Now is the Time
So what does it mean to be born again?
When you're born again, what the Bible says has happened to you is that you have been baptized into Christ.
You are born into God by the Spirit of God.
So the first experience which is called born again is being received into Christ if any man be in Christ.
He is a new creature.
So you're born into Christ.
You're baptized into Christ.
You're created in Christ Jesus.
When you were born into this world by your earthly parents, your mother and your father, you received or you were born with a human life with the human nature.
All right?
That's why Jesus said you must be born again.
When you are born again, the life and nature of God in Christ Jesus is imparted to your spirits.
And right away, your human life is supplanted by eternal life.
Oh God, I wish you all understand this.
Your human life is so planted.
No, they're not together.
The eternal life of God replaces.
This is what the Bible teaches.
And if you don't know it, you will never live it.
Only when you know it.
When you know it, you live it.
If you don't know it, you will live a human life.
Meanwhile, the human life that you were born with by your parents, your earthly parents, has been so planted, it has been replaced by eternal life.
And when you have this eternal life, there's no sickness, no disease or infirmity of the body that can have dominion over you.
But if you don't know it, you've been sick like them.
You have the disease like them.
Listen, this is one reason you've got to understand this because this will show the difference between, oh my, my, my, my, my, between us who know Jesus Christ and those who don't, we receive something that's bigger than this word.
I told you Christianity is not a religion.
When you receive this life and nature of God into your heart, into your spirit, you are completely translated.
You are changed completely.
You understand what the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 or 17?
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
He says, all things are passed away.
Behold, all things have become new.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, a new creature.
You understand that?
You start living the life of this new creature that you are.
The Bible says in Acts chapter 4 of verse 12, salvation is found in no one else, for there is no under name under heaven giving to mankind by which we must be saved.
If after everything men reject the salvation that Jesus brought, if after everything they will not accept
The sacrifice of his blood.
There's no other way.
God knew the gravity of the offense and
The judgment is deserved.
And He sent Jesus to save us from the judgment that Jesus should be judged in our place.
So the Bible says, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?
Think about the salvation brought to us by Jesus.
How shall you escape?
And I'm asking you, if you neglect the salvation of Jesus Christ, the salvation that Jesus has brought to you, how are you going to escape?
The Bible says there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.
No other name under heaven.
Outside the name of Jesus the Bible says there is no salvation anywhere else.
It says neither is the salvation in any other.
I want to look at those words.
This is neither is their salvation in any other.
Be not deceived.
Don't think that somehow you may be saved in any other way.
Look at it.
Acts chapter 4, verse 12.
Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.
Outside of Jesus, do you know any promise of salvation that God has authenticated
that God has approved?
The Bible says that Jesus was approved by God by the resurrection from the dead.
He proved Jesus to be his son by the resurrection from the dead.
Do you know any other one who was raised from the dead?
Do you know someone else who resurrected?
Have you ever wondered who Jesus really is?
Have you heard the story of the cross?
Have you heard of how they placed a crown of thorns upon his head?
Have you heard that he saved a dying thief?
Have you heard that he was crucified for your offenses and was raised again for your justification?
Learn more as you continue to watch.
Just to help you in case you're in that group and you're thinking, who really is Jesus?
I'll give you in brief who Jesus is.
You know, the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Now, that is an extraordinary statement, extraordinary, because Jesus declared that He was the Son of God.
He said so.
And when others referred to him as the Son of God, he didn't deny it.
He affirmed it.
Now question, what is the meaning of Son of God?
And that's where some people are in error.
They think Son of God means, like you say, son of Gabriel.
So you say, Gabriel and his wife gave birth to a son.
But that's not the way, that's not the meaning of Son of God.
Son of God doesn't mean one that is born by God.
That's not the meaning.
You studied as creatures, Son of God means God in human flesh.
That's the meaning of Son of God.
So when Jesus said he was the Son of God, the Jewish people who were around him understood exactly what he was talking about.
And they were angry with him.
They said, you, being a man, makes yourself equal with God, they picked up stones.
Because he said he was the Son of God.
And they understood that Son of God means God in human flesh.
That's exactly who Jesus is.
That's who he claimed to be.
And the Bible says he proved it by the resurrection from the dead.
By the resurrection from the dead.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
It means that God became a man.
God became a human being.
He came in flesh and left among us.
to save us.
He brought us salvation.
He brought us life eternal.
So we could live like him.
We could have his kind of life and be in fellowship with God.
You know, that's one of the biggest things to talk about fellowship with God.
Jesus made that possible.
It means He brought us into a union, friendship, a relationship with God, so that we could talk to Him.
Can you imagine?
How could a man talk to God?
Forgot to love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe it in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3 verse 16.
The sins of the Word were paid for by Jesus.
Jesus Christ was sacrificed for us.
He paid the full penalty
for sin or sin.
Jesus paid the full energy.
But not everyone has accepted his sacrifice.
Not everyone has accepted his offering.
Not everyone.
The Bible says, while we're yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Oh, the power of that verse.
The glory that's within that simple word.
Why were we yet sinners?
All of us is as why were we yet sinners?
Christ died for us.
Christ died for us.
He didn't do it.
As I explained to you, last time I was sharing it with you, he didn't do it because we were good.
No, he didn't do it because we did something nice.
Our actions never deserved that.
But he loved us while we were yet sinners.
He says, Christ died for the own godly.
It tells us how God loves
The world.
The world of men.
Christ died for the young godly.
He didn't die for Christians.
He died for the young godly.
For those who hated him, he died for them.
Jesus himself said in St.
John's Gospel, chapter 14 and verse 6.
Look at those words.
Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
And I want you to notice the definite article.
He didn't say I am a way.
He didn't say I'm one of the ways.
Hear his words clearly, I am the way.
Not one of them.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Look at the next words.
No man comments onto the Father, but by me.
These are the words of Jesus.
Do you have an option?
Do you know better?
Keep this in your mind.
I understand why we're sharing the word like this.
There's no other way.
There's no other way.
Did you ever stop to think that everything that God made in this world is because of you?
It's all because of you.
All because of you.
Sometimes we think we're insignificant because we look at the numbers.
And we think, there's so many people in the world.
How could I be important?
But that's not the way it is with God.
Each one of us on his mind
is as though there's no one else.
It thinks of you like you're the only one on the earth.
It doesn't think like there are two of you, there are three.
Oh, I've got many of them.
Each one of us is as valuable to God as Jesus is.
It's so huge a truth.
But if you don't understand the Word of God and the thinking of the Spirit of God, you cannot accept it.
But you are as valuable to God as Jesus is.
He proved it.
He proved it.
in paying for your life with the price of the life of Jesus.
That means you were worth that much to God.
And when you studied the Bible, you'd find if you were the only one on earth that needed that salvation, Jesus would have still come to die for you.
He didn't come because we were many.
That's why the Bible says, for every sinner that repeats does joy in heaven.
One last sinner that repeats does joy in heaven.
Now I want you to think, if that's true as it is,
what it means to the Father for any one to go to hell.
So the Bible says he's not willing that any should perish, but it all should come to repentance.
He's not willing that any should perish.
So how does one receive salvation?
Romans chapter 10 from verse 9.
But if thou shalt confess with thy mother, Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
Now, all of us who are born again should be acquainted with this.
And this was how you received salvation.
If you didn't know it, this was how it worked.
that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thy heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
Was he talking about that if you believe with all your hearts in Jesus Christ that God raised him from the dead.
You see, you got to believe in the resurrection of Jesus.
If you don't believe in the resurrection, you can't believe in the death because the death had to occur before the resurrection.
All right, good.
But if you believe in the resurrection, then you believe in the death.
Hallelujah, that's wonderful.
So he says, you gotta believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
God raised him from the dead and you have to proclaim that he is Lord of your life.
In fact, the best rendering of that verse is, if you will confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus, believe in in your hearts that God raised him from the dead.
or you say pass the grace, but it says you confess first and then you believe next.
No, you believe first before you confess.
That's the principle.
I'll show it to you in the scripture in a second.
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart, that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be safe.
Look at the next verse.
For with the heart, man, believe it unto righteousness.
And with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.
You see, you believe and then you confess.
You believe with your heart, and you're made right with God.
You see, so here's the principle.
We believed in Jesus Christ, and we were given right standing, and with that right standing, with that confession of our mouths, we were catapulted into salvation.
That principle is very simple.
Look at it in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 13.
We have in the same spirit of faith.
According as it is written, I believe that therefore have I spoken.
We also believe and therefore speak.
You see, you believe and then you speak.
You believe and you make the confession.
You say it's as it is written, the spirit of faith, according as it is written, letting you understand it's a principle of the spirit.
You believe and you confess with your mouth the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Lord, to Jesus, make him the Lord of your heart.
There's no need to try to figure out this world.
Oh, yes.
Jesus, the one we need.
Yes, the one we need.
Yes, the one we need.
If you've not been born again, why have you waited so long?
It's time.
It's time.
It's time to receive salvation.
It's time to know Jesus for yourself.
It's time.
And I want to lead you into salvation the Bible way right now.
I want to lead you into salvation.
Say these words after me and mean them from the bottom of your heart, and God will hear you.
Say, O Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
I believe he died on the cross to save my soul.
I believe God raised him from the dead,
And He's alive today.
I confess with my mouth.
Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day.
I receive by faith eternal life into my heart.
I am saved.
I am born again.
I have eternal life now.
I'm a child of God.
From this day, amen.
Praise God.
If you pray that prayer, I want you to know that God heard you and answered you.
And now your heart is made pure by Jesus Christ.
The old life is gone.
The old nature of sin is gone.
You're born again now.
You're a child of God now.
I want to pray for you.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray for everyone who just received eternal life.
Black, the name of the Lord Jesus, been named upon them.
Satan has no claims over them anymore.
The belong in the kingdom of God now.
I bless them with your word.
I bless them with your love, with your grace.
I bless them with the Holy Ghost.
In the name of the Lord Jesus, amen.
If you just said that prayer with Pastor Chris, congratulations and welcome to the family of God.
Now that you're born again, oh things have passed away and all things have become new.
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God bless you.