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2023 – The Year of the Prolific Church

Welcome to 2023.

I'm sure you've been waiting for this message of the year, right?
Because expectation is important.

That means you have faith, right?
we must always receive God's word with faith and then produces results for us.
The clouds surely gathered in 2022.
And I told you about the different kinds of clouds.

I also told you that
The most important of all those clouds was our own clouds because our clouds are water-carrying clouds, right?
And the Lord was gracious to us so wonderfully.

This year is a year that the Lord already prepared.

And there are sometimes special preparations for certain things.
I want you to look at St.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 14, from verse number 15.

And when one of them that sat at mid with him heard these things, he said unto him, blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.
Jesus had been teaching.
One of those in the crowd after hearing these teachings of Jesus said to him, blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.
The response of the master was also quite remarkable.
Hear what he said.
Next verse.
Then said he unto him, a certain man made a great supper and bade many and sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were beaten, come for all things are now ready.
And they all with one consent began to make excuse.
The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground and I must needs go and see it.
I pray thee have me excused.
And another said, I have about five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them.
I pretty have me excused.
And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.
So that servant came and showed his lord these things.
Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant.
go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in heater the poor and the main and heart and the blind.
And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou has commanded and yet there is room.
And the Lord said unto the servant, go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled.
Next verse.
For I say unto you that none of those men which were beaten shall taste of my supper.
What a reply.
What a reply from Jesus.
All the men said was blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.
And Jesus went into this.
What was he telling him?

I've brought the kingdom.
You've been invited.
That's exactly what Jesus was saying to the man.
The man's looking forward to that kingdom and says, blessed is he that you'll eat bread in the kingdom.
And Jesus is saying, I've brought you the kingdom.
And of course you know the story.
They're rejected.
He's offered.
rejected his offer.

During the IPPC, the IPPC we had in November, one of the striking things that the Lord said to us was, we should function.
God's church, God's people.
should function as a kingdom and not as organizations.

That's an extraordinary statement and requires spiritual understanding to grasp what the Lord was saying there and that message I present to you.
God wants his people, God wants his church to live as a kingdom and not as organizations.

For a long, long time, the church has lived and functioned like organizations in the world, like charities in the world.

and various forms of organizations.
But God says, no, that's not what he called us to be.

His plan was to raise a kingdom of priests, a kingdom of priests, royal priests,

royal priests.
And if you read in Hebrews chapter 7 and from verse 23, I'm going to read those verses.
He says, and they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death.
But this man talking about Jesus, because he continued whatever
Has an unchangeable priesthood?
That's amazing.
This man, because he continued it ever, he has an unending life.
He has an unchangeable priesthood.
God chapter 6 from verse 16 will be all right.
For men verily swear by the greater, and a note for confirmation is to them an end of our strife, wherein God willing more abundantly to show on to the heirs of promised the mutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath.
that by two, listen to this now, that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.
which hope we have as an uncle of the soul, but sure and steadfast, and which entered into that within the veil.
Follow this now.
We that the foreigner is for us entered.
Even Jesus made an eye priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Jesus Christ was made an eye priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Not the Aaronic priesthood in the house of Levi, but after the order of Melchizedek.
This is important.
You want to know who he is talking about here?
Go to chapter 7, verse 1.
Chapter 7, verse 1.
For this Melchizedek, king of Salim, priests of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him.
This Melchizedek, now we will talk about Abraham, the great Abraham, the friend of God.
All right, we'll talk about him.
It was a great Abraham.
In fact, God identified himself as the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
And he said, this is my memorial forever.
That's to tell you how great Abraham was.
Isaac was his son.
Jacob was his grandson.
And yet this man was blessed by another, by the name of Melchizedek.
So he tells you, look at it, for this Melchizedek, king of Salim, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, to whom also Abraham gave the tense part of all.
He paid his tithe to Melchizedek.
First, by interpretation, this is extraordinary.
You know, there are people who try to say that, you know, kids like being King of Salem, they say Salem was a place and they're trying to, but that's not what the word is saying.
The word tells you what it means by King of Salem.
He's not talking about that town called Salem.
No, no, no.
He says it's got an interpretation.
Look at it.
To whom also Abraham gave a 10th part of all.
First, being by interpretation, King of righteousness.
Melchizedek, king of righteousness.
And after that also, king of Salim, which is king of peace.
You see the interpretation.
King of Salim means king of peace.

Melchizedek was king of righteousness.
Abraham recognized him.
I'm giving tides of the spoils.
This man's called King of Righteousness, King of Peace.
There's more.
Look at it.
Without father, without mother,
Without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God, abided a priest continually.

So the Bible says, God made a promise.
prophetically speaking of Jesus Christ, is a thou at a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, after the order of Melchizedek, an everlasting priesthood.
King of righteousness.
King of peace.
Blessed be God.
Go to Revelation chapter 1 and begin reading from verse 4.
John to the seven churches which are in Asia, grace be unto you and peace from him which heirs and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne.
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth, on to him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood.
Look at the next verse.
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever.
Did you see that?
He had made us kings and priests unto God.
He's not about to do it.
He's done it.
He's done it.
Well, kings and priests unto God.
Remember Melchizedek, king of righteousness, king of peace, priests of the Most High God.
He's got priests of the Most High God.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
Go to 1st Peter chapter 2 from verse 9.

They said about us.
But he are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a royal priesthood.
That's referring to king priests.
Melchizedek was a king priest.
Jesus Christ is a king priest.
And he raised us and made us king priests.
A kingdom of priests.
We are royal priests.
Say, I'm royalty.
So in Christ Jesus, I'm royalty.
In Christ Jesus, I am royalty.
That's remarkable.
That's remarkable.
Because remember, Jesus said, when you go
to preach.
He sent us to preach.
He said, when you go to preach and enter a city, he says, you come to a house and you say, peace be upon this house.
Peace be upon this house.
He told us to proclaim peace.
He says, if you are accepted, if your message is accepted, he says your peace will remain with them.
He says, otherwise your peace will return to you.
That's amazing.

So we can proclaim peace.
We are priests in the order of Melchizedek by Christ Jesus.
Remember, we're joint heirs with him.
The Bible says we're joint heirs with Christ.
We're joint heirs with him.
So we're not priests in the order of Aaron, the Levitical priesthood, we're priests in the order of Melchizedek, the king of righteousness and the king of peace.
So he sends us where his ambassadors and we proclaim peace.
Oh, we've got God's people will recognize this, understand this, there'll be peace in the world.
But most have never known this.
It's not taught.
We just pray for peace.
Oh God, give them peace.
We pray like that.
We say, oh God, just give them peace.
But no, we're sent to proclaim peace.
He says, when you go, say peace be upon this house.
Imagine if you proclaim peace on your nation, proclaim peace on your city.
Imagine what will happen.
Listen, the peace will come when you proclaim it.
And in this 2023, we will proclaim it.
We will use what God has given us and proclaim peace.

We can do it.
We will do it by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You know, sometimes we think we're waiting for God, but God's waiting for us.
It's as if the son of peace be there, your peace shall abide.
Otherwise his age shall return to you.
Glory to God.
Tell somebody this is 2023.
Everything is different.

For the world, it shall be a year of decision.
Yes, a year of decision like they've never seen before.
God is saying, I put before you life and I put before you death.
Choose life.

It's a time of decision for the world.
And many will be receiving their final call.
And this is so important that many who have been called again and again, again and again, God tugging on their hearts for 2023 will be for many a final call.
because it's the year of decision.
They've got to make that year.
They've got to make it.
They've got to make it.
The many who will never have an opportunity again.
This is their year and they must make the decision for Christ.
This is their year.
Many will have no other opportunity.
And that's why it's very, very serious.
It's very, very serious.

As of April, 2022, in our spring, in the Spirit of God,
began to speak to me about this, that the coming year would be a time of decision for the world, that being presented with this opportunity as though they were never given, and yet for many,
It'll be their final call.

And that's very serious.
But it also should stare in us the necessity for us to take the message to the ends of the earth, to the whole world.
But it shall be so.
Because this year, 2023 is the year of the prolific church.

The church shall spread throughout the earth on Hindad.
The church of Christ shall spread throughout the earth
And this prolificacy of the church in these days shall be as never before experienced.
Because the church shall proliferate to the ends of the earth, unhindered.
The Lord gave the parable of the kingdom.
He says, it's like a woman that put a little living in the door of bread.
And it spread to all of it.

So is the kingdom.
Like a mustard seed.
Although it be the smallest, when it is so, it grows to be a great tree.
And birds of the earth can lodge in its branches.

You are going to be so prolific.
Every hoe.
everywhere in an outstanding way.

You get in there and the spirit of multiplication.

You will see it happening because this is God's plan for his church in 2023.

and the church was spread throughout the earth.
Now, three important things for us.
Number one is to prioritize the Spirit.
Prioritize the Spirit.
You know, in the early church, the Holy Spirit was so important, so important.
In Acts chapter 19, when Paul went to Ephesus, the Bible tells us, when you read from verses one to seven, he met some 12 disciples there.
And the first question he asked them, have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?
And they said, we haven't even heard that there's any Holy Ghost.
He said, on to what then were you baptized?
They said, we only know John's baptism.
And he explained to them about the Lord, and talked to them about the Holy Ghost.
And laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.
And 12 of them began to speak in tongues and prophesied.
Just 12 men.
First thing he asked them, have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?
You have to prioritize the ministry of the Holy Ghost this year, 2023, like you never did in your life before.
My brothers and sisters, the Holy Spirit made you.
You have to understand, it created you.
Go to Job chapter 33, verse four.

Read it out one to go.

Yes, he's the one who made you.
He made you.
I can show you several verses in the Scriptures.
You discover, he's the maker.
In the Godhead, you talk about Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, he is the one, he's the performer.
He's the performer.
He's the one that actually fashioned you.
And the Bible says his delight was with the sons of men.
In other words, he always wanted to live with us.
He always took delight in us and the Father fulfilled his dream when he gave him to us, to live in us.
Did you know you're so important to the Holy Spirit?
You're so important to the Holy Spirit.
This year, prioritize the Holy Spirit and His ministry in your life.
Many have received the Holy Spirit, but they ignore Him.
He's not part of that day.
He's not part of their considerations.
They act like He doesn't live.
They act like He's a mere experience, but He's more than an experience.
But this year,
Make that decision.
The Holy Spirit is going to be more than an experience to you.
He's a person.
And every Christian, everyone who has received the Holy Spirit, must now recognize Him and fellowship with Him.
He wants to talk to you all the time.
He wants to teach you.
He wants to show you the way of the kingdom.

Let me show you something it's going to do for you.
Go to the book of Proverbs.

Did you know he's wisdom?
Let me show you from verse 20.
He is wisdom.
He's the wisdom of God.
Whatever is 20, Proverbs chapter eight, wisdom, no, no, chapter eight from verse 20.
He says, I lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of the parts of judgment.
That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will fill their treasures.
Did you see that?
This is what he wants to do for you in 2023.
Look at it again from verse 20.
I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the parts of judgment, that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance, and I will fail their treasures.
He is the voice of God that talks to you.
He is the voice of God that gives you guidance, that gives you instruction, that tells you where to go, what to say, what to write.

He wants to lead you to inherit substance.
If you will let him, this world with its fake poverty.
This world of man-made poverty, because poverty in the world is not natural, it's man-made.
You will never be a victim of man-made poverty.
if you listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
If you let Him guide you, He says, I lead in the way of righteousness that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will fill their treasures.

Think what He will do for you in 2023 if you listen to Him.
Listen to Him.
Say, I will listen to Him.
I will listen to him.
Yes, but if you have not received the Holy Spirit, you've got to receive him into your life.
You have to first receive him.
First is to be born again to receive Christ into your heart.
Second, receive the Holy Spirit to live in you.
And it tells us to constantly be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Oh boy, it's wonderful.
So number one is prioritizing the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
All right.
Number two, prioritizing the word of God, the word, the word of God.
Look at Colossians chapter three and verse 16.
And what he says, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.
Did you see that?
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
Not in small amounts.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
Have the word in you abundantly.
You've got to study, you've got to have it in your heart.
Meditate on the word.
Give attention to it.
Say this year.
I will give attention.
to the word of God, like never before.
But you know, you want to see God do something that is never done in your life.
You should be ready to do something that you have never done before.
All right?
And you'd be amazed.
You'd be amazed.
And number three, what's number one?
Tell me.
Prioritizing what?
And number two is what?
The word.
And number three, the name.
You're going to learn to use the name.
See, most of us have used the name of Jesus for situations, second situations.
We think it's something that we do when we are really in some dire need.
When something is serious, that's when we need to call the name of Jesus.
But if you live your life like that, progress will be slow.
Changes will be slow.

You want to see your life grow fast, quickly, and bigly.
Then you have to do it as the word says.
You have to do it as the word says.
What does it say?
I'll show it to you.
Colossians chapter 3 verse 17.
What does it say?
Read for me, want to go.
What so ever?
No, no, no, I gotta hear you read it.
Want to go.

That's remarkable.
Look at it.
And whatsoever, not some things.
Not sometimes.
Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.
You be amazed at the changes that will take place.
You be amazed.
You be amazed at the results whatsoever you do in word or indeed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.
And this is why I teach about the Lord Jesus because many just call him Jesus.
They don't know him.
They just say, Jesus.
No, when you talk about Him, it's different from when you talk to Him.
When you talk to Him, say, Lord Jesus.
Lord Jesus.
Not, oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus.
You don't know Him.
After His resurrection, nobody called Him Jesus.
They said, Lord, they'll call Him Lord.
Like I said, talking about Him.
is different.
Like I'm talking about him and I say, I'm talking about Jesus.
But when you talk to him, you've got to call him Lord, Lord Jesus.
When you talk to him and when you sing of him, call him Lord.
Respond correctly to him.
Address him correctly.
You will be amazed at the results.
You'll be surprised.
You'd be surprised to say, does that matter?
Oh, if you ever... Do you know who we're talking about?
He's your Creator.
He created you.
Oh, you said, I thought you said the Holy Ghost made you.
Jesus created you.
There's a difference.

I will use another day to discuss that.
But if you study from the book of Genesis, it distinguishes clearly between the created man and the man that was formed.
See, your spirit was created by God.
Your body was formed from the dust of the ground.
So the outward man was framed into shape.
That's the work of the Holy Ghost.
But your spirit was created by the word, the spoken word.
When he spoke, you came into being.
But you needed to be formed into shape.
That was the work of the Holy Ghost.
You're still out there?
So, when you talk of him,
Remember who he is.
When you pray to him, address him as Lord, whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Blessed be the Lord.
You want to thank him right now?
Thank him right now.
This is your year.
This is your year.
This is your year.

This is your year.

I am going to be so prolific in 2023.
I'm going to be prolific in every way.
in 2023.
Can I pray for you today?
Crows of Rapila hanghis, queja sabra hila hattis.
I pray for you, whatever you are in this great world today.
Sejola hongra vaste al agrasto solamakira al agastira hanghis, shalaron de ligav, Rapila hanghos gojays,
La Rondo, Galli D'Arde, Conjasta, Radiga, Vasola, Mandradilla, Gastache, La Hall, Vresilla, Hadegez.

I pray.
That is grace that has been poured out so lavish.
Overflow through your life.
This year, 2023.
And it shall be for you, even as has been spoken.
Concerning the prolific church, you will be prolific.
Everything about you will grow exceedingly at the power of the Holy Ghost.
And anyone who comes in contact with you will know that this is one that the Lord has blessed.
The signs of His glory will be made manifest in your life.

His grace shall guide you out of a shadow.
the power of the Holy Spirit shall be manifested in your life and this Holy Spirit who leads you in his righteousness and cuts you to inherit substance and that which belongs to you in Christ Jesus as the seed of Abraham
shall be gathered unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus the resources for everything that the Lord has called you to do shall be guarded to you in the name of the Lord Jesus for the angels of the Lord shall go to work and make happen for you that which has been decreed concerning you
in the name of the Lord Jesus.
This year, 2023, you will walk in health in the name of the Lord Jesus from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.
No sickness or disease shall find its way through your body.

Velma calls a brandy ladreda la casto sastra de giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz giz

Qarrahma, Toko, Boresi, Yaba, Raba, Gatsid, it is.
He said, the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
Therefore that goodness is channeled towards you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In your going out and in your coming in.
You walk and function in His goodness.
Manta, Coraba said the guess.
Zilamanda Raghosa, Raghdila Khrushta, Lamangradises.

The Lord has made you the dispenser of his righteousness and his peace.

Therefore, in his righteousness and in his peace,
Shall your increase be?
In the spirit of the living God.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, there is an increased grace throughout the world.
For God's people around the world, there is an increased grace.
Everything concerning you,
There is an increased grace.

Thank you Lord.
That grace is working right now.
In your home it is working.
In everything that belongs to you it is working.
In your finances, it is working.
It is working right now.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Mi rahasto che la broc.
Le crevasa te que la prasadata.
Se cros a brando no viz.
Ligaras o parabatica la maha.
Clendorongos que frabantela.
Angra te la cros de bredes.
Ralongos gos y parasica.
Ligra desco prasela frandres.
Ligra dos co parolongo.
Blanche tra alla aras que des.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Oh thank you Lord.

I see that the Lord has blessed you immensely.
And you will function in the heritage of Jacob.
Sattarama, cobras, secret, de la graste.
Levra mando, grose, crass, selegris.
Levra baca, saramanditas.
Repaca, ceti, crass, selegris.
Fable, divine fable, is channeled towards you.
The divine favor is channeled towards you.
Men and angels.
A channel in favor towards you.
Because they have been sent to you.
Rala mangobradis.
Rakaba sikara mangobra zebre billo croce bahat.
Oh thank you lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Spirit of the Living God.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Spirit of the Living God.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord.
This year, 2023, enjoy a continuous fellowship with the word as you download the Pastor Chris Digital Library available on the Love World App Store.