Christ in You
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
You in Christ, in Christ in you.
This is the generous of Christianity.
This is the essence of Christianity.
This is the power and the glory of Christianity.
The biggest thing that ever happened in this world was the possibility of the Holy Spirit to come and live in a human being.
In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came upon them and stayed upon them.
He put his power on them.
He didn't live in them.
His idea was to reproduce himself in us.
and make us a such age of the God.
That's why he says Christ in you, the hope of God.
That means I'm not here by accident.
I'm not here by chance.
God planned my parts before I was born.
He has made you the best already.
So I want to get into Christ in you.
We've had two discussions already in Christ, right?
So let's start talking about Christ in you.
First, we'll look at Colossians chapter 1, verse 26.
even the mystery which had been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints, to whom God, verse 27, would make known what is the riches of the glory
of this mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of glory.
This is the genius of Christianity.
This is the essence of Christianity.
This is the power and the glory of Christianity.
Christ in you.
You know, for a lot of people when you say Christ in you or they say Christ, is it me?
They are merely repeating a religious cliche.
They don't know what they're talking about.
They've never studied the subject.
They've never understood it.
Most have never been taught.
So when there's a Christ is in me, they think it's just a religious idea, something in my heart, not really.
They think it's just an idea of how wrong they are.
God's plan, God's purpose.
forever sending Jesus Christ was this.
And if this is only an idea, then he did everything in vain.
It's not an idea.
It's the purpose.
Understand this.
What Jesus came to do was not just to save us from sin.
He saved us from sin for a purpose.
When you wash your car, do you wash your car just so it would be clean and leave it
in your yard, in your garage, somewhere.
You wash it clean because you wanna use it, right?
You wanna use it.
So, he saved us from sin, not as an end, but as a means to an end.
A means to an end.
He had a plan.
He was going somewhere.
His plan was to make us his living tabernacle.
In such a way, we become one together with him.
And this is the
This is the... I'm thinking of the simplest way to break it for you.
It's the... I think the best way to steal.
is to use the word genius is the extraordinary thinking the excellence of our gods mentality is way of thinking how could he think so high but he's God anyway so it's no surprise the mixture
of a house and its owner.
How can you even contemplate that and eventually carry it out?
How can you bring a house together with its owner and make them one?
That's huge.
That's huge.
So God comes into fellowship with us, makes us one together with him, and makes us his house.
So he lives in us.
So who does that really mean?
Who does that really tell us?
It means he's achieved his purpose of reproducing himself in us.
I want you to understand this.
To have kids is one thing.
But human beings love to reproduce themselves in their kids.
It never does happen.
It never works, right?
The mother wants the daughters to be like her, the father wants the sons to be like him.
It never really works.
They never achieve it.
But this God, you know, somebody says, well, God wanted to have kids.
He didn't want to have kids.
It's more than having kids.
His idea was to reproduce himself in us and make us a such age of a God kind.
That's His purpose.
We become associates of the God God.
So, when you look at yourself, you may not even think you're in even Johnny in that direction.
You may look at your life and things are not looking very good.
you look far away from getting to be whatever God intended for you.
Hey, that's because you're trying to make it happen yourself.
But that's the reason for the subject.
That's why we're studying the subject.
That's why we're studying the scriptures.
In fact, what exactly does God say?
Not what does my mind say?
What is my thinking?
What is my opinion?
We're not discussing opinions here.
We're looking at what those words say.
So it was the mystery that was hidden for ages and generations, but it says, but now it's made manifest to his saints.
And it says, this mystery is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Because he told us before.
Romans chapter 3, verse 23, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
No more glory, but Christ in you, the hope of glory.
That means Christ in you, glory restored.
Okay, so this is very important.
Now, look at another thing.
Philippians chapter two, verse number 13, and I want us to read it from the amplified version.
Look at it, you'd love it.
Not in your own strength, for it is God, who is all the while, effectively at work in you.
Now, not in everybody, no, no, no, in those who are born again.
And I've received the Holy Spirit, not in your own strength, for it is God who is all the while, effectually.
I love that word, effectually.
You know, it's actually happening.
He's having results.
He is affected.
He has resource, not just they're like he's not there.
You know, something's happened like they're not happening.
But that's not the way we go.
Effectually at work in you, energizing and creating in you the power and desire both to will and to work for his good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.
It's a God.
is at work, effectively at work in me, energizing me, and creating in me the power and desire both to will and to work for his good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.
That means God is prompting me.
God is staring up in me, the will, the desire to do.
He makes me willing to do.
And then he energizes me to perform it.
He not only gives me the will, he makes it happen to me.
Some people say the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.
That's what it happened.
But that was before the Holy Ghost came.
When the Holy Ghost came, Jesus said that to Peter,
He said it to Peter.
Peter didn't have the spine to stand the persecution that was coming, the temptation that was coming.
He didn't have the spine.
He wanted to.
He loved Jesus.
He said, Master, I'll never deny you.
I'll never do that.
Jesus said, by morning you do it.
He said, never.
I'm ready to die for you.
the Spirit was willing, the flesh was weak.
Jesus said, come pray with me for one hour.
All right, they set it brain.
So did enough, they fell asleep.
Jesus, you know, Jesus went away just a few feet from them.
And when it came up, he said, you're sleeping.
He said, Simon, what's happening?
Oh, Master, sorry, sorry, you were so tired.
Open up, open up, open up.
And they started praying again.
Jesus stepped away.
When it came up, they were sleeping again.
What happened to them?
The spirit was willing.
The flesh was weak.
And then when Jesus was arrested, the Bible says they fled.
The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.
Peter came watching at a distance the trial of Jesus.
And while he was watching, a little girl said, sir, look like one of them.
He says, not me.
What happened?
the spirit was willing, the flesh was weak, but when the Holy Ghost came and Peter was fair with the Holy Ghost.
The Bible says he spoke to the crowds.
This was the same Peter that had been timid.
He spoke to the crowd, this angry mob outside.
Same crowd.
I've been hearing about this man, I've been arrested and killed, crucified, and they were excited about it.
And now Peter stands before them and charges them with murder.
Said, you kill the prince of life.
When even Pilate was determined to let him go.
They said, man, and brethren, what shall we do?
He preached the gospel to them.
He was bold.
He was bold.
Where did that boldness come from?
God at work in me.
But to will and to do.
Now, put it up in the King James, Philippians 2, 13.
Look at it.
This is the scripture we read in that Amplify.
I want to see it.
It's shortened here.
For it is God which works in you, but to will and to do of his good pleasure.
So he makes me willing.
And it makes me do.
So I will with the power to perform.
Blessed be God.
All right, let's see what more we can take.
Now, you know, Christ in us, for us to walk in that light, for us to walk in that reality, the three things that we need to recognize and to put to work.
Number one, right?
No, to no.
K-N-O-W, that's no.
Number two, reckon.
Don't worry, when I start reading the verse, I'll explain that with you.
Number three, yearnd.
All right, so Romans chapter six, verse number one, what shall we say then?
Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
Because, you know, he talked a lot about our righteousness and salvation we got from God, righteousness and how it came about, the grace that was given to us, all of that in chapter five.
Okay, actually from chapter three, he was dealing with the subject.
big time.
So he comes to chapter 6 and says, what shall we say then?
Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
God forbid, how shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
Man or man?
Think about it.
Look, he's not talking about himself and some other apostles, he's talking about all of us.
Look at it, God forbid, how shall we that are dead to sin?
Did you know you were dead to sin?
Maybe you didn't know, but he just told you.
Look at this.
I want you to understand how God's word works.
The Bible says that God's word is a mirror.
How many of you use the mirror today?
Did you use the mirror?
Raise your hand.
How many of you, when you looked into the mirror, you saw Pastor Chris?
When you looked in the mirror, what did you see?
You saw yourself.
The viruses, the Word of God, is God's mirror for us.
He gave us a mirror.
It's His Word.
So when we study God's Word, we see ourselves.
It's amazing.
He actually told us, oh, come on here.
Second Corinthians chapter three, verse number 18.
Can I get the NIV?
Hope that would be nice.
Okay, look at it.
We need it on the larger screen too.
And we, who is on their faces, all reflects the Lord's glory.
are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
Sounding complicated, right?
Okay, put it on the King James.
It's easy like this really, but look at it in the King James, you'll get it.
But we all, we've opened face.
Okay, we've opened face.
In the other one, what you saw was unveiled faces.
So your face is not there, it's not covered.
But we are with open face, beholding.
As in the glass, it's a mirror.
That's the word, it's mirror.
It's translated glass here.
Look in, as though looking into a mirror, the glory of the Lord.
This is where the power is of what I just read to you.
He says, when we are looking into the mirror of God, we are seeing the glory of God in a mirror.
How cool that be?
I just asked you, when you look in the mirror today, did you see Pastor Chris?
No, you said you saw yourself.
Now, the Word of God says, when you look in the God's mirror, you see the glory of God.
What is God telling you that you are the glory of God?
But you're never going to know until you look into God's mirror.
There are different types of mirrors.
You look at some mirrors, your head is all blown.
You look at some, you don't like them because the aspect ratios change and you look farther than you really want to be.
You look at some, they make you look dark.
Different kinds of mirrors.
So, but when you look in the Gods mirror, you say what?
Is this me?
That's why the Bible says, keep looking.
It says, keep looking at the mirror God.
John, turn away.
This is the one who fares, is the one who looks into the mirror and forgets, he doesn't say what he looked like.
He says, what kind of man he was?
What kind?
Not the image, but the type.
That's amazing.
Which means that God's mirror doesn't just show us a shape, doesn't show us an image, an outline.
It shows us the quality.
Your kind of mirror doesn't show you quality.
But God's mirror shows you quality, type.
And he doesn't want you to forget it.
Oh boy.
So that's why the words are important, because when you get back to it, 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 again, I'll show you some.
But we are with open face beholden us in the glass, as the mirror, the glory of the Lord, changed metamorphosed into the same image.
That means into what we see in the mirror, we have transformed
Look at that.
From glory to glory.
The more we look, the more we become.
The more we look, the more we are changed.
Because every time you look, you see something more.
Every time you look, you see more.
And the more you look, the more the transfiguration takes place.
That's why you got to see what's happening to you.
I'm showing the word of God with you right now.
You're looking into God's mirror.
Because the word is called the word of hearing.
So the power of God's word is in the hearing.
You've got to hear it in your spirit.
Even if you're reading, you've got to hear that voice in your spirit.
You can hear it in your spirit.
So he says, but we all with open face beholden us in the glass, the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord.
So it's gone by God's spirits.
It happens by God's spirit.
Oh, now you can understand.
So we go back to Romans chapter six, verse one.
So you get it now.
What shall we say then?
Shall we continue to sing that grace may abound?
So he goes, God forbid, how shall we that are dead to sin?
We are dead to sin.
You know?
I'm reading like this and I come to.
How shall we that are dead to sin?
Then I go, Paul, I didn't know I was dead to sin.
I thought I was a slave to sin.
I thought I was a slave to the habits.
There's wrong things that I don't like to do.
I thought I would never be free from them.
No, he says, we are dead to sin.
Then I go, oh.
Am I dead to sin?
That's what the mirror shows you.
You are a man that's dead to sin.
When I say, yes Lord, I am dead to sin.
Suddenly my life is moved to the next level.
I no longer struggle with sin.
That's the power of God's word at work in your life.
That's the miracle of Christianity.
Can you see it?
But when people don't know the words, you know what happens to them?
They'll be crying and praying.
Oh, God forgive me.
I've done it again.
Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me.
The crying, the begging, the pleading, as though God doesn't love them that much.
They're trying and they won't go out to see that they're trying.
They're enslaved by their habits.
I don't really like to do it, Jesus.
I'll never do it again.
They're promising him.
I'm going to be a better person.
He doesn't want you to be a better person.
He has made you the best already.
You're the best already.
When you give birth to a child, does the child get more human?
As he grows, does he get more human?
He's 100% human already.
He doesn't need to be a better person.
He's a person, and he's the best of himself.
Now, he starts learning how to use what he has.
He learns to use his legs, his hands, his eyes.
He's training to use them.
Now, he starts using his brain, his mind.
He starts educating him.
So he becomes the best of his best himself.
He doesn't get to be a better person.
Do you understand it?
That's it.
The need to promise God you never do it again.
Just not his word!
Look in the mirror, see yourself, understand what God has made you.
Come on, let's go back there.
What went through you?
God forbid, how shall we that are dead to sin?
Live any longer there end.
More, next verse.
No, he not to get it now.
See, they didn't even know.
They didn't know like some of us didn't know.
No, he not had so many of us as we baptized into Jesus Christ.
We baptized into his death.
He says, don't you know?
Not so many of us.
We baptized into Jesus Christ.
We baptized into his death.
He says, don't you know?
And we didn't know Paul, we didn't know.
And that's okay, good.
So I'm telling you now.
So look at it, it tells them, next verse.
Therefore, we are buried with Him by baptism into death that like, mama, that like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father.
Even so, we also should walk in newness of life.
Somebody shout hallelujah.
Oh, God!
Oh, this is amazing.
The transforming word.
He just told us something we didn't know.
Come back to verse two, because it says, don't you know?
Don't you know that so many of us, as we baptize into Jesus Christ, we baptize into his death?
Don't you know?
No, sir, we didn't know.
Then he spends the next few verses to educate us on what happened to us that we didn't know.
Let me explain something to you so you can get it.
When you were born again, you know, imagine this.
On a certain day in your life, you gave your heart to Jesus.
Believing in Him and declaring with your mouth, His Lordship over your life.
You said, Oh Father, I believe God raised Jesus from the dead.
And I confess with my Mother, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from today.
And you were glad about it.
But you didn't know what happened in the Spirit.
Maybe you felt good.
Yeah, but that was just a feeling.
Whether you've felt it or not made no difference, the Bible didn't talk about how you feel.
Some people say, well, I know it happened because I felt there's a way I felt that I'll never forget.
What if you forget?
Does it matter?
It doesn't matter how I don't know how I've felt that day.
Feeling it's something you forget is there for a moment, then it goes away.
It's not about the feeling.
Some of you even quite, you didn't feel any different.
You wondered after that, what next?
And they had to tell you, you are now born again.
And you said, really?
And you thought to yourself, really?
Am I now born again?
Who does it even mean?
You didn't know.
Because everything that happened happened in the spirits.
You would need to be educated.
Your mind would need to be renewed.
You'd need to be informed.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Let me take you a little bit to the principle of salvation one more time.
Romans 10, verse 9.
I want you to see something, yeah?
That it thou shalt confess with thy mouth.
Confess, declare, affirm with your mouth, the Lord Jesus.
Hey, and shall believe in nine hundred, God had raised him.
Maybe I should pause a little.
You know, some people ask us, why, if Jesus himself was a Jew, so why is it that many of the Jews don't believe in him?
I want to tell you why they find it hard to believe in Jesus, all right?
The Bible shows that many of them will finally believe, okay?
They will believe.
The time will come that they will believe and must, in fact, as a nation they will believe.
It's written in the Scriptures.
But why do Jews find it very hard?
This place.
Do you know what it means?
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus means,
that Jesus is Adonai.
It's too big for the Jewish minds.
This means that Jesus is Jehovah.
Lord here is translated for the Hebrew as Jehovah, Adonai, Yahweh.
That is too much.
How can the Jew accept that?
It means that he must confess that Jesus was that one that appeared to Moses in the burning bush.
That this Jesus was the one that gave the manna in the wilderness to eat.
That this Jesus was the one that gave to Moses the Ten Commandments.
It is too much for the Jewish man.
If you were a Jew, it would be hard for you.
This is what it means to confess with your mouth that Jesus is out of the night.
Then you say, oh, please.
You say, is enough.
Is enough.
He is still wrestling with Messiah.
Messiah, who is Messiah?
They are knowing that one.
He is wrestling with that.
He needs to know the scriptures' father to know that Messiah is actually the manifestation of Jehovah.
So he needs to understand that in his own scriptures.
Then you go.
He already believes in Adonai, Jehovah, Yahweh.
He believes that.
These are referring to same person.
So it's easier for the Jew.
He hardly likes to pronounce Yahweh.
Yahweh is what you call Jehovah.
He doesn't like to use that name.
It's too holy.
So he uses Adonai.
Then you tell him Jesus is Adonai is Jehovah.
That's why they'll tell you they don't believe in the New Testament.
They don't want the New Testament.
So you are believing the Old Testament.
Listen, what you have to believe in Jesus Christ, that's what the Word says.
He's Lord.
That's who Jesus is.
It is I and my Father are one.
As long as you see Him as a great teacher, you don't know who He is.
As long as you see Him as a great rabbi, you don't know who He is.
As long as you call Him a great prophet, you don't know who He is.
You've got to understand who He is.
The Bible says it pleased the Father that all the totality of divinity to reside in Jesus.
We trust that you have been blessed by this message.
If you would like to invite Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life, kindly say this prayer.
O Lord God, I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, son of the living God,
I believe He died for me, and God raised Him from the dead.
I believe He's alive today.
I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from this day.
Through Him and in His name, I have eternal life.
I'm born again.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.
I'm now a child of God.
You are now a child of God.
To receive more information on how you can grow as a Christian, please send us an email at salvation at
God bless you.