The Dew of Heaven
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
You see, receiving the Holy Spirit and knowing the Holy Spirit are two different things.
Until you know Him, you will not enjoy the riches of His glory, even though they belong to you.
That's why He saved the Holy Spirit.
I want you to understand this.
Until you're not here, you'll be shot changing your life.
And that's why I'm introducing you again to him in a new level so you can know who he is.
And the limits have been taken away, glory to God.
You have received that anointing into your life.
What a deal of heaven comes on you continually.
You may be seated.
The Lord is in this place.
Let's open to the Bible.
Genesis in chapter 28.
I'm reading from verse 10.
And Jacob went out from the sheba and went toward Harren.
and lighted upon a certain place and carried there all night, because the sun was set, and he took off the stones of that place and put them for his pillows and laid down in that place to sleep.
And he dreamed and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven.
And behold, the angels who got a setting and descending on it.
This was his dream.
He saw this dream in his sleep.
And behold, the Lord stood above it and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham, thy father and the God of Isaac.
The land where on thou last, to thee will I give it and to thy seed.
and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south, and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
And behold, I am with thee and will keep thee in all places with the thou most, and will bring thee again into this land, for I will not leave thee until I've done that which I've spoken to thee of.
Now, some of you, that message is for you.
But we're going on.
Make sure that you're listening because as we speak, the Spirit of God will be talking to you at different points.
I hear on me.
They talk to you at different points.
So watch out for what the Spirit of God says to you.
Because every one of you, there's a message for you today.
Verse 16, and Jacob had wicked out of his sleep, and he said, surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.
Post for a moment.
This man had an extraordinary dream.
He had gone to sleep, and everything looked normal.
Everything was like every other day.
And then he had the street and he realized that God had been there with you.
Possibly he had had some moments of frustration because of what had just happened, you know, he had to flee from home.
Didn't really know what was going on.
And now he's in this place, somewhat lonesome.
And then God speaks to him and realizes, although that's been here and I didn't know it, is it possible for God to be present and a man doesn't know it, emphatically?
You don't always know that God is there.
He doesn't always announce himself.
He doesn't always show up with science.
Elijah was waiting for God.
He said he had gone to hear God talk to him because certain things had happened and now he really needed to hear from God.
Then there was a strong wind.
And he thought, God might manifest himself in the wind.
And when it was over, God was not in it.
There was an earthquake with so much sound.
God wasn't there.
Elijah was disappointed.
God wasn't in the wind.
God wasn't in the quake.
He was in a steel, small voice.
He had a still, small voice, and God was there.
He doesn't always show himself
the way many expect him to.
The Bible says God hides himself.
If he appeared to you in his glory, you'd be blind.
He has to reduce it.
Because your eyes, your natural eyes, just cannot stand that glory.
Remember, Saul of Tassus was on his way to Damascus.
Whichever others, arresting every Christian they could find.
Suddenly the Bible seized a light, shone on him from heaven, brighter than the new day's sun.
And Saul was blinded by the glory of that light.
Because he was leading the bunch.
And he looked up, wanting to say like, what is it?
He was blinded.
and they all fell when the voice spoke out of the lights.
Called him by name, Saul, why do you persecute me?
That's what some people don't realize when they do evil to Christians.
They're doing it to Jesus.
Jesus didn't say, why are you persecuting my disciples?
He didn't say that.
He said, why do you persecute me?
and sold and realized that's what he was doing.
Because he had thought that Jesus was a ordinary man of history.
He was dead and gone and these folks, he had claimed that God raised him from the dead.
He said, Jesus is dead.
Well, that Jesus spoke from that light from heaven and called him by name.
And you see, he's a master communicator.
The Bible says he spoke to Saul of Tassus in the Hebrew tongue.
Everybody here who was there who understood Hebrew could not understand the meaning of the words, even though Jesus spoke in the Hebrew tongue.
They were confused.
They heard a sound and couldn't tell the meaning of the words.
Yet it was in their language.
They heard the sound.
Imagine this, Saul going outside after that place, and he says, Jesus spoke to me, though it says, in the street, we were all going to Damascus.
How many of you?
Who were many?
Jesus spoke to you?
In what language did he speak to you?
And then he says, in the Hebrew tongue, of course.
And that Saul, there were others with you that day.
And they heard a sound like you did.
They saw the light from beyond the sky, maybe.
And you claimed that he spoke to you.
They all heard the same thing.
You all fell down.
And there was nothing else.
He was just a sound.
So you're lying.
God never talked to you.
But God did.
God did.
The others didn't understand the words.
They heard a sound.
And now they claim sorrow's line.
And that's the way these words sitting together.
There's a guy over here and there's another one over there, a whirling church.
And God speaks to one.
And this is the Lord has spoken to me.
The other guy says, how?
We all heard the same thing.
He's a master communicator.
That's why when you come to church, you better listen to God for yourself.
The guy sitting next to you may not hear what you are going to hear.
If he will listen well enough, he will hear something for himself.
He's a master communicator.
And when he shows up, you don't have to know who he is.
Of course, yes.
Then you've written the Bible, three men came to Abraham.
He was smart.
He looked at his three men over there.
And he calls out to them and says, hello, Sars, looks like you're on a long journey.
Can you come in and let me give you some food and give you some water and you get refreshed and continue your journey?
And it turned into him.
The three men sat down.
It turned out one of them was the Lord himself.
He was there with two angels.
Abraham was smart by the spirits.
And that day, that man would turn out to be the Lord, blessed him, and said, I'm going to soda.
I will go find out what they've been doing over there.
He talked like a man.
He said, I want to go and find out like he didn't know it.
Of course he already knew.
Just like the same way when he showed up, he met Jacob.
The Bible says, a man wrestled with Jacob.
Read your Bible.
And after a while, the man said, it's now almost done.
I've got to leave.
And Jacob said, no, I can't let you go until you bless me.
Please bless me.
The man said, what's your name?
He's asking him like he doesn't know.
What's your name?
When God says something, if he's asking your question, doesn't mean he doesn't know.
He's not looking for your answer.
He's propping your mind.
So when he said to Abraham, I'm going to find out if those folks have done, according to the evil that I hear, and they've been doing, he was waiting for his response.
He wasn't going to find out something.
He already knew about it.
And then, Abraham interceded for soda, for his God.
You're still there?
Just like the Master Jesus.
It's not different from his father.
that I and my father are one.
After his resurrection, he was with two disciples, and they were talking about him, the viruses he was with them.
He joined them in the streets.
And he said, hi guys, what are you talking about?
They said, we're talking about one Jesus who was a great man.
He was mighty in words.
And indeed, great miracles followed him.
And finally, the Romans killed him because the elders of the Jews hated him.
And we had thought he would be the one to help the Jews set them free from the Romans.
But he's dead, he's gone, and the trouble is some people said he's a reason.
And some people say they have seen him.
Especially some women, you know, these women talk a lot and then they say they've seen Jesus.
And Jesus said, oh, slow heart.
Then the prophets tell you these things that Jesus, that the Christ would come and suffer and be raised from the dead.
They said, man, what have you been?
You know?
And then they got somewhere and Jesus acted like he was going away from there.
They said, come on, it's evening, come stay with us.
He pretended he had done that before.
So he went with them to the house.
When they got in, now he's the one breaking the bread.
This is not his house.
He went in with them to their house to stay the night.
And they put the bread on the table and he takes it and he breaks it and they're like, hey man, what was he?
The Bible says their eyes were held up so they could not recognize him.
This way he's disciples!
Not among the eleven, Judas being dead already, but
He had a multitude of disciples.
They were there.
When the disciples were questioning the women, did you say you saw Him?
Did you say they were there?
These two were there.
Finally, they went out and Jesus joined them.
And now that we're in the house and He breaks bread and gives them bread, then they remembered Him in the breaking of bread.
and some of their eyes were opened and it disappeared.
And you can imagine, you can imagine the commotion.
I mean, the two, the doors open, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
What do you mean where have we been?
Something just happened, we want to tell you.
They said, listen, Jesus has a reason.
He has appeared to Simon.
They're talking about Simon Peter.
And Simon is happy.
Yeah, it's true.
He appeared to me.
Then they said, we both saw him.
He followed us home.
He just left us.
Think about it.
What I was making was Jesus had been with these folks a long time and he showed up, went with them in the street, went into their house, sat down to eat with them and still they didn't recognize him.
Their eyes had to be opened to know him that too many in the house of God today would not know when God speaks.
that too many in the house of God today, who don't know when the presence of God is there.
Because they're looking for the wrong thing.
They're looking around.
When we say the Lord is here, they're looking around.
When we say God is ministering to you right now, they want to know, are they going to feel hot?
Are they going to feel cold?
Is there going to be the shaking like somebody said?
She was asked, have you received the Holy Ghost?
She said, not yet.
I just got the shaking.
And she was still shaking.
I got the shaking.
Like there's the shaking and then there's the spirit.
I guess she was right.
Because you can shake as much as you want to.
That doesn't mean you got the Holy Ghost.
You've got to know Him for yourself.
And stop looking around.
You know what the Bible says?
You are not come on to Mount Sinai.
Whether it's darkness, whether it's judgment.
It's just, but you are come.
He are come to Mount Zion.
Every one of us is born again.
We have been brought into Mount Zion.
We were born into Mount Zion, Mount Zion, which he loved the Bible says.
The Lord loves the gates of Zion, more than all the dwelling places of Jacob.
Glorious things are spoken of the O City of God.
Let me show you scripture.
Psalm 133, let's read from verse 1.
Psalm 133, from verse 1.
You ready?
Behold how good and how pays and it is for brethren to dwell together in unity, verse 2.
It's like the precious army upon the head that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard.
Now he's talking about the anointing, the anointing that was poured on Aaron, the high priest, okay?
And he says, that anointing was so much, the oil was poured in abundance.
It went, he remember Aaron's beard was pretty long, that's why the, of note here.
And then even Aaron's beard, and then he says the anointing went down to the sketch of his gamut.
Still, Lord, verse three, oh, ask the dew of heaven.
And ask the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion.
Here's where some of the intellectual Bible scholars get through love balance.
He says, as a deal of Haman, and as the deal that descended upon the mountains of Zion, the King James gets it right because some others think it should be as the deal of Haman that descended upon the mountains of Zion.
They're separating Haman from Zion and their own.
And so they're looking for Mount Haman different from Mount Zion.
No, they're wrong.
That's not the geography you're going to have to find.
You're going to have to find exactly what the word says.
Why does the word say as the deal of heaven?
And it says here, and as the deal that descended upon the mountains of Zion.
Because the Psalmist here understood what heaven was, where heaven was,
And he knew exactly what he was talking about.
Human was a place.
And there were mountains in heaven.
And so he's talking about the same thing.
He says, as the dew of heaven.
He's referring to the mountains of heaven.
And as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion.
He's talking about the same thing.
He says, for there.
In that place, the Lord commanded the blessing, even life, forevermore.
Okay, just for the records.
Deuteronomy chapter 3, verse 8.
Deuteronomy chapter 3, verse 8.
He says here, and we took at that time, out of the hand of the two kings of the Amorites, the land that was on this side, Jordan, from the river of Anon, on to Mount Heman.
Have you seen that?
Mount Heman, good verse nine.
Which Heman, the Sidonians, called Sirion?
Listen, which Heman, the Sidonians, called Sirion?
And the Amorites call it Shaner, the same Herman.
So the Sidonians called Herman Sarion.
And the Amorites call Herman Shaner.
So the Sidonians had a name for it.
The Amorites had a name for it.
Go to chapter 4, verse 48.
Chapter 4 and verse 48, same book.
An arrow which is by the bank of the river Anon even onto Mount Zion, which is Emma.
Have you seen it now?
That's it.
Mount Zion, which is heaven.
So he was talking about the same thing.
So they had different names for heaven, depending on which language you were speaking.
So now he tells us Mount Zion, which is heaven.
So when he says that the do of heaven, and he says,
The Jew that descended upon the mountains of Zion.
He's talking about the same thing, heaven, Zion.
Now here's the point I want to make.
The Jew of heaven.
Why does he talk about this Jew of heaven, this Jew on Mount Zion?
Because some thought that it meant that the Jew of heaven went upon Mount Zion.
No, it's talking about the same thing.
And sometimes you notice he might use the plural or the singular, like talking about the mountains of Zion or Mount Zion, okay?
Or he might talk about Mount Hemmon or the place Hemmon that's got mountains.
Are you still there?
Okay, so God has brought us to Mount Zion.
And the reason he talks about this dude,
is that the dew on mount him on is somewhat permanent.
There's always dew on mount him.
There's always dew on mount Zion.
This mountain always had dew.
It was always wet.
Money, noon, and night.
It was wet.
And you've been brought to mount Zion, not Mount Sinai.
That's where you are.
When you were born again, you were brought to Mount Zion.
Where the dew of heaven comes on you continually.
And the dew of heaven is talking about, he says, like the anointing.
He says, the anointing on Aaron was like the dew of heaven.
So listen, he's referring to the anointing.
That anointing is on you.
He was poured out on you.
And if you receive the Holy Spirit, you have received that unknown and into your life.
The problem is, many don't recognize who they are.
They don't know.
They can see the other fellow, wet with dew, and they can't see themselves wet with dew, why?
Because they're looking at the wrong thing.
It's in your spirit.
is in your spirit.
I say the glory of God on your life.
What about me?
I don't know.
I've been praying about it.
I've really been talking to the Lord about it.
I really hope somehow my life will have some glory.
Hey, you can see the glory of God on that one.
And on that one.
And then you have another group.
They don't see the glory of God on nobody.
And say, well, I know they say they see the glory of God on people.
I've never seen it on anybody.
I mean, hey, no, that today, it's funny.
They say, I've never seen the glory of God on anybody.
You've never seen the glory of God on anybody.
Why have you never seen the glory of God?
I tell you, everybody can't see it.
Look at Jesus, the disciples were closed with Him.
They had known Him.
And now He's a reason.
He's with them.
He's glorified.
They don't know Him.
They can see Him until their eyes are open.
You will not know the Scriptures.
You may quote them without understanding.
The apostles were busy around sucking the Scriptures.
They couldn't find anything to help them understand the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Because their minds were dored out.
They couldn't understand.
Thinking, what does this mean?
They're asking themselves questions.
And why those two were with them?
Test the fine of Jesus whom they had just seen.
And Simon also letting them know his experience with Jesus and they're all rejoicing about this thing and thinking about it.
Jesus himself shows up in the mist.
And in the Bible says they were afraid.
They just heard that these ones had seen him.
The women were there who said they had seen Jesus.
Simon Peter had said he had seen Jesus.
He was there.
Two men just came in.
They said they had been with Jesus.
And now they're all together.
Jesus themselves shows up in their midst and they are afraid and they don't believe and they think they're seeing a ghost.
Think of where to run.
Elderly men and women.
You know, big people can be afraid.
That's what little guys don't know.
Till they find out when daddy sees... Hold on, Johnny, it's scary.
Scary, very scary.
What do you think those kids learn those things from?
Daddy, I was scared, I was scared.
Why was he scared?
Because daddy said, he's really scary.
Or his baritone voice.
V-chest, he trained that chest for many years.
Now he's coming around.
Listen, he's very scary.
He's afraid.
fear has no respect.
Because to see fear is a spirit.
Didn't you read it?
Saul was ahead and showed us above everybody else in Israel.
He was bigger than everybody in Israel.
He was made king of Israel.
But when he saw Goliath, he turned into a chicken.
thinking of what to do.
They're discussing how to take him out.
And each every idea that somebody brought up, another one killed it.
Somebody said, we can throw something like, you know, like we do horses.
This is shut up.
By the time you get him, what about the other guy next to him?
He said, he's got four brothers.
They're all giants.
And they're all in the crowd.
But if we do something, let's, OK, well, let's just all go out at once.
I said, we're outnumbered.
No idea was good enough until one little guy, 17 years old.
Hey, the guy David comes and he says, I can tick him out.
And they tell the king.
And he says, bring the guy here.
And they bring him his small.
And so we're still looking for the person they want to bring.
Where is he?
He said he's down there.
He says, oh.
He was disappointed.
Until the guy said, I can.
Oh, King, live forever.
I can.
I was the king of my father's sheep.
A lion came.
I went after the lion.
I caught him by his beards.
When I saw her dad, he opened his eyes.
You don't mean that happened, boy?
He said, sir, not only that.
A bear came one time.
I went after the bear, and I smote him.
And Saul was thinking.
And the little guy said, and this giant will be like one of them.
That was what they needed.
Somebody who was born, and who was not going to listen to some other ideas and calculations.
You know, if we do it like this, we might be able to take him out.
If we go with five battalions.
No, this guy said, I need five stones.
Are you still in this place?
How are you going to know when it talks to you?
Listen for the still and small voice in your heart.
Somebody said, well, if God wants to talk to me, he can come.
After all, I don't have to invite him.
He'll come when he wants to.
God is not like that.
You know what?
He already did.
You're the one that didn't listen.
He already did.
Let's go back to the scriptures and look at something.
The Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, and the Jewish people.
Their new Messiah was coming.
They heard all the prophets talk about the Messiah coming when he came.
What happened?
They killed him.
What were they waiting for?
What were they expecting?
The king in the palace?
I've thought about it many times.
What were they expecting?
What did they want the Messiah to look like?
What did they expect of Him?
The Scriptures said what He would do, and He did those things.
and yet they could not believe.
The Bible says, though we have done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not in him.
And every time he said anything that sounded like he was Messiah, this is part of him.
Who are you?
We know your mother, we know your daddy.
We know your brothers and sisters.
When Messiah comes, we are not supposed to know where He's from, lie.
God said, from among your brethren, He said, I'll raise one from among your brethren.
If prophets are the Lord, your God raise unto you.
Moses said, like unto me, from among your brethren.
Now they said, when Messiah comes, I'm going to know where He's from.
Glory to God.
Say thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Who is he to you?
Who is Jesus to you?
You know, until you meet the Holy Spirit's core, I must say, take care.
Until you know him, your success will be limited.
Until you get to meet the Holy Ghost.
You see, receiving the Holy Spirit and knowing the Holy Spirit are two different things.
Until you know the Holy Spirit, your success as a pastor, as a leader, as a businessman, your success as anything.
who will be limited, largely limited, until you meet this teacher from heaven, until you know him.
You know, I tell people the most important thing in my life is my fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
When I entered into fellowship with the Holy Spirit, my life was all done completely and has been so ever since.
I was only glad it happened to me early in my life.
Until you know Him.
Let me take a very successful man like Job, for example.
Can you go to Job 1?
Let's read from verse 1.
So we get a good description of this man.
Job chapter 1, beginning with verse 1.
There was a man in the land of us whose name was Job.
And that man was perfect and upright and warned that fear died and assured evil.
Okay, verse 2.
And they were born unto him seven sons and three daughters, ten children.
Verse three, his substance also was 7,000 sheep.
You can write them down if you want to because we're going to make some comparison later.
7,000 sheep and 3,000 hammers and 500 york of oxen and 500 she-asses and a very great household.
That means he had a lot of people living with you.
So that this man was the greatest, listen, not one of the greatest, but this man was the greatest of all the men of the East.
Job was not described to us as a prophet.
Job was not a pastor.
I'm just trying to let you know the men were dealing with him.
This man was like, he was a businessman.
You can see what he was trading with.
Are you still there?
Successful man, upright, worn at shawn evil.
A man who served God with his life.
All right.
All right, so rich.
He was the greatest of all the men of the East.
This man was the greatest of all the men of the East.
Hey, God has had some real tough guys.
Come on, what do you think?
He's had some people.
Some people feel that God always, you know, is always identified with some broke guys, you know.
He always loves people who are broke.
It's not true.
It's not true.
He loves them, but he doesn't only love the broke guys.
He loves everybody.
And he has had quite some rich fellows.
The only way this man could lose what he had, because he did lose what he had, was when Satan showed up in his life.
All right?
because of his fears.
We don't have the time to talk about it today.
But, you know, through the scriptures, you discover why Satan had an in-road to his life.
But that's not the point I want to make.
Let's go to chapter 42.
You would like this one.
Chapter 42 from verse 5.
This man had lost everything.
He got to the point in his life and began to question God.
You've heard the story of Job.
You questioned God.
Until God manifested himself to Job in his word.
And when he did, Job said, I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear.
But now my eyes see it thee.
He had heard of him.
And he served God because he heard of God.
Faith came to him.
He served God with his life.
Like many of you, you've heard of the Holy Ghost.
You received the Holy Ghost by faith.
You've heard of him, but you haven't met him.
God of verse six, wherefore I have bore myself and I repent in dust and ashes.
You see that?
Back to verse five.
I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear.
But now I see you.
Now I see you.
New knowledge had come to him.
Before this happened, he was questioning God.
His friends had come to him to try to find out what might have cost it.
They brought different kinds of ideas.
Maybe you did this wrong.
Maybe this was the reason.
Maybe this was the reason.
Finally, Job had had it.
He said, no, stop everybody.
I have looked at my life.
I haven't seen where I went wrong.
Job said his friends were wrong.
But then God said, Job's friends were wrong.
Job said his friends were wrong.
But you see, Job couldn't find where the problem was.
And God said that Job was perfect.
But God didn't like the fact that this man began to say, come on, what have I done wrong?
Let God show up and tell me what I've done wrong.
That's what he said.
He told his friend and said, look, you've all been talking without knowledge.
Hold on.
I am waiting for him.
I want God himself to show me my error.
Let him show me my error.
His wife came and said, look, I don't know what you're still waiting for.
You are so sick now, it's better for you to die.
Just cause God and die.
He said, are you one of those foolish women outside?
Don't you know that good and bad can come from God?
God, you are here in there.
Tell me what I've done.
What have I done?
And finally, God said to him, since you know everything, he heard the voice of God.
Now God spoke to him in a vision, and God said, since you know everything, tell me something.
Where does the wind reside?
Do you know?
Who is the source of light?
He was trembling there, and God began to question Job, and he was throwing big ones at him.
Big questions just to tell Job, your mind is limited.
There's so much you don't know, young guy.
Come on.
And then he fell down on his knees.
He said, Oh God, forgive me.
I'd heard of you by the hearing of the ear.
Now I see you.
I repent in dust and ashes.
I said, until you know the Holy Spirit.
Your pride may overtake you.
Until you know him.
Your success will be limited.
Go to verse 10, from verse 10.
Same book, Job, chapter 42, from verse 10.
Let's see what happened.
And the Lord, you know, after he repainted like this, the Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends.
Also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before, twice.
You can read all the way to verse 17, and I told you to write down what he had before, and you see the figure is given to us again of each of what he had before.
The man had twice more than twice what he had before.
God blessed him so much.
Listen, God can give you much more than you already have, no matter how successful you are.
When you meet the Holy Spirit, when you meet the Holy Spirit,
When those apostles didn't know about the Holy Spirit, they had heard of Him.
They had heard of Him.
They had heard of the Holy Spirit.
How He let the people through the wilderness.
That heard of Him.
And now Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit.
And they were just there wondering about the Holy Spirit.
They thought they knew the Scriptures.
Let's read something.
It's the Luke's Gospel, chapter 24.
From verse 43, let's read.
And he took it and did eat before them, okay?
He accessed something to eat and he did.
And he said unto them, these are the words which I speak unto you while I was yet with you.
There are all things most be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me.
We're Spotify.
Look at this.
Then opened heed their understanding that they might understand the scriptures.
Look at what he did.
These guys had read the Scriptures.
They had heard Jesus talk.
But they still didn't get it.
The Bible says he opened their understanding that they might understand the Scriptures.
There are people who will read this Bible.
All their life will never understand it.
I have known teachers of religion.
Bible, religious knowledge.
Teachers who read this Bible, they went to university and read this Bible and got PhD in this Bible and still didn't understand squat.
Didn't get it.
Because the understanding was not given to them.
Oh, Jib, chapter 32, go to verse 8.
It says, there's a spiritual man and the inspiration of the Almighty, given them understanding.
Now that word written translated inspiration is the word breath.
So you find in many new versions, the word is translated breath.
The breath of the almighty, give at them understanding.
Since there's a spirit in men and the breath of the almighty, the breath of the almighty gives them what?
Go back to Saint Luke's Gospel.
Chapter 24, where we read verse 45.
Then open hear their understanding.
What did he do?
How did he open their understanding?
The Bible is not telling us here that he explained the scripture.
He already told them, I have told you these things before.
He said, I've told you these things before.
I've taught you these same scriptures before.
So he wasn't going to go through the scriptures again.
They had read it.
Or he opened their understanding that they might understand the scriptures.
What did he do?
We just read it.
The breath of the Almighty, give it them understanding.
The breath of the Almighty.
What is the breath of the Almighty?
It's the Spirit of God.
The inspiration.
Oh dear Lord Jesus.
It is the impartation of the Spirit that brings understanding.
That's why he called it inspiration.
He talks about the breath of the Almighty.
The inspiration, the breath, the impartation of the Spirit.
brings understanding how did Jesus do it?
John's Gospel, chapter 20.
Look at verse 22.
John's Gospel, chapter 20 verse 22.
And when he had said this, look at it, he breathed on them and said unto them, receive ye the Holy Ghost.
This was what happened, this was what Luke was talking about.
when he said he opened their understanding.
Because at this time, the Holy Ghost had not come to take up his ministry.
That will happen in the Book of Acts.
That time had not gone because Jesus had not gone to heaven.
He's still telling them, I'm going to the Father.
When I get to the Father, He will send you the Holy Spirit.
So the Holy Spirit hadn't gone because Jesus had not gone.
He had not yet been glorified.
He hadn't gone to the Father yet.
But at this time He says to them, receive you the Holy Ghost.
He breathes on them.
That was the invitation.
The spirit of understanding was granted them and suddenly they understood the scriptures.
Glory to God.
Somebody say, Hallelujah.
Oh, Hallelujah.
I said, without the Holy Spirit, your knowledge would be juvenile.
You would think you know something.
But you've been ducking around questions until the Holy Spirit imparts your mind would understand it.
Glory to God.
Look at what Jesus said of him.
John chapter 14 from verse 26.
But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father was sending my name, he shall teach you all thanks.
All thanks.
He'll teach you history and school.
He'll teach geography.
He'll teach you chemistry and physics.
Like he taught me mathematics.
Are you still here?
But the comfort of which he's the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things.
And not only will he teach you, he will bring all things so you remember him whatsoever I have said unto you.
I said, until you meet the Holy Spirit.
It doesn't matter what effort you are putting in that shop.
It doesn't matter how large it might get to be limited.
When you meet the Holy Ghost,
Your life will be turned around into another realm of glory.
I've seen pastors.
I've seen ministers who have labored for years.
They have worked so hard.
And they have won.
What else should I do?
They have labored.
They preached.
They have labored.
And they don't know how to retain the people.
They have brought people to church.
And the people came and left.
They brought them to church.
They came and left.
And I've said, there's only one thing you need.
You need to be introduced to someone who is already living inside you.
That voice that asks you, have you prayed today?
And you thought, you thought it was your mind?
When he spoke from heaven,
You know, that light was shining from heaven, and soul of tosses and the rest of them that failed out, when soul got up, because he heard his name.
This is soul, soul of what persecutors thou me.
He said, who are thou lords?
Still didn't recognize his voice.
He says, I am Jesus, whom thou persecutors, but rise.
I am Jesus.
Holy Spirit, saying to you, you've not been speaking in tongues very much.
You think it's your mind reasoning.
You think it's your mind.
He says, you're not reading the Bible enough.
What did you hear?
See, my mind was just telling me, now, you are not able to distinguish between your mind and the Holy Spirit.
Because you don't know Him yet.
You have received Him, but you don't know Him.
He's still like a guest in your house.
He said, when he, the Holy Spirit, the comforter, who is the Holy Ghost?
When he comes, he says, he will teach you all things.
Oh, there'll be no limitation to your knowledge anymore.
He will teach you all things.
Where is that limitation?
He will teach you all things.
I'm unlimited.
Absolutely unlimited.
The Holy Ghost is my teacher.
Come on and say, the Holy Ghost is my teacher.
The Holy Ghost is my teacher.
But you have to learn to listen to him in little things.
You think that he'll start out by giving you some big scripture like this?
Very simple things.
Very simple things.
The Holy Spirit can tell you, you're wearing the wrong shoe.
You say, oh, the Holy Spirit?
He says, I want you to pray now.
You look around.
It's not convenient to pray.
So you go.
When Jacob met him, Jacob's life was changed forever.
He blessed him.
He says, your name will no longer be called Jacob or Israel.
When you meet the Holy Spirit, he changes your life.
You always add something to your life.
You make your success.
You become unlimited.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
What do you want in your life?
I'm the first St.
John's Gospel chapter 16 from verse 12.
John chapter 16 verse 12, I have yet Jesus is talking, see he's still introducing the Holy Spirit.
I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot be at them now.
I, 13, have it!
When he the spirit of truth is come, that's the Holy Ghost.
When he is come, he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and he will show you the future.
He will show you things to come.
He will show you things to come.
Did you know that the Holy Spirit is a healer?
That's the spirit the Bible says, if he lives in you.
He will vitalize your model body if he lives in you.
It doesn't matter that you've been diagnosed with some disease, if he lives in you, they'll be a change.
Glory to God.
Maybe you're a student.
This is the one you need.
This teacher, inside you, is the one you need to listen to.
Because he knows everything.
Yesterday we read about Jesus, that he is the embodiment of all wisdom and knowledge Jesus is.
But who administers that wisdom of Jesus?
The Holy Spirit.
Oh, let's read, Father.
Back to verse 13.
Let's read.
Albert, when he does read it through this gum, he will guide you in the orchard, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come.
Verse 14.
He shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.
You see?
He will take that which is Jesus.
He will take from the wisdom of Jesus.
He will take from the knowledge of Jesus and show it to you.
Jesus is the embodiment of all wisdom and knowledge.
But the Holy Spirit would take from all that Jesus has and minister it unto you.
Oh glory to God.
He shall receive of mine and show it unto you.
That's why people who don't know the Holy Spirit, they may court about Jesus, about the knowledge of Jesus.
They can preach about the Holy Spirit.
See, I've met preachers who are priests of the Holy Spirit all their life, but they have never known the Holy Spirit.
They're like Job.
I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear.
Are you hearing me?
They're priests of the Holy Spirit.
But where are the manifestations of the Holy Spirit?
Not there.
Oh, where is the voice of the Holy Spirit?
Not there.
Where is the wisdom of the Holy Spirit?
Not there!
Because they haven't known Him, He shall receive of mine and show it unto you.
He is the administrator of the riches of God.
Until you know him, you will not enjoy the riches of his glory, even though they belong to you.
That's why he saved the Holy Spirit.
I want you to understand, he has blessed you.
You are a joint heir with Christ.
You have everything that God determined for you to have, but the administrator of the inheritance is the Holy Spirit.
Until you know him, you will be shot changing your life.
You have this word untold, and yet be unable to enjoy it.
because you haven't known the administrator.
You know that guy whose father died and left the will in the hands of the administrator?
And this fellow doesn't know who the administrator is.
He will never enjoy the wealth, even though his name is on it.
You need to know the true manager of God's wealth.
He's the Holy Ghost.
And that's why I'm introducing you again to Him in a new level so you can know who He is!
And the limits have been taken away, glory to God!
See, there are many people who have been trying with their minds because they have some erudite knowledge.
They have been scooted.
But you know what?
Your mind will bring you to terrible limitation until you realize that the mind is never enough.
Zakaraj, chapter 4, verse 6,
Let's look at that.
Then he answered and speak on to me saying, this is the word of the Lord unto the earth of our saying, not by might.
Hey, not by power, but by my spirit, say it the Lord.
Not by might.
They may describe you as a mighty brain.
The Midas Krabi as one of the world's intelligentsia makes no difference.
It is not by mind.
It is not by power, but by my spirits, by my spirits.
Have you been trying to do it in your own power, in your own ability, by my spirits, say it to the Lord.
How are you going to grow that church, by my spirits?
How are you going to grow that cell, by my spirits?
How are you going to multiply your finances, by my spirits?
How are you going to be in that business, by my spirits, by my spirits, by my spirits, say it to the Lord.
Success by the Holy Ghost.
You become a mystery to others.
You become a wonder to your generation.
Can you shout him in somebody?
By my spirits.
That's why you've got to know the Holy Ghost.
You've got to understand the things of the Spirit of God.
It's not by might.
It's not by power.
But by my spirits, hallelujah.
Somebody shout glory.
Sit down one moment.
You see why the apostles took the ministry of the Holy Spirit so seriously because Christianity without the Holy Spirit is male religion.
What if you want to go pass religion?
If you want to know the reality of the Spirit of God, the reality of the Kingdom of God, the reality of the glory of God, you've got to know the Holy Spirit.
Oh, Son Dara Bagegibah City.
Hah yah yah yah yah yah.
Acts 14.
I said it took the ministry of the Holy Spirit so seriously.
Let's read from verse 21.
And when they had preached the gospel to that city and I taught many, they returned again to Lestra and to Iconium and Antioch.
Next verse, confirming the souls of the disciples.
and exerting them to continue in the faith in that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
Look at that.
The way to those cities, what did they do?
Confirming the souls of the disciples.
Confirming the souls of the disciples.
How did you do that?
Two things.
The first one is by laying on of hands.
The second one is by exhortation.
So they told you the first one there.
Confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them.
They laid hands on them.
Lain on of hands is primarily for impartation and for strengthening.
That's the word confirming.
The word translated confirming means strengthening.
By lain on of hands is strengthening their souls.
Do you hear evidence of destroying their hearts?
Their souls.
So it was a spiritual thing.
Linen of hands is a very spiritual thing.
So when lands are laid on you and all you're feeling is the hand on your head, then you didn't get nothing.
No, you receive by faith.
You receive with your spirits.
It's very spiritual.
The importation is an importation of something spiritual as well.
The apostle's going from church to church, strengthening, confirming,
Confirming the disciples, confirming their souls, the souls of the disciples.
The only thing is, you know, anybody can talk about confirmation, but until you know how it is to confirm and then have the spirit by which to confirm, the confirmation may not work.
You can only give what you've got.
Is that right?
You can't give anybody what you don't have?
You know?
Something that has not been ministered to you.
You, you get ministered to someone else.
There's only that which has been ministered to you, that you can ministered to others.
So they weren't confirming the disciples.
They had a lain on of hands, then by exhortation of the world.
Their spirits were confirmed, strainting.
I told you the very first nights, the reason I'm here.
Do you remember?
Because God sent me to you.
And so, this is the time, the moments we have arrived.
And what I share with you about the Holy Spirit received into your spirit.
Receive that word, receive that word, and use that word.
Use it to move forward in your life.