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Auto-Edification by Glossolalia

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untobes.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
I want to tell you what the message of the month of September is.
Because you have guessed right.

Okay, a few scriptures to read to you.
First, Corinthians chapter 14, we will read from verse 14 into 15, and then one more verse there.
First Corinthians, chapter 14, from verse 14.
For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.
That means I don't understand what I'm saying when I pray with my spirit, or pray in an unknown tongue.
So it says, when I pray in an unknown tongue, it's my spirit that is praying, not my understanding, not my mind.
Verse 15, what is it then?
I will pray with the Spirit and I will pray with the understanding also.
So praying with the Spirit is praying in the Spirit because you pray in the Spirit by praying with the Spirit.
That's what he just told you.
Look at verse 14 again, for if I pray in an unknown town, my Spirit prayeth.
But my understanding is unfruitful.
What is it then?
I will pray with the Spirit and I will pray with the understanding also.
I will sing with the Spirit and I will sing with the understanding also.
Now notice the prioritizing here of praying in the Spirit.
He says, I will pray with the Spirit and I will pray with the understanding also.
So it's the praying in the understanding that is the also.
Which means ahead of praying in the understanding comes praying in the spirit.
Which is praying in another tongue or praying in the unknown tongue.
Praise God.
Lee Mount Kroskar, Allegrida Hastes.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Now, if you look at verse 18, Paul, the apostle of the class, I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye are.
Now, somebody said, he's praying in tongues, the same thing as speaking with tongues.
Yes, because when you pray, you speak.
All right?
It's as simple as that.
You look back at what he told us,
If you study in chapter 14, this chapter that we're reading in first Corinthians, you'd understand that he was letting them know that praying in the spirit or praying in other tongues, praying with the spirit was to edify the individual.
But if you were going to edify somebody else, you have to speak in a language that that person understood.
That would be prophecy.
Now, if you go to chapter 14, same chapter where we've been, and let's read from verse number 4.
Well, well, I think we can read it from verse 2.
It will just be found.
From verse 2, chapter 14, 1 Corinthians.
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue.
Did you notice speaketh?
Then you pray at this time.
He that speaketh in an unknown tongue.
Speaketh not unto me, but unto God.
For no man understandeth him.
And that's why he said, if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayer, but my understanding is unfruitful.
I don't know what I'm saying.
I don't understand what I'm saying.
Nobody else understands, he says.
So he that speaketh in an unknown tongue, verse two, speaketh not unto me and but unto God.
For no man understandeth him.
How bad in the spirit he speaketh?
I told you, praying with the spirit is praying in the spirit, because he says, in the spirit he speaketh.
So when I speak, when I pray with my Spirit, I am praying in the Spirit, because it says, in the Spirit His Spirit.
What is He speaking?
Did you see that?
How be it in the Spirit His speak at mysteries?
But He that professed science, speak it on to men, to edification and exhortation and comfort.
So he goes on here to distinguish between praying in the spirit and which is for your benefit and the one that's for the benefit of others.
Look at verse number four.
He that speaketh in an unknown tongue, edified himself, but he that prophesied edified the church.
He that speaketh in an unknown tongue, meaning he that speaketh in the spirit mysteries.
which he also called praying in the Spirit.
He says, is edifying himself.
He's not edifying anybody else because they don't understand him.
So if you're going to edify somebody else, it's got to be prophecy.
Glory to God.
Are you following this?
Okay, so look at the way he prioritizes, but this is Corinthians.
This is Corinthians.
He's right into the Corinthian church.
Did he say anything about praying the Spirit to any other church?
How could he just discuss everything about praying the Spirit only to one church?
If it's only to one church, it means it's not a complete stand there for everybody.
But no, it's not only to the Corinthians.
And remember, there were certain accesses in the Corinthian church and he really had to break into details for them.
He said the same thing to the Ephesian church.
Incidentally, those in the Ephesian church were more mature.
He didn't have to break into all the details because they understood.
He didn't understand.
He had to help them understand what it was in detail.
So we go to Ephesians chapter number six.
And I'm going to be reading to you.
from verse 18.
Now in the King James translation, it puts it in a way that you may not get the way it's structured, that it looks like a little bit of a mix up, so sometimes it's not well understood.
But I'll read it to you first.
Verse 18, can you see it?
Praying always, notice, praying always, he's talking to the Christian Christians, that means talking to us, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching their own two with all perseverance and supplication for all things.
Now, before I read in any other version, let me explain this to you.
It says, praying always means praying all the time, with all prayer, with all prayer.
When you understand it, the margin says all kinds, all kinds of prayer in
says, and supplication in the Spirit.
That means, entity in the Spirit.
Or supplication in the Spirit.
In other words, praying always with all kinds of prayer.
That's one part.
And then they say, he's entity in the Spirit.
Are you getting it now?
He's talking about praying in the Spirit.
And watching there aren't you with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
So you see, in the King James you read like this and you want to have a general understanding of it.
I don't get it all, I know he's talking about prayer.
Well, for some of us, we've got to get every detail of it.
You know, when I read, I read, I studied the word of God.
How do I explain this to you?
Maybe not today.
Kela, Anko, Scoverer, Dilla, Rokosto, Shara, Maritas, Afelegiras, Onso, Sala, Magritte.
For the word is given to my children through the Spirit, and only through the Spirit can they understand it.
And if they'll open their hearts to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, they will know as they are known by the Spirit.
My goodness, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Hallelujah, thank you, Lord.
Amen, praise God.
Wow, wow.
Thank you Lord.
What happened there?
You know sometimes I'm speaking and the Holy Ghost takes over my tongue and sometimes I'm speaking the same language or sometimes I'm speaking a language in the Spirit but at the moment I would know that whatever it is I'm saying at that time doesn't have anything to do with my head.
for the communication of the Spirit.
And that's just what happened to you a moment ago in prophecy.
But then, what I want to say to you is this, you know, our study with the gift of the word of knowledge.
Now a lot of people don't understand, they think the word of knowledge is
getting to know about somebody and about things about people and so on and so forth, not reading.
That's not it.
The gift of the word of knowledge is very different from that.
And I have a detailed teaching on this.
Anyway, can I read this to you from the ANIV?
It'll throw a little light on it to make it better for you.
Verse 18, Ephesians chapter 6,
and pray in the spirit.
He says right there, pray in the spirit.
So, in other words, it's not only the Corinthian church that got to know about praying in the spirit, the vision church also knew about praying in the spirit.
And what is praying in the spirit?
Praying in the spirit is praying in tongues, praying with your spirit.
Look at it.
Praying in the spirit
He says, and pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Pray also he says, for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.
All right, so did you notice, He says, and pray in the Spirit when on all occasions, praying in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests?
Now you can understand why a lot of times, even when we're praying about other things, we add tongues to it.
They tell us to pray for our nations, the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus, and the name of the Lord Jesus, and then they give us sata, and then we now start speaking English.
Or some other language, whichever, maybe French or anyone.
Pray in the spirit on all occasions.
On all occasions, why?
Because it's so important.
We deal in the Spirit.
He that speaketh in an unknown tongue, edifies himself.
The word is oikadamyu.
It means to beards.
To beards.
You're building yourself.

Okay now, okay now.
So I'd like to read it to you from the Amplified Translation.
Amplified doesn't mean saying something that it didn't say or adding anything to it mixed.
It allowed, I'd like my voices, Amplified to you right now.
You're not hearing something I didn't say.
Look at it.
Pray it all times.
On every occasion, in every season, in the Spirit, that means praying in tongues.
with all manner of prayer.
That's all kinds of prayer.
An entity.
I like this.
To that end, keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance interceding behalf of all the saints.
God's consecrated people.
Thanks be unto God.
That's why Eloh came back because we're ministering the spirits.
and rid a soul even when she felt down and pressed with all those thoughts.
And when Brother Afo was another pressure like this, in the spirit, they had the joy inside.
In the spirit, they had what we call inside information.
They had it inside.
And that's what Emmanuela said to her mother, let's call Emmanuel back.
They had been praying in the spirit.
As they were praying, she sensed it inside.
She said, Mommy, let's call him and we're back.
And right in the room, they called him back.
And the one that was taking him away is at a conversion.
The demons couldn't stand the word of God.
pray at all times on every occasion in every season in other words when it looks like seasons gone bad when it looks like things aren't happening the way they ought to be happening he says pray in every season pray in the spirit hallelujah glory to God
And in the Amplified Translation, I'd like to read to you what's there in 1 Corinthians 14 and verse number 4.
He says, He who speaks, He calls it in a strange tongue.
He identifies and improves Himself.
He improves Himself.
How do you want to improve yourself?
Do you want to improve yourself?
Have you ever thought about improving yourself?
Oh God!
We can improve our errors.
Did you hear that?
I go over to the Book of Jude.
Jude chapter 1 and verse number 20.
He says, but he, but he.
La maka sittiri.
But he, beloved.
building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost.
Did you notice there's not a full stop right there?
Because some people don't understand the arrangement of these verses.
And I also see that even sometimes the translators for some versions of the Bible didn't quite understand where to place their punctuations.
But look at it, I'll explain it to you.
It says, but he beloved, building up your zeros on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep your zeros in the love of God.
That tells me something.
It's easy for me to understand, because I can see it in the Word of God.
It says, but he beloved, building up your zeros on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
In other words, you build yourself on your most sanctified consecrated faith.
That means your most purified faith.
How do you build yourself on that?
He says, by praying in the Holy Ghost.
How do you pray in the Holy Ghost?
By praying in your spirit.
Because the Bible tells us your spirit is given utterance by the Holy Ghost.
He says, as the Holy Ghost gives us utterance.
Where does He put the utterance in your spirit?
So praying the Holy Ghost is praying in your spirit.
You're inspired by the Holy Ghost.
You're inspired by the Holy Ghost.
It puts those words of prayer in your spirits.
It gives you utterance, hallelujah.
Okay, but what interests me there is what building up, building up.

Same word.
Except at this time, with the Okodomil, he adds Epi.
Epi is a superimposition.
See, that's what that is.
So you have the Epoikodomil, but it's the superimposition.
So you understand
He is dealing with this, something is happening upward.
Building up your zeros.
Building up.
So that first one says build.
This one says build up.
Build up.
Not just build, but build up.
Okay, let's read it from the Amplified so you catch this.
But you beloved, build yourselves up.
Found it on your most holy face.
Make progress rise like an edifice higher and higher.
Praying in the Holy Spirit.
Your life becomes an edifice.
Build yourselves up.
Build yourselves up.

So, this month, all the time that we're, all the time we're going to be praying Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and any other special cause, every time, all of those 15 minutes, we're going to be praying in tongues.
Just praying in tongues and praying in tongues and praying in tongues for this month.
So it is the month of auto-addification.

Did you hear what I said?

What is the meaning of the word auto-addification?
It means self-addification.
It's a amount of self-addification.
Nobody can do this for you.
But you're going to build yourself strong.
You're going to edify yourself.
Are you hearing me?
You're going to improve yourself.
You're going to make progress.
Rise like an edifice.

And you say, Father, my life is a beautiful building for God.
In the name of the Lord Jesus.
Remember, remember, he says, you are the temple of the Holy Ghost.
You are God's holy sanctuary.
That means your God's house.
Then he says, you are God's building.
If you're God's building, your God's house, how beautiful do you want to make this house?
You're gonna make it an edifice, a beautiful edifice inside and outside.
And this month was zeroing in on this purpose, doing something with our spirits.
And I can tell you follow this closely and well enough, by the end of the month of September, you'll be at another level in your life.
You'll be at another level of glory in your life.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.

