Advancing in Life
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.
One word from God can change your life forever and the responsibility for that change is yours.
If you will meditate on the Word of God and give yourself holy to the Word, completely to the Word, the time will come with that word will propel you advancements.
Listen to this classic teaching by Pastor Chris titled, Advancing in Life and have your understanding enlightened to propel you to advance in life.
The word of God has the ability to build you up.
You build your mentally.
You build your spiritually.
You build your physically.
You build your financially.
You build your every way.
God bless you.
First Timothy chapter 4.
I'm reading to you verse 15.
And Paul writing to the young man Timothy said these words, meditate upon these things.
Give thyself wholly to them, completely to them, that thy profiting may appear to all.
You know, what I was thinking about you, thinking about you, and thinking what God wants to do in your life,
I was thinking how I wish you would understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in your life.
You know, we were talking about the Holy Spirit a moment ago when we dealt with prayer and there was so much to learn.
But then the Word of God has a ministry in our lives.
And this is something that we're going to have to emphasize, apart from praying, we're going to put something to it.
And that's the word.
We'll become voracious for the word.
You understand?
That's what we're going to do.
Repacious for the word.
We'll open up our minds, our hearts for the word like never before.
I just read something to you.
In 1 Timothy 4, verse 15, he says, meditate upon these things.
What things?
There's a lot of things he had shared with him.
It's all the Word of God.
He says, meditate upon the Word of God.
There were specific things he talked about.
And then he says, give thyself wholly to them.
It's all in the Word.
It's all the revelation of God's Word.
And he wants you to give yourself to the Word.
He says, meditate upon these things.
So you write down meditation.
says meditate upon these things.
Give thyself completely to them.
In other words, yield yourself to the Word of God.
Let the Word of God have power over your life.
What does that mean?
You know, when you hear the Word, yield yourself to it.
A simple example.
Imagine that someone said to you, stand up.
Without him carrying you up, you have a choice to stand up or not to stand up.
If he says, get up.
You can decide to get up.
You can decide you're not getting up.
If you don't get up, you're resisting the instruction.
But then you choose to get up.
At that word, that means you're yielding yourself to that instruction.
You are giving yourself to that instruction.
And because you've given yourself to that instruction, you will enjoy the benefits of that instruction.
How important this is.
So he says, meditate upon these things.
Give thyself holy to them that thy profiting, thy profiting.
It's from the Greek Prokopae.
It means thy fatherance, a progress, an advancement.
Isn't that your fatherance?
Your advancement, your progress may appear to all.
And I kind of like the word that the Greek use for it, it's translated, appear to all, appear.
But it's more than just to appear, you see.
It's the Greek faneros, and faneros means to spread abroad.
It means that your advancement, see, your fatherance, your progress, misread abroad.
become widely known, openly known, your progress will be seen by all.
You see that?
So, if you will meditate on the Word of God and give yourself wholly to the Word, completely to the Word, the time will come where that Word will propel you advancements.
And it will be seen.
Oh, and they begin to say, something's happened to that man.
Something's happened to that woman.
That young girl, something's happened.
You're not the same.
You're making progress.
You're advancing.
It says that's your father and his.
Your advancement, your progress, may spread abroad, may become widely known.
You see, so the Word has a ministry in your life to get this to happen.
Now there's more.
In the book of Joshua, chapter 1, I want you done in there.
Joshua chapter 1, I am reading to you from verse 8,
He says, this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth."
That means keep talking it.
Shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate.
There it is again.
Meditate there in their night, but thou mayors observe to do according to all that's written therein, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous.
Did you see that?
He's put in your hands, right?
Before you, what you need to make your own way prosperous.
You can make your life prosperous.
You can make your way prosperous.
The responsibility is yours.
You can do it because you're trying to God.
You're made in His image.
You're born in His class.
You belong in His class.
You see, the Bible tells us that we are exactly like him, as he is.
First John chapter 4 verse 17, as he is, so are we in this world.
So we can function like him.
Remember, the Bible says he made man in his own image.
And in his likeness.
In his image, meaning that he made us to look like him.
In his likeness, meaning that he made us to function like him.
So we look like Him, we function like Him.
And how does God function?
God's a God of faith.
He functions in the arena of faith.
Faith is a law of the Spirit.
Take that seriously.
He says, this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall meditate there in day and night, thou mayest observe to do according to all that's written there.
And for thee, thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.
Thou shall make thy way prosperous, and thou shall have good success.
Good success.
Oh, glory to God.
You can have good success.
There's something I'd like to mention to you there that's very, very interesting.
When you study that verse, that verse in the Greek Septuagint, it tells us something.
It says that you will not only have good success, it says you become perceptive.
You become perceptive.
See, you become perceptive.
It's the Greek word Sunniami.
See, and what it means is that you become sagacious.
You become prespicacious.
Your intelligence would rise.
It means that your thinking level is different from others, accurately insightful.
That's what the Word of God does in your life.
He makes you wise, the word makes you wise, makes you wise, penetratingly disjourning.
That's what it is.
So another version says you become wise in the affairs of life.
You see, you become wise in the affairs of life.
You become wise in your dealings with people.
You become wise in your dealings in business.
In your dealings in finances, you become wise.
Did you know that some people don't function wisely?
They don't function wisely.
And that accounts for the failures that they experience in their lives.
Failure after failure, because they don't function wisely.
You can function wisely.
The Spirit of God, through the words, brings into your understanding that sagacity of the spirits,
that a child of God, only a child of God can have.
Praise God, praise God, praise God.
And that leads me to reading to you Psalm 1.
Very popular Psalm, but there's some beautiful words in there, I won't read them to you.
Psalm 1.
And I'm reading from verse 1.
He says, blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly.
nor stand it in the way of sinness, nor sit it in the seat of the scornful, but he's the light, he's the light is in the law of the Lord, and in his law that he'd meditate day and night.
He's talking about the same thing.
In his law that he'd meditate day and night, and he shall be glory to God.
If you meditate on the Word of God day and night, that means regularly, frequently, he shall be
Verse three, he shall be.
What do you want to be like?
Look at this.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring it for his fruit in his season.
His leaf horses shall not wither and what so ever he do it shall prosper.
That's my life.
I'm telling you, that's my life.
Everything I do prosper is, hey, that's because that's what the word says right here.
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring it for his fruit in his season.
His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Whatsoever he doeth, can imagine if your life turn that way that anything you do prospers, anything you get involved in just works.
Oh, glory to God.
Anything you do works.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Let me read you something else.
In Psalm 119, verse, from verse 98, 119, he turned to verse 98.
He says, Thou through thy commandments.
What's the meaning of commandments?
He's talking about the Word of God.
Thou, through that commandment, you might as well say, Thou, through thy word, hast made me wiser than my enemies.
For they are ever with me.
He says we got enemies all around us, but you've made me wiser than my enemies.
That becomes your confession.
You know, it's not gonna work just because you said so.
It's gonna work through these words.
He says, now through thy words, through thy commandment has made me wiser than my enemies.
And wiser than my enemies, through the Word of God, the Word of God gives you what?
The perception.
I said, you become perspicacious.
You see, you're thinking is high class.
You're different.
You're able to put things together.
You see?
Oh glory to God.
Now through that commandment has made me wiser than my enemies.
I have more understanding than all my teachers.
I have more understanding than all my teachers.
For that testimony is my meditation.
You see that?
A meditate on God's testimonies.
What do you mean his testimonies?
These are his declarations.
God's declarations of himself.
What he said about himself.
What he said about us, about his kingdom.
These are his testimonies.
So because I meditate on his testimonies, he says, I have more understanding than all my teachers.
Glory to God.
Look at verse 100.
He says, I understand more than the ancients because I keep that precepts.
I understand more than the ancients.
See what the word of God will do in your life if you give attention to it.
You're gonna give attention to the word of God.
Let me read you one from the New Testament.
The book of Acts.
chapter 20 and verse 32.
And now, brethren, I commend you to God into the word of His grace.
It is I commend you to God into the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance.
Oh boy, this is lovely.
have commended the God, into the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up.
The Word of God has the ability to build you up.
He'll build you up mentally.
He'll build you up spiritually.
He'll build you up physically.
He'll build you up financially.
He'll build you up every way.
He says, the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you one inheritance, deliver into your hands and inheritance among all them, which is sanctified.
Praise God forevermore.
Here's what the word of God will do in your life.
So you're going to meditate on the word like never before.
You're going to be so voracious for the Word, you're going to open up your appetite for the Word of God, consume the Word like never before, listen to tapes, listen again and again, listen to the message bombat your mind with the Word of God, on to become saturated, completely inundated with the Word of God, and see what will happen in your life, the Word will produce itself in you, glory to God, the Word will produce itself in you.
Do it every day.
You are the full of testimonies because the Word has the ability to produce in us what it talks about.
So right now I want you to thank Him, honor Him, thank Him for His Word, thank Him for the understanding that He has given you.
Thank Him for the blessing of God in your life.
Thank Him for the ministry of the Word of God in your life.
and make that declaration today that you're going to yield yourself to the ministry of the Word of God like never before.
You're going to let the Word of God have its sway in your life.
You're going to have to let the Word take you, lead you, move you.
Whatever the Word says will have power in your life.
It'll have power to control you.
It'll have power to guide you.
It'll have power to lead you.
Let the Word have control in your life.
Let it gain the mastery.
Let the Word of God gain status stage in your life.
And you will be amazed at the results.
You will be amazed.
So go ahead and talk to the Lord now.
Praise Him.
Worship Him.
Honor Him.
Go ahead and pray.