Power of Thoughts Part 1
One thing is sudden, if you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Debo is yours.
The power of thoughts.
Write it down.
The power of thoughts.
Thoughts are powerful.
What are thoughts?
There's hardly a dictionary that has a good definition, but I'm going to give you one.
Thoughts are powerful, but what are they exactly?
I wrote down a good one for you.
Thoughts are pictures of the mind that have constructive or destructive possibilities
and have power with the emotions.
In other words, they affect your emotions.
Sometimes they are imaginations, but they are more than imaginations because imaginations are only pictures that come to you.
But thoughts a lot of times are created by you.
They deliberate.
They may be holding you in bondage tonight.
Or as a result of your thoughts, you may
be experiencing glorious liberty tonight.
Thoughts are so important.
Many times we underestimate the possibilities of our thoughts.
Until you change a man's thinking, you cannot change his life.
You cannot change his state and therefore cannot change his estate.
The quickest way to affect your thoughts is pictures.
That means sight.
That means you've got to see something.
God said to Abraham, you know, he said to the man when he couldn't have a child and he was already an old man, his wife was already old.
And God had said to him, you're going to have a son.
The man couldn't believe.
He couldn't believe God.
And God turned to his wife and said, Sarah, you're going to have a son.
She laughed.
So one day God said, Abraham, come.
Look up.
Count the stars if you can number them.
God wasn't really thinking about the shapes of the stars.
Now the number of the stars, he knew the man couldn't count them.
But he wanted to help him see because he said to him, because of you, the nations of the world will be blessed.
You're going to bring forth kings.
Sarah's going to be mother of princes.
In other words, you're gonna give birth to stars.
They're not gonna be ordinary people, they're gonna be stars.
So he said, come, look out there, count the stars.
And old Abraham came out and they looked and he said, oh God, they're too many.
And God said, all right, so shall I see thee be.
They're gonna be stars, and they're gonna be many.
You can't count them.
And for the first time, the Bible tells us Abraham believed.
His name was still Abraham at the time.
But he believed.
When he believed, God said, there's another thing.
Now that you believe, I won't change your name.
You will no longer be called Abram, but Abraham.
Abram meant exalted father or a zoomed father.
One taken to be a father.
But he wasn't a father.
Now God changed his name from Abraham to Abraham, meaning father of many.
So every day they called him father of many.
Father of many.
I ain't not any child at all.
And they called him father of many.
And he answered the name, Father of many, why God had to change his thinking.
But that wasn't at all.
One day, God said to the man, I've given you the whole world, but you can't take it until you can see it.
So he said, Abraham,
Look to the north, to the south, to the east, to the west as far as your eyes can see.
That's what you get.
I like that.
As far as your eyes can see,
The Book of Joshua.
Joshua chapter number six.
God said something to the man Joshua.
Did you ever read the story of Jericho?
Let me see your hand up.
Did you ever read it?
I want you to read for me Joshua chapter number six from verse one into verse two.
Want to go.
Did you see that?
Did you notice verse two?
The matter says, the Lord said to Joshua, see, I have given you Jericho.
He said see.
Tell somebody see.
One more time, see.
God said see, I have given you Jericho.
It's whether you can see it.
If the man didn't see that God had given him Jericho, he never would have possessed Jericho.
How can you see it?
With the power of your mind, the power of your thoughts, the power of your imagination,
He said, see, I have given you Jericho.
He had to see it first.
Listen, the extent of your vision is the boundary of your blessing.
How far your vision can go is how much you will possess.
How can you see?
What can you see?
What is your mind saying?
What are your thoughts saying?
I said, your thoughts may be keeping you in bondage tonight.
All your thoughts could keep you in an arena of glory tonight.
Think about it.
What can you see?
Maybe the doctor said you'd never walk again.
And now all you see is you're gonna die.
They're gonna bury you.
Some people are crying, some people are happy.
I know you didn't like that part of some people being happy.
It happens, you know.
And you can't tell why some people are crying if someone's gonna die.
It's not always because they love that fellow.
He may be owing them something and they're thinking, Lord, don't let him die yet, because God pay me.
I need my money, let him pay me first, then he can die.
What do you see?
You know, one day I was to pray for a young guy, a little boy, about nine years old.
And of course, they told me later that I just remembered now that the same mistake I'm making now, mid- then, they told me later it was a girl.
He looked like a boy and dressed like a boy.
I thought he was a boy then.
I thought again tonight he was a boy.
They corrected me then.
They said, no, no, no.
It was a girl.
I said, I'm sorry, dressed like a boy, looked like a boy, and acted like a boy.
And so, okay, now, here was the story.
As I laid my hands on this child, already, now, notice, she couldn't walk.
So they brought her out of the wheelchair, and when they brought her out of the wheelchair, and I had my hands on him on her.
See what I mean?
The next thing I knew was she was doing this.
She was ready to run.
She was doing this.
Soon as I said, here, she just took off.
I had to hold her back.
I said, hold on.
She had made up her mind.
She was going to run today.
She was going like this.
Pictures of the mind.
Oh, yes, someone whose mind holds him in bondage.
What's the matter?
Well, they said, I've got this and I've got that and I've got the other.
And, you know, the pain is so much and the doctor said that only three of us in the whole world are sick of this thing.
They've never seen anybody come out of it and they said, I'm going to die.
So, I don't know.
I'm just waiting on the Lord.
Maybe the Lord.
Maybe the Lord.
What can you see?
The Lord can't do nothing for you until you see it.
He can only do for you what you see.
That's why He gave you a mind.
So you can think.
Listen, everything here came from minds of men, thoughts.
Everything here came from some good thinking.
Somebody had to think about this.
Someone's Edison thought about incandescent light.
That's why we got it.
They said, quit.
What do 10,000 times he tried and failed?
He said, never.
Every time I failed, I thought I found out one more way in which it will not work, and I felt I was one step closer to the way it had to work.
Until you, he got it, and that's what we're here.
What can you think?
Don't let your mind just go everywhere.
No, you can discipline your mind.
You choose the thoughts to accept.
You choose the thoughts.
That's what makes the difference between the one who's disciplined and the one who's not.
The one who turns out to be a drug addict, and the one who turns out to be the head of a bank.
Oh, a great businessman, a great politician, a pastor, a minister, someone, the thinking.
What were you thinking?
What was on your mind?
Some just thought they just allowed anything to come into their minds.
They said, well, I'm not responsible for what comes to my mind.
They say, I'm not responsible.
No, you are.
Think about that farmer who comes to his garden and finds there's so much weeds.
And then he says, I've got corn and I've got weeds and I've got tomatoes.
I've got weeds, lots of weeds and grasses.
I like it.
What do you think's gonna happen?
He definitely is in a farmer.
At least not a good one.
The weeds will destroy the crop.
What does it all know?
Doesn't matter.
Let everything grow.
I'm not responsible.
I don't know how they got here.
Yeah, you don't know how they got here, but you can't let them stay here.
You've got to decide.
The Bible says to mount guard over your mind.
Don't let every thought come in.
You choose the thoughts to accept.
That's what will change your life.
The thoughts you choose to allow.
The thoughts you choose to allow.
Those are the thoughts
It will affect you.
What thoughts will you allow?
Thoughts are powerful.
You choose.
You choose.
You choose the way your thoughts must go.
You create them.
The Bible says as a man thinks, so is he.
Your life goes the way your thoughts go.
Maybe you didn't know this, maybe somebody never told you, but today you are exactly what your thoughts created yesterday.
You say, are you saying that something had happened to me that I had no business creating?
Had to do with my thoughts?
Not exactly.
but your thoughts can keep you there.
It doesn't matter what comes your way.
It doesn't matter what happened to you.
It doesn't matter how it happened.
It doesn't matter what situation you have found yourself, but you are the one to make the choice not to remain in that condition.
You've got to make a choice.
You've got to make a choice.
the rest is history, you know?
No, don't stay there.
Don't stay there.
Don't stay there.
Doesn't matter what anybody says, will your life remain in the position that's
Limited by human limitation.
Are you going to be limited by the knowledge of other people?
You got to choose?
You got to say no.
For example, some years ago, malaria was known as a Kila disease.
In fact, a lot of the missionaries and those who were sent on some expeditions to Africa died in Africa because of malaria.
It was the killer disease of the day.
Everybody was afraid of malaria.
If somebody had malaria, they knew he was gone.
They said, oh, he's sick of malaria.
Oh, oh, he was finished.
But soon as they found a cure for malaria, nobody was afraid of malaria anymore.
What happened?
They said, there's a kill.
So somebody said, there's a kill.
They announced it on radio.
There's a kill.
They put it in books and newspapers.
There's a kill.
And they were like, hey, have you heard?
There's a kill for malaria.
We're not afraid of malaria anymore.
Because somebody found out about malaria.
So my life was supposed to be limited by the knowledge of other men.
If they couldn't find out about it, I was finished.
Until they found out about it.
Somebody somewhere had to find out about it.
For me to be free.
I've got to make a choice.
Whether or not my life is going to continue that kind of journey.
Always limited until somebody somewhere that I don't even know anything about finds out something to help me.
Maybe that's your situation tonight.
Maybe you're in a condition, they said, Nokia.
Oh, she got cancer.
Oh, cancer.
Oh, dead sentence.
Oh, she got cancer.
And you might be afraid because you got cancer.
Because they said they don't have a cure for cancer.
And so you're thinking, well, they said there's Nokia.
They said, who are the they?
The question for you is, is there a cure for cancer?
You are the one to decide.
Where does it matter?
Where are not they got a cure?
I got a cure.
Oh, come on here.
You are the one to make that decision.
No one else can make it for you.
I'm not gonna let cancer kill me.
I'm gonna kill it.
I wish you could think like that.
You know, I've relieved in my mind many times, many, many times.
Did you ever read of David and Goliath?
Come on.
Did you know that that story was true?
Did you know it really happened?
Or were you thinking they just made it up somehow?
Oh, it's a true story.
Goliath was real.
He was the giant of gods.
David was real.
It's easier for people to believe that David was real than to believe Goliath was real.
Goliath was not an imagination.
Goliath was real.
He was big.
He was huge.
And he was a strong man.
He was called a champion.
The champion of God.
And he had four brothers and they were all giants.
And Goliath was head of the army.
He was the biggest of them.
And when he came out, all of Israel trembled, including King Saul, who was bigger than everybody else in Israel.
And he was a king.
The Bible says he was head and shoulders above everybody else in Israel.
And Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, stood out.
And he said, can anybody challenge me?
And nobody could.
Everybody was afraid.
Think about this.
I want you to think, think, think.
Follow me now.
I'm talking about thoughts.
Are you there?
I said, I've done it many times through the Scriptures to go with David.
And watch what happened.
I've never, I've never stopped to be so inspired by what David did.
When everybody was afraid, the young like David came,
He only came to give something to his brothers.
His dad had sent him.
And he heard Goliath shouting and cursing Israel by his guards.
He said to his older brother, who's that big mouth?
He said, that's Goliath of God.
He said, why can't anybody take him out?
His brother said, shut up.
Haven't you seen him?
Have I ever seen anybody as big as that?
No, I've never.
That's why you ought to take him out.
His brother said, get out of here.
Go back home.
Then he turned to the other soldiers.
He said, hello, sirs.
Then they heard Gulad, ah, hot in the shoe.
David said, don't shake.
Hold on.
What will the king give to somebody who whips that guy?
Oh, they said, nobody can anyway.
That's why they made the offer.
Now, here I see negative fellows.
When there's an offer, even on TV, a product offer, they say, hey, what's the catch?
Nothing goes for nothing.
They're just negative.
Just always negative.
Say, what's the catch?
Nothing goes for nothing.
They're offering something, they're taking something from the back.
So they say, yeah, nobody can take him out, and the king knows that, so he made this wild offer.
Okay, well, see, exactly.
There's a number one.
His family will be free from taxation.
No more taxes.
Then he'll marry the king's daughter.
Can you think about that?
You're not even a king.
Oh, well.
He said, marry the king's daughter?
Not only that, lots of other gifts.
He said, I can do it.
David said, can somebody take me to the king?
There are still king, or kingly forever.
There's a young guy outside who says he can take out Goliath.
He's here.
Who is it?
bring him in.
He was expecting a huge soldier, you know, and then it brought this little stripling in.
And so I was still looking for who it was, and the young guy David came in.
He said, so where is he?
They said, this one.
He said, you.
He knew David before.
He said, oh, go back to your mama.
He said, you are a youth.
And that guy has been a man of war from his youths.
He said, no, sir.
You see, I was taking care of my father's sheep one day.
A lion came and took one of the kids.
I went after the lion and caught him by his beards and pulled him apart, and I killed him.
Soar said, you don't mean that.
He said, not only that, sir.
On another occasion, a beer came.
and took one of the keys.
I went after the bee and I stood him.
He said, sir, that glad out there will be like one of them.
Listen, listen.
Saul never heard anybody talk like that.
It was a different kind of talking.
He said, young guy, I like the way you talk.
You want to try?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
All right.
He brought his armor.
He said, you've got to wear this.
That guy's strong.
Put this on your head and put it on him.
All right, wear this breastplate.
After you wore everything, they came out like this.
David said, if I wear this, he'll kill me.
Please, can I take down all these things?
What are you going to wear?
He said, I don't need anything.
And then they put down everything.
And David, they said, what about the sword?
He said, I'll kill him with his own sword.
Now, think about this.
Think about this.
I want you to think about this.
Can you think?
drops all of these things, works out with a sling, and then he picks five smooth stones.
Because he said, how many giants are there?
They said there are five of them.
Okay, I need five stones.
One for each one of them.
And he picked the five stones,
And then Elliot, his eldest brother, looked across and saw his brother, David.
That's his youngest brother.
What am I gonna tell daddy?
He was already crying.
No, when you wanna take a step of faith, that's when those who love you, start crying.
They said the day you die, you lose your mind.
Now they thought he had lost his mind.
He had no helmet.
He had no breastplate.
He had no shield.
He had no sword.
The Bible specifically tells us there was no sword in David's hands.
And so he came out and the great Goliath said, where is your champion?
And small that David came out.
And he was doing this.
And Goliath held his sword like this.
He said, who is he?
He said, you think I'm a dog?
I mean, could anything be more stupid than that?
Here is a whole army.
And only David is standing in front of them, and he's doing like this.
And that infuriated Goliath.
The Bible says he began to cast David by his gods.
He was so angry that this little boy came outside to insult him.
This is an insult.
You small rats.
You, you, you.
And while he was saying all of that, David said, you come against me with a sword, with a shield, with a spear.
But I come against you in the name of the human hands.
the biggest picture of it all.
As this, you'd need to read it for yourself in the Bible.
When Goliath took his step against David, the Bible says David ran toward him.
When I read that, I put the Bible down as a dear God.
Boy, I like this.
David run toward him.
Maybe he should have been doing like this.
He didn't do that.
He charged toward Goliath.
And you can imagine the soldiers of Israel would have passed out at that moment.
They'd just die.
Just die.
Because now they're going to see that guy torn apart by Goliath.
But he released the first tone, and Goliath was on the ground.
Are you listening to me tonight?
That's what can happen to that cancer.
That's what can happen to that tumor!
It's a choice.
When you say, oh, they said it's too big.
They said it's this last stage.
They said, I'm going to die.
They said, they said, they said, what do you see?
What do you see?
Sometimes you see what you don't want to see.
Sometimes that part of it you don't want to see is what shows to you.
You say, no, no, no, no.
Change your mind.
Change your thoughts.
Change your thoughts.
If you have to talk out loud, do it.
Say, I reject this thought in the name of Jesus.
So what do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
Oh boy, what do you see?
What do you see?
Change your mind.
Can you see your situation changing?
I said your thoughts can hold you in bondage.
Because you're gonna, yeah, so how am I gonna, how am I gonna pay my rent?
How am I gonna feed?
How am I gonna, how, how, how, how?
You keep asking how, that's where the problem is.
Because you're asking God how?
How, how, how?
God, God Almighty don't know how?
He don't know who He is.
You know, a lot of people pray to God, but the question is, do they know who He is?
Somebody said, when I see Him, I'm gonna ask Him questions.
I'm very offended.
If you ever see Him, you pass out.
Find out what happened to John.
John said, when I saw him, I failed.
That was John who had been with him three years.
He saw him in his glory and passed out.
You didn't see that, you're saying?
I see him.
I have three questions for God.
Do you see him?
Let me go to the next one.
The struggle for faith.
Have a struggle with your faith.
Have a struggle with your faith.
Oh, when I see many Christians struggling with their faith, I remember when I used to struggle with my faith, we all have to go through that stage because that's the stage where your faith has been trained and tested and strengthened.
Struggling with your faith.
Sometimes it's with your finances, with your job, with your family, with your health, and you're trying to believe and trying to believe.
You're trying to believe.
You're hoping it's going to work.
Often it is we believing and faith collide.
We need to understand what faith really is.
And we think it's faith, and it's not faith.
Somebody said, I actually, look, I had faith for this, and I really had faith, and then it didn't work.
Let me tell you something.
If it didn't work, it was not faith.
Believe that, it's so important.
If it didn't work, it was not faith.
I'm gonna let this soak.
Can you tell somebody if it didn't work, it was not faith.
Let me explain to you what faith is in simple terms, all right?
There's no better definition of faith than the Bible definition in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1.
It says, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
That means faith is evidence.
A better rendering says, faith is the title deed.
The title did.
That means it's proof.
If I had faith for something, it means I got proof for something.
How can you have the proof and then it didn't work?
It's not possible.
If it didn't work, it was not faith.
If I say that I received my healing by faith, it means that I claimed that my healing was real and that I had the evidence in my spirit.
To come back and say, well, you know, I really had faith and I don't lost it.
No, no, no, a thousand times no.
Faith always works.
Faith always works.
Now look at it.
All right, I wanted a job.
I applied for a job.
And this particular job, some other people applied also.
And I was praying that it was mine.
I declared this job as mine.
In the name of Jesus, I prayed for it.
And some of the brothers ceased to join me in prayer.
And we claimed that the job is mine.
And then they gave it to somebody else.
And I came back and said, oh God, no, no, no.
They're going to call me back.
They're going to call me back.
And I'm going to pray.
And I'm going fast.
And I fasted.
And I prayed.
And that other fellow resumed.
And now they're paying him.
He's taking the job.
And I'm thinking, no, no, no, no, no.
I'll take this next one month.
And I'm going to pray.
They're going to call me.
Then they don't call me.
And now my peers are going up.
And I'm thinking, oh God, I can pay my peers.
I lost the job, did I lose it?
Or what?
What happened?
Or God?
Then confusion comes.
And I'm wandering to myself, what really is faith after all?
Or I had a condition.
And I said, I don't want to go for an operation.
They said, I've got to have this surgery and I'm not going, Jesus is going to heal me.
And I'm praying, Jesus is going to heal me.
I'm claiming Jesus healed me.
I'm really believing and I'm trying, but it's getting worse.
The pain's taking me down.
Oh God, I don't want to go to the hospital.
Then they take me to the hospital because I couldn't even help myself anymore.
I found myself in the hospital.
Oh God, I said I wouldn't come here.
I said I was going to trust you.
Look at me now.
Oh God.
And then I take all this medication.
And the doctor even warns me, don't you dare stay out of it or you die.
Now come back home and I'm so frustrated because I didn't expect to even go to the doctor.
And now I'm on the doctor's care, can't even come out.
And I've been believing for my healing, where is God?
What happened to my faith?
Or didn't I have faith?
What about the money?
You were expecting your money would go up, but he went down.
Oh God.
Oh God.
Now what about the message about debt consolation?
I've been hearing about my debt never going to cancel.
Oh God, is it true?
Then for the first time, you're beginning to think about the critics.
Maybe they are right after all.
Some of those critics who say that those of us who preach healing and prosperity, that we got something wrong with us.
Maybe they're right after all.
Now you're thinking, could they be right?
Did they carry this thing too far?
Did the pictures carry too far?
Were they teaching us something wrong after all?
Why isn't this faith working for everybody?
They said it'll work for everybody, no working for everybody.
How many of you ever found yourself in this situation or you know someone that found himself in this situation?
Can I see your hand up?
Yeah, lots of people.
Yeah, it happens.
And there was struggling with our faith and wondering, what can God do for me?
Yeah, I struggled with my faith years ago.
But there was a way that God helped me.
And that was, I always believed
that God's answers were all in the Bible.
And so when I had challenges to my faith, I went back to the Bible to find out what was wrong, why didn't it work?
Why did my expectation not come the way I thought it would?
And then gradually I found the answer.
I discovered there was a big difference between believing and faith.
A big difference between believing and faith.
And I thought, there's an answer.
There's an answer.
There's a difference between faith and believing.
That's where the answer is.
Faith and believing.
When you believe, you say, oh God, I believe, I believe, I thank you.
You're doing it for me.
Oh, you have done it for me.
I claim it and all of that stuff.
Tomorrow you're going to say the same thing.
You're believing.
In faith, you have possessed.
It's yours.
You have taken it.
You see it.
Your thoughts go in that direction.
You don't think, oh God, what if it doesn't happen?
Oh, please let it happen.
Oh God, please, please let it happen.
Oh, this is my turn.
Oh Lord, please.
Oh, please.
As long as you're thinking, oh God, please, really let it happen.
Oh God, please.
I will really give you glory.
Oh Lord, I will praise you.
I will really.
That is not faith.
You are believing.
That is not faith.
Faith means it's now yours.
When you believe, you receive.
Are you listening?
When you receive, it becomes yours.
Faith doesn't try to get something.
Believing tries to get something.
You believe to receive.
Faith doesn't try to receive.
Here is the difference.
Faith doesn't try to receive.
You believe to receive.
Faith doesn't say, I receive it in the name of Jesus.
That's believing.
Faith says, because faith is proof, is the title deed to what you asked for.
Faith means I already have it.
Faith doesn't try to get it.
Faith already has it.
Faith can act on it.
Are you hearing me?
And it starts with your thinking.
Can you think right?
What's going through your mind?
Let what I'm sharing with you now go through your mind.
You know, I find in my Bible
A story of a woman.
We all have heard about that story, about that woman.
The woman who suffered hemorrhage for 12 long years.
12 years, the Bible shows us she was wealthy until she became poor from paying the doctors.
And no doctor could help her.
She suffered so long.
The Bible says she grew worse.
It's a story of love.
It's a story of love because you see, the Bible says when she heard of Jesus.
Read about Hirens in Mark's Gospel chapter five from verse 25.
All right?
Are you listening?
You can get the same story in Matthew chapter 9, you know, in verse 20 down.
You get it all, so in St.
Luke's Gospel chapter number 8, in the 45th verses downward.
All right?
You find a story there.
You got to read all three of them to get the whole picture that I'll give to you now.
I said, it's a story of love.
For the Bible says when she heard of Jesus, think about it.
She'd suffer 12 long years hemorrhaging in pain.
Nobody could help her.
She was right off.
Nobody could help.
She could have stayed at home and said, well, it's no use.
I've tried everything.
Like many people say, I've tried everything.
But one day somebody came and told about Jesus.
She could have said, oh, one of those pretenders.
Oh, one of those faith healers.
No, they said, no, this one loves us.
You need to hear him speak.
You hear the voice of love through him.
You can see his eyes, this full of love.
I am suffering with hemorrhage.
I can't come there.
No, they said, he loves you.
He wouldn't reject you.
You can come close, close to him.
The Pharisees wouldn't even look at me.
No, this is not a Pharisee.
The Pharisees wouldn't want to see me.
No, he's not a Pharisee.
See, but he's Jesus.
He hears people.
She said, wow.
They said, he opens blind eyes.
He unstops deaf ears.
He makes the lame walk.
Even the maimed have been healed.
Those with limbs amputated have been healed.
All that didn't touch her until they said one day.
He met a leper who was dying with leprosy and he touched him.
He said, she said, he touched him.
Nobody would touch a leper.
They said, this one does.
This one does.
It's a story of love.
When she heard it, she said, all I need to do is to touch the hem of his garment.
If I can touch it, I'll be healed.
Because she recognized that if that man loves us so much, I don't even need him to notice me.
It means I am the one to tap from that power
He doesn't even need to notice me.
So she's sad.
I like this.
The Bible says, and Matthew's gospel, she thought.
She thought.
It was a thought.
It was a thought.
She thought.
If I may touch, but as goes, I shall behold.
It was a thought.
What is your thought tonight?
A lady couldn't get into the meeting.
She said, I've got to see Pastor Chris.
I've got to see, they said, oh, the place is full.
She said, OK, can I just still hear when he passes by?
I just want to see him.
If I see him, I'll be here.
Now, she couldn't walk.
She was in the wheelchair.
When she was there, Pastor Chris walked by.
She said, I'm here.
And guess what?
When she said it, she stood up.
And the sickness departed from her.
The pains, the diabetes, everything that put her in the wheelchair.
And she was walking and running, going again.
She said, all I need to do is see.
She couldn't get into the place, into the auditorium.
She said, when he passes by, I just want to see him.
If I see him, I'll be here.
And that's all she needed.
And she was gloriously healed.
Oh, so many others have been healed that way.
But you are right here.
You're right here.
Maybe that was your faith.
You could have a miracle tonight.
Hey, as in what's going through your mind, that woman thought if I, if I could touch him, touch his clothes, I shall be whole.
She thought about it.
She thought, see, I like it because, you know, when we hear about the love of God, hope comes.
Hope comes.
When we hear the love of God, hope comes.
When you hear that God loves you, then you know, I'm not gonna die like this, because he loves me.
Can you trust him with love?
The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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God bless you.