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Sin, Forgiveness and Righteousness

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining, and not against top you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Devo is yours.

A sin is everywhere.
Because man's world has been polluted.
So he cleanses us from our sin.
Sin not necessarily committed by you.
Sin rocked up on you.
The truth is this.
He's already provided for your pockets.
It doesn't now forgive you.
No, he's provided for kids.
What he wants you to do is to obtain for kids.
So the farthest focus is freedom from sin.
Because you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
You are the expression of the righteousness.
If you keep trying, you will never get there.
If you could have gotten there, Jesus never should have come.
But it came because you couldn't make yourself righteous.
That's why you needed Him.
That's why He came to give you righteousness.

1 John chapter 1 verse 9.
It says, if we confess our sins, it's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
It says, if we confess our sins, the word is homologio.
It's a verb.
It means to make
But here in its context, the right synonym is to acknowledge.
It says, if we acknowledge our sins, it is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
Did you notice what it says?
It is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all our practices.
It means he's got a job to do and it's up to him to do that job.
And what he's saying is he can be trusted to do his part.
Okay, look at Romans chapter three.

And you go to verse, I begin from verse 22.

Because what I want is actually in verse 26, what I'm looking for, the best place, I can take it from verse 24, okay?
Being justified freely.
Notice that, being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God had set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed.
through the forbearance of God, to declare, as say, at this time, His righteousness that He might be just and the justifier of Him, which believe it in Jesus.
He's talking about God's righteousness in the remission of sins.
That God is righteous, and that in His righteousness He puts away man's sin.
And justifies him.
And that word, justify, is the biggest word of the gospel.
Now I'll explain it to you.
But let me take you through this first part.
First John chapter 1 verse 9 again.
Can you put it back up there?
He says, if we confess our sins, if we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful.
He can be trusted.
He's faithful and just, he's not talking about asking.
He says, he's still acknowledge.
You get it?
He didn't say ask.
He didn't say ask for forgiveness.
Acknowledge yourself.
Now when you acknowledge, what should you do?
Let's look at this in a practical way.
If I say, oh Lord, please forgive me.
When am I going to know when he's done it?
Because I asked, right?
Because I asked.
So when does he do it?

Okay, listen to this.
When you study the first episode of John, you would notice he has his writing in three categories, the first category to the children, the second category, the young men, and the third category, the fathers.
He associates the children with sin.
And the children are those who really don't know the word of God.
But they have come to know the Father, even though they don't have that acquaintance.
They have recognized Him.
They've come to Him.
And they sin all the time.
Because they're children.
They do the wrong things.
And so he says to them, my little children, these are right to you that you sin not.
When he talks to the fathers, he says, if you're born of God, you're dancing.
He says, the one who's born of God cannot sin.
Cannot sin.
Now, if you study first Epistle of Saint John with the mind of a child, a spiritual
Baby, you would think he's contradicting himself in telling you that you cannot sin and then telling you that if you sin, we have an advocate with the Father.
How can you sin if he says you cannot sin?
Yeah, we've got to find out who he's addressing, who's he talking to?
So there are different levels and different classes.
And he wants us to grow in grace.
And in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, grow in grace, grow in knowledge.
So I said to you, when does the Father forgive?
And on what grounds can He forgive?
On what grounds can the Father forgive you?
How can he forgive you without legal grounds?
The truth is this.
He's already provided for your forgiveness.
He doesn't now forgive you.
No, he's provided forgiveness.
What he wants you to do is to obtain forgiveness.
Receive it.
You see, if we teach God's people the accurate Word of God, not only will they grow, they will grow strong and they will put the devil where he belongs under their feet.
It's so important that we teach them.
And if Satan can keep you asking and asking for forgiveness and you're not sure whether or not you've been forgiven, he'll make you ineffective in your Christian life, inefficient.
And you can perform.
You can do the things that God's called you to do.
And your fate will be weak.
Because always there's a call to remembrance of this whatever sin it is.
And there's something else about forgiveness you've got to know.
The Father is not so much after you get in forgiveness as he is after the real reason for forgiveness.
Forgiveness is from the word, aphesus.
Aphesus means freedom, primarily means freedom.
I'll take you to that.
That's what it primarily means, freedom.
So the farthest focus is freedom from sin.
See that?
Because you add the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
You are the expression of righteousness.

Okay, so let's do it step by step.
First, go to the book of Acts.
In chapter 13, from verse 38, I want you to notice this.
Acts chapter
13 from verse 38.
It is being known unto you, being known unto you, therefore, man and brethren, that through this man, Jesus.
You talk about Jesus, this is the 38 verse, so the context is on Jesus.
It is being known unto you, therefore, man and brethren, that through this man, Jesus, is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
Watch it now.
It's preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
Verse 39, and by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which He could not be justified by the Lord of Moses.
This is mind-blowing.
He says, and by Him all that believe are justified from all things, justified.
That means declared, not guilty, acquitted, not guilty.
How can a sinner be declared not guilty of the sin that he committed?
Because he says, through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness, aphesus, freedom from sin.

And by him, all that believe,
are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the Lord Moses.
Accept the five, verse 31.

Look at this, it's talking about Jesus.
Him had got exhorted.
Him had got exhorted with his right hand to be a prince and a savior for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
Listen, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
To give it?
Well, not three years.
Chapter 26, verse 18.
Book of Acts.

Let's read from 16, 17, 17.
So we'll come into 18 properly.
Now, the Lord Jesus appeared to Saul of Tassus.
Popularly known as Paul.
and he says this to him.
Delivering the from the people and from the jennires onto whom now I say the e, verse 18, I say the e, to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive.
The word receive is lambano.
It means to take it.
That they may receive forgiveness of sins.
Take forgiveness of sins.
He didn't say that they may ask for forgiveness of sins.
That they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance.
The same way you receive the inheritance is how you receive the forgiveness.
They're both on at the same lambano.
Did you see that?
He says that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance.
Okay, do you ask for your inheritance?
Why do you ask for the forgiveness?

He says, through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
He is telling you in the gospel of Jesus Christ, forgiveness is in the package.
Receive it and make it yours.
Does that make people sin more?
Because the idea is freedom from sin.
Understand it, freedom from it.
Freedom from sin doesn't mean freedom.
I'm not talking about freedom from the bondage of sin.
I mean freedom from sinning.
Freedom from the bondage of sin, that is easy for people to understand.
That Satan's dominion over there is broken as far as the bondage of sin is concerned.
But you doing something wrong, is it possible to live righteously?
Is it possible not to do wrong?
Is it possible?
Empathically, yes.
This is what Jesus came to do.
Otherwise, it means that His purpose was not accomplished.
For these purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

The two reasons people sin, two reasons for all sin, any sin, the two reasons.
And you sin because of either one of them or both fear and selfishness.
And what has God brought to replace fear and selfishness, faith and love?
If you walk by faith, you cannot live in fear.
If you walk in love, you cannot be selfish.
Therefore, if you function in faith and love, you cannot sin.
Nothing done by faith and love could ever be sin.
Can you see that?
It's been a simple.
So now, if you did something wrong in your life and you're thinking what to do, stop asking and trying to wait to know whether or not God has forgiven you.
No, don't ask and try to know whether he's done it.
Receive Lambano, take forgiveness.
So what do you say?
Father, I acknowledge that this thing that I did is wrong and I receive forgiveness in the name of Jesus.
You see, that puts responsibility on you and not on God.
You're not going to be trying to think what has God forgiven me.
It'll be, have I received it?
Did I take it?
Can you see it now?
It changes the issue of faith.
Instead of thinking, I don't know if God's done it.
You ought to be thinking, what have I done with it?
Have I received this?
So the problem is not God.
The problem is you.
So receive it, and quit asking again and again.
Take what belongs to you.
So can we go to 13th verse of Colossians the fourth chapter?
who had delivered us from the power of darkness and had translated us into the kingdom of his dear son, his love son.
I told you, he has already translated, transferred us.
That's what the word says, transferred us.
Now, he is not talking about transferring from time to time.
And so we don't know where next we're going to land.
No, he's done it permanently.
permanently you've been transpired, translated into the kingdom of his love song.
That's where you are now.
The question is, do you realize you are in his kingdom?
Do you realize that you're not under the dominion of Satan?
Then where did the cancer come from?
Where did the migraine headaches come from?
If you've been translated into the kingdom of his dear son, how did the devil get to you?

That's when you've seen the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I refuse to accommodate the devil and anything from him.

Satan I belong in the kingdom of God's dear son, Jesus Christ.
Your authority over my life was broken when I was born again.
I received the time of life and became a child of God.
And I don't belong under your jurisdiction.
I'm belonging.
And there's something even better than not belonging under his jurisdiction.
It's the fact that you've got power over him now.
You see that?
You've got power over here.
Jesus said, in my name shall they cast out devils.
That means exercising control over Satan.
Now he's on our jurisdiction.
He's on our authority.
And I know there are people who say that
They don't believe in the existence of devils, demons, that these are in the imagination of certain Christians.
The Bible says Jesus cast out devils.
Was he stupid?
He did cast out devils.
You smarter than Jesus Christ?

Jesus said, he was teaching one time in the synagogue and the Bible terraces a woman who was being doubled, concentrating herself up, came in while Jesus was teaching.
And you know, she was walking slowly and she came in trying to get herself comfortable.
And Jesus said, come here.
And the woman walked toward Jesus and the Master said,
of this woman, of this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan had bound, long these 18 years, belused on the Sabbath day, he said Satan had bound her.
Her condition, her infirm condition, Jesus said, was caused by the devil.
That's what Jesus said.
And he proved it by touching her and commanding her to straighten up.
And she was healing steadily.
If that hadn't happened, then we could have said, well, maybe Jesus was guessing.
Maybe Jesus even get it right.
But indeed, he healed her.
The result was there.
I told you yesterday he commanded a deaf spirit to come out and the man began to hear.
I mean it was true.

I've done the same thing over the years in casting out deaf spirits and instantly this that hearing.
Many several born deaf and dumb.
Didn't exactly what Jesus said to do.
Exactly what he did.

If Jesus had been wrong, there would have been no result.
Glory to God.
What does God need to do?
To give us anything, is this the one who gave us his own son?
Wouldn't he, with him, freely give us all things?
Is there anything too good for you?
You know, when we ask God for things, we ask like, he can care less about it.
Say, God is kind.
God is kind.
God is God.
He's wonderful.
He's awesome.
Do you love him?
Colossians chapter 1, back to verse 13.
Who had delivered us from the power of darkness and had translated us into the kingdom of his dear son?
He has translated us.
He has transferred us.
So, where are we now?
Come on.
Where are we now?
Where are we now?
Where are we now?
What happens then?
What happens in that kingdom?

Tell me.

Now, he's translated us into that kingdom.
The first thing is for you to recognize that you are there now.
Recognize that you are there now.
You belong there.
You're there now.
And that's when you start asking the right questions.
If I'm there,
shouldn't happen.
And this shouldn't be, you see, and he says, whatever you forbid on earth shall be forbidden in heaven.
That means he will be behind you because you're standing on his authority.
Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.
That means he gives the word.
When you give the word, he induces it.
So, if you will forbid it, it will be forbidden.
If you will allow it, it will be allowed.
Now, can you imagine there are people who have been in certain conditions for a long, long time, and they wonder, why has this continued for so long?
Because you've allowed it for so long.
The day you decide you don't want it to continue is the day it will stop.

Won't you say, I don't want it anymore?
I've had enough!
Don't you think I've had enough?
Oh God, I've had enough!
He is not responsible for it.
Because if you say that, it won't change anything.
Oh Lord, please take this thing away.
He's not going to take it away because he didn't put it there.
And he's given you the authority to do something about it.
How much does it take to exercise authority?
How much does it take?
You're not doing it in your name.
You're doing it in the name of Jesus.
How much does it take?
And did you notice?
He didn't say.
These signs shall follow.
See, if you read it right, listen to this.
These signs shall follow them that believe.
That's what Jesus said, okay?
He didn't say, these signs shall follow them that believe.
They can do it.
He says, them that believe.
Believe what the gospel.
Then he says, in my name, they shall cast out devils.
He didn't say, they shall cast out devils if they believe they can.
Did he say that?
He's not believing you can.
He didn't believe you can.
No, believe in Jesus.
The focus is on Jesus.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you have received Him as Lord of your life.
Now that you are the believing one, Jesus Christ has become Lord of your life.
You have received eternal life into your spirit.
You don't need to exercise Him.
You don't need to exercise anymore believing about devils and casting them out.
This is authority.
This is a difference.
You don't need to believe you can do it.
Stop trying to believe you can do it.
I wish I could really believe.
You already believe.
So don't try to believe.
That's the thing about authority.
Let me show you this.
Imagine the traffic warden
And he does like this for you.
You're coming on this side.
What is that sign?
Everybody knows.
Does he have to believe?
He doesn't have to.
He might even be drunk.
And if he did this, for both sides, this way and this way, they'll both stop.
And that'll be crazy.
I mean, you stop this one, you tell this side to go.
And he does this, and this, and he does this to everybody, and they all stop.
And the guy's drunk.
It's authority.
You see it?
As long as it's ununiform, he has that authority.
He doesn't have to believe in it.

If you will say it, it will happen.
If you will say it, somebody says, but I've been saying it.
You've been saying it.
I've been saying it, and it hasn't been happening.
That's the problem.
Who told you?
Who told you?
Who told you?
It's not been happening.
Every time you saw your seed, you pluck it out of the ground again, and you say, I don't know why it's not growing.
See, when you say the word, it works.
Quick thinking it's not working.
If Satan can get you into the censoring realm of trying to observe, what does the Bible say?
They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.
They are observing lying vanities.
Lying vanities, they forsake their own mercy.
Glory to God.
Oh hallelujah.
Verse 14, verse 14 you'll like this one.
Say, I am in the kingdom of God's dear son.
I am in the kingdom of God's dear son.
That's where I am.
Okay, this is the introduction of the subject.
All of this we've been talking about on Friday, Saturday, and now.
It's an introduction.
Okay, so verse 14, in whom, in whom, talking about Jesus Christ, this is in whom we have, in whom we have, in whom we have, in whom we have redemption.
That means our redense.
Oh, I wish I had time for that.
In whom we have our readings, in whom we have redemption through his blood.
Now, notice the word even in parentheses.
That means it had to be supplied.
Now, the reason they supplied that word was because, in fact, they actually supplied the same thing in the divisions chapter 1, verse 7.
A verse that is similar to this one.
And it's wrong.
Because what they're trying to say by even is to suggest that it means it means.
Did you get it?
They're trying to say it means it means.
Let me read like this so you can get what I mean.
the trying to say, in whom we have redemption through his blood, meaning the forgiveness of sins.
But that's not true.
But it's good they told us that something was missing there.
What's missing is a simple conjunction.
Put and there.
And you have it.
in whom we have redemption through his blood and the forgiveness of sins.
Because they're two different things.
We have our readings.
You know, I just shared with you some scriptures that showed us that forgiveness of sins, apices, freedom.
It means in whom we have our readings and our freedom from sins.
See, we're free from sin.
Do you understand?
We're free from it.
We don't have to sin.
And we don't have to be watching to be sure that we don't sin.
It's better to light a candle than the curse of darkness.
Just light a candle.
Just walk in righteousness.
Just walk in the light.
The Bible says, if we walk in the light, as he's in the light, we fellowship one with another.
And the blood of Jesus Christ cleansed us from all sin.
Automatically, if there's anything wrong, you don't have to try to find out that I do something wrong.
Listen, they admit that sin is everywhere.
Because man's word has been polluted.
So he cleanses us from our sin.
Sin not necessarily committed by you.
Sin robbed of on you.
You see that?
And so you don't have to watch for it and try to stay away from it.
This was why in the Old Testament, they did all kinds of washes.
If they wanted to go into the presence of God, they washed their hands and washed their feet.
They had to wash all the time.
These ceremonial washings, all kinds of washings that they had to engage in.
Now he says, the blood of Jesus Christ himself cleansed us.
Jesus Christ's son.
God, son, his blood cleanses us from all sin, automatically, in his sin that falls on you.
Whether from someone else or whatever in the environment, whatever it is, you don't have to be watching for it.
It takes care of you.
The blood of Jesus Christ, his son, plays it us from our sin.
And you just keep walking your way through victory, from glory to glory.

Say, I'm filled with righteousness.
Because I've been made righteous.
Romans chapter 5 verse 17.
Just take a look at this one.
Romans chapter 5 verse 17.
Have you seen it?

For we buy one man's offense talking about Adam.
Adam's offense.
For if I want man's offense, death reigned, death reigned.
Do you know what he's talking about there?
Death has reigned as a king.
Man has dreaded death.
They don't know what to do about death.
They say everybody's got to die.
Death is for everybody.
They fear death because this has become a king.
They don't know what to do about death.

For if I want men's affairs, death reign by one, much more, there which much more than death as reigns.
He says much more, there which receive.
Oh God.
And that word again is lambano.
Receive, that doesn't mean I keep my hands like this and you drop it here.
And I just go, we didn't say thank you.
Receive lambano means take it by yourself.
Take a hold of it.
Let claim, students.
Don't stand there and think it's coming.
You see, Lambano, they would receive some grace?
And notice, he didn't use the definite article.
He didn't say the abundance of grace, because it's not the same for everybody.
There we receive abonance of grace, not the abonance of grace, but abonance of grace.
There we receive an overflowing of grace.
How much of it do you want?
This is good for it.
Paul writing to the team as he said, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
That means take advantage of the grace.
Take as much of it as you want.
How much grace do you want?
There we receive.
There we receive.
There we receive abundance of grace.
And then it says end of the gift of righteousness.
The gift.
Because it's the same for everybody.
The gift of righteousness.
Did you see that?
Receive the gift of righteousness.
Receive the gift they would receive the gift of righteousness the gift of righteousness He didn't say they which tried to become righteous if you keep trying you will never get there if you could have gotten there Jesus never should have come But it came because you couldn't make yourself righteous That's why you needed him.
That's why he came to give you righteousness Hallelujah
the gift of righteousness.
He calls it a gift.
He has made us righteous.
Righteousness is the nature of God that qualifies you to stand in the presence of God without a sense of guilt and without guilt, without condemnation or the sense of condemnation.
Are you hearing me?
And it impats to you the rightness of God in your spirit and the ability to do right.
That's imparted into your spirits.
You find you carrying you the genes of God.
You are able to do what God tells you to do.
Somebody says, oh, nobody can live a true Christian life.
Oh, wait.
When that man receives the Holy Ghost, when that man receives the Holy Ghost, the power to do.
I got the life of God in me.
I'm born again.
I've got the life of God in me.
Look at this.
Let's read it.
For if I want men's offense, that ring by one, much more there, which receive a bonus of grace and other gift of righteousness, shall reign in life.
The amplified version says shall reign as kings.
In life is not talking about life in heaven, because you don't reign in heaven.
The subjects are down in the earth.
It's in this life.
There we receive abundance of grace.
Receive grace for your industry to be a master of the arts, a master of the sciences, a master of your job, and your career, to be a master of master.
Can you shout amen somebody?
You say, I receive the grace.
Oh, glory to God.

You become an enigma in your area that can understand you.
David said the Lord has met me a wonder.
Ha ha!
He says I have become a wonder to others.
They keep looking at you that can understand you.
That shall run in life.
by Jesus Christ.
And you say, look, I'm running in life in the name of Jesus.
I'm running in life in the name of Jesus 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Shout out to him and somebody.
Get this, get this, see this word that we're preaching here.
This message that we're sharing here will grow mightily in the name of Jesus Christ.
Go with the cup.
And prepare.

Glory to God.

Lift your hands up high.
Wash again.
Open your mouth and thank Him.
Open your mouth and wash again.


Okay, sit down.
I told you that that was the introduction.
So, all of that was to tell you this.
You're ready now?
Okay, don't worry.
Sometimes the introduction is often longer than the main thing.
Don't worry.
Glory to God.
First John, chapter 5.
This was where I wanted to go all the time.
But we had to lay a very solid foundation.

First John, chapter 5, from verse 11.
Say, I know who I am.
I know who I am.
Oh, from verse 11.
And this is the record.
Oh, Hallelujah.
This is the testimony.
This is the record.
This is the record.

Brothers and sisters, he says, this is the records that God has given to us eternal life.
And this life is in his son.
This is not a promise.
He states, he declares that he's already done it.
He says, this is the records.
that God has given to us eternal life.
And this life is in His Son, verse 12.
He that has the Son has life.
If you have the Son of God, you have life.
Can you see it?
It's not a promise.
It says, this is the record.
This is the testimony of God that God has given to us.
He has given to us.
He has granted us eternal life.
is in the law of God.
He's already done it.
The sovereign decoration of Almighty God that He has given us eternal life and that this life is in His Son.
Anyone who has the Son has this life.
And anyone who does not have the Son does not have life again.
He that hath not the Son of God have not life.
If you have the Son, you have this life.
If you don't have the Son of God, Jesus Christ, you don't have this life.
It's a special life.
It is the life of God.
It is the God life.
You have human life.
You have plant life.
You have the God life.
This is the life that Jesus brought to the world.
He said, the thief, come at naught, John chapter 10, verse 10, the thief, come at naught, but for the steal and the kill and the destroy.
But I am calm that they might have life.
He wasn't talking about copsis.
He wasn't talking to copsis, that they might have life and that they might have it to the fool.
That made that the life he was talking about was different from the life they already have.
I am calm that they might have life.
This is Christ's purpose.
I am calm that they might have life.
And that they might have it to do food.
You know what Jesus said of Himself?
He said, as the Father, the Father has life.
John chapter 5 is 26.
As the Father has life in Himself.
Even so has He given to the Son to have life in Himself.
Inherent life.
And this is the life that the Father has declared is in His Son Jesus Christ.
That anyone who has the Son has this life.
He didn't say anyone who has the Son shall have the life.
Go back there.
1 John chapter 5 verse 12.
First Epistle of Saint John chapter 5 verse 12.
Go back there.
And look at it.
He that hath the Son hath life.
I told you, hath these has.
That's King James who has.
He that has the Son has life.
He doesn't promise.
That's not a promise.
Come on.
That's a statement of fact.
That anyone who has the Son has life.
He's not going to get it.
You are not getting more and more of life.
Come on.
The day a child is born, he's as human as the parent.
He doesn't become more human every day as he grows.
Does he become more and more human?
Just because he's creeping and he doesn't walk yet doesn't mean he's not yet fully human.
He's as human as the parent.
got the life of God in me.
And every fiber of my being, in my whole spirit, my soul, and my body, He that hath the Son hath life.
He says, this life, ayah, this life is as God.
He says, this is the record that God has given to us eternal life.
He didn't say some life.
He says eternal life.
And that this life is in his Son.
This life is in his Son, not some of the life.
This life is in his Son.
The Son said, ask the
The Father has life in Himself.
So has He given to the Son to have life in Himself.
This life is what the Father has given.
And He says this life is in His Son.
He that has the Son has life.
He has it.
He didn't say when you come to heaven, I'll give it to you.
He didn't say when you pray loud enough, I'll give it to you.
He didn't say if you behave well, I'll give it to you.
If you have the Son of God, you have life.
How do you have the Son by receiving Him as Lord of your life?
You confess His Lordship over your life by declaring Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
The Bible says, if you were declared with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt he say.
For with the heart, man, believe it unto righteousness.
With the mouth, confession, declaration, affirmation is made unto salvation.
And that salvation is what brings you in there.
Christ in you, the whole of God.
Christ is in me.
I have the life of God in me.
You see, I'll never go to hell.
Never, I'll never go to hell.
Because Christ is in me.
Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
I couldn't go to hell.
If I went into hell, all of them life would come into hell.
Don't you understand?
If I went into hell, hell would change.
Because Jesus Christ, the light of the world, leaves in me.
And He has made me a light.
Can you understand this?
I'll never go to hell.
Christ is in me.
Christ in me, the hope of glory.
You see that?
Oh, let me show you more.
Grodigos kept a hundred of the geezus a servant.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
You know, what I was just saying that, somebody with a lump in the breast just got healed.
Just got healed.
That lump is gone.
It's gone.
It's gone.
You've been asking, you've been asking for a miracle and you've got it.
All right.
So, can we have first John chapter 4 in verse 17?
You show that to you.
Say, Makita Hara.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
So there are people who are afraid of judgment days coming.
And when they hear about judgment days, come and say, well, we don't know.
We never can tell what's going to happen to God's judgment day.
What do you mean you never can tell?
If you can't tell now that you are, or what side are you going to be on judgment day?
Some of us are going to be behind the desk.
Do you understand?
Judging the whole world.
That's what the Bible says.
We'll be sitting on thrones with the Master.
judging the nations of the world.

Hearing is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment.
Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah!
Can you see the light apart of it?
Because, as he is... Oh!

I don't understand why he is it that most Christians don't know that this is in the Bible.
Why is it?
Why don't they know that's in the Bible?
What in the world have they been looking for?
Trying to get deliverance from the devil?
Trying to get some help from man.
Look at that!
Because, haya, because.
Can you imagine?
This was a side talk for John.
It was a side talk.
It was in the main subject.
That shows you the way they lived.
This was something that was come on place knowledge in John's day.
Because, as he is, say,
As he is, so are we in this world?
So, so, so, so, so how is he?
You want to know how is he?
Notice he didn't say as he was.
You know, they say, well, you know, he was born in Bethlehem, in a manger.
He was the son of the captainter.
And the thing that he was the mouse.
Trying to be whole.
No, that's not Jesus.
This is the reason Christ.
Are you hearing me?
Not as he was, but as he is.
As he is.
So are we in this world.
How is he?
Hebrews chapter 1.
We'll read from verse 1.

Hebrews, chapter 1, from verse 1, God, who at sundry times and endivest matters, speaking times past unto the fathers by the prophets.
Verse 2, in these last days, spoken on us by his son, whom he has appointed.
Hey of all things, he's the heir of all things.
Of all things, yes.
You know, I heard her story.
You know, this is story.
about a man that had a certain kind of experience with God.
And he was saying that God didn't... He could create just like God could create.
And you know, so there wasn't any big thing about God.
And so God said to him, so what can you make?
He says, I can make anything.
I'm trying to make something.
So God said, so start.
And he began to put some sand together.
And God said, no, no, no, don't use that.
That's mine.
I made that one.
He said, you got me.
You see, he can find what to use because God made the world out of nothing.
He made the world out of nothing.
And you know something the Bible says about him?
He says, God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness.
How do you analyze that?
How do you even begin to understand that?
He says he brought the light, he commanded the light to shine out of darkness.
Do you understand?
He brought light out of darkness.
He's not saying he brought light into the darkness.
That would be a big thing, but that he originated light from the darkness.

And we know you cannot mix darkness and light.
He brought light out of darkness.
Oh, you know what I'm hearing the Spirit saying?
That's one of the smallest things to do.
That's what the Spirit said.
It's one of the smallest things to do.
That surprises you because you're thinking in this realm.
That surprises you.
Praise God.

Jesus, thank you Lord Jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah.
His greatness is what he's talking about.
The Spirit of God is talking about His greatness, His awesomeness.
The world will never be able to tell how great he is because they don't have the capacity to contain the description.
They will never be able to understand.
That's what I said in the Spirit.
That's what I said in other times.
Glory to God.
Lift your hands and say thank you Lord Jesus.
His life is in us.
His life is in us.
The Father gave birth to us.
We are from Him.
We're born of God.
Born of God.
As He is.
So are we in this world.
That's what the Word says.
Now you know what the Word of God is?
The Word of God is God's meal.
And He sets up that meal.
for us to look at us.
So you look into the mirror of God and you see yourself.
Hey, come on.
All right.
Book of James, chapter 1.
From verse 22, James, chapter 1.
But be you do us other word and not hear us only deceiving your own serves.
All right, verse 23.
Or if he may be a hero of the word and not a doer, he's like, oh, watch it now.
He says, if he may be a hero of the word and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholden his natural face in a glass in the mirror, 24.
Or he beholded himself, he sees himself, and go at his way and straight away right away,
Forget at what manner of man he was.
Think about it.
A man looks at himself in a mirror as soon as he turns away, he forgets and notice the choice of words.
What manner of man he was?
What kind of man?
What kind of man?
He's dealing with the kind here.
He's not talking about how pointed your nose is.
He's not talking about how wide your ears are.
Are you hearing me?
He's talking about what kind of man?
What kind?
What manner of man?
I like that.
I like that.
Go to the next one.
I like that.
But who's so looking into the perfect law of liberty?
and continue it daring.
He be not a forgetful hero, but a doer of the world.
This man shall be blessed in his deed.
The one who keeps looking and doesn't forget what manner of man he is.
What manner of man are you?
What kind of man are you?
When Jesus stopped the wings and the waves, they said, what manner of man is this?
What kind of man is this?
That even the wings and the waves obey him?
They obey him.
What kind of man is this?
James 1 verse 18.
Are these on will?

Be God He asks with the word of truth that we should be a kind.
A kind, a type.

A type of top class.
Hasn't been the firstfruits.
Top class.
It means the first and the best.
That's firstfruits.
that we should be a kind, a type of first class of his creatures.
We are first class.
He's not talking about all human beings.
He's talking about of his own will.
He gave birth to us with the word of truth.
He's talking about the gospel.
So he's referring to those of us who are born again.
We are top class.
We are the first fruits of his creatures.
Everything he made is good, but we are first class, top class, because we're born of the word of truth.
Top class, and the potentials of that creature, of this kind of being, will only be awakened when you recognize this truth.
You discover you are top class all the way, your first class all the way.
And that's why Satan likes to keep God's people ignorant so that they will not become what God has said they are.
So you can continue to believe in poverty and in weakness and argue about, I don't like them prosperity preachers.
I don't like them.
They, I, I, I. You know, this is a making noise.
Who are those distributing bibles around the world is the prosperity preachers?
Yeah, who are those preaching Jesus Christ and mass to the nations of the world?
It is the prosperity preaching.
Who are those taking over large facilities for the gospel of Jesus Christ?
It is the prosperity preaching.
You know what the Bible says about a poor man?
He says a poor man, even though he's wise and he can't deliver a nation, a city,
He says his voice is not heard.
So the gospel of a poor man cannot be heard.
Can you see it?
Why would you rather choose poverty?
No, why would you rather choose poverty?
Don't believe in poverty.
Don't believe in it.
Don't accept it.
Don't believe in it.
It's a devil's strategy to keep you tied up.
In ignorance and disability, poverty I told you yesterday is not the absence of required necessity.
Poverty is the destruction of the human abilities.
It is an attack, an invasion of the man.
I want you to understand it.
You are not poor until you refuse to think.
As long as your mind is open, God will give you ideas.
And when God gives you ideas, you cannot be poor.

He goes, Agradigas, Ethlaronis de Plaigas.
It means I want you to come up hither, come up to a higher plane, come up to a higher plane.
That's much more than the mind can think of.
All available to you in Christ Jesus.
Oh, the anointing of God is strong here.
You want to take some of it?
Glory of God.
Here's what, you know, when we finish from here,
You're going to be preaching the word, winning swords, healing the sick and casting out devils, blessing people, lifting others, encouraging others.
That's what you're going to do.
You know, when I came in here, I recognized the choir.
I want to start with the choir.
Are you ready to take Nizanane?
Are you ready?
How you ready?
Precious Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, take it!
Glory to God.
Oh, glory to God.

Where are the pastors?
Are the pastors here?
Okay, come, come here.
Just come.
Precious Lord Jesus.
We will do mighty things.
I said we will do mighty things.
By the end of the morning of the Holy Ghost.
Precious Lord.
You give it to them strong, and they will do the works of God, and make your name known throughout this nation, and to the ends of the earth, and in the name of Jesus Christ, take the end and take it!
The Father Holy Ghost!
The Father Holy Ghost!

He never is true to conflict, ever and ever.
The choice that he's called to death, he's exhausted.
