August 2018 - The Month of Reflection
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris were hearing.
Last month of July was, what month was that?
It was the month of what?
So did you have any laughter?
The bones of laughter.
And you know, it just means lots of testimonies.
And we receive many, many testimonies, lots of beautiful things.
And thank God, thank God, thank God.
This month, I told you it's a very special month.
And I'm sure you're thinking, what's it going to be?
What's the focus of the spirit this month of August?
Now, as I was training, meditating and listening to God,
And the Spirit of God minutes that to me to give me insight.
Can we read from first Peter chapter five?
And verse number eight.
Read it for me, want to go.
Be sober.
be vigilant because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walk it about seeking home he may devour.
Home resisted fast in the faith, knowing that same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in order.
I want you to go straight to 2 Corinthians chapter 13.
And verse 5.
Ready for me, want to go.
Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith.
In the new national version, it reads like this, examine your zeroes to see whether you are in the faith.
Test your zeroes.
Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you?
Unless, of course, you feel the test.
So he says, examine yourself.
And then lastly, in very important to is Hebrews chapter number two.
And I want you to read
Verse 1 Hebrews chapter 2 from verse 1.
Ready for me one more time.
Therefore we ought to give the more anised heat to what?
The things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
Therefore we ought to give the more anised heat to the things which we have heard.
Now, of course, if you look at several translations, some of them seem to think that it's more about us slipping off what was delivered to us than what was delivered to us slipping from us.
I'll give you an example.
If we read in the
in IVs is we must pay more careful attention therefore to what we have heard so that we do not drift away.
It's thinking about us drifting away from what we heard.
And the King James says, less at any time we should let them slip.
But if you notice in the King James, the word THEM, them before slip is
in parentheses, showing that it's not in the original.
In some of your versions there, you see it's italicized, which means you could read without that.
That will let you know why the different translations see it from opposite sides.
It's less at any time we should let slip.
Do you get it?
So they think some say, oh, it's them.
We should let them, which means the things which we have heard.
Others say, no, no, no.
It's not the things which we have heard.
It's us slipping off.
That means drifting away.
But whichever it is, the point is,
You're not in the way of whatever you were taught.
If it left you or you left it, the result will be the same.
You're supposed to be together with what you learned, okay?
We should give the more energy to the things which we have heard and don't let them go away from you and you don't walk away from them.
I told you that this month is very, very special because it has a lot to do with the greater future that you believe God has for you.
We are in the eight months of the year and in this month what the Spirit of God wants us to do is encapsulate in one word.
It's the amount of reflection.
It's the amount of reflection.
And the Lord wants us to review the things that we have learned.
Look through the things that the Lord has taught you.
Look through the things, the instructions you were given.
Find out
Are you walking in the direction that he gave you?
Or are you drifting away?
Are you following the direction that the Lord has given to you?
Are you doing those things that he asked you to do?
Or are you drifting away?
It's a ounce of reflection.
And we should look into the scriptures, study, look to your notes, listen to the messages, those things that the Lord has instructed us, things that we've been taught.
Go back and take your mind through them, study them again, bring them back to your mind, and make sure that you are walking
in God's perfect will for your life.
It's a month of reflection, and this is what the Spirit of God wants to do with you this month.
You also bring things to your remembrance.
Remember, this is very, very consistent with the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Jesus said, when the Spirit of truth is come, He shall teach you all things, and He shall bring to your remembrance, whatsoever I've commanded you.
whatsoever I have taught you, whatsoever I have instructed you.
So it's the Holy Spirit's ministry, not only to teach you what to remind you.
If you give him the attention, he'll remind you.
If you listen to him, he'll guide you.
Remember, Jesus said he'll guide you into all truth.
So in this month, He wants to remind you.
He wants to get your minds to reflect on the things that He's taught you.
See, God doesn't want to just give you new things and you forget what He taught you before, because you're supposed to be building on what He's given you, adding more glory, more glory, more glory.
He says, grace upon grace.
See, that's the vision.
It's grace upon grace.
So this is very important.
It helps you in making the right decisions in life.
And I want to touch on that a little bit.
what I call decision points because when you come to a place in your life where the Lord is talking to you about reflecting upon the things that you've been taught then evidently, evidently what's happening is
He's leading you into points of decision, points of decision.
And these decision points are so important.
For example, in Hebrews chapter 11, I want us to read from verse number eight, down to Hebrews chapter 11.
Now it says, by faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed.
And he went out not knowing whether he went.
Oh, this is so powerful.
Look at this man.
He's comfortable in the place where he is, but he knows God had said,
Through you, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.
He didn't have any children.
But he had lots of servants born in his house.
And so God said to him, now Abraham, go to where?
God said, go, go to the city that I will show you.
Go, how does he even begin the journey?
Do I go north, east, south, or west?
There's no further instruction.
The instruction is go.
He paxes things and says to his wife Sarah, we are moving.
And she says to where?
And he says, God knows.
Decision points.
When you come to the place of decision, two things are important.
Number one, what did God tell you before?
And number two, can you trust him?
What is his word?
And can I trust him?
So the Bible says verse nine, by faith, He's so germs in the land of promise, by faith.
As in a strange country.
Do you understand?
He lived in this land, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise.
He lived where he was, bad faith.
What does that mean?
When he moved, as far as he was concerned, wherever he was, and he lived there, he lived unto God, bad faith.
Why is this important?
Because of the next thing he's going to say.
for he looked for a city, which had foundations whose builder and mica is God.
In other words, when he went to whatever area he got to, because he stopped at different points and set up his tabernacle, his tent.
He was there with his family.
Why he was there.
His eyes were on God's promise.
God's words.
The Bible says he looked for a city.
He wasn't a city on earth.
He wrote a city built by God.
He was a city in the mind of God.
He was a city that had foundations, he says, whose builder and maker is God.
In other words, a city that had the principles for life that were given by God.
So Abraham was not going to live in, according to the laws of this world, but by the laws of God.
He looked for a city that had foundations whose builder and maker is God.
You know when you come to Christ and He starts leading you, there are lots of temptations on your path.
There are lots of distractions to try to take you away from where God is leading you.
Lots of distractions.
What are you looking for a city on earth?
Or are you looking for a city that had foundations whose build and maker is God?
What's your journey like in life?
When God spoke to him, God said, through you, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.
That's what God said to him.
To our bless you and make you a blessing.
And your seed will be as the stars of heaven.
and the signs upon the seashore.
So he trusted God, he believed God, and set out on his journey.
He trusted God.
So in your life, you have to make a clear distinction between the world and Christ.
Christ is a place.
Always remember that.
Christ is a place.
The word, of course, is a place.
Where do you want to live?
Do you want to live in this world like a man of this world?
Or do you want to live in this world like Abraham?
The Bible says he lived there as a stranger.
He didn't live there as a citizen.
He didn't make it a part of his life.
He dwelt there, as a stranger, living by faith.
Look at it again in that verse 9.
It says, by faith is such and in the land of promise, as in a strange country.
Dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heir's medium of the same promise.
I read from NIV3, by faith he made his home in the promised land, like a stranger in a foreign country.
He lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.
Look at that.
He lived as a stranger.
Are you living as a stranger, or are you holding on to this world?
These are times of reflections.
When you're making decisions, are you making decisions that will all tell your life forever and take you away from God's plan?
Or are you making decisions that will help you fulfill God's calling on your life?
By the end of 2017, there were people who started 2017 and by the end of 2017, they had given up
the faith.
In January of 2017, they didn't know that by years end, they would have made decisions that would take them away from Christ forever.
Some did.
Some people who were rejoicing in the certain churches or certain churches at the beginning.
In their mind, they didn't know that by the time that year would be over, they would have made decisions
Now order the cause of their lives forever.
Points of decision.
Moments of reflection.
When these thoughts bombard your mind, sometimes they come in quick succession.
And a lot of times we will hear the voices that try
to tell us that where we're going is right, what we're doing is right.
And that is the most dangerous thing, because voices will come to you.
A lot of times, we call them familiar voices.
Familiar, but not necessarily God sent to you.
Because you have to know the difference between a voice that God sent to you,
and the voice of a stranger.
He's a stranger.
A stranger is not someone you have never seen before.
A stranger is someone that was not sent into your life.
That's a stranger.
That's the Bible's description of a stranger.
Not somebody you've never seen before.
The voice that is now leading you, the voice that is confirming your prophecy,
Was that voice sent to you?
The Bible says, when he put it for his own sheep, he got it before them, and the sheep follow him for they know his voice.
A stranger's voice, they will not follow, for they refuse to recognize the voice of strangers.
How many times have we wished that if a stranger should confirm God's message to us?
We think it is more supernatural or spectacular that someone we have never known should confirm God's word to us.
But that's not God's way of doing things.
God says to you, the one that you have known that he says to you to confirm his word to your spirit.
Not the one that you have never known because man is always looking for the spectacular to confirm the supernatural.
It's a shame.
Look through your Bible, you will find the most difficult thing in the world is leading human beings.
It's the most difficult thing in the world.
Whether you lead them by grace or by faith or by force is the thing.
There will always be a problem.
Because until a man allows himself to be led, you may force him, you may love him, you may do whatever you want to do.
Good or bad, what is in his mind is what is going to do.
The moment you remove the shackles, he will do what was on his mind before.
That's why it is useless to put a man in bondage.
It is useless to force a man to do anything.
Because his body may be forced, but man is his spirit.
As long as his spirit is not in it, it doesn't matter where his body goes.
And what is God going to judge, man's spirit?
Not man's body.
I'll show you something in the Bible.
Do you understand it?
It is so important that the Lord guides you with his wisdom.
Hebrews chapter 11, go to verse 24.
Have you seen it?
Read for me.
Go on.
Go back.
What's 24?
By faith, Moses, when he was come to his, when he came to maturity, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter.
Look at verse 25, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
This was a decision point in Moses life.
Do I stay in Egypt?
And because the son of Pharaoh's daughter, that's the decision point, that brother who asked the question about, you know, he stole money from the teachers and he's asking, what do I do?
He said, decision point in your life.
If I return it, I'm going to get into trouble.
Yeah, get into trouble anyway.
It is better to suffer affliction and be with God's people than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for his season.
God says he's for his season.
You hold that money, it's for a season.
You'll finish it for it to destroy the rest of your life.
This choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
Look, next verse.
Estimin, this is where it matters.
Choices, what are your values?
esteem in the reproach of Christ, greater riches than the treasures in Egypt.
He esteem the reproaches of Christ, greater riches, and the treasures.
In Egypt, this is for he had respect onto the recompense of the words.
In other words, what I'm going to get from God for making this choice is far greater than what the world can give me.
Remember, Egypt is a type of the words.
How many times have we tried to go to the words to get what we want after we have been brought out of it?
A pastor said, I want to go back to politics.
After he had been in politics and got brought him out of the politics to become a pastor, then he said, no, I want to go back.
No, there are... Look, you can be brought out of the world into Christ, but to go from Christ to the world is forbidden.
You can be brought out of business to become a minister of the gospel.
But to go from being a minister of the gospel into business is a shame.
Those things don't happen from God.
Listen and listen hard.
Listen hard.
Moses was trained in all the arts and knowledge and education of Egypt.
When God needed him,
How much of that did he need to use?
Very little.
Very little.
Imagine after he received the call of God.
Imagine that Moses said to himself, I want to learn how to worship God better.
So I'm going to go back to Egypt and study the worship of God.
Because there were many gods in Egypt.
Imagine if he had to go back to learn how to worship God better.
In Egypt.
Because Egypt had lots of gods.
Would they have been taught better how to worship God?
With what did they rule over Egypt, erod?
With what did they defeat Egypt, erod?
Not with an army, not as a soldier,
When God called him, he wanted to use what he had learned in Egypt to fulfill it until he had to flee Egypt.
And God spoke to him after 40 years.
He was 40 years old when he left Egypt and went to the wilderness.
God waited for another 40 years.
So he would learn some of those things that he had learned in Egypt and learn the new and better way.
40 years, he was now 80 years old when God spoke to him and sent him back to Egypt.
Then he lived another 40 years to 120 before he died.
So God compensated very well, right?
Didn't he?
So he says, Moses, he made the right decision.
He made the right decision.
In life, there are decisions to be made.
It is not the more beautiful, more attractive one that is necessarily from God.
We use what you call principles.
I said, what did God say before?
That means go back to his word and see.
Somebody said, I am making this decision to choose A, B or C based on my prayer, on your prayer, on your prayer.
That means on what you said to God.
Question, what did God say?
Why waste, see, no one ever put himself in God's hand and regretted it.
No one.
You know, during the prison town we had last week, Pastor Terry shared something that was very important.
And, you know, I did a research on it.
And I really did the research.
I had to read a lot because I wanted to be sure every detail of it.
And the information is accurate.
And I studied broadly and lots of material.
Now, the point was this.
Book of Ruth, chapter one.
Let's read from verse one.
Now it came the past of the days when the judges ruled that there was a famine in the land.
And a certain man of Bethlehem Judah went to surgeon in the country of Moab.
He and his wife and his two sons.
And the name of the man was a limalek.
and a name of his wife, Naomi, and a name of his two sons, Marlon and Chilion, Ephratites of Bethlehem, Judah, and they came into the country of Moab and continued there.
And a limulek, Naomi's husband, died and she was left in her two sons.
And it took them wives of the women of Moab.
These two boys took wives of the women of Moab.
The name of the one was Orpa, and the name of the other Ruth.
And it worked there about 10 years.
And Marlon and Chilean died also, both of them.
And the woman was left of her two sons and her husband.
Read next verse.
They lifted up their voice and wept.
the Lord.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Now, I'm sure you've got some understanding of that story.
Naomi had these two daughters-in-law.
Their husbands had sons with debt.
So she says to them, I've got to go back to Israel.
She had lived in the land of Moab for 10 years.
And now, troubles started.
Husband died.
Afterward, her two sons died.
after they had married these two girls, all power and roots.
And Naomi said to them, well, you got to go.
I am returning to my homeland.
They're more about it.
And they both said to her, no, we will go with you.
And she said, listen, I want you to understand the argument here.
She says to them, they want to follow her.
She says, think about it.
If you follow me, even if I had new sons tonight, how can you wait for them to grow up to become your husband's?
It looks impractical.
So this was, the idea was clear.
Go back.
Let me go this way, and you go back to your mother's house.
And there's something striking there.
They went, they felt it, they were pain.
They both laughed, Naomi, and wanted to stay with her.
But here was a decision point in life.
What she said was, right, it's true.
It just doesn't make sense for us to follow you, really.
It's true.
What do we need when we come to points of decision?
What do we need?
What did God say?
Not what do I want?
Not what is practical.
Not the best idea.
When she spoke to them, they got the idea.
There are to go back and then start your life afresh.
So, it's like you wasted all these years.
I mean, look, your husbands are dead.
All these years have been wasted.
So go and start your life all over again.
So, all Pat thinks about it and says, Mother, you're right.
You're right.
I feel so bad to lead you.
I feel so bad.
She went.
But she had to go.
Because this was the most sensible thing to do.
So she turned and left.
It pays to see vision.
Not your dream.
I'm not talking about when you have a good dream.
I'm talking about God's vision.
God's plan.
What is God's plan?
What is God's plan?
It's not how I feel.
Listen, when you want to make a decision in life, and you start contemplating what you want to do, the more you think about it and figure out what you're going to do, the more it looks nice.
The nicer it looks, the better it looks, and then the idea just gets more beautiful to you.
So you are painting it, painting the idea.
It gets more beautiful and you're likely to go in that direction.
But if your heart is after God's vision and you center your heart on God's vision, the more you pray, the more God drags you away from that thing you're trying to go to because your heart is on the vision.
If your heart is not on the vision, you will move closer and closer to the decision you are making.
It will always do better and better.
It's about God's vision.
not your vision.
Well, our permitted decision, it was the most sensible decision to make.
It's a decision the relatives will expect.
It's a decision the friends will expect.
It was the best human decision.
So she turned and went back.
Roots on the other hand said,
No, I'm going to go with you.
There's something we must not miss.
It's about the worship of God, that they had sinned with Naomi, a life of faith that they had sinned with Naomi.
And that's what Ruth was attracted to.
That's what she didn't want to give up.
Oh, she says, I'll follow you.
No matter what, I'll follow you.
She followed Naomi.
Now, what happened?
She eventually married a relative of a limalek by the name of boys.
And this was made possible by Naomi.
That also tells us what kind of man a limleque himself was, and the life that they had in the land of more.
A limleque was a wealthy man.
So we can see that Naomi was a rich woman.
We find that when she came, a lot of people knew her.
That's another this story.
So here, Ruth marries Boers.
And Boers became the father of who, Jesse.
And Jesse, the father of David, from where Christ came.
Listen, this woman was a Moabite.
She was not a Jew.
She was a Moabite.
All right, what happened to Orpa?
Orpa went back.
Now, here's the terrible thing.
Orpa, the two lines of terrible stories.
But when you study, you find you can actually put them together very simply.
when you understand the way and manner that these Philistines lived.
Because many of them were, and that's why God wanted to destroy them.
They were related to the giants.
And the did evil, Bible says they did evil in the sight of the Lord.
They had a hundred
Men rape this woman opera.
A hundred men who organized it because the giant wanted to have children.
Are you hearing this?
Then she gave birth.
She gave birth to four sons.
And these sons became, they were giants.
They agreed to become giants, four giants.
You are quiet.
It's a terrible thing, right?
Let me read something to you.
The first, second Samuel, chapter 21, I just want to give you their names.
I want you to see them.
from verse 15.
Moreover, the Philistines had yet war again with Israel.
And David went down on his servants' medium and fought against the Philistines, and David waxed faint.
And ish beth been up.
which was of the sounds of the giant, the wet of whose spear, were 300 shekels of brass in weight.
He'd been guided with a new sword, thought to have slain David.
But Abishai, the son of Zeriah, secured him and smote the Philistine and killed him.
Say one.
Ish be binab.
That is giant one.
All right.
Verse 18, and it came the past after this, that there was again a battle with the Philistines at God.
Then Sibakai, the Hushatites, slew Saf, which was of the sons of the giant.
Saf, save two.
Verse 19, and there was again a battle in God.
with the Philistines, where Erhanan, the son of Jarrah Roghem, a badly he might slew the brother of Goliath, the Gittite, the staff of whose sphere was like a Wevas beam.
Say three.
His name is not mentioned here, but his name in history is Medon.
All right, so here's number three, right?
Verse 20, and there was yet a battle in God who was a man of great stature that had on every hand six fingers and on every foot six toes.
four and twenty number, and he also was born to the giant.
And when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea, the brother of David, slew him.
These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.
So, there are four giants that are brothers to Goliath.
Apparently, one of them would have been born of another woman.
Because the Bible says offer had four children.
Now four of them are the ones we have named the Goliath and three others.
Goliath was the third son, not the first, he was the third son.
Now I want you to think about this.
Goliath was born by opera.
Root's sister.
How'd you like your sister to give birth to Goliath?
Goliath was born.
He and his brothers giants were born by opera.
So when opera turned away from Naomi,
and went back.
Her life completely changed.
She gave birth to giants who were mighty in war.
And there's a prophecy that was given, it's written and stated to have been given by Isaac, a prophetic utterance, where he said, the sons of her that kissed shall fall before
the songs of heart that cleave years before.
And what happened, we find David faced Goliath and killed him.
And it was David's servants, one or two of them were his brothers.
actually, from his sister's zerai, who killed the other giants.
It matters the decisions you make in life.
Whether your life is going to produce Goliath, but be sure that if you produce a Goliath, no matter how great that Goliath is, David is going to kill him.
There would have been a day, maybe she was happy that she had
She was a mother of giants.
But she was going to become the enemy of Israel.
After all, it wouldn't have mattered.
She was a Moabite anyway.
And they hated Israel.
But one goes for Moab to become the mother of the Savior.
It depends on you, the decision you want to make.
I said, it's a month of reflection.
He was made a month of reflection before you were born.
Just to let you understand, he wasn't turned into a month of reflection because you came here.
Before you were born.
Hebrews chapter 11 from verse 13,
I think I'd like to read it to you from... Now, anyway, from verse 13 is fine.
He's mentioning... You know, we read from verse 8, okay?
To verse 10, right?
Okay, so he talked about Abraham and Isaac, Jacob, you have Sarah and so on.
But now he comes to this place, verse 13.
These all died in faith, he says.
Not having received the promises, but having seen them are far off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that there was strangers and pilgrims in the earth.
Look at the next verse.
Read it for me.
For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country, Mantakarabacity.
Read the next one.
And truly, if they have been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had an opportunity to have returns.
But now they desire a better country.
That is, in heaven, where for God is not ashamed to be called, or he had prepared for them a city.
He said, if their minds were in the place from whence they came, they would have had the opportunity to return.
Abraham had the opportunity to go back to Egypt.
He had the opportunity to go back.
No, it's like when you want to serve God with your life.
Until you burn your bridges, you're not ready.
There are many who want to serve God, but somehow they have the plans so that if serving God is slow or doesn't work out, we go the other way.
You ask yourself questions.
They, these ones, viruses, these all died in faith, not haven't received the promises, but haven't seen them are far off and confessed and declared that there was strangers in these words.
It says, they don't say such things.
That's good.
I said, knock the language.
Listen to others as they speak.
What do they say?
There is a language for the people of faith.
It says, there that says such things.
Those who realize that they are strangers in this world.
It says, there that says such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
That is a heavenly.
Their mind is not on this earth.
Let's not be carried away by the success symbols of the world.
Sometimes we are tempted by the success symbols of the world.
No, we don't have to be in competition with the world to be successful.
No, a thousand times no.
And we have to understand certain things.
In our lives, we need to understand that God is not intending
When you talk about, because I hear people talk about this, they want to get the wealth of the sinner.
And they believe that to get the wealth of the sinner, you've got to go into the world.
So you can get the wealth of the sinner from the world.
Let me tell you, that's not the way.
Understand, we are in different classes.
The army of God has different classes.
There are different groups.
When God calls you, they don't break ranks.
When God takes you from here and puts you in this place, stay where God puts you.
Stay where he puts you.
Stay where God puts you.
For example, you might be a very good singer.
Let's use that as a simple example.
A very, very good singer.
And church doesn't offer you money when you sing.
For the work and call you and say, look, you know how much you can make?
And again, to impale you.
To stop singing in church.
And come and make it over in the world.
And they'll tell you, you'll be able to give more money for partnership.
So, you see, I really want to, I want to move into, you know, because then you start prophesying to us that, you know, we can get the wealth of the world to not come to us until we go to the world to collect it.
Hey, mandate, growth, skate, park, run, bad, bad, do it.
Do you see yourself with it?
Do you see yourself with it?
And so, I think that it's time
to go into the world and collect the harvest.
You are not going to do what you collect the harvest.
You are going to join them.
No, it's a matter of time.
It's a matter of time.
See, your language changes.
You don't know what God has protected and preserved you from.
Who told you we don't have enough Christians who are dealing with the world?
Who told you?
You think every Christian is a pastor?
Who told you we don't have enough?
We have many Christians come to church on Sunday, come and see.
The whole place is full of people.
They are not pastors.
They are working in one place or the other.
They are dealing with the world already.
So God doesn't need to convert a pastor, a minister.
He doesn't have to convert you from the church to the world, from where He took you out.
So that you can minister and strengthen those that He has sent there.
You say no until you collect the same thing that they are collecting.
Go and become a competitor.
Ask yourself questions.
Ask yourself questions.
Let me show you something.
Book of Acts.
Chapter seven.
From verse 39.
Just in case you don't know where we're dealing with here.
Maybe that's really from verse 37 and gets you into it.
This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise upon to you of your brethren like unto me.
Him shall ye hear, 38.
This is he that was in the church in the wilderness.
because of the church in the wilderness, the church in the wilderness, the church in the wilderness, with the angel which spoke to him in the Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively oracles to give unto us to whom our fathers would not obey, but trust him from them, read the rest.
In their hearts they turned back into Egypt.
I told you, your body may not go.
In their hearts they went back to Egypt.
Their physical bodies were with him there in the wilderness.
But their hearts were back into Egypt.
In their hearts they turned back to Egypt.
Look at it there.
Decision time.
Tell us about the decision time.
So you're in a moment of reflection and it's time to take the word of God and listen to it.
Don't polish your human vision.
When you come into ministry, you are serving God.
God needs your heart.
It says, my son, give me your heart and let your eyes observe my ways.
observe his ways.
What is God leading you to do?
What is God telling you?
Understand this, there are instructions in the world given to the world and there are instructions in God's world given to the church.
And in the church, he gives us instructions in different groups.
God's word has instructions for children.
true or false?
He has instructions for parents, correct?
Different groups, different classes.
God's Word has instructions for all of us.
Where are you and what is the instruction given to you?
Reflect on it.
For example, you are a pastor.
What are the instructions to a pastor?
Or you are a deacon?
What are the instructions to a deacon?
Or you are a parent?
What are the instructions to a parent?
Or you are a spouse?
A husband or a wife?
What are the instructions to you?
To someone, you may be a father.
To another person, you may be a son.
What are the instructions to a father?
What are the instructions to a son?
Go back and study the word.
What did God say?
Then the Bible tells us how we should behave in the house of God, the ground and pillar of truth.
It tells us there is a way to behave in the house of God.
So, you study, how should I behave in the house of God?
It's a moon of reflections.
Did you hear me?
Then he told us how to relate to the world.
We're supposed to win souls.
We're supposed to bring others to Christ.
There's a way we are to relate with those who have not received salvation.
Are you doing it that way?
Or are you living in a completely different way?
It's the amount of reflection.
To reflect on these things, okay?
That means that you would meditate
Pawn templates, hallelujah, glory to Jesus.
At this moment, I want to ask you to pray.
Talk to the Lord.
Talk to the Lord.
Let him minister to you, especially, and guide your heart, guide your spirit.
We trust you are blessed by this message.
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