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February 2017 - The Month of Prophecy

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

Glory to God.
I want to read to you from the Scriptures.
Ezekiel chapter 37, I want to read to you from verse 1.
The hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones.
And caused me to pass by them roundabout and behold there were very many in the open valley.
And lo, they were very dry.
And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live?
And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.
Again, he said unto me, prophesy upon these bones and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
Thus saith the Lord God onto these bones.
Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live.
And I will lease our news upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
So I prophesied, as I was commanded, and as I prophesied, there was a noise.
And behold, a shaken.
And the bones came together, bound to his bone.
And when I beheld, lo the sun news and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above, but there was no breath in them.
Then said he unto me, prophesy unto the wind, prophesy Son of man, and say to the wind, thus saith the Lord God, come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain that they may live.
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood up upon their feet,
an exceeding great army, praise God forevermore.
During the 31st night, I detail you something very, very important.
And if you listen to that message carefully, it will help you as this will also help you, what I'm going to share with you now.
You know, some time ago, the Lord spoke to me and said something to me that was very, very beautiful.
And he said, this is the day.
It was a prophetic word.
It was coming to me in my spirit.
And he said, this is the day of the thriving church.
He said, this is the day of the singing church.
Then he said, this is the day of the joyful church.
And this is really powerful.
very important.
It does tell us what God's thinking in his heart about the church, about our future.
And I can tell you there's great excitement among the angels of God because of the things that are happening in our day.
This month begins for you another level of your Christian journey.
If you would take this seriously, you'd be amazed by the end of this month, tremendous things would have happened in your life.
Beautiful things.
This month is the month of prophecy.
And I want you to understand what the Lord is telling us.
First, I'd like one of you can read for us from the Book of Acts chapter 2.
I want you to read from verse 14 to verse 18.
And someone else, when you can go to the first Corinthians chapter 14, you're going to be reading verses three and four.
Now let's take
The Book of Acts chapter 2 from verse 14 to verse 18, Reverend Ray Reed.
This is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel.

That has come to manifestation.
And it shall come to pass in the last days.
It shall come to pass in the last days, say it's God.
I will pour out of my spirit.
I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh.
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
And your young men shall see visions.
Your young men shall see visions.
And your old men shall dream dreams.
And then it goes on.
And on my servants and on my hand, millions, will I pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy.
So you see that the Prophet Joel did talk about these days.
And how that the Spirit God will be poured out upon all flesh and then it says in your songs and your daughters shall prophesy.
It says they shall prophesy.
Now, listen to this 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verses 3 and 4.
He that prophesied, speak it on to me.
To edification.
To edification.
And comfort.
And comfort.
He that speak it in an unknown tongue edified himself.
But he that prophesied edified the church.
He that prophesied edified the church.
Now, this is really important.
Firstly, if we go to 1 Corinthians 14 and verse 6, the new international version.
Pastor Kate, can you find that?
You've got it.
1 Corinthians 14 verse 6.
I want you to listen to this very important.
Now, brothers, if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you unless I bring you some revelation.
Unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction or word of instruction.
Now, that verse right there tells us
what we need to know about prophecy, what it's about.
In that verse 6 is a proper definition of prophecy.
Every time the apostle uses the word prophecy, you've got to understand what context, what does he mean?
Because a lot of times you find it's applied in one of two ways, okay?
In itself, it's clearly defined in this verse, and let me give them to you.
Number one, it means to speak by divine inspiration.
That's what that verse is telling me.
It's to speak by divine inspiration.
Number two, it is to speak for divine revelation.
Number three, it is to fortell future events.
That's prediction.
Fortell future events.
And number four, it is to give divine instruction.

That verse just told you what prophecy is.
So I'll go again to speak by divine inspiration.
So, and well, the next one, to speak for divine revelation.
And then the next one, the third one, to fortell future events.
And fourth, to give divine instruction or teaching, divine instruction or teaching.
King James uses the word doctrine.

Now, in this month,
The Spirit of God, if you look at these four, you'd find that these are things that the Holy Spirit inspires His children to do.
Now, there is a difference between us prophesying and us becoming prophets.
In a sense, we are made prophets.
Because all of those things that prophets do are fulfilled in this administration as God gives us.
But when it comes to the ministry offices, everyone is not a prophet.
Like everyone is not a pastor.
Everyone is not a teacher.
We all teach the Word of God, but we are not all teachers of the Word in terms of ministry.
We all lead others to Christ and not just them in the world and cost them to grow in the world.
That doesn't make all of us pastors.
See, even though we might do the work of a pastor to someone, we all win souls and share inspirationally with others to set them up to win souls and lead in that dimension.
He doesn't make us evangelists, okay?
So here, I'm not dealing with the office of a prophet, but I'm dealing with the things that God said we can do as His children.
He says, you pour the Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your dad is your prophesy.
That's for everyone of us.
And then Paul also said, I will, that you all spoke with tongues, but rather that you prophesied.
See, he says, I would rather have you prophesy.
And then he also said, you may all prophesy and that by course, one by one.
You may all prophesy.
He told us that prophecy
is one of the best gifts.
That's one gift he said every one of us should have because of its importance.
And he says, you prophesy on to what, edification, exhortation and comfort.
And that's very important.
then he also said, the one who speaks in tongues edifies himself, but the one who prophesies edifies the church.
And when we look at these four aspects of prophecy, speaking by divine inspiration, speaking divine revelation, that means you're saying, now by divine inspiration means that the auction of God's Spirit
causes these words to bubble through you and you speak them forth without necessarily thinking about them.
And it produces, it provides information from God, direction, guidance and so on.
And speaking by divine revelation means that the things you wouldn't have known otherwise
and they are revealed to you when you can bring them forth.
And it can be can do with the past, present, having to do with people, places or things.
It's a revelation, something you couldn't have known any other way except by divine revelation.
And then he also causes you to for tell future events.
Remember, these are things that Holy Spirit helps us to do.
For example, he says, when the Spirit through this come, he shall teach you all things.
Look at that.
He shall guide you into all truths.
He shall show you things to come.
All of this by the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
So this month, you will prophesy.
It is important that you do.
Now you say, what if I don't have the gift?
He said, desired, desired.
So in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I receive the gift of prophecy.
And you will have it.
You see that simple?
It's that simple.
And you need it in your life because you're going to use it.
You're going to use it to change situations and circumstances.
You're going to use it to direct your parts, to charge your course.
The gift of prophecy is used for all of this.
And you're going to use it to help other people.
To edify.
to exhort, to comfort.
That's how he used to give the prophecy.
It's a great blessing to the church.
In many circles, they don't believe in prophecy.
They don't prophesy.
And yet you can.
And the more you use yourself to the Holy Spirit, the more he would manifest himself in your life.
Now, I'm going to give you
Three important points, what to do, how you can get yourself to what I call the inspiration mood.
Because you've got to be inspired.
I mean, you can't prophesy without inspiration.
That's not prophecy.
See, you're going to be inspired of the Holy Ghost to prophesy.
So how can you get yourself
to that level, because God's talking all the time.
God's talking all the time.
His station is on.
Now, right now, if you are not receiving certain signals of a television station or radio station, you don't say, oh, they're not working today.
That's because you're not turning in.
They're working.
The signals are going past you all the time.
So, you say, oh, I want to watch this station and you tune to that station.
Oh, I want to listen to this station, this radio station, you tune to that station.
Because there aren't any way whether or not you're hearing them.
They're on.
So, you turn on your receiver.
Same thing, God's station is on all the time.
God's talking, His word is going forth, consenting everybody.
And every situation, past, present and future.
Remember, he is an am.
So you can pick God's word concerning you, concerning anyone that relates to you, important to you, you can have a word.
You can have a word, a word of blessing, a word of comfort, edification and comfort, an exhitation.
Three of them.
And God wants us to edify one another.
He wants us to edify the church.
So irrespective of your office, every Christian needs to have the gift of prophecy.
And you are going to use that gift of prophecy to change things in your life.
You're going to use it to help others.
You're going to use it to edify, to exhort and to comfort.
and it is vital that you do it.
It will help perfect your work in Christ.
It will help improve the quality of your administrations as a Christian and as a minister.
And this month is very special for this.
You are going to prophesy like never before.
God said to Ezekiel, can these bones live?
He says there were very many and they were very dry.
They were in the open valley.
He said, God, you only know.
You're the only one who knows whether they can live or not.
And so God said, all right, now, prophesy upon these bones and say to the bones, he says, all ye drive bones.
Here, the word of the Lord, that is powerful.
You mean Ezekiel could prophesy to the bones?
Yeah, but that's not the first time that somebody prophesied to non-living things.
Think about it.
God told Moses to prophesy to the rock.
He said to him, in the presence of the leaders, the elders of Israel, he said, stand before the rock and tell it to bring you water.
He said, tell the rock to bring you water.
Our Lord is amazing.
Tell the rock to bring you water.
He's training him about prophecy.
Now Ezekiel's going to talk to the bones.
Oh, he drives bones.
He says, God shall cause breath to come into you and you shall live.
That's amazing.
And look at it.
You can read it for yourself again.
It's from verse 1 to verse 10, the 37th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel.
The Bible says he prophesied as he was commanded, and then the sun news, the flesh and the skin covered them, but there was no breath.
But that was the first thing the God said was going to happen, and then it didn't happen.
Everything was in place except the breath.
Now Ezekiel could have said, oh God,
The very first thing you say was going to happen didn't happen.
In fact, it was the first and the last.
God said it.
It was the first thing that he prophesied was going to happen.
And it was the last thing he prophesied was going to happen and didn't happen.
And so God said, now, here's what you're going to do.
See, maybe you've been prophesied.
And then there's a part of it that's not working, that's not happening.
Don't stop.
You need.
Another word.
The Holy Ghost is with us.
He's our teacher.
You've got a teacher in you.
Hear this.
No Christian should fail.
You've got a teacher inside you who teaches you about things concerning your life and the world in which you live.
He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but he shall have the light of life.
See, the Holy Ghost is helping you.
He's your teacher.
He's your guide.
You have the light of life.
So you know what to do?
This teacher inside can help you.
He'll tell you what's the next thing to do.
For example, God spoke to Ezekiel.
He said, okay, now you prophesied to the wings.
See, he had prophesied to the bones and he said, oh, he tried bones.
God shall cause breath to come into you and you shall live.
Now the breath didn't come.
So God said, okay, turn to the wings and say, oh, he wins.
Four winds, breathe on these people.
Glory to God.
That's wonderful.
He prophesied about the winds and it didn't happen.
Then God said prophesied to the wind.
See, sometimes he prophesied about the situation and it's not changing, then prophesied to the situation.
You'd be amazed at what will happen.
Now, you see, you do just prophesy.
You do just prophesy.
Okay, now I'm ready to prophesy.
No, you have to be at the inspirational mood.
See, it's got to be at the inspirational mood.
Okay, there is an inspirational mood for prophesy.
You can see that in the Old Testament as well as the new.
All right, so that matters.
But there are things you can do to get into the inspiration mode.
Very simple things, but you've got to do them and they'll help you attain that inspiration mode.
Number one, meditation on the word.
For example, you want to release God's prophetic word into a situation.
You want to release God's prophetic word upon your body or someone who's sick, a situation that concerns somebody else, or to bless a group, a church, whatever.
Or you want to speak prophetically into your city, your nation, whatever it is.
To get in there, number one, meditate on the word.
See, meditate on the Word, on the Word of God, okay?
You can take anything in the Word that's blessing you, okay?
Open the Word, open the Scriptures, or ruminate on the things of God that have been spoken concerning you.
Meditation is number one.
That helps to guide your mind in the direction that the Spirit will be leading you.
First thing is to meditate.
So you withdraw your mind from all the activities of the moment and discipline your mind, harness your mind into the subject matter.
Number two, pray in the Spirit.
Pray in the Holy Ghost.
Pray in the Spirit.
You enter into that by praying in tongues.
Instead, by praying in tongues.
Praying in tongues or praying with your Spirit.
And as you keep praying with your Spirit, you're going to enter into the level of praying in the Holy Ghost.
Which means you're going to be guided with words, whether they are known or unknown tongues, but they're going to be inspired words of prayer.
Number three, which is very, very important.
Talk the known into the unknown.
What does that mean?
Okay, I'll give you a simple example.
Many years ago, this was way back 1982.

I was invited for a meeting.
And for this particular meeting, I've been doing a whole lot of other things.
And somehow it came suddenly.
And I needed to get ready for it.
Now, I needed all the topo charging.
What am I going to do?
So I take the scriptures and the most quiet place to be at the moment was in my bathroom.
I get into the bathroom and I open the scriptures.
I start from the known.
I said, talk the known into the unknown.
So, here I open into the book of Psalms because the Babatyar is just to make Psalms onto the Lord, okay?
Now, to make Psalms onto the Lord, I've got to get into the inspiration mode.
So I start reading the Psalms
And I'm reading the inspiring sounds I've got to do with what I'm going to be doing.
I'm not reading the sounds, oh, why I doubt this quite everything.
I'm not reading all of that.
I'm reading the right ones.
I'm reading the inspiring sounds because I need this inspiration now.
So I'm reading, and I'm going from one sound to the other, and now I'm getting blessed.
It's getting right into my spirit.
I'm getting blessed with it.
And I start getting so joyful, and I'm dancing in a bathroom, you know, this way and that.
And I'm reading, and the next thing I know, the Bible drops from my hand, and I keep making sounds.
I have moved now from the noon.
These are the written sounds.
And I go into making sounds by the spirit, by the spirit.
And I didn't want to come out again.
Now, but I've got to preach tonight.
But I'm so blessed with these sounds and coming in my spirit.
I'm so full of God.
Then I go for the meeting.
You know what?
I'm standing there.
And everybody in the meeting was unsaved.
Each one was not born again.
I shouldn't say unsaved, born again.
All of them, not one, except the leader.
He had brought in a pack of non-Christians into the room.
And so I stand to share the Word of God.
As I look at them, in every single word, as I turn to each person, not one could respond.
They were overcome by the power of God.
They were like something hit each person as I turn to them.
The power of so much, they couldn't take it.
By the time I turned to everyone, they were all under the power and the flaw, calling on Jesus to save them, every one of them.
See, so I'm talking about the inspiration mode.
See, number one, I said, what?
Meditate on the word.
Number two, pray in the spirit.
And number three, talk the known into the unknown.
Take with you words.
That's what the prophet said.
He says, take with you words.
When you get them from God, He's already given us words.
There are things we already know, the written for us by prophets and apostles who got there in the scriptures.
Start from there and let them bless you and then catch on with the same inspiration of the writer as the Holy Ghost gave to you.
And that same Holy Spirit would now energize you, inspire you, and take you on.
You would find the same function that held that prophet or that apostle of God that wrote those words, would take on your spirit.
And you will be saying the same thing and possibly energized with an engine of God's spirit that was operative at the time of writing for that minister that's written there.
Amazing reality.
Amazing reality.
This month you are going to make things happen.
You're going to make things happen.
If something had made you afraid, don't worry.
Get into the inspiration mode.
All right?
And the words for that situation will come through you.
And once you're inspired, then you start speaking into that situation and correcting it by the power of God.
And I can tell you, nothing will be impossible unto you.
Glory to God.
Worship Him and thank Him.
It's a man of prophecy and we're going to prophesy.