The 3 Cardinal Gifts of God The Gift of Eternal Life Part 2
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.
Through the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris, many have discovered their purpose and destiny, thus giving their lives a meaning.
Always at meetings with the man of God, Pastor Chris, all who attend, experience a great move of the Spirit.
God's people are taught the deep truths of God's Word, furnishing them with the knowledge of their nature and inheritance in Christ.
This was evident in the International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference with the Man of God, Pastor Chris, was an opportune time for ministers of the gospel from all around the world to study, learn, and receive deep truths of God's Word as taught by the Man of God, Pastor Chris.
In part one, the man of God, Pastor Chris introduced the three cardinal gifts given to us by God through the gospel, highlighting the first gift as the gift of eternal life.
Pastor Chris explained from the scriptures what eternal life means, reading from Romans 623 and several other verses of scripture.
The man of God, Pastor Chris, elucidated the importance and power of the divine life for and in the believer.
Among several pertinent points, Pastor Chris showed from the scriptures that eternal life is gotten here in this world and not when we get to heaven.
Continuing this special teaching series on the three cardinal gifts, Pastor Chris teaches on how we as believers can impart others with the life and nature of God.
You are watching the International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference with Pastor Chris.
What makes us special?
How do we impact others with the life and nature of God?
Get the answers to these questions and more in this segment of the International School of Ministry Minister's Network Conference with Pastor Chris.
Jesus actually died.
Jesus was actually buried.
Jesus actually resurrected.
Jesus actually ascended.
Be blessed as you watch.
You have eternal life in you.
You are the minister of eternal life.
This is why Jesus said, they shall lay hands on this sick and they shall recover.
Because we are not ordinary.
We impact others with the life and nature that we have.
I'm a blessing.
Remember what God said to Abraham, is that I'll bless you and make you a blessing.
And there's something he said about him which was so extraordinary.
He said, and your seed.
We are the seed of Abraham.
We are a blessing to the nations of the world.
We are not the ones in need.
Don't look at yourself like you're in need.
Jesus said, I have chosen you out of the masses.
I'm not sure you got that one.
You know, in every nation, you have the elite, you have the masses.
You know who the masses are?
They call them the common people.
They call them the middle class.
They have many names for them.
You know, the capital is called them the common people.
and the liberals called them the middle class.
But they're all the same.
They're the masses, the ordinary people, you see.
But who are you?
When the masses want something, what do they do?
They go into the streets.
with their placards and chant and shout and make demands because that's what they were taught.
That's how they were raised.
That's their voice.
But Jesus said, you are in the Word, but not of the Word.
He says, I have chosen you out of the Word.
You are selected.
You are chosen.
You've been handpicked of God.
You're not like everybody else.
How do you make changes?
You're different.
You have a voice.
You have authority.
You have a father that's greater than all.
Jesus said, my father is greater than all.
You have to have that mentality.
You are not in the masses.
You don't belong there.
You don't belong there.
You are royalty.
You're royalty.
Say I'm special.
See, if you don't know your special, how are you going to help others discover they're special?
What is your gospel?
You're special because you have the life of God in you.
You're different.
This is no joke.
This is real.
Hey, come on.
What are we talking about?
The gospel of Jesus Christ is real.
Jesus died a real death.
Jesus actually came.
You know, one day I was preaching many years ago.
And when I was through, a young guy came to me, a Muslim, he said, tell me, do you mean all those things you said are really so?
because he saw me reading them out from the Bible.
I said, of course.
He said, I thought it was just a story.
And he gave his heart to the Lord.
He thought it was just a story.
And I wonder how many Christians think that this is just a story.
They think it's just a story.
Jesus actually died.
Jesus was actually buried.
Jesus actually resurrected.
Jesus actually ascended.
So you're dealing with a real person.
So Jesus was real.
The story of Jesus is a real story.
It's not a Hollywood film.
It's a true story.
And He sent us the Holy Spirit to help us prove it.
I like that.
He sent us the Holy Spirit to help us prove it.
I love it.
I love it.
To help us prove it.
I love that.
He sent us the Holy Spirit to help us prove it.
To help us prove it.
You know, one day I was preaching.
And as I administered, I perceived that there was some doubt in the room.
So I said, okay, everyone who has one deaf ear stand up.
And some stood up and among them were some of the doubters.
So they stood up.
I said, if God, from where I'm standing, opens your deaf ear where you are, then would you admit that what I said is true?
Of course they would, yeah.
I said, okay, all right, where you're standing, I'm gonna ask your deaf ear to open.
So if it opens, then it's proof that what I said is from God and that He's here because He heard us and He opened your deaf ear.
So they nodded, yes, there's several of them.
And so I said, OK, since you can hear me with one good ear, put your finger into the deaf one while I speak.
And so they did.
And then I said, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command the deaf ear to be unstopped.
I didn't shout.
I just spoke as simply as that.
and all of them, without exception, had their different ear opened.
Then I said, so nothing holds you back now.
You've got to accept it.
Otherwise, how could your ear from which you've not heard
Since birth be opened in a second, how can you explain it?
I said that for a reason.
I said the message that he gave us is a message that is difficult to believe.
God knew.
It was difficult to believe.
In fact, it was easier for the people in Jesus' day to believe it than for us in our day to believe it.
So how much more do we need the supernatural?
We need it.
More than they needed it then, back then.
We need the proof of our message.
And guess what?
Our Heavenly Father is already aware of that, and He made provision.
He knew we would need it.
You are not the one needing God to give you proof.
He's the one telling you you need it.
He's the one offering it.
You know, sometimes there are ministers who are praying to God, oh God, I want to preach your gospel with power.
Oh God, God already needs that.
He already figured that out.
He's the one pushing it on you.
But you're ignoring what is telling you and what is given to you and you're asking, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me.
You're asking him for something from heaven that's already with you in your room.
You know something beautiful about the Lord is His grace.
His grace.
Can you trust His grace?
Can you trust His Word?
When He speaks to you in your heart, can you accept what He says?
Can you accept what He says?
Can you accept what He says?
When God talks to you, his voice is simple but strong.
Simple but strong.
You know the spirit of God is here with us.
And he is the power of our lives.
We can do anything of ourselves.
or by the Holy Spirit.
Remember, the ministry that you are called into was given to you by the Holy Ghost.
Without him, you cannot fulfill the ministry.
But with him, nothing is impossible.
Your relationship with the Holy Spirit is so vital.
I'll talk about that, you know, but you see, the thing is I can't get away from it.
So I can't wait until when I'm dealing with the gift of the Holy Spirit, but I can get away from it.
Because that's so important to ministry and life.
Your life is empty without the Holy Ghost.
I can't even think of living without the Holy Spirit.
He's made my life what's living.
See, the Holy Spirit of God is all that I have.
But all that I have is more than enough.
So I can conceive of a day without the Holy Spirit.
I talk with the Holy Spirit more than any person.
So I can't get away from discussing that because I just can't conceive of anybody carrying out ministry without the Holy Spirit.
It's impossible.
It's impossible.
You may have the success of men, but that will not be the success of God.
The success of God will be revealed in changed lives, in the manifestation of His glory, in the expression of His love.
And then you find that people are being lifted from their pains, from their burdens.
They're being lifted, they're being strengthened.
Learn the secret to experiencing all round growth.
In this segment of the International School of Ministry Minister's Network Conference, watch and be blessed as Pastor Chris expounds on the secret of true and lasting success.
The Holy Spirit has been streamed through you.
And that will cause all kinds of growths, growths, mental growths, spiritual growths.
You see, numerical growth, financial growths, structural growths, and even growths in wisdom.
And grace.
The grace on your life will increase, increase and increase and increase.
And think about this.
Sometimes we are so blessed beyond our knowledge.
And we may not realize what God has put in us.
We may not even have much value for what we have because we don't know.
Look at Jesus, he was born in Israel, in that little town in Israel.
How many of the neighbors who came to see the baby Jesus, how many of them knew that that was the savior of the whole world?
Not just that, how many of them knew the greatness of this one that was born?
How many of them knew that generations will come and the ages will come.
That little baby will be talked about in the nations of the world.
That that little baby was more than what their streets could talk about.
They didn't know who he was.
But before God, he was so great.
So great.
Sometimes we don't know what we're carrying in us.
We don't know what we have in us.
If you only knew.
If you knew.
If you knew, you'd put it more to work.
If you knew, you'd do it more.
You'd do it more.
There are no two fingerprints alike in the whole world.
No two people are exactly the same.
And what God wants is to manifest Himself in us, in the unique you that you are.
And that is God expressing Himself in you in a way that He has never done through anyone else.
And in a way that He will never do through anyone else.
Just you.
You are so different.
But you are so glorious.
I may never be like you.
You may never be like me.
But God isn't asking us to be like each other.
Because He already has one of you.
And you are glorious.
You know, one of the beautiful things about the Word of God is that as we study it, as we listen to it, as it's minister to us, we are like a medal that's been polished.
and make to shine more and more, more and more.
The more you hear the word, the more glorious you are, the more glorious you are.
And then God wants you to hold that image, that image that you saw about you.
Hold it because you're going to move from there higher.
When I pray, I see visions.
It's one of the reasons I love to pray.
Because when I pray, I see visions.
Then I know what to do.
Then I know where to go.
I see visions.
He told us that when the Holy Ghost comes, he says, the young man shall see visions.
The old man shall dream dreams.
You see visions.
He opened your eyes to see.
Then you know what to do.
You just know the next step.
Sometimes the pastors who don't know what to do, they get bored with their work.
I never get bored with my work.
I never get bored with my work.
Because when I pray, I don't know what is going to tell me.
See, I don't know what is going to tell me, but I'm going to pray.
Then I say pray.
whatever, if I've been having so many thoughts, so many voices, so much imagination, so many pictures in my mind, then I keep praying.
As I keep praying, his voice, listen in the marketplace, no matter how noisy.
If you hear your father's voice, you know it.
You know it.
In the midst of the confusion, you know that voice.
So as those voices come to my mind, I keep praying.
I keep praying.
Maybe I'm thinking, should I do this?
Should I do that?
Should I say this?
Should I say that?
Should I go there or go there?
What should I do?
I refuse to ask all those questions.
I keep praying.
I keep praying.
As I pray, all the voices will be drowning.
There's one voice that stands.
And then with his voice will come visions, visions.
Sometimes I go, oh, you know, it's like it's so big.
Can I, can I really?
Can I?
Then I hear, it is not by might.
It is not by power, but by my spirit.
And I say, yes Lord, I can, yes, yes I can, yes I can.
I can, I can.
I can.
Yes, I can.
See, He wants my response.
He wants my response.
Your response to God is so important.
Don't hear the word of God for nothing, brothers and sisters.
Don't hear His word for nothing.
When you hear it's response.
You need to respond.
Did you know Samuel didn't know how to respond?
He had to be taught.
God said, Samuel!
He ran to the priest, a lie.
He said, I heard you call me.
The priest said, no, I didn't call you.
He went back.
You called me.
He said, no, I didn't call you.
Go back and sleep.
The priest is wondering, what's wrong with this guy?
Then Samuel comes again.
You called me, sir.
I didn't call you.
Then the Bible says, the priest Eli perceived that God had called the boy.
Because that priest had been raised in the things of God.
He understood that you have to respond to God.
It's not about going back to sleep.
You have to respond.
Because if you don't respond, that voice may stop.
You say, how do you know?
It's very simple.
Read your Bible.
Read your Bible.
Jesus is like his father, right?
He told his disciples, pray with me.
And they were praying with him.
He says, just an hour.
They fell asleep.
Jesus came.
He said, hey, what's happening?
You're sleeping.
They got up.
Master was sorry, sorry, sorry, we were just tired.
Okay, now we'll pray.
And then the master left.
Came back, they were sleeping again.
Oh, master was sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
We'll stay awake now.
The next time the master came, they're sleeping again.
Oh, master, what Jesus say?
You can continue to sleep.
He said, what?
It's too late.
It's too late.
Eli said to Samuel, the next time you hear that voice respond.
He said, you say, speak, Lord.
He taught him.
He said, say, speak, Lord.
He didn't say, stay there.
Don't come back here.
He said, say something to him.
Say, speak, Lord, for your servant here is.
And what happened?
The voice spoke again.
And then he did exactly what the preceptor said.
Speak, Lord, for your servant here is.
And God began to talk to the boy.
You've got to respond to God.
When you hear his voice, it may sound thin and small what you will know because the voice will persist for a while.
The voice will persist for a while.
He respond.
God has blessed you.
God has graced you.
God has lifted you.
You carry that eternal life with you.
He said, that eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us, that eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us.
I have eternal life here.
Oh, I've got to take it to the whole world.
Eternal life.
What this means, what this means, we are superhumans.
That means we are not ordinary beings.
Yes, who's special to God?
Special to God, I'm different.
Bishop, what different?
What different?
We have a different kind of life.
imperishable, indestructible, a life that cannot feel.
Think about it.
Never failing.
It says, my people are destroyed because they lack knowledge.
Only when you don't know.
If you don't know, you act differently because you don't know.
So you ignore truth.
But if you know,
And walk according to this knowledge, nothing shall be impossible unto you.
That's what Jesus says.
And He spoke truth.
He never lied.
Glory to God.
Still to come on the International School of Ministry Ministries Network Conference with Pastor Chris, the importance of speaking in tongues cannot be overemphasized.
Speaking in tongues is the language of the Spirit.
When we speak in tongues, we speak mysteries and see visions.
Watch and be blessed.
Speaking in tongues,
is a language of the Spirit.
When we speak in tongues, it is the language of the Spirit.
We are not just talking.
We are not speaking into the air.
We are speaking mysteries.
Now I want to help direct you about this because it's very important.
When you speak in tongues, it is important that you let the Holy Spirit guide your mind.
Now, there's a difference between a spiritual vision from God that he shows to you through your spirit and a spiritual vision that your spirit has the capacity
to create the two different things.
A lot of times we wait for the one that God is going to give us, and he doesn't do that all the time.
He doesn't give you
those spiritual visions every day.
Because that's specific to certain kinds of guidance.
But God has lifted you through the new birds into a class of being
In fact, Peter calls us associates of the God kind.
That is very important.
We are associates of the God kind, meaning that he has lifted us to a seven class.
What class is that?
The class of creators.
which means that we can actually use our minds to create visions for what we want to see by His grace.
Now, this is very important.
That means when you speak in tongues, one of two things
should be expected.
Either what you can create with your mind or the possibility of the Holy Spirit himself talking to you or showing you something.
He doesn't do that every time.
He may or may not.
He didn't say, I'll talk to you 24 hours a day.
He didn't say that.
If you want to hear his voice 24 hours a day, go to your Bible.
He has already spoken from there.
But he does talk to us from time to time as he chooses.
He does reveal things to us from time to time as he chooses.
Even the gifts of the Holy Spirit are distributed and manifested according to his will.
But there are circumstances that you may want to change or to create.
These circumstances could be in the church, in the city, or about you, or even in a nation.
So when you speak in tongues, through the spirits, create the vision and see if the vision is the kind that God wants.
When God tells you, yes, go for it.
Are you in this place?
You see, let me put it like this.
Suppose that you were praying for your city, you want to see a change, a move of God in your city.
You want to see growth, you want to see a spiritual change.
And you want to be a part of that because you have a church there.
You've got a ministry there.
And your ministry should be part of that growth of the kingdom of God that you want to see in that city.
In fact, because you have this vision, you have this concern, you should definitely be a part of it.
You should see the results in your ministry.
So use that praying.
You set yourself to pray.
Set yourself to pray and get the discipline to pray.
Give yourself set an amount of time every day.
For this particular project that you're working with God, and you pray.
When you pray, don't just pray as I don't speak into the air.
As you pray,
begin to see, create it.
This is different.
Hear me, this is different from the one that the Holy Spirit gives you.
Because the one the Holy Spirit gives you, you can't make it happen.
You do it himself.
Are you hearing this?
Well, he has positioned you as his representative.
Okay, let's look at it like this.
Look at this beautiful chair.
This chair.
Someone had an idea and created this chair.
And we're all getting it and using it.
It's nice.
Thank you.
Look at this pulpit.
Years ago, they didn't have pulpits like this.
But after a while, someone's idea.
They thought a glass pulpit would be wonderful.
And they said they're making things like this.
Now all around the world, you've got glass pulpets.
Someone's idea.
But it's useful.
It's here now.
This place was someone's idea.
The same thing with circumstances.
Do you realize the nation in which you live was probably someone's idea?
There are nations that were born of someone's idea.
There are nations that were not an idea.
And you can tell the difference.
A nation that's an idea has a plan and a vision.
And the people are raised accordingly.
They have a clear culture and a purpose and direction.
But nations that are not an idea adjust an enclave of people living together, confusing one another.
In the same way, we are God's plan.
That's what we are.
You're gonna have to use what you've got.
Otherwise, there'll be no change.
Put what I'm sharing with you to work.
Because these are two different parts.
And until you start doing this other one, you may be waiting for this and not getting a hold of it.
In fact, a lot of times when God even speaks to us, He expects us to carry out the work.
I'll give you an example.
Saul of Tassus is going to Damascus to arrest every Christian he could find.
And he's not a Christian.
He don't believe in Jesus Christ.
On that road, a light shining brighter than the noonday sun shines on him.
And he's blinded by that light, the glory of that light.
He falls to the ground hearing the voice of God, Jesus Christ talking to him.
and is led by the hand into the city.
He's blind.
Now he's talking to the Lord.
He's praying.
He's in the house, in a street.
And the name of the street is called Straight.
He's praying.
He's praying.
He's still blind.
He's praying, but he's still blind.
God is there in his room while he's praying.
He just saw Jesus.
Well, he heard the voice.
He saw the glory of Jesus from the lights talking to him.
He heard it, but he's still blind and he's in his room.
After seeing all that glory, he's still blind and he's praying.
Then, the Lord Jesus appears to a disciple and a nice magnate.
And he says, Ananias, rise from here.
I want you to go to a street called Traits.
Are you following this?
And he says, I've got a man.
I want you to lay your hands on him.
He's blind and he's praying now.
And he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming to lay his hands on him.
And I want you to go there and lay your hands on him.
That's all he said.
Now Ananias argues a little with Jesus.
He says, Lord, I know that man.
He's killing Christians.
And Jesus says, don't worry, I've arrested him.
says, I've taken care of him.
You can go there.
Now, Anandaz goes there and finds the house, gets in there, and here is Saul of Tazus.
He's like, why didn't Jesus open Saul's eyes by himself?
Why did he send someone?
He sent a man to come and help him.
But Jesus was there.
Why didn't he open his eyes by himself?
The man was praying.
The answer was in another man.
Now this is wonderful, but hear what this man does.
He says, brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus who appeared to you.
has spoken to me and sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost."
Now, Jesus didn't talk about being filled with the Holy Ghost.
He didn't tell Ananias that.
But Ananias knew without the Holy Ghost, he can't do nothing.
So he says, to receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
And he received his sight and received the Holy Ghost.
So what happened?
The Lord gave a word there, but Ananias realized there was more that had to be done.
He had to receive the Holy Ghost.
Ananias could have said, I was only sent for him to receive his sight.
But Ananias was smarter than that.
He knew something more had to be done.
If you saw a vision of an auditorium that God has given you,
An empty hall is God saying that the people should not sit on chairs.
Tell me.
Is that what it means?
So if it gives you a beautiful auditorium for church, you will bring in the chairs.
You will bring in the equipment.
You're bringing everything else.
That may have not appeared to you in the vision.
You now need your own vision.
See what I mean?
So he has shown you the auditorium.
Now, when you are praying, you will know the kind of chance.
When you are praying, you will know the kind of peer system you need.
When you are praying, you will know the kind of cuplets.
When you are praying, you will know the interior decoration.
See what I mean?
Same thing about circumstances.
Our circumstances are not necessarily favorable, and you can change them.
You pray in tongues.
You pray in tongues.
And pictures will come to you.
Imaginations will come to you.
Select the one you want.
And when you get the right one, present it before the Lord.
Lord, this is what I am seeing with my mind.
Can I do this?
Should I do this?
Is this all right?
If it's not okay in your spirit, don't select it.
Let it go anyway.
And if the Holy Spirit is bringing it to you, it'll be different.
You will also know.
You may not like it, but you will know it from Him.
And you can do that.
But I said, that may not happen every day.
You've got to use what you've got.
In fact, there's a message I was sharing with our pastors.
What's the title of that message?
How long is lines?
I believe it was a year ago.
Five factors for church groups.
Is that a title?
No, there's the one I was talking about.
Power of thoughts?
No, that's another one.
Mind management.
Thank you.
That's the title of the message.
Mind management.
What the Bible tells us about the mind and how we can use the mind to produce the things that we want through the power of the Holy Spirit.
So important.
How we can create the right circumstances.
After we have done the things that God has access to do, how can we receive?
Because sometimes we know how to pray, but we don't know how to receive.
Too many people pray without knowing how to receive.
Did you know the Word of God teaches us how to receive?
If you don't know how to receive, you may pray and pray and pray and not receive the answer.
Not because God didn't do it, but because you didn't know how to receive it.
Receiving is something you need to know in the word of God.
How can I receive when I've prayed?
How can I receive?
After I've asked God, what next should I do?
What next should I do?
How do I receive?
Glory to God.
Are you still here?
Finance is at the same way.
You want to have a financial change.
The first thing that I shared with you today is so vital in financial matters, where I said the gift of God is eternal life.
It was indeed a time of change, ministers being groomed for a higher level of work in ministry.
This classic exposé on the three cardinal gifts still continues as the man of God, Pastor Chris, expounds on the gift of righteousness and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
God bless you.