Knowing God�s Plan for You Part 2
The man of God, Pastor Chris, through different kinds of programs and crusades has helped billions around the world experience the divine presence of God.
These meetings are exceptional times of worship, revelations, prayers, salvation, healing, and upliftment for everyone in attendance.
And so it was at the Healing Stream's live healing services with Pastor Chris, a program organized to take healing to the nations of the world.
In each of the services, billions around the world connected through various platforms to experience God's divine touch.
Be blessed as we bring you an excerpt of one of the teachings from the Healing Stream's live healing services with the man of God, Pastor Chris.
God loves you.
God loves you.
You know, several years ago, I'll never forget.
I was preparing for a Sunday morning service.
This was some time before the
99 to 4 kept meeting.
I was getting ready.
And I just stayed all night.
Just studying, praying.
And suddenly,
About three feet away from me, the Lord stood there.
And I'll never forget.
As he spoke, his voice broke.
I'll never forget it.
He was concerned.
that so many was still sick after all that he had done.
And he said to me, he said, heal the sick.
You know, the several things that he talked about were all important, but it seemed like the main reason
that it came there was to say to me, heal the sick.
One day, I had asked the Lord, this was a very interesting occasion.
I'd gone pretty early to the office.
I was somewhat concerned about certain things that the Lord had asked me to do.
There were many different things.
So I just thought to myself, I've got to talk to the Lord about this.
I need him to straighten out some things.
So I decided to go very early.
So I was in my office.
And just as I was sitting at my desk, I said, oh Lord.
I said, you've told me several things to do.
I said, can I understand the priorities?
What's the first thing of all this?
What's the first?
As I was asking just as quickly as I asked from just above my head, the voice spoke.
The Lord said very clearly He said, healing to the nations.
In fact, I didn't have to wait.
It showed me the eagerness of the Lord to heal sick people.
He's so eager.
He's so willing.
Did you know in Christ Jesus, when you're born again, in Christ Jesus,
He guarantees you something far better than healing.
In Christ Jesus, when you're born again, healing is generally for the whole world.
When you're born again and you receive the life and nature of Christ, what it gives you is divine health.
He guarantees your health.
Absolute health.
Let me tell you something.
Never doubt it because it's true.
Let me show you a scripture.
Third, John.
And verse number two.
The thought of people of Saint John.
Verse two, look at it.
Beloved, I wish above all things.
that thou mayest prosper and be inhaled even as thy soul prospers and be inhaled.
Look at his priorities.
He didn't say and get healed.
He says, be in health.
That's divine health.
This is God's plan.
This is God's purpose.
I want you to be in health.
He doesn't want you getting sick and then getting healed and coming back sick and then getting here and going back to sick.
No, you want you to be in a state of health.
You see, if he didn't tell us, we wouldn't have a right to expect it.
Then those who say to us, everybody gets sick, sickness is normal, there would have been rights.
But with the word of God, they are wrong.
They're wrong.
God wants us in health.
I could show you several other important areas of the Bible in connection with this.
But the thought I need to communicate with you today is very simple.
And it comes from three special points from the Word of God that I will give you.
It's not for long.
but very vital things you need to know.
The first thing is for you to know that God gave you a body.
You are not the body that you see.
You are a spirit being.
You are not a human body.
Your body is your house.
Your body is the place where the real you lives.
Your real person lives in that body.
Your body's not you.
That's why when a man dies, he's not extinct.
His spirit lives on.
His spirit comes out of the body.
That's actually what causes the body to die when the spirit comes out of the body.
The body dies.
Because the spirit came first.
When you study in the book of Genesis, the Bible tells us in chapter two, how God created men.
He tells us that God created men and then formed men.
So he created the spirit men and then formed the body of men from the dust of the ground.
So the real man was spiritual, created by God.
His body was formed from the dust of the ground.
That's why his body dies and goes back to dust.
But the man lives on.
This is why you can recognize the voice of God because you're a spirit being.
You're not an ordinary body.
You're not like an animal.
No, your body is animated differently, but your spirit has the life of God in it.
The breath of God, the nature of God,
So in truth, you will live forever.
Your body aims in the earth, but your spirit lives on.
And for Christians, the son whose bodies will die, and when Jesus comes back, the Bible says their bodies will be resurrected.
They'll have a new body.
And those who will not die before the Lord shows up, before the Lord returns, the Bible says their bodies will be changed in the twinkling of an eye, the speed with which you twinkle your eye.
So fast it will happen.
They'll have a new body.
So understand that God gave you a body to function in the earth.
So you actually live in your body.
This is the reason Satan likes to destroy the human body.
Because your body is what you require to function in the earth to give God glory.
You can't glorify God with a sick body.
You can be at your best with a sick body.
Satan likes to destroy the human body.
But destroying the human body needs to be qualified so you understand exactly what this is.
Because your body was created by God as a temple, your body is a temple.
Your body is a dwelling place.
It's a temple.
Understand that.
It's not only your spirits that can leave in your body.
God's spirits can live in your body.
Evil spirits can live in your body.
Your body's a temple.
Jesus' body was a temple.
He was called the Christ.
He was the Christ because the fullness of God indwelled him.
The totality of deity, recited in Jesus.
Pastor Chris will be right back.
You grow your body through the food you eat, and without food, there is no way you can grow.
As you nourish your body to grow, also, nourish your spirit with the Word of God.
Seven factors for a healthy spiritual life
If you hold these seven factors in your life for just one week, you'll be amazed at the sudden change.
The results will be almost immediate.
The more of the word you study, the more you develop your spirit man.
Find out these factors in this classic teaching by Pastor Chris and how to live a healthy spiritual life.
This message is now available on DVD and other downloadable formats.
You can get your own copies at the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
Let me show you something from the Bible.
I want you to go to St.
John's Gospel, chapter two.
Let's read from verse 19.
Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple.
And in three days I will raise it up.
Let's keep reading.
Then said the Jews, 40 and six years was this temple in building and will thou write up in three days.
Jesus said something.
He said, destroy this temple and I'll raise it up in three days.
And they were offended at him.
They thought, they thought he was talking about the temple near them.
The physical temple builds
by the Jews.
So they said to him, this temple was built over 46 years and you will raise it up in three days.
Let's read again.
No, no, no.
Go back to verse 19 and I want you to look at it very carefully.
Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.
Then said the Jews 40 and six years was this temple in Beaud, and it will downreary top in three days.
Look at the next verse.
But he spoke of the temple of his body.
You see, so Jesus referred to his own body as a temple.
Then understand what he was talking about.
He says, but he spoke of the temple of his body.
Look at the next verse.
When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them and they believed the scripture and the word which Jesus had said.
So Jesus referred to his body as a temple.
The Bible says he spoke of the temple of his body, but the Jews misunderstood him.
Now, what about you?
What does the Bible say?
Your body's a temple.
Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 6, and let's read from verse number 19.
No year not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and he and not your own.
Look at that.
He says, don't you know that your body is the temple?
of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit.
Your body's a temple.
So God gave you a body, not just so you can live in it, but so He also, through the spirits, can live in your body.
If He lives in your body, you always be healthy.
You'll be sound.
And guess what?
You will have all the seven spirits of God in you.
Seven spirits of God.
It's a number of fullness.
It means that he brings excellence into your life.
It brings perfection into your life.
Go back to that verse 19.
Look how well it tells you.
First Corinthians, yeah.
This is no, you're not, that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and you're not your own.
Look at verse 20.
For he abut with the price.
He abut with the price.
What's he talking about?
He's talking about the fact that Jesus gave his life for you.
Jesus paid the price for you to be saved, to deliver you, to give you a new life.
to bring you to God.
So he says, you have bought me the price.
Something was offered for you to have.
the life and nature of God.
Look at that.
For your body belongs to the price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are gods.
Your spirit belongs to God, your body belongs to God.
I told you, you're not a body, you're a spirit.
Look at that.
Spirit and body.
So your body belongs to God, your spirit belongs to God.
And this is so important.
So who will be manifested in you?
You decide.
You decide.
God wants to be manifested in you, in health, in His grace, in His love.
Let me show you a story in the Bible.
Mark's Gospel, chapter five.
I want to read from verse number one.
And they came over onto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gaterines.
And when he was come out of the ship, immediately, they met him out of the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit.
Notice that.
When Jesus came out of the ship, on the other side, he says, a man came out of the cemetery, a barrier of place.
He came out of there,
to Jesus, and it says, the man had an unclean spirit, an unclean spirit, an evil spirit.
Watch what this evil spirit did to this man, the Bible tells us.
Look at this.
Who had his dwelling among the tombs, the man had his dwelling among the tombs.
He was living in the cemetery.
He had left his home.
He could live at home.
The demons in him would not let him live at home.
He had his dwelling among the tombs, and no man could bind him.
No, not with chains.
They tried chains.
Didn't work.
He broke the chains.
They get it.
Because that he had been often bound with ferris and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him.
And the ferris broken in pieces.
Neither could any man tame him.
The demons drove him mad.
They made him crazy.
Couldn't help himself.
Nobody could help him.
lived among the tombs.
And always, night and day, he was in the mountains.
And in the tombs, crying and caught in himself with stones.
He didn't know what he was doing.
The demons made him mad.
The demons troubled him.
He caught himself with stones, inflicted his own body with wounds.
The demons, unclean spirits made him mad.
You see, an evil spirit manifested itself in the man's body.
What's manifested in your body?
When a blind spirit enters into a man, it makes him blind.
When a deaf spirit, all these are described in the Bible.
When a deaf spirit enters into a man, it makes him deaf.
When a dumb spirit enters into a man, it makes him dumb.
When an infirm spirit enters into a man's body, it makes him weak.
It cripples him.
It's got an infirm spirit.
Bible tells us,
about those who were epileptic.
It's a matter of the gospel, chapter 17.
Let me read to you.
From verse 15, now use the ESV, we'll be fine.
Let's read it from the previous verse so we can enter into it properly.
And when they came to the crowd, a man came up to him, came to Jesus, and kneeling before him said, Lord, have mercy on my son, for he has seizures, and he suffers terribly.
He has seizures.
like epileptic seizures.
He suffers terribly, for often he falls into the fire and often into the water.
And I brought into your disciples and they could not heal him.
And Jesus, he said, oh, faithless and twisted generation, how long am I to be with you?
How long am I to bear with you?
Bring him here to me.
Jesus said, bring the boy to me.
And Jesus rebuked the demon.
Look at it.
It was a demon that caused the seizures.
Can you see it?
It was the demon that caused the seizures.
It says, and Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him, and the boy was healed, instantly.
When the demon was cast out by Jesus, the boy was healed instantly.
Oh, I've seen that many, many times.
Many, many times.
When the demon is cast out, that person is set free.
The sickness is gone, the disease is gone.
Glory to Jesus.
You want God to be manifested in your body.
If He's manifested in your body, you will be healthy, you will be sound.
The sickness will depart from you.
The weakness will be gone.
He gave us power.
He gave us authority to cast out devils.
He gave us the ability to cast out devils.
He told us to do it.
Saint Mark's Gospel.
Chapter 16.
We're reading from verse 17.
And these signs shall follow them that believe.
These are the words of Jesus.
And these signs shall follow them that believe.
In my name shall they cast out devils.
That's demons.
In my name shall they cast out demons.
Today, we're going to use the name of Jesus to cast out demons.
And the demons of cancer will get out of your body.
The demons of epilepsy will go from you.
The demons of blindness will go from you.