The Light of Life
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
The Word of God is light.
And that light will lighten every darkness.
There are mysteries and secrets about life.
And in order to God spread us, come upon us to help us guide us.
into the mysteries and secrets of God.
Can you see God's purpose for your life?
Oh, glory to God.
Jesus said, follow me.
And anyone who follows me shall not work in darkness, but he shall have the light of life, the light of life.
That means an abundance of the Word of God in your spirit.
I have the light of life.
I'm the light of the world.
I'm the light of the world.
Jesus said so.
Did he?
He said so.
He said you're the light of the world.
And if Jesus says you're the light of the world, you're the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the light of the world.
Tell three people, say it and say it well, I'm the light of the world.
I'm the light of the world.
I'm the light of the world.
I'm the light of the world.
Say I know who I am.
You know, light gives.
Meaning, we discussed the other day how light describes.
Light makes manifest.
We read that.
He said whatsoever makes manifest is light.
Light makes manifest.
Light illuminates.
We talked about all of that.
But the three other things that I want to look at, first one is that light gives meaning.
Light gives meaning.
You know, until you turn the light on, you don't know what's there.
You might feel them.
There are objects, there are things in the dark.
You don't know whether there's no meaning until the light comes.
When the light shines, oh, now you can get it.
There's meaning to what you see.
Light gives it meaning.
If we turn the light off, you may have a necklace on, it'll have no meaning.
It'll have no glitter.
It'll have no meaning.
We can't tell what it is you're wearing.
We just know there's an object on your neck, because we can feel it.
And everything will look the same, all dark.
No difference between, we don't know whether it's one piece, the shirt, the tie, the jacket, the trousers.
We don't know if it's one piece of material that you put together before, until the light gives meaning to what it is.
Then we see the differences.
the shades, we know what's in front and what's behind.
Light gives me.
Because you are the light of the world, He sent you to give meaning to life.
When you hear the Christ embers giving your life a meaning, that is what we're talking about.
He sent us to give the life of another human being a meaning.
giving your life a meaning.
Haven't you heard some people say, my life has no meaning?
I'm just living from day to day.
I don't understand myself because they haven't met us.
When they meet us, we will give their life a meaning through the Word of God.
Jesus said, as my Father had sent me even so sent I you.
He came to give our lives a meaning, and he sent us to give their lives a meaning.
So you're giving them something special.
So light gives meaning to life.
Light gives meaning to life.
That means that light brings understanding, perception and flavour.
You see, your light, because you're the light of the world, you see things differently.
You can bring flavour to someone's life.
You can make someone's life sweet.
You give their lives a meaning because you're giving them the word.
The word of God has opened your understanding.
Don't forget Christ Jesus is your wisdom.
The Bible says it's made under us wisdom from God.
Christ is your wisdom.
So you no longer rely on your human wisdom.
I don't rely on my human wisdom.
I've learned to walk by the wisdom of the Spirit of God.
There's a human wisdom, and there's a divine wisdom.
Christ has been made your wisdom.
You realize there are a lot of Christians who are working with human wisdom, and therefore with human understanding?
Their perception is based on human philosophy.
They haven't been taught how to walk in the light of God's Word.
They haven't been taught how to walk in the wisdom of God.
To walk in the wisdom of God first and foremost, you must know that there is such a thing.
Secondly, you open your spirit to the wisdom of God by the confession of the Word.
Christ is my wisdom.
Until you begin to say it, you will not open your spirits to the wisdom of God.
Remember, everything that he gave to us is activated through speech.
Many people don't understand the power of speech, the power of words.
He gave us the ability to speak.
You see, your mouth was not given to you just for eating.
eating and talking to others.
That's not the primary reason.
In fact, your mouth was not even given to you for communication.
That's not the primary reason.
The primary reason for your mouth and your tongue is to stay your life.
in God's direction for you.
Remember, what does a Bible tell us?
From the very beginning of the scripture, he doesn't tell us that God talked to somebody.
He says, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
All right?
And the earth was without form and void.
And darkness was upon the face of the deep.
What did he say?
And God said, let there be light.
The connotation is let light be or light become.
So the first speech from God, he wasn't talking to somebody.
He was making things happen.
Showing us the power of speech, what we're supposed to do with talking.
It doesn't stop by talking to somebody else.
It starts by talking to situations and circumstances.
One of the laws of studying scripture is what we call the law of first-mentioned.
The law of first-mentioned is applied when you study scripture and there is no clear rule as to what a particular term of phrase or explanation or even a passage, what it means.
Then you go to where was it used first?
And what did it communicate?
What did it express?
What did it mean?
So in almost every area of the Bible, in everything that we study, that law of first mention casts a light
on every subject.
And so there's a God in heaven.
His revealed to us in Genesis, we could have read, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
God never spoke.
For God never talks.
Then we would have known that our God don't talk.
You understand?
That means that God doesn't say nothing.
He doesn't talk.
We would have just known that our God doesn't talk.
He just does things.
But the Bible didn't say that.
He begins by telling us that God is a Creator.
So he's got power.
The next thing he does, he tells us that God's God is Spirit.
Spirit of God.
Then it tells us that God does talk.
God said.
So immediately from the very beginning of the scriptures, that's showing us the character of God.
It describes this God of glory and what he can do.
You're still there?
He called us.
He sent us.
And we're going to use our mouths.
Your mouth locates you.
How you speak locates you.
It determines where you'll be in life.
The Word defines your vision.
The Word defines your understanding of things, a perception of things.
This is how I see it because this is what the Word of God says.
This is what it is because, for example, even in very simple things, years ago, as I was growing up, teenager, the things that people used to say, like, this is the thing that's raining now.
It just didn't work with my spirit.
I couldn't accept it.
When they said this dress is raining now, this cap is raining now, this shoe is raining now, this car is raining now.
I couldn't accept that in my spirit.
I would say to them, no, how could that be raining?
And I said, no, this is what's raining.
I said, no, Jesus is raining.
I said, oh, oh, oh.
We know that we're just trying to say the truth then.
Said the truth then.
Don't tell me that gown is raining now.
Said the truth, Jesus is raining and is raining through me.
And I'm 17 years old.
And they're like, uh-uh.
Well, I knew where I was going all the time.
I was going to live my life on the wings of faith.
I made up my mind.
If I'm going to believe the Bible, I'm going to believe the whole Bible.
I'm going to act on the Word of God.
I'm going to act on the whole Word of God.
And that's what I did.
And that's what I still do.
That's my perception.
He's given me a mentality.
I can't think otherwise.
See, I can't think, I can't think otherwise.
I've been raised and cultured.
The Word of God has cultured my thinking, cultured my understanding.
So, you do that for yourself.
You've got to do it for yourself.
Nobody's going to do it for you.
See, no one's going to do it for you.
Follow them.
who threw faith and patience in hearing the promises.
God already told you who took copy.
He already told you who to follow.
Those who walk in the life of faith, the Word of God.
God didn't tell you to follow some celebrity.
He didn't tell you.
He didn't tell you.
He gave us the life of faith, and he says, follow those who through faith inherit the promises.
Those who have taught you the Word of God, he says, follow their faith.
And that's why sometimes we've got to share testimonies with you, because how are you going to know my faith if you don't know what my faith did?
The only way you're going to know about my faith to follow my faith is if you know what my faith did.
Why do we lay hands on the sick, not just because we were told, but because we saw that Jesus did it and it worked, and the apostles did and it worked.
And so he said to do it, and we believe that this is the way he did it, because this is what the word says, that he did.
And so it works.
He gave us an example that we should follow his steps.
He gave us an example.
He also showed us how to love.
How to love others.
Fully from our hearts.
We're not trying to make others to be like us.
We're not trying to change them first to become lovable.
Because we have all come from different backgrounds.
And that's why I can give you life a meaning.
We've come from different backgrounds.
We've come from different influences.
And I probably don't know where you've been, and why you think the way you do.
But I know that the Word of God is light.
And that light will lighten every darkness.
And no matter what the darkness is that you've brought from your background, when I turn that light on, because it's the light of God, it will dispel every darkness.
And then all you can see is light.
And once we can see the same light, we'll begin to have the same thinking about the word of God.
Did you ever end up that shot and you thought you were buying a white shirt and turned out to be blue?
Because light, that's the second thing.
Light gives color.
That gives color.
Brings beauty.
And the life on our which we live will determine our understanding, our perception, and the way we're going to live our lives.
You know, some people live under refracted lights.
They're not going in the right direction.
Their light has been refracted.
because they found themselves in a different environment, rather than in the environment of God.
They created a different environment.
Write this down.
Light gives ambience.
Light gives ambience.
I'm gonna explain that to you.
Light gives ambience.
That means that light creates
the atmosphere for an environment, which means that when God gives us His Word, and through the Holy Spirit, He has created for us an environment to live in.
And the light of His Word gives us that atmosphere in that environment.
As long as we live in that environment, the light that God gives to us will not be refracted.
It is only when you enter into a different environment because it's got a different density of spirits.
Then the light is refracted.
Then you think you're going the right way, but you're going the wrong way because your light has been refracted.
You're not supposed to be there.
You're supposed to be here.
Can you see it?
It's so important that we understand how God wants to lead us.
There's an ambience on which we should live, created by the Word of God.
You're hearing what I'm saying?
Speaking tongues.
Speaking tongues.
Speaking tongues.
God's talking to you.
God's talking to you.
God's talking to you.
All right now.
All right.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You see, He sent us, He sent us to create that atmosphere for other people.
Because you see, when they live, all the Bible says, the dark places of the earth are filled with the habitations of cruelty.
The dark places of the earth are filled with the habitations of cruelty.
He's talking about spiritual darkness.
Spiritual darkness, they're filled with the habitations of cruelty.
Then he says, oh, let not the poor return ashamed.
Let the poor and needy priest die named.
How's that gonna happen?
Until we come with our light to lighten their darkness.
and dispel cruelty.
It says the darkness of the earth have failed with the habitations of cruelty.
There's wickedness there.
Who will they live?
Because their favorite demons, devils of darkness, who oppress their minds and make them think that they're intelligent but they're working in foolishness and in darkness.
until we're coming to their words with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thanks be unto God for His glorious gospel.
You know the gospel is not about do's and dance.
You know the gospel is not about what God is asking you to do.
The gospel is not about where you've been and who you've been.
The gospel is about what Jesus already did.
and is asking you to look at it and accept it, even as Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness.
So also he said, must the sort of man be lifted up, that whosoever look at, that was all they needed when they were bitten of suppence.
They cried out to Moses as they were dying of the bite, of the poison.
They were dying.
Moses cried to God and said, God, what shall I do?
God said, now, make a present something and raise it on the pole.
And anyone who's been bitten of a serpent, if he won't look, didn't even have to say anything.
He said, if they were just look, who so ever look at shall be healed.
Did you know that something looked?
All they had to do was look and live.
Just look and live.
And you will not die.
Just look and live.
Look and live as the power said, looking onto Jesus.
And you know, the Greek expression was to look away onto.
That means take your eyes away from where you've been looking at and look at Jesus.
And as you look at him, set your eyes straight on him.
Don't turn to the left or to the right, set your eyes on him.
Oh, glory to God.
Jesus said, follow me.
And anyone who follows me shall not work in darkness, but he shall have.
The light of life.
The light of life.
The light of life.
The light of life.
Glory to God.
The light of life.
I have the light of life.
Oh, wonderful.
The light of life.
This is glorious.
The light of life.
In my spirit soul and body.
I got the light of life working in me.
Thanks beyond to God.
He's made me the light of life.
He says, you shall have the light of life.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
The light of life.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.
Say, I'm not ordinary.
Tell two people I'm not ordinary.
Finally, light gives direction.
I want you to look at some 119, verse 105.
Want to go.
The word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path.
That means I'm carrying the lamp.
My feet are part of my body.
So what he's telling you is the word is my lamp.
But he uses feet because I'm walking.
I'm walking, so he's telling me about the path in which I trained.
Can you see that?
I tread on this path with my feet, what I'm carrying a lamp, and the lamp is the word of God.
This is and a light onto my path.
The word is a light.
It lightens my path, so I know where I'm going.
The people who are walking in the dark, they don't know where they're going in life.
They're hoping for some luck.
Good luck.
Maybe if I'm lucky.
They're hoping for luck.
The hoping for luck in their finances, the hoping for luck in their businesses, the hoping for luck in their relationships.
I don't hope for luck.
I don't hope that God might just do something.
No, no, a thousand times no.
Don't hope for luck.
God has the right people.
to help you at the right time and at the right place.
He's got it.
He's got everything fixed.
Now, can you imagine this?
Can you imagine this?
I learned that statement I just gave you.
I learned that statement.
I learned it when I was just.
I was 15 years old, and I wrote it in my diary.
And I've said it through the years again and again and again.
Can you imagine the kind of thinking I would have after all those many years of talking like that?
Then you can understand, I could never be someone hoping that maybe God or somebody might connect me with someone.
No, no, I'm on the path, on the right path, lit up by the Word of God.
He's got the right people to help me at the right time and at the right place.
He will guide me to them, or he will guide them to me.
But no matter what, we will need it.
You see that?
So I never have frustrations.
I could never be helpless.
He's got the right people.
And sometimes you find yourself in the situation, you think, this is my worst step.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Remember the disciples?
They were in the same boat with Jesus.
They've been on boats every time before.
They had their own boats.
But this time someone else was riding in their boat.
And because this man was not ordinary man, this was Jesus.
It didn't matter how much water was coming into the boat.
It didn't matter how strong and how high the waves were.
It didn't matter that the wings were barged just.
That didn't mean anything because what mattered was who's in your boat.
So God will turn my worst times into my best times.
So I'm going to laugh my way through life.
Because He'll turn my worst times into my best times.
And whatever God has laid for me to do, I can do.
I can do.
So I cultivate a mentality.
I can do anything.
I can do anything.
I can.
I can.
I have an I can do mentality.
I can.
I can.
Did you ever grow up in a home where daddy always said, we don't have money for that.
We don't have money for that.
Can I tell you another thing?
See, I told you something I was learning recently.
Do you remember?
I hope you want to learn it with me, because in the next few years, I'm just going to perfect that.
I'm just going to be so good at it.
What was it about?
Remember, right?
Practice it.
You're going to make a lot of mistakes sometimes, and about that don't mean nothing, because you're just learning.
And as you keep learning, you soon perfect it.
Can I tell you another one?
You know, it's amazing how we've been in certain direction because that's the language we've known all our lives until the Holy Spirit turns its light on there.
You know, here I am in the hurry.
I gotta get to where I gotta go.
And then I say, look, we don't have time.
We don't have enough time.
We don't have enough time.
We don't have enough time.
We don't have much time.
We don't have... God said to me, don't cut your time.
It was like a rebuke.
And I said, I'm sorry Lord, but how am I going to say it?
He said, look at the word.
Look at the word.
Don't push the panic button.
Look at the world.
You're having enough time.
Who said?
Who said?
Keep your composure.
Kippet, the God who lives in you.
He's on our time.
Is it ours?
Tell your wasted years.
If he can restore wasted years, he can restore wasted months, wasted weeks, wasted days, wasted hours, wasted minutes, wasted seconds, wasted moments.
And you know what?
Because you live a miracle life.
And here's what the Spirit was telling me.
Because you live a miracle life.
If that thing needed an hour, you can do it in a shorter time.
You have enough time in life.
You have enough time, brothers and sisters.
You have enough time to do what God calls you to do.
You have enough time, and you will finish your course.
Shout-Amen somebody!
Say, I have enough time.
Whatever amount of time there is, is just what I need.
Did you hear me?
How much time there is is what I need.
Imagine this, imagine this.
Here we are in a traffic.
Oh God, how do I get there?
Oh God, oh God.
Listen, as long as we're panicking, we can't have a miracle.
Refused of panic.
Didn't you read that Elijah was transported by the Spirit of God?
Didn't you read, Philip was transported by the Spirit of God?
How much can I tell you?
We'll live in a miracle life.
We have enough time for everything.
Whatever amount of time there is.
Remember Jesus, brothers and sisters.
You remember Jesus had 5,000 men.
The women and the children were not counted.
He had to feed them.
What did he say?
The disciples came with the mentality, master.
You gotta send them out, they insufficient food around here, they're nothing, they're nothing or nothing.
What Jesus say, what do you have?
What do you have?
They said, didn't you hear us?
There's only a little boy who has food here.
Nobody hears anything.
What Jesus say, that's all we need.
He said, bring it here.
That's all we need.
What you have is all you need.
Shouting in somebody.
What you have is all you need.
Are you speaking in tongues right now?
Speak in tongues.
Speak in tongues.
Oh glory to God.
Speak in tongues.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You are making progress.
Now, I was sharing with you from Psalm 119 and verse 105.
Can we just read it one more time?
It says, thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my heart.
This is amazing.
Let me show you a strong connection.
Can you go to the visions chapter 1 from verse 17?
The visions chapter 1 from verse 17.
He was praying like this, praying, praying for the church, praying for the church.
The church includes us.
hardly apostles praying by the Spirit.
So this is the Spirit's prayer for the church.
It says that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.
Now what do you have after the word him?
Okay, that means it's not over yet, right?
Okay, now let's read it again.
The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you.
Now that word revelation is apocalypsis in the Greek.
It means an unveiling that something might appear.
That's what's called revelation.
and unveiling to reveal that which has been hidden to reveal.
But he tells us how this is going to happen.
Watch now.
We're talking about life, right?
So, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
I love that spirit of wisdom.
That's divine wisdom, Hallelujah.
Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the accurate knowledge, the epignosis of Him, the accurate knowledge of God.
That word knowledge is epignosis.
And the epignosis of Him, the accurate knowledge of God.
He wants you to know God truly.
Yeah, that is revelation knowledge.
Now, what I said, there's a column there.
Now, after that, go to verse 18, which means that what he was telling you in verse 17 has a lot to do with verse 18.
He says, the eyes of your understanding, ah-ha, ah-ha, ah-ha.
Now, in the revelation,
that he talked about in verse, go back to verse 17.
He says, the revelation in the knowledge of him that he may give you the spirit of wisdom, wisdom and revelation.
That means that something becomes clear to you.
It's been revealed to you.
The secret has been revealed to you.
There's an own valing, an own valing.
There's an opening so that you can see what is inside.
Now, look, it says, it's very wisdom.
This is the prayer.
God wants it to happen to every child of God.
That child of God will have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God.
He tells us in verse 18, how?
He says, the eyes of your understanding.
Now, he's dealing here with spiritual understanding.
We're going to read in another version.
I'll tell you after we've read this.
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know that King James doesn't catch it so well because the word they're enlightened.
The word is fortizo, fortizo in the Greek.
What that really means is to light up
It means to turn the light on.
So what he's saying is that there's going to be a revelation and appearing.
You're going to know what is there that has been hidden when the light is turned down.
But where is this in your heart?
In your heart.
Let's go.
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know.
That you may know.
So spiritual knowledge comes to you.
that she may know what, what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
My goodness, when the spirit of the opened eyes of my understanding to see what has been there, what Christ has done for me, it was difficult for me to live an ordinary life.
I couldn't turn back.
Ay, ay, ay, ay.
My heart had been opened.
There had been an unveiling.
I had seen it.
I couldn't go back.
I couldn't go back.
I couldn't go back.
Glory to God.
Let me read this to you from the amplified translation.
Now, you're all hearing my voice because it's amplified to you.
You are not hearing what I didn't say.
You're hearing the same thing I'm saying, but just louder.
That's what the amplified version does for you.
So when you hear amplifiers, they amplified it.
So hear this now.
It says, I always pray to God.
Now, do you know why it's in bracket?
It's in parenthesis there?
Because the translators here are telling you that it doesn't have to be so.
That they have added that to make it clearer from their perspective.
And really, it shouldn't be there because Paul wasn't saying, I always pray.
What is this?
I pray.
Now, when I say, I pray that God may do this for you.
It could be that I'm doing that prayer now.
It could also mean that I always pray that way.
So, they added it just in case, so you can read it with or without it.
That's what they're telling you.
And it's wonderful that his translators were so smart to help us get that.
Okay, so, now, pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that he may grant you the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Now, he explains what that revelation means.
He says, of insight into mysteries and secrets.
You see, you don't need Asian mysticism.
You don't need that.
You don't need all those people who say, okay, let's look for, let's see who's pursuing you.
Let's see who your enemies are.
And they threw something.
Oh, I see.
They don't see nothing.
And he may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, of insight into mysteries and secrets.
Mysteries and secrets.
Oh, and what is this in the deep and intimate knowledge of him?
That's a prognosis.
The deep and intimate knowledge, apocalypsis, is the insight into mysteries and secrets.
You want to know the mysteries and secrets of life?
He will show you how in a moment.
There are mysteries and secrets about life.
And then out in the God spread has come upon us to help us guide us into the mysteries and secrets of God.
The Bible says the secrets of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
The secret of the Lord is with their love, yea, if God knew where the fish is where.
Look at Jesus, that the disciples toiled all night.
Haven't you seen where your friends have struggled and struggled, they have no results.
Jesus knew where the fish is where.
They said, we are toiled all night.
There are no fishes around this era anymore.
Jesus said, nevertheless, cast your net into the deep for the catch of your life.
The man said, master, I'm going to do it because you said so.
Because as a professional, he already knew there were no fishes there.
So they cast the net into that place, and they tried to pull it.
They couldn't understand it.
There's some weight.
What could it be?
They pulled it out, the viruses, they enclosed a multitude of fishes.
And Peter, being the professional that he was, fell on his knees.
He said to Jesus, depart from me because I'm a sinful man.
Jesus said, don't worry from today.
You shall catch me.
He knew where they were.
Was he looking for them?
You're talking about the creed of the whole world.
When he said, cast your neck down for the catch, every fish in that water started heading there for to be caught.
He knows the mysteries and secrets of life.
He knows where the businesses are.
He knows where the money is.
He knows what ideas to give to you.
Shout out Aloya!
He knows the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
Insight into mysteries and secrets.
Insight, insight, insight into mysteries and secrets.
Can you see why you have to spend time on the Word of God?
Brother Strife told you yesterday how he gives time to the word.
What do you think he was doing?
Delving into mysteries and secrets.
Mysteries and secrets.
This way the ideas will come to you.
This with God will tell you something that man cannot understand.
Mysteries and secrets.
How could he tell Moses that he was going to walk through the Red Sea?
How could that happen?
What wisdom could that be?
But there was a secret, a mystery about water that man didn't know.
God knew that water could stand as the heap.
The Bible says the waters of the Red Sea congealed.
There are secrets, mysteries in this life.
Listen, many, many years ago, the electricity world were having here today.
Many, many years ago, this was a miracle to us today because we understood the laws, the miracles now.
Points today at the speeds that we have was foolishness.
Nobody thought it was possible many years ago.
But now we have understood the laws.
There are laws when, listen, whatever God has done in this earth, what he's telling us is the power to make it happen resides here and has been given to man.
And he said the Holy Spirit to show us about them.
That's why he says the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children.
The ones that are not revealed belong to God.
As long as they're not revealed, you don't have to worry, because they're not revealed anyway.
But if they're revealed, they belong to you.
So he showed us that the workers of the Red Sea congealed, too, that's a hip.
And the children of Israel went through on dry grounds.
What laws were in action?
What could have happened?
Maybe as we study more and more, the Holy Spirit ensures how those things would have happened by what laws.
There are laws that men don't know as of now.
They're laws.
What He will lead you into mysteries and secrets.
Look at this.
In the deep and intimate knowledge of Him, why is it about Him?
Why is the knowledge about God?
Why didn't He say it in the knowledge of things?
I'll tell you why, because everything in life is in Him.
It's all in Him.
The fullness of all knowledge and wisdom is in Him.
The more you know Him, the more you know about life.
You have to know Him to know life.
You have to know Him.
He is who you need to know.
When you knew Him, you knew all.
Can you say amen?
Look at verse 18.
It says, bye.
Everybody say bye.
Can you see it now?
It's telling you how verse 17 can happen.
By having the eyes of your heart floated with light.
Thy word is a lamp and a light.
Thy word is a lamp and a light is as if I have my heart flooded with light.
All those things in verse 17 will happen.
So that means an abundance.
See, one of these lights here couldn't have lit up this whole editorial.
We need that many, many light points to light of this place.
He says, when your heart is flooded with light, don't just light up a little.
You need a lot of it.
When your heart is flooded with light, that means an abundance of the Word of God in your spirit.
Then verse 17 will become a reality.
looking by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so that you can not understand the hope to which he has called you.
And our rich is glorious in the heritage.
Glorious in the heritage.
Oh God, what has it made us?
Who are we?
Who are we?
We are a wonder to this world.
We are a wonder to this world.
You are a wonder.
I said, you are a wonder.
Say, I'm a wonder, I'm a wonder.
Now, declare that word.
It doesn't matter in what field you work.
You are a wonder there.
Say, I'm a wonder to my world.
I'm a wonder to those who know me.
And I'm a wonder to strangers.
I'm a wonder everywhere I go.
See, I wanted to round it off.
But let me just show you one scripture.
Because I want you to see this.
First Peter chapter 2 from verse 9.
From verse 9.
I want you to use the Amplified Translation.
I want you to see this brothers and sisters.
I'm a wonder.
I'm a wonder.
I'm a wonder.
Look at this.
But you are, you are a chosen race.
A royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, dance on purchase special people.
Stem special.
I are special people that you may, I, I.
Can you see God's purpose for your life?
God's own purchase, special people that you miss.
Fett forts.
Fett forts.
The wonderful deeds and display, ayah, display the virtues and perfections of him who call you an darkness into his marvelous light.
Somebody shout hallelujah.
Woo hoo hoo hoo.
I feel the change.
Come on, let me hear you.
I feel the spirit.
Deep down inside, I feel the sparkle.
Moving here today, I feel the change.
Oh, I feel a change I feel the spirit
I feel that change taking place!
I feel the speed of air.
Yeah, deep down inside.
I feel it's my word.
Moving in today, I feel a chair.
I feel it in my life.
Yeah, I feel a chair.
I feel the spirit of God inside.
I feel the spirit of God inside.
I feel the spirit of God.
I feel a change in my life.
It's happening, it's happening, it's happening, it's happening, it's happening, it's happening, it's happening, go with a car.
Oh yeah, moving here today I speak the change, the change in my life Yeah!