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Volume 1

The Bible says in 1 Timothy chapter 2, verse 1 to 4.
I exhort therefore that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, but made for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead our quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
Our world today has been devastated with fake news and attempts of the devil to bring in the new world order.
The man of God, Hasterkris, in this audio leads us through several prayer sessions as we pray for the nations of the world
Lord of glorify You're greater than all Your kingdom is a never lasting kingdom It shall never pass away Thank You for giving us the name of the Lord Jesus
to live in that name and by that name.
Thank you for the authority in the name of the Lord Jesus.
He said that his name every knee has to bow.

That is mighty name.

You've given him a name that is above every name.
The name that is above every government, above every title, above every authority, above every seat.

We have broken the power and influence of Satan and his demons over the nations.
Over the governments of the world, we declare authority over them.
They will not dictate how we live, how we worship you, where we worship you.
They will not.
We have destroyed their influence.
We have destroyed their authority.
the power of the Holy Ghost and the power of the Holy Ghost.

As we proclaim your name over every nation, Satan powers.
Satan has no authority
over any of these countries, over any of these cities.
We proclaim the name of Jesus over them.
We proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus over the nations of the world.
And at His name, every knee boughs, every knee boughs, Satan boughs, they prokusata kavai kasi.
We cast out the spirits that are responsible for this deception.
We cast them out of the nations, the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
We cast them out.

We cast them out of the nations.
There's demons of afflictions.
We cast them out of the nations and by the name of Chiyasis.

devils of pestilences.
We cast them out of the nations, and the parabola goes, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We cast them out.
They will proceed no further.
Their deception is known.
Their deception is revealed.
and they are resisted completeness, resisted in every nation, in every nation.
We dethrone their powers, the Holy Ghost, the Soul and the Ka'varaka, the Sotiki.
We claim our cities back.
We claim our nations back.
We claim our streets back.
But of parabaholigos who destroyed the influence of Satan over them.
Completely parabaholigos.
Say karabah kontorobos.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
Say karabah.
We destroyed His darkness in the name of Jesus Christ.
There's darkness over the nations.
We take it away.
By the power of the Holy Ghost, we take it away.
We take it away.

We destroy the influence of Satanism over the nations.
We destroy its power in the name of Jesus Christ.
We destroy the power of humanism.
We destroy it in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost.
They shall not rule over the nations while working.
They shall not prevail.
They shall not prevail.
In the name of Jesus Christ, every devil abars, making suggestions to leaders of missions.
At this time,

concerning dominance, totalitarianism, which we are witnessing right now.
What's coming in in these guys, what's in the disguise of dictatorships,
in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
We come against you demons of darkness.
We come against you evil spirits of darkness.
We caught you off.
We caught you off of the governments.
We caught you off of our cities.
We caught you off of our streets.
We caught you off of the nations in the mighty name of Jesus.
We become our streets back.
We become our cities back.
We become our schools back.
We become our churches back in the name of Jesus Christ.
We become our social life back in the name of Jesus Christ.
We become our offices back in the name of Jesus Christ.
Lose your creep.
Get out of the governments.
Get out of our streets.
Get out of our cities.
Get out of our schools.
You demons of darkness, we expel you from the schools.
We expel you from the governments.
We expel you from our public places.
We expel you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Be gone.
We cut you off by the power of the Holy Ghost and the blessed and mighty name of Jesus Christ.
We expel you.
Jesus said in my name, they shall cast out devils.
We cast you out in the name of Jesus Christ.
We are not afraid of you devil.
Far in the name of Jesus.

We change things.
By the power of the Holy Ghost.
We take authority in the realm of the spirits.
We refuse to continue to allow this.
The streets belong to us.
The cities are ours.
You blessed us.
The earth is the Lord and the food as they're off.
The war and all that is in it.
Power belongs to God.
And so in the name of Jesus, we take back.
We take back.
We take back.
We take back.
We take back our cities, our streets, our churches, our schools, our offices.
We take them back in the name of Jesus Christ.
In every nation, Marakapunta, Tarabagi de Rías, Li Cravando, Rondegre, Garamazatia.
We come against the spirit of fear and intimidation.
You devil of fear.
You devil of terror.
In the name of Jesus, we bind you.
We command you to the path from the governments.
We command you to the path from our streets.
We command you to the path from our cities.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
Lose your grip on the cities.
Lose your grip on the nations.
Lose your hold in Jesus name.
We cut you off.
Mount across the Rodriguez.
Now we reassign the desolate streets, back to angels, in the name of Jesus, angels of God, to patrol the streets, angels of God in every nation, by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus Christ, the release of angels, to change everything for the glory of God.
Manduragaprandelegrescoradiba handa bleeralabranto sariadas.
Worship him, everybody.
Worship him.
Wherever you are, worship God.
Worship him.
Worship him.
Thank you for the nations of the world.
Thank you that the spirit of God is moving all over the world.
All over the world.

and the Antichrist's spirit of darkness is subdued, beaten down before us, in every nation, in every nation, and his works are crumbled in every nation.
Kari Gosati Makante Kilahas, you said, through the voice of the Lord, shall Yasseri and be beaten down, and we've beaten him down.
by the Word of the Lord, by the power of the Spirit of God.
Father, we thank You.
All the nations are Yours.
Khandiguragilabastokari mahandigaridagastis.

The powers of darkness are fallen.
They are fallen.
They are fallen.
And they will not rise again.
They are fallen.

Because we have authority over them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And the power of deception is broken in the name of Jesus.
Broken in every nation.
In every state, in every city,
And we are exercising the dominion of Christ in every nation.

The name of the Lord Jesus shall be glorified.
The name of the Lord Jesus shall be honored.
The name of the Lord Jesus shall be magnified in every country, every nation.
For the nations belong to Him.
And the Bible declares that the Lord is the governor among the nations.

And right there where you are, call the name of your country and say your country is not for sale.
It is not for sale.
It is not for sale to the highest bidas.
It is not for sale.
Your nation is not for sale.
But those who want to buy your country, your nation, your country is not for sale.

Your country is not for sale.
Bar Cora Cabaya.
Ligaraba Sondalaba Que Tarabahaya.
Those forces of darkness that want to possess your country, we break their power and their influence in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Your country is not for sale.
Vante Corabagasata, Ligaraconda Lira Bondo Ligradescue Poramajaya, Zegrodoske, Bicarabate Calamajande, Ligarabaconda Lobosia, Baketeria, Laga Raba Soto Corabande.
In the name of the Lord Jesus we break the power of the under Christ spirit.
We break the power of witchcraft over the cities in the name of the Lord Jesus.
They will not prevail.
They will not prevail.
We have frustrated their actions by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the name of the Lord Jesus, in every city, in every state, in every country, Satan shall not proceed, which craft shall not have power over them, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ashuramanta Kalaman de Gradiz, we've delivered the nations from the influence of Satan in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Because this is not his day and this is not his time and he cannot run them now.
And he will not, he will not, he will not, he will not proceed.
He cannot continue.
Mashi Kabarabadi.
Liba casa tarabagos.
And we bring the world, we bring the nations in the sync with the will of the Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
The power of the Holy Ghost, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
We destroy, tortoise, and its influence over the nations in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The power of the Holy Ghost.
The power of the Holy Ghost.
The power of the Holy Ghost.
Satan has no authority over these nations.
He doesn't have power over them.
This is not his time.
He cannot run them.
He cannot run the governments of the nations.
He cannot run the governments of the cities.
He cannot run the governments of the states of Calist.
He cannot run them.
He cannot run the world.
It's not his time.
We maintain that it is not His time.
We maintain that there is a day coming that set aside for Him and He cannot do it before the time.
And we stop Him in the name of Jesus.
He cannot do it before the time.
He can't dominate the churches of Christ.
He can't dominate the world.
He can't do it.
And so we frustrate His works and His agenda by the power of the Holy Ghost.

We cancel that work in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We frustrate the distribution of the vaccines.
All that is canceled by the power of the Holy Ghost.

These nations are delivered from the hands of Satan.
He cannot destroy them.
There is Finland, there is Sweden, there is Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Tunisia,
There's many of them.
Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ireland,
Mongolia, China, but Myanmar, India, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, China, Indonesia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Zimbabwe.
The power of the Holy Ghost on these nations, the United States, Mexico, Canada, Raca Basundalabaje, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Lica Raca, Baba Secherable de Robosilla, Namibia, Shakata Raca Santo, Colombia, Australia, Singapore.
Satan cannot destroy these nations.
South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saka, Raba, Saite, Kidney, Mandana, Bahi, Gropa, Sevra, Sevra, Sevra, Sevra, Sevra, Glee, Bla, Gla, Da, La, Da, La, Da, La, Da, Rachoski, Cuba, Bahamas, Jamaica.
Belize, Honduras,
Guacamela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Argentina, Moreradege, Boula, Seglete, Gabaradalas, Unposele, Marcanilla, Gabaya, Gabon, Portugal, DRC, Central Africa Republic.
Oh, glory to God.
Zambia, Mozambique, Botswana, Lesotho, Maragasca, Sisher, Faki, Kelethro, Dobro, Legebras, Shilanka, Seren cannot take over the nation.
Seren cannot destroy the nation.
We frustrate the efforts of Satan, over these nations.
We break his home, over the countries, in the name of Jesus.
We call him over the government of these nations, by the parable Holy Ghost.

We're praying for Russia.
In here, North Korea.
Here now.
Sata Karla Mandevo for a city.
Raka de la Dada Moza.
Shaeke Reboos Sansa Rambadi.
Lika Raba Sata Karla Mandevo.
Lord Satan has no authority here in this place He has no authority here

For all of these nations, with my shin for the Lord's glory, no authority here, say that I, say that I, no authority here in this place,

For all of these nations, with fashion for the lost glory, no authority here.
Satan has no authority here in this place.
He has no authority.
Sing it now.
Sing it about your country.
Sing it there.
You can use your language to sing it.
Sing it in your language.
Sing it has no authority here.
No authority here in this place.

All of these nations were fashioned for the lost glory, no authority.
One more time, pain and death, no authority.
No authority in this place.

For all of these nations, when fashioned for the Lord's glory, the authority.
But Jesus has all authority here in this place.

We're fashioned for the Lord's glory, all authority.
Jesus has, Jesus has, all authority here in this place.
We have all authority here, for all of this nation's, we're fashioned for the Lord's glory.
1 more than Jesus has!
1 more than Jesus has!
1 more than Jesus has!

The name of the Lord shall be magnified.
In every nation the name of the Lord Jesus shall be glorified.

The name of the Lord Jesus shall be celebrated.
In every nation, hallelujah, and the churches of Christ, who stand victorious, victorious, victorious, in every nation, in every city, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, mounted up with wings as eagles.
Hallelujah, blessed be God, so shall it be.
Thank you, Lord.
God asked us to pray because he wants to answer.
The Bible says, ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full.
John 16, verse 24.
We trust that you are blessed by these sessions of prayer for the nations of the world.
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God bless you.
