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7 Uplifting Facts of Life in Christ

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.

Seven uplifting facts of life in Christ.

Last Sunday we had a discussion
seven factors for what?
A victorious life.
Perpetually victorious life.
Now, you know, not many people think that is factual.
They think, you know, you can be up.
and down sometimes up and sometimes down because that's their experience of life.
Sometimes, you know, you can be victorious and sometimes you can't even be defeated.
They think like that.
But it's not true.
It's not true.
In Christ, you can be victorious all the time.
Battles come your way.
You know, troubles come to you, and if troubles don't come, you make some.
I'm serious, that's the way life ought to be.
Don't live a boring life.
You know, if troubles don't come, make some.

I know.
But always win.
You gotta always win.
always win.
Try and always.
That's Christianity.
Otherwise, you're living something less than Christianity.
Of course, every Christian is not at the same level with the other.
Some have grown a little more than others.
some no more than others, and the quality of your life depends on the quality of your knowledge in Christ.
If you're not knowledgeable in Christ, you definitely live a less than glorious life.
Remember, God said, my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge, not the lack of power,
not the lack of grace, not the lack of love, not even the lack of prayer.
Did you ever hear somebody say, a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian?
Did you ever hear that?
They said it so long, some people thought it came out of the Bible.
I remember one time, you know, I said, that's not true and the pastor, you know, another preacher was surprised that I would say that that's not true.
But it wasn't true.
I said, there's no word in the Bible where it tells you you get power from prayer.
This is a word that's power come from that.
I said, the Holy Ghost.
Jesus said, you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost come upon you.
Didn't say after you prayed.
So you got a lot of people who were praying.
I believe in prayer, of course, I wouldn't be here without prayer.
But prayer doesn't bring power.
Power comes from the Holy Ghost.
It's like somebody saying, you know, without electricity you have food.
They're not related.
Do you get it?
Prayer doesn't bring power.
It doesn't matter how much you pray and how many people are praying for you.
Some people think if they have a lot of people praying for them, then things that don't work well.
No, prayer doesn't.
Power or answers from God or miracles don't come as a result of the multiplicity of prayer.
It doesn't.
Power comes from God, the Holy Ghost.
All right, so let's look at something today.
I have a nice one for you.
This is really good.
So make sure that you're listening and that you get all the details.
Seven uplifting facts of life in Christ.
Uplifting facts.
You see, I never have a down day.
Now, I've been in ministry for more than 30 years of my life.
And to say that is not something that there are many people who would say, well, that's true.
The some who would think, that's not possible.
No, that's not possible.
But those who have been close around me would tell you, I never have a blue day.
I never have a down day.
When I share these things with you, I share with you
how the world has built my spirit.
And this is very important.
So they're not just summons, they're real, and they're from the Word of God.
God gave us His Word to build us, to build the life and character of Christ in us.
And this is real.
It works.
So I'm sharing with you seven uplifting facts of life.
They give you high spirits all the time.
You are turned on.
Oh boy.
Turned on all the time.
I'm turned on all the time.
I mean high spirits all the time.
Glory to God.
Number one, well, well, I've got to show you a portion of the Bible.
I've lived in this just from a simple portion of the Bible, and it's all there.
Let's read from Ephesians chapter number one, beginning with verse one.
Ephesians chapter one from verse one.
You ready?
Now, I'd like to know, as we read, if you can find these seven facts,
Okay, seven uplifting facts of life in Christ.
Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God to the saints which are at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus.
Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us.
Now, I want you, as we read, notice the tenses.
Notice the past, present or future tenses because they're very important.
For example, this one says, blessed be the God and follower of Jesus Christ.
Who had blessed us, not who's going to bless us.
But what did bless us be?
Look at it.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with our spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
I love it.
Well, let's go on.
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.
Having predestinated us,
on to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of His will.
To the praise of the glory of His grace wherein He had made us accepted in the Beloved.
I like it.
This is powerful.
In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace.
wearing he had abounded to us in all wisdom and prudence.
Having made none under us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he had proposed in himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, but which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in him."
One more verse.
In whom also, we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the preppers of Yom, who work at all things after the counsel of his own will.
It's a powerful chapter.
But what took in this first 11 verses, in the end, I find seven uplifting facts of life in Christ.
So let's go.
Number one is in verse three, blessed with all spiritual blessings from heaven.
I like this.
See, in Christ, I'm blessed with all spiritual blessings from heaven.
There are no more blessings in heaven that I don't have.
There are no more blessings in heaven that I'm not blessed with.
And guess what?
The physical belongs to the spiritual.
The spiritual controls the physical.
It's important.
So if I've been blessed with all spiritual blessings, it means every material thing in life is under control.
through the blessings, the spiritual blessings that I've been grounded in Christ Jesus.
And guess what?
I got all of them.
Look at it.
Blessed be the God and Father of all our Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms in Christ.
Number two, I'm chosen to be holy and blameless.
chosen to be holy and blameless.
That's the number four.
Look at it.
According that he had chosen us in him, in Christ, before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.
Do you understand that to be blameless before God?
God's not blaming me for anything.
You know, your neighbor blames you for something.
Your brother blames you.
Your sister blames you.
Your wife, your husband, everybody blames you.
Your coworker blames you.
Everybody blames you about something.
You even blame yourself and you can't let yourself go.
But God doesn't blame you.
Because he put the blame on Jesus.
And Jesus walked away with the blames and went to the cross for us.
We are blame no more.
And how does God see me now as holy, sanctified, separated unto God?
Do you realize until you see that God has made you holy, you will never live a holy life?
You realize that?
You can only live the life that God has given you.
A dog lives the dog life.
A dog cannot live a cut life.
A horse cannot live like a cow.
It's got to have the life that it lives.
The human lives of human life because it's got a human life.
So until God makes you holy, you cannot live holy.
There's a lot of people struggling to be holy when they have not received holiness.
But God has made us holy.
He chose us in Christ to be holy.
Separated under him and sanctified in him, glory to God.
And now we can live the life that God has called us to live.
Marvellous, marvellous.
Number three.
Oh, number three is in verse five, predestinated onto sonship.
Boy, I like it.
Look at it.
Having predestinated us onto the adoption of children.
Now, the construction, adoption of children, is one word in the Greek.
It's one word, one word that's translated to mean adoption of children.
Now, tell you what it means.
The word, the Greek word, is utesia.
Now, utesia means
It's two words brought together.
It means to place, okay?
Placing and song, or placing as in songs.
What it means is that you have been placed
in the position of a son.
Now, that doesn't mean it's not the same understanding of when you say, I adopted XYZ to be my son or my daughter.
No, no, no.
It goes past that.
It's a placement.
It's a placement.
It means that you have been brought into a position that belongs to an heir, even though you were a son.
Now what the Lord has done is in Christ He has placed us.
This is a legal term.
He has placed us in the position.
of sons.
Now, I explained to you why Jesus is called the Son of God.
Why is Jesus called the Son of God?
Jesus is called the Son of God, not just because he was born of God.
Remember, before he was born of God, he was Son of God.
You didn't get it.
You say, huh?
Born of God.
Yeah, when he was born again, that day he was raised from the dead, the Bible says he was born again.
That's the day he says, this day have I begotten thee by the resurrection.
That's why when you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, you receive salvation.
That's very important.
So, he's called the Son of God because
He's the mankind of God.
He's God in human flesh.
The Bible says the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
So when Jesus said he was the son of God, he was absolutely right because son of God means God in flesh.
That's what it means.
It means that when you looked at Jesus in the body of a man, you were looking at a man that had the life and nature of God in him.
He was flesh and bones of man.
But the life in him was the life of God.
Do you get it?
Okay, boy, this is wonderful.
Then, of course, you know, he died for us and God raised him from the dead.
When he was raised from the dead, he was born again.
Why did he need to be born again?
Because when he was on the cross, our sins were laid on him.
And not on his physical body, but on his spirit.
And so the Bible tells us Jesus died to death on the cross.
When our sins were laid on him, he died spiritually.
He was separated from God.
Spiritual debt is separation from God.
That's why he cried, my God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?
The Bible tells us that the Father turned his back on Jesus, because our sins were laid on him.
And the Bible says, God is so holy, he does not look at sin.
So he turned away from Jesus.
And Jesus cried out so.
And that was a separation.
And because of that, it became possible for Jesus to die physically.
So he died spiritually and died physically on the cross.
Praise the Lord.
Then he went to hell because he took our sins.
He went to hell and in hell, he defeated Satan and the cohorts of darkness and came back to life in the resurrection.
And that's what he meant when he says, I go to prepare a place for you.
He ascended and got the authority.
Again, now he's placed in full authority.
And once he got that authority, he came back to his disciples in Galilee and said, all hail!
Wow, the soil.
And he rejoiced to see him, glory to God.

moments monumental events evergreen words work hearings hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Look at it.
Go back to it.
Predestinated on the sonship.
That's number three.
Predestinated on the sonship.
See, I'm now placed as a son of God.
Not the son.
I am one of the sons of God.
Because there's many of us.
Praise the Lord.
As many of us predestinated, I don't have to work towards it.
Predestinated, God planted ahead of time and has made it happen.
It has happened.
Number four, endured with special favor and honor.
That's in verse six.
He said, what did you get it from?
I'll show it to you.
Come on now, look at it.
To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He had made us accepted in the beloved.
The word accepted is almost wrongly translated in the King James Version.
You see, the word is different.
You know, it's like the word carries.
When we talk about grace, okay, grace, the gifting of grace, such blessings that come to us graciously carry tool.
It means to be graced, to be favored, to be favored, specially favored, endowed with special favors and honor.
That's what it means.
to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he had made us the word is accepted.
No, we have been in dude with special favors and honor.
So I write here in Christ, I'm in dude with special favors and honor.
Oh, what a life.
See, seven uplifting facts.
If you think these thoughts, how could you have a down day?
How could that happen to you?
How could you be discouraged because of anything?
Nothing in the world is powerful enough to discourage you.
Nothing in the world.
When you understand this and think these thoughts, these are seven uplifting facts of life.
Number five, it's in verse seven.
Look at it.
But in whom we have redemption,
That means redance, apolytrouses in Greek, redance.
In Christ, I have my redance.
That means he plocks me out of trouble.
I have my redance in Christ.
No matter what, I've got my redance.
That's redemption.
In Christ, I have my redance.
He reads me out of trouble, and he reads anything out of my life that's wrong.
in Christ, I have my redence.
Did you ever sing that song?
He brought me out of the Mary play, set my feet on the rock to stay.
And what did he do?
Put a song in the mouth to sing.
What kind of a song?
A song of prings.
Number six is also in verse seven.
Look at it.
He says, in whom we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.
The word is afeces.
It actually means remission, the complete blood in a way, removal, complete, removal of sins according to the riches of his grace.
I have in Christ, remission of sins, removal of sins.
The King James used the word forgiveness.
The Greek is aphesus and it means remission.
The total removal of sins.
He's removed sin from my life.
In Christ, I have remission of sins.
See, when he forgives you, he removes it completely.
There's no trace of it.
It's as no sin had never been.
Think about it.
Think about it.
You know, some people, they do something wrong and they forever praying to go, oh, please forgive me, forgive me.
Lord, I really feel bad.
I really, really feel bad.
I feel so bad.
Okay, okay, okay.
Two days later, the worshipping God in the hands go down, oh, hallelujah, oh Lord, I feel so bad about that thing again.
When are you going to come out?
In Christ, we have remission.
Complete blood in a way.
Complete removal of sin.
Glory to God.
All right.
Then, we're in what number now?
Number seven.
It's in verse 11.
in whom also we have obtained an inheritance.
In Christ, I have obtained an inheritance.
Oh, wow, think about it.
Maybe you were born without an inheritance.
There are people who say, well, my father never left me an inheritance.
Or they say, well, my oldest brother took all inheritance.
And I got nothing.
Well, you don't have nothing anymore.
Because you got something in Christ.
You got something in Christ.
In whom also we have obtained?
Have you obtained an inheritance?
Who has obtained an inheritance?
I have obtained an inheritance.
It doesn't matter that I was born by poor parents.
No, I'm poor no more.
It doesn't matter that I was born in a poor village, I'm poor no more.
I have obtained and inheritance in Christ Jesus.
So now I can square my shoulders.
Yeah, straighten up.
No must have been down.
Christ has made me somebody.
I have an inheritance.
I'm not a nobody.
You know somebody says, oh, pour me.
Pour me.
I don't use that term.
Somebody says, oh, pour, brother.
Say not me.
You're not talking about me?
I'm poor no more.

Because I've obtained an inheritance.
I want you to look at the strength of the construction.
Put it back there, verse 11.
Look at the strength in whom also.
Notice he didn't say which is beautiful.
If he had said it, if he had said in whom also we have an inheritance.
That's wonderful.
That's powerful.
But he strengthens it with a word obtained.
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance.
He's saying the inheritance is now mine.
I got it now.
I know who I am.
And I know what I got.
I have obtained.
I have obtained.
In other words, I now have the documents.
Where's the documents?
Where's the documents?
I got a new word.
You know, when I lay claims of my inheritance through the word.

Glory to God.
So I'm bold in Christ Jesus.
Because I haven't inherited, you know, people who don't know this stuff.
Life is hard for them.
They're struggling to be something.
They're struggling to get something.
They're struggling to have something.
They're struggling in their lives.
Life is a fight all the time.
The fighting to survive.
The fighting to be somewhere, to be at the top.
The fighting life is a fight for them all the time.
Because they don't know this truth.
They don't know why Jesus came.
They think Jesus came because of a religion.
They see Jesus as part of a religion.
This is no religion.
This is reality.
And you'll never know it until Christ takes up his abode in the quarters of your heart.
You'll never know it until you have it.
You'll never know it.
Or somebody said, well, you know, I've got some Christians around me and they don't live like you said.
They come.
Well, maybe because they don't know this stuff.
Every Christian doesn't know it.
That's why we teach it.
Because not everyone knows it.
You learn this from the Word of God.
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
He avares this to you as simple as it is without the Holy Spirit.
You still wouldn't get it.
You still wouldn't understand it.
And as a lot of you here who understand it because the Holy Spirit is your teacher.
You see, as we read it, you just love it.
You just know it comes right to you like it's natural to you.
If you've never received salvation, if you've never received Christ into your heart, if you've never experienced this life of Christ that I'm talking to you about, this is your moment.
This is your opportunity to receive the life and nature of God into your heart.
It's important.
You'll never get it by struggling to do it.
You can make it happen for yourself.
It'll never happen for you through your struggles, through your efforts.
It is by receiving as an act of faith Christ into your heart.
And he'll do the work.
He'll perfect his will in you.
And something you must be careful about is this.
When you're in a meeting like this and there's an opportunity
for you to receive salvation because there may have been other opportunities before and you didn't seize such opportunities.
Maybe you didn't.
Maybe you tried and it didn't work.
But in the middle like this, it is so important that you forget about everybody else and what anyone might be thinking and receive salvation, accept the call, receive salvation.
as an act of your faith, letting perfect His work in your life.
Say these words, say, O Lord God, I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I believe He died for me.
I believe God raised Him from the dead, and He's alive today.
And by my faith in Jesus Christ, I receive Him as Lord of my life.
I confess Jesus as Lord of my life.
And I receive eternal life into my hearts, into my spirits.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.
I have eternal life now by my faith in Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me a new life.
Praise the Lord.
We trust you are blessed by this message.
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