5 Facts for Spiritual Effectiveness
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Psalm 107 from verse 17.
Psalm 107 from verse 17.
The Bible says, fools, because of their transgression,
and because of their iniquities are afflicted.
So God is not responsible for their affliction.
He says, fools because of their transgression and because of their iniquities are afflicted.
Next verse, their soul aboard all manner of need.
And they draw near onto the gates of death.
Did you see that?
There's loss of appetite.
This is sick and dying.
See, the draw near onto the gates of death.
Next verse, then they cry onto the Lord in their trouble.
Maybe someone's going through some terrible situation right now.
And in your trouble, you cry onto the Lord.
Look at that, he says, then they cry onto the Lord in their trouble.
And he saved them out of their distresses.
That's amazing.
He saves them out of their distresses.
But how?
Verse 20.
Read it together, want to go.
Did he say he sent a prayer?
No, he wasn't a prayer.
He sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions.
Glory to God.
All right.
I want to share with you a five-point message.
I received it by the Spirit in a very special way.
Five facts for spiritual effectiveness.
There are five facts.
And we're gonna draw this from the Scriptures.
And with understanding of these facts, you're going to be so effective as a witness for Jesus Christ.
You're gonna do great things.
Say, I will do great things.
All right, speaking of the tongues.
as you declare that you would do great things.
You are really ready.
So the five facts for spiritual effectiveness
Every one of us in our hearts want to be effective for God, who want to be effective in our lives, for the Lord, who really want to be, except something is wrong with you, you know, but every child of God wants to be effective for the Lord.
So we're going to draw these facts from
Acts 22 beginning with verse 14.
Acts 22 from verse 14.
Now here, it's got to do with the story of Saul of Tassus, as he recounted his experience on the road to Damascus.
and how the Lord appeared to him, and then the Lord sent a man named Ananias to come to him when he had been blinded by the brightness of the light, as shown on him, when he heard that voice from heaven.
And Ananias gave him this message from the Lord.
And how many of you know Saul of Tassus, who was named Paul, became one of the most effective disciples and apostles of the Lord?
Do you remember?
Something must have happened.
Why was he so effective?
So let's go.
You're ready.
Acts 22 from verse 14.
And he said, who said, who said, you're not sure, right?
So let's, let's go back a little bit.
Um, verse, good of verse 11.
And when I could not see for the glory of that light, see he was blinded by the light.
from heaven.
And when I could not see for the glory of that light being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus.
And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, came on to me and stood and said unto me, Brother Saul, receive thy sight.
And the same hour I looked up upon him.
And he said, all right now, who said?
Thank you, you got it.
And he said, the God of our fathers hath chosen thee.
The thou shouldest know his will and see that just one.
And shouldest hear the voice of his mouth.
For thou shalt be, be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard.
Wow, wow, wow.
It's all in there.
This is so powerful.
It's all in there.
And the Holy Ghost was showing me these things.
Now let's pick them out for you.
Number one, it's in verse 14.
So you're right.
Number one, chosen.
I wanna make them very simple, but you've got to listen for the details to know where we're going, all right?
Number one, chosen.
The God of our fathers had chosen thee.
The thou should have known.
Number two, know.
that thou shouldst know his will?
And see that just one.
Number three, see.
And shouldst hear the voice of his mouth.
Number four, hear.
Number five is in verse 15.
For thou shall be his witness.
So number five, witness.
All right, give them to me now.
Number one,
Number two.
Number three.
Number four.
Number five.
Number five.
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Number five
Paul, okay?
You're not Paul.
But if it's God's word, then it goes beyond him because he says, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall never pass away.
And God, he's the father of spirits.
All right?
He addresses the human spirit and the human spirit is eternal.
So when God speaks, you gotta know whether he's revealing principles or is he saying something that only that particular person can act upon?
Can anybody else live on those words?
If they can, you'd know.
The communication tells us
the power of the message.
So here I can see from the Scriptures the message that was brought to him was something that he could prove from the word.
He could look into the words of other prophets and tell whether or not he was receiving a genuine revelation.
or had something gone wrong.
Well, the Lord wanted him to know he was chosen.
He was chosen, chosen to know his will.
He was chosen.
What about you?
Do you realize God chose you?
Does that occur to you?
How does God choose man?
How does he do it?
Am I chosen of God?
Oh, it's not about the particular responsibility that we're dealing with right now, whether you were chosen for a particular assignment, we're not dealing with the assignments at the moment.
were dealing with the call when God chooses you to call you, Joanne.
And then to unveil, did you notice he says the God of our fathers had chosen thee to know his will?
Praise God.
He chose you.
For example, you're in this room right now.
Did you know?
And God never chose you to hear these words.
You never hear them.
They are too important.
These words are spiritual revelations.
Let's read.
First Peter chapter 1.
And we will read
from the new national version, verse two.
Let's talk about you from the previous verse who have been chosen according to the foreign knowledge of God.
chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through the sanctifying work of the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
Look at that.
Chosen according to the foreknowledge of God, which means that God for knew you to choose you.
He knew and he chose you through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
Meaning that the Holy Spirit separated you.
I'll give you an example.
Chapter 1, let's read from verse 15 and hear the words of this same Paul, the Apostle, and how he explained it.
Look at it, it's up there.
Just but when it pleased God, when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace, next verse, to reveal his son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen,
Immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood.
This is so powerful.
Why didn't he say, why didn't he say, when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb to reveal his sound to me?
Because the purpose of that revelation was not about seeing Jesus Christ a far off and hearing his voice from heaven.
You've got to see this.
But when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his son in me, it was not about the revelation of what did I see there?
On the road to Damascus, what did I see there?
The sea and it's not about
Over there.
Oh, I saw Jesus in the dream.
Oh, I saw Jesus in a, in a vision.
Oh, I heard Jesus talk to me.
No, no, no.
The idea is seeing him in you.
Oh, dear, dear, dear.
Dear, dear, dear.
All right.
Well, chosen according to the foreign knowledge of God, all right, through sanctifying work, the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
What was it talking about?
You'd find that in a second.
Now, I want you to go to Romans 8 from verse 29.
Romans 8 from verse 29.
For those God for knew, he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son.
Did you see that?
For those who God for knew, he predestined.
He for knew them and predestinated them to be conformed to the likeness of his son.
God saw you because if he's God, he ought to know the future.
What we call future should not be future to Him.
It should be history to Him.
It should not today is Sunday.
God should know everything about tomorrow Monday.
Otherwise, it's not God.
And tomorrow Monday should not be a tomorrow to Him.
Because you see, the virus is from everlasting to everlasting.
Thou art God.
He is God Almighty from everlasting to everlasting.
Time is an interruption of eternity.
God lives in eternity.
You live in time.
Time is a segment of eternity.
Do you get it?
So God is not bound by time.
He doesn't live in yesterday or tomorrow.
He's eternal.
He's not bound by time.
So you can understand the foreknowledge of God.
You know, somebody said one time, well, if God already knows me, if he's God, he ought to know.
So I don't think it matters whether I believe him or not.
God knows what I'm going to be a Christian, so I'm just gonna leave that to him.
You are terribly wrong.
I'll show you about it.
Romans chapter eight, verse 29.
Oh, for those God for knew, He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son.
He predestinated you to be conformed, to become like Jesus.
But He for knew you.
Look at that.
That He might be, that Jesus might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Then I, the Jesus word, brothers.
And those he predestined, he also carded.
Did you see that?
And those he carded, he also justified.
Those he justified, he also glorified, I could preach for a whole month on this, but not today.
This is so powerful, just wanting you to see something there.
All right, now I want you to go to Titus.
Titus chapter one, book of Titus, chapter one.
This one, from verse one, from verse one.
Listen, this is the introductory part you've got to get it.
Make sure you follow, all right?
God has given you understanding so you can follow.
It's very simple.
All right.
Look at that.
Paul, the servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the fate of God's elect and the acknowledging of the truth, which is after godliness, verse two.
In hope, here's what I want you to see.
In hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie, promised before the world began.
It says, God promised eternal life before the world began.
Hi, verse three, what happened due times manifested his word.
He has brought his word to pass about eternal life through preaching.
which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God as Savior.
Look at that.
He brought His word, His promise of eternal life, to pass through preaching.
We preach the gospel.
God's plan is to make eternal life available to mane through the preaching of the gospel.
That's it.
They can't find it any other way.
They can't discover it in social studies.
They can't discover it in geography.
They can't discover it in human history.
They cannot discover it in science or technology.
It's through the preaching of a gospel that eternal life is unveiled to man.
How does God choose men through the gospel?
He calls it the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
When you hear it, you're given the opportunity to believe.
Every human being can believe.
Believing is a choice.
You cannot say, well, I wanted to believe what I could not believe.
No, believing is a choice.
You can believe from your spirits.
You can believe.
Romans chapter 10, verse 10.
For with the heart, man believes.
You believe with your heart, not with your mind, not with your brain, with the heart, man believes.
You see, so every human person can believe.
You choose to believe or you choose not to believe.
It's a choice.
There's no one who cannot believe because you believe with your heart.
Yeah, chosen.
Isn't that amazing?
All right, Ephesians chapter one, we're gonna read from verse three.
This is so powerful, we're gonna read it together, we're going all the way to verse seven.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who had?
Who had what?
Blessed us.
He's not going to do it.
He had blessed us.
Say, I'm blessed.
One more time, I'm blessed.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
I'm blessed with all spiritual blessings.
Verse 4.
according as he had chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.
He chose us in him.
He chose us in Christ.
He chose us in Christ.
If you're born again, you're chosen of God.
You're chosen of God.
according as he had chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame.
Isn't that amazing?
We are blameless in the presence of God, and everybody blames us everywhere else.
The neighbors blame us.
Our friends blame us.
Our coworkers blame us.
Everybody blames us when something goes wrong.
The only one who's not blaming us is our Heavenly Father.
Why isn't He blaming us?
Because Jesus took responsibility for all our errors.
And now we are presented to the Father, blameless.
Not only blameless, but unblamable.
That's amazing.
And unreprovable in His sight.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
103 yet.
All right, next verse.
Having predestinated us.
There it is again.
On to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will.
He predestinated us.
In Christ's
For destination, you gotta understand this.
There are two destinies for every human being.
There is the natural human destiny that has to do with how you were born, where you were born, all the influences in your life, parental, peers, environment, education,
And your life can be projected for failure or success according to those things.
It's the natural destiny.
Why are certain people dying in Iraq today?
Because they are in Iraq.
If they travel out of there, they may not die the same death.
This is natural destiny.
Natural destiny.
Why they're dying in Syria right now?
Because they are in Syria and some people cause trouble there.
So there's a problem.
If you took that guy out of Syria, he probably wouldn't die the same death.
Natural destiny.
It's not because God did something or didn't do something.
For example, if you go to school and you're educated, chances are you're going to have some refinement in your mind.
You're going to know some things.
In certain places, it might be a chance to get some good job, right?
In some other places, it may not even work.
Then if you didn't go to school,
And you never met somebody who could help you.
You probably will live old and die and be poor.
And then your children will inherit the poverty and they become poor because their father was poor, their mother was poor.
Natural human destiny.
You can project it.
Everyone's in a while, somebody falls out of that.
And things seem to work.
Oftentimes, it's because that fellow was taken away from that environment.
You see it?
That's natural human destiny.
But there is another destiny.
I said, every human being has two destinies at work.
One is the natural human destiny, and the other one is divine destiny.
Divine destiny has to do with God's plan and purpose for his church, where it concerns you.
What do I mean?
God can innovate in someone's destiny and give him his chosen, God's chosen destiny because God's plans intends to use that person to favor the work of God.
He might not even be a Christian.
He might not even know God.
Cyrus was named more than 200 years before he was born.
God named him and said what he was going to do.
Can you imagine that?
Mentioned the man's name and declared his future what he was going to do, all because of God's temple in Jerusalem.
And he was not a Jew.
Persian king.
And you can see that.
Look at Saul of Tassus.
We just saw something.
God intervened in his life and stated what he was going to do.
And all of it had to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So every once in a while, you've got that.
But every human being has either of those two, you're going to follow one of the two.
But the second one, God's divine destiny for every man only begins when he comes into Christ.
Until he comes into Christ, he will only be used as God would decide what happens to cities and men without necessarily what we call a catalyst.
You remember?
It speeds up a reaction without itself being part of that reaction.
Is that right?
Okay, think about it.
When a man's life, God has used him, like Cyrus, to bless the work of God, to engineer the return of the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem and himself dying without God.
never knowing him.
The riots came up, he ascended the throne, did the same thing, died without God.
They were strangers from the covenants of promise.
So there are people that God can use.
For example, you've got to understand this.
This, when you start in the book of Genesis, you'd be amazed at the things you'd see.
In mathematics, they used to talk about completing the square.
Do you remember that theory?
You have people that God allows to come up and grow up just for populating the environment.
Oh my.
Just to make up the ecosystem.
These are truths from the world.
Because the revelation of God was not granted them.
They never heard it.
God said to Abraham, he said, I will not give you the land yet.
He says, because the inequity of the amorites is not yet full.
He says, I'm waiting for the inequity to be full, to come to full measure.
In other words, He was only waiting for their sins to come to full measure and then God would take actions against them.
Can you imagine God just waiting?
Like the Bible tells us about Uza, the young guy who was with the ark, he and his friend, they were there.
And then the Bible says, the anger of the Lord.
When he touched the act, it says the anger of the Lord was kindled against us.
The anger was present already.
He just didn't know it.
But soon as he touched it, that anger was kindled.
God was just waiting for the completion of his sin.
You say, why?
I don't know.
Ask him.
You also have a Bible.
Look at it.
Ask him why.
I'm just so glad that God was merciful unto me.
I'm so glad.
I am so glad that I had the opportunity to hear the gospel and to believe it.
Thank God, thank God.
All right, we're in verse four, right?
Vision's chapter one, verse four.
chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.
Verse 5, having predestinated us onto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of His will.
Verse 6, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He had made us accepted in the belongs.
Oh, and then verse 7, in the home, glory to God.
In whom we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace.
In whom we have redemption.
In whom we have our redense.
He blocked my feet out of the Mary plain.
Set them on the rock to sting.
with a song in my heart to sing it.
And it's a song of praise.
In Him I have my redempts.
I'm not trying to be delivered.
I'm not trying to be redeemed.
In Him I have my redemption.
My redempts from every trouble, from every trial, glory to God.
In Him we have redemption.
That's redempts.
Thank you Lord.
This is amazing.
I am the remission of our sins.
You know, the word translated for giftedness, that should read remission.
That's what the Greek says.
It's a remission of sins.
And here we have the remission of our transgressions, our sins according to the riches of his grace.
So you see, now I understand it's not only Paul that was chosen, I am chosen of God.
He chose us in him before the foundation of the words and predestinated us to be confirmed to the image of his son.
Number two, to know.
He says, the God of our fathers had chosen thee, that thou might as know his will.
So I was chosen to know his will.
I was chosen to know his will.
Oh, hallelujah.
I'm chosen to know God's will.
I'm not in doubt of his will.
I'm chosen to know his will.
Have you ever found yourself in that situation?
You didn't know God's will.
You're trying to make a decision.
You don't know what to do.
And you're thinking, oh God, what is the will of God concerning this thing?
Do I go or do I not go?
Do I choose this or do I not choose this?
What is God's will?
If you talk confusion, you become more confused.
You're a child of God.
Don't talk confusion.
Otherwise, confusion will rise up like a giant and confuse you.
Don't talk confusion.
Don't get worries.
Oh, I don't know the will.
Declare the truths.
You were chosen to know God's will.
You were chosen to know God's will.
Read this to you.
Colossians chapter 1 verse 9.
Colossians chapter 1 verse 9.
For this course, we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you and to desire that he might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
How could they pray for the Colossian Christians to be filled with the knowledge of God's will if they themselves have not been filled with the knowledge of his will?
They're praying for these Christians.
These have just believed.
They're still babes in Christ.
And it says, we've been praying for you.
That you may be filled with the knowledge of God's will.
Because that's our heritage.
We're chosen to know God's will.
Say, I'm chosen to know His will.
Never say again, I'm confused.
I don't know.
No, no, no, no.
When you declare, I'm chosen to know God's will, you are flowing in the words.
And then the words that's ministering to you.
Why do we talk about the word like this?
Let me explain something to you, you got to understand.
The word of God is more than letters.
The Bible says the letter kill it, but the spirit gives life.
Jesus said the words that I speak unto you, the words that I speak unto you, the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.
So God's really so important.
What we're doing right now, if your heart is so open, all right, and you're receiving this word, what we're doing right now is we are fellowshipping the word.
You know, I talk about fellowship in the spirits.
You also fellowship the word.
How did you do that?
As you study the word, you respond to the words.
There's a lot of things that many Christians don't realize, they got to respond to the words.
They study the word and they think like they'll read in newspaper and they just, and then after reading it like a storybook, they drop it.
They're not fellowshiping the words.
Yes, you can study, but you've got to also learn to fellowship the words.
See, you respond to the words.
Like what we just read?
The God of our fathers had chosen thee, the doubt might have known his will.
That's a lot I'm chosen to know your will.
You see, I'm responding to the Word.
I'm chosen.
He chose me in Christ before the foundation of the Word to be confirmed to the likeness of His Son.
Father, I'm chosen.
And I'm confirmed to the likeness of Jesus.
Glory to God.
Predestination is at work in me.
Divine destiny.
I don't go anywhere by chance.
I don't meet anybody by chance.
Glory to God.
That's what it's about.
Destiny, divine destiny is at work in me.
See, your fellowship in the Word.
Now, until you learn the fellowship, the Word, the Word will be a stranger to you.
Who is the word?
The Bible says, in the beginning, what's the word?
The word was with God, and the word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
Then it says, all things were made by Him.
The word is a Him, not an It.
All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.
Oh, glory to God.
Then it tells us the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Jesus was the word technical in human flesh.
That's amazing.
Jesus, the incarnate word.
The word in flesh.
That's Jesus.
Now, you can understand why you've got to fellowship the Word.
See, when you study the Word of God, the Word is God-talking.
Do you understand that?
The Word is God-talking.
As you study the Word, every time, you see, He's the logless of God.
That is divine revelation, the totality of the revelation of God.
That's loveless.
Praise God.
That's God's Word.
But every time, as you study, or you hear the word, every now and then, something pops in your spirit.
That's the Rayma word that comes to you.
That means it's talking to you right now.
That word that you hear in your spirit that's meant for you, for this moment, for this time, for a definite purpose, that is Rayma.
That is the word for you.
And that's the one you need when it comes to spiritual battles.
So stick onto you, the sword of the spirits, which is the word of God that is Rehma, which is the Rehma of God.
That word is called Rehma, not logos.
Can you see it?
And then you start releasing it.
When you release it,
Satan bows.
You know some Christians say, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, bless the bed that I lay on.
That's not going to work.
If you like, you can lie on your bed or kneel by your bedside here.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord, he doesn't matter.
Blessed are thou among women.
What does that mean?
And blessed is the foot of thy womb, Jesus.
Oh, yes.
He's been blessed since, but he's gone to heaven.
Holy Mary, pray for us, seen us.
You're going the wrong way.
Jesus taught us to pray.
And when you pray, you don't call no saints in heaven to pray for you.
Even Jesus said, I will not have to pray for you.
He said, I'm not going to pray for you.
He said, because the father himself loves you.
Oh, you know, some people have this idea that Jesus is somewhere beside the father and begging him on our behalf.
Say, please remember my blood.
Please forgive them, for they know not what they do.
And the father is saying, if not because of you, what I would have done to them.
And Jesus said, please, please, please, papa.
Is that what you're thinking about Jesus in our Heavenly Father?
No, don't think like that.
No, a thousand times no.
Okay, St.
John chapter 16, let's go to verse 23 and just see some facts.
John 16, Jesus is talking here and in that day you shall ask me nothing.
Now, this is Jesus.
He's talking to his disciples.
When he says, in that day, what day?
He's talking about the day of salvation.
After his resurrection, it's the day of the church.
All right?
So he says, and in that day, he'll ask me nothing, barely, barely, I send you whatsoever.
You shall ask the Father in my name.
He's showing them how to pray now.
He says, you pray in my name, not through me.
You pray, there's a difference between praying in his name and praying through his name.
They're not the same.
To pray through his name is to make him a medium.
To pray in his name is to exercise the power of eternal.
There's a huge difference between the two.
He asked us to pray.
So next time, Thomas says, through Jesus Christ our Lord, tell the person you haven't prayed yet, because that person is not going to be answered.
Christians don't pray through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Christians pray in the name of Jesus.
Did you hear that?
Thomas says, what's the difference between that?
If you want to know, try casting out a devil and say, through Jesus Christ, I command you to come out.
He will leap on you.
I guarantee you that, that you know what happened to the sons of Siva?
He said, Jesus, I know, Paul, I know, but who are you?
The Bible says they leaped on them, big them up and tore their clothes.
All seven brothers fled from one demon possessed man.
Maybe that's, see, you can get, you can get by praying prayers of babies for some time.
There are certain babies problems that you can handle praying any way you want.
But the time comes in life, where God's not gonna take that nonsense from you.
And he wants you to grow up.
Then you find that you're praying the same way you used to pray, nothing is happening anymore.
You say, ah, every time I just say, true Jesus Christ, I love something happen.
Now, how why is it not happening?
Because you've been praying wrong.
And the Lord has allowed you until now.
The Bible says he commands all men everywhere to repent.
The times of ignorance, God winged us, but now commands me in everywhere to repent.
Okay, okay, we're not through yet.
Go back to that 23rd verse, St.
John 16.
Yeah, yeah.
Verse 24 now.
He got to, up to now, have he asked nothing in my name?
Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full.
See, he's not never about you asking for something.
He's ready to answer.
He's big enough to answer.
Verse 25.
These things have I spoken unto you in Proverbs.
But the time come at when I shall no more speak unto you in Proverbs, but shall show you plainly of the Father 26.
At that day, you shall ask in my name.
And read it.
Read that part.
At that day, he's just asking my name.
And I say not.
He says, I'm not telling you that I'm going to ask the father for you.
I'm not going to be praying for you.
Verse 27.
Whoa, glory to God.
Nobody needs to beg the father for you.
Saint Thomas, pray for us.
Saint Adidas, pray for us.
Not even Jesus wants to pray for you.
He says it's not necessary because the father himself loves you.
Glory to God.
All right, good Ephesians chapter one, verse nine.
This is powerful.
Have made known under us the mystery of his will.
I was chosen to know his will.
He's made known under us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he had purposed in himself.
He's made it known to us.
It's in our spirits.
For example, there's a scripture, a lot of people quote, and then they, especially when they're giving some prophetic utterances, and they did that for so many years.
But let me show it to you.
First Corinthians chapter two.
First Corinthians chapter two.
Go to first Corinthians chapter two, verse number nine.
It says, what as it is written?
I have not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of men, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
Ever heard those words?
And sometimes, you know, people prophesied that, you know, God's gonna do great things.
I have not seen no ear heard.
Me that read out into the heart of man, the things with God, I prepared for them, I love him.
And then they're still there.
But there's something more.
Look at the next verse.
For God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit.
I refuse to be against.
He's revealed them by his spirit.
So we're not in the dark.
Say, I'm not in the dark.
I'm walking by his lights.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Let me explain something to you.
See, you understand the ministry of the Word of God.
You see, we are spirit beings born of God's Word.
Then he gives us his word.
He speaks to us.
I'm going to show you the blessing, the blessing of hearing God.
You'd see the moment, the blessing of hearing God.
Oh boy.
So when he gives us his word, his word causes us to live according to his message.
Put it like this.
You know, the Bible says God cannot lie.
Because if he told a lie to turn into the truth, he cannot lie.
If you were a woman and you're standing there and God said you are a man, you would turn into a man.
God cannot lie.
If God said you were born in 1820,
Every proof, every evidence will show that you were born in 1820.
Nothing can be done to it.
You will suddenly be old.
You see, God speaks by calling names.
He doesn't need to, he doesn't, when he spoke to Solomon, when he said to Solomon, what do you want?
Solomon said, I ask for wisdom and understanding, all right?
Another version says is knowledge, but French same thing in the Hebrew version.
How did God give it to him?
God didn't say, all right, now, Angel Michael will come downstairs and open your head and put something inside.
He didn't say, okay, I will give you something to drink through the priest.
And once you drink it, you will become something.
No, he didn't say, he didn't give him anything to drink, he didn't give him anything to eat, didn't give him anything to rot.
God said, you have it.
And the man became what the word said.
God said to Abraham, a man named Abraham, he had no children.
His wife was barren.
God said to him from today, you will no longer be called Abraham.
You will be called Abraham because I have made you a father of many nations.
Look at it.
Look at this is amazing.
God didn't say, I will make you a father of many nations.
He said, your name is Abraham because I have made you.
When did he make him?
This is amazing when he changed his name.
This is your name is Abraham.
I have made you.
But God, what does it turn out?
So God's word has no timing.
God is always now, as Moses says, what is your name?
Who shall I say, send me?
He says, I am.
Tell them I am has sent you.
I am, which means is now.
So when God said, your name is Abraham because I have made you a father of many nations.
So in the mind of God, the man was a father of many nations, but as long as he answered the name Abram, meaning exalted or supposed father, assumed father, he could not fulfill God's plan and purpose for his life.
Everywhere he went, they called him Abram.
Abram, assumed father, supposed father, but he had no children.
God said, Abraham, you are no longer to be called Abraham, but Abraham, because I have made you a father of munitions, glory to God.
And suddenly, what happened?
When he began to confess what God said about him, he didn't have a child.
He didn't suddenly discover, oh, well, there's a baby, no wonder there's a baby in the crime in my room.
But something happened to him.
The Bible says he receives traits.
Things change instantly.
He staggered not at the promise of God, true unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.
What was he saying?
Dancing about his name.
My name is Abraham.
I'm the father of many.
And I said, where are your children?
He says, they are inside me, glory to God.
The Bible says, by faith, Sarah receives strength to conceive.
Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye.
Glory to God.
See, the Word of God, when you receive the Word, the Bible says, He said that we might boldly see.
He said that we might boldly say, everything that God has said is for our benefit, so that we might boldly say, boldly declare it.
You're building your life through the words, all right?
Don't wait until you see it.
No, no.
Don't say, okay, if I have a child, I would say I have a child.
No, no, no.
You must see in the spirit first.
You were chosen to see, right?
You must see in the spirit first.
And once you have seen it in the spirit, you don't say when I build it, in architecture, we design the building before we build.
I've seen some people who have finished building, there's no drawing.
After they have finished building, they say, the government said, we should produce drawing.
So what is the drawing?
So we don't have.
So they're not looking for somebody, a draftsman, to start drawing out the building that is already standing.
This is terrible.
The purpose of the drawing is to make sure that you build correctly.
Then when it comes down, you say, I don't know what happens.
Second was I push this building down.
It wasn't Satan.
Glory to God.
You see it in the design first.
You see it in the spirit.
Ay, yah, yah, yah.
Your life has been designed in the spirits.
Can you see the beautiful design?
Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty.
God has shines.
The perfection of beauty.
See, I'm the perfection of beauty.
See, I'm excellence.
I'm beautiful.
I'm excellence.
I'm excellence.
And I display the virtues and perfections of Christ in my life.
Oh, glory to God.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
I'm excellent.
I'm excellent.
I'm excellent.
Then I know it.
I know who I am.
All right, let's go to number three.
To see.
To see.
Oh, chosen.
To know.
Is well.
To see.
Now, for Paul, Saul of Tassus, the Bible tells us,
And I said to him, but God of our fathers had chosen thee, that our mothers know his will, and to see that just one.
But Paul told us, when it peace God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace to reveal his son in me.
In me.
So to see Christ, can you see Christ in you?
Can you see the Son of God in you?
Can you see that life of Christ in you?
For this is the mystery.
This is his will.
The Bible says he had revealed to us the mystery of his will.
What is this will?
What is this mystery?
Now, you can see it.
Let's read Ephesians 3 from verse 8.
Vision's chapter three from verse eight.
On to me, oh God.
Oh, Cela, Congress, Alex, this.
On to me, Paul is right in here.
Who I'm less than the least of all sakes is this grace given.
Oh, that I should preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ.
You need to understand what he's talking about.
You know, they're unsearchable.
I don't know what you're thinking that means.
It means past finding out.
Now, can you turn to the amplified so you can see the incalculable, look at it.
To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, God's consecrated people, this grace, favor, privilege was granted and graciously entrusted to proclaim to the Gentiles, the on ending.
boundless, far-thumbless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ.
World which no human being could have ever searched out shouting in somebody.
Now you can understand, how can you know this and be so calm?
How can, you can understand why we get excited.
How could I know this kind of a thing and be reading to you?
The incalculable, fatless, boundless, and unending riches of Christ.
I mean, I don't love it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Glory to God.
Now you know why we get excited.
Now you know why the church is always shouting.
Glory to God.
It's things like this that we find in the Word of God.
And we know His Word is true.
Somebody said, I went to that church.
They shouted throughout.
Now that's why we shout.
It's all these blessings.
Oh, these blessings.
Glory to God.
It's amazing, amazing.
Let's go again, put it back up there.
This is to me.
Though I am the very least of all the saints, God's consecrated people, this grace, favor, privilege, was granted, and graciously entrusted to proclaim to the Gentiles, the on ending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have set out.
Glory, Hallelujah!
All right, now by the verse nine.
Also to enlighten all men.
Can you see it now?
See why we're preaching and teaching and unveiling God's words?
To enlighten all men and make plain to them.
What is the plan regarding the Gentiles and providing for the salvation of all men of the mystery kept hidden through the ages and concealed until now in the mind of God who created all things by Christ Jesus.
This is amazing.
to make all men see.
He sent us to help men see so that we can unveil to them God's plan.
Why did Jesus come?
What did he come to do?
He didn't come to set up another religion.
No, a thousand times no.
Somebody says he came to die for our sins.
Uh-uh, that was a means to an end.
All right?
If you get in your car and you're going to work, and they say, where are you going?
You say, I get in the car.
I get in the car.
Where are you going?
Say, I'm riding.
I'm riding.
Where are you going?
I'm driving.
Where are you going?
I'm moving.
I'm moving.
I'm in the car moving.
Where are you going?
All the riding, driving, moving is all about where you are going.
It's a means to an end.
Have you ever seen a professional student?
You've got to school for a reason.
You don't got to school so that you can be a student.
Jesus didn't come to die for sins and sinners.
That was a means to an end.
He had to die.
That's why the Bible doesn't talk about if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that he died.
Is that what he says?
Oh, believe in them how the God raised him from the dead.
The power of it is in the resurrection, not the death.
If you can believe in the resurrection, you do believe in the dead, for there shall be no resurrection without a death.
But the purpose is about bringing us into life.
For the barber says, when he died, we died with him.
When he was buried, we were buried with him.
When God raised him back to life, we were raised together with him, Hallelujah!
That's the gospel of Jesus Christ.
That's what we're excited because the life we have now is his resurrection life.
That's amazing.
Oh, that's amazing.
glorious news, glorious news.
Colossians chapter 1, from verse 26 into 27.
Even the mystery
That's the same mystery we're talking about.
Even the mystery which had been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints, to whom God will make known what is the richest of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ.
Hallelujah, not Christ with you, not Christ among you, but Christ in you, the hope of glory.
This is amazing.
Can you see Christ in you?
Can you see Christ in you?
For God of our fathers had chosen me.
He wants you to know His will and to see that just one, but to see Him in you.
Christ is in me.
Christ is in me.
He lives in me, in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, in every cell of my blood.
Can you see Christ in you?
If Christ is revealed in you, there will be no place for any disease in your blood.
You gotta understand it.
He says Christ in use, this is the mystery that had been hid in ages and generations.
But now it's revealed to his saints.
He says, this is the mystery.
This is the divine purpose.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Oh, the hope that you live again.
The hope that you be successful now.
The hope that your life will be glorious.
That no more failure Christ in you.
You may have been diagnosed with some deadly disease.
It doesn't matter if you can see Christ in you.
That'll be the end of it.
Christ in you the hope of glory.
The hope of glory.
That means you're coming back to life.
That means you're coming back to stress.
That means you're going to make progress again.
That means the days of failure have come to an end.
Come on, shout amen, somebody.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Oh, my, my, my, my.
Christ in you.
It doesn't matter how large that tumor is.
Christ in you.
And every tumor would dematerialize.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Something is happening in somebody's spine right now.
Something is happening.
Oh, glory to God.
Christ in me.
Christ in me.
The Christ is in me.
I am victorious.
Christ is in me.
I am successful.
Christ is in me.
Hallelujah and glorified.
Christ in me.
The hope of glory.
Oh, yeah.
So here, number four, to here, how powerful this is.
I told you, there's something about hearing, hearing God.
It says that thou might as hear the voice of his mouth.
Who can hear God and live?
You don't hear God and live?
But thanks be unto God, we were chosen to hear His voice.
What good is hearing the voice if you don't hear the words?
When Saul of Tassus was on the way to Damascus, the voice of God spoke from heaven.
He says, I am Jesus, whom thou persecuted.
And the Bible says, He spoke to him in the Hebrew tongue.
And it wasn't only Saul who heard the voice.
He says, we were all fallen to the earth.
Others, the Bible says, heard the sound and had no meaning of the words, even though they understood the Hebrew language.
Only Saul knew what he was saying because God is a master communicator.
They heard a sound.
They were frightened to death.
They fell down.
but it made no change in their lives.
Do you remember the Chinavizio?
They gathered around the mountain.
God said, call all of them.
I want to talk to them directly.
Moses called them.
They stood there waiting.
Then God began to speak.
The Bible says there were thunderings and lightnings and darkness of darkness.
They saw what they had never seen before.
It was unimaginable.
They were so terrified.
By the presence of God and the sound of God's voice, the Bible says they cried to Moses.
They said, please tell him to stop.
Tell him to stop.
Whatever he wants us to do, who will do?
Tell him to stop.
And Moses called on God.
Please stop.
Please stop.
They are afraid.
And God stopped.
You know what?
When they left there, they said, Moses, we are tired of you and your God.
It didn't change their lives.
Somebody said, if I should just hear the voice of God directly, it would change my life.
Oh, that's heard that same voice.
It didn't change their lives.
It's not about the sound you hear.
It's about the message it contains.
And where are you received that message into you or not is what counts as they are chapter 55.
Now what you read from verse three,
Look at it.
It says, incline your ear and come onto me.
Hear and your soul shall live.
Hear and your soul shall live.
There's something about the Word of God.
Do you realize that every time you hear the Word of God in your spirits, you live?
Remember what Jesus said, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word, by every word, by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
How we need to hear the Word of God every day.
By every word.
He doesn't mean every letter.
By every word.
That means every message that we hear from you.
Every time God talks to us, we live.
We are strengthened.
Every time He speaks to us, we are blessed.
See, just the same way you eat every day.
When you hear the word every day, it does something to your life.
You are strengthened, you are encouraged, and you are projected in the right direction.
Success is yours.
Favor is yours.
Grace is multiplied.
Or because you are eating the words, feeding on the words.
Did you see that?
It says, here and your social live.
What about Jesus?
What does it say about it?
John's Gospel chapter five.
Now, before I show you what Jesus said, let me read something that's close to this.
In Proverbs chapter four, verse 20, we'll read from verse 20, Proverbs chapter four.
Are you there?
My son, attend to my words.
Sounds like what we just read.
In kind of an ear, under my sayings.
Let them not depart from thine eyes.
Keep them in the midst of thine heart."
He's talking about the Word of God.
Next verse, "...for they are life unto those that find them, and held to all their flesh."
Now the word translated, held, is the Hebrew mape.
It means medicine.
It means medicine, which means He's saying, for they are life unto those that find them, and medicine to all their flesh.
The Word of God is medicine.
It has curative powers.
If you meditate on the words, it will destroy that disease.
It will destroy that sickness.
It will destroy that infirmity of the body.
The Word of God is medicine.
He says, for they are life to those that find them.
And my pay.
to all their flesh.
Glory to God.
All right.
Let's hear from Jesus.
John's Gospel chapter 5 and verse 25.
And I want you to listen kindly to him.
John chapter 5 verse 25.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming and now is.
I want you to notice what He says here.
The hour is coming and now is.
Now when He says, and now is, the means right away, this is active.
Why is that important because of what He says next?
It says, very, very I say unto you, the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God.
So he's not talking about those who have died and the time that will come when they'll eventually be raised from the dead.
That's not what he's talking about.
He's talking about those who are dead now.
He's talking about spiritual death.
Then when they got confused, he let them know that even those who are in the grave shall hear his voice as well.
But then he says the time is coming.
In that one, he didn't add and now is because that was futuristic.
But this says, and now is, because it's dealing with spiritual death.
I want you to see it again.
Verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that here shall live.
If you hear the gospel, you live.
If you hear the message, you live.
Hearing the word of God is so important.
When you hear it, you live.
He says, hear the words and your soul shall live.
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
How important is this?
When you fail to hear the words, you're like someone that's starving himself and not eating well.
Tell me, if you stay without eating the word of God for long, what will happen to you?
You can know by checking out people who stay without eating physical food for a long time.
What happens to their physical bodies?
They start getting weak.
weak, weak, and eventually susceptible to disease and infirmity.
They're easily attacked by some germs, by some virus.
The next thing you know, they're so weak and sickly.
You say, what happened?
Oh, I don't know.
Oh, I don't know.
But if you're feeling well, chances are you're likely to have the same problems with those guys.
But the Word of God even helps us beyond what physical food could ever do.
If you will stay in the Word, you'll be healthy and sound.
Keep the Word in your hearts.
Keep the Word in your hearts.
Meditate on it constantly for their life to lose their family and medicine to all their flesh.
Can you see it?
Now you're chosen to hear the Word.
So I'm chosen to hear.
and live.
Do you love the word?
Moses said, it is your life.
He knew it.
He said, the word is your life.
That's what Moses said.
He said, it is your wisdom and it is your life.
Praise God.
Number five.
Are you ready for this?
To be his witness.
To be his witness.
Yes, I'm chosen to be His witness, His witness to the world, thanks beyond to God.
Oh, Hallelujah.
Ah, oh, glory to God.
How could we be quiet?
How could we know these things and be quiet?
It's either they are true or they are not true.
You know, when I began to study the Bible for myself many years ago, I was just a young guy.
You know, I grew up in church.
You understand?
I grew up in church.
My grandfather was a pastor.
And so we were church people all the time.
So always in church.
From children's church to senior church.
You understand?
So I grew up in church.
And I heard a lot of preaching.
My dad was preaching to us all the time.
But I hadn't started studying the Bible for myself.
But when I began to study the Bible for myself, I was amazed at what I saw.
I was shocked.
I was surprised.
I was surprised.
Because as I studied it, I thought, what?
I couldn't keep it to myself.
I had to tell somebody else.
That's when I started winning souls.
I started leading people to Christ because I had seen this thing.
in the word for myself.
I couldn't keep it to myself.
I had to preach it everywhere.
I was preaching it to fellow students in school.
From there, I took it to other schools.
I went to preach in other schools.
I didn't stop.
I had to go to the hospitals to see them and preach to those in the hospitals.
I couldn't stop there.
I started going to the villages.
Are you hearing me?
To the hinterlands, I was going there to preach to them.
to the poor, the poorest of the poor.
Going to preach them, I went to the streets.
I preached to people in the streets.
I went to beggars, I saw them.
Sometimes I sat close to a beggar and preached a gospel to him.
I couldn't stop.
I had to preach it everywhere.
And the more I preached it, the more I cried to God.
Oh God, let not the poor return ashamed.
Let the poor and needy praise thy name.
I'll pray like this.
Sometimes the night time I wake up crying and praying for the poor and the lost, because I was thinking, Jesus is so real.
How could we be quiet?
How could we be so quiet?
I had to tell it.
I had to tell the on-tone, reach the on-reach, because this gospel is real.
This gospel is true.
See, when you see us doing all these things, it's not out of excitement of some kind.
No, it's out of a passion.
It's a passion that's been with me since I was very young.
Once I caught the vision of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I couldn't stop.
It's the same passion at work in me today.
The only difference is it has increased.
You see it.
Because I can see the need more than ever.
I can see the need.
And that's why we're pushing others to preach the gospel because we just get, we can't, we can't do it alone.
That's what we're sending out rhapsody of realities as far as we can, getting on television, satellites, on the internet, using every available means and technology to reach as many as we can.
That's what the gospel is about.
How can you know this and be quiet?
This was my trouble.
How could I know it and be quiet?
I almost left school.
I wanted to leave, I wanted to quit.
I thought, I can't even wait.
I've got to preach the gospel.
It was God who held me back.
Yes, I wanted to leave school and go and preach.
Then the Lord said to me, He said, don't go.
He said, if you do it, he said many young people will use you as an example and they will quit school.
So he told me to stay because he wanted me to talk to a lot of young people.
So I said, okay, I'll stay.
That's why I stayed here.
Are you still there?
We're chosen to be his witness.
How can we explain it?
We were healed and suddenly when that lady was blind, was crying out.
One of the eyes opened.
How could you have helped her with medicine?
How are you going to do it?
But the moment we spoke the words, she received her sights.
This hope for men.
Look at what happens at the healing school.
the thousands of people that have received healing from different nations.
What are we doing?
It is not because of a gift.
It's more than a gift.
The gift points to something, a sign points to something.
When you see a sign board, do you go there and say, Christ, embassy, sign board?
Then you go to the sign board and stop there.
They say, where are you going to say, I have a right?
You don't go to the sign.
The sign points to something.
So the gifts are signs.
These signs point to something, the point to the love of God in Christ Jesus.
Each one of you should understand that you are chosen to be his witness.
Look at the love of God in your heart.
Haven't you seen Christ in you?
How could you be quiet?
You've got to tell somebody else.
And you have to also give into the gospel.
Give into the gospel.
Give into the gospel.
Be a sponsor of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And be proud of it.
Every time we're talking about the gospel and giving for the things of God, be present there.
Be excited to do it.
Are you hearing me?
Yes, because look, this should be your passion.
Jesus should be your passion.
Jesus should be your love.
Oh, that day will come when we will be in His glorious presence and see the Lord Jesus Himself.
Let's read His words.
Luke's Gospel chapter 24 from verse 45.
Glory to God.
You ready for this?
Come on.
See, he was after his resurrection, and he's with these disciples, and he's talking to them.
This was really an amazing story, but that's me.
then opened here their understanding that they might understand the scriptures.
He opened their understanding.
How did he do it?
John tells us how he did it.
The Bible says he breathed on them.
In fact, the new aversion says he blew on them and said to them, receive ye the Holy Ghost.
And when he said that, the understanding was opened that he might understand the Scriptures.
Oh, that's amazing.
That's amazing.
All right, next verse.
Jesus said, he said unto them, thus it is written, and thus it behooves Christ.
It was necessary for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among our nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Oh God, read the next one.
And he are witnesses of these things.
Next verse.
And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you.
But tarry in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endured with power from on high.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Hey, kill your heart.