An Exposé on the Year of Preparation
praise the Lord.
All right, I've got amazing pastors here with me on set.
And several of you were sharing in church God's word.
I want you to talk to us about the message of the year and what you were sharing with them in church about what this year is for from God.
Tell us about this message of the year that we began to discuss from early hours of the first day.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you sir for this amazing privilege and happy new year to you, sir.
And thank you so much for 2020 and even 2021 because it's already a glorious year.
It's obvious from the words we heard at the New Year's Service that it's a year.
It's going to be full of glory and greatness.
And the four major things we talked about the year of preparation really, really struck me and that's where I majored on this morning.
You know, the four things, number one, preparing your heart to save the Lord.
Number two.
making preparation for the house of God.
You know, it was also profound.
Then number three, preparing with the gospel.
And number four, preparing to meet the Lord.
Every aspect of it is so profound and so deep.
You know, one of the things I told the brethren was, do you know that these things are real?
If these things are real, how would you really live your life?
You are going to have to make lifestyle adjustments.
You know, you prophesied Pastor that there's going to be a great revival as well as a great harvest.
And the great revival has to do with the body of Christ.
Members of the body of Christ actually rising up to take their correct place.
And I was letting them know that one of the things that we emphasized during the Love World Special was that
It is those who are living for God that are prepared for the first flight.
Not just that you answer his name, but living for him.
So question, are you really living for God right now?
And we saw in the Bible that there were kings that did evil because they did not prepare their hearts to serve God.
And then we saw kings who as long as they sought the Lord, God caused them to prosper.
And I also brought to light the issue of service.
What is really service?
If you place your personal comfort ahead of the the will of God or the will of the person that sent you, you are not going to make progress.
So you're going to make a choice between your personal comfort and your personal progress.
Greatness is
in service.
When Jesus spoke to the disciples and they were arguing about who is going to be the greatest in the kingdom.
He told them that the seventh is the greatest one.
So what does it mean to serve in the house of God?
Every area.
coming to church.
As a servant, you don't make the choices.
Jesus also gave another example where he said that when a master comes from, the servant cannot say, I am busy.
I am hungry.
The servant will have to attend to the master first.
When he has finished attending to the master, that's when he can go and take care of his own things.
And we are servants of God Almighty.
We are serving in the ministry.
So we're not thinking of our personal comfort right now.
We're not trying to get something from God.
We are using our fit for the gospel.
And we are preparing our hearts to save God with all of our lives.
So in this year of preparation, we are setting ourselves to be focused.
on the ministry, saving God with our life, saving God with our resources, saving God with our time.
Nothing can now become more important than the God that gave us life.
And because the time is shot and we are preparing for the coming of God, we must adjust our lifestyles.
You know, something I said also was that if you don't make the adjustments, now you will make it later.
Because those adjustments must be made.
You know, if you are preparing for a flight, there must be a preparation.
If you are carrying too much luggage, either you or the luggage we have to wait behind.
But somebody we have to wait behind.
And so this is so profound.
And it's so real.
People are putting different advertisements on everything.
You get an alert from the bank and you say, COVID is real.
Stay safe.
This time we should be putting rapture is real.
Stay, stay prepared.
Because this is more real than these things that have been advertised.
And we all need to bring it into focus that these words that we have been hearing throughout 2020, the year of perfection was bringing us to a place because these things are real.
So we have to start living the reality of our preparation for what is coming, which is the coming of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much.
That's wonderful.
I know that it's something you just mentioned.
I'll get back to you later.
Let's go on to Pastore.
Let me see.
Can you share with us your thoughts on the message?
Passa, thank you so much for this opportunity that I'm on set with you the first convenient service in the year of preparation.
Passa, thank you so much for the word you brought to us by the spirit.
When you give the word on the Tetris, you ask us that.
So, there are some of us that add an idea of what
the A will be.
And I thought about it.
I thought I'd been making preparation for the preparation, but I didn't have the exact word for it.
So, and everything you told us pastel, which I shared with them and I light it in church.
Of course, it's difficult to I light everything in one service in because it's so complete and it's so loaded.
You know, the first thing that struck me was when you said that the first important point is to prepare your heart to serve the Lord.
That's very, very profound because it shows something God is interested in us.
And is interested in that, or that others may not see.
Is interested in the state of our hearts.
Is interested in the condition of our spirits.
And there is a condition of spirit that is required for you to go on the first flight, just like some of the things pastore, imicashit.
There's a condition, there's a state of readiness that is required.
And that is why God would tell us that, listen, before any outward activities, before anything your heart must be in the right state perpetually.
And I thought that that was important because it went to the house of Jesse to appoint David.
I mean, when you saw the first child, you thought, this must be the kimbo... No, say, I look on the heart, not on the out of the appearance.
That means God looks on the state of the Spirit, on the heart, and he sees and he can decipher even when others cannot.
And that's why in the scriptures we shared with us, you first emphasize the importance of having your heart, not preparing your heart.
Solomon, David told his son, he said, sick the Lord with all of your hearts, sick him, and seven with the perfect art and the willing mind.
He said, because if you seek him, you'll be fond of you.
But if you don't, he will cast you.
He let him know something.
The state of your heart is important.
The state of your heart regard is important.
So, and then we can see in the case of King Reobran, Solomon's son.
That means, unfortunately, Solomon did not pass the same communication to his son, and he told him, and we see in the scripture you read towards the second chronicles, how that real bum did not prepare his heart.
It imprepades his archer Seb'goth to seek him and we all saw the way the kingdom went under him.
And then another king in 2 Chronicles 25 verses 1 and 2 Amaziah.
He was doing what seemed right to everyone.
What the law said, it did not serve with a puffer heart.
It's how it did what was right, even in the sight of God, or not with a puffer heart.
So God, God seeks those who worship Him in spirit and in truth, and this is that time.
So first of all, your personal readiness, because one of the things I explained to them in church, there was the meaning of the word prepared, because that preparation itself is a process
then it is a state of readiness.
And then every activity that you take to be ready is part of the preparation.
So it's a process, it's a state, it's the activities.
So that means when you told us it's a year of preparation, and then it has emerged to us critical factors.
We must not joke with them.
Because finally, when he told us, prepare to meet the Lord.
Just as he told, he was a warning to the children of Israel.
But thank God, we are not of darkness, we are of the light.
And now we are being told, he is coming.
The time is very short.
Prepare to meet him and be found doing what you ought to be doing.
We found where you should be.
Also, there was someone that asked me a question a few years ago, and Pessin was asked, it seemed like a joke.
When Pessin said, oh, I'm born again, but sometimes maybe I'm not in service.
So what if on the date of the rapture, I'm not in service?
And Pesso, you answered that date.
He said, if you're not where you're supposed to be, you will not go with the first flight.
You won't go with a wrap job.
And that was very, is a significant thing.
And just like Bastole, Mikasa said, you prepare to be in a state of readiness.
Yes, we've been prepared in the year of perfection.
We've been aligned.
And we're now in sync with a father.
We are in sync with a son.
We're in sync with the Holy Ghost.
And that means that he has brought us to that place.
So dendy.
instruction and stay in that place.
He said, make good declaration and confession of the Lord Jesus, just as Jesus did.
And say, stay in the state of being unrebucable, also the deal of the appearing of the Lord Jesus.
Why would Paul tell that to Timothy?
Timothy was not just, he was a believer, but was also a bishop, was a leader.
And he told him, say, stay
or rebuable.
Also the day of the appearing.
Also the appearing of the Lord Jesus.
So that means there is a very excited person.
I'm excited in my spirit.
There's a lot of anticipation.
The world has gone for the world of prophets and what we'll do.
But then
We have been instructed and warned.
You've got to be in the constant perpetual state of readiness.
And I told it, rather than something, sir, I said, you know that if you are a member of Christ's embassy, if you have identified with Christ's embassy, you have to identify with a prophet.
We have troubled the devil.
We've troubled them.
We've troubled them.
We are going to keep at it until we check out.
We are not going to go
like we are skipping, we are going to go in glory, say you cannot afford, you cannot afford to meet the face of light, because you have trouble then.
Think, I will just... Thank you so much for us though.
How true.
How true.
If you live for Christ, you're a problem to Satan.
No doubt.
Praise God.
Thank you very much.
All right.
We'll come to
has to learn and have a very thoughtful message for you.
There is a law.
Thank you so much, sir, for the opportunity to be on set with you and up in the year once again, sir.
The message of the year, from what Basameka said and Basame see, they said so much.
But that first point about preparing your hearts to serve God.
Some may be asking, so how do you do it?
And you've answered this question several times in the past.
that what God wants from us is our heart.
It says, my son, give me your heart.
And that connotes that it is within your ability.
So it's a decision you make.
And this year, more than ever before, our availability for God, because that's where it begins.
You told us several years ago that no matter how committed you are, no matter how gifted, even how willing, if you're not available,
God can't use you much.
So where is your heart?
Set in your heart.
The Bible says, Dauch, keep him in perfect peace.
All's heart is stayed on him.
So the choices you have to make, making the right choice to set your heart on God.
That's the first method and way to prepare your heart to serve God.
Because if your heart is distracted from God,
then it's not available to serving.
So it's not so difficult.
It is what everybody can do.
And you'll find that inside it is your best life.
Because in Opassa makeup talked about how some may think they're giving up some comforts to serve God.
No, when you serve God, you have come into your place of rest.
You would not wish to be anywhere else.
And indeed you'll find you've given up nothing.
If you gave up anything, it was something that was not worthy to be kept.
So you actually read it, it is your reading.
It got rid of everything you shouldn't have.
And what you now have in him is all that you need.
So you're just in the right place and I'm excited about it.
Then the third point, sir, about
preparing with a gospel.
I'm so excited about that because it means we're going to be reaching out to people in a remarkable way.
And because there's the grace for that message, and because we're in the last of the last days, it means the time of expats has come.
That's those who will do one thing and it will be like a hundred people doing it.
I like to say that there are three kinds of laborers, possibly expensive ones about labor,
in solving, in laboring, in different things.
There are laborers who are not laboring.
There are laborers who are laboring ineffectively.
And then the laborers who are expert laborers, that the type that the Bible tells us about in 1 Corinthians chapter number 12 is 14, where he said one of them was like a hundred men.
One was like a thousand.
So we've come into the place where our so winning is going to be so effective.
We're going to be holding people in the numbers.
And firstly, you said something that was exciting to me during IPPC.
You said we're entering the dispensational sense at work.
Where everybody is going to be working, wherever you are in your business, in school, whatever you're doing, you'll be on duty.
with the preparation of the gospel, reaching men and women to bring them into the house of the Lord.
And in that way, you're also building God's house.
And in that way, you're preparing to meet God.
Such a complete message.
Thank you so much.
And most importantly, thank you for the grace you minister, because that night at a point, you say, grace, grace, grace.
And I took you that the grace for us to walk in the message
has been received, and there will be absolute success, and a lot will be pleased with us.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you so much.
It's a powerful face of God.
I hope you're listening and getting the best out of this amazing God's world is coming to you such a marvelous way.
All right, so let's come to Pastor D.L.A.
Praise the Lord.
Pastor, thank you so much for the opportunity to be on the set.
Like Farsiomsi said, the first study of the year and it has sanctified every other Sunday and every other community service.
But so, you know, when we received the message, I jumped up where I was because I thought, wow, it's about time.
We're going home.
Glory to God.
And Pastor, I will share with them in church today that when you're running a race, it's like we're just going from one level to another.
The first call you get is on your marks.
And on your marks means getting to position.
Get to the starting line.
Define your course.
And that's what happened to us in the year of perfection.
We got on our marks.
Everything was aligned perfectly.
We understood where we're going.
We got on our own course.
And then the next thing is get set.
And here we are in the year of getting set, the year of preparation.
Glory be to God.
And I said, of course, that means the next thing we're going to hear is go.
hallelujah is go and we're gonna hate in our spirits the trumpet will sound and we'll be out of here in a twinkling of an eye.
Glory be to God.
And then Pastor I talk to them of course about the four points you need but I measured on
preparing your heart.
That scripture we read, you read to us from 2nd Chronicles chapter 12 verse 14.
I just want to read it from the Amplified.
It says, and he did evil talking about the king because he did not set his heart to seek in qua of yearn for the Lord with all his desire.
It is said he did evil because he was a bad man.
or he did evil because he was born in the wrong place.
He gave the reason he did evil because he didn't prepare his heart.
A good person could find themselves in the wrong place without that preparation of the heart.
And then I looked at the fact that he said he did not set his heart.
And I thought, you know, you can have a device like your mobile phone.
When you get the mobile phone, you have to put in settings.
You set up your device.
And you put in those settings to limit the phone.
So the phone can do this.
It can receive calls, it can receive data, it cannot receive this.
You program the phone to do what you want.
In the same way, we have to set our hearts.
It's something you have to do.
You have to put in certain things in place to ensure that you don't find yourself doing what you ought not to be doing because you were not prepared.
So there is a setting of our hearts.
And like Pasleri said, there are certain decisions we need to make.
We look at...
Different examples from the scriptures.
The Bible talks about how the children of Israel went back to Egypt in their hearts.
Even though they were moving towards the Promised Land in their hearts, they went back and God noted it.
Even though they were moving forward.
He said, these people went back in their hearts.
Glory to God.
So past I gave them three points in setting your heart.
Three key areas to look into.
The first one is from 1st Timothy, 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 15.
And there it says,
Can I just read it, Pastor?
Thank you.
Christ Peter, chapter 3, verse 15.
I'd like to read it from the CEV, the contemporary English version.
It says, honor Christ and let him be Lord of your life.
The King James says, what sanctified the Lord God in your hearts?
That means put the Lord in a place in your heart that nobody else can get to.
His place is a sanctified place.
His position is a sanctified position.
Nobody can contest the place of the Lord in your heart.
So he says, honor him and let him be the Lord of your life in truth.
Glory to God.
The scripture says, you cannot serve two masters.
Nobody can serve two masters.
Jesus said it himself.
He said, a man cannot serve two masters.
You will love one or hit the other.
So you can serve the Lord and serve your job.
You can serve the Lord and serve your family.
You can serve the Lord and serve money.
You've got to have one lot of your life.
And that lot this year must be Jesus.
Once you make that a setting, a default setting, it will control your responses, your choices, your reactions.
Once you know that the end of the matter is Jesus is Lord of my life, I'm subject to His authority, I'm subject to the Word, I'm subject to the Scriptures, that is a setting.
And you put that setting in and you begin to walk in it.
So I said number one, sanctify Christ as Lord in your heart.
Then number two, I said from Colossians chapter three verses one to two, set your heart on things above.
That's also a setting of the heart.
The heart must be set on things above.
So you showed us very beautifully in the scriptures how the world in its fashion is fading away.
This whole thing is an old model.
It's no longer useful because a new one is coming.
So why should somebody set their heart on things here?
There's no use.
And in Colossians chapter 3 verse 1 verse 2 actually, the scripture actually says, set your affection on things above.
And Pastor, thank you so much for, I picked up a Rhapsody scripture from last year, actually in the month of January.
So I'll just give the day so everybody can go and read it by themselves, January.
13th, 2020, Pasot shared on set your mind on spiritual things.
And that article is so instructive.
It's so practical how to set your mind consciously on spiritual things.
And how, you know, but that word set your mind.
Pasot, you told us that it means to control, to reign in your mind, to bind it and put it in force, to control your mind.
You talked about the path of conscious thoughts.
People have passive thoughts.
Any thought comes into their mind.
and they accept or they don't accept, but there is something about consciously setting your mind on things above, on things of the Spirit, having an affection for the Word, an affection for the Scriptures, an affection for the Saints, an affection for the House of the Lord.
These are things you must set up in your Spirit as structures, as settings that cannot be moved.
praise the Lord.
And of course, Pastor, once you have those settings in your heart, you'll find out that this year, like what Pastor James said, that person that said, what if I'm somewhere else when I should be in church?
Once you set your heart to on things that are above, that can happen to you.
So we're not anxious about the rapture.
We know exactly what to do to be ready.
And we are ready, and we will be ready until that day.
And then finally, I shared something from Hebrews 13 verse 13, and I said, we must bear the reproach of Christ.
Everybody must be ready to identify with Jesus this year.
Everybody must be ready to bear his name and be openly passionate about Christ and about his gospel.
In Hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 to 26, the Bible talks about Moses who despise the treasures of Egypt.
He turned his eyes away.
He chose Radha to suffer affliction with the children of God and to enjoy the pleasures of sin for his season.
The Bible says why?
Because he has seen the reproach of Christ, greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt.
It makes no difference what anybody says about us.
We believe in Christ.
We know He's coming for us.
We know we are going with a rapture.
I mean, I can imagine how it would have been in the days of Noah when Noah was building the ark.
Everybody would have thought this man is crazy.
Why are you building such an ark?
Why are you doing these things?
He was preparing for a flight of some sort.
And in the same way we are preparing, we can't look normal to everybody else.
We're making choices that other people ask, and why would you do such a thing?
Why would you say such a thing?
Why would you give up such a thing?
Or we must better reproduce of Christ.
Then Luke chapter 6 verse 22.
It says, blessed are you when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the Son of Man's sake.
It says, rejoice ye in that day and live for joy.
For behold, your reward is great in heaven, for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
So we are going into a time when we could be separated from the company of others, but we don't mind.
We could be called all manner of names, but it's okay.
We know that we must stand for Christ at this time.
We must speak at this time and posture.
If a person doesn't make that decision, that at that time of trying, at that time of testing, I will speak for Christ.
I will identify with Him.
When push comes to show when the chips are down, I'm going to identify with Jesus Christ.
If a man doesn't make up his mind for that, he may find himself cheapening out.
at that moment.
You see, so these are things that we need to set in our hearts.
Set is like, like I said, put some settings in place.
And those settings will keep you and make you ready.
And everything else flows from that.
The heavens are preparing, they're preparing in heaven.
They're preparing in hell as the revelation that you saw.
But all these preparations, without our own preparation, will not mean anything for us as individuals.
We've got to line up with what the Spirit is doing.
and make sure that we are in the state we should be for that day.
So Pastor, as far as I went today, because the message is so deep.
It's so profound.
There's so much in it that we just have to start from somewhere.
Thank you so much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Praise the Lord.
Now, wow.
Oh, what's each one of you shared so powerful?
That's a statement made by Pastor Michael that I said I will come back to.
When he said that the message is being sent to people's phones, COVID is real.
Now, on that night, I discussed a number of things.
And before I started sharing on the message of the year,
I talked about this hoax.
Those who are sending out COVID is real.
They need to also provide evidence of the actual description of this pathogen.
Don't just say SARS-CoV-2
Let us know where it was isolated, purified, and its proven characteristics.
These did not come up with.
And it is important that various nations wake up, especially African countries.
because you live most of you live in a very different climatic region from those in Europe and America.
You live very differently from them.
And you cannot use one size fits all.
And it's a shame that in this day, African nations expect to be given vaccines from Europe and America.
It's a shame.
Why don't you come up with yours?
Why don't you determine, do you really expect them to develop vaccines for you?
It's time for African leaders to think differently.
Think wisely.
How do you expect that those who throughout history, throughout history,
have despised you throughout history as you know.
How can they produce vaccines to save your life?
Don't you understand?
Don't you understand?
I'm a part that many African leaders
whether they are government leaders or business leaders or whatever, industry leaders, whatever.
Those who are expecting vaccines from nowhere believe in that somehow they should be giving these vaccines from abroad.
And some of these vaccines are clearly liberal, not for distribution in Europe, in fact, in the EU,
USA or Canada or you want them, right?
It's about time you woke up.
It's about time you understood.
Why don't you?
It's time for you to think.
This is my point.
Now, so much money has been borrowed by many African countries
for the purchase of vaccines.
These are, we're talking about money that they don't really have.
So they have to borrow this money.
For some of them, they were forced to borrow the money, some were threatened to get this money.
True, don't marry us.
You will never be able to pay back.
Because they will continue to manipulate your currency.
and make it difficult for you to come out of debt.
Ask yourself how many African nations have actually come out of debt who borrowed money from the IMF?
The IMF Conditionalities policies were created, so-called created, for the adjustments
of macroeconomic imbalances in nations, but review the details, historical accounts of these so-called AIDS, and you recognize that these AIDS
never helped any of these nations or put them in bondage.
Because every time they try to pay off their currencies, we adjust it.
In fact, it is in the conditionality policy to adjust your currency to favor external investors, which means you must make their currencies stronger than yours all the time.
to so-called encourage them.
Now, here's what's about to happen if you don't understand what is going on.
This purchase that you're about to make, which you must reject, this purchase of vaccines that you're about to make with billions of dollars to set you backward is for
The final claiming, which means you're seeding out your land.
This is a final enslavement.
That's about to take place.
And the IMF is going to be used for this.
Study the details.
The trouble with a lot of people is that when they borrow money, whether they borrow from a bank or from anywhere, they don't read the details of the agreement they're going to sign.
They don't.
All they care about is their current need.
And who says you must borrow the money?
This is a terrible situation that many governments are going into right now.
And I shared with you that this whole thing had nothing to do with the virus.
Going around to say COVID is real and sending out messages, COVID is real.
It's a deception.
No, it's like saying sickness is real.
What we say to you is define it, define it.
There's sickness.
We know that we can see sick people.
But when you say COVID-19, what type of sickness does it bring?
It has a cure.
It has cheap cure.
And they all know it.
It is not the deadly killer that has been described.
And for your information, find out from all the virologists, they would tell you what I just told you.
Malaria is worse than COVID.
Malaria is a more deadly disease than COVID.
And there's a cure for malaria.
And cities were not shut down because of malaria.
Nations were not locked up because of malaria.
Economies were not decimated because of malaria.
And yet malaria is worse.
But man has survived it.
So the trouble is not that COVID is so dangerous.
No, they know it is not so dangerous.
And you ask, why did so many people die?
I have answered that question again and again.
The reason many people died was because they were left to die of other sicknesses, not COVID.
Most of the people who died of COVID, they were said to have died of COVID, died of other sicknesses, not COVID itself.
It is rare, they have rarely, and this is factual, they have rarely been able to find an individual who died of COVID only and had nothing else wrong with him.
And this is the reason that many hospitals and doctors were told
to write anybody that died of any sickness, including accidents, they should write that they died of COVID because they could not provide evidence that it was a killer disease.
And these things I've told you many tens of thousands of doctors around the world have stated what I've just told you.
But every time they have come up with the facts, the media tries to destroy it, tries to silence them,
They take it away from you.
You can find this information on Google because the owners of Google are part of the perpetrators of this fraud.
So that I select the remove all of these details from your Google search engine.
And that's why you have to be careful of using Google because all you're going to find is what they want you to see.
Some months ago, when I told you that the isolation centers that were being built,
and set aside for so-called sick people that they were going to be used as detention centers.
Not many people agreed that what I was saying was true.
But now we have evidence.
Evidence that these isolation centers are now being called detention centers by certain government documents.
First I produced one from Canada.
There's another one.
from the state of New York, which they are hoping to pass into law.
And here's the interesting thing.
I did mention some of these things to you during the broadcast that we were having on your love world.
I told you what was coming because the Bible shows us this information.
In that document for the state of New York,
which is part of what they've sent to several countries.
It is stated there that if you are suspected of having a disease, they have not stated what kind of disease.
But if you are suspected, what they want to pass into law is that the government officials will have power for suspecting that you have an infectious disease.
You will be taken to a detention center.
In the document, it is not called isolation.
It is called detention.
Being suspected.
And guess what?
Something I've told you again and again.
This whole thing is satanic and it is calculated by Satan against those who believe in Jesus Christ.
In that document, remember, suspicion of disease, infectious disease.
And guess what I did share with you the, I believe it was during the prayer program we had, 29th and 38th.
I shared with you a document where Christianity was classified as an infectious disease.
I want you to think about it.
Christianity classified as an infectious disease.
So what you're dealing with is not the ordinary day-to-day thing that people are telling you.
No, it's what the Bible has told us from the beginning, the prophetic word of the Scriptures.
And it told us when these things will happen.
And who's behind them?
These are Satanic activities.
And so, if you are helping to make this happen, you are only helping to speed up Satan's work.
That means you are a supporter of Satan's work.
so you're actually against Jesus.
This is the reason you find that they want churches closed.
It's not because of infectious diseases.
They all know that that is not it.
They all know.
They want churches shut up.
First, they tell you all gatherings.
Meanwhile, human beings are gregarious animals.
That means human beings naturally most gather.
If you take that away from them, you are dehumanizing them.
They must gather.
It is one of the characteristic things for human beings.
But one of the plans, according to the Bible, is to dehumanize human beings.
So I've asked, I did an enormous amount of research
on the use of masks.
Those who are telling you to wear masks, have they done any research?
Do they have scientific proof that it works?
It doesn't.
And they all know.
At least those who have done the research know.
Those who don't believe that it doesn't work, those who have never done the research, they just do whatever they are told.
But it's time to be wise with God.
And I tell you, if you cannot stand up today and take and make the right decision today, it can only get worse for those who don't believe the truth.
The Bible says God will send them strong delusion that they should believe in life.
So you're either going to believe truth or you believe in life.
But by the time you realize what is truth, then it's too late.
then it's too late.
And the reason you may say to me, Pascale, is why are many learned people falling for this?
Why are many people who are educated?
propagating this fraud because they are deceived by Satan.
The Bible tells us in the last days, this very last time shall come.
It tells us that many people, in spite of the fact that they're very intelligent, he said they will act like fools.
He said they'll become fools.
Because they didn't yield their hearts to the wisdom of God.
So foolishness would take over their hearts.
They would do things they don't really believe.
They'll destroy themselves.
They'll destroy their own nations.
This is why you find people.
Do you know how much each country that locked down its cities, do you know how much they lost?
Many countries will never recover.
Many businesses will never come back.
Those who are telling you that, oh, after this virus, life will come back to Noma.
They don't plan for life to come back to Noma.
And by the way, what is Noma?
The state of things before the COVID was not normal.
That state was a fraud.
So we're not saying things you go back to how they were before.
We'll say there'll be a change, but they better change than what these advocates of destruction, men and women of corrupt minds.
And this is why we are praying as Christians.
And I call on you to be a prayerful Christian.
Learn to pray.
If you have never known how to pray, it's time to learn it.
Because man is about to destroy himself.
But according to the Bible, before that period of destruction and judgment comes, there is the rapture of the church.
If you've never heard about it, it is called a catching away.
God's people will suddenly disappear from this world.
And then,
those that will be left behind will face the worst period that mankind has ever known.
Jesus said so.
Jesus said it to be a time of tribulation like this world has never known.
So prepare yourself because these are the days that the scriptures already warned us about.
And now
The message of the Lord for this year, He says to us, it is the year of preparation.
And what in the world might this rule?
You've heard what pastors here have shared with you.
And these are implications and things that you have to do.
But I have to tell you this.
In Psalm 127 verse 1, the Bible says, accept the Lord, build the house, deliver in vain that build it.
If God doesn't prepare you, you can't prepare yourself.
Accept the Lord, build the house, deliver in vain that build it.
Accept the Lord, keep the setting, the watchman wicked, but in vain.
So you have to get yourself
In the Word of God, let the Word build you.
It says, I commend you to the Word that is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance.
The Word of God is able to build you up.
Without the Word of God building you, you can't build yourself in the Lord.
You can't prepare yourself.
And I'm saying, what might this mean when the Lord says to us, it's the year of preparation?
You know, when I tell you about the message of the year, I'm not like trying to give a topic or a theme to a year.
No, I've done this now for several years.
And from the beginning, when I started it, I wasn't looking for what thing to give a year.
It was the Spirit of God leading me and guiding me and instructing me about the year, what it holds.
And what is His plan?
And so we've come to this place where he says it is the year of preparation.
And just to help you understand a couple of things.
To help you understand a couple of things, what we're talking about, preparation.
I want to bring to you
some very prophetic ministrations of Jesus.
First, I want us to go to Saint Matthew's Gospel, chapter 26, from verse 1.
Now, I'd like to remind you that this is chapter 26 of Saint Matthew's Gospel, and something began from the 24th chapter
into the 24th chapter and the 25th chapter, then it comes to the 26th chapter.
Very interesting as to what really happened.
In the 23rd chapter, Jesus, in the ending part, a lot of part of that chapter, Jesus wept.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem.
And moving into the 24th chapter,
He began to talk about the end of our things and the kingdom coming, the destruction of Jerusalem, the tribulation, because they had asked him a question, they wanted to know about the end of the world.
And in that 24th chapter, Jesus talked about all those things and how he will come again.
Then he moved into the 25th chapter and discussed the same subject with parables and also about the judgment of the nations.
Then very strikingly, in this 26th chapter, I want to read to you, he suddenly moves into something he says,
And you can understand the prophetic connotation.
I want to read to you from verse one, St.
Matthew's gospel.
And it came the past when Jesus had finished all these saints, what saints, the saints in chapter 23, 24 and 25.
He said unto his disciples, you know that after two days is the feast of the Passover and the Son of Man is betrayed to be crucified.
And then he doesn't say anything again.
and the whole matter goes into some other subject and about the preparations for his crucifixion.
This is remarkable.
Jesus, as you know, that after two days is the feast of the Passover.
Now, in one of the, maybe one or two of the programs that we had in your love word, I explained to you
what this was really about when he told them two days.
He was talking about 2000 years and he was talking about the Passover, not the Passover in Egypt.
He was thinking about another thing or then he says to them and the Son of Man is crucified.
So they can see there's two days about
the crucifixion between now and the day after tomorrow.
Okay, what's going to happen?
Son of man is going to be betrayed.
Or beyond that, he was speaking about a Passover.
The first Passover to place in Exodus chapter 12.
Well described for us.
Going all the way into chapter, let me read to you what it says, a description of what's going to happen.
Next in chapter 12 from verse 9 to 14, he told them about killing the Passover, all right?
Killing the Passover.
how they would get the land that would be used on the 10th day and keep it until the 14th day and then they'll kill it and roast it with fire.
All right?
Then put the blood and the doorposts and linters of their houses.
Then he says, I will pass through Egypt tonight.
And then he says, and I will execute judgment on the Egyptians.
and on the Gods of Egypt.
So he was going to exercise judgment now.
I want you to remember something.
Passover, therefore, is an event of judgment.
Passover is an event of judgment.
It was not an event of eating, eating the lamb.
It was about judgment.
The eating of the lamb was going to save them.
So he will pass over their houses and not suffer them to be destroyed.
So they will not be destroyed.
The judgement will pass over their houses.
So it was not about the food they were eating.
It was about the fact that judgement was coming.
So every year they were told to eat the Passover.
And every year when they edit, it was a commemoration that judgment passed over their house or their houses for each one of them.
Judgment passed over their houses and destroyed the Egyptians.
Then Jesus did something that was really extraordinary.
And this you find in St.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 22, verse 16.
He was gathered with his disciples.
He had told them to go and make ready, go and prepare for eating of the Passover.
This is the thought Passover, since Jesus began his ministry.
All right, so now he says to them, we're gonna eat the Passover together.
They gather together and they eat the Passover.
Then Jesus makes some significant statements.
Let's go to 14, go to 14.
And when the hour was come, he sat down and the 12 apostles with him.
And he said unto them, Would desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
He says, Would desire.
In other words, with great desire.
I have desired.
Look at the King James expression here.
Would desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Before I suffer.
Now, remember, he sent them to go and make ready.
And so early in the day, Peter and John went to the city to make ready a place for Jesus and his disciples to be gathered.
This is a very prophetic event.
They had asked in Master, where do you want to eat the Passover?
And Jesus says, all right, you go to the city.
And when you get there, you're going to find a man carrying a pitcher of water.
Anybody could have been carrying a pitcher of water, but it was a sign because men didn't carry pitchers of water.
They carried water with wine skins.
So when you found a man carrying the pitcher of water, it was going to be a sign because that's the work of a woman.
So Jesus gave them a sign.
So they find someone, a man carrying a picture of water, so they know, okay, that's the guy who was supposed to be meeting.
So they go to him.
And he shows them where Jesus' disciples would be gathered.
So he said, go and make ready for our gathering for the Passover.
So there's readiness, which is saying the disciples to go for the gathering in the evening.
So the Bible tells us after the admitted ready, earlier in the day, Jesus and his disciples gathered together in the evening.
This is extraordinary.
Then Jesus makes some statements here.
Now, go to verse, or in verse 15, all right?
And he said unto them, would desire, desire to eat this passage of with you before I suffer.
For I say unto you, I will not anymore eat their wrath until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
I want you to notice this extraordinary statement from Jesus.
I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled.
I'm not going to eat of the Passover until Passover be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
So Passover is going to be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
That's remarkable.
What he's telling us is, until that judgment takes place.
So, what he's going to do is, again, there's going to be a preparation.
Again, there's going to be a gathering.
And remember, he says, I'll eat it with you before I suffer.
What do you mean I suffer before the judgment?
Because the world is going to be judged in Jesus Christ.
He was the judgment of the world, not the judgment of Jesus.
The Bible says he suffered for us.
So the suffering was not Jesus having to suffer for himself.
He was suffered for the world.
So the world was judged in the sufferings of Jesus.
So he's telling us that there's going to be another judgment except that this time he will not be
taking their sins on them.
He's going to be judging them.
There's going to be another judgment.
There's going to be another judgment.
And so there will be a gathering before the judgment.
So he was saying to them, prepare.
So we gather together and we eat the Passover before the judgment.
Remember what I just shared with you.
Now, just so you understand a few things, go back to that verse 16.
For I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.
So this is going to be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.
It's very different from the next things it's going to say.
I want you to watch.
17 and he took the cup and gave thanks and said take Take this and divide it among yourselves look at verse 18 for I say unto you I will not drink of the fruits of the vine Not I will not drink again But of the fruits of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come There's a difference between until Passover be fulfilled in the kingdom of God and
when the kingdom shall come.
What is telling you is that the kingdom of God will be established in Jerusalem and then he will drink of the fruits of the vine in Jerusalem.
So we are in a moment of very serious prophetic revelation and timing.
Very important prophetic revelation and timing because
We're about to get into Revelation chapter 19.
And I'm going to read to you from Revelation chapter 19.
All right.
Remember, if the Lord is telling us, this is the year of preparation.
I'm thinking, what is He telling us?
What might He be saying?
I want to say, this is the year.
How long is this?
because it deals with times and seasons.
And there are certain times that the times and seasons of God coincide with times and seasons in the earth.
Sometimes they don't coincide.
And you as a spiritual man, you have to know what time it is in the kingdom so that you walk in sync with God's kingdom and timing rather than man's timing in the earth.
So right now in the kingdom of God, he's telling us this is the ye of preparation.
It just happens that we are right now in sync with God's perfect timing.
And this was why in 2020, the Lord wanted to bring us into a place of perfection.
That is to say, a place that will be aligned with His perfect will and timing for the nations who are going astray.
And the church also was trained.
But through the Word and through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, He has brought us into sync with His divine will, plan and purpose.
And this is so important.
I'm going to read to you right now from Revelation chapter 19 from verse one.
Remember, here's what I tell you.
We are in the time, the season, the hour in the presence of God of preparation.
This is where we are right now.
It's the preparation for the gathering.
The gathering is what the Bible refers to.
In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 He refers to it as gathering together onto Him.
It is called the Rapture of the Church.
This is important.
We are going to be gathered together onto the Lord.
Now let me read to you what is happening.
Let's read from Revelation chapter 19 from verse 1.
After these things, and after these things, I heard a great voice of much people in heaven saying, Hallelujah, salvation and glory and honor and power unto the Lord our God.
Remember, these are in heaven.
For true and righteous are His judgments, for He had judged a great hall, which did corrupt the earth with a fun occasion and that avenged the blood of His servants at a hand.
Now, when I dealt with the book of Revelation some weeks ago, a few months ago,
I went from chapter to chapter verse to verse and this is so important.
And I explained to you the judgments that were coming upon this world and culminating in that 18th chapter and before something happens, which is what we're about to read now in chapter 19, verse three.
And again, they said, Alleluia and I smoke rose up forever and ever.
And the foreign 28ers and the four beasts fell down and worshiped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen, Hallelujah.
And the voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye servants, and ye that fear him, boats small and great.
And I heard as it's with the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thundering, saying, Hallelujah, for the Lord God only put in the rain,
Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife had made herself ready.
This is remarkable.
You see, it's for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife had made herself ready.
And I explain to you, who is this wife of the Lamb?
Who is this bride of Christ?
And I showed from the scripture to you that is referring to a city that includes the church and some other groups which are listed for you.
These are God's righteous people in different generations.
This is the assembly of God's righteous people.
And they're all in this marvelous setting.
But first I want you to see because we are, we are this group, this final beautiful group that's so special to God, it's called the body of Christ.
Well, let me show you in that seventh verse.
Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him for the marriage of the Lamb is killed and his wife had made us ready.
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
And you say unto me right, blessed are they which are called unto the marriage of the Lamb.
You see that?
They are those who have gone.
And the preparation has been made for the catching away of the church.
This is the most glorious of all.
Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage about the Lamb.
And he said unto me, these are the true sayings of God.
So we're seeing something that God is planning.
a preparation that is being made.
This is the hour of the church.
And we are getting ready.
It is our moment, our time of preparation.
You have to be bold in your spirit.
You have to serve God with all your heart.
You have to be tough from within.
It doesn't matter what prosecutions may come, you have to be ready.
Because everyone must be tested.
Everyone must be tested, your fate must be tried.
And those of you in the media who are afraid of telling the truth and you are being paid to tell lies, you have yourself to blame.
If you are a Christian, you must refuse to do such things.
Nothing is good enough to sell your soul.
And Christian politicians, the same thing I say to you.
There's no amount of money or popularity that's good enough for you to sell your soul.
Don't sell your soul.
Jesus and what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Don't sell your soul.
Stand for chutes.
Stand for chutes.
If you lose your job for it,
You don't need it?
Don't let anybody promise you money to lie and find yourself fighting against God because no one can win in fighting against God.
Nobody can win.
Don't be deceived.
So be prepared as a year of preparation.
Praise God.