Your Real Life Now
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Labor is yours.
I'm an Epistle from Christ.
I am a living Epistle.
Do you understand?
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the living Word.
The Word was made flesh.
Okay, he just told you, you are Christ Epistle.
That means your Christ Word.
As you study, this teacher in you
The Holy Ghost will help you to understand your real life now.
Find answers in this insightful teaching as Pastor Chris reveals the mind of God concerning the desires of our hearts in this classic teaching titled, Your Real Life Now.
So much to learn in God's words.
One of the things you want to see in your life is a consistency, right?
You want to see a consistency.
Now, when I tell you, I'm always moving forward and upward.
I'm not exaggerating and I'm not making a confession.
All right?
That's my life.
It's upward.
I'm always making progress.
Every year, I make a remarkable progress.
I found out that in life, you can be very consistent.
You can be a consistent winner.
In other words, you can be very consistent in your life, in your truth, in everything, including in your finances.
For example, for example,
Being circumstantially prosperous is not prosperity.
See, some people can be prosperous circumstantially.
In other words, because of the conditions of the time,
their prosperous.
When the conditions change, their prosperity changes.
That's not God's kind of prosperity.
You say, what's the problem?
There is a problem.
There is a problem.
And unless that individual
Desearns that, no, this is not the way it's supposed to be.
If it doesn't discern that that's not the way it's supposed to be, he will continue.
He may blame the circumstances.
He may blame others who are responsible for one thing or the other.
He may blame everybody for himself.
Or you might even blame himself and think it's because he did this or he did that.
The question is, does he really know?
the truth, doesn't know the truth.
So we're winning and winning.
And then we're certainly are not in the winning direction.
Like, I'm not winning the souls anymore.
What's happening?
We're not growing anymore.
What's going on?
Oh, finances are not coming in anymore.
What's happening?
Question is, who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who is God?
What is He like?
What is God like?
Who is Jesus?
What is He like?
We can't know us until we know Him.
Because he made us.
He's the one that defines us.
I am what he says I am.
I can't be what I think I am.
Because I don't have enough brains to think who I am.
How could I know who I am?
I didn't make me.
I had to find out from the one who made me.
What's my purpose?
You're still there?
Second Corinthians chapter number three.
Let's read from verse one.
Second Corinthians, want to go.
Verse two.
I need to see, not only King James, some translations.
You wonder what are sometimes strikingly different?
Because, firstly, some of them use a certain group of manuscripts.
that the other group of things has too many errors.
How do you know?
What is right?
If you got three different versions that are saying different things, how do you know?
Which one is the most accurate?
Do you pick the one that is more convenient to you?
Do you pick the one that suggests what you want to say?
Or do you just accept all the shapes?
Well, some are mere differences in shapes, but some are complete opposites.
So when you read the opposite ones, how do you know?
I'll give you an example.
You just got into a verse that's got a problem like that.
You ready for this?
Let's read that verse two one more time.
First, let's give it to them from the King James version.
Now, I already knew there's something wrong with this a long time ago.
Because of the context, he is coming from some way.
Now, if you're just reading, you might just go, hmm, I'm reading and I'm, I'm, I'm,
Making this detailed diligent study in... I don't know how the church got into this.
This is one of the reasons that I've said a lot about the gift of the word of knowledge.
Because this is what it does.
And others reinterpreted it for something else for a long time, and we got carried away with that.
But this is actually what that gift does for you.
This gift brings you accurate knowledge of the things of God.
And when one has a ministry,
We have a ministry.
To teach God's world.
He cannot hide it.
So, when I study the Bible, I study, well, I have different forms of studying the Bible in a way.
I can study like anybody else.
I do study like everybody else.
But I also do study supernaturally.
All right, to the gift of the word of wisdom and the gift of the word of knowledge.
See, and this is so important because through the gift of the word of wisdom, you are transported, you're transported into the mysteries.
You're transported by the Spirit.
And sometimes you're just like, I'm sitting somewhere, it doesn't matter what I'm doing.
I could be in any position, sitting in line, whatever, walking, whatever.
And then I'm carried by the Spirit into those mysteries.
All right?
And then there's a communication as though, as though.
someone's talking to you and showing to you in pictures, either in the past or in the present or in the future.
All right?
And is that gift that's in operation?
Bringing you God's word.
And that gift of knowledge does something close to that.
except that it's not going into the mysteries, but brings you divine information.
A lot of the things of God are inexplicable by themselves.
It's as you experience them, you just know.
That's right.
Because that's what they are.
They're the manifestations of God's Spirit.
And since they're the manifestations of God's Spirit, they can't really be brought into canal communication.
You understand?
Thank God it's so.
Because it's by the Spirit.
But it's important to at least know
Because you need it.
You need it.
You need it in the knowledge of God's word.
So as you study, this teacher in you, the Holy Ghost, will help you to understand, he will help you.
Don't forget the Bible, we're reading Bible.
This New Testament was not available in Power's Day.
What are the Christians doing?
How did they live their lives?
How are they so successful in the world that they lived in?
They didn't have this material we got.
So we are madly blessed.
And so when we have this
problems with alternative versions and then we have fights over them.
We shouldn't.
We shouldn't.
We shouldn't have those fights.
In the day that they were regrouped, the folks that didn't even have this, they only have the old testament.
And then Paul will write a letter or any of the other apostles will write letters to the churches or to certain individuals.
And then they shed what they think about that.
All they had was a letter that was sent to their church.
Corrin had just that letter until the next one that came.
In fact, theologians will tell you they had at least three letters, but we have two in the Bible because it does refer to another one that he wrote.
So you know that he wrote them at least three times.
We have only two in our canon.
I'm not telling you to go look for the other one.
Praise God.
All right.
But here's what I wanted to show you.
We got to that verse, too, and you're thinking, so what's the problem?
What's the problem?
It's not really a problem.
It's just that if it's not rightly put, they don't get what it's supposed to be released from that truth.
Your eyes are written in our hearts, known and read of all men.
You know, I could just speed read and not hang around this place.
Because this is not where I want to go.
I got so many vertices to go.
And then I'm stopping here.
When we were reading the NIV, you saw practically the same thing.
Put the NIV.
You users are reading on our hearts, known and read by everybody.
Is there any much difference between the two?
Talk to me.
All right.
Now, put the amplified version, same verse.
He says, no, he uses our letter of recommendation, our credentials, reading in your eyes to be known, perceived, recognized, and read by everybody.
Come on, is there any difference?
Did you notice something?
What's the difference?
You're an ours.
Clap for yourself.
You got it.
That was smart.
Takes a lot of people a long time to discover there was a difference.
How could it be our?
And then suddenly it's your body, other guys.
The pastor Chris and the two of them are not the same.
Is it a man or yours?
Hours or yours?
Reading in our hearts or reading in your hearts?
So you see, what's right?
This on the amplified version is more accurate.
Are you hearing me?
This is more accurate.
And why then did I use our?
I'll tell you why.
When the translators work,
They're not always focused on all the points that are required.
Sometimes it can be carried away.
They may focus on principle.
They may focus on context.
They may focus on message.
they may focus on pure language.
It depends on what their vision was and their readiness to review all these in perspective.
It can take longer.
can take longer because sometimes you don't see it all at once.
When you read through, you don't see it all at once.
While you're reading, you're looking for principle, you want to be consistent in principle.
And then you go, and the other guy is trying to be consistent with, at the end of the day, something could be lost.
So when you find some complex areas, then you need,
the ministry of the Spirit to really give you guidance.
See, this is a complex one.
Not the verse itself.
The truth packaged in this place that I want to read to you is amazing.
The truth that's packaged here is, oh boy, this thing is loaded.
Where I want to read to you now is loaded.
Okay, let's take it.
Step by step, okay?
All right.
Verse two.
You users are our letter of recommendation, our credentials.
Written in your heart.
You are our letter, you are our epistle written in your heart.
Hey, what in the world?
So let's go back to the King James for a second, because I want you to look at the term he uses.
You are our epistle.
Do you like that?
Because we say, let's open to the epistle of power to the Romans.
It seems a strike.
a punch.
So when you say, let's open to the ladder of four to the Romans, you're thinking, ladder, you want a piece.
So at least you're seeing it again.
You are our a piece.
God Almighty.
So when you were reading,
the epistle of Paul to the Corinthians.
You know, you open the Bible and you're reading.
It's the epistle of Paul to the Corinthians.
And then we take that epistle and we're trying to live by it.
We're saying, God, I love this.
I don't live by it, you know?
So I'm excited about it.
You know, he says, you,
You are 11 episodes.
There's one written here and you are one.
This is known and read by everybody.
So they're reading you.
You are 11 episodes.
So here's one written and here's one written.
You are watching the message titled, Your Real Life Now.
We are Epistles of Christ, the living Word of God.
In this next segment, Pastor Chris elucidates on 2 Corinthians 3-3, showing the scriptures how Jesus Christ is living the Word of God, and we are the Word of God in flesh.
This is so important.
All right, go back to verse 2.
Here I have a person reading in our hearts.
Now we said that should be what?
Reading in your hearts.
Known and read of all men.
Like the NIV said, everybody.
Read by everybody.
All right, now go again to the NIV.
All right, here's our letter.
Reading on our hearts.
Known, read by everybody.
Verse three.
You show that you are a letter from Christ.
You are a ladder from Christ.
You are an epistle from Christ, dear Lord.
You know, between the years of 1984 and 1985,
Studying this passion of the Bible, I mean, it just blew me away.
I couldn't get away from it.
I couldn't get away from it.
It was my meditation a long time, this passion of the Bible.
When I tell you it's loaded, I can get away from it.
I said, I'm here, a living epistle of Christ.
By 1985, my life had taken another turn.
I said, I'm an epistle from Christ.
I am a living epistle.
Do you understand?
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the living word.
The word was made flesh.
Okay, he just told you, you are Christ's epistle.
That means your Christ's word.
In flesh.
Christ's word is God's word.
So you are the Word of God in flesh.
Oh, you know sanctimonious.
It's too holy for you.
So you say, no, no, no, no.
That's getting too far.
It's getting too far.
It's getting too far.
A dog gives birth to a dog.
A goat gives birth to a goat.
The word gives birth to what?
So no surprise.
No surprise.
You know what I'm trying to share with you?
You know what I titled it?
I can find a better title.
Your real life now.
Because some are not living their real life.
They're living another life.
Verse three, for as much, it's too big.
Listen, let me read it first from the King James and I'll go read to you in NIV.
It's too big.
Now, what did you listen to it?
For as much as he manifested, declared,
manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, minister by us.
Written, not with ink, but with the spirit of the living God, not in tablets of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.
What is He talking about?
So you say, Pastor Christ, if I am the official of Christ, so what's happening with me?
And I want to tell you now, why did those two groups have the opposites?
So he says, you are our epistle, originally in our hearts.
So they think, because it can't be, we can't write it in their hearts.
So they're thinking, no, no, no.
It can't be on their hearts.
We can only write it in our hearts.
We can't write it in their hearts.
So parmurs mean reading our hearts.
So they're thinking, so we carry,
the thought of you in our heart.
You get it?
What the next verse contradicts it?
Because it says, you are the epistle of Christ, minister by us.
If we minister it in our own hearts, no, we minister it to you.
So they go back and they say, uh-uh, it's your heart.
written in your heart.
You're still there?
Okay, but you see, the problem is not even there.
The issue is it's written anyway, but I want to show you how this works.
Why is it that they see it and then
They still get walking.
It's not enough for me to write it in your heart.
You got to write it.
See, what am I doing now?
This is minister by us.
So what did he minister?
The gospel.
The gospel.
But not all that's contained in the gospel.
For example, Peter had the gospel, but he didn't come with all of the truths of the gospel.
Paul was given that part of it to bring to the church.
Hey, come on here.
Are you getting what I'm saying?
But he's same gospel, same gospel.
So Peter brings the generality of the gospel, and Paul brings the specific intricates, and I'll let it go, details of the gospel.
How a church should run?
Peter's talking about how we should relate with Lazarus, and that's very important because that's the church.
But then Paul goes in and talks about the structure of the church because Jesus gave that to him.
These are all parts of it.
Then who the Christian really is?
The new creation in Christ Jesus.
Peter doesn't talk about that.
It's Paul who talks about that.
Because he's given this other revelation.
Why did I draw that?
I'm trying to let you know.
This is the letter, yes, we've written this.
So we've ministered this to you.
So they received this salvation.
They received this truth.
They received this knowledge.
So I'm the official of Christ.
What you all know, the Romans had an epistle.
It's different in detail from the Ephesians' Epistle.
It's different in detail from the ones to Thessalonica.
Do you understand what I'm talking about?
They're different.
They're different.
The details are different.
And so in life, what's been ministered to you is what
What you got?
So the minister needs to you.
But that may not be sufficient for the life that God wants you to live.
Are you still there?
And so what are you going to do?
You've got to ride.
You've got.
Let's read that verse again one more time.
Verse three.
You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink, but we see the result of our ministry.
Can you see it?
So with ministers that this do you, so with ministers that the word of faith do you.
So now you're going as a messenger of the word of faith.
You believe it, you're talking it, but that's not enough.
It's not enough because what you got now is what will minister to you.
So you got that now, yeah, yeah.
So okay, so you're carrying that.
But there's some others.
You've got to buy yourself now.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
So the one you just heard me say, as a minister into you now, I'm arriving into you.
Can you see it?
I'm writing on the tablets of your heart.
I'm writing.
But when you get up from here, who are you gonna write?
When the teacher was teaching us in school, they gave us some notes.
All right?
When they were talking, we were taking notes.
But when we got out of there, we went back to read, and we made more notes on the same subject, and we had better knowledge than we had in class.
And we did better than the guy who didn't go to study some more and make his own notes.
Because at the examination time, he was the one who made his research and had his own notes that got enough to give.
The other guy who wrote something down and never went back to transmit, oh boy, you know what I'm talking about.
You're still there?
Yes, sir.
So how are you gonna write?
Psalm 45.
Let me show you some verse one.
My heart is in dieting a good matter.
It means my heart is composing something.
My heart is composing something.
My, my, my, my, my.
I'm framing something.
Are you still there?
My heart is overwhelmed with something.
Indicted a good matter.
I speak of the things which I have made touching the king.
My tongue is the pen of a writer.
So how do you write something on your heart with your tongue?
You write to your heart with your tongue.
This is the reason for meditation.
This is the reason when you meditate, I'm talking about the three, you know the three levels of meditation.
You sing through it.
Then you matter.
Then you do what?
You roar.
So by the time it's coming out of your mouth boldly, ha ha, you're riding it on your heart, on the tetherals of your heart.
If you don't ride it there, then you're not gonna have it when you need it.
You're riding to your heart with your tongue.
Your tongue is the pen of your spirits.
He's the pen of a skillful writer.
Writing says, my heart is indicting a good matter.
It's overflowing with this composition.
The Word of God's coming to me like this.
The thoughts of God coming to me like this is my heart is indicting a good matter.
I'm composing something.
I got it, I got it, I got it, I got that message, I got it, I understand it, I understand it.
Then I take out my notes, ah, I'm writing here, ah, ah, this one is small.
The one that I say, man de grace de grace.
I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I understand it.
I walk in righteousness in the name of Jesus.
Ah, my.
So when I write that in my heart,
That's the one I'm walking.
Riding it on your nuts is with ink.
But he wanted written on the fleshy tables of the hearts.
Can you shout amen so much?
Is this written not with ink?
But with the spirit of the living gods, written on the fleshy tempers of the hearts.
So when you have it inside, and you have it inside, and you have it inside.
Oh, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Your tongue is the pen of your spirit.
The tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.
Be transformed as you learn more.
You are watching the message titled, Your Real Life Now.
What happens when a plant disconnects from a source?
What happens if my car runs out of gas?
What about a structure with a weak foundation?
Likewise, as a Christian, you must remain connected to your source to stand and live a victorious life.
As a spirit being, you must remain connected to your source.
because I found a secret for a healthy spiritual life and the conditions that are necessary to position me for victory every time and in all things.
Meaning that no matter what happens, you could be victorious.
Find out these conditions necessary to maintain a victorious life in this motivated teaching by Pastor Chris, titled, Seven Factors for a Victorious Life.
You can get your copy of these messages on the Pastor Console's little library app that I'd bless you.
We are ministering through the Spirit, and God has made us competent ministers of the gospel.
So much to learn as Pastor Chris sheds more light in this teaching titled, Your Real Life Now.
Now, here's another thing.
Good verse 6.
Maybe you wanted to see...
So nice things along the part.
So we'll read four, five, and then get into the six.
All right.
And such trust, have we, through Christ, to God word?
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves.
Now, what that really means is we're not trying to say, because we said that we'll minister to you.
We wrote the word of God on your heart.
We are not trying to say that we are something.
That's what this verse is.
We're not trying to say that we're something.
All right?
We're just, okay.
Go to the NIV.
So you can look at it.
It says, not that we are competent in our zeroes to claim anything, for our zeroes.
Another translation would say, as from our zeroes.
But our competence comes from God.
Our competence.
I'm competent.
Are you competent?
I'm competent.
I can produce results.
I can do what God has called me to do.
I'm competent from God.
I'm competent.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
So we're in verse six now.
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant.
None of the latter but of the spirits for the latter cares, but the spirit gives life.
I want you, I don't know how many of you ever did a study in this section of the Bible to understand what's going on here.
Did you know he moves off parenthetically to discuss a related subject just so he could help us get what he's trying to talk about.
For the next 10 verses, he's trying to explain something to us.
Mark, Mark, verse six.
Go back to verse six.
You can, you, you.
All right.
Let's use the, the NIV is fine.
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant.
Not of the letter, but of the spirit.
For the letter cares, but the spirit gives life.
So we're writing what ministry through the spirits.
And then He's made us able, competent ministers of the New Testament.
I am a minister of the Spirit.
I am a minister of the New Testament.
In other words, I am imparting the message of the New Testament through the power of the Holy Spirit to others.
And it says, He's made me competent.
Paul is saying, I'm not trying to tell you what doing this from ourselves, as if for something.
No, he says, but our competence is from God, who has made us able menest as, menest as, writers of the New Testament, and we're putting it in the hearts of men.
Through the spirit, mark, mark that.
Okay, so we'll go to verse seven.
Ready to read?
Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters, on stone came with glory.
I told you, he seems to have gone off.
Yes, he is going off for the purpose of helping you understand what this ministry of the New Testament, of which we have been made able, competent ministers, he just told you we are competent ministers of a new contract, a new testament.
So, what is this that I'm ministering?
So he says, let me tell you something.
He says, let me tell you something.
If the ministry that brought death.
or Testament, because it just told you we are able ministers of the New Testament.
So the Old Testament that brought death, if that ministry was engraved, which was engraved in letters of stone, came with glory.
So that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, which fades.
Can you see that?
Next verse.
Will not the ministry of the spirit be even more glorious?
Okay, let me just show you the King James for this very verse.
So you will see it doesn't come the way we speak.
Look at this.
How shall not the administration of the spirit be rather glorious?
Rather glorious.
The word that's translated rather actually means better or more.
But can James speak the word rather?
And you wonder, how did they ever call about the word rather for better or more?
Because it's old English.
It's old English.
We don't speak old English.
Can you see it?
So when you read that, you're wondering, what is it trying to say?
Be rather glorious.
I think is there a mistake?
No, there's not a mistake, it's just old communication.
Okay, so go back to the NIV for a second.
No, I'm not publicizing the NIV, it's a good one, but I'm not trying to make it look like it's the best.
So let's say, ah, pass the Chris always uses NIV, no, it's not true.
Yes, it's just one of them, because I don't want you to find some problems with NIV tomorrow.
He says, ah, there are problems with NIV.
But just like any other one, okay?
Well, not the Minister of the Spirit be even more glorious?
Say, yeah!
He thinks he didn't get it, so he wants to tell you more.
If the ministry that condemns me and is glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness?
Here is where I look at the NIV.
It didn't strike.
It didn't strike the truth properly.
I wanted to read it.
It didn't strike the truth.
This was just language, like I told you.
Not principle, it's language, so he goes language.
But when you go language, you lose some truth.
Let's read this in IV one more time.
This is not what God is saying.
He's saying something far deeper than this.
If the ministry that condemns me and is glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness?
It's nice.
It's one of the thoughts, but not deep enough because of the context.
For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more dot the ministration of righteousness.
Did you hear that?
The ministration of righteousness is not the same thing as the ministration that brings righteousness or ministry that brings righteousness.
They're not the same.
They're not the same.
And like I said, not because of how the King James would have known.
King James is very accurate here.
It is because of the original.
The original thought doesn't suggest it the way the ENIVY said.
That ENIVY was just nice.
It was just nice.
Like, you know, you're reading to babes or middle class.
That's nice.
But for seniors, when you read the Greek, that's not what he's saying.
It's more accurate with what you have here in the King James.
For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more that the ministration of righteousness, the ministration of righteousness, hai hai, hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai
The question then will be, what does he mean by the ministry of righteousness?
I wish I was going into that, but not right now.
Let's look at the next verse.
For even that which was made glorious had no glory in disrespect by reason of the glory that excelates.
It says that one is no glory at all compared to this.
Can you imagine the glory that knows his experience?
You've been told that that is no glory at all.
Compared to this one.
He says, that is no glory at all.
Compared to this one.
Next verse.
For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remanded is glorious.
Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great cleanness of speech.
For some people it means simple speech because it's the cleanness of speech.
No, cleanness of speech means talking bluntly.
It means talking bluntly.
Now talking bluntly means also talking boldly.
That's what it's saying.
So he says, okay, use the NIV this time again for this inverse.
Therefore, since we have such a hope, such a hope, we have every boat.
Okay, next verse.
We are not like Moses.
You will like this one.
We are not like Moses who will put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it.
Why what?
Can I see that?
Why the radiance was fading away?
Because he didn't keep it there all his life.
It faded eventually.
The glory faded eventually.
He actually put it there because they were running away from him.
All right?
It hadn't faded, so he put it there, put the veil there.
But there's something next verse.
But their minds were made dull.
King James' their mind was blinded.
For to this day, the same veil remains when the Old Testament is read.
It has not been removed because only in Christ is it taken away.
Shout amen, somebody.
It's in Christ you understand the mysteries.
You know, when you're reading the Old Testament, you come across so many things.
The law, the feasts, the Sabbats, all those things.
You wonder, do they mean anything?
In Christ, you discover what they really mean.
They are looking at it like the feasts, so they're going for the feasts.
It's Sabbats, so they stay at home.
They're just doing that.
But in Christ, you start understanding them.
Next verse, even to this day when Moses is red, the veil covers their hearts when the law is red.
The veil covers their hearts.
But when anyone, now King James says, whenever anyone, that's not really what it says.
It's referring to Israel.
It says, when Israel turns to God, the veil will be taken away.
So everybody can understand.
So he says, but when anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
The veil was not on everybody's heart.
He's talking about the veil of the Old Testament.
It's only those who are on the Old Testament that had that veil.
So it just can be everybody.
You get the point?
So what's the problem here, principle?
They're staying with language.
They forget principle.
You understand it now?
Okay, okay, cool.
Oh, next verse.
You'll find something.
Now the Lord is the Spirit.
What's happening here?
What's going on?
Go to King James.
How can he just say that?
Even King James.
Hold on, King James, I just wasn't it.
Now the Lord is that Spirit.
You see, when you read your Bible, you must read well.
You don't just open your Bible and say, Father, show me where I will read today.
You know, you don't just open it.
We used to do that.
We called it draw your sword.
Lord, speak to me today.
You just let your Bible fall down.
Wherever it opens.
With the digital version, you can do that.
Can't play that game on God now.
But the beautiful thing, I'm trying to show you.
Go back to that verse, verse 17, right?
It says, now the Lord is that spirit.
So I said, where's that coming from?
I told you, I told you.
In verse 6, he went off to explain things to you.
And to the next 10 verses, just trying to get you to understand something about the New Testament of which we have been made able ministers.
He just left in verse six telling you about the spirit.
By the spirit, the living spirit of God or the spirit of the living God, then he went off to make explanations and came back and told you that that spirit is talking about his Lord, since the Lord is that spirit.
So, verse 17 is actually the continuation from six.
So he says, and we in the spirit of the Lord has, there is liberty.
There is liberty.
So now, this is so powerful.
Come back to the NIV.
So NIV didn't consider the parenthetical order
And so they said, the Lord is the Spirit because they couldn't connect it.
What do you mean the Lord is that Spirit?
So it can't be that, it's all.
The Lord is the Spirit.
And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, liberty.
Now, go to the next verse.
And we, we don't veil faces or reflect the Lord's glory.
We are being transformed into his likeness with whatever increasing glory which comes from.
He misses the whole point.
He misses the whole part.
So look at it again.
And we, who with all their faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness, with ever increasing glory which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
But that's not what He just lost what verses one to six tried to tell us.
That's why I said, did you notice He didn't connect 17 to verse six?
missed it.
So he thinks it's a whole new thought.
And that's what 18 almost has very little move.
You're seeing translation?
The power of translation.
Now, let's go back to King James.
And one of the things I love King James is principle.
Sometimes there's language problem, but principle, they're important.
But we all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, is there what's the difference between the two?
One of them is passive.
What you have in the NIV is passive.
It's passing.
You read this and you see where you come in.
Look, we all with open face, beholding us in the glass, the glory of the Lord, is as we, with our faces unveiled,
are looking in a mirror, as in a mirror, the glory of God.
We're looking at the glory of God in a mirror.
And then he says, we all, as we do this, something happens.
He says, are changed into the same image that we're looking at.
From glory to glory.
And it says, through the spirit, the same spirit.
So what is this?
I'm looking at, I'm the, the, the epistle of Christ.
What is Christ written concerning me?
In the volume of the book, it is written of me.
In the volume of the book, it is written of me.
So he says, I come to do thy will, O God.
I come to do what is written of me.
Jesus said, everything that was written of me will be fulfilled.
And so he enters Ian.
and carries out everything that was written concerning him.
And while he's doing that, which had to do with him, the circumstances also followed.
The results had to be.
For example, our strain, and we're getting ready for this meeting, and why praying?
I find myself wearing a top that I never had.
Of course, that's happened many times.
So I see myself wearing it, but I don't have it.
And then I see myself ministering to a lady who could not walk.
I saw exactly what I did.
And I say, I'll get up and walk and praise God.
So I come back to myself and I say, glory to God.
And I'm excited.
Then in a few days, somebody sends me a gift.
I open it.
It's exactly the top that I'd seen in the vision.
Then I say, wow, wow, wow.
So the meeting comes, I put on the top.
And while the meeting's going on, I spot the lady.
So time for the ministry, I do exactly what I saw myself do.
Now, I cannot
make the woman respond as I saw her respond.
I cannot make her smile as I saw her smile.
But I'm gonna do exactly what I saw me do.
That's what's important.
So, I go and I do exactly what I saw.
And the results,
was exactly what I said.
She responded immediately just the way I'd seen in the vision.
She responded exactly the same way.
So, what do I mean by that?
It's your part.
You got to do.
It's your part.
Jesus didn't have to make Judas betray him.
Judas was gonna do it anyway.
If Jesus will do exactly what he's supposed to do, Judas is going to be Judas.
Judas is gonna betray him and Jesus is gonna get on the cross and they're gonna do whatever they're going to do.
But he's gonna do what he was supposed to do.
And if he would do what he's supposed to do, God will raise him from the dead.
So you never have to bother about what the other guy is going to do.
What are you supposed to do?
What's your role?
What are you supposed to do?
The circumstances will change to confirm to how they are supposed to respond to you.
Remember, the curse on the word was that the word should not respond to Adam.
Oh, you didn't get it.
I got to go again.
When God said to Adam, cursed is the ground for your sake.
Did the ground shake?
What happened to the ground?
You're going to respond to Adam as he was supposed to respond to Adam.
He was supposed to produce results for Adam.
Now he can't produce the results.
It's cursed.
It can respond as he was supposed to respond.
That was a curse.
Now, the curse is gone, the blessing has come, and so everything is supposed to respond to us as they're supposed to.
Can you see it now?
So if you don't know that, you're going to act like they were acting when things are not supposed to respond to them.
So when God blessed the ground, He didn't say some grounds we produce, some will not produce, some areas we produce, some will not produce.
You master the circumstances.
Okay, okay, okay.
Some of you have gone with us to Israel, right?
Many of you have.
Israel, dry land.
In fact, just fly over Israel and its neighbors.
You see something.
Brown, brown, brown.
Green, green, green.
What happened?
It was all brown.
Why do you have green, green, green in Israel?
They turned it to green.
There are some browns.
But as soon as they're ready, they will turn those browns to greens as they want.
The other guys are just remaining brown.
So everyone's wanting to take the little piece of land in Israel.
You didn't hear it.
Almost everywhere else, they say the rain is not falling.
So our crops are dying.
The other day they said they lost so much in South Africa.
And do you know where they lost the most?
They're next to this, to the ocean, the Indian Ocean.
They're next.
And they said everywhere was dry.
I said dry?
I haven't told you something that I've observed.
I've been monitoring it for some years.
I've been monitoring it.
I've even told certain individuals to help me monitor it too.
I found out, when in any country, they have not had rings or enough rings.
When I arrived, the rings started.
Well, it's an observation.
I don't, I don't, I've not said anything about it.
What I'm telling you, my observation.
The rain starts.
I said, they've not had rain, they've not, the rain starts.
And the rains are falling and falling and falling until I go.
And in Sarah cases, I see, find out after I've gone.
I like to know how much rain
Fair, after I lived.
I'm trying to find out.
There are some things that, maybe for you, it would have not meant anything, you didn't observe.
If a certain kind of blessing follows you.
But I like to observe something, because this one got my attention.
I've got my attention because these were cases where the governments had gone as far as talking about the condition.
Then I arrived.
The same day I arrived.
The rain starts.
There are some lessons, maybe you didn't understand this.
If you study a Bible, you will be able to see that God does enlarge our course and the influence of your authority that gives us and what it does.
What it does?
It matters.
There is someone just by the way.
Stay tuned for the continuation of this series after the break.
There are certain conditions that ensure one's healthy life, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, good and clean environment, and rest.
But these do not guarantee a life of victory.
To live a victorious life, there are certain conditions that is required
These are conditions that are necessary for the individual Christian.
Such that no matter what you face, no matter what comes against you, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in,
You will be victorious.
This message titled Seven Factors for Victory is now available on DVD and it is available for download on the Pastor Chris Digital Library.
You will be glad you did.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
All right, so here's what you're going to do.
He says, glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God.
Glorious things.
What's spoken of you?
What's spoken of you?
What's spoken of you?
Such as?
Such as what?
No, I want to know.
I want to know.
I want to know.
Because here's the real exercise.
Here's where there are differences.
Here's where there are differences.
The wisdom of God.
The wisdom of God.
Go to Romans.
I want you to notice
Verse 6, read the first, maybe half of, just the first half of that verse, chapter 10.
I'm trying to show you something.
Say the righteousness, say with me, say the righteousness, which is of faith speaks.
The righteousness of faith speaks.
The righteousness, which is of faith speaks.
Now the righteousness, which is of faith means the righteousness that comes by faith.
All right?
Not by works.
So the righteousness, which is of faith speaks.
I'm trying to help you come in.
You will soon enter.
Okay, you will soon enter where I'm trying to take you into.
There's an arena.
Listen, listen.
In the political world, there are certain people that if you meet, they can help you, they can bring you into certain levels of politics.
In politics, there are people that if you will meet, they can help you become a senator.
When I was reading Barack Obama's story, he was introduced to a second guy.
They said, if you can make this guy, he can help you become the president of the United States.
I said, oh?
And it happened.
There are certain people that are positioned, whether you like it or not, these are things done by God.
Are you hearing me?
So if you will meet this guy, he can help you become.
Which means there are regions of life
that you cannot get into except certain people give you access.
Because they were given the access.
Is that making sense?
Now, you read your book.
Bible terraces by a prophet.
Israel was brought out of bondage out of Egypt, and by a prophet was she what preserved.
There are regions of the Spirit that you cannot get except certain people who were given access
to such regions they call apostles.
They're given the rise, the access to such eternal spiritual verities to bring you to give you access into those regions without which you don't get in.
You study the scriptures, you find this to be so.
You study the ministry of the gospel, you find it to be so.
Sometimes some people don't realize that.
That's how come they got a lot of problems.
You know, you can do your best in politics and win.
And the guys who have the access will cut you down.
except you were given access that they don't know nothing about.
And because they don't know it, they can find all they want to.
But if God has given it to you, there's a new order.
Some don't know that when there is a new order.
So they said,
In the political realms, they call them the establishment.
They have so established themselves.
They have so set the stage.
Nobody comes in.
We are in charge.
They're not doing it for God.
So they don't understand.
They're like the Pharisees who didn't have the idea and the ironic priesthood that didn't know there had been a change of the law.
And the Bible says, if there's a change of the law, there is a change also of the priesthood.
The priesthood had been sacked and they knew nothing about it.
There was access to another level, to another realm, and they didn't know about it.
So the fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting didn't work.
It happens like that in politics.
There's an overthrow of, you know, a certain cabal.
So they fight, fight, fight, and then they just see this other group that's getting stronger, like the House of David versus the House of Saul.
The barber says, the House of Saul grew Wieke and Wieke, but the House of David grew stronger and stronger, shouting and somebody.
Sit down.
So sometimes they don't realize there's a new order.
Glory to God.
So in the Spirit, He does give this access.
And I would tell God that many will get to understand it.
I'm coming to this arena.
There's a place, masikrida and agruste.
Lushta praclya.
There's a...
You know, wisdom is important, wisdom, wisdom.
You don't... You know Satan, the devil doesn't know everything.
No, he doesn't know everything.
He doesn't know everything.
Satan is very intelligent, make no mistakes about it.
He is intelligent.
In fact, super intelligent.
The demons are super intelligent.
They are very intelligent, but they are not wise.
There's a huge difference between intelligence and wisdom.
Some people are very intelligent, but not wise.
When you're intelligent, you have high-powered reasoning faculty.
You are smart.
You can think like a flash.
Very intelligent, smart, calculative, analytical.
Your brain works.
Wisdom is a revelation.
Got nothing to do with your brain.
like some of you who love to live to the outside.
You have not been listening to the voice of wisdom.
That's why.
And it can cost you something if it doesn't cost you everything.
I'll give you an example.
Oh, but let me tell you this.
I mentioned a man to you yesterday who sinned against God so terribly.
But his father, you'd be amazed, Manasseh.
Manasseh's father was a wonderful man.
He was one of the most respected kings of Israel.
He was one of those beloved of God, one of those whose hearts were after God.
Can you imagine that he'd give birth to a son that would be the worst of the worst?
Perhaps he's saying against God more than all the kings that were before him.
So much so, I told you, God kept remembering how Manasseh did him.
Hezekiah was the name of the king.
I want us to read.
I want us to read.
We've got to read it.
We've got to read it.
We've got to read it.
You know?
Sometimes it's just some things you've got to read.
Because some things are just put in Scripture.
Second Kings chapter 20, we're going to read from verse 12.
Here, I'll give you the background.
Hezekiah, you see the picture better in Isaiah chapter 38, so you see the picture, don't go there, you see the picture.
Hezekiah had been sick in the days of Isaiah the prophet.
He had been sick.
You know the story, what led to how he got well, okay?
Things became okay with him.
Because God had sent a message to him that he was going to die.
Can you imagine getting the message from God?
You're expecting the message.
It's not every time that you get a positive message.
He can be very negative.
He got a negative one.
The prophet of God came to him and said, thus set the law.
Set your house in order because you're going to die.
I mean, he's sick.
He wants to get here.
You expect the prophet to come in and wave his hand over and say, thus set the law down here.
He says, thus set the law, you will surely die.
So he wept.
The Bible says he turned his face to the wall and he wept so.
Anyway, Isaiah was going away and God talked to him and said, you go back and tell him I've heard his prayer and I've seen his tears.
And tell him I'm going to act to his life 15 more years.
Wow, 15 more years.
Guy was excited.
He said, show me a sign.
He showed him a sign.
He's excited.
So he's celebrating.
Now he's celebrating.
And then we get here.
At that time,
Baradak Baladin.
The son of Baladin, King of Babylon sent letters and the present unto Hezekiah.
This is the king of Babylon.
Are you hearing me?
The king of Babylon sends you a present.
You're going to be so excited.
It's like the king of Saudi Arabia.
sending to another small Muslim town like Niger, some guy over there, and this king of Saudi Arabia, rage, and sends them a present.
Or maybe the president of the United States, or the Queen of England, sends a present to the president, I don't want to mention the country.
But they get excited.
And so they're like, boy, you know what?
I got a president.
He's having the time of his life.
He's been here.
He's been restored.
People are celebrating with him.
Even the king of Babylon heard that he was sick.
Look at it.
Said letters and the present unto Hezekiah, for he had heard that Hezekiah had been sick.
and Hezekiah huck into them and shut them all the house of his precious things, the server and the gold.
He's sticking them around his house to assure them the server and the gold and the spices and the precious ointment and all the house of his armor and all that was found in his treasures.
There was nothing in his house knowing all his dominion that Hezekiah should then not
Then came Isaiah, the prophet unto King Hezekiah, and said unto him, what said these men?
You know how them prophets are?
He's not so dressed like those executives.
He's not as excited as everybody else.
Isaiah Hezekiah is alive and well and celebrated.
He says, what did these men tell you?
And from whence came they unto thee?
Like he don't know, you know?
And here's the guy I said, they come from a far country.
See how he starts it.
From a far country, in other words, you know, and they know me from even far away.
From distant lands, they're coming to me from everywhere.
They come from a far country, even from Babylonia.
And he said, what have they seen in your house?
And there's a care answer, all the things that are in my house have they seen.
There is nothing among my treasures that I've showed them not.
Just look, I showed them everything.
You still there?
Because of you like to show off.
Yeah, since you bought that car, the church cannot rest anymore.
Now you're gonna have to park it, where everybody gonna see it.
You close from service, you're poisoned by your car.
You gotta buy this top-less one, roof-less, so everybody can know that it's you.
Even when it's raining, you're going, oh!
They gotta see it's you.
How the Lord has blessed you!
No, you just furnished your house.
All meetings must now hold in your house.
No longer your office.
Since you've finished the furnishing of your house, meet me up to him, meet me up to him, meet me up to him.
And the only reason is you gotta show them some of your gold.
You gotta show them your new furniture.
You gotta show them how God's blessing you.
The last being good to me.
I know it's been good to you.
Be sober, be vigilant.
Isaiah said unto us a care.
He had the word of the Lord.
Behold, the days come that all that is in thy house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in stone to this day shall be carried into Babylon.
Nothing shall be left, said the Lord.
And the day came, when the Babylonians came into Judah, destroyed everything, carried all the vessels of gold, all the things that the fathers of Hezekiah had laid up.
Just as Isaiah the prophet had said, they carried everything, including his children.
That is his descendants.
They carried all to Babylon.
You see, it's not about the sinner.
It's about satanic strategy that many of God's children are ignorant of.
I told you, Satan doesn't know everything.
He knows the things you show him.
He doesn't have the wisdom.
He can be intelligent.
He can interpret.
So they can be watching you.
It doesn't mean they know what you're going to do next.
Until you talk.
And when you give to God, you give to God in reference.
So I always say to God's people, as you're doing the work of God, continue, continue.
Don't be tired in your work.
Keep doing it.
Don't let someone else discourage you.
Don't let situations and circumstances discourage you.
Don't be discouraged because it seems like you have been ignored.
Don't be discouraged.
Don't be discouraged.
There's a time for everything.
when God asks Moses to go to the Red Sea or the Chinavizio.
As they were going in and walking on dry ground, the Egyptians were watching them.
And they were so happy, the Israelites were so happy, they were going through a diagram of what a miracle!
Look at this boy, the waters congealed on both sides.
So like, man, this is amazing.
Moses, you're truly the man of God.
So they were following him.
Then they looked back and saw the Egyptians coming too.
They thought, we thought God only blessed us.
Even the Egyptians have come in and dragged around too.
Now they said, hurry, hurry.
They're pushing us up.
So they hurried down and Moses saying, Lord, what do we do?
Moses, hold on.
Hold on.
Lord, they're coming after us.
Hold on.
And they said the Egyptians come in.
I mean, they're faster because they're coming.
The horses and chariots are coming.
They had to go on their own.
I mean, it took a whole long time to go to.
But these ones are coming very fast.
And then we're watching them.
Moses, I thought you said it was God who spit the right so wide open.
Did he also spit it for them?
Or was it their God who's trying to kill us here?
And so they're coming in.
God, his master strategist, hold on.
Moses, what do we do?
And God's waiting when the last one was inside and the first one was inside.
He says Moses, stretch your hand over the water, let them come back.
And the waters returned and swallowed and buried them.
And what happened?
The Bible says Moses and the children of Israel fell on their faces before God.
He was time to cry.
He was time to cry for John.
Listen, listen, when he was walking to the Red Sea, he didn't cry for joy.
When he came out of it, he didn't cry for joy.
When he saw the enemies parodin the sea, he fell on his face before God.
Oh God, was she God.
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