7 Factors for a Victorious Life
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Now God's word is what you need for your spiritual growth and your spiritual health.
God's Word is what you need.
Remember, you were created by the Word of God, which means the Word of God is your life.
Every living thing must be connected to its source.
It must continually feed from its source.
It will die.
Man's body was made from dirt, from the dust of the ground.
And so, except man continually feeds from what comes from the ground he will cease to exist.
And that is very important.
The same thing with the spirit of man.
The spirit of man was not made from the dust of the ground.
The spirit of man came from God, from God's spirit.
See, and he was created with the word of God.
And so most continually feed on God's word to live.
Otherwise, he would live an ordinary animal life and wouldn't take long until he sees this to exist.
So as a spirit being, you must remain connected to your source for a healthy life.
And because your spirit being, primarily a spirit being, you must be connected to the spirit through the Word.
Only then can you have a successful Christian life.
Now, good to book of Acts chapter 20 and verse number 32 for a second.
Acts chapter 20 from verse 32.
And now, brethren, he's not talking to everybody.
He's not talking to the whole world.
He's talking to God's children.
He says, and now, brethren, he's talking to us in Christ.
I commend you to God and to the world of His grace, which is able to build you up, because that's where you came from.
Praise God.
That's your origin.
The Word of His grace is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Praise God.
So that's very, very important.
And I want to show you something.
Now, it's one thing to be healthy.
It's another thing to walk in victory.
You get it?
So I can be healthy, but I need another condition to be victorious.
There are certain things that will put me over, getting ready to act spiritually.
Now, these are things so far that we have studied.
These are things that can help our spirit conditions.
Your own spirit condition, these things will help you.
And they are further emphasized in
getting us well conditioned for victory.
You're ready for this?
Seven factors for victory.
Now, but these are not strategies for, when we say victory, it means positioning ourselves, conditioning ourselves for victory.
Not strategy for the victory, conditions, these are conditions that are necessary for the individual Christian.
Such that no matter what you face, no matter what comes against you,
No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, you will be victorious.
I learned this many years ago.
I'll always be successful.
I'll always be victorious.
See, because I found a secret for a healthy spiritual life and the conditions that are necessary to position me for victory every time and in all things.
This is important.
Now, when we start studying this, you would notice this is something God's given to every Christian.
There are some people who think, well, you know, you cannot always be successful.
Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, not me, no.
I went all the time because that's God's blessing for every one of us, irrespective of what challenges come against you.
That's a Christian life.
There's to be an old song, I know the songwriter, but he said that God never said there'll be no rain.
He never said there'll be no sunshine, but he always promised us a heart full of singing.
Isn't that wonderful?
Meaning that no matter what happens, you could be victorious.
I got in my Bible because I learned early in my life that's every solution for the human life is in God's Word.
I knew it had to be.
I knew it had to be.
I knew that answers to all of man's problems or questions must be in God's Word.
I knew it had to be.
Otherwise, it would be incomplete.
Otherwise, it would mean that God expects us
To live in this world are guessing about Him and guessing about life.
I thought the Bible must have the answers to every real question of human life.
And I found it to be so.
Glory to God.
I found it to be so.
That made me study the Bible.
That drove me into the Scriptures to find answers because I realized that everything necessary for a successful human life was in there.
And the human life is a spiritual life.
That's the secret.
Some people think they have their human life and then there is a spiritual life which they can add to their life.
So they think that, well, you know, my life to live, then I have to do some spiritual things to get some balance.
No, your real life is spiritual.
You are a spirit being made to live in a physical environment.
You are a spirit being that's been made to live in a physical environment.
And Jesus said, in a plane he said, you are not of this world, you are in the world, but not of the world.
That's amazing.
So we were placed here to live here.
But when you study the scriptures, it's a place for us to learn spiritual authority.
and not only spiritual authority, but to be brought up to be trained for the spiritual kingdoms that are to come.
There are cycles of life to come beyond this earth.
Stay tuned.
Pastor Chris will be right back.
These are things that can help our spirit conditions.
These are conditions that are necessary for the individual Christian.
Such that no matter what you face, no matter what comes against you, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, you will be victorious.
seven factors for a victorious life.
Ephesians chapter 3.
We will begin with verse 14.
Are you there?
That's right.
For this course, I bow my knees onto the Father.
For this course, I bow my knees onto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, this is Paul the Apostle writing to the church at Ephesus, and he soon begins to tell us why he's doing this.
Obviously, he's about to tell us about prayer.
what He's praying about.
For this course I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.
Did you notice?
We've got one family.
Some of us are in heaven and some of us are in the earth because some have gone on to be with the Lord and some are still here, but it's the same family.
Praise God.
Now He tells us what He's praying about, that He would grant you
according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man.
So that's number one.
Strengthened with might.
Strengthened with might by the Holy Spirit.
That's condition number one.
Strengthened with might.
You've got to be strengthened with might.
By the Holy Spirit.
Strengthened with might.
This is in a strength.
I remember yours ago talking with somebody and he said to me, I just think I'm weak inside.
You know why he thought so?
He realized that in many things in life, he couldn't resist certain things.
He always yielded one way or another, and then including decision-making.
When he didn't like something, he couldn't say so.
He was made to do things he didn't really like, because he had enough fears.
He said, I think I'm weak inside.
He had understood himself.
He was weak inside.
But when you know the things of God, like I'm sharing with you now, you know what to do.
Look at that.
So he prayed for the efficient Christians that God will grant them to be strengthened with might by the Holy Spirit in the inner man, strengthened in the inner man.
Hallelujah, strengthened in the inner man.
Now, what that tells us, if he prayed for the Christian Christians, the dialogue happened to them, it means that it was God's will.
That's why the Holy Spirit is giving us this prayer in the Bible.
He's showing us God's will, because you cannot pray through the Spirit against the will of God.
The Spirit of God only leads you to pray in accordance with God's will, meaning that this is God's will.
This is God's will.
Now, that's someone praying for others.
Now, what should those people have done?
Had they known God's will?
Remember, last week we said, number one, be filled with the knowledge of God's will.
Now, you know God's will.
God's will is that you've been strengthened with might by the Holy Spirit in your inner man.
So we learn this.
We're gonna have to put it down.
We'll get the factors first.
Now, how?
How to make that happen?
How can I appropriate it?
Now, in prayer, what should I say?
I wouldn't pray, oh God, grant me to be strengthened.
No, because someone's praying that I should be.
Okay, someone's praying that I should be.
So I'm not going to be praying that I should be, I should be receiving.
I should say in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am strengthened with might by the Holy Spirit in my inner man.
See, so I'm receiving.
Say, Paul's praying for them.
Have they known the will of the Father?
They ought to be receiving.
Now when I receive by prayer like that, the next thing is for me to act.
Praise God.
Are you getting this?
Number two, that Christ may dwell in your heart's bad faith.
That's verse 17.
That Christ may dwell in your heart's bad faith.
That's number two.
So number two is the consciousness of the indwelling Christ.
Number one, strengthening with might by the Holy Spirit.
Number two, the consciousness of the indwelling Christ.
See, again, he's praying that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith, but these are Christians.
So what is he saying about this?
There is a consciousness he wants you to have of the indwelling Christ.
Do you know that Christ is in you?
Do you know that Christ is in you?
It's important that you know.
It's important that you know.
If you know that Christ is in you, your life will become supernatural in reality, in actions.
You'll be doing it.
You would no longer have fears in your life.
You would no longer have confusion in your life.
You would no longer think that you're limited or the limitations have been taken away because you know that Christ really lives in you.
Christ dwells in my heart.
This is bad faith which means I don't have to feel it.
I don't have to feel like Christ is in me.
I don't have to like, oh, I just don't feel like Christ is in me today.
No, it's got nothing to do with your feeling.
Christ dwells in your heart by faith.
Living beyond the senses and that wonderful.
consciousness of the indwelling Christ.
I'm conscious.
I'm aware that Christ is in me.
I'm not an ordinary person.
Christ is in me.
Christ is in me.
Glory to God.
Christ is in me.
All right, in that same number 17, we get number three.
It's just that she, being rooted and grounded in love, rooted and grounded in love.
That's amazing.
See, rooted and grounded in love.
So you write that down.
Rooted and grounded in love.
rooted and grounded in love.
So here, it's talking about your understanding of God's love and living in it.
Now that's very important because if you don't see the emphasis on love, why love is so powerful, why love is so important in the kingdom of God.
Say, remember, that's what drove God to do what he did for us in St.
in Jesus Christ, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Okay, you would see more now.
Verse 18, we're going to number four.
may be able, now we've got to read it from 17 into 18 to catch the context.
All right, so we'll go back to 17.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts about faith and we've got that, that she being rooted and grounded in love, may be able.
That means if we are rooted and grounded in love, it leads to something.
It gives us something.
People who don't work in love, people who are not rooted in love,
who are not firm in love, you've got to make up your mind.
I'm going to walk in love.
It's a decision you make that no matter what happens, I'm going to walk in love.
I refuse to be a grudges.
I refuse to be bitter against anybody.
I refuse to walk in any kind of hatred.
I will never dislike anybody.
You see, grounded in love.
You've got to make up your mind about such things.
You refuse to listen to negative things about other people because you are rooted and grounded in love.
firm in love.
When you walk in love, you're uncheckable.
And you will see what it will do for you now.
So, this is being rooted and grounded in love, maybe able to comprehend.
See, it gives you spiritual comprehension.
People who don't walk in love don't have good spiritual comprehension.
See, and there are lots of blessings in the love of Christ.
You'd see more now.
It gives you a remarkable emphasis on love.
I taught some years ago on the dimensions of love, the dimensions of love.
I think that should be at the
past Christ's digital store.
You should go there and get it.
Beautiful message.
You listen to it and enlighten you.
Bless you so much.
So, it says, being rooted in kind of love, verse 18, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breath and length and depth and height.
Can you imagine?
Look at all the dimensions.
How far you can go.
Your spiritual comprehension becomes so vast, so broad, amazing.
And to know, as another one, what?
The love of Christ beyond science.
That's what it says.
And to know, the word is gynusco.
To know the love of Christ.
See, that's a revelation knowledge.
To know the love of Christ, which surpasses.
So I have Ginozco, a knowledge that is no studied.
See, a knowledge that just comes to me, he says, which surpasses King James using the word pass it.
Knowledge, the word that's used for knowledge, the next word they have to pass it, is gnosis, which is Greek for scientific knowledge.
See, knowledge that you have to derive, devise, get to study, you know.
So he says, Revelation knowledge surpasses what?
Scientific knowledge.
You know the love of Christ in a manner that surpasses science.
Oh boy.
And you go to the next one.
I love it.
That you might be filled.
See, you need revelation knowledge beyond science.
And now, guess what happens?
When you walk in love like this and you have this revelation knowledge of God's love, this is the love of Christ.
Boy, look at that next one.
It's too powerful.
It's too powerful.
That He might be filled with what?
This is real Christianity.
Filled with all the fullness of God, not some parts of God.
What made Jesus so different?
Who was Jesus and why was he so different?
I'll tell you this.
When I was he called the Christ, what is the meaning of the Christ?
Some people don't understand it.
Now, they say, they anointed one.
Yes, but there is a different sense in this anointed.
What is meant by the anointed one, Christ.
Because, remember, Joshua was anointed.
Moses was anointed.
David was anointed.
These were all anointed.
Elijah was anointed.
Prophets of God.
Samuel the prophet was anointed.
Aaron was anointed.
Lots and lots of people all the way before Jesus.
And they were anointed.
So why?
Were they still talking about the Messiah?
Why would he be Messiah?
Why would he be called the anointed?
What was going to make him different?
He was not going to be
anointed in parts.
Turn to John chapter 3 verse 34.
For God give it not the spirit by measure unto him.
He's talking about Christ Jesus here.
They were all given the spirit by measure.
For example, the Bible tells us about Joshua and says that Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom for Moses had laid his hands on him.
And he did that because God accidentally his hands on Joshua.
Jesus was filled with God.
Is it a difference?
Jesus was filled with God.
And there was more.
Now that is dealing with the human Jesus.
Filled with God.
The human Jesus was filled with God.
And that's what he's telling you, you can be.
Filled with God.
What about His Spirit?
His Spirit was God.
Because He was the Word.
He was the Word.
He was God's Word that created the universe.
That's why Jesus is God.
Why is he called the Son of God?
Because you have to understand the terminology of sonship in Scripture.
You have to understand and the different words used.
Different words used.
It's called the Son of God because he was God in flesh.
That's the mean of the Son of God.
It means God in flesh.
That's why the Jews, when Jesus said, I am the Son of God, they said, what?
They understood what he was talking about because God does not give birth to a son.
So you don't have a small little boy running around in heaven that that is his son.
No, they knew the meaning of Son of God.
Son of God means God in flesh.
So when he said, I'm the son of God, they picked up stones.
They said, you're making yourself equal with God.
What you're telling us is that you are God.
They picked up stones.
They wanted to kill him.
That's why he said, I and my father are one.
They said, show us the father.
He said, if you have seen me, you have seen the father.
Glory to God.
You're still there?
Look at that again, that he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
And lastly,
I love this next one.
You will look at it.
It's so powerful.
Verse 20.
Verse 20.
Oh boy.
It is now unto him that is able to do.
Now look at it.
God is able to do.
Is that correct?
God is able to do.
So unto him that is able to do.
Exceeding abundantly above.
far beyond is this exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
But watch something according to the power that worked in us.
So God's power to do is in me.
So I find that even though God can do anything, he wants that power working within me.
So that I don't become a beggar.
You see, he doesn't want me begging anybody.
He doesn't want me begging him.
You know, some people, they're always like this.
Their hands are like this to beg.
Oh, Father, please.
You know, they're just begging God.
And God doesn't like it.
The power to do is not in heaven.
Either something you will not do for you, you gotta look inside you.
Look inside you.
If you think that God should do something, stretch his hand from heaven to do something, he is not going to do it.
Now, please understand this.
When you are a child, who doesn't understand spiritual things, you can pray like that and God will listen to you because you are a child, you don't understand anything.
After a while, that kind of prayer stops working for you.
Because God's saying, you gotta grow up, you gotta grow up.
So some people tell us, they say, when I was a young Christian, anything I just prayed for happened.
I don't understand.
Two years after, every time I pray, nothing seems to happen.
I fast and do this because there's a way for spiritual men, spiritual women to pray.
They're not supposed to pray like babes.
You can't continue like that.
If you've been born again for a long time and you expect that God should just answer your prayer because you have not known much.
No, He's going to ask you to grow up.
You got to grow up.
Learn that He doesn't want you begging.
Don't beg God.
He doesn't like it.
How would you like your son to come to you in the morning, fall on his knees and begin to beg you for breakfast?
Would you like it?
It's begging you, please give us food.
Please, Daddy, please give us food.
Would you like that?
He's not a slave, is he?
How will he come begging you like that?
Please, I know you're my mother, please.
Please, do you like that?
Why do you think he likes it?
Jesus said, if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give good things than the end of the last game?
I'm out of time anyways.
Glory to God.
Worship him and thank him, thank him, honor him, glorify his name.
He's amazing.
He's glorious and precious.
We trust you are blessed by this message.
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Thank you.