International Partners' Conference 2014 Part 3
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Prepare to take the word of God beyond the letters.
You know, we gain wisdom when we study the word of God.
We gain knowledge when we study the word of God.
But their knowledge can cause certain things to happen that no amount of study will ever bring to you.
It's time to make things happen as you activate that anointing on your life in an ever-increasing measure.
See, for the spirit within you, there's no increase necessary.
Because that's the whole Holy Ghost living inside you.
But they're not on your life, you're calling and minister, okay?
Can the increase.
So get in line, position yourself for increase as you get on with God's number one job, soul winning.
You want to do more in your street, in your area, in your city, in your town, in your nation, in your region.
There's an an anode in that wants to be produced.
And that's the life you want just to have.
You become a wonder.
Congratulations on your new level as you follow through these series of impactful teachings by Pastor Chris at the International Partners Conference.
There are no circumstances or situations that baffle God.
He is never at a loss for answers, and he is never in a situation of confusion.
He never needs advice.
He doesn't call the angels to advise him.
He is never in a situation requiring help.
I want you to think about him.
I want you to know who he is we're dealing with.
We must never picture God from a human perspective.
Never think about him from the standpoint of your personal situation.
He said, I am God.
Is there anything too hard for me?
He says, I am God.
Is there anything too hard for me?
He met a man named Abraham.
The man was called Abraham.
He was one assumed as a father, but he had no child.
God said to him,
From now, your name will be Abraham.
Because I made you a father of many nations.
I made you a father of many nations.
That's what God said to you.
For all his life, he lived the life of Abraham.
He never knew that he was Abraham.
The circumstances of his life already defined him as a man who would have no child.
He was already used to that life.
He had many servants born in his house.
They knew him.
He was Abraham.
Then God lifted his vision and said, I want you to look as far as your eyes can see.
This is what I've given you.
As far as your eyes can see.
And then God said, anyone who identifies with you
is blessed with you.
God said to him, look to the north, to the south, to the east, and to the west, as far as your eyes can see that I've given you.
And the Bible tells us
The man saw the whole world by faith.
And God willed the world to Abraham.
Now, it was God's choice.
It had nothing to do with the man himself.
It was God's choice.
God went to him.
God manifested himself to him and said, look, that's what I'm giving you.
And the whole world was will to Abraham.
And then God said, anybody who identifies with you is blessed with you.
So the Bible says, as many of us as our faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
The righteousness that God gave to him, he bestowed on us who have come in Christ Jesus.
And every one of us who has received Jesus Christ is a seed of Abraham.
And which means that the power of vision is given to us.
The power of vision, that means the authority to see and possess.
Now I want you to notice this, God didn't say to lot as far as you can see and given you and say that to lot.
He didn't say that to all the other folks around Abraham, he didn't tell them that.
They could see whatever they wanted to see.
There was no promise that they were going to get it.
The promise was to Abraham and he see.
not to Abraham and his nephew, not to Abraham and his uncle, not to Abraham and his friends.
He said to Abraham and his seed.
And the Bible says he didn't say seeds, meaning he wasn't talking about Ishmael, Isaac and Cole.
The Bible says the promises that were made to Abraham were actually made to his spiritual seed, which is Christ.
That's what the Bible says.
And Paul presents this argument in Galatians chapter three.
You can read it for yourself.
You can start studying from all the way from the 13th verse down to the end of it.
You love it.
And all of us,
who belong to Christ, the Bible says, are Abraham's seed and therefore heirs according to the promise.
So that blessed the authority to see and possess.
The authority to see and possess was given to Abraham and his seed.
What can you see?
This is why it was impossible to restrict the prophetic power because the prophetic gift is required for sin and possession.
Can you see it?
You know Moses didn't realize this.
When he said he just wished, he would have prophesied it, but he just wished.
When somebody came to him and said, Moses, Moses, two guys out there prophesying in the camp, and they're not here.
Moses said, can we stop them?
Moses said, don't stop them.
I wish all of God's people were prophets.
I wish all of them would prophesy.
He didn't know he was God's plan already.
He was God's plan.
When Joel came to office, Joel the prophet, he said, in the last day, he said, God, I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
Then he said, the old man shall dream dreams.
That means they will see.
The young men just see visions.
That means they will see.
The power to see and possess is a special blessing for the seed of Abraham.
That means you can see your way out of trouble.
Are you hearing me?
You can see your way out of pain.
You can see your way out of any situation.
and see your way into the glory, the blessing, the promotion, the increase, the power to see and possess for the seed of Abraham.
So as far as your eyes can see, that I have given.
I want you to notice the tenses.
He didn't say to him,
For a father of many nations shall I make you."
He didn't say, as far as you can see, I will give you.
He said, a father of many nations have I made you.
Therefore empowering him to visualize what has been made, not something as you try to get.
Too many of God's children are trying to get something.
Too many are trying to become something.
You don't need to try to get.
You don't need to try to become.
The more you try, the more it will lute you.
A lot of times it's not what God has given out that's the problem.
It's what people are receiving that's the problem.
It's how much can you take?
How much can you receive?
That's where the problem is.
It's never with God.
It's always with man.
How much can you take?
He said to Abraham, how fucking you see?
He said, as far as you can see, that is what I have given you.
Can you imagine?
Take it to possess.
This is as far as your eyes can see.
That is what I have given you.
So, it's up to you.
Whatever you can see, that is what I have given you.
My goodness.
They couldn't get better than that.
So it's never God who's the limitation.
It's man who places the limitation there.
And then what we're ready for, what we are prepared for, that God is willing to make available.
Glory to God.
Okay now, okay now.
Tell me something.
How are you doing?
You're fine.
Let me hear your laugh.
We have to tell people, release yourself for God.
Just release yourself for God.
Let God work in you.
Release yourself for God.
Just release yourself for God.
I'll tell you something.
Signs are not needed in the house of God.
This is one of the things that many Christians don't understand.
Signs are not needed in the house of God.
Signs are needed before the unbelievers.
So God doesn't need to do science with you or for you.
For example, one occasion, I remember several years ago, I think it was one of the first meetings evangelist was attending, I think so, one of the very first meetings.
It turned out that there was a guy who was in the meetings and he was doubting and confused about people falling under the power.
He didn't believe it.
He said the people were being pushed.
That's why they were falling.
And I was conducting this meeting.
I believe it was, what year was that?
86, 87, 85, 1985.
So how many years is that?
29 years.
29 years?
Don't tell me that.
No, no, that's wrong calculation. 1985.
Is that far away?
29 years?
Almost 30 years?
I'm surprised.
Anyway, so I asked the question.
I said, is there anybody here who does not believe that these things are of the Holy Spirit?
And this guy got up and he said, believe it.
I said, you don't believe it?
Anyway, so I said, come, so he came forward.
I looked at him and I felt sorry for him, tall, lanky guy like this, you know.
So I called someone, I said, come and lay your hand on his forehead and just touch him with your finger on his forehead.
So I stood there and all
in the congregation of watching us.
So he puts, you know this guy standing like this?
He doesn't believe this stuff.
So the brother puts his finger on his forehead.
And when he did ask Book and Tongues, he fell forward
I mean, he just fell forward.
Now, that was very striking because he said the people were pushed.
Now, how could someone put a finger on your forehead, push you, and you fall forward?
And ushers who were behind him couldn't catch him because he fell forward.
Well, when he got up, I said, did you believe it?
He said, yes.
Yes, he's dusting himself now.
Yes, yes, yes.
Well, so in that situation, there needed to be a demonstration because it was for his sake.
God, I'm trying to say that God doesn't need to prove anything to his children.
They are his children.
He needs to prove things to the unbeliever.
signs are needed to the unbeliever, not to the Christian.
Now, the importance of that statement is this.
When we are being blessed in the house of God, and somebody is sitting there and hoping that, or, well,
If God doesn't do something, if God, if I don't feel something, if you're doing that and don't act by faith, you'll miss it.
Because he is not there to prove anything to you.
You are in his house.
And you're his child.
You're already a believer in him.
So he says to you, walk by faith.
He didn't say everybody has to walk by faith.
He says, those of us who are his children, we walk by faith.
We are the seed of Abraham, and we are the ones who are of faith, blessed with Abraham.
So if we give the word a signal, a word, or even we stretch our hands to bless, in the house of God, we should act our faith and receive.
Act our faith and receive.
And there is where the blessing is.
But if we're waiting, thinking, well,
Ah, if God's gonna do it for me, he'll do it for me.
He's gonna, I won't gotta prove it to me.
He does not prove things to his children because they are in him.
He doesn't need to do that.
That's for the unbeliever.
Did you hear me?
So what you do is, you understand Christianity is walking underwater.
You take your step of faith.
and do it.
That's how come, you know, if you were in a place where non-Christians were and you preach the gospel, you see, the blind receive sight, the deaf hear, you know, those miracles just happened right away.
There are signs.
God expected them to believe.
For many of them, if they don't believe after that meeting, some of them for a week, God gives them time because the healing was a sign.
If they don't believe, after a while, they'll lose it, because it was a sign.
That's what some people don't understand.
They say, oh, I saw that guy.
He was blind.
He saw.
I saw him in the crusade.
He received his sight.
But how come he's blind again?
Maybe the miracle was not genuine.
No, it was genuine.
What they're called signs and wonders.
These signs shall follow them, that belief.
So those signs follow.
So we use these miracle signs.
If you now believe the miracle will stay.
But if you don't continue in the message that we have brought to you, the miracle will go away.
Then others will begin to say, I thought he was healed.
How come he is not looking healed anymore?
It was a sign.
You see the difference?
I said, are you saying, I can just see anything and just have it?
I am saying so.
Your attitude can rob you of the reality of it.
As long as you think, no, that cannot be real, then you don't know the power of God.
Then you say, are you saying everybody?
will just be.
What do you mean everybody?
Is there anything too hard for God?
Come on here.
One time Moses didn't realize this with the general visual.
I mean, there were millions of them and they said, you know what?
Give us meat or eat meat.
And Moses was so offended.
He said, look, these people are testing God.
And he prayed to God in anger.
Look at these wicked people asking for meat in the wilderness.
They know it's difficult.
And they're not satisfied with the manner you've given them.
God said, you know what?
I'm going to give them meat.
And they're going to eat meat.
He says, till they're full.
Moses said, oh dear God, please, don't go into that.
You know how many they are here?
There are too many.
God said, Moses.
How dare you talk to me like that?
And God.
Then God said, I won't give everybody meat until they're full.
Moses argued with God.
He said, please don't say it again.
There are too many.
I want to kill all the beasts of the field for them.
Then God said, you know what?
I'm not going to give them meat for one day.
or even for one week, he said, let's start with one whole month, meet for everybody.
Moses said, please, God, don't do it.
Don't talk like this.
You know what this question was?
The question in his heart, and God told him, the question in his heart was, can God punish a table in the wilderness?
That was the question in the heart of the Jewish people.
No one's thinking, this is a wilderness.
And for many of us, no wonder God has given us manner, because he can't find meat.
He knows, if he's got it, he should do something.
Where's meat?
There's no meat here.
We have to go back to Egypt if we want meat.
There's arguing there's things in the mind.
And God said, you know, I'm going to give you meat to your food.
You're going to eat it so much until you hate it.
Moses said, God, I know you're God, but please don't make promises that are difficult.
God said, all right, you're going to see what I'm going to do.
Watch out.
And the next thing was a strong weight of power of the spirit of God.
And the Lord for starters, for starters, sent quails.
These are birds.
And He sent them right into, I'm not talking about sparrows, the bigger birds, okay?
So, sent them right into the camp of Asia.
And there's so many.
And some of them thought, okay, we catch this.
God said, relax, they come to stay.
They come to stay.
And the next thing they knew was there was no ground space for the birds anymore.
They started resting on each other.
Heaps of birds.
Can't imagine the birds flew there and would not fly away and waited to be caught and eaten.
I'm talking about the power of God.
Are you hearing me?
I'm talking about the power of God.
So when you say, how are you saying everybody who just be blessed, everybody just be successful, everybody just?
And your thought about everybody is not even much.
Your thought about everybody is probably, you're even thinking about everybody in your family.
You're thinking, how can everybody in our family just be successful?
How can everybody in our village, these little numbers,
I just told you about millions of people.
Why does God seem so small in your mind?
If you can believe, he will surprise you.
Do you realize there are people who receive God's word?
God tells them things and those things cannot come to pass because they will not believe.
Do you remember that statesman who was sitting by the king of Israel?
When the prophet of God came and said, the Lord in 24 hours, the economy of Israel would change and the statesman
said to the king, don't mind this prophet, even if God opened windows in heaven, it wouldn't happen in 24 hours.
I'm an economist.
Those things don't happen like that.
The prophet said, sir, you will see it, but you will not be a part of it because he did not believe it.
Next day, sudden blessing, sudden blessing.
Sodden blessing.
That's what these kind of millions are for.
Sodden changes.
Next, there was Sodden blessing.
Sodden transformation.
Sodden change.
Son, change.
God can shift things just to make room for you.
Shift things just to make room for you.
Sonal opportunities.
Whoa, it would have never been you.
It would have never been you.
Naturally, it would have never been you.
Say, I walk in favor.
Say again, I walk in favor.
Unusual favor.
Divine favor.
Glory to God.
Are you hearing what I'm telling you?
It changed.
It's something about the anointing of God's Spirit.
Are you hearing me?
It's something about the anointing of God's Spirit.
When you understand that you are anointed, no doors can be shot against you.
No doors.
Just refuse to fear and maintain your, just maintain your composure.
The question is, what are you ready for?
Are you ready for the big things?
There are big things with God.
Are you ready for the big things?
There are big things with God.
There are big things with God.
There are big things with God.
No, I'm going to do greater things.
By the power of the Spirit of God that worked in me.
By the power of the Spirit of God that worked in me.
Glory to God.
Amazing grace.
How sweet the sound.
How sweet the sound.
How sweet the sound.
Something is happening now, even at this moment.
See, the Spirit of God is touching us.
The things that are happening right now.
It's that moment of the Holy Ghost.
We're some seasoning that's taking place.
Something is happening in your spirits.
I told you you'll never be the same again.
Samuel said to Saul, the spirit of the Lord will come upon you.
He said, you will prophesy with them and you will be torn into another man.
It is happening now.
It is happening now.
There's a transformation.
There's a move to another level.