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Christ’s Purpose in You - Vol. 3 Part 5

One thing is sudden, if you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Labor is yours.

in our concluding moments of our subject on the purpose of Christ.
I really hope that you gained some knowledge, some information, some inspiration, just for knowing what Christ is in you.
and who He is in you.
Did you know that there are so many Christians all around the world that are terribly ignorant of the purpose of Christ in them?
They worship God beautifully.
They pray marvellously.
They try to live a holy life.
what they still don't know what Christ is in them.
They don't know.
They're hoping that one day that glory that they study about in the Bible will be revealed in their life.
They're hoping that somehow they will finally
attain righteousness.
Acts of Christian one day, are you righteous?
He said, no, sir, I'm working on it.
You see, he was working on it.
He was trying to be righteous, hoping to be righteous.
I said, well, so what are you going to do that will finally make you righteous?
How are you going to get there?
He said, I'm trying my best.
I don't know, but I'm trying my best.
Isn't it terrible?
If you could become righteous by doing some things, Jesus you'd never have come.
You see that?

How many of you are coming here for
Maybe this is your third week of coming here.
You started coming just about three weeks now.
Can I see your hand up?
Just three weeks.
Raise your hand properly so I can see you.
Wave it like this.
I can see you up there, yeah?
Three weeks.
Okay, that's nice.
I want to know something from you.
Well, from most of you.
How many of you
are righteous.
How many of you are righteous?

I mean everybody now.
Now, all of you at the front row, I'm going to ask you later.
because you see a lot of people are going to be looking at you to know when you raise your hand and when you don't.
So don't say nothing.
Now, the rest of you, please tell me something.
How many of you are righteous?
There's too many righteous.
Are you really righteous?
How did you know?

Thank you.
Yeah, because you've been listening to something good, right?
You know, you asked that question in some places.
Everyone's quiet.
I know I'm not, are you?
They even get afraid to be told they're righteous because they know they did a lot of wrong stuff within the last week.
But you know, there's a big difference between righteousness and right living.
I hear in this.
There's a big difference between righteousness and right living.
Right living is the product of righteousness.
Until you are righteous, you cannot live right.
Righteousness is a nature.

Where is God?
On to your righteous, you can't live right.
To live right is the result of righteousness.
And when you are born again, you are automatically made righteous with the righteousness of God.
It is a gift.
You don't attain it.
Righteousness is something you work to get.
Righteousness is something you achieve after some time.
For example, if you're not born again and you're listening to the Word of God right now, and then at the close of the service or towards the end of the message, and I say for you to give your heart to Christ and you do to be born again, immediately you become the righteousness of God.
And the righteousness of Christ is imparted to your spirit.
It is a gift of God.
At that moment, and from that moment, you become as righteous as Jesus.
Now, this is what the Word of God teaches.
You become as righteous as Jesus is, because it is His righteousness that is imparted to you.
You don't grow in righteousness.
You don't become more righteous.
Your righteousness never increases.
Are you listening to this?
Your righteousness never increases.
You have the maximum righteousness because it is Christ's righteousness that's given to you.
You can be more righteous tomorrow than you are today.
You are either righteous or on righteous.
It is a gift of God.
Now, many of you already know that because you learned that, right?
Okay, but just in case someone's asking you how you know.
Let's look at the scripture again.
Romans chapter number five.
It'll pay you to study the whole book of Romans.
All right, Romans chapter number five.
What did you read for me?
Verse 17.
You know I was talking to a gentleman some time ago.
He said, I've been listening to your messages.
He said, you know, I've been born again for many years.
But when I started listening to you, he said, it felt like I just gave my life to Christ.
I said, what do you mean?
Because he's a minister.
He's a pastor.
So I said, what do you mean?
He said, from your message, Christianity has become real to me.
He said, you made it practicable.
I said, I didn't make it.
I didn't do it.
I just showed you what was there all the time.
It was already there.
Praise God.
So you see, what I'm sharing with you is already there, okay?
Romans 5 and verse number 17, would you read it for me?
Want to go?

Powerful verse.
Says, for Eve by one man's offense, who's referring to Adam, Eve by Adam's offense, because of Adam's transgression back in the garden.
If by one man's offense, death reigned as a king over human beings.
If because of that scene of Adam, death came into the world, and death gained a dominion over man,
Much more than dead rate, there which receive, and I want you to notice the construction, there which receive abundance of grace.
Doesn't say the abundance of grace, but abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness.
Definite article, the gift of righteousness.
Righteousness is a gift.
He didn't say, there which become righteousness.
There which attain righteousness.
There which receive.
There receive.
The word is lambano.
It means to take a hold of what God has given you.
There which receive abundance of grace and overflowing of grace.
Notice why he doesn't say the abundance of grace, but abundance of grace.
They which receive abundance of grace.
Because grace is available to everybody and you can take as much of it as much of it as you want.
Some of us have taken more than some others were bold enough to take.
You know some people say, well, I don't want to ask God for too much.
He's already done so much for me.
Why should I ask for too much?
What could be too much for God?
You see, so soon it was a boulder.
We take everything.
Why is someone asking, oh God?
I'm only asking you for just this little thing.
Please don't be offended, oh Lord.
I'm sorry to be asking.
You know, become being apologetic to God.
But he doesn't need that.
Papa God is big.
He's got more than enough for everybody.
Paul, right into Timothy, he said, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
In other words, take advantage of the grace.
He said, ask of me, and I will give you the heathen for that inheritance and the autumnal spots of the earth for that possession.
He says, ask.
He invites us to ask.
Don't be afraid to ask.
It can't be too much.
Are you hearing me?
There which receive abundance of grace.
How much grace have you received from God?
How much grace do you want?
You know what grace is?
You know, the definition of grace as a merited favor is a myopic definition.
It's just not good enough.
Grace is more than a merited favor.
I don't deserve it.
So what?
And that leads me to some of this stuff about covenants.
I need a study on covenants.
Because growing up in Christ and learning from different people and reading a lot of books and getting to have this introduction on covenants, so much was said about covenants.
And I bought it too.
I bought the idea that we are in covenant with God.
But I was always asking myself, I wanted to know how.
Until I sat down to do a study, a digital study, and I wanted to know who exactly we have this covenant with.
You know what I'm talking about?
You know what I'm saying?
You know, I'm in covenant with God, really?

Some say I'm in common unto Jesus.
It's nice.
It sounds nice.
But it's not true.

But I've told you several times.
So if you've been listening, you've heard me say that before.
But, you know, I have to repeat it many times because you've got a lot of materials out there that keep telling you the same thing.
Covenant, covenant, covenant.
A lot of preachers talk about covenant.
We ain't covenant with God.
We ain't covenant with Jesus.
We are not in covenant with God.
There's nowhere in the Bible that shows us that the Christian is in covenant with God.
See, a lot of people don't know who a Christian is.
The question is who is a Christian?
A Christian is more than a good man.
That Christian is more than I'm saving God, okay?
He's more than a worshipper of God.
A Christian is one who's born again, is a new kind of man.
He's a new species of being.
He's a new type of man.
That's what the Bible says.
But Christen is not just somebody who serves God, who worships God in church, you know.
He's born with a new nature, a different nature, the real nature of God.
Let me explain it this way for you about covenant.
I got a man and his wife sitting right in front of me.
All right?
Dig in and his wife here.
Now, by marriage, you have a covenant, right?
Correct, right?
Stand up so they can see you.
Beautiful couple.
By marriage, you have a covenant.
It is the marriage covenant.
Is that correct?
I don't know.
I even almost feel like
the stupidity of it, you know?
But it's so dominant in the Christian circle that you wonder, could anything be different?
The reality is they're wrong.
The popularity of a teaching doesn't make it right.
Okay, I know you got children.
Which of your children is in covenant with you?
in this marriage.
Your children are a result of your covenant.
Come on, thank you.
You get it?
We are not in covenant with God.
We are not in covenant with Jesus.
We are the result of the covenants.
We are the heirs of the blessings of the covenants.
Are you still there?
No, that's so big.
You know, I know my love will protect me because I know I'm in covenant with God.
I know my love will help me in my job because I'm in covenant with God.
You're just telling lies, but you don't know it.
Oh, yeah, that stigma runs gone on Rampage.
Legos, Covadiga.

Glory to God.
You say, what did you say?
I'll tell you in a moment.
Glory to God.
You see, it's important for us to understand the Scriptures, to understand the Word of God.
The Bible says, get wisdom, get understanding.
He says, with all thy getting, get understanding.
Wisdom is the principle thing.
Therefore, get wisdom.
And wisdom is the word of God.
Then he says, with all thy getting, get understanding.
If you don't understand it, you may be quoting it, but it will not work.
Hey, hear me.
You've got to have the understanding.
You can be a minister for many years without understanding the word of God.
You can quote it.
You can tell it make it sound nice.
It will sound nice.
You say, just because something sounds nice doesn't make it right.
I like to know what is right.
I like to have the word of God working for me.
Why am I sharing with you Christ's purpose in you?
Because many years ago, that was what I wanted to know.
What does Jesus mean to me?
I wanted to know.
Jesus has come for the whole world.
Yes, he died on the cross.
Yes, he was buried.
God raised him the third day from the dead.
Yes, he's alive.
Yes, but what does it mean to me?
I wanted to know, and I found out, praise God,
What does Jesus mean to you?
That's what we're talking about.
His purpose in your life.
Wow, what does God want?
Why does He stood down to talk to you?
What does God want?
Why does He have you come together and hear His word?
What does God want?
When He's saying Jesus out to us, what did God want by sending Jesus?
What does He want from me?
All right, that'll read to you some portions of the Bible, okay?
You're ready for this?
Let's begin with the visions chapter number two.
Is anybody out here with the amplified vision?
Anybody in front here?
Amified vision?
Okay, I'll read it to you.
All right, the visions chapter number two, and I want you to read
Verse 10, read together one to go.

And let me explain it from that thing, James, before I read to you in the Amplify.
For we are His walkmanship.
If we read only that line for service today, that would be good enough if we understood it.
You know, you can carry a Bible and we are His walkmanship.
Without really understanding it.
He says we are His walkmanship.
That means he's got his label on me.
You don't understand?

Something's got... This loudspeaker here has a label on it.
What is it if you can see it?
What is EV saying?
This is our workmanship.
Eve is bold enough to put the label on it.
They're telling you, when you hear that sound, it's not sunny.
It's Eevee.
Now, God says that we are his workmanship.
He's bold enough to tell the whole world that we are his workmanship.
If you bought that product and it didn't function right, you'd tell someone else, you know, Evie's product is not trustworthy.
I'm his workmanship.
Are you still there?
You want to get the best out of this equipment, you take the manual, the user's manual,
the instruction manual in study to get the best out of it.
Same way with your life.
You take the useless instruction manual, which is the Word of God.
The Bible says the Scripture or the Scripture is profitable for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Instruction in righteousness.
That means it's an instruction manual for the life of righteousness.
that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished onto good works.
Oh, Hallelujah.
Wow, wow, wow.
Okay, now he says, we are, one or three, not for a stay in chapter two book of Ephesians.
He says, we are his walkmanship.
Create it.
The margin is recreated in Christ Jesus onto good works.
You've been created onto good works.
Now that you're born again, you don't have the capacity to commit evil.
I don't know if you understand what we're talking about here.
You know, the problem with many Christians is that they haven't understood the inward man.
There is an outward man and there is an inward man.
Are you listening?
When man fell in the garden, the outward man gained the dominion.
The outward man is the body and his senses.
Then outward man gained the dominion.
Man began to live according to his senses, according to the dictates of his body.
He ate food because he felt hungry.
He got angry because his emotions got turned up.
something happened to man.
He lived according to his senses.
His five senses gained a dominion.
The outward man had gained a mastery.
But you see, that was not God's purpose.
That was the result of the fall.
And now that
Christ has given us life.
That life is received by your human spirit.
Your body is not the one that's born again.
When you're born again, it's your spirit.
Now, you are a spirit.
Every human being is a spirit being.
Man is a spirit.
He has a soul.
Your soul is the seat of your mind, your emotions, and your wheel.
That's when you make decisions.
Your soul is a tool of the human spirit.
But you live in a body.
You live in the body.
You always live in terms of longevity.
You live forever.
You always exist.
Because you came out from God.

The body was given to you to function in the earth.
Now to function in heaven, this body will have to be changed.
So the Bible says, in a moment, in the trinkling of an eye, we shall be changed.
And this mortality shall put on immortality.
That's very important.
I'll come to that later.
I hope we have the time to get there.
So, understand what Christ has already done for us.
We are His workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, onto good works.
I've been fashioned for good works.

That's powerful.
That's powerful.
That is powerful.
Remember, it's the same thing like Jesus.
In Acts 10, verse 38, the Bible says, how God had known to Jesus of Nazareth, with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good, and healing all that we are pressed of the devil for God was with you.
Now you have entered into the same steps, created onto good works.
All right, let's look at it.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus under good works, which God hath before ordained, or foreordained, that we should walk in them."
That's powerful.
Let me read it to you from the Amplified Version.
Now, my voice has been amplified to you.
Is that right?
It's been amplified through the loudspeakers to you.
Are you hearing what I didn't say?
The amplification just makes it louder.
I always have to explain that, you know, to people who talk about the amplified version, because they think, now he's going to be reading some of the readings there.
It's not there, and he's trying to say it's there.
So this amplified Bible puts some things in there that have the business been there.
Just makes it louder.
Just picks the right synonyms for you to catch the picture.
That's what the amplified version is.
If I were you and I didn't have one, for this verse alone I would have bought one.
That's good advertisement for amplified.
Okay, so I'll read it to you.
For we are God's own handy work.
His workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew.
Mmm, that we may do those good works which God predestined, planned beforehand, which God planned beforehand, those good works that God planned beforehand.
For us, taking parts which he prepared ahead of time.
That means the school I went to was on God's book.
Now there are people I'm going to meet tomorrow, and God has it in plan.
If our function according to the Word of God, I will only meet those that God already planned for me to meet.
Now there are people, there are people who went to the wrong school.
I hear me.
They read the wrong course.
They meet the wrong people from time to time.
They are working out of step with God.
They are not functioning in God's plan.
Some people say, whatever will be, they're wrong.
If I was destined to meet you, I will.
There are two destinies at work for every human being.
What you call natural destiny with respect to your deeds, your thoughts,
your words, natural destiny, whatever will be as a result of the thoughts that continue the things you say and the things you do.
Then there's another destiny, the destiny planned by your daddy.
Now you're wondering which daddy is that?
Which daddy could that be?
You're either a child of God or you're a child of the devil.
Jesus said to those Jews who are listening and talking and questioning him, he said, you are of your father the devil.
He said it plainly.
There's no words.
He said, you are of your father the devil.
And the works of your father you would do.
They said, what?
What about you?

He said, Abraham rejoice to see my day.
They said, look, we said you're mad.
You are not yet 50 years old, and have you seen Abraham?
You see, they didn't know who Jesus was.
They looked at him like a 30 year old man, and they said, look at you.
You're not yet 50 years old, and you are now saying that you have seen Abraham.
He said, before Abraham was,
And that means something.
He should have said, before Abraham was, I was.
Then the rest said, he's mad.
And they would have laughed and gone away.
But he said, before Abraham was, I am.
That's not good English.
Look, come on here.
You know that?
That's not good English.
Before Abraham was, I am.
No, he should have said before Abraham was, I was.
That would have been good English, good construction, and they would have laughed as they were laughing.
But when he said before Abraham was, I am the picked up stones, because they knew what he meant.
He used the same term that Elohim used
When he addressed Moses, when Moses said, whom shall I say sent me?
What is your name?
He said, I am.

So God's name is I am.
So Jesus, He reduced it, and He said, before Abraham was, I am.
They said, what?
You being a man, make us thyself equal to God.
The pick songs, they said, for blasphemy.
He said, why do you want to stone me?
They said, we stone you not for good works, but for blasphemy.

Take in parts which God prepared ahead of time.
Have you entered?
Let me finish this.
I said there are two destinies, all right?
One according to what I told you, and the second one according to who your daddy is.
God or the devil.
If you're a child of the devil, that means you're not born again, then Satan has a destiny planned out for you.
Make no mistakes about it.
Those evil things he causes he to think and to say and to do, he's got a plan.
And that plan is to know you.
and make sure you go to hell.
That's his plan.
But God has a different plan.
So there's a destiny for everybody, the way you're going, and the way you're going to go, according to how you've been going all the way.
So now, God has a plan, but he doesn't start in anybody's life until he's born again.
God's plan begins when you're born again.
You don't plan for your neighbor's kids, do you?
You plan for your own kids.
So he doesn't plan for Satan's kids.
Jesus already made a difference.
He asked your father, the devil!
Plain and real.
So God's not going to be having a plan for Satan's kids.
Barbara says, in this, the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil.
So there are two.
Somebody said, God is the father of everybody.
We are all the children of God all over the world because God created all of us.
Not that that's not the way God sees it.
That's not the way God sees it.
That's the way you think.
Not the way God thinks.
See, what he made us, we didn't ask to come here.
He made us come.
He didn't make you come.
There's a biological law at work.
It's like you jumping from there down here and say, God made me come down.
He didn't.
There's a law of gravity.
You already knew it.
You shouldn't have gone up there.

There's a biological law at work that if a man meets with a woman, a child will result.
And you resolved it when your parents met.
And now that you're here, you say, but I didn't ask anybody to bring me here.
Well, you're here now.
You're here already.
So God is showing you how to live successfully and gloriously.
So the question is no longer why did I come.
The question is now that I'm here, I've got to find out what I'm supposed to be doing.
Glory to God.
Say, I didn't bring myself here.
I don't understand.
Well, you can't fight that with your parents.
In fact, your parents didn't even know you were the one coming.
They wanted somebody.
They didn't know it was you.
How did you become the way you are?
I'll tell you how you became the way you are.
All the things you've been listening to, all the things you've been reading,
or what you've been watching, all the friends you've been running with, are you listening to me?
All of that is what made you the way you are today.
Because when you were born of your parents, you were so nice and so kind.
How did you turn out wickedly?
It wasn't anybody's doing, it was your doing.
You are the work of your own hand.
You see it now?
So if you're gonna make a change, you have to begin another programming.
Careful reconstruction of your own life through the Word of God.
This is why it excites me that anybody can be a success.
Anybody can be victorious.
Anybody can live a glorious life if you will just attend to the right things.
You see that?
You don't have to be a failure.
I like to tell people you don't have to be a failure.
You don't have to be poor.
It doesn't matter how you were born.
You're here already.
There's a way to change things.
But that's why Jesus came for this purpose.
The Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy, paralyze, make him effective the works of the devil.
That's what he came to do.
And he's done it.
We can't blame the devil no more.
He's defeated, and the victory's been given to us.
You can be as successful as you want to be.
You can be as victorious as you want to be.
Choose success, prosperity and victory.
Choose it.
It's yours for the taking.
Choose it.
And I'll listen to those who say, well, you know, they're Christians and preachers who preach prosperity, something is wrong.
They're always against those who preach prosperity and those who preach healing.
Because the devil doesn't like it.
If you're prosperous, you would make the gospel go around the world.
If you're poor, you can't.
So he likes it for you to be poor.
He's excited about your poverty when you're poor.
The moment you wake up and become somebody, Satan gets mad.
But it doesn't matter, does it?
He's not a factor.
All right?
Say Satan is not a factor.
Satan is not a factor.
Say, I'm a success.
And Satan is defeated.
It doesn't matter who doesn't like you.

If you were doing all the wrong things, they'll be happy about it.
They'll like it.
When you were doing the wrong things, nobody told you something was wrong.
They liked it.
Now you're doing something right for the first time in your life and they're like, well, you know, are you now?
Why are you hard?
Now they're questioning.
I'm full of the Holy Ghost.
Let's finish this verse.
It's too powerful.
Let's read it.
He says, taking parts which he prepared ahead of time, that we should walk in them, then he adds another thing.
Living the good life, which he prearranged and made ready for us to live.
Living the good life, which God prearranged.
Oh, so my life was prearranged.
My parts were prepared ahead of time.
He says, live in the good life, which he pre-arranged and made ready.
He pre-arranged it and made it ready.
I didn't have to add anything to it.
Don't you understand this stuff?
He's opened my mind for ideas.
I'm full of wisdom.
The wisdom of God.
When I come in, the solutions come in.
Don't you understand what it's talking about?
If you didn't get that, maybe you'll get this next one.
First Peter chapter two.
We're talking about the purpose of Christ in you.
Oh, glory to God.
You're changing the word.
You're changing the word.

Did you see that verse 9?
Have you seen it, brother?
It's powerful.
He says, Butch!
You know, you know the Bible talks about God and about Jesus and about the kingdom, but I like it when it talks about me, because it helps me to know what God thinks about me.
Butch, ye, ah!
Did he say, but he shall be?
You know, this is sing that song.
When I remember his promise, I shall hallelujah.
When I remember his promise, I shall halle.
Nice song, nice.
When I remember, when I remember, when I remember.
Then, hold on.
Hold on.
We used to play a game with it.
We used to play a game with it.
Then we'd pass in the Bible from hand to hand.
And then we'd say, well, we stop.
If the Bible is with you at that time, you open it and read to us one of the promises of the Bible.
So sing it.
When I remember his promise, I shout, hallelujah.
When I remember his promise, I shout.
Then the Bible is with me.
Then they turn to this and read, but he I chose in generation.
Eroyah, praise it.
Oh, holy nature.
A peculiar people.
That is your show for the Prince of England.
Go the other way.
What is that?
A promise.
Brother, it's not a promise.

It's not a promise.
Just because you played that game when you were a child doesn't mean you should grow up with that mentality that it's a promise.
It's not a promise.
It's a statement of facts.
Look at it now.
My goodness.
He says, but he are.
He are.
He are.
a chosen generation.
What does that mean?
Listen, let me show you what it's talking about.
Some of you grow dogs of different breeds.
And you got this breed over here.
You got another breed over here.
You got another breed over here.
They all look different.
They are all dogs, but they look different.
There's something special about each one of them.
And then, think about this, there's a fellow who's coming in, and he's looking for a particular breed.
So you bring him in and you say, this is this and this is that and that is the other.
And then he comes and says, I like this one.
So he's chosen this breed.
You are a chosen breed.
That what generation means breed.
You are a chosen breed.
There are different races.

There are different races in the world, but gods divided them into three, the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God.
Some call them a white race, and there's a black race, and there's a colored race, and all kinds of races.
And when they classify them like that, they don't have the church, because they're blind to the fact that the church is a race.
But from God's perspective, there are three races, the Jew, the Gentile, and the church.
And God says he's chosen the church.
He has a chosen breed, a royal priesthood.
That means I am royalty.
Brother, you can't dress anyhow anymore.
Are you listening to me now?
You can't talk anyhow anymore because you're royalty.
You know, a guy puts on a t-shirt at the back of his virgin foolish and happy, and he's going... foolish and happy.
He's wearing a t-shirt at the back of it foolish and happy, and he's happy like...

Listen, you can't wear that kind of t-shirt.
Now, be bold, Mr. Stupid.

Tell me, you can't accept that!

You see, I can't wear just anything anymore because I am royalty.
Are you listening?
Until you accept and endorse that Word of God, how can you have it work in your life?
The Word of God that's in you is what manifests itself in you.
In other words, your life is the expression of the Word that you have received.
Jesus said, follow me and I will make you.
If this word is in you, it will make you.
It will create the future that you will go into.
You won't have to struggle to make it happen.
The Word of God reproduces itself in you.
Did you catch that?
All right, so go for it.
He says, you are a chosen generation.
Arroy our priesthood.
Arroy our priesthood.
Arroy our priesthood.
Say it again, I'm royalty.
I cannot talk fear.
Because I'm royalty.
I cannot talk defeat.
Because I'm royalty.
See, there's a language for royalty.
You see that?
Even in the world, those who have understood royalty don't talk the way the commoners talk.
They don't use the same language.
They don't think the same way.
They are trained to think differently.
And many Christians are not aware that they're royalty because they were never taught that they were royalty.
But you are.
You're royalty.
Listen, you're the king's king.
There's a language that you cannot speak.
Tell me about the French, the French Prince, during the French Revolution, when his family was captured.
And he was to be killed, younger.
And somebody said, no, let's not kill him.
He got to heaven because he's so young and innocent.
And that's too good for his bad father.
So they said, let's give him to a witch and let the witch teach him to curse and use bad language.
Then he can die and go to hell.
They thought, yes, that's nice.
So they gave him to a witch and the witch tried to teach him to curse and to use a dirty language.
And the more she tried, the more the boy refused.
And finally, she said, why wouldn't you say it?
He said, I can't say it.
I was born to be a prince.
The little boy had been taught.
He's a prince.
He would be a king.
You can't talk like this.
They teach those who understand this stuff, where they're coming from.
Hey, you carry yourself.
You've got some courage in your walk.
All right?
I try to get somebody straighten up your royalty.
Straighten up your royalty.
Don't cave in.
Straighten up your royalty.
Change your talk because your royalty
Let it come up in your voice because you're royalty.
Glory to God.
How fucking this take you?
Tell me, tell me, tell me.
Where will it take you?
He are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
I don't struggle to be holy.
Holy, because holiness means that you're separated unto God.
It means a consecration unto God, and we are separated unto God.
Now look at this.
This is powerful.
A holy nation, a peculiar people, unique, one of a kind.
peculiar, no wonder, no wonder they don't understand the way we talk.
No wonder when things are going down you say things are going up.
You know what the Bible says about your prosperity?
He says you shall lay up gold as dust.
Do you know the minute of that?
It's not only in the quantity, it is in the way the dust functions.
You come in and you clean it.
Shut all the doors.
Come back tomorrow, there's dust.

You will never lack.
Now, he says, you are all of this, that you should sure fought.
Sure fought the praises.
This is where King James makes it difficult.
Show forth the praises, read that path for me.

Show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous life.
Now before I explain the show forth the praises.
Let me take you straight to the last part there.
He says, Who had called you out of darkness into His marvelous light?
Say that with me.

Is that a promise?
Are you in the process of going into the marvelous light?
Are you in the darkness?
It is either darkness or marvelous light.
who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
So, where are you?
No, no, tell me, where are you?
Now, that has to be a consciousness.
I live in his marvelous light.
I dwell in the light of God, and you are also the light of the world.
So I've been called out of darkness into His marvelous light, marvelous light, wonderful light, awe-inspiring lights.
What a life has given me.
So every day I can be excited about life.
What a life has given me.
Can you talk like that or you wake up and wonder, oh God, what a life has given me.
No, what a life has given me.
Thank God.
I live in this marvelous light.
In that marvelous light sickness cannot triumph.
In that marvelous light fear cannot triumph.
Defeat cannot triumph.
Poverty cannot triumph.
I live in this marvelous light every day.
Can I read it to you from the Amplified?
The purpose of Christ.
Oh, if you don't have the amplified one, get one even for this verse.
Let me read it to you.
You'd like it.
But you are a chosen race, a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, God's own purchased special people that you may set forth
Set thoughts the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of him who are called your darkness into his marvelous life.
I don't know whether you got that.
He says I am called to display the virtues and perfections
Christ's purpose is to build His character in you.
Christ's purpose is to build His excellence in you.
Christ's purpose is to reveal His glory in you.
You become the walk in glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, the expression of His glory, the expression of His beauty.
Your life is a testimony.
When you walk out of this place today, how are you going to face the world?
You face the world with confidence.
Everywhere you go with confidence.
If they knew what you had, you see, but the world doesn't know.
But you are the one to display the virtues and perfections.
You can display it in your family.
You can display it in your job.
You can display it in your product.
Display it everywhere.
The virtues and perfections.
If you couldn't, he wouldn't tell you to do it.
He told you to do it because it's inside you.
Say, I made up my mind.
To walk the part of victory.
To walk the part of success.
The part of prosperity.
Because I'm royalty.
A chosen race.
A royal priesthood.
a holy nation, a peculiar people.
Set in force the wonderful deeds, displaying the virtues and perfections of the one who has called us our darkness into his marvellous light.
I dwell in God's marvelous lights.
Look out, world!
I'm here!
Oh, glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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