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Day 5 – Prophetic Insight into the Year of Lights

were entering into a new phase of the church's ministry in the earth, like has never been known before.
A dimension of the glory of God in the earth, beyond what the church has known,
And this is one of the reasons that the knowledge of God is increasing.
By the prophet Daniel, he said, in the last times, the last days, he says, knowledge shall be increased.
Not knowledge shall increase.
You know, sometimes some people misquoted, there's a difference between knowledge shall increase and knowledge shall be increased.
One is a result of the other.
Knowledge shall increase because knowledge shall be increased.
What God is saying is that he will increase the knowledge, the capacity of men to understand and comprehend.
Knowledge shall be increased and it shall be increased by revelation.
The impartation of knowledge.
The church is moving into a new dimension.
of the ministry of a gospel like has never been known before.
And guess what?
There is a release of mighty angels of God into the earth.

This is a class of angels that have not been the earth before.
Are you hearing me?
They have been released into the earth for the work they have to do because the time is short.
And you're going to see signs and wonders like you never thought possible.
Because of angelic manifestations and angelic supports that God's people are going to be receiving.
Tell us somebody we are not alone.

Remember, there was a time when things changed by the Spirit many, many years ago, because the Lord had said to the Prophet Joel, in the last days said, God, I'll pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
And then the time came when it happened, but when it happened, the people didn't know.
Peter had to tell them,
as he was inspired.
He had to tell them on the day of Pentecost.
When the people received this outpouring of the Spirit, they didn't know what was going on.
Peter said to them, we are not drunken as you suppose.
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel.
He had to let them know because they didn't know.
They thought these men were drunk.
They didn't know.
And even some of those who received the Holy Ghost who were with him probably didn't connect it to what had been said in the scripture until Peter spoke as he was inspired of God.
And he said, in the last day he said, God, I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
He says, this is that which was spoken by the prophet Jonah.
So, we're moving closer and closer to the coming, the soon coming of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
If you never thought He would come again, you'll disvene yourself, because He is coming again.
He said, I will come.
And the interesting thing about the coming of the Lord Jesus is that we are not even preparing for the coming.
Are you hearing what I'm saying?
Can I explain that to you in a way that you can easily catch?
We are not preparing for the second coming of Christ, because according to the Bible, something will happen before the second coming.
And that is the one we are preparing for.
Because according to the Bible, we are supposed to come with him during that second coming.
Come on here, he's still there.
The Bible says, at the last Trump, this is the dead in Christ, by the voice of the Archangel.
The dead in Christ shall rise first.
Rise first.
I thought you said Jesus is coming.
Hold on.
And we that are alive and remain shall be cut up.
Cut up means rapture.
Cut up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.
And then it says, from then on, we're hanging out with the Lord.
Glory to God.
From then on, we're hanging out with Him.
And then we'll come back.
The Bible says the Lord commit with tens of thousands of His saints.
That was spoken by the prophet Enoch.
He comes with tens of thousands of His saints.
He comes.
The Bible says he comes and the stars with him.
Who are the stars?
And then he says, the whole earth will moon because of him.
Because they have 24 hours to see him descending.
The Bible says, every eye shall see him.
How will they see him?
24 hours.
This whole earth is revolving why the Master is coming.
He says, the sun will not give its light.
The moon will turn blood red, as Jesus shows up with us, descending.
Oh, that's another day's talk.
You still there?
We'll get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.