Words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
And He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Well, this morning, we're going to learn some things, the simple things.
Five blessings in his name.
You know, the name of Jesus is a great name.
And there are blessings in his name.
But these are cardinal blessings.
All right?
So from these ones,
There are outflows of so many wonderful things.
But we can encapsulate them in simple terms, like I've done here, to help you see what we got in the name of Jesus and why this wonderful name is so precious to us.
Number one, repentance.
What is repentance?
It means turning away, turning away from something that you now judge to have been wrong.
Turning away from something, changing your mind from
A direction that you have thought or you now think was wrong.
Change in your mind, turning away from something.
Change in your mind from the wrong to the right.
Now, let's see that this is really a blessing you.
Let's read from Book of Acts chapter 3, from verse 25.
Acts chapter three from verse 25, we're gonna read into 26.
Now let's read.
You are the children of the prophets and of the covenant, which God made with our fathers saying unto Abraham, and in thy sea shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.
All the kindreds of the earth shall be blessed, right?
in Abraham and his seed, right?
Next verse.
Onto you first.
God, having raised up his son Jesus, sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.
See, as his God sent Jesus to bless you in turning you away
from your iniquities.
So you see, it's a blessing when in your heart you can get the courage to change your mind from the direction of which you were going, to change your mind from the wrong that you've been living in.
and to turn to the right direction.
Do you realize there are people who never think like that?
It just never crosses their mind.
They haven't received that blessing.
It is a blessing.
Look at it.
He says, on to you first.
What does it mean by that?
He's talking about the message, you know, in the book of Romans chapter 1, when you read from verse 16, he does say that the gospel was sent to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.
So he's addressing the seed of Abraham in the flesh.
And that's the Jews.
So he says, God sent him first to you.
And then, you know, we read the previous verse where he says, and all the kindreds of the earth say, so it wasn't just for them alone, but they were first.
All right.
So he says, he are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers saying unto Abraham, and in thy sins shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.
Aren't you first?
See, God, having raised up his son, Jesus sent him to bless you.
In turning away every one of you from his iniquities, it's a blessing.
When you are able to say, Lord, I change my mind from going in the wrong direction.
Now I want to live right.
Oh, that's a blessing.
It's a blessing.
Glory to God.
All right, now let's read Saint Luke's Gospel chapter 24 from verse 46.
Saint Luke's Gospel chapter 24 and verse 46.
Jesus spoke to the disciples, he had not all the disciples with some of them, and said unto them, thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day.
All right.
It was necessary, he says, for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day.
Look at verse 47.
And that repentance and remission of sins shall be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Among all nations, Jesus commanded that repentance and remission of sins.
Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among our nations.
So he's calling me in every way to repent.
Turn away from your sins.
Turn away from the wrong part and turn to God.
Now in that very verse, we've got number two.
Remember, we're talking five blessings in his name.
The first one is repentance.
The second one is remission.
Now, you can add there and say remission and forgiveness.
The reason is both of them in the New Testament are translated from the same word.
from the same Greek word.
And you can tell which should be which from the context.
Sadly, many translators made mistakes because they didn't understand the gospel properly.
You know, translation
is a language, you know, you're taking it from one language to another.
You may be educated in the language, but having the spirit and understanding the gospel is a totally different thing.
Sometimes some of the translations were worked on by people with mere scholastic exegesis,
and didn't help, no matter how erudite you are, you need the Holy Spirit.
Praise God.
Okay, so let's look at that again.
He says, and that repentance and remission of sins, remission of sins.
What do you mean by remission?
Remission, he amends the removal.
It is the complete removal, the blotting out.
And that's the reason why it is very important to know the difference when sometimes they translate that word, the Greek is aphesus, and they translate it to mean forgiveness, which really is closer to pardon.
But in the New Testament, the blood of Jesus doesn't give you pardon.
The blood of Jesus gives you remission.
sins are completely removed.
So he's not just pardoning your sins.
No, the blood of Jesus washes away man's sin.
It is the final propitiation.
See, we don't need another.
And he does it completely.
The Bible says, through this man is preached unto you, Acts 13, verse 38, through this man is preached unto you, the remission of sins.
Now in King James translation, you'd find the word forgiveness there, the wrong ones again.
that should be remission.
It's preached unto you the remission of sins.
And by Him, all that believe are justified from all things from which could not be justified by the law of Moses.
See, the law of Moses did not give justification.
Remember, justification was one of the words we learned about.
Do you remember?
I gave you some words.
Some months ago, right?
And justification was one of them.
Praise God.
All right, so, so he says, end that repentance and remission of sins.
So we're talking number two, remission of sins.
Should be preached in his name.
He wants us to tell people remission is available.
God completely blots out your sins, your transgressions.
And that's what they remembered no more.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
No more sacrifice for sins.
No need because the blood of Jesus is the final answer.
Final solution.
Glory to God.
All right, now look at Acts chapter 10 in verse 43.
Acts up to 10 verse 43, to him, to Jesus give all the prophets witness that through his name, there it is again, who so ever believe it in him shall receive what?
Remission of sins.
Anybody who believes in Jesus is a shall receive remission of sins.
All the prophets bore witness of him.
But if you believe in Jesus Christ, you receive remission of sin.
Your sins are completely blotted out to be remembered no more.
This is amazing.
And we get it in His name.
This is in the name of Jesus.
It doesn't exist anywhere else.
No religion, no religion provides remission of sins.
Think about it.
Have you ever studied the religions?
Not one of them provides remission of things.
How could they?
Would the blood of an animal?
It's not qualified.
And that was why Jesus Christ was necessary.
He had to come to die, because in the Old Testament, every year, there's a lot of animals for their sins.
And then at the end of that year, there was a remembrance, the Bible says, of their sins again, because he tells us the blood of booze and of goats.
could not take away sins.
It was not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins.
It was not possible.
So what God did was to atone for their sins.
It was called a covering.
So when the armor was killed, on behalf of the people, their sins were covered for a year.
Their sins were not blotted out.
Their sins were covered for a year.
And then at the end of the year, they had to kill again.
Because the Bible says there was a remembrance of their sins.
Would you use the blood of another human being?
Not pure enough.
Where would you get blood then?
So the blood of a baby, no.
The Bible says they were conceived in an equity.
Because it says all have sinned, right from Adam, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
So man needed a solution for his sins.
And only in Jesus Christ is their remission of sins.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
You know, years ago, I was talking to a very religious man in
Well, I talked to him about Jesus.
He told me, no, no, no.
He had this religion.
He's going to heaven.
I said, I've got two questions for you.
How do you plan to get there?
How do you plan to get to heaven?
He hadn't thought about it.
I said, all the leaders of the religions you know,
Not one of them went there.
There's no proof any one of them went there.
The only one who ever went is Jesus.
How did Jesus go?
The Bible tells us that Jesus levitated.
He ascended from the earth and they were looking at him until he went through the clouds.
He didn't suddenly disappear.
This was after his resurrection.
Haven't stayed in his disciples for about 40 days.
And went through the clouds into heaven.
They watched him and saw him go beyond the clouds.
And to angels suddenly appeared to the disciples.
They said, why do you stand against him up into heaven?
And then they said to those disciples, this angel said, this same Jesus shall come back in like manner as you have seen him go.
Only in Jesus is their remission of sins.
So I said, how are you going to get to heaven?
He hadn't thought about it.
I said, only one who's been there can take you there.
Only Jesus.
And he's the only one who promised to come back.
Buddha never promised to come back.
Muhammad never promised to come back.
None of them.
Confucius didn't promise to come back.
None of them.
They couldn't.
They didn't even know whether it was going.
At the end of Buddha's life, he said, I'm still searching the truth.
Jesus said, I am the truth.
Second question I asked the man.
I said, did you have a sin in your life?
He said, of course everybody's sins.
I said, what are you going to do about your sins?
He said, well, if my good deeds outweigh my bad deeds, I think that God likes it.
I said, no.
I said, if you have a large drum of pure water,
I put a drop of dirt.
Will it still be pure?"
He said, no.
I said, why can't that volume of water purify it since it's more?
He hadn't thought about it.
I said, your good deeds will never make up for your bad deeds.
Don't deceive yourself.
And why did you reason like this?
How did this come into your mind?
When it comes to things of God, you don't need assumptions.
You need truth.
What are you going to do about your sins?
He had no answer.
I said in Jesus Christ, there's remission of sins.
He had never been told.
In Jesus Christ, there's remission of sins.
Your sins are completely wiped away.
Oh, glory to God.
Number three.
Number three.
I love it.
Eternal life.
There's another blessing in His name, eternal life.
In Jesus' name, in His name, we get eternal life.
In His name, glory to God.
Oh, you know, when you were born of your parents, your earthly parents, you were born with a human life.
The Greeks call it Sukei.
It's the biological life at which you were born of your mother, your father.
You got your body from your mother and you got your life from your father.
That's the way human beings are born.
But when you are born again, that's why Jesus said that which is born of the flesh is flesh.
God is called the father of spirits.
You see, so that your earthly daddy is the father of your flesh.
But our heavenly father is the father of spirits.
And Jesus said that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit and spirit.
He said, never, not that I said unto you, you must be born again.
You know, some people think that to be born again means that you change from bad to good, no?
You can't change from bad to good, it's impossible.
They think that being born again means, things I used to do, I do them no more, no, no.
It's not having new year resolutions, no.
To be born again means that the very life and nature of God has to be imparted to your spirit.
You have to literally receive life from God.
It's called eternal life.
It's called everlasting life.
In the New Testament it's translated from the Greek zoe.
All right?
That's the life and nature of God.
It is the true essence.
Now, here's something beautiful.
John's Gospel.
Chapter 20, we're reading from verse 30.
And here, the declaration of this, John the apostle, as he declares this, this is amazing.
He says, and many other signs,
He's the writer of this book, all right?
Many other signs, truly, did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book?
Do you understand?
He says, there's lots of miracles, lots of signs that Jesus performed that are not written in this book.
These are written that he might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing he might have life through his name.
Oh, hallelujah.
Let me turn off with the word true.
It's from the Greek end, meaning in, in his name.
So sometimes they may use through instead of in, but about 1,800 times plus it is translated in.
Where is God?
So look at it.
Isn't this beautiful?
I remember the first time I read this verse many years ago.
I was so inspired.
I couldn't stop crying.
I cried.
I praised God.
I sang.
I danced.
I was thinking about it.
These are written that he might believe that Jesus is the Christ.
I said, you know, amazing.
This compendium of miracles.
was given to me that I might have the opportunity to believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that if I would believe I would receive life in His name, oh God, I have eternal life.
Oh, glory to God.
I said, I've got to tell everybody.
I have eternal life.
Thanks beyond to God.
I have eternal life.
He says, these are written that he might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing he might have life in his name.
Glory to God.
Life for your spirit, for your soul and your body.
Oh, thank you, Lord.
You know, John wrote this.
And in his first episode, chapter five,
He's trying things this thought.
Chapter five from verse 11.
We're going to read up to verse 13.
And this is the record.
He says, this is the testimony that God has given to us eternal life.
And this life is in His Son.
Oh, you know, John was the closest to Jesus among his disciples.
He was about the youngest.
But so much happened.
So much happened.
You read his gospel and the three epistles that he wrote.
You be so inspired, so blessed.
Look what it tells us here.
This is the testimony.
This is the record that God has given to us.
He is not going to give us.
It's not a promise.
It's a statement of fact, a present, our reality.
He is telling us what God has already done.
God has given us eternal life.
And this life is in His Son.
Look at next verse.
He that has the Son hath life and He that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
If you don't have Him, all you have is the biological life.
You're born of the flesh.
You are flesh.
Your Spirit is dead to God.
It's called spiritual death.
Spiritual death is defined as separation from God, being alienated from the life of God.
And how many people all over the world walk around dead in the spirit, completely in darkness.
They know not God.
Oh, what a darkness.
What are darkness?
To live without God.
How do you live without God?
How does a man live without God?
What did they ever talk about?
See why we must preach the gospel.
We've got to tell everybody.
Because until they hear it, they can't believe it.
How can a man believe something he hasn't heard?
I've got to get back to that.
I've got to get back to that.
All right, verse 13, 13.
Can you use the NIV here?
Shoddily, good, I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.
Isn't that simple?
Did I write this to you?
Those of you who believe in the name of Jesus Christ, he says, you who believe, he says, I want you to know that you have eternal life.
Why does he tell us?
Because you see, when you have eternal life, you don't feel it.
It's not in your senses.
You got to know by faith in God's word.
The word tells you.
So he says, I've written to you.
that you may know.
See, because if God doesn't tell you, you're not going to know.
Do you even feel your physical life?
Do you feel it?
You don't feel it?
You're just active, physically active.
But when you're born again, you become active in the spirits.
And the Bible says, the Bible says, the man that's born again is alive to God.
He's alive to God.
You see, he's alive to God.
He's alive to the things of God.
But even when you're not born again, you are functioning in the Spirit realm, though you don't know.
You're functioning there.
You're functioning in the Spirit realm, just not alive to God.
That a man doesn't see where he's going, doesn't mean he's not moving.
He's moving all right, just doesn't know where he's going.
Glory to God.
Oh, oh, only when you're born again.
The scales are taken over your eyes.
The veil is taken away.
Suddenly your eyes open and you're like, wow.
I didn't know God loved me so.
Thank you, Lord.
All right, so God wants you to know if you're born again.
He wants you to know you got eternal life.
That's what it is to be born again.
It's to receive the life and nature of God into your spirits.
I'm alive to God.
I'm alive to God.
Oh, glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Number four, healing.
healing and health.
Oh, you're going to like this.
Healing and health in his name.
You know, in Acts chapter 3, the Bible tells us how that the apostles, after the essential Lord Jesus Christ.
Peter and John, though going to the temple at the hour of prayer.
And they got to the gate of the temple called beautiful, and they met this man who was carried daily to that place, and he asked for arms of those who went into the temple, arms of the poor, arms of the poor, arms of the poor.
And everybody who came through, you had something, you gave him some money or whatever.
And he was used to this.
The Bible says they brought him every day.
And the man was above 40 years old.
But there was a difference this one time.
Now, for those of you who have studied the Scriptures, you discover on two major occasions that Jesus went to this same temple.
The Bible says, the blind and the lame came to Jesus.
He healed them.
Jesus came to this very temple.
Just a short while before, where was this man?
He must have joined the critics.
He must have been among those who didn't believe in Jesus.
He was brought there every day for many years.
And so now Peter and John are coming through and they stop.
And Peter says to the man, look on us.
Then he says, silver and gold have I none.
Now, I always like to pause there and correct something because there's a whole lot of people who tell us what I'm supposed to have any money because Peter said silver and gold have I none.
I said, didn't you notice?
He said, look on us.
That means look on John and me.
The border was here.
Look on us.
Then he said, silver and gold have I none.
Didn't say have we none.
Sure, sure.
You know, that's very important because remember, Jesus gave his mother to John to take care of, because Peter didn't have any money.
You're not gonna give your mother to somebody who doesn't have, who's broke to take care of.
At that time, Peter was broke, he didn't have any money.
So he says, seven, go, have I none?
What have we known?
But then he says, such as I have, give I thee.
Then he says, oh boy, Acts chapter three, verse six.
Then Peter said,
silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk next verse.
And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.
Boy, I love it.
Verse eight.
And he leaping up stools and walked and aired at week them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.
Somebody say hallelujah.
Oh, what a testimony.
Of course, you know the Jewish leaders got mad.
But before we get to where they got mad, a lot of people got excited and they said, wow, wow, wow.
This is a miracle.
This is great.
This is great.
And they're thinking like, how in the world, these young guys get this power?
You know, that's a fisherman from Galilee Peter.
So how did they get this power?
Well, verse 16, Peter tells us what happened.
Verse 16, Acts chapter 3.
Look at it.
Look at it.
And his name, through faith in his name, he says it happened by the name of Jesus.
Look at it.
And his name, through faith in his name, had made this man strong, whom you see and know, yay, the faith which is by him had given this man this perfect soundness in the presence of your all.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
What's he talking about?
Look at it.
He says, his name, the name of Jesus, through faith in his name, I admit this man is strong.
It's the name of Jesus that healed him.
And then he says, whom you see and know here, the faith which is by him had given him this perfect soundness.
Do you have the ESV or the ESV?
Any of them give it to me.
I want you to read it.
Everybody read.
Want to go.
Perfect health.
I said there's healing in this health.
The man not only got healed, he was also blessed with health.
Are you hearing this?
He was given perfect health, perfect soundness.
Healing is good, but health is better.
Perfect soundness in the presence of your all.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
All right, that's number four, right?
Okay, but just to add a little more verse to you, a little more scripture.
Acts chapter four, verse eight, we'll read it from verse eight to verse 10 because, you know, the leaders got mad and they were so angry.
the charge the the disciples the apostles with sedition but Then he says then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost and to glad for the Holy Ghost Filled with the Holy Ghost said unto them he rule us of the people and air as a visual
If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the important man by what means he is made whole, you want to know by what means he is made whole, be it known unto you all and to all of the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
That's the means.
Did you hear it?
He was healed by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom he crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him.
But this man stand here before you who glorified God.
There's something about that name.
It's no ordinary name.
Did you notice?
Did you notice?
When Peter ministered to that man, he didn't say, now I release, he didn't release anything.
He didn't say I release double anointing.
He did nothing like that.
He says in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
And he told them what made it happen.
This is the name of Jesus.
So my soul, if you can just pray with me with heavy anointing, I know I'll be fine.
If you use triple anointing today, I will be fine.
They're asking for double anointing and triple anointing, but look at it.
If we be examined this day about the good deed done to the important man by what means is made whole.
He says, beat none unto you that by the name of Jesus.
Glory to God.
All right.
So number five, we're talking what?
Number five, the Holy Spirit in His ministry.
Who can you take this?
Boy, can you really take this?
Can you take this?
The Holy Spirit.
John's Gospel, chapter 14 and verse 26.
But the comforter, Jesus is talking here, Jesus.
But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost?
Whom the Father will send in my name.
He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I've said unto you.
Whom the Father will send what?
In my name.
The Holy Ghost comes in the name of Jesus.
This is so amazing.
So amazing.
Think about the blessings, the wonderful things.
I'm just going to give you an outline.
I'm going to give you an outline.
Five things.
Five things that we can do through the Holy Ghost.
Five things.
Number one, we.
We receive Him into our house and it becomes the habitation of God.
We've become God's habitation.
He's living temple.
We house God.
Can you think about that?
You house God?
Yes, you are the temple of the Holy Ghost.
That's number one.
So number two, we minister through the Holy Ghost.
We minister through the Holy Ghost.
Number three, we have hope through the Holy Ghost.
You know, there are a lot of people who are hopeless.
They don't have hope for tomorrow.
When you tell them, this is going to be fine.
I don't know.
Some have far's hope, but we have true hope through the Holy Ghost.
Can you say amen?
And number four, we have control through the Holy Ghost.
We exercise control over the flesh and over circumstances through the Holy Ghost.
And number five, we pray through the Holy Ghost.
Amazing things.