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The Wisdom of the Just

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
There is a wisdom.
It's called a higher wisdom.
Revealed us to live by.
It's called the wisdom of the just.
Not the highest wisdom there is.
Learning to be swayed by the world, moved by the world, adjusting your life on the basis of the world.
taking your actions on the basis of the words.
That's the wisdom of the Just.

In this message titled, The Wisdom of the Just, the man of God Pastor Chris teaches on the importance of building your life on the Word of God.
To walk in the wisdom of the Just, you must be a man or a woman who is yielded to the Word of God.
I want to share something with you from the Scriptures.
You know, the Word of God is so important.
If you want to see supernatural things happen in your life, focus on the Word.
Focus on the Word.
The Word of God created the whole Word.
The Word created the universe.

You know, God manifests Himself in different ways.
And one of those extraordinary ways in which He manifests Himself is the Word.
He manifests Himself in and through the Word.
Where the Word of God is, God is.
The Word of God is not like the Word of a man.
The Word of God is life.
The Word of God is power.
The Word of God is light.
The Word of God is truth.
The Word of God is God.

If you center your mind on the Word,
You're centering your mind on God.

For example, there was a song we were singing earlier that says, all I see is you, something like that.
How do you see here?
When you say, all you see is God, what do you mean?
It doesn't mean you're in the vision.
It's not some appearance.
of some figure.
It means seeing the word, having the word on your mind.
When you have the word of God on your mind, you're in for the supernatural.
There's where the supernatural power God is, the Word.
The Holy Ghost never does anything without the Word.
He never does anything without the Word.
For example, the Bible tells you something from the very beginning.
You want to know any truths?
You go to a book of Genesis.
Every truth in the Scripture has its roots from the beginning, Genesis.
When you read from verse one into verse two, it tells us in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And there's this Elohim which is plural for God.

And then he goes on to say, the earth without form and darkness covered the face of the deep.
darkness covered the face of the waters and the spirit of God moved over the waters.
But nothing changed.
But darkness was still there.
The chaos was still there, even though the spirit of God was there.

That's amazing.
until the Word was given.
The Pharisees and God said, let the delight and light became.
The Spirit of God caused the light to come.
Until the Word is given, the Spirit of God does nothing.
You want to see great things in your life as an individual.
You've got to center on the Word of God.
There are many Christians who ignore the Word.
They ignore the Word and they're saying, I want this and I want that and I want this.
For example, if they have a difficulty and you're trying to get their minds on the Word,
Then they say, Oh, I know that.
You know, it's like set that aside.
They want something else.
But what they're doing is they're resisting the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit's got nothing without the word.
Everything that happens without the Word of God has no foundation.
It will fail.
Remember what Jesus said?
He talked about a man, he gave a parable, about the man that built his house on sand, and the other one who built his house on the rock.
He says, when the crisis of life came, the one on sand fell, but the one on the rock remained.
And he told us, the one on the rock is the one who built on the world.
When you build your life on the Word of God, it stays.
Come what may.
But without the Word, whatever manifestation, whatever blessing, whatever your God is temporary, it will not last.
Even there have been great ministries, great ministries that were built on gifts
on the manifestations of the Spirit.
Great ministries that were built on the title, built on so many other things except the word.
A lot of them are gone now.
They blurs on, but there was no foundation.
After some years, they disappeared.
And in these last days,
Some are also going to disappear if they don't found their message on the truth, the Word of God.
They don't found that ministry on the Scriptures.
I'm not just talking about an isolated verse here and there.
No, no, no.
I'm talking about the logos of God, the whole body of truth, the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures through the gospel.
Very important.
Very important.
But if your life is founded on the word, you have it made.
Because no matter what happens, you're going to be standing.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Now, what I want to talk to you about, I was thinking, how do you title this?
You know, how do you title this?
Yeah, I thought, well, the best title I could give it is the wisdom of the just.
The wisdom of the just, the wisdom of the righteous.
Salihq's Gospel, chapter 1 and verse 17.
Salihq's Gospel, chapter 1, verse 17.
Can we read?
Want to go.
It's talking about John the Baptist here, okay?
Read it out loud.

Did you see that?
And to turn the hearts of the disobedient to what?
The wisdom of the just.
And that's where I got the title from.
To turn the hearts of the disobedient.
What's it mean by disobedient?
The way to understand what is saying there, it's the negative of being obedient.
That's the Greek word.
The Greek word is the negative of being obedient.
It means one who cannot be persuaded, one who is headstrong and doesn't want to go in the right direction.
One who deliberately chooses to go wrong.
You know, there are people like that.
They're unyielding.
Even when they know the truth, they're unyielding.
They want to ignore the truth.
That's what it's referring to here.
When it calls them the disobedient.
One that will not submit to the Word of God, to the wisdom of God.
So now he says, John the Baptist is being said, and through his ministry, he would turn the hearts of those who will not be persuaded to the wisdom of the just.
Which means the wisdom of the just is yielding to the word.
The wisdom of the of the just is what being passuatable.
you can convince him with the word of God.
He is willing to accept the word.
He is willing to receive the word.
He is willing to make an adjustment because of the word.
That's the wisdom of the just.
He will turn the hearts of the disobedience to the wisdom of the just.
I'd like to give you a little bit of an example there.
If you're turned to
1 Peter 4 verse 17.
Can you read it for me?
Won't you go?

For the time has come.
Can you see it?
For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God.
And if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not?
That's the verb of the noun that we read in St.
Luke's Gospel 117, that obey not, not obey, that obey not the gospel of God, apotheus.
Now, this is very, very important.
They don't obey the gospel of God.
And so the foolish, they're called disobedient.
But the wisdom of the just, the wisdom of the just is furnaces.
That's the highest wisdom there is.
learning to be swayed by the word, moved by the word, adjusting your life on the basis of the word, taking your actions on the basis of the word.
It doesn't matter how something appears, but if the Word of God says it the other way, you're going to accept whatever the word says, confirming to the word.
disciplining yourself to accept and live by the word.
Now, there are people who say, well, they're going to interpret life according to their senses.
This is what I saw.
This is what I heard.
This is what I felt.
You can't change that from my mind.
You can't take it away from what I think.
And they're going in the wrong direction.
They don't realize it.
They're destroying their lives.
They're not going to be persuaded.
And yet the word is there.
What Jesus say?
He taught that we should accept the word of God like little children.
That means be persuadable.
Be easily persuaded.
It doesn't make you gullible.
It doesn't, it doesn't make you stupid.
It doesn't make you naive.
No, it's called the wisdom of the just.
Because it's the word of God.
And not just something, not just because it's read out of the Bible.
Anybody can read anything out of the Bible and it's still not right.
You can interpret it wrongly.
Just because you're quoting it from the book doesn't make it the word of God.
Satan quoted from the book to Jesus.
And he was still wrong.
He said to Jesus for it is written.
He'll give His angels charge concerning you, right?
He quotes Scripture to Jesus.

So just because you're quoting Scripture doesn't make it right.
It's got to be consistent with the provisions of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It's got to be consistent with the manifestation of eternal life.
It's going to be consistent with the claims that Jesus made of who he is.
That means the person of Jesus.
It's going to be consistent with the life the Holy Ghost has testified of.
Otherwise it's not true.
Paul said, I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
For ease the power.
Romans 1, 16, it is the power of God, the gospel, the word of God concerning Jesus Christ.
That's what the gospel is.
That's what in one word is called a gospel.
It's the word of God concerning Jesus Christ.
who he is and his mission, what he came to do.
He says, I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God on the salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.
Now he is now saying,
And sometimes we can be distracted by our needs.
If you are in need of something, you can be distracted.
Your mind can go to that need again and again and again.
And you've got to worry over it.
You worry over it.
You worry over what you need.
I need this help.
I need this thing.
I've got to get it.
As though if you don't get it, it's going to be a problem.
That story is going to destroy your life if you don't get it.
So you set out your mind on it, hoping for it, wishing for it, praying for it, until it's so destructive you almost can't do nothing.
Because there's a need.
Now it controls your prayer life.
That's not the wisdom of the just.
You see, you're not walking the wisdom of the just.
There is a wisdom.
It's got a higher wisdom.
Glory to God.
There's a wisdom from God.
Revealed us to live by.
Didn't Jesus completely baffle sense knowledge?
He shorted.
He changed everything.
He changed everything.
For example, he says, bless those who persecute you.
Pray for them.
Pray for those who persecute you and despisefully use you.
He says, pray for them.
That's not what you would want to do.
Love your enemies.
That's not what you'd like to do.
Love your enemies.
That's not what you'd like to do.
But you see, he came with kingdom principles, a new way to live.
And so when he taught the people, they were astounded at his teaching because he was so different from Moses.
Moses said, for tooth, skin for skin, eye for eye.
If somebody hits you on one eye, he said, take his own tooth, life for life.
That's what Moses taught.
So the Bible says, the law came by Moses.
But grace and truth.
That's amazing.
Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
He came to reveal to us the life and nature of God, the way God thinks.
The way that wins.
This is the way that really wins.
But man's been raised in another way.
He thinks it's the other way that wins.
I'm going to do to you what you've done to me.
I want you to feel what I felt.
And then people learn how to use some of the worst words you could ever hear.
to insult, to injure, to cause pain.
But Jesus thought differently.
Glory to God.
Jesus thought differently.
He had a kingdom mentality.
Say amen.
He thought differently.
The Word of God created the world and God manifest Himself in and through His Word.
The wisdom of the just is to yield oneself to the Word of God and to be able to make adjustments in one's life because of the Word of God.
Learn more in this next segment as Pastor Chris expounds on the wisdom of the just.
Now look at this.
First John, I'm gonna look through three scriptures with you.
First John chapter five, verse four.
These are simple scriptures, but let's examine them and see what they really mean.
Read that for me, want to go.

I want to remind you that that scripture was written by somebody.
God gave that wisdom, that revelation
to John the Apostle.
And he wasn't just prophesying.
No, he was writing.
He was writing about this life that we have.
This was the life they lived.
This was the mentality that they had.
They were raised in this thinking.
They had been with Jesus.
They were raised in this thinking.
that can't understand the message.
Now John says, look at it again, for whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world.
The word means to have victory over, to subdue.
Oh, I like that.
Whatsoever is born of God subdues the world.
That's what it means.
It means to have power over.
Have you seen it?
It means to conquer.
It means to prevail over.
Whatsoever is born of God, conquests the world, prevails over the world, overpowers the world.
No effort.
He didn't say if you try hard enough.
is by being born.
When you are trying to guard you are an intrusion into the sense realm.

Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world.
It's a way of thinking.
You've got to have it.
You've got to train yourself in it.
You know, we're in a day in which Christians are looking for the believe-on-thing, but they act another.
It's because they are living in the sense realm too much.
They feel this headache, and they're thinking, oh, what can I swallow?
What can I swallow?
What can I drink?
Or what do you want to drink something?
This headache is troubling me.
They're looking for something to drink, something to swallow, okay?
It's a headache.
They don't remember that they have power over the world.
They don't remember that they can do something about it.
No, first thing is, where is the closest doctor?
Where is the clinic?
But the word says, whatsoever is born of God, conquests the world, preverses over the world, subdues the world.
That's what the Bible teaches.
Oh, dear.
whatsoever is born of God, overcome it the world.
And this is the victory that overcome it the world, even our faith.
Since our faith is the victory.
Our fate, what was it saying here?
Our fate, fate is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not sinned.
It means seeing the invisible is as our fate conquests the world, which means we look into another realm.
We see the reality based on the provisions of the word of God.
And so we hold that picture against the backdrop of something that is, apparently, the other way.
And so we say, no, it doesn't matter what I see in the flesh.
Being the spirit!
I hold on to the reality of the world.
Guess who will submit the flesh?
The physical will be subdued by the spiritual.
The physical will give way to the spiritual.
Because whatsoever is born of God, overcomes the word.
Concast the word.
See, you're speaking.
God's word has the power.
God's word has the victory.
And you are born of the word.
What are you?
You're the word in flesh.
You're the word in flesh.
See, I'm the manifestation of God's glory.
Say it again, say it again.
See, there's a kingdom talk.
There's a kingdom language.
There are too many Christians who don't understand it.
They've never been taught right.
They talk fear and they think they're saying it like it is.
They pride themselves in saying it like it is.
No, they're lying.
They're not saying it like it is.
They're lying about it.
They don't realize it.
Truth is God's word.
What you see is not all there is.
Why do you go to the doctor to look into your body, to look in?
Because all you see is not all there is.
So you're asking somebody who can see something that you didn't see.
And you want him to use some instrument and look into your body and interpret to you what is going on inside.
Am I right?
So that's what he's going to do.
But what does he put in?
It's a light.
It's a light.
that interprets what's in there.
What does the word give you?

As a child of God, you've got to train.
You've got to train.
If you don't teach a child to talk right, you talk wrong.
And many Christians have grown up talking wrong because they grew up in an environment of unbelief.
So they think it's normal.
Don't you know about some of you here, when you're growing up, you didn't go to church.
There are people who don't go to church as a normal life.
Some day comes, they're going to the golf course.
They've gone to the, maybe to the shopping mall.
They've gone some way.
Sunday is day, free day for anything else, but church.
Because in their home, nobody talked about church.
Church was not anything at home.
Jesus was not anything in their home.
That's the way they were growing up.
So what do you think their life would be like?
Normal, they would think those guys would go to church on the abnormal.
Do you think someone's wrong with those guys?
No, they're religious freaks.
That's the way they would think.
They don't think their life is normal, because that's the way they were brought up.
So there are a lot of unbelief talking Christians, and they think that that's normal.
They just think it's normal.
It's my head.
It's pinning me.

I have this to mark.
I have this to mark.
I have this to mark.
It's my leg.
It's my tooth.
It's my brain.
Now they go deeper.
Because they can't feel their brain.
How do they know it's the brain that's got a problem?
They can feel it.
But it's my brain.
It's my blood is hot.
It's my blood.
How do you know it's your blood?
Say it, my blood is warm.
My blood is hot.
How do you know it's your blood?

There were trains that way.
They were raised that way.
They think it's normal.
No, they are abnormal.
They were not trained right.
They've not been listening.
They might have been in the house a long time.
That doesn't mean they were listening.
The Bible says, a soul went forth to soul.
And as he saw it, some seeds fell by the wayside.
These are those who heard the word and did not understand it.
And the Bible says Satan came immediately and stole the word that was sown in the hearts, which means it actually got to the hearts, but fell by the wayside because they didn't understand it.
So they were sitting in church, listening to the preacher, but didn't understand it.
And they went back home with nothing.
What a life.
You're still there?
What a life.
What a life.
What a life.
What a life.
What a life.
What so ever is born of God, overcomes the world.
Question, are you born of God?
I want you to look at the mentality of John.
What kind of a man was he?
Or do we think that this scripture referred to John only?
Was he the only one that was supposed to be like this?
To think like this and to talk like this?
Or was he referring to us?
And I always said, I kind of like the construction, which says whatsoever, rather than whosoever, whatsoever, because the Greek shows it's anything, not just anybody, but anything that hares from God.
That means even the words, because it comes from God, even that prophetic word that was said about you,
You can take a hold of that prophetic word and hold it up.
And use it in your life.
The Bible says to make war with prophecy.
That prophecy will overcome the world.
As Christians, we are born of the Word of God, and the Word of God gives us the victory in all things.
With prophecy, we make war and walk in victory every day.
In this next segment, Pastor Chris expounds on the importance of prophecy and what to do when faced with contrary situations.
You know, today I wonder about so many things that happen among many Christians.
I kind of ask sometimes.
You know, is your home, is your Christian home?
Is it a lake?

Or a fountain of living water?
You know what the lake is?
Some Christian's life is a lake.
They gather only to ask and ask and ask.
The Karabasa took her body.
That's all they ever do.
Ask and ask and ask.
They gathered to talk about the problems.
They gathered to discuss their needs.
One of the things, you know, my parents were just, they were amazing.
One of the things that it did for me was to provide us a home where we could grow spiritually.
In our home, when the Holy Ghost came upon us, because at the certain time we were religious, we just read the Bible one after the other and then daddy prayed and we went to sleep.
In the morning time, my mother rang the bell and we woke up and you didn't come, you were in soup because daddy would take care of you.
But one day the Holy Ghost came on everybody.
I'll never forget it.
I had received the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues.
So I came back home from school.
And just like usual, that he called for prayer before we'll go to bed and we're all gathered.
And then we read scripture like before, one after the other.
And then he mentioned, you pray and you pray, and then he said, and Christian, you pray.
And when they prayed, and it got to me to pray, when I started to say, oh God, I will have back his side of the wall!
That had never happened in our house, even though we're in a church that believed in the Holy Ghost.
Nobody's fucking turned to the hall.
What it got to me to pray, I spoke in tongues, the Holy Ghost took over.
I spoke in tongues, the whole place was shaken.
And I began to prophesy.
I prophesied on and on and on.
Oh my goodness, from that day, family altar changed.
It was often with prophecies.
when we came together often with prophecies, prophecies, more, more, more, more usual than anything else.
When we came together and we worshiped and started the Bible, when we started praying, prophecies, maybe four, five, six people would prophesy.
I remember one day one lady said, ah, everybody speaks in tongues in this house except the dog.

Yeah, that's a fountain.
Look what happened to every one of us.
We all went from there preaching the gospel to the whole world.
Because in the home right there, there were prophecies that we were going to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
In a home where nobody had traveled.
And in the house there were prophesying.
We didn't know the word.
But the prophesied were going to shake the world, and now we went, we were prophesied, and we prophesied our zeroes to the ends of the earth.

That's a fountain.
That's a fountain.
But if the home is a lake, every time it's about their problems, complaining against God all the time.
No, let your life be a fountain.
Let your home be a fountain.
A fountain, prophesy.
Those prophecies have power.
And don't you ever forget it.
That's what the Bible says, despise not prophesy.
Prophecy holds the key to your future.
You better know it.
You better know it.
Prophecy holds the key to your future.
Let me give you an example.
Oh, I don't know what I'm going to talk about here, but let me just give it to you.
Ezekiel chapter 37.
You there?
Let's see if we can quickly take that.
Ezekiel chapter 37.
Oh, Lord.

We're going to read from verse one.

The hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out into the spirit of the Lord and set me down into the midst of the valley which was full of bones."
Do you remember that?
And cost me to pass by them roundabout and behold, there were very many in the open valley.
And Lord, they were very dry.
And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live?
And I answered, oh Lord, God, thou knowest.
Again, he said unto me, prophesy.
Now, I want you to listen to this.
Again, he said unto me from verse 4, prophesy upon these bones and say unto them, listen to the message.
Listen to what God says to the prophet to say to the bones.
He said unto me, prophesy upon these bones and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones.
Behold, I will cause, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.
What's the first thing in the promise?
This prophecy, what's the first thing?
Our cause, breath.
to enter into you and you shall live."
That's the first thing that's gonna happen.
Then let's see the next one.
In our lesson news upon you and we'll bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
God said, I will cause breath.
At the end of it, He said again, I'll put breath.
So it was God going to do it.
God's going to do it.
God's going to listen on news.
God's going to cover with skin.
God's going to do it.
That's what He said.
He said, prophesy upon these bones and say, all ye drive bones, hear the word of the Lord.
So it's prophesying to the bones.
All right, so he goes on to tell us from verse number seven.
So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and beholders shaking and the bonds came together, bond till he's born.
And when I beheld all the sinews and the flesh came up upon them.
And the skin covered them above, but there was no breath in them.
But there was no breath in them.
The man observed that everything was happening except the very first and major one, because it was said twice.
The most important thing didn't happen.
So he nodded, he then told us, but there was no breath.
In other words, even though the sinews came upon them, the flesh covered them and the skin, they were just their skaccuses.
There was no breath.
So what's it going to do?
Oh God!
What are you waiting for?
Lord, there's no breath.
You said you will cost back to coming to them, and they shall live.
They are still dead!
How many of you know it doesn't matter that the bones came together?
If they are still dead, they have no use.

Here's what God says that really thrills me.
Then, mama, mama, mama,
Then said he, verse 9, then said he unto me, prophesy unto the wind.
Oh, I didn't know I had to prophesy unto the wind.
I thought, God said, I will put breath into you, and you shall live.
I thought, God said, how's it going to do it?
Now God says, prophesy to the wind, prophesy to the wind.
Sometimes, you know, we had a prophecy.
The prophecy said something was gonna happen.
We waited and didn't happen.
So we think maybe the prophecy was false.
I mean, if it was true, why didn't it happen?
We never asked the Lord, what next do I do?
Because the time has come for it to happen and it hasn't happened yet.
So what next do I do?
Because the Holy Ghost leads us.
The Bible says He shall guide you into all truths.
But we're not taking advantage of the Holy Ghost.
At least that we're enough and complain.
And so and so prophesied to me and I don't know things have gone worse than they used to be.
But they're not worse.
You're just not listening to the Holy Ghost.
You're just not listening to the instructor.
You ask Him, how's the next step?
What am I supposed to do?
You say, but God said he will cost breast to whether in our prophesied and said it to the bones.
And it didn't happen.
You didn't realize there might be some prophesying to the wind too.
He didn't say that the first time.
He didn't say prophesying to the bones and also prophesying to the wind.
He didn't tell him.
Now he's done what he was supposed to do and things aren't working.
So he's awaiting.
He says, God, but they don't breath.
Oh, I said, Son of a man prophesied to the wind, prophesied to the wind.
I didn't know I had to prophesied to the wind.
I thought God said he would put it.
The God said, mm-hmm.
Oh, you got to prophesy to the wind.
You're still there?
Then said he honored me, prophesied unto the wind, prophesied son of men, and say to the wind, Thoth said the Lord God, come from the four wings, O breath, sakarabasetikim, and breathe upon these slain that they may live.
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and the lift, and stood up upon their feet, and exceeding great army, somebody say, Hallelujah.

How soon should you prophesy?
When are you gonna take charge of your life?
When are you gonna take charge of your life?
When are you gonna prophesy about your life?
Are you waiting for somebody to prophesy first?
He said in the last days, say it God, I'll pour out my spirit upon our flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.

You are the one to prophesy about your life.
You're the one to prophesy about your future.
Prophecy to your bones, prophesy to your body, prophesy to your skin, prophesy to your blood, prophesy about your life and your future.
Prophecy about your finances.
Don't wait for the world to decide what happens to you.
Are you going to prophesy?
Are you waiting for your needs to be maxed?
Sometimes what you need demands a miracle.
And until your prophesied may never happen.
Don't wait for a human being to help you.
It's no use crying on God.
You have to prophesy.
We trust that you have been blessed by this message.
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