The Human Spirit - Part 1
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining, and not against top you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.
In the past couple of weeks, we've been studying something I regard as necessary for every child of God to know and understand, and we titled it
Anticipating evil.
And I think that for some measure, we got some distance Wednesday night.
So I want to take another step father in a subject, to begin a subject that I believe will
will help you not only understand all of what we are dealt with in the past few weeks, but also to give you a further advantage.
The title is The Human Spirit.
I want to talk to you about the human spirit.
Because in dealing with anticipating evil, we had to talk a lot about the development of the human spirit, all right?
So I thought that I should just get into that subject itself and see what more we could gain.
You know, all the schools of the world, the primary schools, the secondary schools, the universities and colleges of technology and so on, are all there to help you develop your mind, make you a great mentor giant.
That's what all the schools are for.
Then there are other schools
that help you develop your physical body.
Some of you go to the gym just because you want to keep fit.
Some others want to tone down somehow.
Some are concerned about a lot of fat they put on and try to get rid of it.
And so they're those who have studied so much about the physical body and they are helping to straighten you out about your physical body.
They even tell you what kind of food to it.
But there are not many schools that teach on the human spirit.
Incidentally, that's the most important of all three of them.
First, as alone in chapter five, a scripture that I already gave you when we were studying the past subject, hallelujah to Jesus.
I want you all to read for me verse 23.
All right, chapter number five, now I want you to read for me verse 23, want to go.
in the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, completely.
And I pray, God, your whole spirit, did you notice?
Your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless onto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Your whole spirit and soul and body.
Let's move over to St.
John's Gospel and have
a look at Jesus encounter with the woman whom he met at the will of Samaria.
John's Gospel chapter number four.
You know, he had asked the woman to give him water, to drink it.
The woman said, you know, you are a Jew and I am his marriage and we don't have anything in common.
Why should you ask me for water?
And Jesus said, if you knew the one who's asking you for water, you would ask him for water.
And he would give you what kind of water?
live in water such that you'd never have to come back here to draw water.
Then she said to Jesus, you don't have anything to draw the water from the well and the well is deep.
How can you have that live in water?
An interesting dialogue.
Well then, she had a question for Jesus.
Now, one read from verse 19.
The woman said unto him, sir, I perceive the thou at a prophet.
Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and he say that in Jerusalem is the place where men are to worship.
You know, she's come up with a denominational question now.
Jesus said, under how woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father.
You worship ye not what?
We know what we worship for salvation is of Jews.
But the hour cometh,
Are you looking at verse 23?
The hour cometh and now is when the true worship us shall worship the Father in spirit, in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
The hour cometh and now is
when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seek it such to worship Him.
God is His Spirit.
Jesus is preaching to this woman here.
God is His Spirit, and they that worship Him must
must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
You know that a lot of people think that they say, let us worship in spirit now.
And when they say let us worship in spirit, everybody goes like this, quiet.
Then they come back.
To them, they have worshiped in the Spirit.
Then some others go.
Praise the Lord.
O single, single, praise the Lord.
Then they say, OK, now, now, now, let us do it in the Spirit.
Praise the Lord.
O single, single.
They think if they take it slowly, that is worship.
If they sing it fast, that is praise.
Praise is fast.
And dance.
Worship is... Hallelujah!
So, different people have the interpretation of what it is to wash up in the Spirit.
But this is not right.
It doesn't mean that if you sing the song slowly, you are now in the Spirit.
It doesn't mean that if you shut your eyes and shut your trap, then you are in the Spirit.
No, a thousand times no.
thousand times no.
It's not the modulus operandi that decides whether it is spiritual or not, it's the source.
Words coming from.
Words coming from.
Words coming from.
Is it coming from
The body and his senses.
Is it coming, I'll tell you about that in a moment.
Is it coming from the soul and his mind?
Or is it coming from the spirit?
So God is a spirit.
And those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit, in truth.
Now worship in Him in spirit means it's got to come from your spirit.
Its origin is the spirit.
It's got to come from your spirit.
Now many people have never understood the difference between the spirit and their mind.
They think their mind is a spirit.
They're not the same.
When you were born again, it was not your body that was born again.
It was not your mind that was born again.
It was your spirit that was born again.
Somebody said, when I was born again, I felt different.
Where did you feel different in your body or in your mind?
Some, because they didn't understand that, three weeks after they were born again, they found themselves thinking the same wrong thoughts, because when they were born again, everything was just so nice.
They went back telling all their friends, you see, I'm now a Christian.
I don't wanna do things I used to do, I do them no more.
So they made that clear to their friends, I don't do this anymore.
And then they were so expectant that their mind will now be very holy, and it was holy.
But in the process of time, the old thoughts they used to have began to come back, and they thought, wait a minute.
I thought I was born again.
The devil said, no, you're not.
I thought, how can a born again person be thinking evil?
If they used to fight, and somebody did something wrong against them, that mind that used to say, go and kill him.
Finish him.
Now he's thinking like that again and he says, I thought I was born again.
And then there's this argument in his mind.
Finish him.
God will forgive you when you finish.
Then he says, I don't think I'm a Christian.
There was this, I told you, you are not a Christian.
It's very hard.
Very hard to be a Christian.
Before you come be a Christian, hey.
So the guy thinks he decides to give up.
Not only should you just don't go to church again, because if you go, they expect you to be a Christian Christian.
And you are just Christian.
So Christian Christian is a serious one.
You are not a serious one yet.
After like three years, you can try again.
So he stops coming to church.
He's given up.
You go and reach him to witness to him and try to bring him back to church.
He lets you understand his difficulty.
If the devil keeps talking to him, the next time he sees you, he runs away.
You're coming to invite him for Sunday service.
He's looking at you from a corner.
He even pressed to God.
God, don't let him see me.
God, to not let him see you, to take you to church.
And after he's gone, he's like, thank God.
The same God is trying to take you to go and meet in church for worship.
He's helping you to make sure the present he sent does not see you.
No, no, no.
Those thoughts may come back.
Evil thoughts may come back to your mind, because it's not your mind that was born again when you were born again.
It was your spirit.
Your mind can still have some really dirty thoughts.
So what are you going to do?
Are you in this place?
Romans 12.
Have you found it?
I want to read from verse 1, Romans 12.
Paul is writing to these Roman Christians here, and this is, I beseech you there for brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye, everybody say ye?
Who are ye?
What do you mean ye?
He is all King James' language for you in plural, okay?
Somebody said he was talking to Yee, not me.
Yee refers to you, aim, plural, all of you.
I beseech you there for brethren by the mercies of God that Yee present your bodies.
Yee present your bodies.
That means I'm not a body.
He says for me to present my body.
I should present my body.
So you see, I have a body.
I should present my body.
So I'm not my body.
So he says that he presents your body's deliverance, sacrifice, holy acceptable out of God, which is your reasonable service.
Verse two, and be not conformed to this word.
Don't be like the rest of this word.
Don't conform to their ways of doing things.
Somebody says, everybody cheats now.
Everybody lies now.
You are not everybody.
He's telling you, be not confirmed to this world.
Be not confirmed to this world.
Be not confirmed to this world.
You are selling in the same market.
And everybody's using that uneven balance.
He says, don't do it.
Don't do it.
Don't buy a fake passport because people are buying fake passports.
Don't do it.
He says, don't do it.
Don't do it.
You don't even have a bank account.
You have framed bank statements.
You've designed them by yourself and forwarded them to the embassy because some other people did the same thing.
Don't do it.
They're getting in trouble somewhere along the line, not with man, but with God.
Don't do it.
Don't do it.
He says, be not confirmed to this word.
Be not confirmed to this word.
Don't be like the rest of them.
Don't accept their ways.
Be not confirmed in this world, but be ye transformed.
Look at it.
Be ye transformed.
It's a metamorphosis, a transfiguration.
That's what he's saying here.
Be it transformed.
It changed.
From one stage to another, from one glory level to another.
Be transformed.
By the renewing of your mind.
How important your mind is.
By the renewing of your mind.
He says through the renewing of your mind, you will experience a transformation by way of a metamorphosis.
Which means you go from one level of glory to another.
A transfiguration.
Be it transformed.
Be it transformed.
I like this.
I could see on this verse, I could be on this verse for a month, every day.
be transformed.
So I can be transformed.
He's saying, you know what it is?
It's a metamorphosis.
It's a change from one state to another.
Yet it's the same life.
The same life.
A transformation.
A transfiguration.
So I was like this.
Now I have become like this.
Maybe I used to be someone who was always afraid.
That has changed.
That has changed.
Maybe I was loquacious, talkative.
That has changed.
He didn't tell me to try to change.
Because if I tried from today, I won't talk, talk, talk, talk.
from today, I won't misuse my mouth.
He says, that will not work.
It's not those promises.
He told us how.
He says, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Oh, renewing your mind.
Renewing your mind.
My personality will be altered by the renewing of my mind.
If you want to become a bold person, it's not by saying, okay, I'm going to be bold now.
No, he says, by the renewing of your mind, you will be transformed into a bold and courageous person.
If your life had been full of failure, it will change you to a man or woman of success.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
So the key is the renewing of my mind.
How can I renew my mind?
It means change your way of thinking.
How can I change my way of thinking?
I can only think upon the materials that I have received.
You see that?
Which means I can only think through the information that I have.
I process the information that comes to me.
So what am I going to do?
I must change the information that I receive.
I must begin to process new information.
It's actually a reprogramming of that human person, a reprogramming
A reprogramming.
Some people have been programmed for failure in life.
It doesn't matter what happens, they're gonna fail.
It doesn't matter where you put them, they're gonna fail.
The programming started a long time ago.
They've been programmed for failure and they have never reprogrammed themselves.
Doesn't matter what happens, they're gonna fail.
See, I tell people, it doesn't matter what you score in class, in school.
It matters what you score in life.
Some had distinctions in school, but they have a D in life.
Things just don't work out well.
They're suggesting anything doesn't show in their life.
Their life is just a failure because they were programmed for failure.
And they can understand why.
Be transformed, just be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
By the renewing of your mind, reprogram your mind, renew your mind.
receiving new information.
For example, now that you are born again, the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5 verse 17, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation.
So what?
I say, now that I am in Christ, I am a new creation.
This is new information.
I am a new creation.
I'm not the creation of the past of failure.
I'm a new creation.
full of success in the life of God.
So I know that God lives in me.
I have the life of God in me.
The things I used to suffer, maybe I was born with that disease.
Maybe I was born with that infirmity.
No, I'm not that way anymore.
I've got a new life.
I'm a child of God now, a new creation now.
See, my way of thinking has changed.
See, I've got new information and it's spiritual information.
The human person must be changed from we think.
From we think.
Glory to God.
I'm a new creation.
I've got the life of God in me.
I've got the life of God in me.
You say that all the time.
I've got the life of God in me.
In my spirit, my soul and my body.
I'll never be sick.
God the life of God in me.
I'm a success.
Because to have the life of God in me, the greater one lives in me.
You see, this is new information from the Word of God.
And I'm being reprogrammed.
So when others say life is hard, I can't think like that.
I can't think like that because my mind has been renewed.
I have been reprogrammed.
And I've become an oasis of love in a troubled world.
I'm different.
I think differently.
Say that, say I'm different.
I think differently.
Say it again.
I'm a success, irrespective of the surrounding situation.
Say that with me.
I'm a success, irrespective of the surrounding situation.
Because I am a light in a dark world.
That's it.
I'm a light in the dark world.
The darker the world around me, the brighter I shine.
So when life looks dark, don't cry with the others.
They've been programmed for that darkness.
Be not conformed to this world of darkness and pain and failure.
Don't conform to that world around you.
Don't seek the same solutions that they try.
But be transformed, transfigured, transformed from glory to glory by the renewing of your mind.
Glory to God.
Say, I know who I am.
Say again, I know who I am.
I'm a success.
This world belongs to me.
Glory to God.
Hey, hey, hey.
This world belongs to me.
Thank you, Lord.
He said he's talking as if he owns the world.
They didn't know.
It's true.
They're just trying to find out.
So why did you talk like he owned the world?
Oh, you mean you didn't know?
I inherited it.
They say, what do you mean by that?
I inherited it.
The war belongs to me.
I inherited it.
Now, don't matter.
You know, you can own a property that some tenants are on.
And they are saying, we ain't moving.
And it's been wheeled to you.
And you have the document that shows it belongs to you.
They may be living on it, but it's yours.
You didn't get that?
No matter whose way, this world is mine.
It's mine.
The rest of them are tenants.
Glory to God.
So walk like it belongs to you.
Talk like it belongs to you.
Talk like it belongs to you.
The Bible says the earth is the Lord's and the full nester of the world and all that being it.
And we are joint heirs with Christ.
Joint heirs.
He got it by inheritance and gave it to me.
So I inherited it.
Say it with me, I inherited it.
They have a different mentality.
Glory to God.
Be not confined to this world of being transformed by the renewing of your mind.
That ye may prove what is that good, unacceptable and perfect will of God.
Mine, oh my.
I can prove the will of God in my life.
I renew in my mind.
Thank your Lord Jesus.
Praise God.
All right.
Now, another thought.
You there?
We're talking about the human spirit, okay?
And our man is primarily a spirit being.
He's a spirit being.
You are a spirit being.
A spirit personality.
You have a soul.
You have a body.
You live in your body.
Your body is your house.
Your body is your domicile.
That's where you live.
But your body is not you.
You're a spirit.
Say, I'm a spirit.
I'm a spirit.
Say it again, I'm a spirit.
I'm a spirit.
You know, some people have only been trained to enjoy solid things.
They've never been trained to enjoy spiritual things.
They are bored by spiritual things.
They enjoy solid things.
Just play.
Some videos, they can watch three video programs of three hours each.
That's nine hours.
They just sit down on one chair.
You'll be amazed.
Just sitting there and watching cross this leg.
After about two hours, they cross the other leg.
Then they finish one video down.
Put the other one.
They put the other one.
The whole Saturday is burnt like that.
They just keep watching.
Even when, they just feel sleepy like this.
I almost missed that.
Nine hours!
Nine hours!
All the sports channel.
How many minutes?
For one match.
They finished that one.
They looked for another one like the own.
That one, okay.
Is that watching that one?
Three hours gone.
It thought match.
Or Saturday and Sunday.
Then finally they get up.
They've been working.
That's work.
What mind will you have?
On to you start dreaming.
That becomes it.
In the night you'll be dreaming.
You may just do this.
You thought you were heading the boat.
You wake up on your bed.
Or you wake up saying, it's a goo.
Because it's what you have that will come out of you.
You know all the footballers in Europe.
Nobody knows them like you.
In fact, you boast of it.
There's no one I don't know.
Do you know the disciples of Jesus?
The books of the Bible, they're only 66.
You don't know them.
Open to fast as a lonnance.
You went to Genesis.
Those books are very rare ones.
This is one of the passages quotes.
Very rare.
They are not rare.
You spent your Saturday and Sunday watching football.
They're not rare.
The barber says, to be cannally minded is death.
To be cannally minded is death.
What is it to be cannally minded?
It means to be ordinary, ethly, base, ethly,
He says, that is the root of death.
But to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
He says, the cannot mind is enmity against God and that it is not subject to the will of God.
Neither indeed can be.
That means it cannot even be subject to the will of God.
So some people are training themselves to be more canal, to be more and more canal, more and more canal, more and more canal, by the materials they digest.
That's all they're interested in, from sports channel to cartoon network.
And parents, be careful.
When you see your children watching a cartoon, you think they're for children.
You'd be amazed watching those cartoons.
Some of them are the deadliest thing on TV.
And many parents don't know.
When they just see them, they're like, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
Don't take everything into you.
Do you eat everything in the plate?
Some people do.
Some people do.
They eat everything.
Some things are not good for you.
Some things are not good for you.
Why do you think a lot of people get sick?
Because they don't listen to God's Spirit.
Some things are not good for you.
Just not good for you.
God doesn't want you taking everything.
He doesn't want you going everywhere.
He doesn't want you singing every song.
Now you are so uncontrollable that everywhere you are, you are dancing.
A lot of times, it's not even Christian music that's going on.
You're already dancing.
Before you realize that you're helping to praise the devil.
Listen, what are you dancing at?
I didn't know.
Everything moves you.
No, every way you are.
Just across the road.
Boom, boom, boom, boom.
You're good like this.
Everything moves you.
Your life shouldn't be that way.
Self-control is from your spirit.
He says, the fruit of the spirit is self-control.
He was of self-control.
Until your spirit recognizes these things.
You don't just dance at everything, everything.
So long as it's music, my own is, I convert it to praise God.
But you have not converted it.
You are hearing it.
It's from the world.
You are dancing to it.
You're dancing to it because of a lack of self-control.
You didn't sing.
It's not a sing.
No, no, no.
I didn't say that because you were dancing like that, you know, a guy found himself dancing and said they punish himself.
No, no, no.
Don't go on your knees and say, Father, I need them for three hours because I was dancing to the wrong music.
No, it's not a sing.
I'm not dealing with you singing here.
I'm talking about moving from the good to the best, developing your human spirits, coming into excellence in your life.
That's what I'm talking about.
There's a higher life in Christ.
That's what I'm talking about.
Making progress in your life.
There's some excellence.
So you bring in self-control to your life.
You know when to stop.
You must see the end of this film.
You're watching it.
You have an exam tomorrow morning.
You must see the end of this film.
You don't have self-control.
Those people have made their money.
You have an exam tomorrow morning.
You are still watching this film.
I must see the end of it.
I just want to see the end.
And then it's not ending.
They just keep going.
Meanwhile, the TV house didn't make a deal with you as to when to stop.
Bringing some self-control, success is from the human spirit.
Real success.
Until and unless your personality is altered, to go in direction of the Word of God, to go in direction of the Spirit of God, you haven't begun to succeed at all.
Because until a man has tamed himself,
He's still asleep.
Your greatest victory will be the victory over yourself.
The Bible says a man that has no control over his spirit is like a city whose walls are broken down.
You following this?
Let me read something to you.
You there?
Romans 9, read for me, verse 1.
Poor said, I say the truth in Christ.
I lie not.
My conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost.
Witness in the Holy Ghost.
My conscience.
My conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost.
So what's the conscience?
The conscience really is the voice of your spirit.
That's what the conscience is.
The conscience is a voice of the human spirit.
The conscience is the voice of the human spirit.
And you can train your conscience.
A man's conscience can be good or bad.
A man's conscience can be pure or impure.
A man's conscience can be a good check.
Or allow him.
to do all that wrong.
But see, a man that's born again, when you're born again, your spirit is the one that's born again and has the life and nature of God.
And so your conscience becomes a good guide, but your conscience is not God.
Your conscience is a voice of your own spirits.
And we allow or disallow according to knowledge.
Because your conscience knows what he knows.
He knows how much he knows.
A man's conscience can be weak or strong.
I can read all of this, I'm telling you, to you from the Scriptures.
But this is an introductory part.
In the next services, we'll progress and move deeper into the subject.
So, your conscience can be weak or strong.
You train your spirit.
As you train your spirit, remember I said, the conscience is the voice of the spirit.
So, sometimes we say the conscience in place of the spirit is one and the same thing.
But you train your conscience through the Word of God.
Your conscience will easily and quickly accept God's word, because he has that nature of God.
Your spirit has that nature of God.
He has the nature of God.
And yearns to serve God.
Yearns to love God, to work with God.
That's why you find inside you, you always really love the things of God.
You appreciate God's people.
way down in your spirits.
That's what you really want.
That's what you really like.
That's what you really enjoy.
In your spirit.
That's what your conscience really settles for.
And you can train your conscience to go in that direction.
To always accept the things of God, the Word of God.
This is my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost.
You notice that, bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost.
His conscience had come to oneness with the Holy Spirit.
And that's what you have to begin to do.
First is to recognize that you are a spirit being.
That's the first thing to recognize.
Now, in the use of the term spirit,
From this very introductory part, I would like to explain something to you that will help you in our communication because of semantics.
Now, the human being is in the first sense referred to in two ways.
the inward man, number one, and the outward man.
You have the inward man, and you have the outward man.
The inward man is the spirit and his soul as the inward man.
The outward man is the body and his senses, the five senses.
That's the outward man.
So when they put a man on the stretcher and the doctors come in their masks, turn the light on and start cutting through his body,
looking into his intestines and everything, that's the man's body.
That's all the outward man, the whole case that you see.
All of that plumbing inside the body is all the outward man.
The inward man is called another name, the hidden man of the heart.
He's called the hidden man of the heart, which means you can't see him with your optical eyes.
That's why it doesn't matter what the doctors do, they can't find him.
He's hidden.
He's hidden from their eyes.
You see, you can't see my inward man right now.
You can only see my outward man.
I can see your inward man right now because he's hidden.
God has hidden that man, but God sees him.
God doesn't deal with the body.
God doesn't deal with the outward man.
You remember when Samuel the prophet went to the house of Jesse to anoint one of his sons, and when he saw the first son of Jesse, Eliab, he said, behold, the Lord's anointed is before him and wanted to anoint him to become king of Israel.
And God said, no, don't anoint him, for I've rejected him.
Then God made a statement.
He said, man, look it at the outward appearance.
You see, so man can only see the outward appearance.
He said, but God looks at the heart.
God looks at the heart.
In the spirit.
That's what God sees.
But man looks at the outward appearance.
before you can see the inward man of anybody, it can only be by the Holy Ghost.
The Bible says, no man knows the things of a man.
Save the spirit of man which is in him.
So no man knows, except the spirit of man that is in him.
And of course,
the Holy Ghost, because the Bible says the Holy Ghost knows all things, and even the deep things of God.
The Holy Ghost knows.
So when you look at people, you can only see the outward man.
You can see how they are.
You can see everything, but you can see the hidden man.
And that hidden man is the one that really counts with God.
That's the man that God seeks to save.
That's the man that's born again.
That's the man that receives eternal life.
Now, even though that man has been born again, the way he lives will be controlled by his soul, his mind.
Have you ever been sleeping?
And for some reason,
Your head was, you were trying to run, your legs couldn't, your legs couldn't carry you.
Or someone was pressing you or fighting you in your sleep.
This thing is more than a dream.
And you're trying to push him away, but your hand was too heavy to move.
And you're trying, but this hand is like lead.
It's too heavy.
Or you're trying to turn your face and your head is so heavy, it's not turning for you.
You're trying to call Jesus, your mouth is too tight to open.
You're trying to, and this fellow, whatever it is, is pressing you.
And you can't push back, you're trying.
How many of you ever experienced such a thing?
You need, can I see your hand?
Raise your hand.
Look around and see who wears the experience.
What in the world was going on?
What was going on?
It was an activity of the spirit.
The fellow that came on you to fight you wasn't fighting your body.
Just fighting your spirit.
and your spirit trying to respond.
But you see, you are encased in a physical body and your body is sleeping, your spirit doesn't sleep.
That's why it's not every dream that is an ordinary dream, that different kinds of dreams.
You understand?
Most dreams are activities of the spirit.
And when it's an activity of the Spirit, it's difficult to whip that person up.
Then you have the imagination.
But all of this we will touch.
So here's what happened.
That fellow that came pressing you and fighting your Spirit, you're trying to respond.
You're trying to shout Jesus.
You're trying.
But it's not working because you're trying to communicate with your body.
You see that?
You're trying to communicate with your body, you're trying to use your mouth, but your mouth is slipping.
That's why he can't open, because he's slipping.
Why is your hair not moving?
Because your spirit cannot react until this hand moves.
So he's trying to get this hand to move, but this body is slipping, so that's why it's heavy.
There's a disconnect between the spirit and the body.
You see?
because the body has not been trained to be subject to his spirit.
This is a dilemma.
The body has not been trained to be subject to his spirit.
So his spirit is a prisoner of his body.
Most people are still in the prison of their body.
First verse chapter three, when you read from verse one down,
He calls them body root.
One says, yeah, yet canal.
The word canal is translated body root.
It means they are ruled by their body.
They are still the slaves of their body.
They eat because their body wants it.
Some are slaves of their mind.
Their minds have not been renewed.
Whatever their mind says is what they follow.
Whatever they think is what they follow.
They have not trained their minds to be subject to the will of God.
Because the mind has not been renewed.
So they are slaves of their mind, as others are slaves of their body.
Even though his stomach is now very big.
Until he has finished, the body has finished with this food, he will not stop, he just keeps eating.
Now he's so big, he's so much he's tight.
He says, I don't know why I can't stop eating.
I just keep eating.
I just keep eating.
I don't know.
He's complaining.
I don't know why I can't stop eating.
I just keep eating.
You just keep eating.
Why can't you stop?
I don't know.
Bring the food again.
Can I have some?
He will still have some.
He's a slave of his body.
You see that?
He's a slave of his body.
He's destroying his body.
He's breaking down his body.
What is the slave of the body?
The spirit is in a trap.
What are you going to do about it?
God doesn't want your life to go in that direction.
Live in the life of a slave.
This is the one whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.
And God's Word has brought you into that liberty of the Spirit.
The Bible calls it the liberty of the sons of God.
It says, the whole creation also shall be brought into the liberty of the sons of God.
There is a liberty.
Now, the sons of God there is the heroes of God.
That means the developed sons of God.
Those who have developed the human spirits, they have come into a realm of liberty.
There's a realm of liberty.
Where you are no slave to your mind.
Where you're no slave to your body.
Smith Wigglesworth, a great man of God many years ago, he's gone to be with the Lord now.
Somebody asked him, Mr. Smith, how are you doing?
He said, I don't ask Smith how he does.
I tell him how he does.
You see that?
How are you doing?
Do you listen to your body to tell what's going on?
You're a slave of your body.
You listen to your body to know whether or not you can go to work this morning, you're a slave of your body.
You're still a slave of your body?
God doesn't want you to be a slave of your body.
Glory to God.
I learned a long time ago.
You can have the alarm in your soul.
You want to wake up at fire.
You choose.
Stop the alarm inside you.
You'll wake up at fire.
Now I know there are a lot of people who use the alarm clock.
You know what they do?
I just sleep and they just go around.
Shut up.
Thank you, Steve.
You think they'll get up?
No, not all the time.
Continue sleeping.
Put the alarm inside you.
Say this to me, I'm going to develop my spirit.
I'll develop my spirit to be a sure guide.
Now, when you want to make decisions like important business decisions, all right?
Don't be in a rush.
Don't be in a rush.
Important financial decisions.
Don't be in a rush.
Don't be in a rush.
Learn to listen to your spirit.
Learn to listen to your spirit.
If you learn to listen to your spirit, you'd be amazed how God will lead you.
They say, look, you have to make a decision.
Actually, this has not been going on since.
I just heard now, and they say that it's closing tomorrow.
They say, OK, if it's closing tomorrow, give me some time.
Can I have some five hours?
They say, ah, in three hours, that means you close.
OK, give me two hours.
You need time.
You see it?
You need time to assess the situation in your spirit.
in your spirit.
Your spirit knows God and God knows everything.
You see that?
You can always receive the information that you require.
Listen, the easiest thing in the world is to listen to God.
Many people don't know that.
They think it's hard.
They say, OK, but if God is speaking, how am I going to know?
You will know.
That's the reason for this discussion.
Come on.
He says, my sheep know my voice.
You will know.
Give him equal time and see.
You will know.
Just be patient.
You will know.
The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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God bless you.