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Cultured by the Word

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
The Word of God is in us.
As the Word is given into our consciousness, we act accordingly.
We think accordingly.
What God wants is for us to be so inundated with the Word, so soaked into the Word, until we are known
By our heavenly culture.
As we learn the Word of God, we walk in the culture of the Word.
We see through the Word.
We see with the Word.
We understand by the Word.
It changes our thinking.
It gave us the Word to renew our minds.
Can you shout amen to somebody?

Did you know that God's excited about you?
Have you ever thought about it?
You know, I know there are people who think that God is mad at them.
Every time they think about what God might have in his mind.
And they think God is angry because all their lives, they were rich to think that God is only concerned about sin.
God is not concerned about sin.
He was concerned about sin.
He's no longer concerned about sin because his concern about sin made him sin Jesus.
So he settled the problem of sin forever in Jesus Christ.
And he told us
Because of Jesus and the grace that He brought to us, He said, Sin shall not have dominion over you.
So sin is no longer.

The problem, the problem now, is man's faith.
Would you trust his righteousness?
Would you trust what Jesus came to do?
Would you trust that he has settled the problem of sin forever and accept and receive his righteousness into your spirit?
Would you receive it?
And if he would receive that, then he would live continually in his glory.
And you'll understand that God is not mad at you, but excited about you.
Maybe we should just read that verse in 2nd Corinthians 5, verse 19, that God was reconciling the world to himself.

not counting men's sins against them.
You see, he's not counting men's sins against them.

And he has committed to ask the message of reconciliation.
He gave us the message of reconciliation.
Okay, how did he say that?
How did he say that?
Go to verse 18.
You'd see it now.
Verse 18.
All this is from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
Did you see that?
He gave it to us.

In 2019 now, that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ.
Now, that first part of that sentence is easier to get in the King James.
Because when you see that, that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ.
That's exactly what he's saying.
But let's see how it's better expressed in the King James.
Go back to King James.
So wait.
Did you see that?
That's beautiful.
That God was in Christ.
So he said the same thing.
But he helps you to understand that when Christ was there on that cross, God was in him.
Doing something, look at it, reconciling the world onto himself.
Not imputing their trespasses onto them.
I don't know how many times I've tried to correct a lot of people about input and impute.
I don't know why they confuse it.
This might be a good opportunity to just help a few.
Did you see that there?
Not inputting.
That's not what he said.
Inputting is I am.
Then if you impute means to charge with, it's a legal term.
That's a legal term.
It means to charge with, so he's not charging them with their trespasses.
Now, an input is to put in.
Input, put in.
That's not what he's saying here.
He is not inputting their trespasses.
So it's not input.
It's imputed.
Not imputing their trespasses onto them.
He's not charging them.
with their trespasses.
To input means to put something into.
All right?
Like you're working on your computer and you're getting some information in.
You're not imputing your input.
You're putting in.
So don't say, I'm imputing this information.
That's a legal term.
So we're not impeding their trespasses onto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
He has committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
He's given us the message of reconciliation.
What message do you carry?
Is it the message of reconciliation or the message of condemnation?
Which one are you carrying?
which one are you carrying?
Okay, go to John chapter three, verse 16.
John's Gospel chapter three, verse 16.
One of the most popular verses in all the world.
For God, thank you Lord Jesus, that's why we're here.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that anybody, King James says, who's so ever?
That's how else do you express it?
Who's so ever anybody who believes in him?
Now look at another legal expression there.
Should not perish.
That's an order.
That's an order.
That's not a promise.
That's an order.
God has ordered, instructed, declared, enacted a law that anybody who believes in Jesus should not perish is the sovereign declaration of Almighty God.
Anyone who believes in Jesus should not
And so, if you feel like something's happening to you, if you feel like you're going down, if you feel like you're perishing, you understand?
No, I believe in Jesus Christ.
I believe.
I should not perish.

There's a law at work.
Doesn't matter how many are perishing.
He said that thousands shall fall at your side.
And ten thousand at your right hand.
But he shall not come, nigh you.
With your eyes shall you see and behold the reward of the wicked.
I refuse to perish.
Because there's a law that has separated me.
That I should not perish.
Doesn't matter how strong the floor is, that's coming.
Doesn't matter how much how intense that fire is.
It doesn't matter what the weapons are.
I refuse to perish.
There's a law at work.
That law has separated me.
Say, man, let me explain something to you about the Word of God so you can get it.
The Word of God was not given to us just to reveal something to us.
I say something I believe to do.
Say, I believe to do.
I hate to do.
You know, some people just believe, they say they believe, but they don't do.
You don't really believe.
Because when you believe, you're compared to action.
I believe to do.
I hear to do.
I don't hear for nothing.
I hear to do.
When I hear the word, I do it.
He gave us the word for a reason.
Are you following this?
All right.
James chapter 1.
Let's begin from verse 22.
James chapter 1.

But they do us of the Word.
Oh God.
Oh God.
In the Old Testament, they were told to obey the Word of God.
In the New Testament, we don't obey the Word of God.
We do the Word of God.
There's a big difference between the two.
In the Old Testament, the Word of God was an outside force.
In the New Testament, it is an inside force.
The world lives in us today, and there's something more than that you've got to understand.
And this is so powerful, so important, so, so important.
And that is, you know, have you ever heard the term, you become what you eat?
Have you heard it?
And every time I talk like that, the big ones that get uncomfortable.
Listen, you become what you eat.
Okay, by that I mean that whatever it is that you've been eating won't go into your body.
It'll go into your body.
All right?
It'll go into your body.
It'll become part of your body.
But that's just one little part of it.
The Word of God is in us, okay?
And when we eat the word, digest the word, it goes into our system.
But there's something even more beautiful.
And that is that we are actually the offspring of the Word.
We were born of the Word.
We are children of the Word.
Do you understand?
The Word of God gave birth to us.
Words you begin to understand that it'll take you into a new lifestyle altogether.
You begin to see life in a totally new way.
Get it.
The Word of God gave birth to us.
Let me pick it up again from a cultural point of view.
Imagine that you were Japanese or Korean outwardly, because every one of us inside the body, there's nothing Korean about you inside your body.
There's nothing American about you inside your body.
There's nothing, nothing Egyptian about you inside your body.
And that's why your hearts can be taken away and given to another person, another country, and another color, and it will still work.
Praise God.
But you see, different people have been raised through different cultures.
And depending on the culture, you've been given the culture in which you've been raised
Your way of living, your behavior, your ways of doing things will be peculiar to the culture in which you were raised.
It won't take long for someone to be able to tell that you are from such and such a country, or they may be able to tell that you are from such and such a culture.
because of your expressions, okay?
But then God expects us because that's in the natural life, natural human athlete life.
What God wants is for us to be so inundated with the word, so sucked into the word until
We are known by our heavenly culture rather than an earthly dying culture.
Are you following this?
Now, that happens through our spiritual upbringing through the world.
As the world is given into our consciousness, we act accordingly.
We think accordingly.
Are you following this?
Now, look at this.
You're born of the Word of God, and this is reality.
The Bible says, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveeth and abideth forever.
He says, of his own will, he begat us, by the Word of truth.
that we should be a kind of fresh fruits, top class.
That's fresh fruits.
It means the first and the best, top class of his creatures.
So I know who I am.
I'm top class, fresh fruits of his creatures.
So I'm born of the Word of God.
If I'm born of the Word of God, then who am I?
Who am I?
Then Jesus, then Jesus tell us, I am the vine, ye are the branches.
I am the vine, ye are the branches.
That means we're warm with him.
Jesus is the word of God, made flesh.
We are the offspring of the word of God.
So who are we?
It's too big for a religious man or woman.

When I get to meet such fellows, I don't have to say anything.
I just open scriptures.
Just one scripture after the other.
Just read this, read this.
So what do you think of these scriptures?
Is this give me time?
Because a lot of people have been trained religious for so many years.
They call it the Christian religion.
It's such a nice, wonderful religion.
They think that Christianity means that we accept that Jesus is the Son of God.
He died for our sins and God raised them up.
He probably went back to heaven, probably.
And God.
is asking us to be kind and nice.
So in Christianity we're kind and nice.
That's all they know about Christians.
They don't understand that we have a life to live.
They don't understand.
They don't know what Jesus came to do.
They think he just came to die and save us.
Save us.
They don't understand the word salvation.
Salvation in the Bible doesn't just mean to deliver out of trouble.
Salvation is a big thing.
You study it in the epistles, in the discover.
He's not just saving you from trouble, saving you from sin.
Who is Jesus to you?
The one who came to save us from our sins.
Save us from our sins, is that all?
She don't get it then.
Let me explain to you.
Yes, He came to save us from our sins.
And when He saved us from our sins, He died.
So we all died with Him.
That's how He saved us from our sins by making us pay for our sins through Him.
We paid for our sins through Him.
He paid for us in his death.
That was enough.
That was the salvation from sin.
It was over by death.
That was all.
But he didn't end there.
The Bible says God raised him from the dead.
That had nothing to do with sin.

Because the soul that sent it, it shall die.
So Jesus died for us in our place.
He died spiritually for every one of us because he was cut off from God.
And he died physically for every one of us.
And that ended it.
When he said on the cross, it is finished.
Then the Bible says his head dropped and gave up the ghost.
That was the payment.
We'll find our payment.

Then he went to hell.
The third day the Bible tells us that God raised him from the dead.
And then look at this.
I want to show you.
Christianity does not begin from the cross.
It begins from the resurrection.
You see it?
Not from the death.
When he died, he died for everybody and paid the full penalty for sin.
But when God raised him up, he came up with a new life.
That's what the Bible says, if any man is in Christ, if you believe in Jesus Christ, not in his death, but in his resurrection.
And you know, the lesser is included in the greater.
If he didn't die, he couldn't resurrect.
So if I believe in his resurrection, I automatically believe in his death.
Can you see that?
Do you understand that now?
So when God raised him up,
He says, believe in his resurrection.
That's what he says.
If thou, if you will confess, Romans 10 verse 9, if you will confess, pronounce, profess with your mouth.
If you would say with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead.
Can you see it?
He didn't say, believe it in your heart that he died.
No, believe it in your heart that God raised him from the dead.
His salvation is yours.
And so if you find people who are struggling with Christianity and they don't know whether or not they're born again, help them to accept this very simple thing.
You say to them, do you believe?
that God raised Jesus from the dead.
They're going to say, yes, because they do.
And then you say, all you have to do is declare with your mouth.
And you can do that now and say, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
And when you say that with your mouth, believe it in your hand that God raised them from the dead.
That lordship of Jesus breaks the dominion of darkness, the dominion of sin, the dominion of that devil off of your life.
And right away, you're catapulted into the kingdom of God.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
Look at Colossians chapter 1 verse 12.
Colossians chapter 1 verse 12.
This is wonderful, look at it, giving thanks unto the Father, which had made us meet.
This is King James.
It means who was qualified us, which had made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
Give us the NIV.
There's a little more expression that's not in this place.
You'd see it now.
Oh, look at it.
Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
In the kingdom of light.
We are in the kingdom of light.
Every one of us is the light.
Can you shout amen to somebody?
in the kingdom of life.
The Bible says, in our God, in our Heavenly Father, in Him He says, there is no darkness at all.
He gave us the word.
to give us a culture because we're children of the word, say word offspring of the word of God.
And so, as we hear the word, our faith is dead.
The word ministers faith to our spirits.
And the word cultures us for the life of the kingdom of light.
Are you following this?
We are the word of God in flesh.
Jesus was the Word made flesh.
We had the Word in flesh, but we grow, you understand.
As we learn the Word of God, we walk in the culture of the Word.
We see through the Word.
We see with the Word.
We understand by the Word.
And you follow what I'm telling you.
It changes our thinking.
He gave us the Word to renew our minds because the Word already gave us a culture.
Whatever area of the world you come from, they have given you a culture, consciously or unconsciously.
You have the world's culture.
You have the world's way of doing things.
For example, the spirit of God began to show me something.
I said, oh, I forgot, I forgot.
Then he said, you're going to have to learn this.
Some of them, I'm now learning.
Can you imagine this?
I'm learning it.
So, already, you see, I don't know everything.
Can you see?
I'm learning.
I'll never forget.
My older daughter, when she was younger, she was about seven years older.
So she asked me a question.
And I said, I'll find out.
She was so shocked.
She said, find out.
And I was surprised that she was expressing such a surprise.
I said, yes?
She said, Dad, I thought you knew everything.
I said, oh, only God knows everything.
So you see, the Lord began to show me something.
He said, if you keep confessing, you forgot this and you forgot that.
Oh, I forgot.
He said, you bring forgetting into your spirit.
I said, forgetting.
He said, yes.
He said, forgetting is not part of your spirit.
Your spirit remembers.

He says, you can pick up the information from your spirit.
You see, now I'm telling you something I'm learning.
So we better learn it together, right?
Let's let it quick.
You'll be amazed what happened to us.
Oh, I forgot, I forgot.
Oh, I forgot this.
How much confessional forgetting we had?
I said, Lord, this one is quite a tough one.
He said, yes, do it.
So I'm learning it.
I said, I forgot.
I said, I didn't forget.
Then I said, Lord, I thought I forgot, really.
He says, okay, I'll remember.
I'll remember.
I'll remember.
Look, I forgot.
I'll remember.
I'll remember.
I'll remember.
I'll remember.
Yeah, I remember.
And so, otherwise, by the time you are how many years old?
Oh, you know, when you are getting this old, you start forgetting things.
I refuse to forget.

So I remember or choose not to remember.
It's about remembering, it's not about forgetting.
Forgetting means I lost the files.
Remembering means that I call up the file or I choose to delete the file.
When I forget, I can find the file.
Okay, now you got it.
Glory to God.
You're still there?
He's given us a culture.
He's helping us understand the word and live by the word, because we are the word.
Listen, the word of God builds, constructed this world.
And the Bible says the Holy Ghost vanished.
Oh, hallelujah.
The Holy Spirit never works without the word.
He works with the word.
The Holy Ghost does the Word of God.
God speaks the Holy Spirit carries it out.
And to live that life of victory that He's given to us, He gave us the Holy Ghost.
What word do you think the Holy Ghost is here to act upon?
Your word?
Your word that is in line with the Word of God.
He never does things outside the Word of God.
Are you following this?
When we learn to express his thoughts, when we learn to express who he is, his personality, his nature, we live in victory continually, winning always until we realize that no circumstances in this life could ever subdue or overwhelm us.
We are both only, only in every situation.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
In every situation.
This is carried on joy when you go to drive us this.
He just counted all joy, not count on joy.
Somebody says, you know what we're really going to now?
There's a lot of heat.
There's a lot of heat.
There's a lot of heat.
It don't matter how tough that fire is.
He says, when you go to the water, it shall not overflow you.
When you go to the fire, you shall not be burned.
That's what he said.
That's what he said.
And I hold on to his word.
Hold on to his word.
Let me show you something.
I told you, open St.
John's Gospel, right?
Let's begin with chapter one.
And let's think from verse one, that just a few very important thoughts that I'd like to show you.
First job, want to go.
I. Hey!

I don't know whether you're seeing that or not, but this is so powerful.
Let's look at it.
That's which was from the beginning.
Now John, this John was the one who wrote the book of Revelation.
And then this Saint John was the one who was with Jesus.
One of the apostles, he was the one who was with Jesus, so close to Jesus.
In Jesus,
gave him to take care of his mother.
You remember that?
This man said this, that which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the word of life.
Oh, what's Johnny saying?
Imagine this.
Imagine what John is telling us.
He remembers.
He remembers how they touched Jesus.
He taught Jesus.
And he didn't know who he was touching at the time.
when he taught Jesus.
And on that last night, when Jesus was with his disciples, taking that last supper, he had his head against the Master's chest, okay?
When Jesus was talking about dying, and they were all so tired and weakened by this news.
But he often taught Jesus, and he didn't know he was touching.
Did you get it?
And Jesus did say he was the Son of God, but that didn't give them any serious impressions.
You know?
Until one day, when Jesus died, John was there watching.
Jesus died on a cross.
Then Jesus was buried.
The thought day they heard they couldn't find his body.
So John and Peter ran together to the grave, this John.
He told us the story.
He said he outran Peter.
He was younger than Peter.
Outran Peter was ahead.
He got to the entrance of the cave first.
And he told us he didn't enter.
He waited for Peter.
Maybe he was afraid.
Then Peter came, the bold man that he was, ate a pill and couldn't find the master.
And he was inside with Peter.
He said, when I saw the clothes,

I believed.
John believed and came out of that place.
He believed who Jesus was, but it was not over yet.
Until the wound had completely flawed everybody.
He was when Jesus gathered them together in Galilee.
He had appointed to meet them then.
and had discussions with them while he was still talking to them.
The Bible says he levitated.
Jesus lived it.
And they watched him.
His feet off the ground, cell of feet off the ground,
And he just kept going, going.
Jesus kept going upward.
Where is he going?
He was going.
There were strong speechless.
How would you feel if you've been with a man three long years and you saw him going up like this?
He had been saying, I am from above.
He had been saying it.
He had been talking about going back to his Heavenly Father.
He had been saying it.
And now you're watching him.
No human equipment.
And he goes higher and higher until he goes through the clouds.
Oh God.
Who do I tell?
Who would believe what I just saw?
Jesus was gone.
Now, to think the man we had been with.
This past three years was truly the Son of God.
He blew our minds with miracle after miracle.
We thought we had seen the end.
We just kept seeing more and more miracles.
And then not only did he raise the dead, he now died and came out of the grave himself.
They thought this was wonderful.
Then he ascended God Almighty.
He didn't disappear suddenly.
No, they saw him go.
Then he said, that which we have seen with our eyes, which our hands have handled of the word of life.
Oh, look at it.
And our hands have handled of the word of life.
I want you to look at verse two.
God, I might look at this.
Verse two, for the life in parentheses, I want you to see it, for the life was manifested and we have seen it.
Oh God.
He says the life, the essence.
You know what it is for life?
Everybody's talking about this life, this is a life, this is not a life and living things.
Then life itself was tabernacles in a human being.
And John says, we saw it.
We saw life.
We saw the very essence of life.
We saw him tabernacle.
We touched him.
We handed him.
He says, for the life was manifested.
And we have seen it.
and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life, Hallelujah, which was with the Father and was manifested under us.
Oh, glory to God.
Oh, dear Lord Jesus.

Oh, the life was manifested and we have seen it.

You know, I read the scripture, I just can't get over it.
Just can't get over it.
Verse 3, that which we have seen the herd declare we unto you that he also may have fellowship with us.
And truly, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.
And everybody said, Amen.
Say our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.
Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm h
See, I'm alive to God.
You see, Christianity is a living thing.
It's not religion.
It's a living thing.
No wonder he says Christ in you, the hope of glory.
And he gave us the word so we can say the word.
He wants us to speak the word.
See, you can't speak what you don't know.
Is that correct?
You can't speak what you don't know.
He gives you the word, so you say the word, because that's who you are.
The second Corinthians.
I have a father, almighty father, King of kings, Lord of lords.
Second Corinthians chapter three, I want to read from verse one.
Oh, glory to God.
Do we begin again?
This is the apostle Paul writing, and he says, do we begin again to come in our zeros or need we as some others, epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you?
You know, when you study the Word of God, don't miss very vital things that he tells you.
Sometimes we're so interested.
Have you ever listened to someone tell you a story and all you're waiting to hear is the end of the story?
And you miss all the details.
It's like some of us when we're on a journey, okay, we're going somewhere.
Our mind is so much on where we're going that we miss all the beauty along the way.
And so we don't enjoy the journey.
We're just getting the bus.
On the plane, so I'm just getting a ride with that sleeping.
And you know, just whatever, just until they arrive, they don't enjoy the journey.
I like to enjoy my journey.
Whether it's on land, sea, or air, I like to enjoy it.
I like to see all the beauty of life along the way.
It's a journey.
God also wants us to see all the beauty of life along the way, otherwise we just disappear and reappear.
Yeah, so don't miss all the beautiful things.
You know, someone's telling you a nice story.
The end of the story is going to be very beautiful.
But if you listen to the details of the story, you're going to find some lovely things that you can take with you.
Okay, so this is going to be telling us some stuff.
But along the way, he mentions very viral things.
Look at this.
That's as though he's rebuking them of some kind, but not necessarily.
But look at this.
Do we begin again to command us the errors or need we or some others epistles of commendation to your letters of commendation from you?
Verse two.
He are our epistles, written in our hearts, known and read of our men.
He are our epistles.
You know, oh, of course.
What's this man saying?
He are our epistles.
You are our message.
That's what he's saying.
You are our message.
Written in our hearts, known and read of all men.
Glory to God.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
You are our episode.
So you underline that.
He says, we are the epistles of the apostles.
Okay, that's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
That's the right.
That's wonderful, isn't it?
It's wonderful.
Okay, look at verse three.
For as much as he are, you know, tells us why.
We are such why he could go ahead and say such a thing.
He says, for as much as he are, manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ.

So, this is a bigger truth than the one in verse 2, because it says the one in verse 2 is only possible because of this one in verse 3.
He says, we are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ.
We are the epistle of Christ.
He crumbled our eyes to Bradila.
get your spiritual antenna raised.
That's what I said in the Holy Ghost just now.
That's what I said in tongues.
You see, what is this man saying?
Christ is the word of God.
Now he's telling us that we are the word of Christ.
Are you following it?
For as much as he are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ.
Many said by us, written up with ink,
But with the Spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in flashing tables of the heart, I am be a peaceful of Christ.
God, am I a message?
I said, you are the light of the world.
You are a message.
God is using you to give a message to the world every day.
manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, written by the spirit of the living God.
I'm a message.
I'm a message.
Oh, God.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
I can understand it.
I can understand it.
I can understand it.
I can understand why people look at us and think that we are proud and precondocious.
I can understand it.
You see, there's a way I can't talk.
I can't talk like an ordinary person.
It's not possible.
It's not in my system.
I'm not an ordinary person.
How could I talk like an ordinary person?
It just can't work with my system.
I'm be a piece of love crisis.
I know who I am.
