghost.
I've got the same spirit, the same spirit that changed Peter forever, the same spirit that changed John forever, the same spirit that changed Paul and Benavas forever.
That same spirit lives in me today.
I'm inspired by the Holy Ghost.
Number three, the inspiration of his example, of the example of Jesus, of his ministry, of his life, the inspiration of Christ's example.
His words demonstrated his faith, hope, and love.
Nobody talked like Jesus.
In St.
John's Gospel, chapter 10.
Well, look at verse number 30.
Hear his words.
I and my father are one out of mine.
Whoever would say that.
Never mind speak like this man, they said, when they heard him.
When they heard him speak, they said, no man ever speak like this man.
Jesus ordered words like no one else.
And my father, I won.
I said, wow, can I talk like Jesus?
Can I talk like Jesus?
I was inspired by his words.
Jesus was extraordinary.
Jesus spoke amazing words.
I and my father, I won.
Look at chapter 14, same book of John, and verse number nine.
He's a plainly similar things.
Jesus said unto him, have I been so long time with you?
And yet has thou not known me, Philip?
He that had seen me had seen the father.
Wow, I thought my goodness.
What is he saying?
I and my father are one.
He that has seen me has seen the father.
What words?
Nobody talked like Jesus.
Think about His miracles.
Think about His miracles.
Jesus standing there.
He says to Peter and his colleagues, cast your nets into the deep.
They hadn't found fish all night long.
They cast their net and they enclosed a multitude of fishes.
Now they got a problem pulling the net to the shore.
What a miracle.
He blessed bread.
It multiplied for thousands to eat.
Great miracles in his ministry.
Jesus Christ stands before a woman who's been, who's taken, well, she's been escorted, how only son had died and
You know, it's a terrible scene.
It's all about weeping and wailing.
They're going to bury a holy boy.
She's a widow.
Jesus stops them, touches the bear.
The dead boy sits up.
He delivers the boy to the mother.
Put a miracle.
They're stunned.
He's in the street.
A blind man is crying out.
Son of David, I've mercy on me.
Son of David, I've mercy on me.
And those ahead of him, shouting down, he says, shut up.
Stop talking.
The Bible says he raised his voice even louder.
Jesus, his attention is arrested.
He stops.
He says, bring him to me.
Oh, this is bringing to me, bringing to me, then.
They go to him to say, he call it thee.
So they bring in the Jesus, and Jesus says to him, what do you want?
What do you want?
Is this, I want to receive my sight.
And Jesus says, your faith has made you whole.
He touches him.
His eyes pop open, blind, but in ours, he's got his sight restored.
The news goes throughout the city.
What a miracle.
What a miracle.
He inspires me.
Oh, blessed be God.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.
And this Jesus, I'm inspired even by his forgiveness.
He meets a lady.
She was said to have been caught in the very act of adultery.
The crowd is after.
This is just gotta be stoned to death.
And then she runs to where Jesus was.
And Jesus stoops down.
riding on the ground.
And they say to him, Master, she was caught in the very act.
And a lot of Moses declares she has to be killed.
And Jesus says, the first to cast the stone should be anyone who has no sin among you.
And then the way that nobody does it,
In fact, they all left the Bible terraces.
She was left alone.
Now it was Jesus' turn to rebuke her and to curse her out.
But no, he was never that way.
Jesus says to her, I don't condemn you.
Go and sin no more.
The woman can't believe it.
She gets up.
How could she be free?
What about the love of Moses?
Jesus was on his way.
Just a few days he would be at Golgotha to bear this woman's sins away from before God.
And I was thinking, look at Simon Peter.
He denied Jesus.
He couldn't stand it.
He had told Jesus, I was staying for you.
I'll always be with you.
They made promises.
Jesus looked at him and said, Simon, before the cock crows, twice, you will deny me, thrice, tomorrow, not next year, tomorrow.
I'll never deny, I'll never do that.
Well, next morning,
Peter denies Jesus.

Think what the other disciples were thinking about Peter.
He was supposed to be the leader.
Jesus made him the leader of the band.
He was the leader of the disciples.
Now he denied Jesus.
He should be written off.
He should be sent away.
Judas misbehaved, betrayed Jesus.
Peter should have saved the situation.
He denied Jesus.
At the cross, Peter is not even there.
It's John that's standing there.
Peter the head of the troop is not available for Jesus to say to his mother, go with Peter.
It's John the younger one who goes with Jesus' mother.
Where is Peter?
Jesus is crucified.
Jesus is buried.
The third day, God raises him from the dead.
You think he's forgotten what Peter did?
He appears to the disciples.
Of course, he appears to set in the individuals.
But then, on the third occasion of his appearance to the disciples, he breaks the silence while they were eating.
No one's talking.
Jesus turns to Peter.
He says, Simon, do you love me more than these?
Oh, now everyone raises his head because I said it.
I knew myself.
He wasn't going to forget what you did.
He wasn't going to forget.
Everybody's head raised and turned and they're looking at Jesus and Simon.
Do you love me more than these?
Peter says, I love you.
You know that I do.
Master says, feed my lambs.
Did he just say that?
They thought a mistake somewhere.
That's not what we thought he was going to say.
He's supposed to nail him.
Again, he says to Peter, do you love me?
Peter says, Lord, you know that I do.
Feed my sheep.
And the first feed is different from the second feed.
The first feed, Bosco, actually meant to feed and keep the lambs.
The second feed, they use a different word.
It meant to govern
Ten, the sheep.
Man, oh, he just confirmed his appointment.
Jesus doesn't bring about, you know, you denied me.
I just want to give you a final warning.
He doesn't give him a final warning.
He just confirms the appointment.
Ten, my sheep.
Govern, my sheep.
They thought, what?
He's just been, he's just been, they're looking like, I think Jesus is amazing.
Then it goes again.
Do you love me, Simon?
Maris, the guy got worried.
He's been asked a third time.
He says, Master, you know all things.
It's up to you, you can judge.
I know I love you, but you know, whatever you think, Lord,
And Jesus began to show him what kind of a life he was going to live and how things would turn out.
I thought, dear Jesus, how wonderful you are.
What an example.
No wonder Peter was the one who wrote and said, he has given us an example that we should follow his steps.
What a life.
I think Simon Peter, he was inspired by Jesus, by Jesus' example.
I was inspired by his example.
I was inspired by his love.
And then think, he's supposed to be this untouchable leader, and he's surrounded by the crowd.
There's a lady who's been hemorrhaging for 12 years, comes to the crowd, presses to the crowd, and touches the head of Jesus' gamut.
And Jesus stops.
The woman touched and got healed.
And she's trying to sneak away because, you know, she shouldn't be found in this place.
And Jesus, who touched me?
And the Bible says, the woman was afraid.
And she was trembling, knowing what was done in her.
She was afraid.
And everybody said, well, Master, everyone's touching you.
How can you say, who touched me?
Somebody touched me.
And the woman found out she couldn't hide.
So she came to Jesus and testified.
The Bible says, she told him all the truth.
And the master said, daughter?
Oh, what an endearment.
He could have said, woman?
He says, daughter?
That face hadn't made the whole.
That was so touching to me.
It was so touching.
It was so touching.
Oh, think about it.
There's a leper.
There's a leper.
Jesus touches the leper.
No one's supposed to touch a leper, but he touches the leper and his clangs.
Has it touching a leper?
Oh, my goodness.
I'm inspired by Jesus.
He doesn't get infected by the touch.
Rather, he destroys the infection.
I said, that's the kind of person I'd like to be.
I'm inspired by Jesus.
What an example.
What an example.
I'm inspired by his hope.
Oh, I'm talking about his faith, his hope, his love.
Look at Jesus.
Did you ever read in St.
John's Gospel when he prayed?
When Jesus prayed and committed his disciples into the Father's hands.
Oh, neither pray I for these alone.
But for all those who would receive their testimony, and I'm thinking, look at how Jesus had hope in his father.
He not only had faith, but he had hope.
He looked to him with hope.
Look at Jesus and get 70.
He's praying.
If thou be willing, let this capacitor me.
He's praying with hope, yet not my will, but your will be done.
Jesus was hopeful.
And I was thinking, I thought he was just a man of faith, but he was demonstrating hope.
I thought, this is amazing.
What manner of man is Jesus?
Son of the living God.
I find him on the cross.
Jesus is on the cross.
Never man, never man.
Demonstrated such hope.
Jesus is on the cross.
He's dying.
And he cries out his last words.
This is father.
Oh boy, his father into your hands, I commend my spirit.
I said, God, oh God, what hope, even in death, what hope, what hope, could I be hopeful unto death, if that were the case, can we have that hope?
And father into your hands, I commend my spirit.
Oh boy,
I thought, no one like Jesus.
I'm inspired by his example.
I'm inspired by his example.
I'm inspired by his example.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
There's none like Jesus.
And I was thinking, this is the Christ.
This is the Christ that I've come to know.
This is the Christ that I've come to receive.
This is the Christ.
If any man be in Christ, he's a new creature.
All things have passed away, and all things have become new as he is.
So are we in this world?
Hallelujah, inspired by his example.
He's given us an example that we should follow his steps.
You are watching 7 Inspirations for Success with Pastor Chris.
Other related messages are 7 virtues for persistent productivity 7 factors for spiritual advancement 7 uplifting facts of life in Christ.
7 factors of the higher life.
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God bless you.
In the world today, several projections are considered normal.
But in Christ, we have a different standard.
The quality of your life depends on the quality of your knowledge in Christ.
You see, I never have a down day.
They're uplifting facts in God's word that position you for an upward and forward life.
So I'm sharing with you seven uplifting facts of life.
It's time to rise above the world systems.
7 uplifting facts of life in Christ.
This message is now available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
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You are watching 7 Inspirations for Success with Pastor Chris.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Number four, number four, the inspiration of his life in me.
In Acts chapter 20 and verse 32.
Look at it.
This is now brethren.
I commend you to God unto the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
And I'm thinking, I've received the word of God.
It's in me now.
Christ is in me now.
And now He tells me that inside me He builds me up.
His life in me today, His build in me.
I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up.
Oh God, I'll never fail.
I'll never fall.
I'll never be destroyed.
Glory to God.
Oh, look at it.
I could have be a failure.
He's building me up.
His life in me.
He's building me up.
Glory to God.
In Ephesians chapter 4, from verse 14.
Thank you, Lord.
This is that we hands fought.
Be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sled of men, and turning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive.
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things.
What a ministry of God at work in my life to custom, to grow up in God, in all things.
In everything in life, I'm growing.
I'm growing in all things.
It doesn't matter what area of life you're talking about.
I'm growing in Him in all things.
Wow, what a life.
His life in me is extraordinary.
Ephesians chapter three, from verse 20.
Look at this.
This is amazing.
Now onto him that is able to do, exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worked in us.
He said, wow, he's at work in me.
According to his power inside me, he's able to do absolutely, exceeding, abundantly above all that I ask or even imagine.
Oh boy, look at verse 21.
And this is great.
On to him, be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages.
World without end.
Oh God.
This is amazing.
John's Gospel, chapter 14, verse number 23.
I'm talking about the inspiration of his life in me.
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man loved me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him.
So the Father and Jesus, by the Holy Ghost, live in me.
Boy, I'm inspired by his life in me.
I square my shoulders.
It doesn't matter where I am in this great world.
I'm bored.
I'm aware the father and Jesus aren't working me.
They're alive in me by the ministry of the Holy Ghost.
I am not alone.
He's alive in me.
Yes, yes, that's why I can have unparalleled boldness.
Look at Colossians chapter 1 verse 27, look at it.
to whom God will make known.
What is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
I'm inspired.
Christ is in me.
I'm not an ordinary person.
I'm a Christ and you person.
Every step I take is a Christ and you person walking in the zers.
Christ in me, the hope of glory.
That means my life is full of glory.
It doesn't matter where I go.
It doesn't matter what it's about.
My life is full of glory.
Christ in me, the hope of glory.
I'm inspired by his life in me.
Number five.
You ready for number five?
We're talking seven inspirations for success.
Number five, the inspiration of his instructions.
Mind, you know, somebody can give you instructions for life that don't inspire you.
But Jesus, here, he doesn't give, he doesn't give ordinary instructions.
And when I look at the instructions that he gave, boy, I think, wow, it's in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 18, chapter 28, from verse number 18.
Jesus came and speak unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations in them thinking, this guys, they will not even be allowed to go to Samaria.
And God gives an instruction, and he says, go and teach all nations, mine or mine.
And I'm a young guy.
And I'm reading this.
I'm schooling in a small village.
I'm schooling in a small village.
And I come across this, and it says, go into all the world.
And look at this.
Preach the gospel.
Go, you therefore teach all nations.
And I'm thinking, my life has changed.
I'm beyond the borders.
My goodness, go ye therefore, and teach all nations.
All nations, I began to study it.
What do you mean teach all nations?
I saw him and make pupils of the nations.
My goodness, make disciples of the nations.
I scratched my head.
I said, what was he talking about?
I should make pupils of the nations.
I should make students of the nations.
La karabakaya, lemde greskorabahaya.
You know what that means?
Teach the world how to live.
Teach the nations how to live.
As I believe you, I mean inspired by your instructions.
I mean inspired by your instructions.
I can go and teach all nations, but ties in them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
Look at the next thing, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and lo yakarabakasaya.
I am with you always, given unto the end of the age.
I'm inspired by his instructions.
And I thought, wow, he's given me the whole word.
Take it to the nations.
Ma, ma, ma.
A commission to the whole word.
Look at something.
In Acts chapter 1, verse 8.
Acts chapter 1, verse 8.
I'm thinking, but he shall receive power.
After that, he tears them, hold on.
I've given you this instruction, but wait till the whole goes comes.
But he shall receive power.
After that, the Holy Ghost has come upon you.
And he shall be witnesses.
On to me, he shall be proof producers.
On to me, but in Jerusalem.
And in all Judea.
And in Samaria, I'm going to the autumnous part of the earth."
I said, my God.
The world is my parish.
It's gone.
It's the whole earth.
It's the whole earth.
Look at St.
John's Gospel, chapter 20 and verse number 21.
Then said, Jesus to them again, peace be unto you.
As my father has sent me, even so send I you.
What an instruction.
What an instruction.
As my father has sent me, even so send I you.
I'm commissioned.
As Jesus was commissioned.
As the father commissioned him.
And I'm like, wow, I take the instruction.
I'm inspired by his instruction.
that he would trust me with the nations of the world.
I got my go, and I've been on the go.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, hallelujah, make students of the nations, rakabasetikilamahiah.
Number six, the inspiration of the results.
The beautiful thing is, he gave us the instructions and there are results.
There are results.
I want to begin with himself and his disciples in St.
Mark's Gospel chapter 16 and verse number 20, look at it.
He gave them instructions and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following.
I'm inspired by the results.
These disciples went, they acted on his instructions and guess what?
He was working with them.
He was behind the scenes through the Holy Ghost with signs following, with signs following Acts 5, verse number 12.
Amazing, amazing resource.
And by the hands of the apostles, when many signs and wonders rot among the people.
By the hands of the apostles, he had instructed them.
And now they go forth, as my father sent me, even so send I you, then they go forth.
And by the hands of the apostles, just like Jesus, many signs and wonders were wrought among the people.
I was inspired.
I'm inspired by the results.
Hebrews chapter 13, verse number eight.
Amazing things.
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever.
And look at something about, you know, when you're told he's the same yesterday, day and forever, you wanna know what was he like?
What was he like?
Look at St.
Matthew's gospel chapter 11, John the Baptist has sent someone to go find out if Jesus was the real one that they were waiting for.
So they went to him and they asked him, we wanna know.
All should be wait for another.
Look at his response.
Chapter 11 verse number four.
It's in Matthew's gospel.
Jesus answered and said unto them, go and show John.
Go and show John.
Declare, that's what the word is.
Declare to John.
Again, those things which you do here and see, the blind receive their sight.
And the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed.
And the deaf here, the dead are raised up.
And the poor have the gospel preached to them.
Wow, credentials.
I said, necessary credentials.
You know, it was like John saying, it was like John saying, go find out his credentials.
Go find out if he's the Messiah we're waiting for.
Then he says to them, go and declare to John, my credentials.
Rock it or hand it, he can ask the Messiah.
Those show my credentials, the blind receive their sights, and the lame world, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
Wow, I'm inspired by the resource.
He's the same today.
Tremendous things have happened around the world.
as we preach the gospel, according to his instructions to us, the very same things that we can say to the whole world, the blind received sight, the deaf here, the lame walk, the lepers, the clients, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
What a miracle, what a life, what great results we have had.
Oh, think about it.
Just a couple of months ago, we had testimonies, amazing testimonies from the healing streams.
And one of these amazing testimonies, a man had died.
And they were rolling him away, they were rolling him away, but somebody was watching, somebody was watching and crying, God, God, you can do something.
And suddenly he came back to life, right on the stretcher, came back to life, think about it.
The dead were raised up.
Just a couple of months ago.
We're not talking about 200 years ago.
We're talking about now.
Things that are still happening.
The blind receiving their sights.
It's amazing.
The sick are healed.
Many things are happening.
We're sitting too much disappearing.
Oh, how much can we tell you?
How much can we say?
How much can we see?
I'm inspired by the resource.
I'm inspired.
The nations are being taught today, just like Jesus instructed.
I'm inspired by the resource.
You know I'm thinking, years ago, when we were out in the beginning, we didn't have commerce.
And we couldn't capture
Much of what happened.
We had to tell the people the things that happened when we preached.
We had to, you know, give them the stories.
A few years later, we learned to take the cameras.
And to record these amazing miracles, amazing miracles.
Sometimes you watch, you can see the eyes of those who are watching.
I remember we were in the stadium in South Africa.
And I asked for a lady who was important in her limbs.
She couldn't walk.
So she was in the wheelchair.
The whole crowd was watching, and I've got this lady at the middle, the large screens with her, and they're watching.
And I'm thinking in my mind, I'm gonna have them blow their minds today.
I'm gonna have them blow their minds.
And I'm not gonna rush it at all.

When that woman got up to walk, the crowd went bananas.
Oh, there was a criminal everywhere.
You could see the cameras, the reactions, so many were crying because they'd never seen such miracles.
They heard stories.
They were testimony.
At the healing school, we got ministers from around the globe.
They come from everywhere.
And they're sitting there and watching.
And it's a one after the other.
These amazing miracles take in place.
And they're stirred.
They say, I've seen these things in the Bible, but I sit with my own eyes in this place.
I'm going back to my country to do the same.
I'm going back to my country to do the same.
Yes, a picture is more than a thousand words.
Modern a thousand words.
And when you see these things happen, it's extraordinary.
Amazing, amazing, amazing.
It's amazing.
you know, Pastor Benny in terrorism, somebody was telling Pastor Benny about something.
He says, well, they teach at the healing school, so the people's feet get built up, and they can be ready for a miracle.
Pastor Benny says, I don't think it's just that one.
He said, I want to Pastor Chris one day, and he told him the story.
Now, what happened was this.
We were out in the United States.
And he says, let's go to Los Angeles.
So we went.
And while we're there, he says, oh, there's someone I want you to meet and pray for.
I've been there to pray for her several times.
Since we're in this area, can we just visit them?
I said, it's fine.
So we drove there.

It's a man I recognize from his ministry of many years.
I was delighted to meet him.
In fact, when Pasebani told me it was his house we were going, I was like, wow, I've known about him for so long.
It'll be a delight to meet him.
So we got there.
And his wife was in a wheelchair, in the sitting room.
And she was connected to an oxygen tank.
She had been sick for a long time.
And so Pasebani told me about her and what's been happening with her.
So I said to her, how are you doing, ma'am?
The husband was there, you know, with exchange please entries.
And she said to me, I'm doing fine.
Now she's connected to this whole stuff, you know?
She can breathe without them.
So she said, you know, it's been a long time.
I've been friends.
I said, I know you've been a person many years.
I know about your work and ministry.

I can't get up.
I go from here to the bed.
She's got to be carried to the bed.
She's just in this place.
I said, for how long has this been?
She told me.
So I said, would you want me to pray for you?
Can I pray for you?
Oh, she said, oh, that'll be fine.
You know.
So that'll be fine.
So I said, OK.
So I thought, let's pull the wheelchair a little farther, close that to me.
So we did.
The horseman's watching.
Pastor Ben is right there watching.
And a couple of people who came with us, because some of us came with us, and they're watching.
And I put my hand on them.
And I say in the name of Jesus, you develop darkness.
I order you to come out of this woman's body.
And I bring you healing in the name of Jesus.
You hear it now.
I said, get up.
She ticks off the oxygen connections.
She says, I feel well.
She stands up.
She's normal.
She says, I'm strong.
I feel well.
She gets up.
She follows us around in the house.
And she's whipping the husband's crying.
And of course, dear Pastor Benny, he's also, you know, tears in the eyes, everybody's like, wow.
And guess what?
She's not been walking.
She escorted us to the car by the time we were leaving.

So I didn't feel it.
No, he says, no, no, no.
I went to pass a Chris one day.
I know the lady.
I was right there.
And he laid hands.
That one was not carried to the healing school.
It was right in her house.
We were there.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
He hasn't changed.
Yeah, because when I enter into a house, when I enter into a place, I remember I'm inspired by Jesus.
If Jesus went there, what would happen?
He wasn't going to just pray some religious prayer to walk away?
So when I come in the name of Jesus, I'm inspired.
I'm inspired.
I'm inspired.
So we're talking the inspiration of the word, the inspiration.
Number two, the inspiration of the spirit.
Number three, the inspiration of his example.
Number four, the inspiration of his life in me.
Number five, the inspiration of his instruction.
Number six, the inspiration of the resource.
Tremendous things have happened.
So many have come into Christ.
Salvation is around the world, since we've been preaching this amazing gospel.
Transformed lives.
Transformed lives everywhere.
How much can we tell?
Now, thank God, we have videos to tell the stories.
We have videos to tell the stories.
We can show the stories around the world.
I think if Jesus had a cameraman, he would have recorded all of that.
How do we know?
Because those who wrote what happened gave us as vividly as they could in writing.
Just studied the narrative.
The idea was for us to be able to picture, to imagine.
Oh, wow.
Number seven, are you ready?
The inspiration of his return.
You know, I think about it.
I think about it again and again.
Jesus Christ is coming again.
Jesus Christ is coming.
I'm inspired.
Just to think about it, that he's coming again.
One of these days he'll show up.
Some thinking, it's not for nothing what we're doing.
It's not for nothing.
It's not for nothing.
It's not for nothing.
He told us he'll be back.
He told us he'll be back.
Then look at this graphic, graphic.
revelation of this amazing return.
First Thessalonians chapter 4, from verse number 16, from verse 16, for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout.

It's not somebody has shouting for him.
He's going to shout.
What will it sound like when God shouts?
Remember Jesus is God.
He's going to shout for the Lord himself, shall descend from heaven with a shout.
And then he says, with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God.
And the dead in Christ shall rise first.
What a picture.
What a picture.
The dead in Christ shall rise first.
And then he says, then we, which are alive and remain shall be corrupt together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, in the air.
We're gonna have a meeting in the air.
Don't you understand it?
We'll have a meeting in the air.
That's where it starts.
Fellowship in the air.

He didn't say, he didn't say when he appears in heaven, then we'll meet him in heaven.
When he appears in the air, then we catch up with him in heaven.
Oh, he's waiting for us in the air.
It's amazing.
And I'm thinking, this is going to be big.
This is going to be big.
Let's read.
Then we which are alive and remain shall be cut up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
And so shall we ever be with the Lord."
In Jerusalem, the Bible says, he often went to the multitude of disciples.
I get it now.
He went to the multitude of disciples.
That was then.
When Jesus showed up in the city, don't think he would just come with 12.
He came with a multitude.
According to the scriptures, sometimes he sent many of them ahead of him.
One time he sent 70, 70 in twos to every place that he would come.
70, 70 disciples asked first, what they called dispatch.
Yeah, 70.
To go ahead, 70, don't you understand?
Did you ever have a convoy like that?

This is Jesus, 70 ahead.
Then the Bible says you come with a multitude of disciples.
Think when it was going to Jerusalem.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The Bible says the whole city of Jerusalem was moved.
When Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, a massive crowd followed him.
And so people came out from everywhere and lined the streets as Jesus came.
I said that was then.
That was then.
When he was the lamb to be sacrificed, that was then.
Think when he's now King of Kings, a lot of lords.
So when the Bible says, so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Then think about the new heaven and the new earth.
Oh, God.
The height of the city.
Think about it.
The ways of the city.
This is massive.
So shall we ever be with the Lord.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, I say to you, we have not followed conningly devised favors.

We have received truths.
We have trusted his chutes.
Live in his chutes.
Live in his chutes.
In today's world, the one has to be afraid, refused to fear.
Greater is he that is in him than he that is in the world.
I want you to know we have won.

And I want to thank you, all of you who have been together with us in prayer.
I thank you for being involved in God's number one job of winning souls around the world.
Thank you for praying together with us.
Thank you for fasting together with us.
It was the right thing to do.
And we'll continue to pray together, to hold together.
When we have to fast, we fast together.
We'll worship the Lord.
We'll praise Him together.
And everything He's asked us to do, we will do.
We will fulfill His words.
We'll fulfill His vision and win the world.
Right now we have a vision for 6.5 billion people around the world.
We will do it.
And when we've done that, we will raise the bar.
We don't want to give a lot of people to Satan.
Jesus still wins.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
God bless you.
God bless you.
We trust you were inspired watching this video.
Other related messages are available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library.
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