Giving Thanks
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the Untones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Every day is for us a day of Thanksgiving.
Is that right?
Every day.
We give things every day and the Bible says to give things for all things.
We give things to God for all things, but also
It is necessary to appoint a day formally as the Bible teaches to do such a thing.
For example, we pray every day on our own, but we do have such things as prayer meetings, special days we come together to pray.
We fellowship every day, but we have two major days we come here on a Wednesday and then on a Sunday.
Is that right?
But we can have fellowship any day.
We don't have to be in a church building to do that.
Jesus didn't build houses and tell people to stay inside them to praise Him.
But we do have them.
We can do it in our own homes.
But we have special places that we go to and worship God.
So, if anybody is wondering, why must we have a special day for Thanksgiving?
Ask yourself the same question.
Why must we have a special place for worship?
Why must we have any special day in the week to come together?
We do come together like that.
We give offerings to God anytime.
And yet, Paul said, on the first day of the week, you can lay it aside, so that when I come, I don't have to go around from house to house.
You see that?
So it's right to do this.
Praise God.
It's on Luke's gospel.
I want to read to you from chapter 17.
beginning with the 12th verse.
And as he entered into a certain village, they met him, tamed me, and that will let us which to the far off.
And they lifted up their voices and said, Jesus, master have mercy on us.
Now these stories, popular, but I want you to observe something that we're going to see here.
And when he saw them, he said unto them, go show yourselves unto the priest.
And it came to pass that as they went, they were cleansed.
Now that was a miracle because
They were suddenly cleansed as they turned to go to the priest.
They actually acted on his word because no leper was to see a priest until he was cleansed.
And it was the priest that would satisfy him cleansed.
And that's why Jesus said, go and show yourselves to the priest.
In other words, see he would actually send them your cleansed.
Praise God, go to the priest and show yourselves to him.
And they turned to go.
They should have said, ah, we cannot go there because we are not cleansed yet.
But they turned to go.
They acted on his word.
And suddenly they received a miracle.
Thank God for that.
So verse 15.
And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back.
Now notice they were cleansed.
They were cleansed of the leprosy.
They were healed of the leprosy.
the leprosy left them.
Verse 15, when he saw that he was healed, turned back.
And with a loud voice, glorified God.
He turned back.
And with a loud voice, glorified God.
With a loud voice.
How many people glorified God to do with a loud voice?
With a loud voice.
He glorified God.
And then he was shouting.
hallelujah, and fell down on his face at his feet, and feet of Jesus, giving him thanks.
And he was a Samaritan.
And Jesus answering said, we're they're not 10 cleansed, but we're at the nine.
They are not found that return to give glory to God, except the stranger.
See he was a Samaritan, not a Jew.
What happened to the other nine?
And he said unto him, watch this, the man was cleansed, along with the other nine, or ten of them were cleansed, or ten of them were healed.
And only this one came back to give God glory.
Only this one came back to Jesus, give him thanks.
Verse 19, and he Jesus said unto him, Arise, go thy way thy faith had made thee whole.
Now this was another miracle.
This was another miracle, because now he was whole.
Which means all that he had lost was restored to him.
Like a man who was blind said to Jesus, Master, I want to receive my sight.
Jesus said to him, Your faith has made you whole.
That's beyond healing.
Whether Jesus said, take up your bed and go home.
Or he said, go and show yourselves to the priests.
Or he said, your faith that made you whole.
It was the pronouncement of America.
Now he said to this man, thy faith had made the whole.
The man got what the other nine didn't get.
The nine of them were cleansed.
But the scars remained, the lost fingers were still gone, but there was no more leprosy.
You know, with leprosy, they lose their fingers.
Sometimes the ears get cut, the toes are gone.
But now these nine are cleansed, no more leprosy.
But what about the cut fingers?
What about the cut toes?
They didn't know there was something more than that.
God is a big God.
He can blow your mind.
He can do far, abundantly above what you can think or expect.
So this one man was made whole because he came back to give him thanks.
This is very important.
There's another story here.
Same book, but this time in chapter 7, rush there quickly, chapter 7.
And I'm reading from verse 36, and I'm going to read pretty fast, so I'd like you to follow quickly.
in chapter 7, St.
Luke's Gospel.
And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him.
And he went into the Pharisees' house and sat down to eat a Pharisee came to Jesus, invited Jesus for dinner.
That all right?
And Jesus went to his home to eat with him.
And behold a woman in the city which was a sinner when she knew that Jesus sat at meeting the Pharisees' house, brought an alabaster box of ointment.
very costly perfume, and stood at his feet behind him whipping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.
Now, when the Pharisee, which had invited him, had invited Jesus, beating him, saw it, he's specked within himself.
Within himself, he said, this man, talking about Jesus, he said, this man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that tortured him, for she is a sinner.
And really, the Bible, in terms of verse 37, that the woman was a sinner.
He says, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner.
So she was actually a sinner.
The fire was in you had to be a sinner.
Now, don't you dare guess what kind of a sinner she was?
Because Bible didn't mention what kind of a sinner she was.
She was a sinner, period.
Praise God.
He says, the man began to down to Jesus.
He said, in this manner of property, you would know what manner of woman this is that touches him.
For Jesus, he said, verse 40, in Jesus answering, see, he knew the man's thoughts.
He knew the man's thoughts.
The man didn't quite speak out, but Jesus knew his thoughts.
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Simon.
So that's the name of the Pharisee, Pharisee Simon.
Jesus answered and said on to him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee.
God, something to tell you.
And he said, Master, say unto him.
And Jesus said, verse 41, there was a certain creditor which had two debtors and one old GM 500 pounds and the other 50.
So one creditor, two debtors, one owed him 500 pence, and the other 50, 50 pence.
And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them boats.
Tell me, therefore, which of them will love him most?
Simon answered and said, I suppose that he to whom he forgave boost.
And he said unto him, thou hast rightly judged.
And he turned to the woman and said unto Simon, see as thou this woman.
I entered into thine house, thou gave us me no water for my feet.
But she had washed my feet with tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head.
Thou gave us me no kiss.
But this woman, since the time I came in, had not ceased to kiss my feet.
My head with oil, thou this not anoint.
But this woman had anointed my feet without me.
These are, you didn't even anoint my head.
But she did it to my feet.
Wherefore I say unto thee, has things which are many, are forgiven for she loved much,
But to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
And he said unto her, those sins are forgiven.
Look at that, it's not over yet.
And they, that's sad, admit with him, began to sing with England's ears.
Who is this that forgives it since also?
And he said to the woman, thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace.
There was more than forgiveness.
The word save is a big word.
It is God's all-inclusive word for all that he does for you.
When he said, thy faith had saved thee.
It's beyond sin.
It's another way to say thy faith had made thee whole.
It is a wholeness when you talk about salvation.
He said, the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.
Who really received little forgiveness?
It's a state of mind.
Who was the greatest sinner than the other?
Poor said he was the greatest of sinners.
How do you measure it?
Korea means worse than Nehru or Caligula or even Herod.
It is a state of mind.
Some people say, well, I wasn't really such a bad person before I was born again.
Shame on you to talk like that.
You can hear him.
Well, before I was born again, it's not as though I was released, you know, but, well, somehow, just that, but I knew I was not really a Christian, but not as if I was doing some terrible scenes, or, oh, oh.
You know what Jesus asked the Jews one time?
He said, do you think that you're more righteous than those on whom the tower fell?
He said, those that perished in the pseudo would rise up against this generation.
In other words, when God forgives you, it is not small.
But it can be small in your own eyes.
That's why Jesus said to whom little is forgiven.
Loves little.
He to whom little is forgiven loves little.
The one that knows in his heart that God has given him so much, loves much.
One owed fifty pence.
One owed five hundred pence.
You don't know
You see, that man answered wisely.
He didn't say the one to whom you forgive 500.
He was maxed.
If he had sent the one to whom you forgive 500, I wish I had asked you.
I'm just some of you that said, the one to whom you forgive 500.
And you'd have been wrong.
The man said, the one to whom the most
was forgiven the most he didn't say the one to whom 500 you know why the one who owed 50 may have been in a greater need than the one who owed 500 the one who would 500 may have had a lot of money and the 500 could have been little dream
the one that owed fifty may have had very little and that fifty could have been so much to him.
So when that Pharisee wisely answered and said the one to whom the most was forgiven, Jesus said he answered rightly.
See, because it was not based on the amount, it was based on the state of mind, the one to whom the forgiveness was granted.
You're here now.
Maybe you never carry the gun, never kill somebody.
You never still, maybe you never have more lights.
But somehow, you just, one day, you just woke up and said, I like God.
I think I will be born again from today.
Thank God, you're welcome.
But ask yourself again, did Jesus die for you?
where your sins and your life, what is death, if it was what is death, you should have died.
Think about it.
Come on, tell me if you're hearing me.
So, these two who express themselves, this way, received wholeness.
They received wholeness.
You're giving thanks for the year.
We're doing this corporately.
Anybody can stay anywhere at home or somewhere and thank God for the year.
But we have come together as God's people today to give him thanks for a whole year.
And what are you going to get?
He'll be happy for what you did because you acted on His Word.
You learned from others and took the right steps because God's the respect of persons.
What He does for one, He'll do for another under the same circumstances.
If you come the way they came, you get what they got.
Praise the Lord, because He is the same.
So today, we're thinking Him for a whole year.
And we're looking forward to the next.
And so you obtain a wholeness through your hat-fared, honest, thanksgiving.
If you are thanking Him for how He blessed you financially this year,
You're getting the wholeness in your finances to be manifested in the coming year.
If you're thanking Him for your health, you're getting a wholeness.
See, whatever you're thanking Him for today, you're getting a wholeness.
You're getting a wholeness.
If there was any loss, it'll be restored to you.
God is great.
And you know one of the things I love the Bible for?
We can look at the Bible.
Thank God that we can really study from the Bible for ourselves.
Thank God we have a copy.
We can see these things and have the light and know what others did and work in those same steps and get what they got.
We're not in the dark at all.
So His will is revealed to us.
So we know exactly what to do.
He told us to follow the right examples.
And these are the right examples of faith.
The Bible says you should follow them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
So we just act like they did.
Then another thing that's so important
giving him thanks like this, is committing yourself to continue.
Committing yourself to continue another year is coming.
You're going to commit yourself to continue.
What do I mean by that?
You have to know that there's one major reason that you are here in the mind of God, outside your biological existence on earth.
And men's normal lifespan, they say Africans have a lifespan of about 70, 80.
And Caucasians have a lifespan of 80, 90.
I don't understand that.
But I know if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
He ceases to be African, he ceases to be Caucasian, he ceases to be anything colored, black, green, yellow.
He has the nature of God, Hallelujah.
But you see, biologically, man just has so much to leave and then
He can die through many other things.
Accidentally, he can climb a tree and fall and die.
He can climb with stool and fall and die.
He can mount a chair and fall and die.
He can eat something and get that disease and die.
He can breathe in airborne things and die.
Anything can kill him.
So for all things being equal, and we know all things, never in any equal, all things being equal, he'll just leave out until he's old and he'll go.
but brothers and sisters.
You can be on earth for a greater reason than a biological reason.
Alive because biologically nothing has happened to kill them.
And although that's true, that's why some folks are still alive.
There's a woman around, not because they ought to be here, but because they were born just like bingo, skippy, and jaguar.
You know, they were born and they are alive in maybe eight years and they go.
Except something happens.
The dog ran through the road and the car knocked him down and died.
So he has a biological life.
So many human beings are that way.
But when you are born again, there's a reason to be here.
And if you don't understand that reason, you're making a big mistake.
So I said, committing yourself to continue.
You know, a lot of folks died during the year.
Thank God for them.
Thank God for those who died and went to the right place.
But many died.
And of course, when a man or woman dies, anything he was hiding will be unveiled.
Everybody know what he was hiding.
Because people are going to help him pack out his boxes and then pack out everything that nobody saw.
But good part is he'll not be there to be ashamed.
Glory to God.
Oh boy.
So, but God gives us a reason to be here, get acquainted with that reason.
And I said, commit yourself to continue.
You have a reason to continue.
For what reason?
Because you don't like to die?
Do you love the earth so much?
Do you want to be here so much?
There could be a reason for being here.
I want to read that to you.
It's a Max Gospel chapter number five.
I want to read to you from the 18th verse.
I'll tell you the background.
Now, this man was the man, the demon possessed man of the gatherings.
The man who was found in Gadara, he was in the cemetery.
And he ran to Jesus.
You remember him?
He was possessed by a legion of demons.
Do you remember the man?
And Jesus commanded those devils to come out of him and they all went out.
And the man was free.
He had been cutting himself with stones.
You remember?
And cried night and day and left his family.
Nobody could help him.
He was in bad shape.
Now he was restored and he was given clothes to wear.
So in verse 18, and when he was coming to the ship, Jesus went back into the ship
He had, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with you.
The man said, Master, I want to be with you.
See, you've done so much on the answer, thank you.
I want to be with you.
How may Jesus suffered him not?
Jesus permitted him not, but said unto him, go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord had done for thee and had compassion on thee.
Praise God.
Some of you, life has been so wonderful.
You could even say, oh Lord, if I were to die right now, I'd just be happy.
I'm ready to go home to be with the Lord.
And the Lord is saying, uh-uh, not yet.
Not yet.
Go back to your friends and your family and tell them what the Lord has done for you.
See, one reason not to go home, to be with the Lord, but to be at home, down here on earth and go home to your friends.
He said, why go and tell them what the Lord has done for you, to continue the work.
Trust you or bless by this message.
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Thank you.