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May 2017 - The Month of Meditation

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

And this month is a special month.

A special month.
Ian, do you know what you're going to do throughout this month?
You're going to meditate.

Come on, shout somebody.

Can we have on the screen just your chapter 1 verse 8?
Okay, read it for me if you can, everyone.

So you're going to take off with meditation because you will have good success.
Good success.
Let's read one more time.
He says, this book of the law shall not depend out of thy mouth.
Now he's referring to the word of God.
He's not talking about the government law or any law anywhere else.
He's talking about the word of God.
But thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that's written therein.
Now, here's where some people have a problem.
They say, how can anybody observe everything that's written there?
Look what he told you.
He said, thou shalt meditate.
Hear what he's asking you to do.
Thou shalt meditate there in day and night.
He didn't say, and thou shalt observe to do.
That's not what he said.
If English means anything, look at it.
But thou shalt meditate there in day and night, that thou may have served to do.
Which means if you meditate, it will cost you to do.
You see that?
So you're not going to be struggling to do.
If you will meditate on the Word of God, it will produce the result in you.
Say amen.
That says, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous.
See, we don't have to pray, oh God, prosper me.
You can make your way prosperous.
This month can be the beginning of a new journey.
And thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Shout, amen.
I'm gonna make my way prosperous.
I'm gonna make my way prosperous.
And I'm gonna have good success.
Good success.
Good success.
Good success.