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Origin, Purpose and Future

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love, rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

I came from God, Jesus said.
I'm from God.
He knew His origin.
He was from God.
He knew His origin.
He said, I came from God.
I proceeded thoughts from God.
I'm from the Father.

Jesus answered, you're right in saying that I am a king in fact.
For this reason, I was wrong.
And for this, I came into the world to testify to the truth.
Go read the truth.
And what about my future?
I return to God.
to reign and rule with Christ.
That's my future.
Think about this and testify to the truth.
He came to show us our art.
He came to show us our purpose in the earth.
He came to show us our future.
Glory to Jesus Christ.
Now I've got to share this important message with you.
Think about this.
Jesus Christ came, hmm, write it down.
Number one, Jesus came to show us our origin.
He came to show us our origin, where we came from.
Secondly, that's number two.
He came to show us our purpose.
Why did we come?
Why does God have us here?

Jesus came to show us our future.
This is important.
Number one, He came to show us our origin.
Number two, He came to show us our purpose.
Number three, he came to show us our future.
You know, Jesus always declared his origin.
He knew where he came from.
He knew where he hailed from.
He knew his origin.
There's no words about it.
Declared his origin and stated very clearly his purpose.
And then his future.
Let's examine a few scriptures along these lines for a second.
Firstly, I'd like you to turn into St.
John's Gospel chapter number 13.

John chapter 13.
This was that period just before the Passover,
Jesus will be crucified.
In the third verse, chapter 13 in John, verse 3, Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God, he says, he rise it from supper.
and laid aside his garments and took a toll and guarded himself.
The part I want you to see is the third verse, verse three, Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God.
What a journey.
He knew that he came from God and that his future was to go back to God, to return to God.
And in between he knew the Father had given all things into his hands.
Jesus was appointed over all things.
He had authority over all things.
Now, remember the writer's saying that.
Or what Jesus said about himself.
Let's look at Saint John chapter number eight.

So in John chapter 8 and verse 42, I mean, you just listen to this most remarkable man of human history, the most remarkable, extraordinary, the most extraordinary personality.
of human history.
Nobody ever talked like Jesus.
Look at this.
Verse 42, chapter 8, St.
John's Gospel, Jesus said unto them, if God were your Father, you would love me.
They're talking to the Jews who surrounded him and they said all kinds of nasty things to Jesus.
And Jesus said, if God were your father, because they said, God's our father.
And Jesus said, if God were your father, you would love me.
For I proceeded thoughts and came from God.
What a declaration.
He said, I came from God.
I proceeded thoughts and came from God.
Clearly stated.
Neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
Jesus said, God sent me.
I came from God.
I'm not here by myself.
I came from God.
He said, if you were from God, if God were your father, you'd love me.
What a truth.
What a truth.
What a reality.
Go to St.
John's Gospel, chapter 16.
16, and we're looking from verse 26.
These are the words of Jesus.
At that day, you shall ask in my name, and I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you, for the Father himself loveth you, because he have loved me and have believed that I came out from God.
Wow, this is the Father loves you because you have loved me and I believe that I came from God.
So Jesus stated again that He came from God.
Now, look at verse 28.
I came forth from the Father.
I came forth from the Father.
He says, I've come here from the Father.
I'm from God.
I'm from God, Jesus said.
I came from the Father and I'm coming to the Word.
I came from God and I'm coming to the Word.
And he says, again, I leave the Word and go to the Father.
See, that's my future.
I'm going back to the Father.
I return to the Father.
I came from God, Jesus said.
I'm from God.
He knew His origin.
He was from God.
He knew His origin.
He said, I came forth from God.
I proceeded, fought from God.
I'm from the Father.
Clearly stated.
Now, what about His purpose?
That Jesus state His purpose.
Did he stay his purpose?

Emphatically, yes.
I'm going to read you a few verses about Jesus and his purpose.
The first one is in Luke's Gospel, chapter 19.

Verse 10, we're talking, why did Jesus come?
What was his purpose?
He says, my origin is in God.
I came from God.
And I'm coming to the world.
So what did he come to do?
See, Jesus was more than a prophet.
Jesus was more than a teacher.
He said, I came from God.
And look at this.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 19.

Word in verse 10.
He says, for the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
The Son of Man is come.
I'm come for these peppers.
The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Here he declares his purpose.
The son of man is gone to seek and to save that which was lost.
To seek and to save that which was lost.
How does he save them?
He comes to seek them.
That means to find them.
To save them.
How does he save them?
How's he going to do this?
Let's read.
Then John chapter, chapter 10,
still declaring his purpose about this salvation.
He says in verse 10, St.
John's Gospel chapter 10 and verse number 10, the thief cometh not but for the steal and the kill and the destroy.
The thief cometh not but for the steal and the kill and the destroy.
I am come that they might have life in that they might have it to the fool.
And Jesus said, the thief, if you want to know who he is referring to calling the thief, you've got to read from verse one, okay, of the 10th chapter and read that whole chapter, you understand it.
But no, he says, I am coming, declare his own purpose.
He says, I am calm that they might have life.
He's referring to the sheep.
He's referring to the people.
that they might have life and that they might have it to the full.
The King James translation says more abundantly to have life.
He came to give life.
That's the way he saved them.
He gives them life.
Jesus came to give us life.
Glory to God.
Chapter 18, St.
John's Gospel, chapter 18.
And this time we're reading verse 37, St.
John chapter 18 and verse number 37.
This was in his encounter with Pilate, the governor.
And that 37th verse, I think it's better
to read some of the dialogue to you.
I'll just give you the background.
You know, Pilate's question in Jesus is asking him, are you a king?
The people say you're a king.
Are you really a king?
Who are you?
What have you done?
And so on.
He's questioning Jesus.
And Jesus answered him clearly.
In verse 36, I'd like to read from verse 36, Jesus said this, Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this word.
If my kingdom were of this word, then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews.
But now is my kingdom not from the ends.
Pilate therefore zeron to him.
Adau, a king then, because he says, my kingdom is not of this one.
So Pilate said to him, are you saying that you're a king?
Are you a king then?
Jesus answered, that will say as that I am a king.
The Greek construction here is a little difficult in the English.
And that's why you read it like this.
You get it like this.
But I want to read from a newer version for you to understand exactly what Jesus said.
I'll read to you from the new national version.
37 verse.
Pilate said to him this, he says, you are a king then, said Pilate.
Jesus answered, you are right in saying, I am a king.
He says, you are right in saying that I am a king.
So Jesus declared that he was a king.
Now, there's more.
I'll just read the rest of it from this verse so you can get it.
Jesus answered, you're right in saying that I am a king.
In fact, for this reason, I was born.
And for this, I came into the world to testify to the truth.
Glory to God.
Oh boy.
Glory to God.
Listen to it in the King James.
It gives it a terminology that is very strong now.
I'll show it to you.
So I read again from the beginning, verse 37, Pali, therefore said unto him, Adao, a king then, Jesus answered, thou says that I am a king.
To this end was I born.
See, for this purpose, I was born.
And for this course came out into the world that I should bear witness unto the truth.
Jesus came to bear witness unto the truth.
Everyone that is of the truth here at my voice.
And Pilate, of course, was confused and said to Jesus, what is truth?
What is truth?
Well, look at this.
Jesus said, I came to bear witness, witness onto the truth.
Look at it.
The first thing Jesus said, I am calm to seek.
The Son of Man is calm to seek and to save that which was lost.
I came to seek and to save the lost.
Then he said, I am calm that they might have life and that they might have life to the fool.
I came to give them life.
And lastly, he says, I came to bear witness onto the truth.
I came to bear witness to testify to the truth.
What is truth?
Truth is reality.
Jesus says, I am the truth.
Glory to God.
Oh, I've got to explain some of this to you.
Explain some of this to you.

Let me read something more, what Jesus said, so he can get a glimpse of the thinking of this extraordinary personality, the Christ, Jesus.
Chapter eight, St.
John's Gospel, chapter eight, in we'll read verse 23,
Now everyone here, you can read that verse.
Read that verse.
Want to go.

Jesus said,
You are from beneath.
This is so powerful.
You are from beneath.
I am from above.

In a sense, if you understand what Jesus is saying here, it's terrifying.
in one sense, terrifying for those who don't understand the reality of the kingdom of God, who haven't received salvation and glorious for those who have received salvation.
You know what Jesus is saying?
I tell you, let's read again, read again and examine this, read again, because remember when Jesus talked, he talked truths, he talked truths.
He never spoke assumptions.
Look at this.
And he said unto them, He are from beneath.
This is a declaration.
He are from beneath.
I am from above.
Now let's look at it.
Jesus said, I'm coming to the world.
So Jesus was in the world when he was speaking these words.
Now, if I am standing here and I say to you, something is beneath.
That means it is somewhere lower than I am.
Not where I am, but somewhere lower than I am.
If it says above, it means beyond here, upward.
Now, Jesus said, ye talking to the natural man.
the Jewish people because they didn't have eternal life.
And Jesus that I came from above, then He says, He are from Benite.
That's your origin.
Where is Benite?
What's Jesus talking about?
Where is Benite?

Where is Benite?
Let me read the rest of it.
Listen, from verse 23.
And he said unto them ye are from beneath, from above.
Ye are of this world, I am not of this world.
He didn't say ye came from this world.
He said ye are of this world.
But where are you from?
From beneath.
He says you are from beneath and belong to this world.
Then it says, I am none of this world, I don't belong here.
I am from above, even though I am in this world, I don't belong here.
He says, see, he was in the world, they were in the world, Jesus says, I am from above, ye are from beneath.
You are off this world, you belong to this world, I don't belong to this world.
So Jesus said, now, verse 24, I said there for unto you that he shall die in your sense, for if you believe not that I am he, that it's I am the Messiah, I am the Christ, the one to save you.
He says, you shall die in your sense.
If you don't believe, you shall die in your sense.
You got to believe to be saved.

Then said they unto him, who are thou?
And Jesus said unto them, even the same that I said unto you from the beginning, I'm the same person I've been telling you I am.
They said, who are you?
Because he's telling them, I am from above, here from beneath.
Now, what Jesus mean by here from beneath?
What's beneath?
To understand this, he got to read the scripture because Jesus was speaking to them in clearly spiritual language that they understood.
because the prophets had spoken.
And Jesus was using terms and terminologies that the prophets had used themselves.
And they were acquainted with the message of the prophets.
Now, let's see what Jesus is talking about here.
Amazing words.
Amazing words.
Let's begin with Proverbs.
Book of Proverbs, chapter 15.

From verse 24.
Proverbs, chapter 15, verse 24.
The way of life is above to the wise, but he may depart from hell beneath.
The way of life is above to the wise.

That he made the part from hell beneath.
Hell beneath.
Now here's the description.
He says, hell is beneath.
This is a spiritual location.
So it's not like when you say on my feet.
It's not talking about on your feet.
So he's dealing with a spiritual location.
He says, Benite.
And since these are the words of the prophets, it means that these are things that are revealed by the spirits.
Hell, Benite, Arduguin.
The way of life provokes 1524.
The way of life is above to the wise, that He made depart from hell beneath.
The way of life, what Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No man comes to the Father but by me.
So, who is the Father?
The Father is above.
So he says that he made the part from hell beneath.
Which means when Jesus was saying, you are from beneath.
He's saying to them, you're from hell.
You say, what?
I can give you a little more.
Glory to God.
Isaiah 14.

Now you can understand why Jesus said, you must be born again.
You must be born again.
Your good works can save you.
You must be born again.
Verse 9, Isaiah 14, he says, have from beneath.
Can you see that again?
Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming.
It stared up the dead for thee.
Even all the chief wands of the earth that had raised up from their thrones, all the kings of the nations.
Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming.

Hell is beneath, spiritually, down.
So when Jesus, you are from beneath, they're talking about the regions of darkness.
They're talking about the regions of darkness.
That's the place of the damned.
Now you can understand why Jesus is a man must be born again until a man is born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
Again, remember the scripture.
Let's examine something from over in the New Testament here.
First, a piece of John, chapter three.
And I'm looking at verse 10.
He says, invest the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil.
Look at it.
You don't have to become a child of the devil.
You can only become a child of God.
See that?
You can only be born again to become a child of God.
Every human being is born
a natural man, born into sin, born into darkness.
You've got to receive the life and nature of God.
You've got to receive Christ Jesus into your heart, into your life, to be born again, to come into the light.
Every man is born into darkness.
And so he says here,
In this, the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil, whosesoever God not do it not righteousness is not a God.
Neither he that love it, not his brother.
I wish I had time to explain more of that to you.
But look at this.
He distinguishes between the children of God and the children of the devil.
See, so, what is he saying?
He's saying that
while we're in this earth, not later on, right now.
There are those that God describes as the children of a devil, and there are those that He describes as the children of God.
Now, to be a child of God, you've got to be born again.
You've got to receive Jesus Christ because He's the one who came to seek and to save that which was lost.
And Jesus is the one who's come to give us life, to give man life.
He's the one who came to testify to the truths, glory to God.
Amazing reality.
So, like you have sounds of God and Baba says, our citizenship is in heaven.
Philippians chapter 3 verse 20, our citizenship is in heaven.
What about the other guys?
Their citizenship is in hell.
We just found it.
We just found it.
The citizenship, the spiritual citizenship is in hell.
And that's why they've got to be born again.
That's why we've got to preach the gospel.
That's why Jesus came to rescue men from hell.
Because every man must return to where he belonged.
You're gonna have to return to your origin.
Jesus said, I came from God and I go to God.
If you came from hell, except you're born again, that means, you know, when you're born again, you're born from above.
You see, you become like Jesus.
You're from above because the life that he gives to you is from above.
You have, it says, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
So the old life that came from hell is dead.
You have a new life and that new life.
Glory to God takes you to heaven because it came from God.
Oh, Hallelujah.
A life from God cannot go to hell.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
See, everyone's going to have to go back to his origin.
Jesus, I came from God and I go back to God.
He came to show us our origin.
He came to show us our purpose in the earth.
He came to show us our future.
And here is the responsibility of every one of us.
We've got to know our origin.
We've got to know and declare our origin.
Now that you're born again, you declare I am born again.
I'm a child of God.
I am from above.
I'm a child of light.
That's what the Bible says.
First thessalonians chapter five, gotta read this to you.
First Thessalonians, chapter five.
And I want you to observe
What the word says?
He's talking about us.
He's not talking about everybody because the epistles were written to the church.
They were written to Christians.
They're written to those who are born again.
So this is one of those letters written to us who are born again.
And notice the tenses.
Notice the remarkable expressions here.
From verse 5, ye are all the children of light and the children of the day.
We are not of the night nor of darkness.
You see, we don't come from the regions of darkness.
We come from light.
We are the children of light.
We are the children of the day.
Glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
If you look at verse nine of the same book and same chapter, it says, for God had not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory to God.
He's appointed us to salvation.
We are appointed to salvation, not to wrath, not to the judgment of God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So here you see why we've got to preach the gospel, testify to the truth.
Look at this now.
This is powerful for you.
Number one, your origin is from God.
So like Jesus, I declare, I'm from God.
My origin is from God.
I am from God.
I am from above.
I'm a child of light.
I'm from above.
What about my purpose?
Just like Jesus.
I'm out to save the lusts.
I'm out to seek and to save the lusts.
I'm out to give life to those who are spiritually dead who haven't found Jesus, who haven't received Jesus.
I give life.
I give life.
I bring life.
It's my ministry, Hallelujah, to bring life
And thirdly, I testify to the truth.
I bear witness to the truth.
Jesus Christ said, I am the truth.
So I bear witness to Jesus Christ.
Oh, glory to God.
I bear witness to the truth.
I testify of Jesus.
And what about my future?
I return to God to reign and rule with Christ.
That's my future.
Think about this.
I'm testifying to the truth.
Glory to God.
So that's my purpose.
You see, I know my origin, I came from God, and I'm here now.
And before I check out on this work, when we go to God, we've got a job here.
to testify to the truth, to bear witness to the truth.
That's the reason for our TV programs.
That's the reason for our books that were released.
That's the reason for our absolute realities.
That's the reason for the healing school.
That's the reason for all these things that we do, carrying out ministry.
So when we talk about partnership, that's what it's all about.
Partnering for the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only means of salvation.
It's the only means there's no other way.
There's no other way.
The Gospel is the only way for salvation because it's about Jesus.
Who's Jesus?
Write this down.
I'll put it down for you.
Write it down.
Jesus is the Word of God incarnate.
He's the Word incarnate.
Oh, amazing reality.
The Word of God took on flesh.
The Word of God put on a body.
When Jesus walked the streets of Galilee and Jerusalem and Bethesda and Bethesda and Betsida, he was the word, walking.
Think about it.
The same word that made this word.
When God said, let there be light and there was light.
He spoke in creation, came into being.
He spoke in creation, lived into being.
That word put on flesh.
So Jesus is the word of God incarnate.
Number two, he's the love of God revered.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.
You know, we say love is in the heart.
Yes, but when it's revered, you find Jesus, when they encounter Jesus, they encounter the love of God.
Hear him in the city of Nain, a woman whose only son had died.
She was a widow, nobody to help her.
And she's weeping as they carry the body of her son for burial.
Jesus turns and sees her far away and works toward them, stops the troop, touches the bear, and says, son, arise.
And the boy stands up, Jesus is full of compassion.
He was compassionate to the woman because everything she had was gone.
And we start this boy back to the dear mother.
What a joy.
What a joy.
What a joy.
What a joy.
He's heading somewhere.
He's heading somewhere.
A man is desperate because of his daughter.
This is my daughter's dying master.
Please come help me.
My daughter's dying.
Jesus is touched and says, I'm coming to help you.
And on his journey, a woman who's sick, dying from hemorrhage, she's hemorrhaging onto death, suffering for 12 years.
She hears about Jesus and the Master's passing by as she hurries to her.
Jesus, afraid that the crowd might kick her out, stretches her hand to the crowd to touch the Master's gum.
and she's gloriously healed.
Jesus told us around this who touched me.
If I perceive that virtue's gone out of me, the woman was touched by the power of God and healed.
Jesus said, that faith had made the whole.
Compassionate Son of God.
He was the love of God revealed.
Every step that Jesus took was the step of love.
Every word that he spoke was the word of love.
He was the love of God revealed.
Artimately, he died on the cross for us and he's accused us.
He's hate us.
As a spatter him.
Nailed him to the cross.
He's hanging there.
Still with the eyes of Lavi looks at them, says Father, forgive them.
They don't know what they're doing.
Forgive them.
They ignorant.
Forgive them.
Forgive them.
What a prayer.
What a prayer.
What a prayer.
What a prayer.
What a prayer.
He should have been saying, I'm coming back for you.
He should have been sent out this trial of you.
But no, his father forgives them.
They don't know what to do.
And still gives life to these wicked.
He was the love of God revered.
Oh, glory to God.
Oh, glory to God.
To know Jesus is to know love.
That's what it is.
Here's the love of God revealed.
Jesus, the wisdom of God manifested.
Oh boy.
Oh boy.
What's wisdom?
Wisdom is not the reason in faculty.
Wisdom is not knowing how to do what.
Wisdom is not knowing what to say.
Wisdom is the mind of God manifested.
circles, co-pravita, wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, the thought of the Father manifested, the idea of the Father, the opinion of the Father manifested to us.
What does he think?
How can he be done?
Glory to God.
What is the answer?
The voice of wisdom.
Jesus was the wisdom of God manifested to us.
How did he know?
How did he know that he could take
two loaves and five fishes.
How did he know he could feed 5,000 men with that?
How did he know?
How did he know he could walk on water?
How did he know?
How did he know that a man, one of his disciples could go to the river and put his hook into the sea and catch a fish and bring out a coin from its mouth?
How did Jesus know?
He was the wisdom of God manifested.
How did he know that the disciples at all all night long come catching nothing?
They said, Master, we've told all night long
There's nothing here the master says cast your net to the side of the boat and you shall find they cast their net and the fishes come in and they can't draw this out now too much.
Fish is inside too much.
Where did he get that from?
Here's the wisdom of God manifested.
Oh, glory to God.
Glory to God.
How did he know to speak the right words?
He said the right words at the right time.
The wings are boisterous.
The waves are roaring.
Jesus speaks two words.
You see, it tells peace.
Be still.
In the Greek, it's two words.
It's two words.
In English, you break it into three, but it's two words you speak.
And there's calmness.
How did he know to say that?
How did he know?
How did he know?
Thank you, Lord Jesus, because he is the wisdom of God manifested.
Boy, take this one, can you handle this?
Jesus is the righteousness of God unveiled.
Oh boy.
Oh boy.
How can we take this?
Understand this.
They worked so long.
They worked so hard trying, trying to please God from the law that couldn't even understand the law.
They tried their best.
They were trying every day, trying to please God with their works, but they never cooled.
Men, Jesus walked in.
He was the righteousness of God unveiled.
The Bible says, as they read the law, the veil was on their hearts.
They couldn't see the righteousness of God.
No, they couldn't.
They couldn't.
They couldn't.
Because the veil was there, it blinded their eyes, covered their hearts.
But when Jesus came, righteousness was on view.
Righteousness was unfilled.
Jesus was the righteousness of God, unfilled.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
What an honor for us to preach Jesus, and tell the untold.
Preach His name everywhere, because that's what we have become.
His name is exactly like Him.
Today we are God's word in canids.
We are the love of God revealed.
We are the love like Jesus did.
We are the wisdom of God manifested because we are His Word encapsulated.
The righteousness of God unveiled.
No wonder it tells us that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Then I said, no wonder.
Look at it.
In Christianity, I'm translated.
In Christianity, I'm transfused.
I'm transfigured.
In Christianity, I'm transmuted.
Glory to God.
Think about it.
This is the glory of God.
Worship Him.
Thank Him.
It's the glory of God.
Magnify Him.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
How glorious.
How glorious.
How awesome.
How wonderful.
How wonderful.
How wonderful.
There's none like him.
None like him.
You can understand why I love to preach the gospel.
There's none like him.
There's none like you.
We trust you were blessed by this message.
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Thank you.