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Sound Code and the Spirit Vol. 1 Part 2B

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.

I remember what we said yesterday, give us this day our daily life.
And I told you that was before the consummation of the redemptive work.
And having done it, it only just shows us that for every Christian, every child of God, there is an allocation from heaven.
There is an allocation.
Jesus even put it this way.
He said to each of you, that's a father.
If his son shall ask in bread, we'll give him a stone.
Or for fish, we'll give him a stone.
He says, if you've been evil, know how to give good gifts to your children.
How much more shall your heavenly father give good things to them that ask him?
That's what he said.
So even you who are men, he fathers here, you have a locations for your children.
Don't you think Papa God is smarter than that?
Jesus says, he has.
He taught those disciples, he says, pray this way.
He says, give us this day our daily bread.
So now that that has been settled, we don't have to ask for it.
We can just go ahead and receive it.
And it's more than enough for everybody.
Don't you think, listen, he's a king.
He's not giving you your daily bread like, you know, there's this.
No, and get this.
It's not like manner in the world and it's that if you didn't take it today, it was gone forever.
No, some of you, I told you, you've never, you've never, you've never taken that which belonged to you.
Since you became a Christian, there's been lots of daily bread left over for you, which you never asked for.
And what you were supposed to spend every day was more than enough for you alone.
It was enough for you and many others, so you could be of help to other people.
Now, since you haven't laid your claims, it's about time you did!
It's about time!
And you know why I said that?
Because words are important.
Words are important.
And everything in creation has memory.
So whatever was set to your account, it's still there.
It's still there.
For some of you, it's accumulated.
You'd be amazed what belongs to you.
All the time you're calling on God for your house, right?
It was there all the time.
You just didn't know how to get it.
You still there?
Glory to God.
I refuse to be broke!

How could I, how could I be broke?

How could I be broke?
Who are in verse what?
Okay, seven.
So I prophesied, so I was commanded.
And as I prophesied, there wasn't no eyes.
And behold, the shaking and the bones came to get a bone to his bone.
Next verse.
And when I be here, low.
The sun news and the flesh came up upon them and the skin covered them above, but there was no breath in them."
Now, look at something else that's going to happen now.
Verse 9,

Now he talks to my talk to the rock.
He talks to dry bones.
Now he says, talk to the wind.
We can talk to the wind.

We can talk to the wind.
It's right there.
He says, prophesize Son of Man and say to the wind.
Thus said the Lord God, come from the far wings of breath and breathe upon these flame that they may live, verse 10.
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the bread came into them, and they lived and stood up upon their feet, an extinct great army, and somebody said hallelujah.
He says Son of Man, talk to the wing.
They needed water.
They needed water.
They were crying, oh, we need water, water, water.
Moses, praise the God.
Oh God, there's too many people.
Where can we get water?
The Lord says, talk to the rock.
Tell the rock to bring you out water.
The bones are very dry.
Son of man, can these bones live?
Lord, that's up to you.
This is all right.
Prophet's side to the bones.
and say, oh ye dry bones.
Hear the word of the Lord.
God shall cause breath.
He's talking to the bones.
God shall cause breath to coming to you and you shall live.
I wish somebody said something to his business.
I wish somebody said something to his finances.
You know, I started five businesses last year, they all flew that off.
I don't know what to do.
You know, I was selling such and such.
And then finally, the customers were no longer coming.
You know, I opened a shop and something happened.
My shop is empty.
People are not coming.

Hear this.
Now, you know, you can't just prophesy.
You need the word.
You need the raima.
You get it?
You need it.
So how you gonna get it?
First of all, you got to...
getting the word, getting to the word and let the word of God inspire you.
You study the word, you hear the word, then faith comes by hearing.
And after hearing the word, then faith has come to you, then you pray.
You pray and the Holy Ghost waiting for God to give you the rema, okay?
The Holy Ghost will give you the rema.
Now why do you have to pray like that?
Because your natural mind cannot connect with God's station.
There's a station, there's a frequency.
I hear me.
So your natural mind can connect to get it.
So I'm going to be passing the floor speaking in tongues, waiting for the moment because when God brothers and sisters, God is a master communicator when he speaks.
It was shattered doubt.
He says, isn't my word like a hammer?
Like a fire?
And like a sword?
It's too powerful.
So you don't have to be afraid.
You don't have to wonder, what if he says it and I didn't know it was him?
Then you weren't praying from your spirit.
You just keep pacing for speaking in tongues, waiting for the ramer, moment.
That's the word, the word of faith, the word of power.
So you're praying, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues.
He knows what's on your mind.
He knows it's about your shop.
He knows it's about your finances.
He knows about that business.
But you are waiting for a word because you're going to prophesy as he commands you.
You need the code.
God, I need the sound code.
I need the sound code.
I need the sound code.
So, I'm speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues.
And as ten moments, the world will come right into my spirits.
Glory to God.

Now, you can understand why he tells us that no matter what, we are victors forever.
The only way you lose is when you refuse to use what you've got or if you're ignorant.
This is why people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge.
So many Christians suffer defeat because they're ignorant.
I'll never be defeated.
I'll never be defeated.
Oh, no.
I'll get into the word, the source of all knowledge and Christ who is the embodiment of all wisdom manifested in me.
I refuse to fail.
I refuse.

So for whatever it is, you need the sound code.
You need it.
Once you have the sound code and you give it, creation will respond to you.

The sound code is an every created thing.
It's an every created thing.

And once the Lord has put that rima in your mouth, don't be quiet.
Order it.
Did you hear Ezekiel say, I prophesied as I was commanded.
I prophesied as I was commanded.
And you know, the Holy Spirit was sent to help us to make success of our lives.
That's why he came.
He's your helper.
See, no matter what you're going through, he came to help you win.
Don't ignore him.
He came to help you win.
That's where there's no position of this advantage to you.
He came to help you win.
Even if the trouble was too much for you as an individual, it was too much for you.
The pressure was too much.
Then he's the one called to walk alongside you.
And here his voice saying, son, daughter, I want to help you.
Say, all you need is to hear his voice.
But to hear clearly, he must activate your spirit by speaking in tongues.
So that when you hear him, it'll be fine.
That means clay, very clay, no doubt in your mind that he talked to you.
You just know it.
Sometimes you find a Christian that has been given a very terrible report on his health.
And then he doesn't know what to do because nobody that he knows that had that condition lived.
And so death is hanging over his head.
He knows his friend who was born again and had that problem.
He knows the other friend who was born again and had that problem.
And so he says to himself, those people even had more faith than myself.
Listen, it's not about their faith.
It's about your faith.
It's not about what they were able to accomplish or not accomplish.
It's what about you are willing for.
Question is, what do you want?
Can he help you?
Can he put you over?
How does he do it?
He needs you.
He needs your cooperation.
You need his help.
He needs your cooperation.
These two cannot work together except they be agreed.
He needs your cooperation.

You know, in life, the too many people who already set themselves for defeat.
And sometimes that is the biggest trouble.
And it stops them from seeing opportunities even where they're there, okay?
And brings in frustration into their lives.
And they don't understand that these things begin with the thoughts.
I read an experiment that was done by
a Japanese researcher.
And what he was trying to do, he actually sent out the report of his experiments around the world.
And he's presently carrying out a project, helping to
inspire young people, children, about the importance of water.
It was a water experiment that he carried out.
And think about this, from what we studied in the Bible, even though the earth was covered with water.
Everything was water.
And the Holy Spirit was moving over the deep.
Again, that's water.
And then God spoke to the water.
Water is so important.
So he began to carry out this experiment on water, and he decided to freeze the water.
And he got water from different sources, whether from springs, from the rivers, then tap water as well.
but according to him tap water didn't work it failed because of the chlorine involved in it so it was contaminated in such a way but mostly natural water and he took the water down to about minus five degrees and he wanted to see in this frozen state
what crystals would form from the ice, if any.
And what the shapes of the crystals and colors of the crystals would be if they responded to words.
So he put these different jars
He used a large refrigerator.
And he and his assistants every day will speak nicely to this one.
You're wonderful.
Thank you.
You're doing beautifully.
I love you.
Stuck into water.
Goes to the other one.
I hate you.

You're useless.
And he said all kinds of terrible things to this one.
And you know, like that.
Come to find out that the one that was given such words of love and gratitude produced the most beautiful crystals.
And the ones
that they insulted and abused and cursed were defunct.
The crystals were defunct.
He also tried it with different types of music.
Playing nice, good music.
Godly, bit of his music.
To one, it turned out to be excellent.
Now listen, this experiment has got lots of pictures.
You look at the pictures, it's beautiful.
And you can really see how these crystals were formed.
Then he used high metal music, you know.
You know.
Interestingly, the crystals

He tried different kinds of sounds.
And discovered the best crystals, the most beautiful crystals were those crystals that had beautiful music with words of love and gratitude.
What a responded to words.
Now, these are experiments that have been tested and proven which you can carry out in your home.
They're so simple.
I hear them.
They're so simple.
And here is interesting thing.
They found out if these crystals
found like this, responding to words.
And your body has water, 70% water.
No wonder a lot of people are sick.
Because there's a response of the water to the bad words, the abusive words that they've been receiving and the ones that they've been speaking about themselves.

How soon should you change your speech?
See what I mean?
You can understand why people get sick.
The water in the body is responding to the terrible words they're speaking about themselves.
The crystals were deformed.
Then you can see why some people are deformed in their bodies, deformed even in their minds.
For example, when you release, is it water?
Water is a type.
of spirit.
It symbolizes the human spirit, the human soul.
Do you understand?
And when you release anger and frustration, it's a manifestation of a deformed soul.
It's deformity within.
That's causing continuous anger and frustration, requiring healing.

Now, you would think that that was wonderful.
But think about this.
Think about this.
There are other experiments where these researchers have been able to show that through your human observation, through your thoughts, even subatomic particles,
change their funds.
Now that is amazing.
That is amazing.
Because what it means is that these particles respond to energy that's coming from you.
Your thoughts have energy.
You release energy.
from your thoughts that affect your environment and ultimately the circumstances of your life.
Then you can understand why even though you're suing seeds, you know, some people say, I don't understand, I sued seeds and I didn't get results.
I'm showing you all these things that you need to deal with.
You can be suing seeds and costing your business and costing your finances.
See, since your mind, your thoughts can control the circumstances of your life.
And if you're having negative thoughts, thoughts of fear, thoughts of unbelief, thoughts of anger and frustration, they'll manifest themselves in your words and they'll manifest themselves in the arrangement of things around you.
Now, that is very serious.
And what does the Bible say as a man think it?
So easy.
Your thoughts reflect your character and your thoughts affect your character.
And so they affect the things that happen to you.
They affect the things that happen that come to you.
You can attract your thoughts, attract what they are like.
If you're frustrated, you attract frustrated people into your world.
If you're angry, you attract such kind of people into your world as well.
But what happens in your life then,
disallow the negative thoughts, disallow them.
You've got to consciously disallow.
Consciously program your mind.
Consciously is something you choose to do.
You may not like it.
You know, there are people who like to hold those, they call their enemies in their mind.
So I will never forgive him.
I tell you about one man who has died.
He was dying.
He was in the hospital and he said,
give so and so this one and give the other one, the other thing and so on.
Then he said, he mentioned a particular fellow.
He says, even if I meet him in hell, I will rest with him.
He was still angry.
He was dying.
He's given his last words on his deathbed.
and remembers this enemy of his, and he says he will rescue him in hell.

And then there's a fellow who was so angry about his son, he said, don't give that one anything.
Give this one and give this one, but don't give him anything.
He was still angry, dying.
See, there are people who hold something in them, they hold anger in them, it burns in them, and they're happy to protect it.
They protect their anger.
So even if you're counseling with them and saying, you have to forgive your... Do you know what it is?
Do you know what it is?

You see, it's not about them.
When you forgive others, it's about your life.
Forgiveness is about your own life.
It's for you.
When you're free, others, you become free.
As long as you hold them, hold against them, what they did against you, you are not free.
No, you're not free.
You're not free.
You're in trouble.
You're in more trouble than they are.
It brings you unhappiness.
Have you ever seen people who are going like this?
They're going to the office.
They're not sure what had they forgot something.
They're confused everywhere they are.

Glory to God.
Three things, take care of.

Now, if you want to make circumstances and events shift in your favor, number one, your heart must line up with the word.
Your heart must line up with the word.
Remember, with the heart, man believes.
With the heart, man believes.
With the mouth, confession is made.
You see, and remember what confession is?
It means speaking the same thing in consonants.
I told you.
See, so you got to get the code from the Lord.
It's not just speaking something.
It's speaking the same thing in consonants.
With the mouth, confession is made.
He didn't say with the mouth, declaration is made.
Even though it's a declaration, but it is the declaration of the same thing.
Say, speaking the same thing in consent.
In consent, meaning you agree with him in what he said.
So what you say is consistent with what he said.
Number two, your mind must line up with your heart on the word.
Your mind must line up with your heart on the word.
See, because it's got to have meaning when you use language.
It's got to have meaning with your heart.

So your mind must line up with your heart on the word.
And, thirdly, your speech must utter the sound code.
Your speech must order the sound code.
Now, you see, we're teaching the same things in different words and terms.
That sound code is what we call a rema.
Can you see it?
That's the rema word.
That's the active word.
That's the word that the Spirit God gives you for that moment, for that situation.
And that's what Ezekiel was saying, I prophesied as I was commanded.

That's that word of faith.
See, that's birth in your spirit.
And when you say it, it'll come to pass.
It'll come to pass.
Now, understand this.
Your body and your mind don't recognize time.

Your body does not know that he's in today.
Jai Mushins don't know.
Your body doesn't know.
Your body doesn't recognize time.
It doesn't respond to time.
Your emotions don't respond to time.
They respond to your mind.
Whatever your mind tears them.
Can you see that?
You know what I'm getting at?
I'll tell you in a second.
Because this is so, so, so important.
But you see, our bodies are made subject to
Our thoughts from our minds.
Now, look at this.
Imagine that I said to you, someone just built a house and gave you the keys.
You haven't seen the keys yet.
You say, really?
Now your mind's that's, you know.
And tomorrow by 8 a.m., you're supposed to present yourself at such a certain office and get the keys to the house.
And I show you the pictures of the house.
Oh my goodness.
Already you're dancing.
Your body is not waiting for tomorrow.
He doesn't know it's tomorrow.
He's already rejoicing like he already got the house.
And your emotions.
You're expressing joy.
You're expressing happiness.
Like you already got the house.
Why are they responding?
Because your mind said, he's in the picture.
There's a house.
I got a house.
So he's already dancing.
And if you were feeling sick, the headache is already gone.
The fever has gone.
You know, some people, when they don't have money, they feel terrible.
You know, their head is down.
Like, how are you?
Oh, man, it's bad.
You just say, I mean, bad shape.
Why are you in bad shape?
Because there's no money.
And he thinks, because he doesn't have money, he doesn't have friends.
He says, no money, no friend, you know.
So he's down and out.
But let him just get some money.
He's dressed and ready to go.
He's set.
Can you see that?
All right.
What is his body responding to?
What are his emotions responding to?
The thoughts of his mind.
So, when we hear something that's not good, doesn't make us happy, as sure as drop.
Even if you were dancing before the news came, we're on just bad news.
Suddenly, it's a... Now you're thinking how you're gonna pray, how you know what you're gonna do, and if there's music on, turn that thing down.
He's just... He had no music, you know?
Just nothing.
And even if the child is dancing around you, he's like, take this child out of you.
You know?
What's the matter?
You just want to be alone now.
Because there's something serious now.
Then imagine why you're doing this and thinking, oh God, oh God.
Then there's a telephone call.
And you don't even want to pick it.
Then for some reason, you decided to pick it.
And the fellow on the other side said, you know what we were told about this?
I told you that.
I just found out it's not true.
It's not true.
You see it?
Hey, go right again.

What changed?
That's all.
It just changed your thoughts.
And once your thoughts changed, your whole body was full of light.
Woo glory!
Now you're ready to dance.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Now here's what you've got to learn.
Live beyond your circumstances.
Live in the future of your dream.
Celebrate your victories.
Don't wait for them to happen first.
Live in them.
And you will find that you're shifting things in your favor.
Live in them, and you discover the best ideas are coming to you with the power to produce them, to make them happen.
You know a lot of people have good ideas, but it's like they've come to birth, but there's no strength to give birth.
You see, and that's terrible.
But if you alert, let the Spirit of God minister to you like that, and you stay in the atmosphere of joy and worship, you can understand why worship is so important.
The code.
You see, when we worship God and praise Him, our spirit is attuned to His station.
And at that moment, we can receive rema.
We can receive and visions.
visions, the power of visions.
How can I see visions?
Can I see visions?
Well, he said, in the last days said, God, apart my spirit upon our flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
This is the young man shall see what?
Visions, the old man shall dream what?
So whichever way you've got to see something.
I believe in visions.
I believe in visions.
I believe in visions.
We ought to see visions.
Every child of God needs to know that the Holy Ghost has been poured out and that has made it possible for you to see visions.
You want to see visions?
Some of you have been seeing visions already.
You can see visions.
You can see more.
See visions.
Glory to God.
Remember, why we've got to share these things is that we make them available and also impart them through the message.
When we preach and teach the word, faith comes.
Otherwise, you may never receive them.
See, the gifts of the Spirit, places where nobody talks about the gifts of the Spirit, nobody manifests the gifts of the Spirit.
They don't talk about it, so they don't have it.
They don't talk about the van healing, so they don't see the miracles.
See, that arranging circumstance is in your favor.
Is that declaring what it is you want and how you want it to be?
Listen, do you realize that the moment you start speaking thinks that getting created for you?
Let me show you something in the Bible.
Isaiah chapter 48 verse 7.

They are created now.
And not from the beginning.
That means not of old.
Even before the day when thou heard as them not.
Less thou should say, behold, I knew them.
All right?
Says, they are created now.
What is God saying?
He's saying, I'm making a new thing.
It's not what was there before.
He says, so you're not going to say, I knew about it before.
He says, I'm doing a new one now.
You see, so their god makes new things now and he creates them as we speak.
They are created now.
Because you are born in God's class.
You're made in God's class.
You are a creator.
That's what he made you to be.
Remember, he said, we read it yesterday.
Let us make man in our image and in our likeness.
Let him look like us.
Let him function like us.
So you can create those circumstances.
They are created now, not later, not tomorrow.
As you speak, it is being made for you.
So don't frustrate the grace of God.
That grace is for your benefit.
Use it for your good.
Don't frustrate it.
Let it work.
Let it work.
And once you say it, hold on to it.
Don't say, you know I said it.
And then later I saw you saw what?
The things began to change.
Don't forget there are other forces.
There are other forces.
Let me try to ban things their way, especially imagine what dealing with the same thing.
I'm dealing with this stuff, and you're dealing with the same stuff, and we're all on the same stuff.
What do you think it's going to bend to?
It's going to bend to the one whose authority is stronger.
If I refuse to give up, it makes no difference to me what the other fellow is thinking.
I'm going to have it my way.
I don't have it my way.
Then you say, well, the other guy is saying the same.
Leave it for God then.
See what I mean?
So don't tell me.
He said, she said, no.
What's important to me?
The word of God is personal.
I don't have it my way.
I said, it's going to work out this way.
And that's the way it's going to be in the name of Jesus Christ.
When we read the other day, he said, we trust it in God who raises the debt.
In God who raises the debt.
You say, come what me?
It's going to be Maui.
So no matter what has happened, it will turn out for my good.
It's coming back in my favor.
That's where God wants us to think.
Not, you know, in the CC, you give up, no matter, you know, something just happened.
They said, they said, they said, they said, they said, they said.
Are you gonna live your life with, they said, who said?
They say, in the name of Jesus, I say.

You know, there are some people you don't have to reply.
When they talk like that, you just listen, listen, listen.
When they finish, you go.
Don't say to them yes or no.
Say nothing.
You just listen, listen, listen when they finish.
Thank you.
Then go into your room, shot your dog.

You speaking dogs!
Until the rainbow comes!
And when it comes, you prophesy!
Then you will talk to the rock, you will talk to the wind, you will talk to the water, talk to everything.
And it will turn out for your goods.
