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Prayer of Intercession Part 1

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

I have a very special program for you and today on set with me, our pastor
freedom, World Area, who is the campus ministry director.
You're welcome.
I don't like to see you.
And also the CEO of Levi's Love World Pastore, M.C.
Good angle.
How are you doing?
Very good.
Preya, it's important, especially for
a time like this in our world where we need to pray for our nation more than ever before, and also to pray for fellow Christians.
See, I told you the different kinds of prayer, but that this month we will particularly deal with the prayer of inner session, praying for others, praying for others.
So, let's talk about it.
I'll begin with the CEO, the prayer of intercession.
This is our motto prayer.
What do you think?
First of all, we have been a great honor to join you to pray.
Since we started the US Christian Network, it's made a lot of difference in our lives as individuals and all around the world.
And also, it creates pleasure for us to introduce other people to the network
And so this month, like I said, it's like a commemoration at the same time we are praying.
It's been quite rewarding and fulfilling, you know, praying with you on the network.
There's something you said in the book how to pray effectively when it's shared on the prayer of intercession and you serve it.
The prayer of intercession is a privilege because it's a way for God to inspire us and also give us the ability to pray and make changes in the lives of people, in the lives of individuals and also to influence what goes on in nations, in cities and towns, wherever we are.
So that means that this month being a month of prayer, especially intercession, it's a call to make a change.
in the lives of people around us, and to make a change in our nations, and to cause the desire of God and His will to be established where we are, and to, you know, prevent the works of darkness in the lives of people, or, you know, in our nations this month.
It's a call, it's a responsibility, it's a call to prayer.
You know, the word tells us, praying always in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 18, and praying always with all prayer,
and supplication in the Spirit, and watching them with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
You know, there's so much to learn about prayer.
And from this verse, and reading through the different kinds of prayer that were made by prophets, Jesus himself, the apostles,
and others who were listed to have prayed for one thing or the other, you'd find different rules governing these different types of prayer.
In this particular area where it tells us, praying always with all prayer and supplication.
In the Amplified Versences, pray at all times, on every occasion, in every season, in the Spirit, with all manner of prayer, or all kinds of prayer.
So the different kinds of prayer.
And he encourages us to pray these different kinds of prayer.
But you see, you don't pray all the different kinds of prayer at one time.
It depends on what the need is.
And remember the words of Jesus in St.
Luke's Gospel.
When you read in chapter 18, Jesus tells a story, a parable, for the purpose of teaching something.
He says in verse 1, and he speak a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray and not to faint.
Jesus says men ought always to pray.
This was his teaching, that men ought always to pray and not to faint, not to give up.
If we would pray, we can actually change a whole lot of things.
not only in our lives, but in the lives of other people.
We must pray.
But prayer is not an act.
Prayer is a life, it's a communication, it's a relationship.
Sometimes it's
is the response of our spirit to a need.
A need that's crying out to God.
Crying out to God.
When we respond, we pray, we're asking, we're asking, we're asking.
First, Timothy chapter two, verse one,
I exhort therefore that first of all, supplications, prayers in the sessions and given of things be made for all men, for kings and for all that are in authority.
And we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who will have all men to be saved and to come on to the knowledge of the truth.
Thank you so much.
We talked about this scripture from the first Timotee chapter to this world where Paul was telling us that I researched therefore that first of all supplications, bread, desecion and giving us things we made for all men.
This is a command.
He wasn't giving us a suggestion as to this scripture to take it lightly.
It's a command.
Because God wants to do something in the lives of this people dimension, those in authority, for kings, says that we need a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Because look at what we live in today.
There are several people who don't have the consciousness of God.
But then that's when we come in to intercede and pray for them.
And pray so that we have people in authority that lead our nations.
We have presidents, we have governors, and we can actually pray and intercede for these people and cost them to function in the wisdom of God that
Normally, they probably wouldn't have thought about functioning, but we can pray this prayer for them and then their lives would go in the direction of God's will because he says, this is good and acceptable in the sight of God, our Savior, who will have all men to be saved.
And that is one of great truth that God wants people to be saved.
That's why Jesus came.
Jesus came to give us life.
And there are many that are in authority that have not known him and even pray.
like he instructed us here to pray.
They would come to the knowledge of God's world, knowledge of his will, and then come to accept Jesus Christ.
And just think about a president of a country that is filled with Holy Spirit talking in tongues.
And then he calls for a meeting of the assembly, and then they start first of all with the Spirit, praying with the Spirit, praying with the Holy Ghost.
That would be a blessed country because this is God's will that men would
function, you know, in his knowledge.
And so, Paul telling us to do this.
He says, first of all, supplication.
You know, we need to end the scene for people.
We need to pray, pray for intercession.
We need to pray, pray our thanksgiving for them.
especially those in authority.
They enlisted in kings, and for those in authority, president, even teachers of schools.
There are schools where so many havoc are caused.
So many havoc is going on in the school.
We have situations where teachers are not
doing the right thing in that school, and they are in authority.
So if we would pray and influence their mind and influence their decisions, they will be able to raise the generation of people they are teaching and lecturing.
What a better world we'll live in.
There's a portion of the Bible that we shared last Sunday, and I want us to look at that portion again and through some light
there because our original listening is the key of chapter 22 from verse 29 and then into verse 30.
Press the Lord.
The people of the land have used oppression and exercised robbery and affects the poor and needy.
Yeah, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully
And I sought for a man among them that should make up the edge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it, but I found none.
Look at the next verse.
Therefore, have I poured out my indignation upon them, I have consumed them with a fire of my wrath.
Their own way have I recompaced upon their heads, said the Lord God.
Their own way have I recompensed upon their heads.
Which means that maybe I should look at it from the
from the 29ers.
It is the people of the land have used oppression and exercised robbery.
They have vexed the poor and needy.
Yay, they have oppressed a stranger.
That means a foreigner.
He's dealing here with all kinds of corruption in a nation.
oppression, cheating the poor and the needy, oppressing the foreigner, stranger.
So he says, when these terrible things are going on in a country, God does something.
In here, he says, and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap.
You know, there's an hedge of protection.
That's Brooklyn.
Now there's a gap.
The hedge has to be mended.
But the gap is there and no one's making a bad hedge.
Hedge is broke.
No one's standing in the gap.
It is, I sought for a man among them.
You see, he's not relying on outsiders to do it for them.
I sought for a man among them, among them.
What's happening in your city?
What's happening in your area?
What's happening in your area?
What's happening in your town?
See, these are different because you notice he says the people of the land.
Like sometimes we hear that in the certain area of the city, there's some gangs that are
fighting people, destroying people, stealing, wounding people.
Imagine that you live in such an area.
It is the people of the land have used oppression and extortion and have committed robbery.
Yes, they have wronged and vexed the poor needy.
Yes, they have oppressed the stranger in foreigner.
And I sought a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before me, for the land that I should not destroy it.
But I found none.
No one's praying for them.
Everybody's praying for his own thing.
See, people are praying about their families, they're praying about their own money, they want more finances, they want the business to do well, they're praying for themselves.
The concern about themselves, they're doing everything just for themselves.
So he says, I sought for men among them to make up their hands.
And standing the gap, but nobody.
Then he says, therefore have I poured out my indignation upon them,
I have consumed them with the fire of my rod, their own weight.
And this is a part that I want you to notice.
It says, their own weight have I repaid upon their own heads.
What does that mean?
Because of what these people are doing to others, they are being paid back in their own coins.
which means they're going to have leaders that will cheat and oppress them.
They're going to, you know, when we talk about corruption and evil, you know, in a nation, in a city, in any particular community, it doesn't start with the leaders.
No, it often starts with the people.
The leaders are among the people.
The leaders are not foreigners.
They come from among the people.
They are a select few from the pool of the characters that you've got in the nation.
So if God is going to give them leaders, he'll get them leaders from among their own kind.
So if we have a lot of crime being committed by people in our land, in our city, in our community,
And we don't do anything about it.
We don't pray about these things.
We just let them go on while we're praying about ourselves.
Soon enough, we're going to have leaders.
We get the leaders from this pool of corrupt individuals, this pool of criminals.
Then you find that you got leaders that are just a bandit of evil men and women.
And you say, how did they get there?
How did we ever get them?
God gave us these leaders, no.
It was a recompense.
It was a payback because no one was standing in the gap.
Remember, the people that the Lord was addressing at this time, when he was talking to Israel, for example, Israel was a small community of people.
Even today, Israel is not a large place.
It's not a large place.
You've got more people probably in Lagos than Israel.
Think about it.
They're not so many people.
It's a small place.
And think back then, how much fewer there would have been.
So, uh, representatively,
We're talking about a train for communities, they're not so large.
So you may not bear responsibility for a whole nation like Nigeria, but you can bear responsibility for your community.
And if we all do a little, we can all do much.
You wanted to say something about that much.
It's really a lot passive.
I thank you very much.
I want to take us back to the second Timothy chapter chapter two chapter two chapter two yes first of all then I admonish this from the amplified version

and urge that petitions.
Now, I just want to emphasize the first of all, before, like Sipa, so the leaders are from the pool of characters and is a reflection of the character of the mission.
So when there is an issue in the country, it says, first of all, then I urge that we should preach.
before the complaints, before the arguments, before the fighting, before the finger pointing, before the, you know, judgment.
First of all, pray.
That's very interesting.
Yes, pastor.
So it's a responsibility.
So that means that for everything going on, we can look at change.
We have a responsibility.
Before was that debate, it was wrong or was right?
Yes, pastor.
First of all, pray.
So we can ask one another when something goes wrong, and we should ask, have you prayed about it?
Because it's a festival, right?
That's very good.
And if we make that consciousness, then we will, immediately, because we are praying about something going on, is it clear, they've got the repercussion of
someone not standing in the gap, we won't experience imagination because we will always be standing in the gap, we'll always be looting what we want to up, we want this to change and make a point because we're praying to God and we expect access to our prayer, so that is something.
So first things first, right?
First things first, yes.
It is to pray first.
Pray first.
It didn't say we should analyze the situation first, we should pray first.
Even if you don't like them.
Even if you don't like them, you're going to pray first.
Pray first.
wonderful, wonderful.
So you don't have to like the president or the governor or the senators or whoever.
You don't have to like the leaders of the group.
You don't have to like the head of security in your community.
You don't have to like them first.
Pray first.
Forget about who was wrong or who was right.
You pray first.
First of all,
It is, right?
Yes, that's all it is.
An advantage that we should pray, different kinds of prayers.
And it says, just like Pastor Freedom already, I liked it, for people from the amplified positions of authority or high responsibility so that they can make the right decisions and the right things that we won't do.
The righteousness of God can be established, the rightness of God can be established.
not just what to be.
You know many times prayer actually what we do about prayer saves a lot about what we believe.
Do we really think that God can intervene in situations and circumstances we find in our nations, in our communities?
Do we think that God is interested?
Do we think He can do anything about it?
Or do we think, well, you know, this is it.
We've found our zeros here and it's a lot.
Or can we expect God to do something?
I want to read that portion clearly, because we can take God at His Word.
And not on His Word, we get it.
He says, I'm reading from the Amplified Translation, 1 Timothy chapter 2 from verse 1.
First of all, and now we have to mark that first of all as very important, because it tells us that this is a priority.
First of all,
First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings.
Interesting, interesting use of words here.
Thanksgivings, because it's slightly different from what you find in the King James.
And I'll tell you what makes it different.
When we say giving of thanks, like we've got in the King James, what that suggests is that we're saying, oh God, thank you for this and for that and for that.
We just say those words in prayer.
But the amplified translation seems to suggest something a little different.
It's more than just saying thank you.
He calls them thanksgivings.
And thanksgivings in Scripture are not just a time of saying thank you.
They have a lot to do with offerings.
You don't just say, oh God, I thank you.
Can you imagine us giving thank offerings to God because of our country, because of our leaders,
and so on, because of the circumstances that we are expecting to change.
How many times did we ever give seed on behalf of our country to affect changes in our country?
And now he says, thanksgivings, thanksgivings.
Interestingly, there's only one country I know in the world that has a day for thanksgiving.
and that's the United States of America.
They've got a Thanksgiving Day.
You know, one of the ones suggesting that the political leaders declare Thanksgiving Day, I'm talking about the church.
I'm talking about Christians.
I'm talking about us who believe in Jesus Christ, who believe in God's Word, and that what he says he will do, he will do what he says we should do.
If we would do, we could get the results that he promises.
You know, what we often
overlook is the ability of God to effect changes anywhere, anytime in response to the cry, pray, demands of his children.

First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men.
Glory to God.
On behalf of all men, imagine giving offerings on behalf of your country.
On behalf of all men.
for kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility that outwardly we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life.
And inwardly a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way.
Then he goes in the thought verse, for such praying is good and right, and it is pleasing and acceptable to God as Savior, who wishes all men to be saved and increasingly to perceive and recognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the divine truth.
amazing, amazing.
And he does something here that's remarkable.
He goes on to say, for there is only one God and only one mediator between God and me.
The man cries Jesus.
He uses a play of words here.
He doesn't call him just to save you now.
He doesn't call him the sacrifice
which he is.
He doesn't use the term Lord now.
He comes in first to say a mediator because of what he's just been talking to us about, because he's actually asking us to play the role of mediators to stand in the gap.
So he's reminding us of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who himself was a mediator.
So he's given us the ministry of reconciliation.
So we're right in the mystery, in a sitting for others.
Glory to God, glory to God.
Now, have you been praying for others?
Have you taken time to pray for others?
If you've been doing that, I'm sure you would have experienced a different kind of satisfaction, a different kind of fulfillment in your spirit.
Because we always do.
Whenever we take the role of Christ, as He wants us to, and in a sitting for others, in praying for others, in meeting the needs of others, we have a deep kind of satisfaction and fulfillment, and we never get otherwise.
No matter the miracles you get for yourself, doing something for somebody else and changing another person's life always gives a greater
and more pleasing fulfillment.
It always us, always us.
And this month is for us a time of intercession for others, praying for others, being mediators, carrying out the ministry of reconciliation, bringing others to Christ, praying for them, expecting that they'll do better in their service to God.
Think about those whom you've led to Christ or even other Christians you've known for a long time and how you can, through your own prayer, contribute to their spiritual growth.
That would be awesome.
I remember last year when there was a month of intercession and in that particular month I decided that
Of course, we're interceding to our nations, but I picked three particular people that I wanted to interced for, you know, add, you know.
They are Christians and close to me in a way, but I thought I wanted to see something more in their lives.
And I made it to point out, you see that, to bring every day for them.
I'm also really three of them, just thinking about it now.
I've made so much
progress in their spiritual, if I'm really grateful to God that I pick them out at that time.
So this month I'm specifically prayed for them that month.
Every day.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
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Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day on that month.
Every day
I just, I find that I've got to pray for them.
I wake up with them in mind and I can't pray for anything else except praying for those people.
It's just, I almost can't ask for anything else.
You know, I almost can't pray for anything.
It's just until and unless I've had that release in my spirit, you know,
That inner session goes on.
It's like a virgin.
That was it.
There's a scripture in Colossians chapter 4, verse 12.
Paul was talking to the Christians there.
He says, Epaphras 1, who is of you?
The 7th of Christ, 7th of you.
Always laboring fervently for you in prayers.
that she may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.
So a prayer like this would make the brethren walk in the will of God.
I mean, for the purpose of which God, you know, have them here, they would fulfill that purpose.
Walking is perfect with
And then instead of complaining that, oh, all my cell members don't come to the cell meetings.
Oh, they don't come to the cell meetings.
Oh, they're not serious.
Don't complain, pray.
It says, first of all, pray.
Say, look at that.
The one you just shared with us, the 12th verse, 4th chapter collosions, Apophras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ saluted you.
Always laboring fervently for you in prayers.
Prayer is a label.
Sometimes it's not like it's something that you might just enjoy.
It's a burden, it's a responsibility, it's a work.
He says, laboring, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you must stand perfect and complete in all the will.
I like this, that you must stand perfect and complete.
that you missed then.
I'm so proud of the discipline.
It's a discipline.
It's a discipline and just like an athlete can train itself to become better at the athletics.
You can also train and develop
That intercessory ministry.
I got us, I got us.
I don't wait until you get the kind of, you know, some people think, if God makes me do the brain, then I'll break.
I think God's gonna make them do the brain.
No, you take up that responsibility of praying for somebody.
Don't you have eyes to see?
Don't you have understanding to know what's happening around you and about people?
You just know.
You observe and you know.
And then you say, don't pray about this.
You don't just pray and walk away.
No, in a session it's different.
It's a different kind of prayer.
It's different from the prayer of faith.
In the prayer of faith, we say exactly what we want and often it's not got something to do with somebody else.
It's got to do with you and your needs.
You say those words, you make your demands, and that's it.
You don't come back and pray about them again and again.
That'll be a failure.
You destroyed.
It's like using your hands on the ball in the middle of the pitch.
And the referee would say, foul.
It's a free kick against you and your team.
So you can't touch the ball of that.
So that's the way it's against the rules.
It's against the rules.
But many people don't know this.
They just think prayer is prayer no matter so long as you're talking to God.
It's not so long as you're talking to God.
And that will tell you why you don't receive answers a lot of times when you pray because you might have been praying without understanding, praying with the wrong rules.
You see, how then do I determine what rules to employ?
When I pray, it depends on the need.
The need determines what kind of rules.
Like when we talk about spots.
The kind of spots you are going to be playing, will determine what the rules are.
You don't say, now, what rules are we going to use?
And somebody said, what do you mean rules?
He said, what sports rules are we going to employ?
You say, which one?
Which one?
Is it basketball?
Is it tennis?
Is it football?
Which one?
You got to answer that question first.
What's the need?
What are you trying to do?
How are you going to get your scars?
Will you throw with your hand?
Will you kick with your foot?
It all depends on the kind of spots.
See, it doesn't matter that they're all using boards, the rules are different.
So, just like you talk about ballgames, players have rules that are determined by the need.
If I have a need, I don't pray the prayer of intercession.
I don't pray the prayer of commitment.
If I have a need, no, I pray the prayer of faith.
There's a prayer of commitment for a different type of demand or desire.
And usually it's not because you want something.
No, no, no.
That will come from God is asking you to do something.
And now you remember the prayer of Jesus when he says to the Lord, if it be thy will, let this God pass from me.
He prayed that prayer.
Within an hour.
Think about that.
Within an hour, he has prayed that prayer twice.
He asked the disciples, can't you watch with me for one hour?
So he was praying for an hour.
And three times, he says, it's this same thing to the Father.
Let this capacitor me.
Then he says, nevertheless, not mine will.
but your will.
So he made a commitment.
The reason being he knew what the father wanted to do.
And here he was praying about not wanting to go in that direction because of what he then tells.
He then tells something he never wanted.
He then tells separating himself from the father, which he never wanted.
And that is understandable.
See, because the Bible tells us he was going to be made sin.
And once he was made sin, not a sinner, made sin.
In other words, he was to become the sacrifice.
And our sins would be laid on him and the Father would turn his back on him.
And he'll be cut off from God because he's taking the place of sinners now.
See, who were separated from God?
Jesus would take that place and be separated.
Huge problem for Jesus.
He didn't want it.
And then he says, Father, this is your will.
Not mine.
I'm committing myself.
So sometimes, you know, God wants you to do something, not because you like it, but you know, that's what he wants you to do.
Imagine this.
You really want to have a job in a certain city.
You really want to do something.
It's nice.
This life you want to live, this beautiful things you want to do.
And then the Lord tells you, no, I want you to go do this other thing.
I want you to stay in such and such a place.
And that's not exactly what you like.
But you know in your spirit, that's what the Father's asking you to do.
You know, you're struggling with it.
You don't.
You really don't like it.
And you say, Father, I know this is what you want me to do, even though I would have thought differently.
But because I know what you want me to do, I commit myself that you will be done in my life.
So you yield yourself to the Father's will.
That's when you say, if it be that will.
When Jesus prayed and commanded Lazarus to come out of the grave, he didn't say, Lazarus, if it be God's will, come out.
He didn't say that.
When he prayed to the Father, he didn't say, Oh Father, now I'm going to ask Lazarus to come out, if it's your will.
No, he just said, Father, I know you've heard me because you hear me always.
and then he commanded Lazarus, come out, never said if it be thy will.
No, when Jesus blessed the bread and acts as disciples distributed, he didn't say, Lord, if it's your will, multiply this bread.
He said, give to everybody.
And miracles happened.
So, there are different kinds of prayers and different rules.
In a session requires that you pray again and again.
You say, how long do I pray?
You keep praying about the subject, about those people, the person, until you have a note of victory.
We call it a note of victory.
What's that?
What often happens is when you keep praying this intercessory prayer,
you'd have a laughter just come up from your spirits.
It's not something you plan.
It just comes from your spirit.
Or a song of joy and praise and thanksgiving will come out of your spirit.
And when that happens, it means whatever it was you were praying about, you got it.
Then you can stop.
But if that doesn't happen, don't give up and keep praying.
Because you might just be close to making things happen.
And if you give up, you didn't say, oh, I've been praying for a whole month already.
And that should be sufficient.
It's got nothing to do with how long.
It's when it clicks in the Spirit.
In the Spirit, you just know it's done.
In the Spirit, you just know it's done through this note of victory.
And once you got it, you'd notice that the next time it comes to your heart, when that subject comes to your heart, you are saying, Lord, I thank You, because we already said with it.
Thank You, Lord, I know I got it.
I know I got it.
It's already done.
It's a done deal.
Thank You, Lord, it's done.
Praise God.
That's what it is.
Glory to God.
Thank you.
All right.
So, I hope that you've been taking some time to pray yourself.
Make sure you do more of it.
Apart from the times that I've sent out the post.
On your own.
You gotta pray.
You gotta pray.
Make sure you're doing it.
You know, Samuel said in 1st Psalm 12 verse 23, he says, moreover, as for me, God forbid that I should sing against the Lord in his season to pray for you.
But I would teach you the good and the right way.
I mean, every leader, every leader, every cellular, every pastor, I mean, how to be committed to this.
I mean, if you are not taking your intercessory ministry, it appears that you're singing against the Lord.
Look at it, really dig in, really dig in.
First, so much of the 12th verse 23.
It says, Moreover, as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in season to pray for you.
That's remarkable.
This is God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in season to pray for you.
So, sanger is saying it's a sin.
It's a sin to stop praying for God's people.
Who are in your care?
But I will teach you a good and the right way.
Praise the Lord.
So, at this time, we're going to pray.
And you pray about your country, the leaders, and then,
Think about someone who's coming to your heart even now, someone you know, someone that the Spirit of God will bring to your heart right now.
Someone you're concerned about and pray in a seed in prayer in the next few minutes.
Let's pray.