All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
I'll begin with a few verses that you are very much acquainted with.
First, Epistle of Saint John chapter 1 and verse number 5.
First, a piece of Saint John chapter one and verse number five.
Read it for me, want to go.
One more time.
What did he say about God?
He says that God is light, and in him, there's no darkness at all.
John chapter 9, St.
John's Gospel chapter 9 and verse number 5.
And I want you
To read that together.
Who is this?
Okay, just in case you want to know, I was talking verse three, same book and same chapter.
Jesus answered, neither have this man sent nor his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day, the night cometh, when no man can work.
As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
Samadhi's Gospel, chapter 5.
I want you to read verse number 14.
This is the other light of the world.
A city that is set on the hill cannot be hid.
Praise God.
And I'm thinking
This is so powerful.
God said that He is light.
This is what His Word is telling us.
Because Jesus said it, as long as I am in the Word, I am the light of the Word.
And I want you to think about the audacity.
with which he made such a powerful statement as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Now why did he say that?
Because he had healed a man that was born blind.
The man was blind.
And a blind man can only see darkness.
So Jesus says, as long as I mean the word, I am the light of the word, and heal the man.
But we read in 1 John chapter 1 and verse number 5, where he says, God is light.
In him is no darkness at all.
We come to the third verse that you read, and it's in Matthew's Gospel chapter 5 and verse number 14.
Jesus said, he had the light of the word.
That should make us think.
What does it mean?
If God is light, and Jesus is light, and it says, you are light.
What's light then?
I think the best definition of light comes from the Bible.
You can see beautiful definitions in physics,
But the simplest and best definition of light comes from the Bible.
It's very simple.
Glory to God.
And so I'm going to share just a few of that with you.
Can you turn to the book of Psalms 119 and verse number 105?
The word is what?
God's word is a lamp.
His word is a lamp, and then he says what?
Is a light.
That's powerful.
What is light?
In Ephesians 5, I want you to read verse number 13.
Really like you can see it.
That's the definition of light.
It's right there.
So what is light that which makes manifest?
That is light.
All right.
Now, let's look at a few things.
And I think this is really lovely.
In Genesis, let's begin with Genesis.
Genesis chapter 1, in verse 14,
Read for me.
God said, let them be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.
That's powerful.
That's really powerful.
John, chapter 1.
John's Gospel, chapter 1.
And I want you to read verse 9.
One more time.
That was a true light.
the true light, God's word, the true light, that illuminates everyone, every man that comes into the world.
Four important things that Bible shows us about light.
Number one, light is for elimination.
And elimination produces what?
Sound judgment.
When you're illuminated, you have clarity.
You have clarity, refinement.
You have innovation.
You have sound judgment.
Praise God.
Number two, light gives leadership.
I want you to go to Daniel chapter 12 and let's read from verse number three.
Are you there?
And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever."
Now, this is so powerful.
Look at it.
They that be wise.
They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament.
And they that turn many to righteousness as the stars.
That means they shall shine as the stars.
They shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they shall shine as the stars forever and ever.
They that be wise says, shall shine.
Now, the word that's translated shine here in the Hebrew,
And it means to admonish, to one, to teach.
Can you imagine that?
To inspire, to send out light.
Oh, that is leadership.
That's leadership.
So light gives what?
Light gives guidance.
It gives guidance.
You remember the star that led the wise men to where Jesus was.
You remember that?
When they learned that a king had been born, they said, we have seen his star, and we have come to worship you.
They saw his star in the east, but when they got to Jerusalem,
They didn't find any star.
The star disappeared until Herod gave them instructions to go to Bethlehem.
But the baby was no longer in Bethlehem.
And the star showed up and led them to where the baby was.
Praise God.
John chapter 8 and verse 12, St.
John's Gospel chapter 8 and verse number 12.
Read for me.
I am the light of the world.
He that follows me.
He that follows the light, the light leads, the light guides.
Praise God.
He that follows the light shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of light.
Just I am the light of the world.
You follow me, you follow the light.
The light will lead you.
The light will guide you.
Praise God.
Somebody who's gospel chapter 28 and verse number 19.
He says, go ye therefore and teach our nations.
I told you when he says, they that be wise shall shine.
The words translated from Zaha'a, which means also to teach.
So when he says, go ye therefore and teach our nations.
Jesus is saying, go ye therefore and shine to our nations.
Go and shine to our nations.
admonish all nations, inspire all nations.
That's powerful.
Then number three, light gives what?
Because light emits energy.
energy, light on its energy.
And what's energy?
Capacity to perform.
So light gives you the capacity to perform.
Light empowers.
Light empowers you.
No wonder in Colossians chapter 1 and verse number, let's read that, Colossians chapter 1, in verse number 29.
It tells you something very beautiful.
Of course, you would have to have been reading into it from previous verses to get it in the right context.
But then it says, where on to I also labor, striving according to his working, which worketh in me, mightily.
Tell me about the energy of God at working you.
Oh, glory to God.
Glory to God.
In second Corinthians chapter 3, look at second Corinthians chapter 3 and verse number 5.
And read it for me.
Yes, not that we are sufficient of ours errors.
To think anything as of ours errors, but our sufficiency, our ability, our efficiency.
He's of God who also had made us able ministers of the New Testament.
We have a sufficient and we have the ability of God's spirit at work in us.
because we have the light of God in us.
Can you say, man?
That's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
Then I come here to this very powerful one.
I want you to go back to look at it.
Light, light is for something that you read earlier.
I wonder if you noticed it.
Genesis chapter 1 and verse 14.
Have you seen it?
Read it one to go.
So you see the first part of it, we emphasized illumination.
He says, in God said, let there be lights in the front of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons, for days and years.
So light is for what?
Science and seasons.
How powerful is this?
You'd be amazed what God really tells us here.
Did you know this is much more than about the sun and the moon and the stars?
It's far beyond them.
And come here and go to Isaiah chapter eight and verse 18.
Isaiah chapter 8 and verse number 18.
So his Behold, I and the children whom the Lord had given me are for signs and wonders.
And when you go over to the New Testament in Hebrews chapter two, 13th and 14th verses, you find that Paul refers to this verse letting us know he was talking about us.
That we are for signs and wonders.
That's powerful.
We are for signs and wonders.
So he says, signs, let them be for signs and seasons.
What does that mean?
We'll come to that.
Are you ready?
This is 2019.
The year of lights.
I told you, I told you in December, you are going to shine ever so brightly, ever so brightly.
It is the year of lights.
There are different kinds of lives, some are for illumination, some are for leadership, guidance, some are for empowerment, some are for signs and wonders, signs and seasons.
What's about to happen through the Church of Jesus Christ?
The Bible tells us, as the days get closer and closer to the return of Jesus Christ, gross darkness will cover the earth.
He says, think darkness will cover the earth.
He's talking about spiritual darkness.
He says, but in the midst of this, your light will so shine.
The darker the darkness, the more brightly you shine.
Can you shout amen somebody?
Sit down for a second.
We're entering into a new phase of the church's ministry in the earth.
like has never been known before.
A dimension of the glory of God in the earth, beyond what the church has known.
And this is one of the reasons that the knowledge of God is increasing by the prophet Daniel.
He said, in the last times, the last days,
He says, knowledge shall be increased.
Not knowledge shall increase.
You know, sometimes some people misquote it.
There's a difference between knowledge shall increase and knowledge shall be increased.
One is a result of the other.
Knowledge shall increase because knowledge shall be increased.
What God is saying is that He will increase the knowledge, the capacity of men to understand and comprehend.
Knowledge shall be increased, and it shall be increased by revelation.
The imputation of knowledge, the church is moving into a new dimension of the ministry of a gospel like has never been known before.
And guess what?
a release of mighty angels of God into the earth.
This is a class of angels that have not been the earth before.
How are you hearing me?
They have been released into the earth for the work they have to do because the time is short.
and you're going to see signs and wonders like you never thought possible.
Because of angelic manifestations and angelic supports that God's people are going to be receiving.
Tell us somebody we are not alone.
Remember, there was a time
when things changed by the Spirit many, many years ago.
Because the Lord had said to the Prophet Joel, in the last days said, God, I'll pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
And then the time came when it happened.
But when it happened, the people didn't know.
Peter had to tell them,
as he was inspired.
He had to tell them on the day of Pentecost.
When the people received this outpouring of the Spirit, they didn't know what was going on.
And Peter said to them, we are not drunken as you suppose.
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel.
He had to let them know because they didn't know.
They thought these men were drunk.
They didn't know.
And even some of those who received the Holy Ghost who were with him probably didn't connect it to what had been said in the scripture until Peter spoke as he was inspired of God.
And he said, in the last day he said, God, I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
He says, this is that which was spoken by the prophet Jonah.
So we're moving closer and closer to the coming, the soon coming of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
If you never thought He would come again, you'll disvene yourself, because He is coming again.
He said, I will come.
And the interesting thing about the coming of the Lord Jesus is that we are not even preparing for the coming.
Are you hearing what I'm saying?
Can I explain that to you in a way that you can easily catch?
We are not preparing for the second coming of Christ because, according to the Bible, something will happen before the second coming.
And that is the one we are preparing for.
Because according to the Bible, we are supposed to come with him during that second coming.
Come on here, he's still there.
The Bible says, at the last Trump, he says, the dead in Christ, by the voice of the Archangel,
The dead in Christ shall rise first.
Rise first.
I thought you said Jesus is coming.
Hold on.
And we that are alive and remain shall be cut up.
Cut up means rapture.
Cut up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.
And then it says, from then on, we're hanging out with the Lord.
Glory to God.
From then on, we're hanging out with Him.
And then we'll come back.
The Bible says the Lord come at retains of thousands of His saints.
That was spoken by the prophet Enoch.
He comes with tens of thousands of His saints.
He comes.
The Bible says he comes and the stars with him.
Who are the stars?
And then he says, the whole earth will moon because of him.
Because they have 24 hours to see him descending.
The Bible says, every eye shall see him.
How will they see him?
24 hours.
This whole earth is revolving why the Master is coming.
He says, the sun will not give its light.
The moon will turn blood red, as Jesus shows up with us descending.
Oh, that's another day's talk.
You still there?
Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.
Would you turn very quickly to first the Saloonians chapter five and verse number five?
Read one to go.
He are the children of light.
Some of you are the children of light.
Some powerful Christians are children of light.
Some light-skinned Christians are children of light.
What does it say?
Hear all the children of light.
It's talking to Christians, if you're not born again, talking to you.
Hear all the children of light and the children of the day.
Oh, I love this.
We are not of the night, nor of darkness.
Therefore let us not sleep as do others.
But let us watch and be sober.
For there that sleep, you see Pastor, that's what he says, there that sleep sleep in the night.
But watch, watch, watch.
He says we are not of the night.
We are of the day.
Look at it.
Therefore, let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober.
Verse 5, all the children of light and the children of the day, we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
It says, for they that sleep, sleep in the night, and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
Did you get it now?
But we are children of
of what light?
If you are a child of a dog, you are a dog.
If you are the child of a cat, you are a cat.
No doubt.
If you are the child of a chicken, you are a chicken.
If you are the child of light, what are you?
All right?
Just in case, just in case you think we're just adding two and two to make four.
No, we're not adding.
We're saying exactly what the word says.
Efficient chapter five.
Are you there?
All right, let's read.
Verse eight.
Read for me.
Want to go.
Now, are you what?
Because it says what?
You are children of light.
Look at it.
Read from the NIV.
Because of that sometimes.
I know King James' language can be a little problematic.
Read, want to go.
You were one's darkness.
Before you were born again, you were darkness.
Isn't it interesting?
He didn't say you were in the darkness.
He says you were darkness.
I want you to understand God's language and his perception of us.
He says, you wear darkness.
You wear one's darkness.
I'll show you another portion in a moment so you understand that.
He says, you wear one's darkness, but now you are light.
Like Jesus, I am the light of the world.
Now he says, you are light.
So he says, walk, live as children of light.
Live as light, illuminating.
Did you hear what I just said?
You are what?
Illuminating, leading, empowering, and then for signs and seasons.
How explain that to you?
What does it mean that you're for signs and seasons?
Oh dear, oh dear.
All right, St.
Luke's Gospel.
Chapter 10, let's read verse 5.
When you enter, all right, let's read the King Jameson, and into whatsoever house he enter, oh, look how Jesus, how Jesus guides.
He even tells them what to say and how to say it.
He says, and into whatsoever house he enter, first say, first say, peace be to this house.
What does that mean?
You are bringing to that house a season of peace.
Whether I've been in trouble, whether I've been in crisis, whether I've been turmoil.
When you say peace, it means you are bringing a new season.
I bring you a season of peace in your life.
You may have been troubled in your life.
You may have been in darkness, in problems, crying, having tears and pain, but I bring you a new season in your life.
He says, fast say, peace.
Peace be unto this house.
I bring you a season of old man to Karabasaya.
We are for signs and seasons.
Can you shout amen to somebody?
Look at verse 6, verse 6.
And if the son of peace be there,
Oh, I like this.
And to explain this to you, it's so powerful.
And if the son of peace be there, your peace, your peace shall rest.
But your peace, how could you have peace?
Because you are the light of the world.
You are for signs and seasons.
Did you notice?
He didn't say, you pray for peace to be upon them.
He says, in your peace, you came with peace.
In your peace shall rest upon that house.
Because light is for signs and seasons.
You are bringing the season of peace.
Now can you imagine throughout 2019, every home you go to, you carry a season with you.
You are bringing changes, you are bringing peace, you are bringing love, a season of love, a season of victory.
Can you shout amen somebody?
What a life.
Look at verse 9, verse 9, Jesus still talking, look at verse 9.
And then he says, and heal the sick that are there.
Ah, it's season of health.
They've been sick, they've been in pain.
This is in the last few months, this is what we've been going through.
In the last few days, this is what we've been going through.
And now you come, and you say, peace be upon this house.
The Lord says, heal the sick that are there.
Did you notice he didn't say, pray for the sick?
He said, heal the sick that are there.
He says, your peace, your peace, you are rest upon them.
Heal the sick that are there.
I come with a season of healing.
Oh, glory to God.
Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow.
What a year, what a year, what a year.
What a year.
We are for signs and seasons.
Can you shout amen something about it?
Signs and seasons.
Say, I know who I am.
Philippians chapter 2.
Go to verse 15.
Oh, this is lovely.
Read it for me.
That he may be blameless and hamless.
The saints of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation or nation.
Amongumi, look at that.
Amongumi what?
Ask what?
You shine as lights in the world.
As lights.
Then talk with your dacity of Jesus.
I am the light of the world.
As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Romans chapter 12.
And I want you to read verse 21.
Read for me.
You have to begin to trust more than ever before the power of good over evil.
You know, there are more people who are afraid of evil
than they have respect for good.
Because they have heard so much about evil that they fear evil and they have no reverence for good, they have no fears is somewhat negative, but let's begin a revenge of fear for good.
They have no respect for good, they fear evil.
I have to tell you about this beautiful situation that gave me some understanding how people think about God and about the devil.
So I was praying for somebody, and I said, say this after me.
Lord Jesus, and he went to Lord Jesus, and we went through all that.
Then I said, now, say, say then, ah!
He opened his eyes like, ah!
He was unwilling to say that.
He feared Satan.
He called God.
He called Jesus.
But when I said, say that, he said, ah.
He had more respect for Satan than he had for God without realizing it.
People fear evil.
But we have to understand that evil doesn't have as much power as good.
It never has.
It cannot.
Evil doesn't have more power than good.
And look what God tells us.
In the verse he just read, verse 21, chapter 12, book of Romans, read it again, one to go.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Love is greater and stronger than hate.
If they can hate this much, you can love this much.
Thank you, my sister, you heard it.
Are you hearing me?
He's told us overcome evil with good.
The more evil they do, whoever they are, the more good you respond with.
You will always win.
Tell somebody you always win.
Good has more power than evil.
Do you realize one of the reasons young people go into evil things is because they think you can really become a hero
with evil.
They think good is weak.
And they don't like to be weak.
So it's better to be the ringleader of a bad gang to arise in people in the neighborhood than it is to be doing good things, helping people.
Doing the right thing.
No, no, no, no.
They think that's weak.
Because I think it's great to dress roughly and work roughly.
I'll tell you what happened one night, many years ago.
I was coming from one of the places I went to preach.
I'm a teenager and I'm going back home.
It's late in the night.
And only few people in the street.
So I'm coming and walking fast, trying to get home.
I see some guys coming ahead of me.
So I thought to myself real quick.
Now, if they think I'm some nice guy coming from somewhere, they might just be bad.
And mistreat me.
If I behave, you know, like some rough guy, they're going to find their way.
So I changed where I was walking, you know?
I was coming rough.
Like no man's business.
So, when they got close to where I was, they left the lane for me.
They thought, let this mad guy go.
You see, because people fear evil.
They have no respect for good.
Are you still there?
But in 2019, Mando Grakala had a little bit of a story.
Luka Raba Sandorabohaya.
The Bible says, don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Why did God say so?
Because he knows you can.
He knows you can.
He knows there's power with good, and that evil is weak.
Evil is weak.
Only a weak man carries a weapon to fight an unarmed person like him.
He's a weak man.
So he needs some weapon to terrorize someone like him who is unarmed.
It's a shame.
It's a testimony of weakness.
When you hold a gun against someone who is not armed and you tell him you want his car, you're a weak man.
And young people shouldn't give in to that.
Refuse to be weak.
Refuse to be weak.
The greatest power in the world comes from your mouth.
See, because you can change things with your words.
Jesus was a master of words.
How did God create the world with words?
Words make and words break.
Wars break out in the world because somebody said the wrong thing.
Hatred starts when somebody saves the wrong thing.
Think about it.
And peace is established when people say the right things.
The greatest force on earth is in your mouth.
Train yourself.
The right words will come out of you if you have the right thoughts in your mind.
And here is where light, illumination of your mind, giving you clarity, wow, sound judgment, refinement.
Think about it.
Innovation, as you bring this into 2019, 2019, you're solving problems.
Your problem solver.
Now, you're bringing solutions.
They come with the problems, and you go back and think through it.
Come with clarity, refinement, sound judgment, innovation, and you show them the answers.
Shall they man somebody?
Change your words.
Change your words.
You can do it.
And you're going to do it.
You're going to do it.
You're going to do it.
You're going to do it.
You're going to do it.
Look what evil has done to many of our streets, many years ago.
If you saw someone that was stranded,
with his car.
You didn't have to know him.
You packed your car because you thought the man was stranded, and you hurried to him and said, Sark, can I help you?
And you helped him.
But because of so much evil, if you packed your car to come help him, you're going to be looking for a car to leave there.
And so that's brought hardness of heart to a lot of people.
They want to help, but they think I might become the victim.
A woman in traffic in the United States was trying to help someone she thought was a poor beggar needing some help.
And she wound down her window and extended some money and she was stabbed to death.
Now did they take anything?
No, they run away.
They just killed her and run away for trying to help.
Now, think how many people hear that and they say, mine, I'll never help another poor person on the road, never again.
You see, evil, trying to intimidate goods about the power of the Holy Ghost.
You will not only do good, you will win.
You will win.
Your words are powerful.
Your words are powerful.
Learn like Jesus, how to do it.
Learn like Him, how to do it.
They came to Jesus.
They wanted to take Him.
They came to arrest Him.
They came with authority from the chief priests.
So they came for Jesus and He's standing there and He says to them, home do you seek.
They said, Jesus of Nazareth.
He says, I am He.
When He said, I am He.
The power was released.
They all fell under the power.
Why did that happen?
Just a short while before then.
Jesus had been praying.
Jesus had been praying in the garden of Gethsemane.
And the power of the Holy Ghost was surging through his being.
Are you hearing me?
When he says, I am he, Manto, Carabagangalakarius.
The Word went with power.
Your words are filled with power.
always be failed with the Holy Ghost.
The Bible says, be not drunk with wine wearing his excess, but be failed with the Spirit.
Be failed with the Spirit.
How often, every time, be failed with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
That's what he says.
Be failed all the time with the Holy Ghost.
Be loaded with power.
Are you hearing me?
Be loaded with the Holy Ghost.
Never be empty.
Tell someone never be empty.
Barbara says, stay up the gift of God that is in you.
Stay it up.
Be filled with the spirits.
In 2019, you're going to be so full of the Holy Ghost.
Glory, glory, glory, glory.
Mike has said, I'm filled with power by the spirit of the Lord, hallelujah.
So, you understand, we are lights, we are luminaries, illuminators.
That's who we are.
And we know our work.
It's clearly defined for us.
What are they?
Number one.
Come on.
Number two.
Number three.
Number four.
That's who you are.
That's who you are.
And you're doing it right away.
From day one.
Day one, January one.
Number one again.
Number two.
Number three.
Number four.
Yes, changing seasons everywhere and demonstrating with signs of power by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lift your hands, worship Him.