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Day 8 – Be Filled with the Spirit

Refused to be weak.
Refused to be weak.
The greatest power in the world comes from your mouth.

See, because you can change things with your words.
Jesus was a master of words.
How did God create the world with words?
Words make and words break.
Wars break out in the world because somebody said the wrong thing.
Hatred starts when somebody saves the wrong thing.
Think about it.
And peace is established when people say the right things.
The greatest force on earth is in your mouth.
Train yourself.
The right words will come out of you if you have the right thoughts in your mind.
And here is where light, illumination of your mind, giving you clarity.
Wow, sound judgment, refinement.
Think about it.
Innovation, as you bring this into 2019, 2019, you're solving problems.
Your problem solver.
Now, you're bringing solutions.
They come with the problems, and you go back and think through it.
Come with clarity, refinement, sound judgment, innovation, and you show them the answers.
Shout a man somebody.
Change your words.
Change your words.
You can do it.
and you're going to do it.
You're going to do it.
You're going to do it.
You're going to do it.
You're going to do it.
Look what evil has done to many of our streets, many years ago.
If you saw someone that was stranded,
with his car.
You didn't have to know him.
You packed your car because you thought the man was stranded, and you hurried to him and said, Sark, can I help you?
And you helped him.
But because of so much evil, if you packed your car to come help him, you're going to be looking for a car to leave there.
And so that's brought hardness of heart to a lot of people.
They want to help, but they think I might become the victim.
A woman in traffic in the United States was trying to help someone she thought was a poor beggar needing some help.
And she wound down her window and extended some money and she was stabbed to death.
Now did they take anything?
No, they run away.
They just killed her and run away for trying to help.
Now, think how many people hear that and they say, mine, I'll never help another poor person on the road, never again.
You see, evil, trying to intimidate goods about the power of the Holy Ghost.
You will not only do good, you will win.
You will win.
Your words are powerful.

Your words are powerful.
Learn like Jesus, how to do it.
Learn like Him, how to do it.
They came to Jesus, they wanted to take Him, they came to arrest Him, they came with authority from the chief priests.
So they came for Jesus and He's standing there and He says to them, whom do you seek?
They said, Jesus of Nazareth.
He says, I am He.
When He said, I am He.
The power was released, they all fell under the power.
Why did that happen?
Just a short while before then.
Jesus had been praying.
Jesus had been praying in the garden of Gethsemane.
And the power of the Holy Ghost was surging through his being.
Are you hearing me?
When he says, I am he, Manto, Carabagangalakarias.
The Word went with power.
Your words are filled with power.
always be failed with the Holy Ghost.
The Bible says, be not drunk with wine wearing his excess, but be failed with the Spirit.
Be failed with the Spirit.
How often, every time, be failed with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
That's what he says, be failed all the time with the Holy Ghost.
Be loaded with power.
Are you hearing me?
Be loaded with the Holy Ghost.
Never be empty.
Tell someone never be empty.
Barbara says, stay up the gift of God that is in you.
Stay it up.
Be filled with the Spirit.
In 2019, you're going to be so full of the Holy Ghost.
Glory, glory, glory, glory.

Mike has said, I'm filled with power by the spirit of the Lord.
So, you understand, we are lights, we are luminaries, illuminators.
That's who we are.
And we know our work.
It's clearly defined for us.
What are they?
Number one.
Come on.
Number two.
Number three.
Number four.
That's who you are.
That's who you are.
And you're doing it right away.
From day one.
Day one, January one.

Number one again.
Number two.
Number three.
Number four.
Changing seasons everywhere and demonstrating with signs of power by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lift your hands and worship Him.