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5 Lessons on Prayer

Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Prayer is an integral part of our walk of faith.
It is one of the priestly ministries of the believer.
A time of prayer is a time of change.
Watch as Pastor Chris teaches on five lessons on prayer.
When you want to build faith in healing, you study what the Word of God says about healing.
It will build your faith strong.
If you want to have faith in your prayer, you look at what the word says about prayer and it will build your faith strong.
If you want to walk in the spirit, you want to learn more about walking in the spirit, you find out what the word God says about walking in the spirit or build your faith strong.
So I just want to touch on these vital elements
that should guide your prayer today.
And they will also help you distinguish between praying like you're in the old covenant and praying like you're in the new covenant.
They are not the same.
They're not the same.
For example, point number one.
In the New Testament, we pray in the name of Jesus.
That is very important.
So let's read St.
John's Gospel, chapter 16, from verse number 23.
I want you to observe what he says.
He says, and in that day, you shall ask me nothing.
You're not gonna pray to me.
Jesus says, you don't pray to him.
I say unto you, whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, He'll give it to you.
Now I want you to notice what He says.
You don't pray to me, Jesus says.
But whatever you ask the Father, so in the New Testament, you say, in that day, you see, in that day.
And you know this discussion began from chapter 13.
this particular section of the discussion began from chapter 13.
So you understand what day is referring to.
And this falls into the day of
The church, it's the new system, the new way.
It's the day in which it comes back to us in the power of the Holy Spirit and we live in Him.
So in that day, you shall not pray to me.
So we don't pray to Jesus.
In fact, legally, it makes no sense to pray to Jesus in the name of Jesus.
I cannot come to you in your name, you see.
I can make a demand of you in your name.
You see that?
So he says, you shall not pray to me.
You pray to the Father in the name of Jesus.
That's very important.
That's number one.
They didn't have that in the Old Testament, all right?
They didn't have that in the Old Testament.
So you pray to the Father in the name of Jesus.
Now, what does that imply?
When you pray in the name of Jesus, it's as though Jesus is asking for it.
And when you pray like that, it's out of your hands.
I want you to understand the teachings of faith, the teachings that Jesus gave about faith.
Most of that teaching is not New Testament teaching.
He was teaching Israel in the Old Covenant.
He was teaching Israel in the Old Covenant.
For example, he said, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you should do more than what was done to the fig tree.
You say, move from here to there, you can move mountains, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed.
So the question would be, do we have faith?
Once he said to the disciples, how come you have no faith?
Another time it is all year of little faith.
Then he talked about others who had great faith.
Now, why this is important is every one of us that's born again, we have faith.
You see, we're different from the Old Testament where some people didn't have faith.
In Christ Jesus, every one of us has faith.
There's none of us without faith in the New Testament.
I'll show it to you.
I'll show it to you in the back.
We'll go straight to Romans chapter 12 and verse number 3.
Look at it.

among us in the church, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly according as God had dared to every man, the measure of faith.
There's a definite measure of faith that is dealt to everyone in Christ Jesus.
Then you grow that faith, you put that faith to work, you increase that faith, but none of us has zero faith.
Every one of us has faith, because that faith came to us in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Faith comment by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
So when you heard the Word of God, the Word of the gospel, it brought faith to you and imparted faith to your spirit.
So he says, God has dealt to every man.
Every man that is among you that's in the church.
Every man, the measure of faith.
So where you have people who don't have faith is outside Christ.
Outside Christ.
You see, every one of us in Christ has faith.
All right, so that's why, in all the epistles, you don't find us being asked to have faith.
You see, in fact, in seven corners, chapter five or seven, you say, we walk by faith, not by sight.
We walk by faith.
That's how we live.
That's how we walk.
That's our life.
We walk by faith, not by sight, not by sensory perception.
So this is very, very important.
The name of Jesus, when you use the name of Jesus, you don't have to bother about, do I have enough faith?
Do I have the faith?
You got it.
You got it.
When you use the name of Jesus, don't worry about your faith.
The name operates.
The name is a two.
The name is an instrument.

So you use that name?
Demons don't have to check whether or not they got faith.
You use the name of Jesus, they'll have to bow.
They'll have to bow.
The name of Jesus, the Bible says, at that name, every knee, God declared.
He gave a sovereign declaration that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow.
It doesn't say if the user has faith.
doesn't say so.
Because the user has faith.
Every one of us in Christ has faith.
That's why the subject of faith is not even there.
So when James talks about faith and works, you have to understand what is telling you.
He doesn't say you don't have faith.
He's saying, put your works along with your faith because he knows you got faith.
He knows you got faith.
So he says, I want you to put your action with your faith that you already have.
He's not telling you to try to get faith.
No, he says, put your action.
He's only calling for action.
So that's important.
All right.
So the second thing, which is very, very important about prayer in the New Testament is what I've called you, the work and effect of righteousness.
the work and effect of righteousness.
Why is this important?
Once you understand this, oh boy, oh boy, it'll change your life forever.
Now, you know, when I say the work and effect of righteousness, you might be immediately thinking, okay, so how do I get my life right?
How do I do this?
I've got to show it to you in the Word.
What does the Word say?
What does the Word say?
So I will read to you from Hebrews chapter 10, beginning from verse number 16.
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days saith the Lord.
I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I write them."
Now, he is quoting Jeremiah the prophet.
Now, Jeremiah the prophet from Jeremiah chapter 31 and verse number 33, so let's read.
But these shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days yet the Lord.
I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people."
He says, there's gonna be a new covenant, all right?
All right, so let's go back to Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 16.
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days yet the Lord.
I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I write them.
Look at the next verse.
We're just gonna keep reading till I tell you stuff.
And their sense and their iniquities will I remember no more.
Now, this is beautiful.
This is beautiful.
I want you to notice the reasoning of the apostle Paul here.
It's quite remarkable how he comes in here.
So here is still according Jeremiah.
Here's according Jeremiah.
And their sense and their iniquities will I remember no more.
So watch, look at the next verse.
Now, where remission of these is, there's no offering for sin.
You get it?
Because it says, if God sees their sins and their iniquities, I will not remember any more.
So the offering for sin is no longer necessary because the offering was because God remembered their sins and their iniquities.
So if God doesn't remember their sins and their iniquities because of the remission, then
The offering for sin is gone.
Now, that is so important.
I don't want you to miss it.
You're going to know why as we get along.
This is now where remission of these is.
There is no more offering for sin.
Okay, look at the next thing.
Having there for brethren boldness, this is so powerful, look at it.
It says, having there for brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.
This is the most holy place where the high priest used to enter.
So he says, brethren, we now have the boldness to enter.
the holiest, that is the most holy place, by the blood of Jesus.
That used to be what the High Priest had to carry.
He had to take blood into that place.
Now that's abrogated, and he says, by the blood of Jesus, look at this.
We have boldness to enter.
We have boldness.
Now only the High Priest could go in the Old Testament.
All the priests stayed in the other section.
They couldn't go into the holiest.
Now, all of us, all of us going to the holiest, that's the presence of God.
All of us.
All right, but watch this.
Having there for brethren boldness to error into the holiness by the blood of Jesus.
Look at the next thing.
But a new and living way which he had consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh.
Oh boy, look at the next thing.
And having an high priest over the house of God, let us, boy,
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.
Now, this verse contains some very powerful truths in connection with the point I'm making to you.
Three very powerful truths that I want to show you.
Number one is this, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.
That's number one.
A true heart in full assurance of faith.
What's he talking about?
I'll show it to you.
Number two, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience.
Number three, and our bodies washed with pure water.
What is the meaning of this?
Now, here's the point.
Look at it again.
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.
You would think that means that
I'm going to have to squeeze out some faith and try to, you know, come in and try to do some faith.
No, he's telling you the same thing he just said.
We now have boldness to enter, all right?
Boldness to enter with the blood of Jesus.
So he says, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.
So that's not something I can do by myself.
Look at number two, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience.
I can't sprinkle my heart from an evil conscience.
I'll show that to you.
And our bodies washed with pure water.
Our bodies.
I want you to notice no talking about your spirit.
Our bodies washed with pure water.
Okay, so let's start analyzing these three.
and why they're important.
Let us draw near with the true heart in full assurance of faith.
How can I have full assurance of faith?
What's he talking about?
He's telling you exactly what you have in Isaiah chapter 32 and verse 17, because look at it.
And the work of righteousness shall be peace.
The work of righteousness shall be peace.
You remember what we're talking about here?
Being, therefore, declared righteous by faith.
We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
That's Romans 5-1.
That's exactly what Paul's talking about.
And that is what Isaiah is prophesying about here.
The work of righteousness shall be peace.
When that righteousness, when you're declared righteous, when you are quitted, and that acquittal is written there, Romans chapter five was one.
The work of righteousness shall be peace.
And then he says, the effect of righteousness shall be faith.
That's called quietness and assurance because faith is the assurance, the time to deed.
You see it in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1, that's the definition of faith.
So the work of righteousness, peace with God.
The effect of righteousness is faith.
You see it?
This is something that God's work does for you.
The righteousness of God produces peace and produces faith.
Once you understand the gift of righteousness, you walk in faith.
It gives you faith, which is the reason you're able to stand in the presence of God without guilt, without condemnation.
You see it?
You're no longer feeling like, without fear.
No fear, no guilt, no condemnation.
That's what righteousness does for you.
And remember, righteousness is a gift of God.
You don't work for it yourself.
Righteousness is a gift of God.
All right.
Now, go back to that scripture.
Hebrews 10, 22.
We've just there to the first one.
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.
The number two says, having a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience.
How's that gonna happen?
He's saying, it has happened.
Having a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience was referring to.
Go to chapter nine, verse 14.
How much more?
Now, let's read it from verse 13 into 14, you get it better.
For if the blood of booze, and of goats, and the ashes of anapha, sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who, through the eternal spirit, offer himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
So the blood of Jesus Christ, porges your conscience from dead works.
to serve the living God.
So that's what he meant in chapter 10, verse 22, having a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience.
So it's the blood of Christ, the sprinkling of the blood of Christ that pogies your conscience.
It gets your conscience clean, the blood of Jesus Christ.
Now, I want you to mark this very, very important thing because of something else I'm going to show you.
I look at the third one.
And our bodies washed with pure water.
What is he talking about?
Our bodies washed with pure water.
Now, there are several scriptures that will come to your mind, but I want to first just let you understand that it may not be some of those verses that may be coming to your mind.
For example, for example, in Ephesians 5 verse 26, what does the Bible say?
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.
What is it talked about here?
It's the church.
But the Bible says here, our bodies.
washed with pure water, not our spirits.
The washing of water by the Word is not your body.
Then again, in Titus chapter 3 and verse 5, it talks about the washing of regeneration.
Look at it.
Not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to His mercy, He has saved us by the washing of regeneration.
and renewing of the Holy Ghost, the washing of regeneration, that is the washing of the new birds.
So that's not your body.
This is the washing of the new bird.
So what in the world does it mean by our bodies washed with pure water?

All right.
It's simple.
I'm going to show it to you.
1 Corinthians chapter 6 from verse 11 to begin with.
And such were some of you.
Well, you want to get this better, read it from verse 9, from verse 9.
No ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God, be not deceived, neither funnicators, nor idolaters, nor daughters, nor effeminate, nor abuses of themselves, and mankind.
No thieves, no covetous, no drunkards, no revilers, no accessioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
And such wears some of you, but he has washed, right?
He has sandified, but he had justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God.
Oh, so the spirit is involved in this washing too.
But let's see what's more.
Let's see what's more.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 19,

You say, he's what?
No, you're not, that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and he and not your own.
The water God comes to your spirit, right?
But the Holy Spirit is in contact with your body.
When you received the Holy Spirit, he not only worked in your spirit, he took over your body.
We just read it.
No, you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God and you're not your own.
The Holy Ghost took over your body.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
All right, see what it says in Ezekiel chapter 36, verse 25.
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and it shall be clean.
From all your furtherness and from all your idols will I cleanse you.
Sprinkle clean water upon you.
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you.
There are two sprinklings in the Bible in the Old Testament.
Of course, there's a third one which has to do with the ashes of Anifa, but it is mixed with water, so we'll have to classify them as two.
These two sprinklings are the sprinkling with blood and the sprinkling with water.
The sprinkling with blood had to do with sin.
The sprinkling with water had to do with disease.

Did you get it?
I said again, the sprinkling with blood had to do with sin.
You were cleansed of sin.
The sprinkling with water had to do with disease.
You were purified from disease.
Now, why is this so important?
Because of, here's another scripture.
Here's another scripture so you can
capture it.
In 1 John, chapter 5 and verse number 6, we're going to read from verse 6 to verse 8.
This is He that came by water and blood.
Even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood.
It is the spirit that bear witness because the spirit is truth.
Jesus is His came by water and blood.
This is the priest.
He came by water and blood.
Water is for cleansing the body from disease.
Blood is for cleansing the sinner from sin.
And Jesus came with water and blood.
Let me just read something to you from the Old Testament.
Can you go to numbers?
Chapter eight, let's take a look at from verse six.
Take the Levites from among the children of Israel and cleanse them.
and thus shall thou do unto them, to cleanse them.
Sprinkle water of purifying, nor versions is water of separation, water of cleansing, water of purifying upon them and let them shave all their flesh and let them wash their clothes and so make themselves clean.
This is cleansing them from physical fields.
Purifying of sin is a sprinkling of blood.
All right, now for that of water, you can still see from Leviticus chapter 14, you can read from there.
And now go to Hebrews.
So I can give you some scriptures, Hebrews chapter eight from verse 13.

In that he sayeth a new covenant, he had made the first oath.
Now that which decayeth and watcheth old is ready to vanish away.
All right, so go to chapter nine from verse 13.
Remember what he says here?
For if the blood of booze and of goats and the ashes of a knife are sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without sport to God, pause your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
Now remember, this is in the Old Testament he mentioned the blood of booze and goats, all right?
That was supposed to be purging from sin.
Now, go to verse 19, same book, same chapter.
For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled boards the book and all the people, saying this is the blood of the Testament which God had enjoined unto you.
This is the blood of the Testament which God had enjoined unto you.
Look at the next verse.
Moreover, he sprinkled with blood, bought the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry.
And almost all things are by the law, purged with blood.
And without shedding of blood is no remission.
So Jesus says came with water and blood.
Jesus came with water and blood.
All right, now go to that seventh verse, 1 John 5 verse 7 now.
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost.
And these three are one.
That is easy for us.
All right, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost.
These three are one, that's very simple.
But the next one.
And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit and the water and the blood.
And these three agree in one.
So let's begin with the first one.
John's gospel chapter one, go to verse 33.
And I knew him not, but he that sent me to baptize.
Now, this is John the Baptist talking.
And I knew him not, but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, upon whom thou shall see the Spirit descending and remaining on him, the same as he which baptizes with the Holy Ghost.
Next verse.
And I saw and bear record that this is the Son of God.
He says, I saw the Spirit descend on him.
That was the sign.
on whom you see the Spirit descend in the form of a dog.
He's the one that baptizes to the Holy Ghost.
So he says, I saw an unfair record that this is the Son of God.
Stay tuned.
Pastor Chris will be right back.
avail yourself of a wealth of materials on prayer by Pastor Chris on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
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There is a spirit of prayer that rests on you when you invite by desire.
that spirit of prayer.
In you begin that fellowship of prayer, it would belong before you discover the spirit of prayer.
The importance of prayer
Our prayer makes it consistent for God to do whatever He would want to do which it was inconsistent for Him to do had we not prayed.
The Holy Spirit and prayer.
If you pray in tongues, the Spirit of God will bring the mysteries.
the things you need.
He will bring them to your spirit.
Listen, why it's so important that you bring tongues.
Human prayer with human language cannot go far enough.
If you bring tongues long enough, nothing can stop your success.
Nothing can stop your growth.
The Lord's Prayer.
That thing they call our Lord's Prayer when they go our Father with you in heaven, that's the outline of prayer.
Jesus was teaching them.
They said, teach us to pray.
So you want to know what the Lord's Prayer really is?
They go to what he prayed in St.
John's Gospel.
They actually prayed, he really prayed.
And Cyprus heard him and he wrote down the content of his prayer.
These inspiring and uplifting messages are available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app, Pastor Chris Digital Library.
Bringing you the word easier and faster.
God bless you.

Remember, we're dealing the spirit, the water and the blood.
So we move over to St.
John's Gospel, chapter number, chapter number two.

You see something very beautiful there.

We're reading from verse 18.
I want you to listen very carefully to this dialogue.
Then answered the Jews and said unto him, what sign show us thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?
Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple.
And in three days, I will raise it up.
So this is the sign of the temple.
All right?
So he says, destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
Now, remember, there are three that bear witness in the earth, the spirit, the water, and the blood.
We've seen the spirit, with the spirit John testified, he says, I bear record that this is the Son of God.
All right, so go back to
Chapter 2, St.
John, great.
Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple and in three days, they're asking him for a sign.
So he says, destroy this temple and in three days, I'll raise it up.
Next verse.
Then said the Jews, 40 and six years was this temple in building.
I mean, this temple was built in 46 years and will now rear it up in three days.
Well, look at the next verse.
But he spoke of the temple of his body.
When, therefore, he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them, and they believed the scripture and the word which Jesus had said.
This is just so beautiful.
So what exactly does this mean?
I'll show it to you.
I'll shake you.
You go to St.
John's Gospel, chapter 19, and verse 33, we're talking about this temple sign.
But when they came to Jesus, now Jesus is on the cross at this time, and they broke the legs of the teeth on the right side and on the left side,
And then they came to Jesus because they wanted them to die quickly because the Sabbath was ahead.
And they didn't want to leave the bodies on the cross for too long.
But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already, they bred not his legs.
But one of the soldiers with a spare pierced his side and fought with came their out blood and water.
blood and water.
Look at the next thing.
And he that saw it bear record.
And his record is true.
And he knew it that he said true that he might believe.
Oh, glory to God.
Glory to God.
What was John's purpose?
John's purpose always was that he might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing he might have life through his name.
This was his purpose for his writing.
So now he says, and he saw it, he that saw it bear records, and his record is true.
And he knew it that he said true, that he might believe.
What did John see?
Why did it have a meaning to John?
He said, when that soldier thrust a spear to the side of Jesus' blood and water came out.
Jesus had called himself the temple when they asked him for his sign.
So he says, I'm the temple.
Now, if he's the temple of God, John understands something.
He sees blood and water coming out.
Now, I've got a picture drawing, I want to show you.
You look at this picture here, I know the old city in Jesus' day,
Over here is the temple.
Now, of course, I'm aware that some say that the temple was on this temple mount, and others say that it was right here in the city of David.
Now, I have a lot to say about that, but not today.
Because when I want to talk about it, I'll have to show you a lot from the Bible.
But that's not today.
But what's important is this, whether it's here or it's here, between the temple and the Mount of Olives, which is right over here, you have the Kidron Valley.
The Kidron Valley is running through this place.
All right?
Now, every time that Jesus and his disciples for the Bible says in St.
John's Gospel, chapter 18, when you read from verse two, that Jesus went there frequently.
Now, whenever he and his disciples went from the temple area across the Kidron Valley to a garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives, remember, Gethsemane was right there.
Whenever I went to that place,
Water and blood from the temple, from the sacrifices, was pouring down out to the Kidron Valley.
So imagine this.
These disciples, John remembers, every time they're crossing that place, they can see water and blood from the animals that have been slain.
Where's water and blood coming from?
From the temple over there.
and then go across it and go to the Mount of Olives.
So now Jesus had called himself the temple and this strike and take that spirit to his side, blood and water come out.
So he says, he that saw it bear records.
And we know that his record is true.
Because blood and water is coming out of Jesus.
Surely he is the living temple of God.
Proof positive, the spirit, the water and the blood.
Praise God.
How important that is.
How wonderful that is.
So you see that?
The number two, I said, the work and effect of righteousness.
Very important for us as children of God.
So let's read Father in Hebrews chapter 10, where we were.
We were in verse 22.
So I talked about the bodies washed with what?
Pure water.
And that this is the water of the Spirit.
This is our sprinkle clean water upon you.
Not the water of the word, but the water of the Spirit.
We're washed by the water of the Spirit.
Praise God.
All right.
Now, look at the next verse.
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering.
See that?
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering.
For he is faithful that promised.
So what does God require of you?
Hold fast your confession, your confession.
Stand on your confession.
Don't change your mind.
Don't change what he said about you.
Hold on to what he said about you.
Declare your righteousness in Christ Jesus.
Declare your child of God.
Hold on to your profession of faith, the profession of our faith without wavering because he's faithful.
When you pray to God, remember he's faithful.
He never breaks his word.
He's faithful.
He's faithful that promise.
He's faithful, absolutely faithful.
Number three, we are the executors of his will.
We are the executors of his will.
Remember what Jesus said, St.
John's Gospel, chapter 20, verse number 21.
Then said Jesus to them again, peace be unto you.
As my Father sent me, even so, send I you.
That's wonderful.
Were the executors of his will.
As my Father sent me, even so, sent I you.
What does that mean?
If he's sending us the same way the Father sent him, how can we have less than the Father gave him to fulfill the ministry?
We couldn't have less.
As my Father sent me, so send are you.
So he empowers us with the same power that he has.
Trust it, and God will hear you when you pray in the same way that he heard Jesus.
Oh, boy.
All right.
Saint Mary's Gospel, chapter 28, from verse 18.
Look at it.
And Jesus came and speak unto them saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations.
Think about it.
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
All authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore.
on the basis of this authority says, go.
So we have the executors of His will.
So when we pray, we understand that in the New Testament, pray has become a partnership with God.
We are together with Him on the same side, executing His will on earth.
We don't praise something that is inconsistent with the will of the Father.
We don't have any business praying something that's outside the will of the Father.
His will is revealed in our spirits.
His will is revealed in our spirits.
Now, when you walk in righteousness, it's impossible to ask for the wrong thing.
It's impossible.
It's impossible.
You'll never ask for the wrong thing, walking in righteousness.
You'll never ask for the wrong thing.
Because in walking in righteousness, there's no selfishness.
You see, you're always walking in love.
The love of God is the outworking of God's righteousness.
Walking in righteousness is walking in love.
Because love is God's nature.
Righteousness is God's nature.
You can separate them from each other.
Praise God.
All right, so were the executors of His will.
Prayer in the New Testament is partnership with God, carrying out His will, carrying out His purpose.
That's what brings the joy in prayer.
That's what brings the joy in prayer.
Thanks be unto God.
For example, like we've been praying, because we understand through the Word of God what the Father's will is, what the Father's purpose is.
Because we understand it, we are in consistency and in league with the Holy Spirit and fussing His will in the earth.
It's our job to enforce the Father's will in the earth.
That's Christianity.
Number four, we are heirs of the covenant.
Ears of the covenant.
Why is this important?
I won't show it to you.
Ears of the covenant, we are not in covenant with God.
No 1,000 times no.
We are heirs of the covenant, not in covenant with God.
I've got to explain that very carefully to you, because what the Bible says,
in Acts chapter 3 and verse 25, I want you to notice something.
Ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, and in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.
Look at that.
In the same breath that he caused them children of the prophets, he caused them children of the covenant.
They are as much children of the covenant as they were children of the prophets.
They were not in partnership with prophets.
They were the products, the offspring of the prophets as they were offspring of the covenant.
Look at that.
He had the children of the prophets and of the covenant, which God made with our fathers.
Now, but I've got to quickly point out something to you, which is a difference between
The covenant of God made because the fathers is referring to here.
The fathers that he's referring to here in this particular place, he just says Abraham.
So he's talking about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
All right.
Then later on in Jeremiah, in that place where he talked about the old covenant, he was referring to
the generation that came from Egypt.
So there's a covenant.
So when he talks about the first covenant, he's not dealing with the Abrahamic covenant.
The first covenant that he said was nullified was not the Abrahamic covenant.
In fact, if you go to Deuteronomy chapter five, Deuteronomy chapter five,
And take a look at verse two.
Let's read from verse two.
You'd see what it means.
The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.
Next verse.
The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us.
This is Moses talking.
The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us.
Even us who are all of us here alive this day.
You see it?
These are those who came out of Egypt.
They're in the wilderness.
If you read the whole chapter, you'd see he's talking about the Ten Commandments.
That's what he's calling the covenant.
The Ten Commandments, when they assembled before God, and God said, these are the commandments that you must keep.
So Moses says, this is the covenant.
So it was based on these commandments.
After the Ten Commandments, the Bible says they were so scared, they told Moses, we don't want to hear anymore.
Can you just get the remaining information and then come give it to us?
And God said, it's fine.
He says, Moses, tell them to go to their tents.
I'll give you the rest of the information and you give it to them.
So that's the difference.
Praise God.
All right.
In Galatians chapter 3, from verse 27,
Because what it says, for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek.
There is neither born nor free.
There is neither male nor female.
For ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if ye be Christ, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.
So we are heirs.
We are heirs according to the promise.
This is huge.
So if we're heirs, what does that mean?
What do I ask for?
What do I pray for?
What can I ask for?
Ears of God.

Okay, I will explain that when I add the fifth one to it.
Number five, joint heirs with Christ.
We're heirs of the covenant and we're joint heirs with Christ.
All right, now look at what happens here.
Romans chapter eight from verse 16.

Find out whether or not you believe this, what I'm gonna read to you now.
The two passions I'm gonna, I'll read from Romans and I'll read from 1 Corinthians.
And you find out if you truly believe this.
The spirit itself, bear it witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.
And if children, then heirs, heirs of God and join heirs with Christ.
We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.
All right, if this is true, then the next thing.
First Corinthians chapter three.

Let's read from verse 19.
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
For his written, he take it the wise in their own craftiness.
And again, the Lord know it the thoughts of the wise that they are vain.
Therefore, let no man glory in men, for all things are yours.
Okay, what are you asking for?
This is either true or false.
Look at it.
Therefore, let no man glory in men, for all things are yours.
Look at the next part.
whether Paul, or Apollos, or Sifas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come, all are yours.
Look at the next part.
And your Christ, and Christ is God's.
If all things are yours, could this be true?
Absolutely true.
Absolutely true.
Absolutely true.
Absolutely true.
If it's true, act like it.
Think like it.
Walk like it.
Have the mentality of it.
You'd be amazed at what your life turns into.
You be surprised.
Act like it.
Think like it.
Years ago, I began to train myself in the Word to think the Word, because it was given to us to give us a mentality, to give us a way of thinking.
If the Word of God doesn't give you a way of thinking, you haven't given it attention.
The Bible says,
Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
That means give yourself a new way of thinking, change your way of thinking.
Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God, which means you only allow that which is consistent with the will of God to pass to.
Think about that.
So when we pray, when we pray today, think like I'm using the name of Jesus and I'm a peace with God because righteousness, righteousness, God produces peace.
And the faith of God is in your spirit, imparted to you through the Word.
And you think to yourself, I'm an heir of God, a joint heir with Christ.
I'm in partnership
Would Jesus Christ in fulfilling his vision for the world?
Well, that's how I think.
That's what he gave us.
That's what his word makes us think like.
The whole world is ours.
We better think like that.
And as soon as you think like that, the better.
Understand it like that.
See life that way.
And you are a representative of your heavenly Father.
You represent Him in the earth.
You represent Jesus Christ in the earth.
That's why you're using His name.
The Bible says whatever you do in word or deed, do in the name of Jesus.
So in your city, you're standing for Christ.
In your country, you're standing for Christ.
You are the light of the world.
That's who you are.
Why are we doing this?
Why are we doing this?
Why are we praying?
Why do we have this global day of prayer?
We're not asking for things for ourselves.
Let's know what it's about.
And we're not praying just so, so things can be fine for us.
No, a thousand times no.
We're not trying to make our life better.
He already gave us a great life in Christ Jesus.
We're not trying to have a nice life and kind of have some peace.
We're doing this.
To bring the world into consistency with the Father's will.
When we look in the Word of God and we see,
that the light of God is not shining somewhere.
We want to bring the light of God there.
We preach the gospel to bring salvation to men.
Why do we want them to say it?
Because of what Jesus did.
Why do we pray for men so that they can come into Christ's salvation?
That's what it's about.
And when there's trouble in the world, most are not in the position to hear the gospel.
What's the reason for peace?
Why do we want peace in any region, in any part of the world?
So that the gospel can have free course, understand the gospel becomes priority in everything.
Because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.
And the Bible says it is in the gospel that the righteousness of God is revealed.
And that's the greatest thing in the world, the righteousness of God.
to have the righteousness of God in your spirit, to have the righteousness of God in your life.
That's the greatest thing in the world.
And if you're struggling as an individual, if you're struggling with your faith, it's because you don't understand the subject of righteousness.
And I just told you about it.
It's the life and nature of God, imparted to your spirit at the new birds.
You can improve it.
You can be more righteous tomorrow than you are today.
You can be more right.
You can add to your righteousness because the righteousness that you have is the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
You can improve on it.
It's perfect.
All God wants, all He ever wants, is for you to walk in that righteousness.
The Bible says, if you walk in the light, as He is in the light, what does that mean?
if we walk in the light of our justification, because God sees in the light of our justification, if we walk in the light of our sanctification, as He sees us in the light of our sanctification, if we walk in the light of our health, as He sees us in the light of our health.
For example, He is not trying to heal anybody today because He already did it.
He gave you eternal life.
He's not trying to make something happen.
The Bible says he's seated.
He's not working.
He's seated.
All the works were completed from the foundation of the world.
When Jesus ascended, he sat down.
The work is done.
He's not trying to do anything.
He's sent us a preach.
Good news.
Tell everybody it's done.
Tell everybody it's completed.
Tell everybody I've finished it.
Tell everybody all they have to do is receive it.
Well, that's the good news.
That's what the gospel is about.
That's how we're preaching it.
And when we preach it and the blind hears it, the eyes pop open.
The death gets to hear it.
The ears are unstuck.
The lemon leaves as a heart.
Think about it.
Lepers are clenched.
Why is it happening?
Because the gospel is the power of God to everyone that believes.
The power of God unto salvation.
